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~ Archives Unbound とは ~
Archives Unbound テーマ別タイトル
European Colonialism in the Early 20th Century: French Colonialism in Africa: From Algeria to Madagascar, 1910-1930
European Colonialism in the Early 20th Century: German Colonies to League of Nations Mandates in Africa, 1910-1929
European Colonialism in the Early 20th Century: Italian Colonies in North Africa and Aggression in East Africa, 1930-1939
European Colonialism in the Early 20th Century: Political and Economic Consolidation of Portuguese Colonies in Africa, 1910-1929
Evangelism in Africa: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Mission, 1835-1910
コンゴ政治関係文書集 1963-1966年
Records of the U.S. State Department: Congo, Political and Governmental Affairs, February 1963-1966
ガーナ政治関係文書集 1963-1966年
Records of the U.S. State Department: Ghana, Political Relations and Governmental Affairs, February 1963-1966
ナイジェリア政治関係文書集 1963-1966年
Records of the U.S. State Department: Nigeria, Political and Governmental Affairs, February 1963-1966
サハラ以南アフリカのフランス植民地関係文書集 1945-1963年
Records of the U.S. State Department: The French Colonies in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1945-1963: Internal and Foreign Affairs
エチオピアの国内事情 1945-1963年
Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, Ethiopia, 1945-1963
リベリアの国内事情 1864-1918年 Liberia and the U.S.: Nation-Building in Africa, 1864-1918
リベリアの国内事情 1918-1935年Liberia and the U.S.: Nation-Building in Africa, 1918-1935
アミリ・バラカ文書: ブラックパワー運動の桂冠詩人
Papers of Amiri Baraka, Poet Laureate of the Black Power Movement
1961 年のフリーダムライドに関する FBI 文書
We Were Prepared for the Possibility of Death: Freedom Riders in the South, 1961
African America, Communists, and the National Negro Congress, 1933-1947
Fight for Racial Justice and the Civil Rights Congress
Black Economic Empowerment:The National Negro Business League
Black Liberation Army and the Program of Armed Struggle
黒人民族主義と革命行動運動 ムハンマド・アフマド(マックス・スタンフォード)文書
Black Nationalism and the Revolutionary Action Movement: The Papers of Muhammad Ahmad (Max Stanford)
Republic of New Afrika
FBI Surveillance of James Forman and SNCC
Federal Surveillance of African Americans, 1920-1984
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Race Relations, 1933-1945
Transcripts of the Malcolm X Assassination Trial
Fannie Lou Hamer: Papers of a Civil Rights Activist, Political Activist, and Woman
U.S. Military Activities and Civil Rights: The Little Rock Integration Crisis, 1957-1958
U.S. Military Activities and Civil Rights: The Military Response to the March on Washington, 1963
U.S. Military Activities and Civil Rights: Integration of the University of Mississippi and the Use of Military Force, 1961-1963
アメリカ軍の黒人史 1639-1973年 Black Soldiers in the U.S. Armed Forces: Basic Documents, 1639-1973
European Colonialism in the Early 20th Century: Colonialism and Nationalism in the Dutch East Indies, 1910-1930
インドネシアの国内事情 1960-1963 年 スカルノ政権下の国軍とインドネシア共産党の対立関係
Sukarno and the Army-PKI Rivalry in the Years of Living Dangerously, 1960-1963
Hindu Conspiracy Cases: Activities of the Indian Independence Movement in the U.S., 1908-1933
U.S. Relations and Policies in Southeast Asia, 1944-1958: Records of the Office of Southeast Asian Affairs
Evangelism in India: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Mission, 1833-1910
Evangelism in Philippines: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Mission, 1898-1910
Evangelism in Thailand: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Mission, 1840-1910
インド国境におけるインド軍と植民地戦争 1914-1920年
The Indian Army and Colonial Warfare on the Frontiers of India, 1914-1920
The Observer: News for the American Soldier in Vietnam, 1962-1973
Records of the U.S. State Department: Briefing Books Relating to the Situation in Vietnam, 1961-1966; From the Records of the Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs
カンボジアの国内事情 1960-1963年
Cambodia: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963
ラオスの国内事情 1963-1966年
Laos: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1963-1966
タイの国内事情 1945-1954年
Thailand: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1945-1954
タイの国内事情 1955-1963年
Thailand: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1955-1963
サイゴン=ワシントン間通信文書集 1963-1975年
Ambassador Graham Martin and the Saigon Embassy's Back Channel Communication Files, 1963-1975
Papers of American Missionaries to Asia: The Ashmore Family in China, Thailand, and Japan, 1850-1937
Western Books on Southeast Asia
Intelligence Reports from the National Security Council’s Vietnam Information Group, 1967 – 1975
ペンタゴン・ペーパーズ:米国とヴェトナムの関係 1945-1967年
United States-Vietnam Relations, 1945-1967: Study Prepared by the Department of Defense (The Pentagon Papers)
19th Century English-Language Journals of the Far East
仏領インドシナの国内事情 1945-1954年
The U.S. Civilian Advisory Effort in Vietnam: U. S. Operations Mission, 1950-1954
The U.S. Civilian Advisory Effort in Vietnam: U.S. Operations Mission, 1954-1957 - Classified & Subject Files of the Executive Office
The U.S. Military Advisory Effort in Vietnam: Military Assistance and Advisory Group, Vietnam, 1950-1964
America in Protest: Records of Anti-Vietnam War Organizations, The Vietnam Veterans Against the War
South Vietnam: Records of the Office of the Defense Attaché, 1973-1975
FBI File: American POWs/MIAs in Southeast Asia
インドの国内事情 1945-1949年
India from Crown Rule to Republic, 1945-1949: Records of the U.S. State Department
パキスタンの国内事情 1945-1949年
Pakistan from Crown Rule to Republic: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1945-1949
インド=パキスタン紛争 1963-1966年
India-Pakistan Conflict: Records of the U.S. State Department, February 1963-1966
The Savings and Loan Crisis: Loss of Public Trust and the Federal Bailout, 1989-1993
Price Control in the Courts: The U.S. Emergency Court of Appeals, 1941 -1961
Reporting on the Coal Industry: The Coal Trade Bulletin, 1901-1918
ユニオン・ラベルと衣料業: 米国縫製業労働組合記録集
Union Label and the Needle Trades: Records of the United Garment Workers of America
The Global Financial and Economic Crisis
The Earl George Macartney Collection
Tiananmen Square and U.S.-China Relations, 1989 – 1993
米国国務省 諜報・調査資料:中国関係 1941-1961年
Country Intelligence Reports / State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research Reports: China, 1941-1961
Shanghai Municipal Council: The Municipal Gazette, 1908-1942
Chinese Maritime Customs Service: The Customs’ Gazette, 1869-1913
Military Leaders of World War I: Official and Private Papers of Generaloberst Hans von Seeckt
Subject Files of US State Department’s Office of the Republic of China Affairs (1951-1978)
General George C. Marshall’s Mission to China, 1945-1947
Political Relations and Conflict between Republican China and Imperial Japan, 1930-1939: Records of the U.S. State Department
国共内戦と米中関係 1945-1955年
The Chinese Civil War and U.S.-China Relations: Records of the U.S. State Department’s Office of Chinese Affairs, 1945 – 1955
上海共同租界の警察活動 1894-1945年
Policing the Shanghai International Settlement, 1894 – 1945
German Foreign Relations and Military Activities in China 1919-1935
Evangelism in China: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Mission, 1837-1911
China: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1939: Part 1
China: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1939: Part 2
China: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1940-1944
China: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1945-1949
中国海関出版物集成 1859-1949年
Chinese Maritime Customs Service Publications
Economic Cooperation Administration's Relief Mission in Post-War China, 1946-1948
Political Relations Between China, the U.S. and Other Countries, 1910-1929
中国の政治、経済、軍事情勢に関する米国陸軍情報部 報告書・書簡集成
Political, Economic, and Military Conditions in China: Reports and Correspondence of the U.S. Military Intelligence Division, 1918-1941
The Amerasia Affair: China and Postwar Anti-Communist Fervor
Records of the U.S. Information Service in China: Chinese Press Reviews and Summaries, 1944-1950
FBI File on Owen Lattimore
The Minutes of the Shanghai Municipal Council
中国共産党の支援者・心臓外科医 ノーマン・ベシューン(白求恩)文書集
Norman Bethune Papers
中国海関職員録および黄浦河道局・上海港報告集 1890-1943年
Service Lists and Reports of the Chinese Maritime Customs Service and Whangpoo Conservancy Board
Shanghai International Settlement: Shanghai Municipal Council Reports, Minutes of Ratepayers Meetings, and Shanghai Volunteer Corps
上海共同租界:都市計画と開発 1845-1948年
Shanghai International Settlement: Urban Planning and Development
上海の租界時代資料集:企業・金融・保険関係 1874-1949年
Papers of Old Shanghai: Business, Banking, and Insurance, 1874–1949
上海の租界時代資料集:出版・報道・教育・医療・慈善関係 1863-1948年
Papers of Old Shanghai: Press, Education, Healthcare, and Charity, 1863–1948
上海の租界時代資料集:外国人女性向け月刊誌『Social Shanghai』
Papers of Old Shanghai: Social Shanghai, 1906-1912
上海の租界時代資料集:社交クラブ関係 1890-1942年
Papers of Old Shanghai: Societies and Clubs, 1890–1942
上海の租界時代資料集:その他資料 1853-1945年
Papers of Old Shanghai: Miscellanies, 1853-1945
Papers of American Missionaries to Asia: Jay C. and Lucile C. Oliver and YMCA China
Papers of American Missionaries to Asia: Arthur M. Guttery and YMCA China
Papers of American Missionaries to Asia: Missionaries associated with Fujian and Taiwan, 1889-1976
Papers of British Consulates and Legation in China (1722-1951)
Records of U.S. State Department’s Division of Chinese Affairs
Records of the National Council for United States-China Trade, 1973-1983
チャイニーズ・レコーダーと中国におけるプロテスタント伝道団 1867-1941年
The Chinese Recorder and the Protestant Missionary Community in China , 1867-1941
Food History: Printed and Manuscript Recipe Books, 1669-1990
Etiquette and Advice, 1631-1969
The Southern Literary Messenger: Literature of the Old South
Hollywood, Censorship, and the Motion Picture Production Code, 1927-1968
Literature, Culture and Society in Depression Era America: Archives of the Federal Writers’ Project
“Through the Camera Lens” : The Moving Picture World and the Silent Cinema Era, 1907-1927
American Art-Union, 1839-1851: The Rise of American Art Literacy
D.W. グリフィスのサイレント映画『国民の創生』
D.W. Griffith's Birth of a Nation
The Shakespeare Collection
Walter Chauncey Camp Papers, 1866-1925
1990 年改正大気浄化法 酸性雨の削減、都市部の大気汚染、環境政策
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: Reduction of Acid Rain, Urban Air Pollution, and Environmental Policy
International Climatic Changes and Global Warming
米国における環境衛生政策の展開 ポープ・A・ローレンス文書
Development of Environmental Health Policy: Pope A. Lawrence Papers 1924-1983
Turkey, Greece, and the Balkan States: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1944
ギリシア: 第二次世界大戦占領下と内戦
World War Ⅱ, Occupation, and the Civil War in Greece: Records of the U.S. Department Classified Files, 1940-1949
Socialism and National Unity in Yugoslavia, 1945-1963: Records of the U.S. State Department Classified Files
L’Affaire Dreyfus: son influence dans la creation de la France modern
(The Dreyfus Affair in the Making of Modern France)
La Guerra Civil Española (The Spanish Civil War Collection)
フランス王文書集成 1256-1794年
Actes royaux français, 1256-1794 (French Royal and Administrative Acts, 1256-1794)
『メルキュール・ド・フランス』 1672年-1810年
Mercure de France, 1672-1810
ブルガリアの国内事情 1945-1949年
Bulgaria: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1945-1949
ブルガリアの国内事情 1950-1954年
Bulgaria: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1950-1954
チェコスロヴァキアの国内事情 1945-1963年
Czechoslovakia from Liberation to Communist State, 1945-63: Records of the U.S. State Department Classified Files
フィンランドの国内事情 1945-1949年
Finland: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1945-1949
フィンランドの国内事情 1950-1954年
Finland: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1950-1954
フィンランドの国内事情 1955-1959年
Finland: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1955-1959
フィンランドの国内事情 1960-1963年
Finland: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1960-1963
ハンガリー関連文書集成 1945-1963年
Hungary: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1945-1963
ギリシア関連文書集成 1950-1963年
Greece: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1950-1963
ポーランド関連文書集成 1945-1963年
Poland: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1945-1963
ルーマニア関連文書集成 1945-1963年
Romania: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1945-1963
Women, War and Society, 1914-1918
アルバニア関係文書 1945-1963年
Albania: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1945-1963
オーストリア第二共和国 1945-1963年
Occupation and Independence: The Austrian Second Republic, 1945-1963
Jewish Underground Resistance: The David Diamant Collection
Patriotes aux Armes! (Patriots to Arms!): The Underground Resistance in France, Belgium, Holland, and Italy, 1939-1945
Journaux de la Révolution de 1848 (Newspapers of the French Revolution 1848)
Nuremburg Laws and Nazi Annulment of German Jewish Nationality
Psychological Warfare and Propaganda in World WarⅡ: Air Dropped and Shelled Leaflets and Periodicals
La France pendant la guerre 1939-1945: Résistance et journaux de Vichy (Voices from Wartime France 1939-1945: Clandestine Resistance and Vichy)
Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees: The West’s Response to Jewish Emigration
Conditions and Politics in Occupied Western Europe, 1940-1945
Czechoslovakia Crisis, 1968: The State Department’s Crisis Files
The Cyprus Crisis in 1967
Post-War Europe: Refugees, Exile and Resettlement, 1945-1950
Nazism in Poland: The Diary of Governor-General Hans Frank
U.S. Relations with the Vatican and the Holocaust, 1940-1950
Methodist Episcopal Church Archives: Missionary Activities
ポーランド反体制運動資料集:ポーランド東部国境地域資料集 1930年代-1950年代
Dissent in Poland: The Eastern Archives
ポーランド反体制運動資料集:ポーランド人民共和国反体制運動資料集 1956-1989年
Dissent in Poland: The Opposition Archives
ポーランド反体制運動資料集:ポーランド〈連帯〉初期資料集 1980-1981年
Dissent in Poland: Birth of a Social Movement
戦間期リヴィウのシオニズム運動関係文書集:シオニズム団体 1908-1939年Road to Palestine: Zionist Organizations, Lviv, Ukraine, 1908–1939
戦間期リヴィウのシオニズム運動関係文書集:女性・子供関係団体 1925-1939年Road to Palestine: Women's and Children's Organizations, Lviv, Ukraine, 1925-1939
戦間期リヴィウのシオニズム運動関係文書集:政府記録 1890-1939年 Road to Palestine: Government Records, Lviv, Ukraine, 1890-1939
The International Women's Movement: The Pan Pacific/Southeast Asia Women’s Association of the USA, 1950-1985
家事労働の労働条件改善の追求 全米家事労働者組合資料集 1965年-1979年
The Quest for Labor Equality in Household Work: National Domestic Workers Union, 1965-1979
Witchcraft in Europe and America
国際女性雑誌集成 1786-1933年
International Women's Periodicals : Social and Political Issues
Women Organizing Transnationally: The Committee of Correspondence, 1952-1969
Women's Issues and Their Advocacy Within the White House, 1974-1977
The Changing Men Collection Vertical Files
German Folklore and Popular Culture: Das Kloster. Scheible
The Economy and War in the Third Reich, 1933 – 1944
Testaments to the Holocaust: Documents and Rare Printed Materials from the Wiener Library, London
The Jewish Question: Records from the Berlin Document Center
東ドイツの国内事情 1950-63年:スターリン主義化から新経済政策まで
East Germany from Stalinization to the New Economic Policy, 1950-1963
German Anti-Semitic Propaganda, 1909-1941
SAFEHAVEN Reports on Nazi Looting of Occupied Countries and Assets in Neutral Countries
米国によるドイツ占領 1918-1923年
The American Occupation in Germany, 1918-1923
Essays by German Officers and Officials, 1939-1945
東ドイツとベルリン 1963-1966年
Records of the U.S. State Department: East Germany and Berlin, Political and Governmental Affairs, February 1963-1966, Subject-Numeric File POL
Correspondence from German Concentration Camps and Prisons, 1936-1945
Nazi Bank and Financial Institutions: U.S. Military Government Investigation Reports and Interrogations of Nazi Financiers, 1945-1949
The Holocaust and the Concentration Camp Trials: Prosecution of Nazi War Crimes
後天性免疫不全症候群(AIDS)に関する国家委員会記録 1983-1994年
In Response to the AIDS Crisis: Records of the National Commission on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 1983-1994
米国の都市生活と健康 1883-1914年
American Urban Life and Health, 1883-1914
Cold War: Voices of Confrontation and Conciliation
JFK's Foreign Affairs and International Crises, 1961-1963
The Nixon Administration and Foreign Affairs
The Johnson Administration and Foreign Affairs
The Ford Administration and Foreign Affairs
The Carter Administration and Foreign Affairs
ジョージ・H・W・ブッシュ政権と外交 モスクワ・サミットとソ連崩壊 1987-1992年
George H. W. Bush and Foreign Affairs: The Moscow Summit and the Dissolution of the USSR
ジョージ・H・W・ブッシュ政権と外交 ボスニアと旧ユーゴの情況 1988-1999年
George H. W. Bush and Foreign Affairs: Bosnia and the Situation in the Former Yugoslavia
ジョージ・H・W・ブッシュ政権と外交 ベルリンの壁崩壊と東西ドイツ統一 1981-1993年
George H. W. Bush and Foreign Affairs: Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Reunification of Germany
ジョージ・H・W・ブッシュ政権と外交 マドリード中東和平会議 1991年
George H. W. Bush and Foreign Affairs: The Middle East Peace Conference in Madrid
Dean Gooderham Acheson Papers
Weapons of Mass Destruction and Nonproliferation
The Global War on Terrorism
The International War on Drugs
British Foreign Office: United States Correspondence, 1930-1934
British Foreign Office: United States Correspondence, 1935-1937
British Foreign Office: United States Correspondence, 1938-1940
British Foreign Office: United States Correspondence, 1941-1943
British Foreign Office: United States Correspondence, 1944-1945
British Foreign Office: United States Correspondence, 1946-1948
「核軍縮キャンペーン」 年次報告書・議事録その他 1958-1972年
Archives of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament: Annual Reports, Minutes and other Records, 1958-1972
「核軍縮キャンペーン」 年次報告書・議事録その他 1973-1980年
Archives of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament: Annual Reports, Minutes and other Records, 1973-1980, and pamphlets and serial items, 1958-1980
「核軍縮キャンペーン」 年次報告書・議事録その他 1981-1985年
Archives of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament: Annual Reports, Minutes and other Records, Pamphlets and Serial Items, 1981-1985
「核軍縮キャンペーン」 パンフレットと逐次刊行物その他 1985-1990年
Archives of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament: Pamphlets and Serials, 1985-1990 and Bruce Kent's Speeches and Articles, 1981-1989
平和主義、軍縮、国際関係 「戦争抵抗インターナショナル(WRI)」の刊行物と内部文書 1921-1974年
Pacifism, Disarmament and International Relations: Archives of War Resisters' International: Minutes, Reports, and Publications, 1921-1974
平和主義、軍縮、国際関係「友和会(FOR)」の内部文書 1915-1960年
Pacifism, Disarmament and International Relations: Archives of the Fellowship of Reconciliation: Minute Books and Committee Papers, 1915-1960
米国外交文書を通して見る 冷戦の起源
Origins of the Cold War
World Communism: Pamphlets from McMaster University
Johnson Presidency Administrative Histories: Science and Technology
Johnson Presidency Administrative Histories: Foreign Affairs and National Security
Johnson Presidency Administrative Histories: Economy, Finance and Trade
Johnson Presidency Administrative Histories: Labor and Employment
Johnson Presidency Administrative Histories: Health, Education and Welfare
The George W. Ball Paper
米国国務省特別政務部および国際連合創設に関する事項ファイル 1940-1946年
Records of the U.S. State Department: Subject Files of the Office of Special Political Affairs and the Creation of the United Nations Organization, 1940-1946
アドレー・スティーブンソン文書集:実務書簡集 1919-1965年
Adlai E. Stevenson Papers: Correspondence, 1919-1965
アドレー・スティーブンソン文書集:大統領選・国連大使時代の受信書簡集Adlai E. Stevenson Papers: Correspondence and Papers, Presidential Campaigns of 1952, 1956, and 1960 and Ambassador to the United Nations, 1961-1965
アドレー・スティーブンソン文書集:国際連合および初期政治関係Adlai E. Stevenson Papers: United Nations, 1945-1965 and Selected Subject Files, 1931-1965
第二次大戦期 連合参謀本部会議録Wartime Conferences of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 1941–1945
第二次大戦期 米国第一軍作戦報告集 1943年10月20日~1945年5月8日First U.S. Army Reports of Operations, 20 October 1943 - 8 May 1945
米国三省調整委員会(SWNCC)/四省調整委員会(SANACC)文書集State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee and State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committee Files, 1944-1949
米仏経済関係史調査 1811-1930年United States and France: Correspondence Dealing with Economic Relations, 1811-1930
The Paper of Sir Ernest Mason Satow
Evangelism in Japan: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Mission, 1859-1911
極東委員会文書 連合国対日占領政策基本資料
Records of the Far Eastern Commission, 1945-1952
戦後日本と韓国の再建 連合国最高司令官総司令部作成 非軍事活動概況月次報告
Japan and Korea: Summation of Nonmilitary Activities, 1945-1948
日本の国内事情 1930-1949年
Japan at War and Peace, 1930-1949: U.S. State Department Records on the Internal Affairs of Japan
日本の国内事情 1950-1954年
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1950-1954
日本の国内事情 1955-1959年
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1955-1959
米国国務省 諜報・調査資料:日本関係 1941-1961年
Country Intelligence Reports / State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research Reports: Japan, 1941-1961
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Political Relations, 1930-1939
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Political Relations, 1940-1944
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Political Relations, 1945-1949
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Commercial Relations, 1910-1949
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Commercial Relations, 1950-1963
European Colonialism in the Early 20th Century: German Colonies in Asia and the Pacific: From Colonialism to Japanese Mandates, 1910-1929
Japan-U.S. Economic Relations Group Records, 1979-1981
Japan: U.S. Naval Technical Mission, 1945-1946
Personal Justice Denied: Public Hearings of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment, 1981
Final Accountability: Rosters of Evacuees at Japanese-American Relocation Centers, 1944-1946
Japanese-American Relocation Camp Newspapers: Perspectives on Day-to-Day Life
Japanese American Internment: Records of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
Reports of the Immigrant Commission, 1907-1910
米国国務省 諜報・調査資料:朝鮮関係 1941-1961年
Country Intelligence Reports / State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research Reports: Korea, 1941-1961
朝鮮の国内事情 1930-1963年
Korea: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1963
Evangelism in Korea: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Mission, 1884-1911
U.S. Army Center of Military History Historical Manuscripts Collection: The Korean War
朝鮮政治関係文書集 1963-1966年
Records of the U.S. State Department: Korea; Political and Governmental Affairs, February 1963-1966
米国連邦政府文民機関行政史料集:朝鮮戦争Administrative Histories of U.S. Civilian Agencies: Korean War
Crisis in the Dominican Republic: Records of the U.S. State Department Central Files, February 1963-1966
アルゼンチンの国内事情 1960-1963年
Argentina: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963
ボリビアの国内事情 1960-1963年
Bolivia: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963
ブラジルの国内事情 1960-1963年
Brazil: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963
チリの国内事情 1930-1963年
Chile: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1963
コロンビアの国内事情 1960-1963年
Colombia: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963
エクアドルの国内事情 1960-1963年
Ecuador: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963
ニカラグア:政情不安定と米国の介入 1910-1933年
Nicaragua: Political Instability and U.S. Intervention, 1910-1933
ニカラグアの国内事情 1960-1963年
Nicaragua: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963
パナマの国内事情 1950-1963年
Panama: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1950-1963
ペルーの国内事情 1960-1963年
Peru: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963
ベネズエラの国内事情 1960-1963年
Venezuela: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1960-1963
Foreign Relations between the U.S. and Latin America and the Caribbean States, 1930-1944
Foreign Relations between Latin America and the Caribbean States, 1930-1944
Feminism in Cuba: Nineteenth through Twentieth Century Archival Documents
Records of the Persian Gulf War
U.S. Middle East Peace Policy and America's Role in the Middle East Peace Process, 1989-1993
Afghanistan and the U.S., 1945 - 1963: Records of the U.S. State Department Central Classified Files
Afghanistan in 1919: The Third Anglo-Afghan War
イラク 1914-1974年
The Middle East Online: Iraq, 1914-1974
アラブ・イスラエル関係 1917-1970年
The Middle East Online: Arab-Israeli Relations, 1917-1970
U.S. and Iraqi Relations: U.S. Technical Aid, 1950-1958
Evangelism and the Syria-Lebanon Mission: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1869-1910
Evangelism in Iran: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1847-1911
Egypt: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1853-1962
モロッコの国内事情 1950-1959年
King and the People in Morocco, 1950-1959
The British Mandate in Palestine, Arab-Jewish Relations, and the U.S. Consulate at Jerusalem, 1920-1940
パレスチナとイスラエル: 1945-1959年
Palestine and Israel: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1945-1959
英米調査委員会報告書 パレスチナ1944-1946年
Reports of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry Palestine, 1944-1946
The French Mandate in the Lebanon, Christian-Muslim Relations, and the U.S. Consulate at Beirut, 1920-1941
Iraq: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1888-1944
Iran (Persia): Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1883-1959
イランにおける米国作戦任務 1950-1961年
U.S. Operations Mission in Iran, 1950-1961
サウジアラビア: 1930-1959年
Saudi Arabia: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1959
米国のサウジアラビア使節団 1950-1955年
U.S. Operations Mission to Saudi Arabia, 1950-1955: Correspondence and Subject Files of the Office of the Director
アデン保護領(南イエメン): 1880-1906年
Aden: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1880-1906
The Persian Gulf States and Yemen, 1950-1959 Records of the State Department
トルコの民主主義 1950-1959年
Democracy in Turkey, 1950-1959: Records of the U.S. State Department Classified Files
リビアの国内事情 1796-1885年
Libya: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1796-1885
モロッコの国内事情 1797-1929年
Morocco: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1797-1929
トルコの国内事情 1802-1949年
Turkey: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1802-1949
Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Trans-Jordan: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1836-1944
米国シオニスト諸団体文書集Palestine Statehood Committee Records, 1939-1949
米国国務省 諜報・調査資料:ソ連関係 1941-1961年
Country Intelligence Reports / State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research Reports: USSR, 1941-1961
Commercial and Trade Relations Between Tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union and the U.S., 1910-1963
The Russian Civil War and American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, 1918-1920
United States and the Russian Civil War: The Betty Miller Unterberger Collection of Documents
World War I and Revolution in Russia, 1914-1918
アレクサンドル三世とロシア化政策 1883-1886年
Alexander III and the Policy of "Russification," 1883-1886
チェンバレン文書 コレクション セット特別価格
The Chamberlain Papers
The Chamberlain Papers: The Papers of Joseph Chamberlain
The Chamberlain Papers: The Papers of Neville Chamberlain
The Chamberlain Papers: The Papers of Sir Austen Chamberlain
Industrial Mobilization in Britain and the Ministry of Munitions, 1915-1918
British Political Opinion Polls and Social Surveys, 1960-1988
Allied Propaganda in World War II and the British Political Warfare Executive
英国の軍事防衛専門誌『Army Quarterly and Defence Journal』
Army Quarterly and Defence Journal, 1920-1983
Home Intelligence Reports, 1940-1944
The Dublin Castle Records, 1798-1926
Northern Ireland: A Divided Community 1921-1972
Cabinet Papers of the Stormont Administration
全米農業労働者奉仕団体: 移民労働者支援に関する記録 1939-1985年
National Farm Worker Ministry: Mobilizing Support for Migrant Workers, 1939-1985
The American Fur Company: American’s First Business Monopoly
National Security and FBI Surveillance of Enemy Aliens
Confederate Newspapers: A Collection from Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia and Alabama
FBI File on Eleanor Roosevelt
Sunday School Movement and Its Curriculum
FBI File on America First Committee
アメリカにおける戦争、平和と民主主義 連合国を支援しアメリカを防衛する委員会1940-1942年
War, Peace, and Democracy in America: Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, 1940-1942
アメリカにおける戦争、平和と民主主義 自由のための闘い株式会社 1940-1942年
War, Peace, and Democracy in America: Fight for Freedom, Inc. Records, c. 1940-1942
ロバート・ケネディ FBI調査記録
FBI File on Robert F. Kennedy
ジョンソン政権の貧困戦争プログラム 全米自治体現況報告:中西部諸州篇
War on Poverty Community Profiles: Midwestern States
ジョンソン政権の貧困戦争プログラム 全米自治体現況報告:北東部諸州篇
War on Poverty Community Profiles: Northeastern States
ジョンソン政権の貧困戦争プログラム 全米自治体現況報告:南部諸州篇
War on Poverty Community Profiles: Southern States
ジョンソン政権の貧困戦争プログラム 全米自治体現況報告:西部諸州篇
War on Poverty Community Profiles: Western States
ジョンソン政権の貧困戦争プログラム 全米自治体現況報告:テキサス州篇
War on Poverty Community Profiles: Texas
Presidential Election Polls, 1988: The Gallup/Conus Reports
エドガー・フーヴァーFBI長官 公式・機密ファイル
Official and Confidential Files of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
Association Against the Prohibition Amendment (1920-53), a selection of materials from the Pierre S. du Pont Papers, Longwood Manuscripts, Group 10, File 1023. Edited by David E. Kyvig
Papers of the Nixon Administration: The President’s Confidential and Subject Special Files, 1969-1974
ニューディール期事業推進局(WPA)および前身組織のアーカイヴズ 第1部: 各州プログラムの最終報告書
Archives of the Work Projects Administration and Predecessors, 1933-1943: Final Reports of the State Program, 1943
ニューディール期事業推進局(WPA)および前身組織のアーカイヴズ 第2部: 個別プログラムの最終報告書
Archives of the Work Projects Administration and Predecessors, 1933-1943: Final State Reports for the Federal Music Program, the Federal Art Program, the Federal Crafts Program, the Museum and Visual Aids Program, the Federal Theater Program and the Federal Writers Program
ローズヴェルト大統領演説集成 第1集:政治家ローズヴェルトの台頭
Franklin D. Roosevelt - "The Great Communicator", The Master Speech Files,1898, 1910-1945: Series 1-Franklin D. Roosevelt's Political Ascension
ローズヴェルト大統領演説集成 第2集:「恐れるべきは恐れそのものである」 ローズヴェルトとニューディール
Franklin D. Roosevelt - "The Great Communicator", The Master Speech Files,1898, 1910-1945: Series 2-"You have nothing to fear but fear itself": FDR and the New Deal
ローズヴェルト大統領演説集成 第3集:第二次大戦における「四つの自由」とローズヴェルト
Franklin D. Roosevelt - "The Great Communicator", The Master Speech Files,1898, 1910-1945: Series 3-"The Four Freedoms" and FDR in World War II
スピロ・アグニュー副大統領 汚職事件捜査・法廷文書集
Spiro T. Agnew Case: The Investigative and Legal Documents
FBI File: Howard Hughes
The Mafia in Florida and Cuba: FBI Surveillance of Meyer Lansky and Santo Trafficante, Jr.
FBI File on Nelson Rockefeller
米国政府高官 スティムソン文書集
The Papers of Henry Lewis Stimson 1861-1966
米国政府高官 スティムソン日記集
The Diaries of Henry Lewis Stimson, 1909-1945
民主党全国大会議事録集 1832-1988年
Electing the President: Proceedings of the Democratic National Conventions, 1832-1988
共和党全国大会議事録集 1856-1988年
Electing the President: Proceedings of the Republican National Conventions, 1856-1988
ハリウッドとFBIフーヴァー長官 映画産業における共産主義者に関するFBI文書集
FBI File: Hollywood and J. Edgar Hoover: Communists in the Motion Picture Industry
ハリウッドとFBIフーヴァー長官 俳優と映画監督に関するFBI文書集
FBI File: Hollywood and J. Edgar Hoover: Investigations of Actors and Directors
米国艦隊司令長官戦闘記録集Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet, Battle Experiences, December 1941–August 1945
海軍諜報局作戦部長室戦闘記録集Intelligence Division, OPNAV, Combat Narratives
海軍大学校戦闘分析シリーズNaval War College, Battle Analysis Series
米国潜水艦哨戒報告書・関連資料集U.S. Submarine War Patrol Reports and Related Documents, 1941–1945: Reference Documents on Submarine Operations and Submarines
イーライ・ホイットニー文書:綿繰り機の発明家Eli Whitney Papers
米国連邦政府文民機関行政史料集:第二次大戦Administrative Histories of U.S. Civilian Agencies: World War II
Socialist Party of the United States: Personal Papers of Darlington Hoopes, 1917-1968
長老派教会ネイティブ・アメリカン伝道書簡集1833-1893年 American Indian Correspondence: Presbyterian Historical Society Collection of Missionaries' Letters, 1833-1893.
アメリカインディアン運動(AIM)関係FBI文書集 The American Indian Movement and Native American Radicalism.
フロリダの対先住民貿易:パントン・レスリー商社文書集 The Indian Trade in the Southeastern Spanish Borderlands: Papers of Panton, Leslie and Company.
アメリカ先住民に関する「メリアム・レポート」および上院委員会報告 The Meriam Report on Indian Administration and the Survey of Conditions of the Indians in the U.S.
アメリカ先住民活動家カルロス・モンテズーマ文書集 Papers of Carlos Montezuma, M.D.
ネイティブ・アメリカン関係米陸軍省文書集1800-1824年 The War Department and Indian Affairs, 1800-1824.
フォード政権と人権 Ford Administration and Human Rights