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掲載点数 全233件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00




Heintzen, Markus / Richter, Andreas u. a. (Hrsg.), Steuerkritik: Gedaechtnisschrift fuer Andreas Musil. 863 S. 2024:10 (O. Schmidt, GW) <742-302>
ISBN 978-3-504-06071-8 hard ¥58,340.- (税込) EUR 249.00

Die fachliche Breite des Verstorbenen spiegelt sich in dieser Gedaechtnisschrift durch die Vielfalt der Autoren und deren Betraege wider, die von Wegbegleitern aus der Wissenschaft, der Beraterschaft, der Richterschaft, der Finanzverwaltung und Wirtschaft verfasst worden sind. Anlaesslich des Todes von Prof. Dr. Andreas Musil haben sie verschiedene Themenbereiche des Steuerrechts beleuchtet. Das Ergebnis ist ein Werk zu Ehren des Verstorbenen mit einer grossen Bandbreite an hochkaraetigen Beitraegen: Von der Funktion und Ausgestaltung der Besteuerung im Sozialstaat ueber das Ertragsteuerrecht, das Umsatzsteuerrecht, das Internationale und europaeische Steuerrecht, Fragen der Gemeinnuetzigkeit sowie der Besteuerung der oeffentlichen Hand, Kommunalsteuern und -abgaben

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Eisfeld, Jens / Otto, Martin / Pahlow, Louis u. a. (Hrsg.), Recht und Interesse: Gedaechtnisschrift fuer Diethelm Klippel. 957 S. 2024:11 (Duncker, GW) <741-538>
ISBN 978-3-428-18371-5 hard ¥35,120.- (税込) EUR 149.90

≫Law and Interest≪: Law and Interest is a memorial publication in honour of Diethelm Klippel, professor emeritus of Civil Law and Legal History at the University of Bayreuth. The title reflects a major research topic in Diethelm’s academic life, and 49 authors honour the deceased by discussing it from various perspectives. The book also contains a supplement to the list of Diethelm’s publications, an autobiographical interview and a list of the doctoral theses which Diethelm supervised.

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Melanges offerts a Louis Vogel: la vie du droit. (Les melanges) 826 p. 2024:10 (LGDJ, FR) <738-388>
ISBN 978-2-275-15679-8 paper ¥39,596.- (税込) EUR 169.00 *



Delnoy, Michel / Detilleux, Anne / Donnay, L. et al. (dir.), Liber amicorum Michel Paques: dire et faire le droit. 2024:10 (Larcier, BE) <738-389>
ISBN 978-2-8079-3788-8 paper ¥41,002.- (税込) EUR 175.00



Elliesie, Hatem / Menhofer, Bruno / Otto, D. (Hrsg.), Festschrift zu Ehren des 90. Geburtstags von Prof. Omaia Elwan. (Recht, Gesellschaft und Islam / Law, Society, and Islam 1) 354 S. 2024:12 (Ergon Vlg., GW) <738-390>
ISBN 978-3-9874001-9-3 hard ¥23,195.- (税込) EUR 99.00

Diese Festschrift zu Ehren von Professor Omaia Elwans 90. Geburtstag richtet sich gleichermassen an Wissenschaft und Rechtspraxis. Das Buch spiegelt das beeindruckende rechtswissenschaftliche Wirken des Jubilars am Wissenschaftsstandort Heidelberg wider. Bei den Beitragenden handelt es sich weitgehend um seine ehemaligen Schueler:innen und Wegbegleiter:innen aus dem In- und Ausland. Sie alle eint das fachliche Interesse an Rechtsfragen, die Professor Elwan wie kein anderer seit Jahrzehnten bearbeitet. In diesem Sinne deckt das vorliegende Buch zahlreiche Aspekte seines ?uvres ab. Mit Beitraegen von Kilian Baelz Hans-Georg Ebert Reda El Amraoui Hatem Elliesie Imen Gallala-Arndt Lara-Lauren Goudarzi-Gereke Alexander Hiller Erik Jayme Serdar Kurnaz Mohamed-Hossam Loutfi Bruno Menhofer Stephan Morweiser Dirk Otto Thomas Pfeiffer Mathias Rohe Christian Ule

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国際開発法-進化か革命か? H.Cassan記念論集
Mercure, Pierre-Francois (dir.), Le droit international du developpement, evolution ou revolution?: hommage au professeur Herve Cassan: colloque des 26 et 27 mai 2022, Faculte de droit de l'universite de Sherbrooke. 2024:10 (Pedone, FR) <738-391>
ISBN 978-2-233-01076-6 paper ¥8,903.- (税込) EUR 38.00 *



Barnard, Catherine / Lazowski, Adam / Sarmiento, D. (eds.), Pursuit of Legal Harmony in a Turbulent Europe: Essays in Honour of Eleanor Sharpston. 648 pp. 2024:10 (Hart, UK) <736-478>
ISBN 978-1-5099-7700-0 hard ¥39,578.- (税込) GB£ 140.00 *

This masterful work brings together the creme de la creme of EU law academics and practitioners in celebration of the life and work of Eleanor Sharpston, KC.As one of the foremost Advocates General serving the Court of Justice, her opinions shaped various aspects of EU procedural and substantive law. Many of them have quickly become classics (Ruiz Zambrano, Sturgeon, Miles, Bougnaoui, and Farrell II) and they will continue to shape EU law for decades to come. Her contribution and legacy is expertly assessed over six parts of this book spanning: her career: EU constitutional law; fundamental rights and citizenship; litigation; internal market; and external relations. This is a worthy commentary on a truly remarkable legal legacy.

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Dubouchet, Paul, Michel Villey: Aristote et saint Thomas dans l'histoire de la pensee juridique: hommage a Michel Villey, geant et rebelle. (Ouverture philosophique. Bibliotheque) 126 p. 2024:9 (L'Harmattan, FR) <736-479>
ISBN 978-2-336-44669-1 paper ¥3,514.- (税込) EUR 15.00



Dove, Edward S. / Rahimzadeh, Vasiliki et al. (eds.), Promoting the "Human" in Law, Policy, and Medicine: Essays in Honour of Bartha Maria Knoppers. (Global Health, Human Rights and Social Justice 1) 352 pp. 2025:1 (Brill / Nijhoff, NE) <735-330>
ISBN 978-90-04-68853-7 hard ¥35,145.- (税込) EUR 150.00

Professor Bartha Maria Knoppers stepped down from the Canada Research Chair in Law and Medicine at McGill University in April 2024, a post she held for more than 20 years. Professor Knoppers consistently prioritized "humanity" in her academic work and in policymaking. As such, she forged a strong intellectual legacy, notably through her work on the human right to science, genomic and health-related data sharing, genome editing, human reproductive technologies, stem cell research, the rights of children, and population health. This collection of essays honours her extraordinary academic contributions to law, policy, and medicine.

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Cowan, Sharon / Halliday, Simon (eds.), Socio-Legal Generation: Essays in Honour of Michael Adler. (Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies) 212 pp. 2024:9 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <734-549>
ISBN 978-3-031-67243-9 hard ¥32,798.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book honors the diverse and path-breaking work of Michael Adler, a pioneer of socio-legal scholarship in the UK. The book brings together an international group of scholars-established and emerging researchers from across the globe-to develop key ideas generated by Adler's scholarship. Building on his rich portfolio of creative work at the interface of law and social science, the book explores themes that continue to resonate in contemporary debates about how best to understand the relationship between justice, fairness, and the modern administrative state. Specifically, the book re-examines core issues which Adler, as a key figure of the first generation of UK socio-legal scholars, explored, including: the relationship between official discretion and the rule of law; the justice of internal administrative processes; the importance of a 'bottom up' perspective on justice; power and accountability in the prison sector; access to justice for social welfare claimants; and the promise of viewing law through the lens of social science.

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C.v.バール他編 P.Mankowski記念論集
von Bar, Christian / Knoefel, Oliver L. u. a. (Hrsg.), Gedaechtnisschrift fuer Peter Mankowski. XIV, 1208 S. 2024:9 (Mohr, GW) <734-550>
ISBN 978-3-16-162640-1 hard ¥53,654.- (税込) EUR 229.00 *

Peter Mankowski, Ordinarius fuer Buergerliches Recht, Rechtsvergleichung und Internationales Privat- und Prozessrecht an der Fakultaet fuer Rechtswissenschaft der Universitaet Hamburg, verstarb am 10. Februar 2022 im Alter von nur 55 Jahren. Die von Freunden, Schuelern und Weggefaehrten herausgegebene Gedaechtnisschrift versammelt Beitraege aus dem In- und Ausland. Das Themenspektrum reicht vom Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrecht ueber das Internationale Insolvenz-, Schieds- und Einheitsrecht (insbesondere UN-Kaufrecht) bis hin zur Rechtsvergleichung und zur Rechtskultur. Der Band spiegelt damit das bedeutende wissenschaftliche Werk des Verstorbenen wider, der auf jedem dieser Gebiete bleibende Beitraege geleistet hat, und erinnert an den grossen Rechtswissenschaftler und Lehrer.

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法と民主主義の保護-A.C.Aman Jr.記念論集
Cripps, Yvonne (ed.), Law and the Protection of Democracy: Essays in Honor of Alfred C. Aman Jr. 384 pp. 2025:2 (U. Rochester Pr., US) <733-515>
ISBN 978-1-64825-097-2 hard ¥31,097.- (税込) GB£ 110.00 *

Highly topical collection of innovative essays on the protection of democracy by eminent contributors from the judiciary, the practicing legal profession, the academy, and the realm of journalism. With international safeguards for democracy showing signs of fragility as they come under various forms of attack, the vitality of the legal imagination will be essential to the future of the democratic rule of law. This collection of essays undertakes an innovative and timely assessment of the legal system's capacity for self-renewal. In its focus on law as a creative project in the service of democracy, the volume honors Alfred C. Aman Jr., a distinguished law professor, administrator, jazz musician, and scholar. Aman's extensive body of work includes farsighted, and ultimately optimistic, writings drawing attention to the potential of law reform as a means of addressing democracy deficits in the United States. This book provides a timely, even urgent, analysis of current challenges to democracy, tackling questions of Constitutional interpretation, separation of Church and State, press freedom, personhood, admissibility of evidence, environmental protection, and legal education, among other issues. Beyond current problems, authors consider resources for renewal in unexpected places, for example, looking to mentorship in legal education as support for democratic imagination and to processes of interpretation, improvisation, and generative dissonance as exemplified in music in ways that are relevant to law. The essays relate to the United States and other jurisdictions that, like the US, have fought hard for their freedoms and democracy through law. Edited by Yvonne Cripps. Contributors: Nathan D. Alder, Dan Cole, Lloyd Green, Carol Greenhouse, David Hamilton, Jay Krishnan, Tzu-Yi Lin, Christiana Ochoa, Aviva Orenstein, Arantxa Recarte, Lauren Robel, Landyn Rookard, Susan Williams, Elisabeth Zoller. This book will be made Open Access (license CC BY-NC-ND) within three years of publication thanks to Path to Open, a program developed in partnership between JSTOR, the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), University of Michigan Press, and The University of North Carolina Press to bring about equitable access and impact for the entire scholarly community, including authors, researchers, libraries, and university presses around the world. Learn more at https://about.jstor.org/path-to-open/.

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Manikis, Marie / Watson, Gabrielle (eds.), Sentencing, Public Opinion, and Criminal Justice: Essays in Honour of Julian V. Roberts. 320 pp. 2025:1 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <733-516>
ISBN 978-0-19-888386-9 hard ¥28,270.- (税込) GB£ 100.00 *

This volume celebrates the achievements of Julian V Roberts KC (Hon), Emeritus Professor of Criminology at the University of Oxford, over forty years of scholarship. To mark his extraordinary influence on sentencing and criminal justice on the global stage, the contributors-a mix of international scholars and members of the judiciary-present a collection of themed essays in his honour. Roberts is a leading academic authority on sentencing theory, policy, and practice in common law jurisdictions and his work has made a landmark contribution to the analysis and development of sentencing worldwide. His work is innovative and inspired, known for identifying core challenges and defining research needs before they become central to criminal justice agendas. A distinguished group of authors engage in an interdisciplinary appreciation of Roberts' work in three distinct domains: fundamentals of sentencing and penal theory, sentencing policy and penal practice, and public opinion and criminal justice. Drawn from seven jurisdictions, the authors offer fresh insight into Roberts' past accomplishments as well as the future of the field that he continues to shape. Together, they demonstrate a collective commitment to advancing Roberts' lifelong project of normative, comparative, and empirical engagement with questions of crime and justice.

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Droit, sante, ethique: melanges en l'honneur de Marie-Laure Moquet-Anger. (Les melanges) 2024:10 (LGDJ, FR) <732-357>
ISBN 978-2-275-15295-0 paper ¥37,253.- (税込) EUR 159.00 *



Procedure civile sans frontieres: melanges en l'honneur de Natalie Fricero. (Etudes, melanges, travaux) 800 p. 2024 (Dalloz, FR) <732-358>
ISBN 978-2-247-22349-7 paper ¥27,881.- (税込) EUR 119.00 *



Agnew, Sinead / Smith, Marcus (eds.), Law at the Cutting Edge: Essays in Honour of Sarah Worthington. 376 pp. 2024:4 (Hart, UK) <732-359>
ISBN 978-1-5099-6515-1 hard ¥28,270.- (税込) GB£ 100.00 *

This collection celebrates the immense contribution of Sarah Worthington to the field of private law. Defining the subject broadly, experts from the judiciary and the academy address contemporary challenges arising in the fields of agency, company law and insolvency, contract law, equity, the law of money, personal property, restitution and unjust enrichment. The breadth of the contributors' expertise and their willingness to offer innovative and insightful solutions to difficult problems perfectly mirror Sarah Worthington's rigorous and inspirational approach to private law scholarship.

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Armstrong, Kenneth A. / Scott, Joanne / Thies, Anne (eds.), EU External Relations and the Power of Law: Liber Amicorum in Honour of Marise Cremona. 336 pp. 2024:8 (Hart, UK) <732-360>
ISBN 978-1-5099-4095-0 hard ¥25,443.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *

The breadth and depth of the scholarship of Marise Cremona is honoured in this collection of essays written by her colleagues and friends.Taking Cremona's field-defining research as a point of reference, this collection of research articles examines the power of law in EU external relations. Echoing the expansive scope of Cremona's intellectual enquiries across the growing and diversifying field of external relations law, this volume offers new insights into the principles and procedures that underlie this area of law; the role and responsibilities of the EU as an international actor; and the strategies and instruments through which the Union pursues its external agenda.Spanning the analysis of foundational concepts and more contemporary interventions in respect of the environment, human rights, foreign direct investment and even Brexit, what emerges from this collection is a richly conceptualised and clear examination of the multiple ways in which the power of law captures or eludes the EU's construction of a domain of external relations; a domain in which the EU interacts not only with its Member States but also other subjects of the international legal order.

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Association Henri Capitant, Hommage a Philippe Malaurie. (Themes et commentaires) 250 p. 2024:11 (Dalloz, FR) <732-361>
ISBN 978-2-247-23396-0 paper ¥11,246.- (税込) EUR 48.00 *



Jackson, Vicki C. / Khosla, Madhav (eds.), Redefining Comparative Constitutional Law: Essays for Mark Tushnet. (Oxford Comparative Constitutionalism) 448 pp. 2025 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <732-362>
ISBN 978-0-19-889145-1 hard ¥35,337.- (税込) GB£ 125.00 *

Over the past two decades, the field of comparative constitutional law has emerged as a major domain of scholarly inquiry. It has also been a notable feature in judicial practice. Many of the world's leading courts are now composed of at least some members who engage with comparative materials, and thinking comparatively has developed into one of the most significant ways of engaging in constitutional analyses. Redefining Comparative Constitutional Law: Essays for Mark Tushnet reflects upon the field of comparative constitutional law. Among the most prominent figures in the development of the field in its ongoing renaissance has been Mark Tushnet. This book uses the occasion of Professor Tushnet's recent retirement from Harvard Law School to think critically about the field. Each essay takes up one of Professor Tushnet's major recent themes which focuses on variations within liberal constitutionalism and the possibility of other forms of constitutionalism that find articulation under other political regimes. In this book, leading scholars contribute to the debate over the nature of the field, including the role of empiricism and language; discussions of democracy and entrenchment; analyses of rights and courts; consideration of constitutional design; and explorations of the extent to which there are varieties of constitutionalism. At a moment of renewed stress and political debate over the relationship between democracy and constitutionalism, Redefining Comparative Constitutional Law: Essays for Mark Tushnet offers timely insights into comparative analyses of constitutional rights. Academics and students alike will benefit from the essays that range across both methodological questions and substantive analysis in the development of constitutions throughout the globe.

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Sampson, Joe / Tofaris, Stelios (eds.), Essays in Law and History for David Ibbetson: Querella. 408 pp. 2024:12 (Hart, UK) <732-363>
ISBN 978-1-5099-7065-0 hard ¥31,097.- (税込) GB£ 110.00 *

Over the last 40 years, David Ibbetson has paved the way in a remarkably broad range of fields.In ancient law, his scholarship has spanned both the detailed doctrine of the Roman law of obligations and the cross-pollination of legal influences around the ancient Mediterranean. His work on English legal history has ranged from the earliest days of the common law through to the turn of the 20th century, combining forensic archival research with a sensitivity to how lawyers thought about their subject. In European legal history, he has shown the porousness of the civil law and the extent to which it has been shaped by other areas of intellectual life, from theology to rationalist philosophy.The contributions to this volume in his honour mirror both the breadth and the depth of Ibbetson's scholarship. The book combines chapters from leading legal historians, close colleagues and over a dozen of Ibbetson's students. Some chapters build upon or respond to Ibbetson's ideas, others his areas of interest. The contributions are introduced by Ibbetson's valedictory lecture on the importance of legal history to modern practice and scholarship, and the work yet to be done.

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Heine, Klaus / Budzinski, Oliver (Hrsg.), Wettbewerb, Recht und Wirtschaftspolitik: Festschrift fuer Wolfgang Kerber. (Wettbewerb und Regulierung von Maerkten und Unternehmen 62) 349 S. 2024:5 (Nomos, GW) <731-397>
ISBN 978-3-7560-1736-2 paper ¥19,681.- (税込) EUR 84.00 *

In dieser Festschrift fuer Wolfgang Kerber wuerdigen Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Wegbegleiter und ehemalige Schueler sein wissenschaftliches Werk und Wirken in den Bereichen Wettbewerbspolitik, Rechtsoekonomik sowie weiteren Teilbereichen der Wirtschaftspolitik. Zeitgemaess bilden Beitraege zu digitalen Maerkten und datengetriebenen Phaenomenen der Oekonomie mit ihrer Schnittstelle zum Recht einen Schwerpunkt, zu dem auch Wolfgang Kerber intensiv forscht und publiziert. Fragen der Interaktion von Innovation und Wettbewerb stellen einen weiteren inhaltlichen Kern der Beitraege dar, ein Themengebiet, das Wolfgang Kerber mit seinen vielfaeltigen Publikationen immer wieder bereichert hat.

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Kruse, Leon / Georg, Yves / Rueckert, Sabine (Hrsg.), Verteidigung: Festschrift fuer Johann Schwenn. 498 S. 2024:5 (Nomos, GW) <731-398>
ISBN 978-3-7560-1284-8 hard ¥37,253.- (税込) EUR 159.00 *

"Verteidigung" heisst die Festschrift, mit deren Titel die Herausgeber Leon Kruse, Yves Georg und Sabine Rueckert das Leben des Ausnahmeverteidigers Johann Schwenn auf seinen Begriff bringen moechten. Zwischen dessen 75. Geburtstag und seinem 50. Buehnenjubilaeum wuerdigen ihn Weggefaehrten aus Anwaltschaft, Strafjustiz, Wissenschaft, Rechtsmedizin und Psychiatrie, und auch ein Mandant, mit Beitraegen ganz unterschiedlicher Couleur, vom ehrenvollen Gruss (und sogar einer Liebesbekundung!) ueber Anekdotisches, Historisches und Philosophisches bis hin zu wissenschaftlichen Abhandlungen ueber Theorie und Praxis des Strafprozesses. Mit Beitraegen von Prof. Dr. Stephan Barton Clemens Basdorf Nicolas Becker Dr. Sascha Boettner Prof. Dr. Bernd Brinkmann Dr. h. c. Ruediger Deckers Dr. h. c. Klaus Detter Prof. Dr. Ralf Eschelbach

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Spiecker geb. Doehmann, Indra / Weiss, Manfred (Hrsg.), Spiros Simitis - sein Vermaechtnis: Gedenkveranstaltung fuer Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Spiros Simitis am 15. Januar 2024. (Frankfurter Studien zum Datenschutz 73) 125 S. 2024:7 (Nomos, GW) <731-399>
ISBN 978-3-7560-1805-5 paper ¥13,823.- (税込) EUR 59.00 *

Der 2023 verstorbene, national und international hochgeschatzte Rechtswissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Dr. hc mult. Spiros Simitis war nicht nur Pionier des Datenschutzrechts, sondern hat auch in anderen Rechtsgebieten wie etwa im Arbeitsrecht, im Familienrecht, im Produkthaftungsrecht, in der Rechtsgeschichte, in der Rechtstheorie, im Europarecht und in der Rechtsvergleichung wichtige Weichen gestellt. Diese weisen in ihrer Aktualitat auch weiterhin weit uber seinen Tod und den Zeitpunkt der Erforschung hinaus. Dieser Band versammelt die erganzten und uberarbeiteten Beitrage renommierter Wegbegleiter/innen. Diese wurden auf der zentralen Gedenkveranstaltung im Januar 2024 an der Goethe Universitat prasentiert. Diese prasentieren das weitverzweigte Lebenswerk von Spiros Simitis eindrucksvoll und wurdigen seine Persoenlichkeit. Vor allem wird darin die Zukunftsperspektive in den verschiedenen Bereichen herausgearbeitet und auf die besondere Qualitat der rechtswissenschaftlichen Arbeit von Spiros Simitis verwiesen, dem interdisziplinaren Zugriff, der sozialwissenschaftliche, oekonomischen, psychologische und philosophische Ueberlegungen mit einbezieht. Kurzum: Dieser Band hilft die uberragende Bedeutung dieses Universalgelehrten fur die Entwicklung gegenwartiger und zukunftiger Rechtswissenschaft zu verstehen. Mit Beitragen von Prof. Dr. Gerhard Dilcher Prof. Dr. Klaus Gunther JustizMin a.D. u RiBVerfG a.D. Dr. Christine Hohmann-Dennhardt Prof. Dr. Stefan Kadelbach, LL.M. Prof. Dr. Vagelis Papakonstantinou Prof. Paul M. Schwartz Prof. Dr. Achim Seifert Prof. Dr. Indra Spiecker gen. Doehmann, LL.M. Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Manfred Weiss

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Kamali, Elizabeth Papp / Lettmeier, Saskia et al. (eds.), The Learned and Lived Law: Essays in Honor of Charles Donahue. (Legal History Library 70) 636 pp. 2024:11 (Brill / Nijhoff, NE) <730-413>
ISBN 978-90-04-70794-8 hard ¥42,174.- (税込) EUR 180.00

This wide-ranging collection of essays reflects the manifold scholarly interests of legal historian Charles Donahue, whose former students engage here with questions related to foundational Roman law concepts, the impact of the law on women and families in medieval and early modern Europe, the intersection of law and religion, and the echoes of legal ideas on later developments in American law and in world literature and philosophy. From the monks of Metz to the book sellers of colonial Boston, from fourteenth-century English charters to the writings of Faust, these essays invite you to experience law at once learned and lived. Contributors are: Charles Bartlett, Anton Chaevitch, Wim Decock, Rowan Dorin, Sally E. Hadden, Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch, Nikitas E. Hatzimihail, Samantha Kahn Herrick, Daniel Jacobs, Elizabeth Papp Kamali, Amalia D. Kessler, Saskia Lettmaier, Sara McDougall, Stuart M. McManus, Elizabeth W. Mellyn, Bharath Palle, Ryan Rowberry, Carol Symes, James R. Townshend, and John Witte, Jr.

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Ecrits sans esprit de systeme: melanges en l'honneur de Philippe Delebecque. (Etudes, melanges, travaux) 700 p. 2024:6 (Dalloz, FR) <729-488>
ISBN 978-2-247-23060-0 paper ¥27,881.- (税込) EUR 119.00 *



Deboissy, Florence (dir.), Le droit de l'entreprise d'un siecle a l'autre: etudes en l'honneur de Bernard Saintourens. (Bibliotheque de droit de l'entreprise) 600 p. 2024:6 (LexisNexis, FR) <729-489>
ISBN 978-2-7110-4116-9 paper ¥25,538.- (税込) EUR 109.00 *



Herrera, Carlos-Miguel (dir.), La vocation du juriste universitaire: melanges a la memoire de Pierre-Henri Prelot. (Colloques & essais) 2024:6 (Institut Francophone pour la Justice et la Democratie, FR) <729-490>
ISBN 978-2-37032-410-8 paper ¥8,200.- (税込) EUR 35.00 *



Kasparian, Burt (dir.), La concorde entre les hommes de l'Antiquite a nos jours: aspects culturels et juridiques: melanges en l'honneur de Jacques Bouineau. (Histoire) 431 p. 2024:6 (Pr. U. de Rennes, FR) <729-491>
ISBN 978-2-7535-9730-3 paper ¥7,029.- (税込) EUR 30.00 *



Prodhomme, Audrey / Deumier, Pascale (dir.), Une vie au service de la justice: melanges en l'honneur de Francois Molins. (Etudes, melanges, travaux) 900 p. 2024:6 (Dalloz, FR) <729-492>
ISBN 978-2-247-23097-6 paper ¥27,881.- (税込) EUR 119.00 *



Schubert, Claudia / Hildebrand, Inga / Umbach, T. (eds.), Festgabe der Doktoranden fuer Hartmut Oetker zum 65. Geburtstag. (Zivilrechtliche Schriften 89) 230 S. 2024:5 (P. Lang, SZ) <729-493>
ISBN 978-3-631-91973-6 hard ¥14,355.- (税込) SFR 58.00 *

Im Maerz 2024 vollendet Professor Dr. Hartmut Oetker das 65. Lebensjahr. Als akademischer Lehrer war er seinen Studierenden, Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden stets herzlich verbunden und hat ihren Werdegang gefoerdert und mit Interesse begleitet. Zum Dank widmen ihm ehemalige Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden diese Festgabe. Die Autoren greifen Themen auf, die eng mit ihrer heutigen Taetigkeit verbunden sind. Damit dokumentiert die Schrift zugleich berufliche Werdegaenge, an deren Ausgangspunkt die wissenschaftliche Arbeit unter der Betreuung des Jubilars stand.

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de Cacqueray Sophie / Lamouroux, Sophie et al. (dir.), Melanges en l'honneur de Richard Ghevontian: droit(s) et politique(s). 473 p. 2024:5 (Pr. U. d'Aix-Marseille, FR) <728-473>
ISBN 978-2-7314-1305-2 paper ¥18,744.- (税込) EUR 80.00 *



Gicquel, Jean-Eric / Montis, Audrey de (coord.), Jus publicum: melanges en l'honneur d'Anne-Marie Le Pourhiet. (L'univers des normes) 481 p. 2024:5 (Pr. U. de Rennes, FR) <728-474>
ISBN 978-2-7535-9579-8 paper ¥21,087.- (税込) EUR 90.00 *



U.キントホイザー他編 A.ホラーバッハ記念論集
Kindhaeuser, Urs / Kirste, Stephan / Lege, J. u. a. (Hrsg.), Das Menschliche im Recht: Gedaechtnisschrift fuer Alexander Hollerbach. X, 136 S. 2024:5 (Mohr, GW) <727-430>
ISBN 978-3-16-162466-7 paper ¥13,823.- (税込) EUR 59.00 *

"Das Menschliche im Recht" ist ein zentrales Moment fur die Haltung Alexander Hollerbachs zu Recht und Rechtswissenschaft. Es zeigt sich fur ihn in zwei Facetten: Zum einen ist das Recht ein auf die Menschen bezogenes, durchaus fehlbares Menschenwerk. Zum anderen verlangt gerade die Rechtswissenschaft denen, die sie betreiben, gewisse "menschliche Qualitaten" ab. Alexander Hollerbach, dem dieser Band gewidmet ist, hat dies seinem rechtsphilosophischen, kirchen- und staatskirchenrechtlichen sowie oeffentlich-rechtlichen Schaffen zu Grunde gelegt. Die vorliegenden Aufsatze stammen aus einer Gedenkveranstaltung zu seinen Ehren.

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Liber amicorum: melanges en l'honneur de Jean-Francois Renucci. (Etudes, melanges, travaux) 607 p. 2024 (Dalloz, FR) <726-461>
ISBN 978-2-247-22800-3 hard ¥27,881.- (税込) EUR 119.00 *



Benedettelli, Massimo / Carlevaris, Andrea et al. (eds.), Arbitration as Balanced Administration of Justice: Essays In Honour of Piero Bernardini. 495 pp. 2024:7 (Brill / Nijhoff, NE) <726-462>
ISBN 978-90-04-69490-3 hard ¥42,642.- (税込) EUR 182.00

Arbitrators are called to settle disputes balancing the opposing interests of the parties and the different legal systems relevant to the resolution of the dispute. This book collects the essays offered by colleagues and friends of Piero Bernardini, a leading international arbitrator who proved to be a champion in achieving balance in the administration of justice through arbitration.

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Bruns, Kylie / Gardner, Jodie / Morgan, Jonathan et al., Torts on Three Continents: Honouring Jane Stapleton. 400 pp. 2024:9 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <726-463>
ISBN 978-0-19-888974-8 hard ¥35,337.- (税込) GB£ 125.00 *

Professor Jane Stapleton is one of the world's leading experts on causation and has had a profound impact on tort law scholarship, both in terms of the incredible range of topics she has contributed to, and across the multiple countries she has worked in. Torts on Three Continents: Honouring Jane Stapleton brings together a group of scholars from Stapleton's 'home' country Australia, from the United Kingdom, where she spent much of her professional career, and the United States, where she has made such a significant contribution, to celebrate and honour her work. Torts on Three Continents reveals the impressive and enviable breadth of Jane Stapleton's scholarship while contributing to many of the ongoing and traditional debates in tort. The volume is split into four parts. The first part focuses on general themes that arise in Stapleton's work, including the academic influence on judges, the role of insurance in compensation, the impact of vulnerability on tort law and liability of public authorities. The second part considers aspects of liability in the tort of negligence, including duties of care for psychiatric harm. The third part is dedicated completely to causation, with three chapters from authors in three different countries reflecting on the impact of Stapleton's work in this area. The final section covers a variety of different aspects of tort law and compensation systems, including harms committed in the public interest, damage in economic torts, statutory product liability reforms and alternative compensation scheme design. Powerful and thought-provoking, this book will provide its readers with an appreciation of the magnitude of Jane Stapleton's contribution across the common law world, and a novel perspective on some of the more modern challenges faced in tort law.

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Cheng, Chia-Jui (ed.), New Trends in International Law: Festschrift in Honour of Judge Hisashi Owada. 580 pp. 2024:8 (Brill / Nijhoff, NE) <726-464>
ISBN 978-90-04-68344-0 hard ¥58,340.- (税込) EUR 249.00 *

The Festschrift New Trends in International Law is a collective work which reflects the contributions of Judge Owada to the development of international law, and also deals with various issues of modern international law which have been challenged by the third world. The contributors are jurists from the ICJ and ILOS whose judgments and advisory opinions constitute the formal sources of modern international law. New Trends in International Law also presents contributions from a number of the most highly qualified scholars of various nations whose specialisations are frequently adopted as material sources of international law New Trends in International Law is an invaluable resource for modern international law which provides the entire spectrum of its evolution and its key challenges. It provides an ideal reference source for students, post-graduate researchers, practitioners, functionaries of international institutions, as well as government officials in charge of foreign affairs.

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Fox-Decent, Evan / Goldberg, John / Smith, Lionel (eds.), Understanding Private Law: Essays in Honour of Stephen A. Smith. (Hart Studies in Private Law) 448 pp. 2024:12 (Hart, UK) <726-465>
ISBN 978-1-5099-7115-2 hard ¥28,270.- (税込) GB£ 100.00 *

This book engages with some of Stephen A Smith's most significant arguments, illustrating that he was a towering figure in the field of private law, with little of the field not impacted by his scholarship. The contributors explore Professor Smith's most controversial thinking on private law. Interrogating questions of contract law, remedies, unjust enrichment, comparative law, and the legal theory underlying these fields, this is an important publication in the field.

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法と公共サービス-E.C.L.Donfack記念論集 第1巻
Ndam, Gerard Martin Pekassa / Ndzesop, N. M. et al. (dir.), Droit et service public: melanges en l'honneur du professeur Etienne Charles Lekene Donfack. Volume 1: Droit constitutionnel, droits publics subjectifs et science politique. (Etudes africaines. Droit) 800 p. 2024:3 (L'Harmattan, FR) <724-390>
ISBN 978-2-14-049979-1 paper ¥14,058.- (税込) EUR 60.00 *



法と公共サービス-E.C.L.Donfack記念論集 第2巻
Ndam, Gerard Martin Pekassa / Ndzesop, N. M. et al. (eds.), Droit et service public: melanges en l'honneur du professeur Etienne Charles Lekene Donfack. Volume 2: Droit administratif, services publics et droit public financier. (Etudes africaines. Droit) 771 p. 2024:3 (L'Harmattan, FR) <724-391>
ISBN 978-2-336-40576-6 paper ¥12,886.- (税込) EUR 55.00 *



Brodowski, Dominik / Morsch, Anke (Hrsg.), Das Recht vorandenken?: Reflexionen ueber die Rolle der (Straf-)Rechtswissenschaft. Kolloquium zum 80. Geburtstag von Heike Jung. 161 S. 2023:12 (Nomos, GW) <721-274>
ISBN 978-3-7560-0753-0 hard ¥11,480.- (税込) EUR 49.00 *



Grosse Huettmann, Martin / Probst-Dobler, Christine (Hrsg.), Europaeische Union als Prozess: Festschrift fuer Rudolf Hrbek. (Schriftenreihe des Europaeischen Zentrums fuer Foederalismus-Forschung Tuebingen 53) 222 S. 2023:11 (Nomos, GW) <721-275>
ISBN 978-3-7560-1247-3 paper ¥11,480.- (税込) EUR 49.00 *

Die Herausforderungen fuer das Regieren in Europa und insb. in der EU und in ihren Mitgliedstaaten werden nicht geringer; im Gegenteil, Entwicklungen wie die Finanz- bzw. Schuldenkrise, der Austritt Grossbritanniens aus der EU, die COVID-19-Pandemie, starke anti-europaeische Tendenzen in einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten oder der Angriff Russlands auf die Ukraine waren 2003, dem Jahr der Veroeffentlichung der ersten Festschrift fuer Professor Rudolf Hrbek, kaum denk- und vorstellbar. Die Autorinnen und Autoren nehmen sehr unterschiedliche Perspektiven ein, wenn sie der Frage nachgehen, wie die Europaeische Union mit den juengsten Herausforderungen umgeht und welche Lehren sie daraus zieht.

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Adams-Prassl, Jeremias / Ezrachi, Ariel et al. (eds.), The Internal Market Ideal: Essays in Honour of Stephen Weatherill. 480 pp. 2024:2 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <720-349>
ISBN 978-0-19-286706-3 hard ¥39,578.- (税込) GB£ 140.00 *

The Internal Market Ideal honours the pathbreaking work of Professor Stephen Weatherill, Jacques Delors Professor of European Law at the University of Oxford (1998-2021). For more than three decades, Professor Weatherill has been the dominant figure in internal market debates, shaping the European Union's Internal Market both at Oxford and internationally. Looming large in fields as disparate as consumer protection and sports law, his voice has guided how relevant laws and regulations are understood and how their varying virtues and pitfalls are perceived. A reference to his seminal work The Internal Market as a Legal Concept (OUP, 2016), the present volume is not simply a celebration of Weatherill's scholarship, but also an examination of the legal issues surrounding the semi-integrated market of the European Union. Across nineteen essays, the collection presents a vision of the European Union not yet achieved; that is, a Union which benefits from economic growth and pursues non-economic objectives, whilst carefully balancing respect for Member States' autonomy and the European Union's self-sufficiency. The Internal Market Ideal is an invaluable resource for students, researchers, practitioners, and policy makers in the field of European Law.

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Baldus, Christian / Kainer, Friedemann (Hrsg.), Zur Finalitaet der Europaeischen Union: Zweckverband und Gesellschaftszweck in der Judikatur des EuGH. Festkolloquium fuer Peter-Christian Mueller-Graff zum 75. Geburtstag. (Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Europaeische Integration e.V. 108) 124 S. 2023:9 (Nomos, GW) <719-397>
ISBN 978-3-7560-0760-8 paper ¥6,794.- (税込) EUR 29.00 *



Braun, Arthur (coord.), Melanges en l'honneur de Stephane Pierre-Caps: Constitution, Etats et peuples. (Droit compare) 557 p. 2024:1 (L'Harmattan, FR) <719-398>
ISBN 978-2-336-43182-6 paper ¥12,183.- (税込) EUR 52.00 *



Rozek, Jochen / Detterbeck, Steffen / Coelln, C. v. (Hrsg.), Brennpunkt Verfassungsstaat: Symposium aus Anlass des 80. Geburtstages von Herbert Bethge. (Leipziger Schriften zum Oeffentlichen Recht 17) 82 S. 2023:12 (P. Lang, SZ) <718-419>
ISBN 978-3-631-91201-0 hard ¥11,632.- (税込) SFR 47.00

Der Band versammelt die um Anmerkungen ergaenzten Vortraege zu verfassungs- und medienrechtlichen Fragen, die am 8. Februar 2020 an der Universitaet Passau im Rahmen des Symposiums aus Anlass des 80. Geburtstages von Herbert Bethge zu Ehren des Jubilars und in Wuerdigung seines rechtswissenschaftlichen Lebenswerks gehalten worden sind.

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私法の変容-M.Andenas記念論集 全2巻
Heidemann, Maren (ed.), The Transformation of Private Law - Principles of Contract and Tort as European and International Law: A Liber Amicorum for Mads Andenas. 2 vols. (LCF Studies in Commercial and Financial Law 2) 1100 pp. 2024 (Springer, GW) <718-418>
ISBN 978-3-031-28496-0 hard ¥58,571.- (税込) EUR 249.99 *

Eminent lawyers from academia, international judiciary and legal practice join up to honour Professor Mads Andenas KC (Hon). Contributions form a cutting edge volume across legal disciplines led by an advisory editorial committee including Prof. Guido Alpa, Prof. Carl Baudenbacher, Prof. Eirik Bjorge, Prof. Giuseppe Conte and Prof. Duncan Fairgrieve.The general private law of tort and delict is subject to a transformation where the traditional national framework is becoming gradually less relevant. Much of the modernisation of private law takes place not at the domestic level but at a European or international level such as in international commercial conventions or EU consumer protection legislation. Remedies in regulatory law are becoming ever more important. The role of the European Court of Justice in developing general principles of contract and tort is ever increasing. Tort liability is an important subject of international conventions with the caselaw of the International Court of Justice developing general principles of tort liability in public international law.

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La loyaute en droit economique: melanges en l'honneur d'Yves Picod. (Etudes, melanges, travaux) 700 p. 2023:12 (Dalloz, FR) <717-400>
ISBN 978-2-247-22350-3 paper ¥27,881.- (税込) EUR 119.00 *



melanges en l'honneur du professeur Bertrand Mathieu: Pouvoir et contre-pouvoirs. (Les melanges) 2023:12 (LGDJ, FR) <717-401>
ISBN 978-2-275-13576-2 paper ¥37,253.- (税込) EUR 159.00 *



Basire, Yann / Donaud, F. (dir.), Melanges en l'honneur de Francois Greffe. (Collection du CEIPI. Les melanges 1) 282 p. 2023 (LexisNexis, FR) <717-402>
ISBN 978-2-7110-4011-7 paper ¥11,715.- (税込) EUR 50.00 *



