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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Prescott, Andrew / Goudarouli, Eirini (eds.), Archival Materialities in a Digital Age. (Proceedings of the British Academy 269) 312 pp. 2025:2 (British Academy, UK) <738-8>
ISBN 978-0-19-726785-1 hard ¥27,987.- (税込) GB£ 99.00

Materiality looms large in the world of archives, whether in storage, conservation, shape or materials of the records. Increasingly records are created digitally on a hitherto unimagined scale. How do born-digital records transform our understanding of the materiality of the archive? How do digital techniques provide new insights into the materiality of older archives? Archival Materialities in a Digital Age, based on a workshop organised by The National Archives, UK, and the University of Glasgow in 2018, contains a series of authoritative studies by archivists and researchers who are grappling with these issues on a daily basis. The research presented in Archival Materialities in a Digital Age shows how these challenges are causing a reconsideration of archival theories and precepts while at the same time offering a huge range of opportunities to investigate archives in new and innovative ways.

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Larminach, Florian, Histoire de "la fin de l'histoire": une enquete philosophique. 296 p. 2024:10 (PUF, FR) <738-1371>
ISBN 978-2-13-085760-0 paper ¥5,623.- (税込) EUR 24.00



Harding, Jennifer / Calabria, Verusca, Emotional Labour in Oral History Research: The Hidden Toll. 234 pp. 2025:2 (Routledge, UK) <737-1774>
ISBN 978-1-032-59473-6 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-59474-3 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Emotional Labour in Oral History Research critically appraises the many complex ways in which emotion management features in oral history research and its specific implications for the researcher.Uniquely, this volume draws on oral historians' personal accounts of conducting sensitive research and assesses the applicability of the term emotional labour to this work. It examines how oral historians may perform emotional labour, highlighting the often-hidden emotional toll it takes on them. This volume considers how the emotionally taxing implications of conducting sensitive research may be exacerbated or mitigated by the institutional relations and contexts in which the researcher works. The authors evaluate recommendations from related disciplinary fields for ways of supporting researchers and consider how an ethics of care can be fostered in local research environments. Emotional Labour in Oral History Research engages critically with theories of emotion, conceptualisations of emotional labour, questions of power and positionality, an ethics of care and debate on the impact of neoliberal ideas and policies on the higher education sector.This book will be of interest to all those using oral history to conduct sensitive research in all locations and at all career stages, including doctoral students, academics new to oral history, established oral historians, community-based oral historians and qualitative researchers in adjacent disciplines.

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Renshaw, Daniel / Cocks, Neil (eds.), Literature, the Gothic and the Reconstruction of History: The Past as Nightmare. 244 pp. 2025:2 (Routledge, UK) <737-1426>
ISBN 978-1-032-73646-4 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *

In the Gothic, nothing stays buried for long. Since its inception in the mid-eighteenth century, the Gothic imagination has been concerned with the pasts of the societies from which it emerged. This collection, featuring contributions from archivists, historians and literary critics, examines how horror fiction and the wider Gothic mode have engaged with the constructed conception of "history".From Victorian nightmares of Jurassic jungles to ghost stories on the contemporary stage, the contributors adopt varied and innovative approaches to consider how the Gothic has created, complicated and sometimes subverted historical narratives. In doing so, these works blur the distinctions between the "historical record" and creative endeavour, undermine linear and sequential understandings of the progress of time and dissolve temporal boundaries. The collection explores a variety of Gothic forms including drama, poetry, prose, illustration, film and folklore, and it draws on classic texts such as Wuthering Heights and Dracula, as well as less familiar works, including Reynolds' The Mysteries of London and Baldini's Mal'aria.Literature, the Gothic and the Reconstruction of History will be invaluable to students and scholars interested in the confluences of literary and historical endeavour, the creation and depiction of historical constructs in popular culture, and Gothic horror in its myriad forms.

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Purcell, Kerry William, The Militant Historian: The Concept of History in the Work of Alain Badiou. 272 pp. 2024:11 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <736-98>
ISBN 978-1-350-38105-6 hard ¥24,029.- (税込) GB£ 85.00

This is the first wide-ranging analysis of Alain Badiou's use, development and transformation of the concept of history. Despite the wealth of perspectives now available on how social and cultural practices take shape, historicism still appears to be the most dominant. The Militant Historian examines this primacy and reveals how Badiou's work offers a radical riposte.Exploring key texts in Badiou's oeuvre and how his philosophical ideas disrupt dominant conceptions of history and the role of the historian, Kerry William Purcell addresses how these ideas could transform our approaches to the historical and what it means to 'do history' as a meaningful endeavour. Adopting a chronological approach to Badiou's work, each chapter explores specific conceptual developments in his writing and how they lend themselves to a reconsideration of the subject who speaks history. From these new and disruptive modes of doing emerges the figure of the militant historian - a role with the potential to impact how we practice history outside the narrow strictures of academic life.

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Land, Isaac, The Craft of Historical Research: A Practical Guide from Start to Finish. 283 pp. 2024:12 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <736-1421>
ISBN 978-3-031-68456-2 paper ¥6,557.- (税込) EUR 27.99

Complete with practical advice and helpful guidance, this book is an approachable manual perfect for budding historians at all levels. Its worksheets, which focus on framing realistic goals and heading off common misunderstandings, will aid independent work and make check-ins with the advisor more candid and productive. Drawing on examples from six continents, as well as primary sources ranging from cuneiform tablets to emails, students will learn about the effective deployment of quotations, footnotes, maps, graphs, images, and data visualizations. Throughout the book, emphasis is placed on how the student can formulate, support, and revise their claims in a historical project with a skeptical reader in mind.

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Ruddock, Andy, History, Politics and the Evolution of Cultivation Theory: Beyond Violence? (Palgrave Studies in the History of the Media) 155 pp. 2025:1 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <736-1423>
ISBN 978-3-031-75910-9 hard ¥9,368.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This book provides a cultural history of cultivation theory, a North American mass communication paradigm best known for arguing that television violence was a potent agent of political socialisation. Decades after its inception, cultivation theory remains an evocative force in imagining twenty-first-century media power. This book reveals how many factors shaped the theory: the spectre of twentieth-century fascism, the Cold War, political turbulence in 1960s America, and the realisation that television had profoundly altered the rhythms of social and political life. The book also explains how cultivation theory became a means of analysing diverse media influences, thanks to various scholars who brought different motivations, perspectives and skills to the project. Cultivation theory succeeded because its practitioners related their work to the changing political moods of post-war America. In doing so, they created a unique critical perspective within mass communication research, which continues to shed light on the role media play in political conflict.

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Tucker, Aviezer, Historiographic Reasoning. (Elements in Historical Theory and Practice) 75 pp. 2024:12 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <736-1424>
ISBN 978-1-009-56522-6 hard ¥14,131.- (税込) GB£ 49.99 *
ISBN 978-1-009-32450-2 paper ¥4,805.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

Historiographic reasoning from evidentiary inputs is sui generis. Historiography is neither empirical, nor self-knowledge, nor a genre of fiction or ideology. Historiographic reasoning is irreducible to general scientific or social science reasoning. The book applies Bayesian insights to explicate historiographic reasoning as probable. It distinguishes epistemic transmission of knowledge from evidence from the generation of detailed historiographic knowledge from multiple coherent and independent evidentiary inputs in three modular stages. A history of historiographic reasoning since the late 18th century demonstrates that there was a historiographic scientific revolution across the historical sciences in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The underdetermination of historiography by the evidence, counterfactual historiographic reasoning, and false reasoning and other fallacies are further explained and discussed in terms of the probabilistic relations between the evidence and historiography.

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Waterlot, Ghislain, Mystique et histoire chez Henri Bergson: une lecture des Deux sources de la morale et de la religion. (Mystica) 438 p. 2024:9 (Champion, FR) <736-108>
ISBN 978-2-7453-6209-4 paper ¥13,589.- (税込) EUR 58.00



Fonseca, Sofia / Thomas, Ben / Basterrachea, Aurelia (eds.), New Ways of Communicating Archaeology in a Digital World. (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology) 244 pp. 2024:11 (Springer, GW) <734-1316>
ISBN 978-3-031-71275-3 hard ¥25,769.- (税込) EUR 109.99

This book examines the communication and interaction between archaeologists and the non-archaeological public in a digital age. Moving beyond traditional methods, the book focuses on communication through new (YouTube, MOOCs, TEDx, etc.) and alternative media (virtual and augmented reality, video games, comics, etc.) that connect a traditional archaeological world to a modern digital one. By featuring case studies that make this point, the volume argues for the need to integrate new technologies and media like online education, storytelling, podcasting, and augmented and virtual reality into archaeologists' efforts to communicate their work to the broader society. Drawn from a session at the European Association of Archaeologists Annual Conference in 2018, the book was expanded and enhanced by the inclusion of presentations from the 2020 conference and additional invited papers. The volume presents a variety of approaches to archaeological education that highlight the need for creativity and resourcefulness in re-thinking archaeological presentations in a digital and virtual environment. This volume is of interest to archaeologists, as well as researchers and practitioners in museology and heritage and serves as a guide for archaeologists interested and involved in the world of non-academic communication. This book invites the reader to be part of a movement that is redefining the dialogue between our past and the future of communication, learning, and digital storytelling.

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Apostolopoulos, Petros, Producing and Debating History: Historical Knowledge on Wikipedia. (Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics 10) 230 S. 2024:10 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <733-1622>
ISBN 978-3-11-106923-4 hard ¥11,702.- (税込) EUR 49.95 *

In 2021, the American Historical Association published a study on how the American public perceives and understands the past. Almost half of the respondents argued that they turn to Wikipedia to learn about history and acquire a historical understanding of the past. Wikipedia was ranked higher than other historical activities, such as “Historic site visit,” “Museum visit,” “Genealogy work,” “Social media,” “Podcast/radio program,” “History lecture,” and “History-related video game.” These findings combined with the appropriation of Wikipedia’s corpus by ChatGPT and Wikipedia’s partnership with the most central search engine in the digital world, Google, and other digital assistants, such as Siri and Alexa, make clear how crucial the role of Wikipedia in how the public learns about history and makes sense of the past is. But how is historical knowledge produced on Wikipedia? How do Wikipedia editors engage with historical events of the past and transform the past into historical knowledge? Why do they decide to contribute to the production of history? By placing Wikipedia editors at the center of research inquiry and using multiple methodologies and different kinds of data, this book explores how historical knowledge is produced in one of the most central digital communities of knowledge, Wikipedia.

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Berg, Mia / Lorenz, Andrea / Oswald, K. (Hrsg.), Geschichte auf Instagram und TikTok: Perspektiven auf Quellen, Methoden und Praktiken. (Medien der Geschichte 8) 400 S. 2025:3 (de Gruyter, GW) <733-1623>
ISBN 978-3-11-135142-1 hard ¥21,074.- (税込) EUR 89.95



Demantowsky, Marko / Pavlek Loebl, Barbara (eds.), The Concept of Public History: Continuation of an International Debate. (Traces. Public History and Heritage Studies 1) 200 S. 2025:4 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <733-1625>
ISBN 978-3-11-125243-8 hard ¥21,074.- (税込) EUR 89.95

Many people around the world ask themselves: what is in fact this "public history". All those who work at the junction of historical research and the history-related public outreach or public policy in museums, at memorial sites, in editorial offices, administrations, schools and universities must find themselves asking this question, as it concerns both their daily professional practice and their history-related freelance activities. What connects all these people around the world who ?? although they work in different institutional settings ?? experience their work as essentially common, and describe their professions as a part of a larger field of public history? There are countless answers to this question, yet they often converge on a simple common descriptive level which strives to address as many different practices as possible. In recent years, however, an attempt has been made to explain the nature of public history in a way that would provide an operationalizable definition of the concept. This volume presents a continuation of this debate with contributions from Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland, Italy, Austria, Russia, the USA and Venezuela. By opening a space for a constructive, explicit and reciprocal discourse, this volume also renders public history visible in its form as a dynamic, theoretical scholarly practice.

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Rafferty, Sean, Mythologizing the Past: Archaeology, History, and Ideology. 208 pp. 2024:12 (Routledge, UK) <733-1626>
ISBN 978-1-032-69019-3 hard ¥38,164.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-69020-9 paper ¥10,456.- (税込) GB£ 36.99 *

This book examines the origins, development, and current state of myths surrounding 'lost civilizations' and, more importantly, how these myths contribute to modern political ideologies. By examining the myths, legends, and scientific record concerning Atlantis, the Vikings, the Anglo-Saxons, and the Celts, pre-Contact North America and the Aryans, this book reveals the faulty science, logical fallacies, anti-intellectualism, and outright racism motivating the recurrent interest in them. It delineates the development of pseudohistory from its allegorical Classical origins, through renaissance and enlightenment literature, to nineteenth-century popular writing, and finally to modern pseudoscience. It describes how at every stage pseudohistory has been used to reinforce and reproduce dominant ideologies by marginalizing subordinate groups in favor of social elites. This book is ideal not only for the general reader interested in world history, but also for courses across the humanities, including pseudoarcheology, historiographic and scientific methods, and classics.

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Raphael, Lutz / Bernet, Brigitta / Zachariah, B. (eds.), History from Below: Between Democratisation and Populism. (The Politics of Historical Thinking 6) 250 S. 2025:2 (de Gruyter, GW) <733-1627>
ISBN 978-3-11-150464-3 hard ¥18,731.- (税込) EUR 79.95



Schneewind, Sarah, The Social Drama of Daily Work: A Manual for Historians. 194 pp. 2024:7 (Amsterdam U. Pr., NE) <733-1628>
ISBN 978-90-485-5953-4 paper ¥10,728.- (税込) GB£ 37.95 *

Part manifesto, part manual, this book offers historians of all levels both subject and approach. The subject is work. In every place-time people made and sold objects - and struggled with annoying customers or government regulation. They healed clients - and wanted to bolster their prestige and keep out interlopers. Studying work allows historians to delve into the experiences of non-elite groups using texts, images, or objects. The wide-ranging approach is based on the Chicago-school sociology of occupations, which starts from the premise that work isn't just a job: it's a drama created by people making decisions that shape and are shaped by their place-time. Packed with examples from Ming Chinese apothecaries to twentieth-century New York City doormen, this book is a must for those who want to enliven their study of the past by examining how people spent most of their days and lives: at work.

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Seeberger, Julia / Schmolinsky, Sabine / Vinzent, M. (eds.), Beyond the Timeline: Resetting Historiography. (SpatioTemporality / RaumZeitlichkeit 16) 330 S. 2024:10 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <733-1629>
ISBN 978-3-11-115474-9 hard ¥18,731.- (税込) EUR 79.95 *



Dang, Sarah-Mai / van der Heijden, Tim / Olesen, C. G., Doing Digital Film History: Concepts, Tools, Practices. (Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics 11) 350 S. 2024:11 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <733-1302>
ISBN 978-3-11-108149-6 hard ¥11,702.- (税込) EUR 49.95

How has the digital turn shaped the practices of film historical research and teaching? While computational approaches have been used by film historians since the 1960s and 1970s, the arrival and use of digital tools and methods in recent decades have fundamentally changed the ways we search, analyze, interpret, present, and so think and write about film history ? from digital archival and curatorial practices, data-driven search and analysis of film historical collections to the visualization and dissemination of film historical materials online. While film historians have increasingly embraced the new possibilities brought by digital technologies, their practical, epistemological, and methodological implications need further exploration. What implications has the mass digitization of film historical sources for film historians? What new questions can be raised by analyzing, interpreting, and visualizing film historical data at scale? By focusing on the concepts, tools and practices of digital film historiography, this edited volume aims to contribute to a better understanding as well as critical reflection on the changes and continuities of doing film history in the digital age.

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M.ワイト著 信仰と歴史哲学
Wight, Martin, Faith and the Philosophy of History. Ed. by D. S. Yost. 416 pp. 2025:3 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <732-140>
ISBN 978-0-19-890555-4 hard ¥33,641.- (税込) GB£ 119.00

This book collects works by the late Professor Martin Wight (1913-1972), an historian and scholar of international relations. Wight conducted research on many topics, including British colonial history, European studies, international institutions, and the history of states-systems. He is nonetheless best known for his lectures about the political philosophy of international relations at the London School of Economics (1949-1961) and the University of Sussex (1961-1972). He is widely regarded as an intellectual ancestor and pathbreaker of the 'English School' of international relations, even though this term only gained currency nine years after his death. While there is no generally accepted definition of the 'English School', it is usually construed as signifying an approach to the study of international relations more rooted in historical and humanistic learning than in the social sciences. Wight's achievements are consistent with this broad definition. This volume draws together a number of Wight's published works as well as many of his previously unpublished, obscurely published, and anonymous writings about faith and the philosophy of history. Owing to his premature death at the age of 58, he was unable to complete several works in progress, partly because his perfectionism led him to refrain from publishing many of them.

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Anter, Andreas / Bruhns, Hinnerk (Hrsg.), Otto Hintzes Staatssoziologie: Historische Prozesse, theoretische Perspektiven. (Staatsverstaendnisse 177) 203 S. 2024:6 (Nomos, GW) <731-1363>
ISBN 978-3-7560-0427-0 paper ¥12,652.- (税込) EUR 54.00 *

Otto Hintze (1861?1940), der bedeutendste deutsche Historiker der ersten Haelfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, widmete sich intensiv dem modernen Staat, seiner Geschichte und Anatomie, Verfassung, Verwaltung und geopolitischen Lage. Auf dieser Grundlage und mit Rueckgriff auf Max Webers soziologische Methode und Erkenntnisse setzte er sich mit den Staatstheorien auseinander, wie sie in der Staatsrechtslehre, Soziologie und Geschichtswissenschaft im fruehen 20. Jahrhundert entwickelt wurden. Bis heute beeindruckt die kuehle Praezision seines historisch-soziologischen Blicks. Seine Soziologie des Staates ist Grundlagenforschung, daneben aber auch leidenschaftliche Analyse des Schicksals des deutschen Staates seiner Gegenwart. Seine globalgeschichtliche Perspektive und seine nuechterne Analyse der machtpolitischen Grundlagen des europaeischen Staatensystems machen ihn zu einem eminent aktuellen Autor. Mit Beitraegen von Andreas Anter Stefan Breuer Hinnerk Bruhns Christoph Enders Hajime Konno Wolfgang Neugebauer Maurizio Ricciardi

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Assis, Arthur Alfaix, Plural Pasts: Historiography between Events and Structures. (Elements in Historical Theory and Practice) 75 pp. 2023:12 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <731-1364>
ISBN 978-1-009-46252-5 hard ¥14,131.- (税込) GB£ 49.99 *
ISBN 978-1-009-00516-6 paper ¥4,805.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

What is history about? This Element shows that answers centred on the keyword 'past events' are incomplete, even if they are not simply wrong. Interweaving theoretical and historical perspectives, it provides an abstract overview of the thematic plurality that characterizes contemporary academic historiography. The reflection on different sorts of pasts that can be at focus in historical research and writing encompasses events as well as non-events, especially recursive social structures and cultural webs. Some consequences of such plurality for discussions concerning historical methodology, explanation, exemplification, and representation are also outlined. The basic message, reinforced throughout, is that the great relevance of non-event-centred approaches should prompt us to talk more about "histories" in the plural and less about "history" in the singular.

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Carneiro, Deivy F. / Dias, Daniel R. B., Deciphering Carlo Ginzburg: Form and Time. (Microhistories) 176 pp. 2024:11 (Routledge, UK) <731-1365>
ISBN 978-1-03-250774-3 hard ¥38,164.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This book offers an original reading of Carlo Ginzburg's work, tracing his trajectory in the context of Italian micro-history, his debates on the objectivity of historical knowledge, and the connection of his work to the expanded perspectives constructed in recent decades by global history.Ginzburg's theories have achieved notoriety not only in the field of history but also among the wider public. This volume uses Ginzburg's own aesthetic and intellectual practices in its analysis, and it deciphers the elements that drove and influenced the making of his work. By highlighting the procedures that Ginzburg has constructed to respond to problems of cultural history, the book also pays close attention to Erich Auerbach and Aby Warburg, whose influences played a crucial role in reformulating Ginzburg's conception of micro-history. From there, the volume demonstrates the radicality of Ginzburg's micro-history through the discussion of some of his most recent contributions to international historiographical debates.Thought-provoking and thoroughly researched, Deciphering Carlo Ginzburg is an innovative study in Ginzburg's methods and theories.

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Konishi, Shino / Allbrook, Malcolm / Griffiths, Tom (eds.), Reframing Indigenous Biography. (Routledge Approaches to History) 288 pp. 2024:11 (Routledge, UK) <731-1366>
ISBN 978-1-032-39893-8 hard ¥36,751.- (税込) GB£ 130.00 *

This book explores the history, practice, and possibilities of writing about the lives of First Nations' peoples in Australia as well as Aotearoa New Zealand, North America, and the Pacific.This interdisciplinary collection recognises the limitations of Western biographical conventions for writing Indigenous long- and short-form biographies. Through a series of diverse life stories of both historical and contemporary First Nations figures, this book investigates innovative ways to ameliorate the challenges we face in recovering the stories of Indigenous people and reimagining their lives in productive new ways. Many of the chapters in this collection are deeply reflective, aiming not just to relate the life story of an individual but also to reflect on the archival, intellectual, and emotional journeys that biographers undertake in researching Indigenous biography.This volume will be of value to scholars and students interested in Indigenous Studies, biography, history, literature, creative writing, archaeology, and colonial and postcolonial studies.

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Mass, Sandra, Zukuenftige Vergangenheiten: Geschichte schreiben im Anthropozaen. (Historische Geisteswissenschaften. Frankfurter Vortraege 15) 224 S. 2024:9 (Wallstein Vlg., GW) <730-1049>
ISBN 978-3-8353-5663-4 paper ¥4,451.- (税込) EUR 19.00

Das Anthropozaen fordert die Geschichtsschreibung heraus: Muss sich die Geschichtswissenschaft veraendern, um in Zukunft noch relevant zu sein? Die Debatte um das neue Erdzeitalter Anthropozaen praegt auch die historischen Wissenschaften. Forderungen nach neuen Methoden, neuen Quellen und neuen Narrativen bestimmen das Feld. Fragen nach der Bedeutung der Natur, der Ausdehnung der Zeit und der Rolle des menschlichen Akteurs beruehren die Geschichtswissenschaft im Kern ihres disziplinaeren Selbstverstaendnisses. Um unter den Bedingungen des sich abzeichnenden Klimawandels noch ueber relevante Deutungsmacht zu verfuegen, muss sich auch die Geschichtswissenschaft wandeln. Die Autorin fuehrt durch die internationale Debatte um das Anthropozaen, sucht nach Zusammenhaengen und Anknuepfungspunkten und schlaegt vor, neue Narrative von Kontamination und Relation zu entwickeln.

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Barilier, Etienne, Jacob Burckhardt: l'art contre les puissances. (Le savoir suisse) 190 p. 2024:6 (Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, SZ) <729-1582>
ISBN 978-2-88915-621-4 paper ¥3,490.- (税込) EUR 14.90



Fitzgerald, Chris / Timmis, Ivor, Corpus Linguistics for Oral History. (Routledge Corpus Linguistics Guides) 146 pp. 2024:11 (Routledge, UK) <729-1583>
ISBN 978-1-032-37873-2 hard ¥38,164.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-37872-5 paper ¥10,456.- (税込) GB£ 36.99 *

Corpus Linguistics for Oral History takes a step-by-step approach to presenting how corpus linguistics tools and techniques can be applied to oral history archives. Bridging the gap between the two areas, this book:establishes a framework to pursue this type of research and guides the reader through tasks that will ensure practical applicationshows how oral narratives can facilitate historical linguistics, including historical sociolinguistics and historical pragmaticsillustrates how the techniques of corpus linguistics can help social historians to analyse oral narratives in new and fruitful waystakes readers through each step of the process, from initial close readings of data to constructing a corpus that adheres to parameters of representativeness, through to the application of various corpus linguistics techniquesincludes an appendix of resources and examples of extracts from a global range of historical texts throughout, introducing the reader to a range of freely accessible, digitized archivesThis book is key reading for students and researchers working in History and Corpus Linguistics. History students will find a new perspective on approaching primary historical sources, while linguistics students will find insights into an avenue of data worthy of multiple levels of linguistic analysis.

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Jordan, Stefan, Historiografiegeschichte. (Oldenbourg Grundriss der Geschichte 55) 288 S. 2024:9 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <729-1584>
ISBN 978-3-11-061078-9 paper ¥5,845.- (税込) EUR 24.95 *



Demartini, Anne-Emmanuelle (dir.), Alain Corbin: ecrivain de l'histoire. (Champs. Histoire) 297 p. 2024:5 (Flammarion, FR) <728-1619>
ISBN 978-2-08-044922-1 paper ¥2,811.- (税込) EUR 12.00



Lacoste, Jean-Yves, Le differend du temps et de l'histoire. (Epimethee) 240 p. 2024:5 (PUF, FR) <728-1620>
ISBN 978-2-13-086738-8 paper ¥6,091.- (税込) EUR 26.00



オーラル・ヒストリー・マニュアル 第4版
Sommer, Barbara W. / Quinlan, Mary Kay, The Oral History Manual. 4th ed. (American Association for State and Local History) 240 pp. 2024:8 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <728-1621>
ISBN 978-1-5381-8168-3 hard ¥23,677.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5381-8169-0 paper ¥10,147.- (税込) US$ 45.00 *

The Oral History Manual, Fourth Edition, is a comprehensive and user-friendly book designed to take novice or experienced oral historians through the entire life cycle of creating an oral history project, from idea through planning, interviewing, caring for, and making oral history interviews accessible. It includes updated information on: evolving technology, including the use of-and challenges associated with-automated transcription apps; ethical and practical considerations related to oral history and social justice, including interviews with people experiencing trauma; and challenges associated with real-time interviews conducted in the wake of natural and human-caused disasters. It emphasizes that an oral historian's work is not finished when the recorder is turned off, describing in detail the importance of fully processing and preserving oral histories and related materials. The book emphasizes the importance of oral history practitioners providing context for their work so researchers and others who encounter the materials in the future will understand fully the circumstances in which the oral histories were created. The Oral History Manual, Fourth Edition also provides readers background on the evolution of oral history practice and includes appendices with sample forms that oral historians will find useful as they develop their own projects.

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Koester, Manuel / Thuenemann, Holger (Hrsg.), Geschichtskulturelle Transformationen: Kontroversen, Akteure, Zeitpraktiken. (Beitraege zur Geschichtskultur 46) 504 S. 2024:6 (Boehlau, GW) <727-1393>
ISBN 978-3-412-52637-5 hard ¥15,229.- (税込) EUR 65.00 *



Schuster, Jonas, Karl Theodor von Heigel (1842-1915): Geschichtswissenschaft in Bayern zwischen Politik und Oeffentlichkeit. (Schriftenreihe der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 113) 336 S. 2024:9 (Vandenhoeck, GW) <727-1394>
ISBN 978-3-525-30273-6 hard ¥14,058.- (税込) EUR 60.00 *



White, James, M. N. Pokrovskii and the Origins of Soviet Historiography. (Historical Materialism Book Series 320) 336 pp. 2024:8 (Brill, NE) <726-1301>
ISBN 978-90-04-70387-2 hard ¥30,224.- (税込) EUR 129.00 *

Focusing on the career of the Soviet historian M.N. Pokrovskii, the author examines the evolution of historical writing in the first decade of Soviet rule. As Deputy People's Commissar for Education, Pokrovskii was among those who established the academic institutions of the new regime. The study of Pokrovskii's writings and the political context in which they were conceived helps explain the origin of interpretations of modern Russian history current in Soviet times. The book can for that reason be regarded as a preliminary to the study of the Russian revolutionary era, and a key to the critical evaluation of the historical sources for the period.

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G.Y.オキヒロ著 第三世界研究-解放の理論化 第2版
Okihiro, Gary Y., Third World Studies: Theorizing Liberation. 2nd ed., Rev. & expanded. 328 pp. 2024:8 (Duke U. Pr., US) <725-616>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2644-0 hard ¥24,341.- (税込) US$ 107.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-3067-6 paper ¥6,527.- (税込) US$ 28.95 *

In this revised and expanded second edition of Third World Studies, Gary Y. Okihiro considers the methods and theories that might constitute the formation of Third World studies. Proposed in 1968 at San Francisco State College by the Third World Liberation Front but replaced by faculty and administrators with ethnic studies, Third World studies was over before it began. As opposed to ethnic studies, which Okihiro critiques for its liberalism and US-centrism, Third World studies begins with the colonized world and the anti-imperial, anticolonial, and antiracist projects located therein as described by W. E. B. Du Bois in 1900. Third World studies analyzes the locations and articulations of power around the axes of race, gender, sexuality, (dis)ability, class, and nation. In this new edition, Okihiro emphasizes the work of Third World intellectuals such as M. N. Roy, Jose Carlos Mariategui, and Oliver Cromwell Cox; foregrounds the importance of Bandung and the Tricontinental; and adds discussions of eugenics, feminist epistemologies, and religion. With this work, Okihiro establishes Third World studies as a theoretical formation and a liberatory practice.

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Collins, David / Williams, Christopher (eds.), Interpreting R. G. Collingwood: Critical Essays. 300 pp. 2024:11 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <725-30>
ISBN 978-1-009-33705-2 hard ¥25,443.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *

An indisputably prominent figure in twentieth-century philosophy, R. G. Collingwood often remains elusive even to those who admire his achievements. This volume of new essays aims to reintroduce Collingwood to twenty-first-century philosophical readers and to show why, and how, his achievements matter. Each essay offers an original contribution to the understanding of some aspect of Collingwood's thought, including new interpretations of several of his central ideas, re-examinations of his place in twentieth-century philosophy, and an extended consideration of a previously undiscussed manuscript. The essays span the wide range of Collingwood's interests, including metaphysics, epistemology, logic, philosophy of mind, aesthetics, and political philosophy, as well as Roman British history and the history of art. Emphasis is placed on Collingwood's connections to traditions with which his name is not typically linked, including pragmatism, analytic philosophy, and phenomenology. This rich volume will stimulate further examination of Collingwood and his legacy.

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歴史の理論と技法への案内 第5版
Williams, Robert C., The Historian's Toolbox: A Student's Guide to the Theory and Craft of History. 5th ed. 228 pp. 2024:10 (Routledge, UK) <725-1343>
ISBN 978-1-032-76387-3 hard ¥42,405.- (税込) GB£ 150.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-75597-7 paper ¥11,022.- (税込) GB£ 38.99 *

Now in its fifth edition, The Historian's Toolbox is designed to help students become skilled in the intellectual process and craft of history, offering an overview of the field and techniques for reading and writing about history.The fifth edition expands the selection of tools available to students entering the workshop of history. These include new chapters on digital history, Indigenous peoples, and gender history and new sections on the Voynich manuscript, LGBTQ+ history, slavery, and a historian who survived the war in Ukraine. The book has been fully updated to address the possibilities and limits of computerized approaches to doing history, with careful attention paid to the benefits and controversies of artificial intelligence, chatbots, and the internet. It demonstrates the continuing relevance of history in a cacophonous world of misinformation and censorship, emphasizing critical thinking, facts, and evidence as valuable means of understanding the past and shaping the future.Engaging and accessible, this volume is ideal for undergraduate courses in historiography and historical methods.

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de Voogd, Christophe, Dans le Miroir de Johan Huizinga: Ecrire et penser l'histoire au prisme de la France. (Bibliotheque d'histoire culturelle du Moyen Age 24) 340 p. 2024:6 (Brepols, BE) <724-1009>
ISBN 978-2-503-60902-7 paper ¥26,944.- (税込) EUR 115.00 *



Petitier, Paule (dir.), Dechiffrer la tempete: Michelet et la Revolution francaise. (Interferences) 343 p. 2024:3 (Pr. U. de Rennes, FR) <724-1010>
ISBN 978-2-7535-9584-2 paper ¥5,857.- (税込) EUR 25.00



Clark, Anna / Williams, Elizabeth W. (eds.), Sources and Methods in the History of Sexuality. (Routledge Guides to Using Historical Sources) 288 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-1017>
ISBN 978-1-032-65583-3 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-65581-9 paper ¥10,739.- (税込) GB£ 37.99 *

Sources and Methods in the History of Sexuality outlines some of the challenges of retracing sexual acts, identities, and desires in the past, and shows how historians have responded to these methodological challenges with ingenuity and creativity.The volume acknowledges that the history of sexuality poses particularly interesting challenges in relation to sources due the peculiar nature of sexuality. On one hand, sexuality is frequently hidden and private, its practices often unknown, denied, and evaded, its desires fleeting or obsessive, its reality confused or illuminated by fantasy; yet on the other, sexuality consistently breaks into the public sphere through moral panics, waves of persecution, taxonomizing projects, and medical/juridical interventions. With vivid case studies from renowned contributors, the chapters provide different theoretical approaches along with more practical examples of how to study the history of sexuality. The volume has a broad chronology from the ancient world to the present, an extensive geography covering not only Europe and the Americas but also Latin America and Africa, and also includes a variety of gender and sexual expressions. The book also privileges texts that offer an intersectional approach, asking how sex and sexualities were constructed alongside/against other categories of difference.With accessible writing, this volume encourages the reader to think creatively about how to find evidence of sex/sexuality in the past and will be of value to students as well as scholars interested in the history of sexuality.

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Bohn, Thomas M., Russian Historiography from 1880 to 1905: Pavel N. Miliukov and the Moscow School. (New Perspectives on Central and Eastern European Studies 6) 474 pp. 2024:6 (Berghahn, US) <723-1196>
ISBN 978-1-80539-548-5 hard ¥40,590.- (税込) US$ 180.00 *

In Russian historiography, the Moscow School's paradigm shift from political and legal history to social and economic history was markedly driven by Pavel Miliukov (1859-1943), the late leader of the Constitutional Democrats and foreign minister of the Provisional Government. Russian Historiography from 1880 to 1905 develops a narrative of historical sociology's advancement through the Moscow School under Miliukov's influence and provides a window into his decision making as a political figure who based his leadership not on public opinion but on the effectiveness of historical processes.

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Sielaff, Steven / Sloan, Stephen M. et al., Oral History at a Distance. (Practicing Oral History) 248 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <723-1198>
ISBN 978-1-032-07375-0 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-06872-5 paper ¥11,022.- (税込) GB£ 38.99 *

Oral History at a Distance is the first publication to explore both the ideas behind and application of oral history in remote projects.Since the COVID-19 pandemic, working from a distance is now an ongoing and necessary approach in the oral historian's toolkit. In this volume, the experienced team members of Baylor University's Institute for Oral History provide a road map for adapting traditional best practices and procedures to this new environment while maintaining the standards oral historians hold dear. The authors present chapters on the range of oral history practice-project design, ethical considerations, project management, interviewing, technology, and preservation. While this book is always concerned with how to do remote oral history well, it also examines the changed dynamics and new considerations of moving from face-to-face projects to distance work. In this, the authors are joined by an international host of practitioners who have had their own experiences with oral history at a distance and share their insights from their work through informative case studies.As the practice of oral history moves into a new era, this book is an essential resource for oral historians-whether they are just starting out or wanting to stay innovative in their endeavors.

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Schmid, Harald, Geschichte: Der allgemeine Zeitrahmen des menschlichen Existierens. 150 S. 2024:6 (Koenigshausen & Neumann, GW) <722-59>
ISBN 978-3-8260-8515-4 paper ¥5,623.- (税込) EUR 24.00

Das Thema Geschichte gehoert zu den Grundbedingungen der menschlichen Zeitlichkeit. Sie hat bei der Menschwerdung des Menschen eine entscheidende Rolle gespielt, nicht allein, was die Evolutionsgeschichte angeht, sondern gleichzeitig die Bewusstseinsgeschichte und die gesamte Wirklichkeitsgeschichte. Von einem Anfang und einem Ende der Geschichte kann ebenso wenig die Rede sein wie von einer Gesamtgeschichte, die im Wirklichen selbst ihre Ursache hat. Die Geschichte ist inzwischen im Wirklichen selbst aufgegangen und gibt alles wieder, was darin geschieht bzw. sich vollzieht. Umstritten ist, ob es dafuer bestimmte Regeln und Grundlagen gibt. Selbst der sogenannte Urknall ist wohl eher als Einzelgeschehen zu bewerten denn als Erklaerung fuer ein Gesamtwirkliches, das damit begonnen hat. Dasselbe koennte auf die universelle Gueltigkeit von Naturgesetzen zutreffen, die fuer alles gelten, was im Wirklichen geschieht. Sie folgen einer Hochkomplexitaet, die sich im Laufe der Wirklichkeitsgeschichte ausgebildet hat und in Form eines Universalspiels ablaufen, an dem saemtliche Wirklichkeiten beteiligt sind. Daraus ergibt sich ein Geschichtsuniversalismus, der allem zugrunde liegt, was wir als Realitaet wahrnehmen und die zugleich das sich darin vollziehende reale Dasein ausmacht.

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Wolfel, Brian, Thomas Carlyle and the Political Universe: From American Transcendentalism to an Elusive Post-Liberalism. 266 pp. 2024:6 (Lexington Books, US) <722-595>
ISBN 978-1-66695-423-4 hard ¥25,932.- (税込) US$ 115.00 *

Thomas Carlyle and the Political Universe: From American Transcendentalism to an Elusive Post-Liberalism recognizes and reckons with Thomas Carlyle's broad and deep influence on politics, on a global scale. Having influenced and inspired iconic and impactful political thinkers and actors such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, John Stuart Mill, Charles Dickens, Karl Marx, and Martin Luther King Jr., among so many others, Carlyle is a captivating persona in modern political history. In this way, if there is one person who could be said to be the central figure of what may be called the "political universe," all that the term politics comprises, Brian Wolfel argues that it is Thomas Carlyle. As the point of nexus of so many political figures embodying such a diversity of political persuasions, Carlyle is also a significant philosopher in Plato's lineage whose ideas can be further constructed and developed in the context of the work of prominent 20th-century political thinkers such as John Rawls, Alasdair MacIntyre, Jacques Ellul, and Sayyid Qutb. Carlyle's conceptualization of transcendentalism in Sartor Resartus was a foundation for Emerson, Thoreau, and American Transcendentalism. In the midst of ideological battle in the 20th and 21st centuries, among such ideologies as liberalism, communism, fascism, and Islamism, Carlyle's transcendentalism largely went unnoticed as a potential ideological competitor. Carlyle's transcendentalism can be developed and constructed in the contexts of modern political theory and religion, and can be defended and promoted as a potential post-liberalism, a refinement of and evolution from liberal democracy and capitalism.

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J.オースタハメル他編 グローバルヒストリー再考
Gaenger, Stefanie / Osterhammel, Juergen (eds.), Rethinking Global History. 2024:11 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <722-1297>
ISBN 978-1-009-44404-0 hard ¥22,616.- (税込) GB£ 80.00 *
ISBN 978-1-009-44402-6 paper ¥7,346.- (税込) GB£ 25.99 *

Despite three decades of rapid expansion and public success, global history's theoretical and methodological foundations remain under-conceptualised, even to those using them. In this collection of essays, leading historians provide a reassessment of global history's most common analytical instruments, metaphors and conceptual foundations. Rethinking Global History prompts historians to pause and think about the methodology and premises underpinning their work. The volume reflects on the structure and direction of history, its relation to our present and the ways in which historians should best explain, contextualise and represent events and circumstances in the past. In chapters on fundamental concepts such as scale, comparison, temporality and teleology, this collection will guide readers to assess the extant literature critically and write theoretically informed global histories. Taken together, these essays provide a unique and much-needed assessment of the implications of history going global. This title is also available as open access on Cambridge Core.

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今日において地方史を記述する 第2版
Mason, Thomas A. / Calder, J. Kent, Writing Local History Today: A Guide to Researching, Publishing, and Marketing Your Book. 2nd ed. (American Association for State and Local History) 220 pp. 2024:7 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <722-1298>
ISBN 978-1-5381-8261-1 hard ¥19,167.- (税込) US$ 85.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5381-8262-8 paper ¥8,569.- (税込) US$ 38.00 *

Writing Local History Today guides local historians through the process of researching, writing, and publishing their work. Thomas A. Mason and J. Kent Calder present step-by-step advice to guide aspiring authors to a successful publication and focus not only on how to write well but also how to market and sell their work. Highlights include:Discussion of how to identify an audience for your writing projectTips for effective research and planningSample documents, such as contracts and requests for proposalsTips and guidance for working with publishersDiscussion of how to use social media to leverage your publicationDiscussion of the benefits and drawbacks to self-publishingThe second edition updates literature, databases, and websites in the fieldThis guide is useful for first-time authors who need help with this sometimes-daunting process, or for previously published historians who need a quick reference or timely tips.

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T.ファロラ著 アフリカのディアスポラ史を書き記す
Falola, Toyin, Writing the History of the African Diaspora. (Elements in Historical Theory and Practice) 75 pp. 2024:6 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <721-759>
ISBN 978-1-009-47568-6 hard ¥14,131.- (税込) GB£ 49.99 *
ISBN 978-1-009-44211-4 paper ¥4,805.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

This Element is an analysis of the African Diaspora. It will define the African Diaspora and how the concepts behind the term came to be socially and historically engineered. The African diaspora is then placed into a broader historical context where the diverse, global, and overlapping histories of Africa's ancient-ongoing diasporas will be explored. In particular, themes of injustice, agency, resistance, and diversity (regarding people, diasporas, and experiences) will feature heavily. Through this exploration, this Element will interrogate dominating narratives regarding African diaspora-related discourse, seeking to address prevailing ideas that inadequately capture the true complexity and nuance of the subject. It does so to construct a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter while lining out a more holistic approach to thinking about the very nature of 'diaspora.' Finally, this Element will analyze the present circumstances of the African diaspora, bringing into conversation a progressively global and connected world.

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Mudrovcic, Maria Ines, Conceptualizing the History of the Present Time. (Elements in Historical Theory and Practice) 75 pp. 2024:6 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <721-1106>
ISBN 978-1-009-51783-6 hard ¥14,131.- (税込) GB£ 49.99 *
ISBN 978-1-009-04855-2 paper ¥4,805.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

In this work, I explore four meanings of 'contemporary,' emphasizing its designation as a historical field. I argue that disagreements about when the presento or the contemporary era begins stem from historians assuming a linear, chronological, and absolute conception of time. Following scholars like L. Descombes, L. Hoelscher, B. Latour, D. J. Wilcox and S. Tanaka, I propose conceiving relational historical time without chronology, emphasizing the original sense of "sharing the same time" that 'contemporary' acquired for the first time. This perspective mitigates issues concerning the 'beginnings' or 'meaning' of the present. Emphasizing relationships within a relational time framework aids in overcoming ontological challenges like 'so many presents' or 'distance in time,' along with the corresponding epistemological issue of 'objectivity.' This exploration aims to reevaluate and enrich our understanding of the multifaceted concept of the 'present' in the context of history.

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Hostettler, Marco / Buhlke, A. / Drummer, C. et al. (eds.), The 3 Dimensions of Digitalised Archaeology: State-of-the-Art, Data Management and Current Challenges in Archaeological 3D-Documentation. 225 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-847>
ISBN 978-3-031-53031-9 hard ¥11,711.- (税込) EUR 49.99

This open access book aims to provide an overview of state-of-the-art approaches to 3D documentation from a practical perspective and formulate the most important areas for future developments. Bringing together a wide range of case studies, examples of best practice approaches, workflows, and first attempts to establish sustainable solutions to pressing problems, this book offers readers current practical advice on how to approach 3D archaeology and cultural heritage.Divided into five parts, this book begins with an overview of 3D archaeology in its present state. It goes on to give insights into the development of the technology and recent cutting-edge applications. The next section identifies current challenges in 3D archaeology and then presents approaches and solutions for data management of a large number of 3D objects and ways to ensure sustainable solutions for the archiving of the produced data. This book will be of interest to researchers working in the fields of archaeology, heritage management, and digital humanities in general.

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Moskalewicz, Marcin, Hannah Arendt's Ambiguous Storytelling: Temporality, Judgment, and the Philosophy of History. 272 pp. 2024:5 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <719-64>
ISBN 978-1-350-29587-2 hard ¥24,029.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

Through an original interpretation of Hannah Arendt's historiography, Marcin Moskalewicz reveals an under-acknowledged philosophy of history in her vast and variegated oeuvre, including the historical magnum opus, The Origins of Totalitarianism. Hannah Arendt's Ambiguous Storytelling argues that the key to understanding the fragmentary thought of Arendt is through the speculative and critical dimensions of the philosophy of history. It unravels the essential aporia of Arendt's thinking - the discrepancy between political and historical meaning of events - and proposes its overcoming through aesthetic historical judgment. Reading her approach as "fragmented historiography", the project she was committed to reveals itself as the only credible methodological response to totalitarianism and scientific approach to history, which both function as a retrospective prophecy, erroneously presenting the past as a forecast of the future. A novel contribution to Arendt scholarship, this book will appeal to philosophers of history, political scientists and theorists alike.

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U.フレーフェルト著 感情史を書き記す
Frevert, Ute, Writing the History of Emotions: Concepts and Practices, Economies and Politics. (Writing History) 344 pp. 2024:3 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <719-1401>
ISBN 978-1-350-34588-1 hard ¥21,202.- (税込) GB£ 75.00 *
ISBN 978-1-350-34587-4 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) GB£ 24.99 *

Emotions make history, and they have a history. They influence historical events such as revolutions, riots and protest movements. At the same time, they are shaped by historical experiences tied to family upbringing, educational and cultural institutions, work and the home. Writing the History of Emotions shows how emotions like love, trust, honour, pride, shame, empathy and greed have impacted historical change since the 18th century and were themselves dependent on social, political and economic environments. Importantly, this book provides a timely exploration of racialized, gendered, class-based notions of emotions. This exciting addition to Bloomsbury's successful Writing History series analyses how emotions matter in and to history, and how they are themselves objects of history. Here, leading scholar Ute Frevert eschews a traditional chronological history of emotions in favour of an innovative collection which transgresses time periods to illustrate the different emotional meanings one particular material object has had throughout history. This book sheds light on how emotions have been used, instrumentalised and manipulated both to propel and suspend democratic politics. In doing so, it opens a rich new avenue of research for the history of emotions.

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