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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



A.スミス生誕300周年-経済理論の発展研究 第42巻
Klump, Rainer (Hrsg.), Adam Smith @ 300: Studien zur Entwicklung der oekonomischen Theorie XLII. (Schriften des Vereins fuer Socialpolitik NF 115/XLII) 331 S. 2024:7 (Duncker, GW) <732-14>
ISBN 978-3-428-19257-1 paper ¥22,966.- (税込) EUR 99.90 *

≫Adam Smith @ 300≪: This volume provides a detailed overview of the current state of economic and non-economic research on Adam Smith. It takes a closer look at the economic and social conditions in Scotland at the time of Smith as well as at the influence of classical philosophy on his thinking. Smith's work is contrasted with other important scientific research programs, such as those of Hume, Fichte, Hegel, Thuenen, Marx and Schumpeter.

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S.P.ラメ他著 イングランド、スコットランド、アメリカの啓蒙思想の主要思想家-ロックからマディソンまで-
Ramet, Sabrina P. / Knutsen, Torbjorn L., Key Thinkers of the English, Scottish and American Enlightenments: From Locke to Madison. 143 pp. 2024:8 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <732-15>
ISBN 978-3-031-62453-7 hard ¥9,192.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This book summarizes and explains the way in which political thinkers in England, Scotland, and North America reshaped Western thinking about government and citizens. Although the ideas of the Anglo-American Enlightenment can be traced back, in embryo, to the Italian Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation, it was responses to wars - the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) and the English Civil War (1642-1651) which were fought above all over religion - that defined it. Algernon Sidney demanded an end to royal absolutism. John Locke called for a government based on religious toleration. Benedictus de Spinoza, Samuel von Pufendorf and others elaborated on the ideas that society was composed of sovereign individuals endowed with reason and rights. Building on the works of these thinkers, Scottish philosophers including David Hume and Adam Smith, and American revolutionaries including Thomas Jefferson and James Madison advanced arguments defending human reason, individual freedom, including religious freedom, and democracy.

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P.-F.Moreau記念論集 第1巻
Antoine-Mahut, Delphine / Charrak, Andre et al. (dir.), La raison au travail. Tome 1: Pour une histoire rationnelle des idees: melanges offerts a Pierre-Francois Moreau. 662 p. 2024:7 (ENS Editions, FR) <732-13>
ISBN 979-10-362-0762-4 paper ¥8,736.- (税込) EUR 38.00



J.G.バックハウス他編 A.スミスの300年間-欧州諸国における需要と影響
Backhaus, Juergen G. / Chaloupek, Guenther et al. (eds.), 300 Years of Adam Smith: Reception and Influence in Selected European Countries. (The European Heritage in Economics and the Social Sciences 27) 200 pp. 2024:7 (Springer, GW) <730-15>
ISBN 978-3-031-63260-0 hard ¥39,079.- (税込) EUR 169.99

To mark the 300th anniversary of Adam Smith's birth, the 37th Heilbronn Symposium on Economics and the Social Sciences was dedicated to his outstanding oeuvre, but above all to his most famous work, "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" (1776), which is regarded as a keystone of modern economics. The influence of Smith's doctrine has made a lasting contribution to the development of a modern understanding of society and the economy and, in particular, the functioning of markets. This is not least because of the breadth of his approach, with overlaps between political economy, social philosophy and ethics. The planned volume builds on the current state of Smith research and also provides new insights into the dissemination of Smith's ideas in German-speaking countries, but also in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe.

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Milevsky, Moshe A., The Religious Roots of Longevity Risk Sharing: The Genesis of Annuity Funds in the Scottish Enlightenment and the Path to Modern Pension Management. 265 pp. 2024:7 (Springer, GW) <730-16>
ISBN 978-3-031-62402-5 hard ¥29,883.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book presents a unique historical study on the origins of longevity risk management and its links to religious institutions in the eighteenth century. Throughout history, monarchs, affluent patrons, and wealthy benefactors routinely pledged to provide their devotees with pensions or life annuities, mirroring the biblical concept of 'daily bread for life'. Until the eighteenth century, however, the uncertainty around the longevity of beneficiaries' lives and the difficulty of budgeting for random financial obligations had posed economic challenges that often led to insufficient funding and high default rates. This book narrates the genesis of longevity risk pooling and the first successfully funded annuity scheme in history, an eventual prototype for national pension plans around the world. It examines how a group of Protestant clergymen, scientists, and intellectuals associated with the Presbyterian Church of Scotland pioneered innovative methods for setting up a reversionary annuity and widow's pension plan, guided by actuarial principles. Unknown to many, the economist Adam Smith, and other literati of the Scottish Enlightenment, invested in this novel annuity. Illuminating the social and theological contexts of this scheme, the book argues that religious belief played a critical role in the development of best practices around the prudent management of longevity risk. The practices, values and beliefs in divine probabilities were at the heart of these thought leaders' confidence in long-term financial projections. Shedding light on this fascinating aspect of actuarial history by an examination of the archival records, while also linking to contextual discussions of modern pension challenges, this book will be of interest to scholars and readers interested in finance, insurance, pensions, and religion.

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Mvibudulu Mbanza, Jordan, De la volonte generale de Jean-Jacques Rousseau vers une morale politique: l'apologie de l'interet general pour une Afrique emancipee. (Ouverture philosophique. Debats) 197 p. 2024:6 (L'Harmattan, FR) <729-19>
ISBN 978-2-336-45958-5 paper ¥5,057.- (税込) EUR 22.00



Olsthoorn, Johan, Hobbes on Justice. 328 pp. 2024:11 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <729-20>
ISBN 978-0-19-886798-2 hard ¥27,720.- (税込) GB£ 100.00



Stapleford, Scott / Wagner, Verena (eds.), Hume and Contemporary Epistemology. (Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Philosophy) 304 pp. 2024:10 (Routledge, UK) <729-21>
ISBN 978-1-03-249502-6 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00

This is the first edited collection dedicated to demonstrating Hume's relevance to contemporary debates in epistemology. It features original essays by Hume scholars and epistemologists that address a wide range of important questions, including:What does a Humean conception of knowledge look like?How do Hume's understanding of belief and suspension of judgement bear on current debates about doxastic attitudes?Is there a Humean way of uniting reasons in the epistemic and practical domains?What is the proper role of reason at the foundations of ethics and epistemology from a Humean point of view?What contribution might an examination of Humean scepticism make to understanding of current sceptical hypotheses?Is Hume a hinge epistemologist?Does naturalized epistemology trace back to Hume?Does Hume have an ethics of belief?What can Hume contribute to virtue and vice epistemology?Some chapters try to bring historically accurate interpretations of Hume's ideas into contact with current issues while others will take ideas merely suggested by Hume and demonstrate their philosophical usefulness. Together, they demonstrate Hume's enduring relevance for debates about knowledge, belief, inquiry and suspension, reasons, modal knowledge, scepticism, hinge epistemology, naturalized epistemology, the ethics of belief and moral epistemology, virtue and vice epistemology, and the epistemology of testimony.Hume and Contemporary Epistemology will be of interest to scholars and advanced students working on Hume, epistemology, and history of philosophy.

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Weber, Henri, Histoire des idees et des combats d'idees aux XIVe et XVe siecles, de Ramon Lull a Thomas More. (Etudes et essais sur la Renaissance) 952 p. 2024:6 (Classiques Garnier, FR) <729-22>
ISBN 978-2-8124-5531-5 hard ¥33,335.- (税込) EUR 145.00
ISBN 978-2-406-17360-1 paper ¥22,070.- (税込) EUR 96.00



アダム・スミス評論 第14巻
Forman, Fonna (ed.), The Adam Smith Review: Volume 14. 406 pp. 2024:10 (Routledge, UK) <729-16>
ISBN 978-1-03-288572-8 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00

Adam Smith's contribution to economics is well recognised, yet scholars have recently been exploring anew the multidisciplinary nature of his works.The Adam Smith Review is a rigorously refereed annual review that provides a unique forum for interdisciplinary debate on all aspects of Adam Smith's works, his place in history and the significance of his writings to the modern world.It is aimed at facilitating debate among scholars working across the humanities and social sciences, thus emulating the reach of the Enlightenment world which Smith helped to shape.

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Lorrain, Ludmilla, La representation contre la democratie: de Thomas Hobbes a John Stuart Mill. (Les anciens et les modernes, etudes de philosophie) 552 p. 2024:6 (Classiques Garnier, FR) <729-17>
ISBN 978-2-406-16848-5 hard ¥21,150.- (税込) EUR 92.00
ISBN 978-2-406-16847-8 paper ¥9,885.- (税込) EUR 43.00



Maiwald, Florian, Ein sozialistischer Liberaler oder ein liberaler Sozialist?: Der Wert der Individualitaet als Transzendierung politischer Kategorien in der Philosophie John Stuart Mills. 450 S. 2024:6 (Nomos, GW) <729-18>
ISBN 978-3-7560-1645-7 paper ¥22,760.- (税込) EUR 99.00 *

Der Sozialismus wird oftmals als eine kollektivistische Weltanschauung beschrieben, waehrend der Liberalismus als dessen Gegensatz dargestellt wird, da dieser das Gedeihen des Individuums in den Vordergrund rueckt. Anhand von John Stuart Mills Denken ? welcher als einer der wohl klassischsten Vertreter des Liberalismus gilt ? versucht Florian Maiwald nachzuweisen, dass jener Widerspruch, welche den beiden politischen Weltanschauungen haeufig unterstellt wird, einer berechtigten Infragestellung unterzogen werden sollte. Letzten Endes liegen dem Werk jedoch weitaus tiefergreifende Fragestellungen zugrunde: Was bedeutet Freiheit? Und welche Bedingungen muessen erfuellt sein, damit der Mensch wirklich frei ist?

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Baumann, Stephanie / Maillet, Marie-Ange (Hrsg.), Aufklaerung - Hegel - Vormaerz: Reisen in die Ideengeschichte. Ein Festschrift fuer Norbert Waszek. 440 S. 2024:6 (K. Alber, GW) <729-15>
ISBN 978-3-495-99384-2 hard ¥22,760.- (税込) EUR 99.00

Dieser Band bietet eine faszinierende Reise durch verschiedene Regionen der Ideengeschichte, die vom 18. bis ins 20. Jahrhundert hinein reicht und versammelt dazu internationale Beitraege in englischer, franzoesischer und deutscher Sprache. Mit 21 Artikeln, die sich von der (deutschen und schottischen) Aufklaerung ueber G. W. F. Hegel und Heinrich Heine bis hin zu bedeutenden Texten des spaeten 19. und des 20. Jahrhunderts erstrecken, wuerdigt er das Wirken von Norbert Waszek, der von 2003-2022 Professor fuer Ideengeschichte an der Universitaet Paris 8-Vincennes-Saint-Denis war. Waszeks Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt zwar in der Hegel-Forschung, sein Interesse gilt jedoch stets auch den historischen Rahmenbedingungen der Philosophie. Mit Beitraegen von Olivier Agard Stephanie Baumann Myriam Bienenstock Reinhardt Blaenkner Nina Bodenheimer Thomas Bremer Stefanie Buchenau R. Robert Calder Gregory Claeys Andre Cressoni Wolfgang Fink Bernd Fuellner Karin Fuellner Richard Gunn Stephen Houlgate Francoise Knopper Marie-Ange Maillet Douglas Moggach Ursula Reitemeyer Jacques Le Rider Mark Roseman Helmut Schneider

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Jerphagnon, Lucien, Histoire de la pensee: d'Homere a Jeanne d'Arc. (Texto) 601 p. 2024:5 (Tallandier, FR) <728-27>
ISBN 979-10-210-6243-6 paper ¥3,103.- (税込) EUR 13.50



Mangold, Matthias, Towards a Reformed Enlightenment: Salomon van Til (1643-1713) and the Cartesio-Cocceian Debates in the Early Modern Dutch Republic. (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 352) 548 pp. 2024:5 (Brill, NE) <726-27>
ISBN 978-90-04-69724-9 hard ¥29,657.- (税込) EUR 129.00

In Towards a Reformed Enlightenment: Salomon van Til (1643-1713) and the Cartesio-Cocceian Debates in the Early Modern Dutch Republic, Matthias Mangold offers the first in-depth investigation into the theological and philosophical convictions of an influential, yet hitherto much neglected, Dutch theologian working around the turn of the eighteenth century. With its strong contextual approach, this analysis of Van Til's thought sheds new light on various intellectual dynamics at the time, most notably the long-standing conflict between the Voetian and Cocceian factions within the Dutch Reformed Church and the reception of Cartesian philosophy in the face of emerging Radical Enlightenment ideas.

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Waddell, Nathan (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of George Orwell. (Oxford Handbooks) 864 pp. 2025:1 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <726-28>
ISBN 978-0-19-886069-3 hard ¥44,629.- (税込) GB£ 161.00

The Oxford Handbook of George Orwell offers a wide-ranging reconsideration of Orwell's life and work, focusing on the extensive connections between his novels, essays, diaries, columns, letters, and reviews. Accessible to general readers and to established scholars alike, forty-eight chapters written by an international team of Orwell specialists address familiar topics-such as Orwell's journalism, broadcasting, literary criticism, and politics-as well as less well-trodden areas of his output, such as his accounts of stupidity, kindness, and justice, and his connections with contemporaries like Jack Common, Katharine Burdekin, Wyndham Lewis, and Victor Serge. Sections on Orwell's professional activities, his main literary influences, his politics, his intellectual fixations, his literary contemporaries, and his legacies structure the book, which moves thematically and topically through the full scope of his output. The first section looks at how Orwell spent his time as a writer, reader, and broadcaster. Chapters on writers from Shakespeare to the modernists investigate the determinants of Orwell's literary practice. The book then turns to a set of political contexts in which Orwell's writing can be understood. The 'Fixations' section covers the familiar, such as Orwell's account of Englishness, and the unfamiliar, such as his account of the absurd. The fifth section relates Orwell to several politically minded contemporaries, tracing connections and differences between their writing. The final section of the Handbook reflects on how Orwell sounds through several literary and socio-political legacies, and includes innovative considerations of feminism, Afrofuturism, and queer speculative fiction.

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Callanan, John J., Man-Devil: The Mind and Times of Bernard Mandeville, the Wickedest Man in Europe. 312 pp. 2024:10 (Princeton U. Pr., US) <725-18>
ISBN 978-0-691-16544-8 hard ¥7,238.- (税込) US$ 35.00

A lively and provocative account of Bernard Mandeville and the work that scandalised and appalled his contemporaries-and made him one of the most influential thinkers of the eighteenth centuryIn 1714, doctor, philosopher and writer Bernard Mandeville published The Fable of the Bees, a humourous tale in which a prosperous hive full of greedy and licentious bees trade their vices for virtues and immediately fall into economic and societal collapse. Outrage among the reading public followed; philosophers took up their pens to refute what they saw as the fable's central assertion. How could it be that an immoral community thrived but the introduction of morality caused it to crash and burn? In Man-Devil, John Callanan examines Mandeville and his famous fable, showing how its contentious claim-that vice was essential to the economic flourishing of any society-formed part of Mandeville's overall theory of human nature. Mandeville, Callanan argues, was perfectly suited to analyse and satirise the emerging phenomenon of modern society-and reveal the gap between its self-image and its reality.Callanan shows that Mandeville's thinking was informed by his medical training and his innovative approach to the treatment of illness with both physiological and psychological components. Through incisive and controversial analyses of sexual mores, gender inequality, economic structures and political ideology, Mandeville sought to provide a naturalistic account of human behaviour-one that put humans in close continuity with animals. Aware that his fellow human beings might find this offensive, he cloaked his theories in fables, poems, anecdotes and humourous stories. Mandeville mastered irony precisely for the purpose of making us aware of uncomfortable aspects of our deepest natures-aspects that we still struggle to acknowledge today.

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B.バコフェン著 ルソーの哲学
Bachofen, Blaise, La philosophie de Rousseau: reperes. (Reperes philosophiques) 213 p. 2024:3 (Vrin, FR) <724-9>
ISBN 978-2-7116-3166-7 paper ¥2,988.- (税込) EUR 13.00



Gerlings, Jonas / Nokkala, Ere (eds.), The Process of Enlightenment: Essays by and inspired by Hans Erich Boedeker. (Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment 2024:07) 336 pp. 2024 (Voltaire Foundation, UK) <724-11>
ISBN 978-1-80207-186-3 paper ¥20,790.- (税込) GB£ 75.00 *

The historiographical concept "Enlightenment" has for a long time wavered between the idea of a single unified Enlightenment and the notion of multiple competing enlightenments. This volume revisits this seeming contradiction by asserting that the Enlightenment should be understood as a shared process of communication, seeking ways to accommodate and mediate rival ideologies and orient enlightenment projects towards the betterment of humankind. Taking the work of the eminent Enlightenment scholar Hans Erich Boedeker as their point of departure, the different chapters seek to explore this perspective through specific case studies of political communication. Readers are offered a selection of Boedeker's texts never previously translated into English, along with a series of contributions from his former colleagues, students, and collaborators. In doing so the book displays the broad scope of Boedeker's own work, as well as the multiplicity of themes captured within the framework of the Enlightenment. Genres, modes, and strategies of communication are contrasted with the institutions and cultural practices underpinning them. In exploring the depth and scope of Boedeker's work, the volume pays tribute to a German tradition rooted in historical semantics, while at the same time querying its present state and its future.

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Grosse, Annelie, Religion, Science and Moral Philosophy in the Huguenot Enlightenment: Jean Henri Samuel Formey and the Berlin Academy. (Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment 2024:2) 352 pp. 2024:2 (Voltaire Foundation, UK) <724-12>
ISBN 978-1-83764-403-2 paper ¥20,790.- (税込) GB£ 75.00 *

Religion, Science and Moral Philosophy in the Huguenot Enlightenment makes two significant contributions to existing scholarship on the Enlightenment. Firstly, as an author, journalist, translator, and inexhaustible letter writer, the Huguenot pastor and secretary of the Berlin Academy of Science, Samuel Formey, was involved in most of the philosophical debates in the European Republic of Letters during the second half of the eighteenth century. This is the first monograph dedicated solely to Formey's multifaceted work. Secondly, the book recasts the concept of Religious Enlightenment by considering Formey as a pastor-philosopher whose concept of philosophy included revealed religion instead of perpetuating the image of him as an 'enemy of Enlightenment' who opposed the philosophy of his time by referring to religion. More precisely, the book explores the notion of the compatibility between reason and faith in Formey's thought on the existence of God, the freedom of will, divine providence and other questions relating to religion and metaphysics. It shows how Formey altered his portrayal of the relation between reason and faith depending on the genre and immediate context of his writings. The broader contextualisation of Formey's arguments in German rationalist philosophy and Calvinist theology unveils not only the overlaps between Wolffianism and eighteenth-century Calvinism but also gives an impression of the diversity of the thought of Huguenot pastors and philosophers during the Enlightenment.

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Hartl, Peter, Hume's Minimal Theism and the Supervised Christian Church: A Philosophical and Historical Analysis of the Idea of True Religion. 184 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-13>
ISBN 978-3-031-54944-1 hard ¥25,285.- (税込) EUR 109.99

In this book, Peter Hartl offers a novel and comprehensive interpretation of David Hume's philosophy of religion focusing on various notions of 'true religion' in Hume's overall philosophy and how these ideas relate to various early modern positions on religion, society and philosophy. The account consists of both critical and positive parts of Hume's overall, nuanced position on theoretical, social and political aspects of religion and the philosophical criticism of religion. Hartl criticises the atheist and completely negative readings of Hume's philosophy of religion. Instead of presenting Hume's position as either a radical secularist or closet atheist, Hartl's interpretation builds on the underdeveloped, positive and constructive parts of Hume's account of (true) religion. For Hume, on the one hand, true religion is compatible with or even vindicates minimal theism, and it forms part of philosophy exemplifying intellectual virtues. On the other hand, Hume has a pragmatic stance on the role of religion in society, according to which the government should control religious institutions to reduce the power of church authorities but to retain some positive social effects of religion.

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Loveland, Jeff / Schmitt, Stephane (eds.), Specialized Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, 1650-1800: A Tribute to Frank Kafker. (Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment 2024:03) 488 pp. 2024:3 (Voltaire Foundation, UK) <724-14>
ISBN 978-1-83764-146-8 paper ¥20,790.- (税込) GB£ 75.00 *

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the number of specialized dictionaries and encyclopedias grew from a trickle to a flood, while the number of disciplines they were devoted to grew from a handful to dozens, representing many varieties of knowledge. Specialized dictionaries - as most were called, whether lexical or encyclopedic - were far more numerous than general encyclopedias. Yet despite their importance - as sources of knowledge, for example, and as definers of disciplines - they have not been much studied. Drawing on Frank Kafker's methods for studying the period's general encyclopedias, as pioneered in Notable Encyclopedias of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (1981), this volume examines specialized dictionaries as commercial products, collections of content, and cultural artifacts. Specifically, it complements a wide-ranging, analytical introduction sketching out the characteristics of specialized dictionaries in general with a series of individually authored but standardized case studies. The latter deal with dictionaries on a variety of disciplines, from the Bible to mining, and in five European languages. The volume concludes with an essay on Frank Kafker's influence on historiography.

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Penigaud de Mourgues, Theophile, Les deliberations du peuple: contexte et concepts de la philosophie politique de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. (Politiques) 467 p. 2024:3 (Classiques Garnier, FR) <724-15>
ISBN 978-2-406-16529-3 hard ¥21,150.- (税込) EUR 92.00
ISBN 978-2-406-16528-6 paper ¥8,966.- (税込) EUR 39.00



D.ランシマン著 思想史
Runciman, David, The History of Ideas: Equality, Justice and Revolution. 320 pp. 2024:7 (Profile Books, UK) <724-16>
ISBN 978-1-80081-590-2 hard ¥6,098.- (税込) GB£ 22.00 *

A splendid book: economical, invigorating and surprising' The Times 'He has that gift, both as a podcaster and as a writer, to illuminate abstruse and abstract ideas with human charm' Observer In this bold new follow-up to Confronting Leviathan, David Runciman unmasks modern politics and reveals the great men and women of ideas behind it. What can Samuel Butler's ideas teach us about the oddity of how we choose to organise our societies? How did Frederick Douglass not only expose the horrors of slavery, but champion a new approach to abolishing it? Why should we tolerate snobbery, betrayal and hypocrisy, as Judith Shklar suggested? And what does Friedrich Nietzsche predict for our future? From Rousseau to Rawls, fascism to feminism and pleasure to anarchy, this is a mind-bending tour through the history of ideas which will forever change your view of politics today.

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Bonfiglioli, Riccardo, Human Nature, Mind and the Self in Adam Smith's Moral Philosophy: What Does it Mean to Be Human? 224 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-10>
ISBN 978-3-031-56778-0 hard ¥27,584.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book investigates the problematisation in Adam Smith's moral philosophy of a classical question: what makes us human beings from a moral standpoint? To do this, Riccardo Bonfiglioli explores the relationship between the concepts of 'human nature', 'mind' and 'the self' in order to reconstruct Smith's theory of subjectivity. After providing a systematic reconstruction of Adam Smith's conceptions of 'human nature' , 'mind' and 'the self' - exploring some aspects of Smith's philosophy (nature, philosophy of history, sympathy and imagination) and their empirical expressions (education, conduct and character) - Bonfiglioli argues that, in Adam Smith's work, the meaning of 'moral human beings' would depend on the human being's effort to live in harmony with oneself and the others. According to Bonfiglioli, in Smith's moral theory, this 'harmony with oneself and the others' would be achieved in relation to a certain kind of awareness that can be possible when human beings try to judge the conduct and try to act according to the impartial spectator. Specifically, this impartial spectator is reinterpreted by the author in the light of the concept of immediacy.

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Henning, Christoph, Theories of Alienation: From Rousseau to the Present. (Marx and Marxisms) 184 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-14>
ISBN 978-1-03-276131-2 hard ¥36,036.- (税込) GB£ 130.00 *

Theories of alienation had a long history, burgeoned since the 1960s, yet almost disappeared in recent decades - but in his book, Christoph Henning brings these theories back on the agenda, to better account for contemporary social pathologies. Feelings of estrangement, of not feeling at home in the world, in one's own body or surroundings, are widespread in contemporary societies. They go hand in hand with loneliness, with a burnout, with depression or with anger and hatred. But where do they come from, what do they signify?Henning tracks theories of alienation from three different traditions: first, a conservative approach from Rousseau to Hartmut Rosa explains alienation with change and is based on nostalgia; second, a liberal approach from Simmel to Rahel Jaeggi relies on individual autonomy and explains it as a loss of control; and third, an Aristotelian approach from Humboldt to Marx or British idealism, based on theories of flourishing, relies on a perfectionist anthropology and critical social theory. In doing so, Henning vividly reconstructs these traditions with contemporary examples and excursions into the movies. Theories of Alienation: From Rousseau to the Present shines important new light on this important field of contemporary social philosophy and is very approachable to the general reader.

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Skjoensberg, Max / Waldmann, Felix (eds.), Hume's Essays: A Critical Guide. (Cambridge Critical Guides) 302 pp. 2024:10 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <723-15>
ISBN 978-1-316-51772-7 hard ¥24,948.- (税込) GB£ 90.00

David Hume's Essays, which were written and published at various junctures between 1741 and his death in 1776, offer his most accessible and often most profound statements on a range of subjects including politics, philosophy, aesthetics, and political economy. In Hume's lifetime, the readable and wide-ranging Essays acquired considerable fame throughout Europe and North America, influencing the writings of such diverse figures as James Madison and William Paley, yet they have not been given the same scholarly attention as his more famous philosophical works. This Critical Guide provides a series of in-depth studies of the Essays, as well as an account of the state of scholarship on the work. Thirteen chapters examine the Essays from historical, political and philosophical perspectives, with the aim of restoring the work to its rightful place among Hume's works and in intellectual history more broadly.

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Urabayen, Julia / Leon Casero, Jorge (eds.), Post-Apocalyptic Cultures: New Political Imaginaries After the Collapse of Modernity. (Palgrave Studies in Utopianism) 288 pp. 2024:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <722-15>
ISBN 978-3-031-50509-6 hard ¥29,883.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book advocates for the necessity of recovering the value of utopias as political projects that open new channels of action. The criticism of modern political utopias is based on the supposed impossibility of creating for the future because there is no longer a future (apocalyptic ideology). However, this edited collection seeks to show that the post-apocalyptic world in which we live entails a renewed freedom of design for the radical reorganization of institutions. Post-apocalyptic cultures are not obligated to follow the capitalist, anthropocentric, correlationist and sovereign modes of the old political project of emancipation-the Western enlightenment-that has started to collapse. With this in mind, this book is divided into four sections dedicated to the main themes from which to rethink the projects of political emancipation that are possible nowadays: technopolitics; posthumanist biopolitics; non-western politicsl and the crossover between arts and politics.

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Chaptal, Mathieu, D'une revolution a l'autre: Etienne Claviere, 1735-1793. (Histoire du droit et des institutions) 1067 p. 2024:2 (Mare & Martin, FR) <721-15>
ISBN 978-2-84934-814-7 paper ¥17,932.- (税込) EUR 78.00



Jaffro, Laurent, Le miroir de la sympathie: Adam Smith et le sentimentalisme. (Problemes de la raison) 287 p. 2024:2 (Vrin, FR) <721-16>
ISBN 978-2-7116-3161-2 paper ¥2,988.- (税込) EUR 13.00



Ludwig, Ralph / Ueckmann, Natascha / Febel, Gisela (dir.), Les Lumieres dans les Caraibes francaises et la circulation transatlantique des idees. (Rencontres. Serie Le dix-huitieme siecle) 403 p. 2024:2 (Classiques Garnier, FR) <721-17>
ISBN 978-2-406-15837-0 hard ¥19,541.- (税込) EUR 85.00
ISBN 978-2-406-15834-9 paper ¥8,276.- (税込) EUR 36.00



Markovits Pessel, Francine, Le congres des religions: commentaire philosophique du Banquet des sept sages de Jean Bodin. (Philosophie) 180 p. 2024:2 (Hermann, FR) <721-18>
ISBN 979-10-370-3355-0 paper ¥5,747.- (税込) EUR 25.00



Zubia, Aaron Alexander, The Political Thought of David Hume: The Origins of Liberalism and the Modern Political Imagination. 386 pp. 2024:2 (U. Notre Dame Pr., US) <721-19>
ISBN 978-0-268-20780-9 hard ¥14,476.- (税込) US$ 70.00 *

Aaron Alexander Zubia argues that the Epicurean roots of David Hume's philosophy gave rise to liberalism's unrelenting grip on the modern political imagination. Eighteenth-century Scottish philosopher David Hume has had an outsized impact on the political thinkers who came after him, from the nineteenth-century British Utilitarians to modern American social contract theorists. In this thorough and thoughtful new work, Aaron Alexander Zubia examines the forces that shaped Hume's thinking within the broad context of intellectual history, with particular focus on the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus and the skeptical tradition. Zubia argues that through Hume's influence, Epicureanism-which elevates utility over moral truth-became the foundation of liberal political philosophy, which continues to dominate and limit political discourse today.

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Anderson, Abraham, The Skeptical Roots of Critique: Hume's Attack on Theology and the Origin of Kant's Antinomy. 304 pp. 2024:8 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <720-9>
ISBN 978-0-19-768400-9 hard ¥24,816.- (税込) US$ 120.00

"It was the objection of David Hume," Kant says, "that first interrupted my dogmatic slumber;" "it was the fourfold Antinomy," he later says, "that first woke me from dogmatic slumber." The first statement has been taken to mean that the Critique of Pure Reason is a refutation of Hume's skepticism. The Antinomy, however, like ancient skepticism, uses skeptical method to attack dogmatism. Is the Critique a refutation of skepticism or its heir? In The Skeptical Roots of Critique, Abraham Anderson shows that Kant's Critique of Pure Reason is the heir to Hume's skepticism about metaphysics. In showing that the Antinomy flows from Hume's skepticism, this work connects Kant with the skeptical tradition reaching back to the ancients. In his Enquiry, Hume hints that both Samuel Clarke's theism and the dogmatic materialism he seeks to refute are underwritten by the rationalist causal principle that nothing comes from nothing, and that the clash between the two issues in a skeptical antithetic. In his Emile, Rousseau too saw Clarke's refutation as issuing in an antithetic. These works inspired the first version of Kant's Antinomy, the Dreams of a Spirit Seer; fifteen years later, Hume's Dialogues inspired the mature Antinomy of the Critique. Like Hume's Enquiry and Dialogues and Rousseau's Emile, the Critique is part of the battle for Enlightenment, the struggle against the 'despotic' reign of theological dogmatism.

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Kasper, Eric T. / Kozma, Troy A., The Supreme Court and the Philosopher: How John Stuart Mill Shaped US Free Speech Protections. 288 pp. 2024:4 (Northern Illinois U. Pr., US) <720-12>
ISBN 978-1-5017-7451-5 hard ¥9,295.- (税込) US$ 44.95 *

The Supreme Court and the Philosopher illustrates how the modern US Supreme Court has increasingly adopted a view of the constitutional right to the freedom of expression that is classically liberal in nature, reflecting John Stuart Mill's reasoning in On Liberty. A landmark treatise outlining the merits of limiting governmental and social power over the individual, On Liberty advocates for a maximum protection of human freedom. Proceeding case by case and covering a wide array of issues, such as campaign finance, offensive speech, symbolic speech, commercial speech, online expression, and false statements, Eric T. Kasper and Troy A. Kozma show how the Supreme Court justices have struck down numerous laws for infringing on the freedom of expression. Kasper and Kozma demonstrate how the adoption of Mill's version of free speech began with Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. more than a century ago and expanded over time to become the prevailing position of the Court today. The authors argue that this embrace of Mill's rationale has led to an unmistakable reorientation in the Court's understanding of free expression jurisprudence. The Supreme Court and the Philosopher is the first book to comprehensively explore how the political philosophy of Mill has influenced the highest court in the land. In targeting the underlying philosophical reasons that explain why the modern Supreme Court renders its First Amendment decisions, this book is particularly timely, as the issues of censorship and freedom of expression are debated in the public square today.

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McCrudden Illert, Kathleen, A Republic of Sympathy: Sophie de Grouchy's Politics and Philosophy, 1785-1815. (Ideas in Context) 293 pp. 2024:8 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <720-13>
ISBN 978-1-00-948244-8 hard ¥23,562.- (税込) GB£ 85.00



クラレンドン版 T.ホッブズ著作集『法の原理』
Sommerville, Johann P. (ed.), Thomas Hobbes: Elements of Law. (The Clarendon Edition of the Works of Thomas Hobbes) 368 pp. 2024:10 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <720-14>
ISBN 978-0-19-958625-7 hard ¥44,352.- (税込) GB£ 160.00

Hobbes's Elements of Law was written in 1640, on the eve of the English Civil War. It circulated in manuscript, and eleven manuscripts now survive. Two of them contain a substantial amount of material in Hobbes's own handwriting. Soon after writing it, Hobbes fled to France, while in England civil war broke out over many of the issues discussed by Hobbes in this book. In France he wrote a Latin version of his political theory (De Cive, on the Citizen), and then the English Leviathan, of which a Latin revision followed and in which he greatly expanded what he had to say about religion and church-state relations. The Elements of Law presents a complete but succinct version of Hobbes's political theory and of his more general philosophy. It analyzes the nature of knowledge and science, discusses psychology and human nature, surveys the rights and duties of individuals, and argues for the need of states to be governed by sovereign authority. It discusses the relationship between politics and religion, and the extent and limitations of political power. It is 'a work of extraordinary assurance, an almost fully fledged statement of Hobbes's entire political philosophy'. (Noel Malcolm) This edition is intended to replace the one edited by Ferdinand Toennies (1889), from which that of J.C.A. Gaskin (Oxford World's Classics, 1994) derives. It establishes a more accurate text based on all the eleven known manuscripts, and includes much material omitted by Toennies (who knew of only six manuscripts). It draws extensively on modern scholarship on Hobbes and his contexts.

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有江大介、大久保正健、矢嶋直規編 J.バトラー
Arie, Daisuke / Ohkubo, Masatake / Yajima, Naoki (eds.), Joseph Butler: A Preacher for Eighteenth-Century Commercial Society. 240 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <720-10>
ISBN 978-981-9999-02-6 hard ¥36,780.- (税込) EUR 159.99 *



Bourcier, Benjamin / Jakonen, Mikko (eds.), British Modern International Thought in the Making: Politics and Economy from Hobbes to Bentham. (International Political Theory) 314 pp. 2024:2 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <720-11>
ISBN 978-3-031-45712-8 hard ¥22,986.- (税込) EUR 99.99 *

This book articulates international political theory in dialogue with economics on several questions. It asks: how has modern international theory been adjusted and nourished by economic ideas, theories and practices? How far has the distinctive contribution of some theorists to international theory been informed by their views on economy? What has been the impact of the theory of the state for economic and international theory? What sort of economic thinking has led to revise the debates constitutive for the modern international realm? How have economic debates been rhetorically connected to political debates in the field of international relations?

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G.Raulet著 政治的啓蒙思想
Raulet, Gerard, Lumieres politiques. 431 p. 2024:1 (PUF, FR) <719-20>
ISBN 978-2-13-084279-8 paper ¥5,747.- (税込) EUR 25.00 *



Carroll, Ross, Edmund Burke. (Classic Thinkers) 224 pp. 2024:5 (Polity Pr., UK) <718-24>
ISBN 978-1-5095-3864-5 hard ¥14,465.- (税込) US$ 69.95 *
ISBN 978-1-5095-3865-2 paper ¥5,159.- (税込) US$ 24.95 *

Few thinkers have provoked such violently opposing reactions as Edmund Burke. A giant of eighteenth-century political and intellectual life, Burke has been praised as a prophet who spied the terror latent in revolutionary or democratic ideologies, and condemned as defender of social hierarchy and outmoded political institutions. Ross Carroll tempers these judgments by situating Burke's arguments in relation to the political controversies of his day. Burke's writings must be understood as rhetorically brilliant exercises in political persuasion aimed less at defending abstract truths than at warning his contemporaries about the corrosive forces - ideological, social, and political - that threatened their society. Drawing on Burke's enormous corpus, Carroll presents a nuanced portrait of Burke as, above all, a diagnostician of political misrule, whether domestic, foreign, or imperial. Burke's lasting value, Carroll argues, derives less from the content of his specific positions than from the difficult questions he forces us to ask of ourselves. This engaging and illuminating account of Burke's work is a vital reference for students and scholars of history, philosophy, and political thought.

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J.C.D.クラーク著 啓蒙思想-思想とその歴史
Clark, J. C. D., The Enlightenment: An Idea and Its History. 544 pp. 2024:7 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <718-25>
ISBN 978-0-19-891628-4 hard ¥9,702.- (税込) GB£ 35.00 *

Enlightenment studies are currently in a state of flux, with unresolved arguments among its adherents about its dates, its locations, and the contents of the 'movement'. This book cuts the Gordian knot. There are many books claiming to explain the Enlightenment, but most assume that it was a thing. J. C. D. Clark shows what it actually was, namely a historiographical concept. Currently 'the Enlightenment' is a term widely accepted across popular culture and in a variety of academic disciplines, notably history, philosophy, political theory, political science, literary studies, and theology; Clark calls for a fundamental reconsideration in each. The Enlightenment: An Idea and Its History provides a critical historical analysis of the Enlightenment in England, Scotland, France, Germany, and the United States from c. 1650 to the present. It argues that the degree of commonality between social and intellectual movements in each--and, more broadly, between the five societies--has been overstated for polemical purposes. Clark shows that the concept of 'the Enlightenment' was not widely adopted in those societies until the mid-twentieth century; indeed, that it was unknown in the eighteenth. Without the concept, people at the time were unable to act in ways that would have created the Enlightenment as a coherent movement. Since the conventional account has held that the Enlightenment was a phenomenon, the idea could be used as a component of what has been called a 'civil religion': a summing up of the myths of origin, aims, and essential values of a society from which dissent is not permitted. An appreciation that it was instead a historiographical concept undermines, in turn, the idea that there was any great transition to what came to be called 'modernity'.

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Keller, Vera, Curating the Enlightenment: Johann Daniel Major and the Experimental Century. 398 pp. 2024:7 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <718-26>
ISBN 978-1-00-950683-0 hard ¥27,720.- (税込) GB£ 100.00 *

How did the research universities of the Enlightenment come into being? And what debt do they owe to scholars of the previous era? Focusing on the career of German polymath Johann Daniel Major (1634-93), Curating the Enlightenment uncovers how late seventeenth-century scholars crafted the research university as a haven for critical inquiry in defiance of political and economic pressures. Abandoning the surety of established intellectual practice, this 'experimental century' saw Major and his peers reshaping fragments of knowledge into new perspectives. Across new disciplines, from experimental philosophy to archaeology and museology, they reexamined what knowledge was, who it was for, and how it was to be stored, managed, accessed, judged, and transformed. Although later typecast as Baroque obstacles to be overcome by the Enlightenment, these academics arranged knowledge in dynamic infrastructures that encouraged its further advancement in later generations, including our own. This study examines these seventeenth-century practices as part of a continuous intellectual tradition and reconceptualizes our understanding of the Enlightenment.

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Mills, R. J. W., Religion and the Science of Human Nature in the Scottish Enlightenment. (Palgrave Pivot) 334 pp. 2024:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <718-27>
ISBN 978-3-031-49030-9 hard ¥25,285.- (税込) EUR 109.99 *

This book examines how enlightened Scottish social theorists c.1740 to c.1800 understood the origin and development of religion. Challenging scholarly disregard for the topic, it shows how most prominent thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment thought deeply about the relationship between religion, human nature and historical change. The Scots viewed this relationship as an important strand within the study of the 'science of human nature' and the 'history of man.' The fruits of this investigation were a sophisticated and innovative account of religious change that is characterized by a striking modernity and naturalism, even by the more devout theorists. The views of the literati surveyed here need to be incorporated into our larger histories of the 'science of religion' as much as they do into our understanding of the social theory of the Scottish Enlightenment.

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Weintraub, Ruth, Humean Bodies and their Consequences. (Jerusalem Studies in Philosophy and History of Science) 186 pp. 2024:3 (Springer, GW) <718-28>
ISBN 978-3-031-50798-4 hard ¥22,986.- (税込) EUR 99.99 *

This book defends the very contentious Idealist interpretation of Hume on external objects, and draws from it far-reaching metaphysical and epistemological consequences for Hume's philosophy. Its interest is both interpretive and analytic. The content Hume ascribes to the belief in "bodies" is susceptible to more than one reading, and has not been systematically considered. Upholding the Idealistic interpretation is interesting in its own right, but also yields several important conclusions about the spatiality of objects, causation, Hume's "science of man" and his epistemology. For instance, it argues that the Idealist reading means that there are no cross-temporal spatial relationships, and that the (more prevalent) Materialist reading takes Hume further away from methodological empiricism than does the Idealist counterpart, and may render his practice less in conformity with his official methodology. The monograph is therefore of great interest to not only academics but also scholars, graduate students and researchers.

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Fox, Michael Allen, Fate and Life: Who's Really in Charge? 186 pp. 2024:5 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <717-12>
ISBN 978-0-228-02043-1 paper ¥5,159.- (税込) US$ 24.95 *

Some believe that fate rules our lives, while others dismiss the idea outright. Fate remains central to many cultural outlooks, and in our age of conflict, climate change, and pandemic, it features conspicuously in debates about the future. A careful examination of this important idea - its background, many meanings, and significance for everyday life - is not only informative and intriguing but also timely.In Fate and Life Michael Fox confronts the idea of fate head on and demonstrates that how we interpret and apply this concept can make it work for rather than against us. Many discussions characterize fate negatively or as part of the occult, representing it as a supernatural force that stifles our freedom. Fateful ideas have also helped rationalize and promote the persecution of certain groups. But viewed more positively, fate can be understood as the given conditions of existence and the imponderable way certain unanticipated events momentously alter the path we follow over time. Thinking about fate teaches us about who we are, how we see the world, and our evaluation of the possibilities of life.Fate and Life provides a multicultural and global account of how we talk about the idea of fate, how we use and misuse it, and how it contrasts with notions like destiny and karma. Fox's original perspective - a breakthrough in philosophy and the history of ideas - shows that fate is supported by experience; it is compatible with our sense of agency and purpose; and it helps us make sense of our lives.

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Grigorescu, Alexandru V. / Katz, Claudio J., Lockean Liberalism in International Relations. (Elements in International Relations) 75 pp. 2024:4 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <717-13>
ISBN 978-1-00-951700-3 hard ¥13,856.- (税込) GB£ 49.99 *
ISBN 978-1-00-951698-3 paper ¥4,712.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

This Element applies a new version of liberalism to international relations (IR), one that derives from the political theory of John Locke. It begins with a survey of liberal IR theories, showing that the main variants of this approach have all glossed over classical liberalism's core concern: fear of the state's concentrated power and the imperative of establishing institutions to restrain its inevitable abuse. The authors tease out from Locke's work its 'realist' elements: his emphasis on politics, power, and restraints on power (the 'Lockean tripod'). They then show how this Lockean approach (1) complements existing liberal approaches and answers some of the existing critiques directed toward them, (2) offers a broader analytical framework for several very different strands of IR literature, and (3) has broad theoretical and practical implications for international relations.

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Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan. 2nd ed. Ed. by N. Malcolm. (Oxford World's Classics) 832 pp. 2024:9 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <717-14>
ISBN 978-0-19-286874-9 paper ¥3,323.- (税込) GB£ 11.99

Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan is not just one of the greatest philosophical texts in the English language; it is one of the most important works in the history of Western political thought. Almost every major tradition in the centuries after Hobbes-from radical democracy to authoritarianism-has been influenced by its arguments. Written in exile during a period of dramatic developments-civil war and regicide-Leviathan is in some ways the product of its own special circumstances. And yet, at the same time, it deals with fundamental issues that matter to all of us today: the nature and purpose of the state, the relation between human nature and politics, the idea of natural rights, the justification of authority, the concept of representation, the nature of sovereignty, the limits of obedience, and the relationship between religious obligations and human ones. This new edition offers a definitive text drawn from more than twenty years of research by Noel Malcolm, including, in English translation, all the most significant revisions made in Hobbes's later Latin translation of Leviathan, as well as extensive explanatory notes that elucidate Hobbes's language and identify for readers the people and places of the Leviathan's seventeenth-century world.

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Palti, Elias J., Intellectual History and the Problem of Conceptual Change. (The Seeley Lectures) 2024:6 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <716-18>
ISBN 978-1-00-946119-1 hard ¥22,176.- (税込) GB£ 80.00 *
ISBN 978-1-00-946121-4 paper ¥7,203.- (税込) GB£ 25.99 *

How does long-term intellectual change occur? Can we develop a theoretical framework for understanding past systems of knowledge? In this ambitious study, Elias Jose Palti seeks to reassess the main concepts in the field of intellectual history. Evaluating modes of thought from the seventeenth century to the present, this book aims to prevent an anachronistic understanding of the texts of the past. Palti rejects the idea of conceptual change as a coherent process deriving from one single source. Instead, he offers a convincing explanation of converging developments emanating from three different sources: namely, the Cambridge school, the German school of conceptual history, or Begriffsgeschichte, and French politico-conceptual history. Intellectual History and the Problem of Conceptual Change also closely examines the temporality of concepts, questioning how and why political languages mutate.

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啓蒙思想の宗教改革-ドイツにおける宗教と哲学 1750~1830年
Printy, Michael, Enlightenment's Reformation: Religion and Philosophy in Germany, 1750-1830. (Ideas in Context) 284 pp. 2024:11 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <716-19>
ISBN 978-1-00-949406-9 hard ¥23,562.- (税込) GB£ 85.00

How did we get from the religious core of the sixteenth-century Reformation to the notions of freedom popularised by Hegel and Ranke? Enlightenment's Reformation explores how two key cultural and intellectual achievements - the sixteenth-century Reformation and the late eighteenth-century birth of 'German' philosophy - became fused in public discussion over the course of the 'long' eighteenth century. Michael Printy argues that Protestant theologians and intellectuals recast the meaning of Protestantism as part of a wide-ranging cultural apology aimed at the twin threats of unbelief and deism on the one hand, and against Pietism and a nascent evangelical awakening on the other. The reimagining of the Reformation into a narrative of progress was powerful, becoming part of mainstream German intellectual culture in the early decades of the nineteenth century. Utilising Reformation history, Enlightenment history, and German philosophy, this book explores how the rich if unstable idea linking Protestantism and modern freedom came to dominate German intellectual culture until the First World War.

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