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  • 労働史・労働運動史・社会主義史

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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00




Einstein, Albert, Albert Einstein's "Why Socialism?: The Enduring Legacy of His Classic Essay. Ed. by J. B. Foster. 104 pp. 2025:5 (Monthly Review, US) <740-80>
ISBN 978-1-68590-099-1 hard ¥4,497.- (税込) US$ 19.95




Robert, Karen, Driving Terror: Labor, Violence, and Justice in Cold War Argentina. (Dialogos Series) 296 pp. 2025:3 (U. New Mexico Pr., US) <740-933>
ISBN 978-0-8263-6760-0 hard ¥21,422.- (税込) US$ 95.00
ISBN 978-0-8263-6761-7 paper ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95




Chakraborty, Titas, Empire of Labor: How the East India Company Colonized Hired Work. 338 pp. 2025:3 (U. California Pr., US) <740-331>
ISBN 978-0-520-39963-1 hard ¥21,422.- (税込) US$ 95.00
ISBN 978-0-520-39964-8 paper ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *

Empire of Labor tells the story of how hired workers experienced and responded to the rise to power over the long eighteenth century of the English East India Company (EIC), which perennially hired thousands of people in and around its settlements in Bengal. Focusing on boatmen and silk reelers as well as sailors and soldiers-a remarkable look at both indigenous and European workers-the story begins with the earliest accounts of the EIC's dealings with hired labor in the region, from 1651. Prior to EIC dominance, hired workers drove hard bargains with their employers, making demands that drew upon their own notions of wages, work rhythms, and time. When their demands were not met, they ran away, often to rival indigenous or European employers. Empire of Labor explores these demands and how they conflicted with the EIC's notions of discipline. Analyzing Bengali literary sources and Dutch and English archival materials, the book rethinks the ascendancy of the company state as a violent process involving removing competing employers, imposing army and police power, introducing new production technologies, and instituting draconian regulations which eliminated indigenous cultures of work. Most importantly, it depicts the lifeworlds of these recalcitrant workers, showing how they lived and resisted. A major intervention in histories of colonialism, labor, migration, and law, Empire of Labor ultimately recasts colonial rule as a novel form of state-labor relationship.

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Sarkisian, Aram G., Orthodoxy on the Line: Russian Orthodox Christians and Labor Migration in the Progressive Era. (North American Religions) 336 pp. 2025:7 (New York U. Pr., US) <740-163>
ISBN 978-1-4798-3315-3 hard ¥11,275.- (税込) US$ 50.00

Working-class immigration, religion, and labor history in the United States At the turn of the twentieth century, thousands of immigrants from the borderlands of the Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires built a transnational church in North America. The community that church leaders called American Orthodox Rus' was created by and for working people, and transformed believers' identities as Eastern European migrants, as Orthodox Christians, and as American workers. Given how strongly the Russian Orthodox Christian community was tied to working class industrial life, this book makes the case that we cannot understand the scope of working class and immigrant religion in the United States without understanding American Orthodox Rus'. The work Russian Orthodox immigrants did in the Progressive Era United States occurred in factories, foundries, and mines; they lived mainly in industrial cities and mining towns; and they almost immediately got caught up in the most pivotal-and sometimes violent-political and social crises of their times, both nationally and internationally. To address their needs in these contexts, the Russian Orthodox Church expanded its missionary efforts in North America, forming a network of social and material aid for working-class believers. This book traces the rapid growth of this transnational religious world, then explores its unexpected collapse under the weight of the First World War, a global pandemic, and the transnational reach of revolutionary political change in Russia. A story of challenge and resilience, Orthodoxy on the Line complicates dominant paradigms in the study of labor and North American Religions.

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Simpson, Patricia Anne, Early Modern Women's Work: Kinship, Community, and Social Justice. (New Interdisciplinary Approaches to Early Modern Culture) 226 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-1236>
ISBN 978-1-032-21132-9 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-21131-2 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Early Modern Women's Work examines the contributions of female writers, artists, scientists, religious leaders, and patrons who engaged in entrepreneurial, intellectual, and emotional labor in German-speaking Europe. Through individual and collective authorship, the women analyzed in this study assert a claim to kinship and community, often beyond the hegemonic, heteronormative relationships to family, religion, and monarch.The contributions of early modern women to the construction of productive work spaces and the establishing of intellectual and actual communities are often overlooked or underestimated in scholarship on this period. This book serves as a cultural corrective to suppositions of gender-coded work, because alongside the dominant history of the private sphere as a feminine domain, a counter-narrative emerges with collective authorship. Despite the disparities in their biographies, the women whose work Simpson foregrounds highlight a range of early modern concerns, primarily but not exclusively in German-speaking Europe. These include debates about women's education and erudition; migration and displacement in search of religious or professional freedom; a persistent but varied discourse about female authorship and creative agency; and the assertion of subjectivity against the violent, fractious history of the Thirty Years' War.This book will be an ideal resource for students, scholars and all those interested in German and European studies, women and gender studies, and the history of early modern work.

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Favretto, Ilaria, Cultures of Protest and Industrial Conflict in Italy since 1945. 416 pp. 2025:7 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <740-1396>
ISBN 978-0-19-885399-2 hard ¥33,641.- (税込) GB£ 119.00

The history of the twentieth century in Italy is marked by industrial unrest. And yet, our knowledge of the cultures that informed those protests and, equally important, of the forms they took is still limited, leaving important questions unanswered on their meanings, functions, mechanisms of transmission, continuities, and discontinuities with earlier waves of mobilization and global connections. In this illuminating and thought-provoking book, Favretto explores the protest methods and the underpinning protest cultures of Italian industrial workers from the collapse of Fascism to the present day. Challenging common portrayals of the labour movement as unimaginative and conventional in its tactics, the book demonstrates the variety of forms of industrial protest, encompassing actions such as sit-ins, protest camps, and hunger strikes, which are typically not associated with industrial conflict. Transcending the boundaries of contemporary history, the book also uncovers the persistence and reinvention of tactics commonly identified with the pre-modern period, such as time wasting, sabotage, and theft, and it shows the influence of earlier cultures and carnivalesque practices of popular contention, such as charivari, known as rough music in Britain and scampanata and other names in Italy. By analysing tactics and cultures distinct from the official union protest repertoire that studies of post-1945 Italy and the labour movement often presume obsolete, the book provides a more profound understanding of workers' protest practices and underlying cultures and a better comprehension of their breadth and scope. It casts new light on the impact of internal migration on workers' protest rituals and practices, working-class women's participation in collective action, Communists' and Catholics' distinctive protest cultures, and, moving to recent decades, the effects of de-industrialisation on industrial conflict and its forms. The book fills an important gap in the study of the Italian labour movement and Italian history, enriching our understanding of the mechanisms behind the transmission and innovation of protest cultures and tactics. Its attention to the foreign experiences that shaped Italian labour industrial conflicts and analysis of tactics that have seen worldwide usage over extended periods also make it an essential contribution to a global history of protest.

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T-Bone Slim, The Popular Wobbly: Selected Writings of T-Bone Slim. Ed. by O. Clayton et al. 360 pp. 2025:6 (U. Minnesota Pr., US) <740-1400>
ISBN 978-1-5179-1495-0 hard ¥27,060.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-5179-1496-7 paper ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95

The first critical edition of the writings of the prolific radical workers' newspaper columnist and musician who rode the rails during the Great DepressionThe Popular Wobbly brings together a wide selection of writings by T-Bone Slim, the most popular and talented writer belonging to the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). Slim wrote humorous, polemical pieces, engaging with topics like labor and class injustice, which were mostly published in IWW publications from 1920 until his death in 1942. Although relatively little is known about Slim, editors Owen Clayton and Iain McIntyre coalesce the latest research on this enigmatic character to create a vivid portrait that adds valuable context for the array of writings assembled here. Known as "the laureate of the logging camps," Slim also composed numerous songs that have been performed and recorded by Pete Seeger, Utah Phillips, and Candie Carawan, who in 1960 updated Slim's song "The Popular Wobbly" with Civil Rights-era lyrics. Slim's witticisms, sayings, and exhortations ("Wherever you find injustice, the proper form of politeness is attack"; "Only the poor break laws-the rich evade them") were widely discussed among fellow hobos across the "jungle" campfires that dotted the railways, and some even transcribed his commentary on boxcars that traveled the country. Yet despite Slim's importance and fame during his lifetime, his work disappeared from public view almost immediately after his death. The Popular Wobbly is the first critical edition of Slim's work and also a significant contribution to literature about working-class writers, the radical labor movement, and the history and culture of nomadism and precarity. With this publication, Slim's rediscovered writings can once again inspire artists and activists to march and agitate for a more just and equitable world.

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Campbell, Isabel (ed.), Cold War Workers: Labour, Family, and Community in a Nuclear State. 336 pp. 2025:4 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <739-883>
ISBN 978-0-228-02440-8 paper ¥9,007.- (税込) US$ 39.95

When Canada sought to protect its borders and aid its allies during the Cold War, many people were recruited to build the emerging security state: as construction and maintenance workers, engineers, members of the armed forces, medical researchers, and research subjects. Security work transformed the lives of individuals, families, and communities in ways that were both predictable and surprising, and both beneficial and harmful; the militarization and colonization of Indigenous lives and lands was especially disruptive.The opening essays of Cold War Workers intimately portray the complicated effects of Cold War labour upon Indigenous lives. Elmer Sinclair, a residential school survivor and member of the Canadian Armed Forces, achieved equality with white men through his militarized masculinity. His more positive professional experience contrasts with those of Indigenous workers on northern radar lines, many of whom lost languages, connections to the land, and other elements of traditional cultures as they sought new skills and better employment. Diverse Indigenous experiences of Cold War security work set the scene for the second set of essays, which explore the impact of security preoccupations on marginalized groups - the study of extreme isolation through scientific experimentation on human subjects; the targeting of gay men with psychiatric labelling to enforce an idealized masculinity; and the restriction of gender mobility in the Canadian military, and the pushback from servicewomen.Cold War Workers raises questions about the influence of settler-colonial masculine institutional values on those who laboured for the Cold War state and society. By comparing the experiences of different types of workers, families, and communities, this volume reveals how race, gender, and privilege affected people in varied and sometimes unexpected ways.

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Goings, Aaron, Red Harbor: Radical Workers and Community Struggle in the Pacific Northwest. (Emil and Kathleen Sick Book Western History and Biography) 360 pp. 2025:7 (U. Washington Pr., US) <739-885>
ISBN 978-0-295-75400-0 hard ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95



Quinlan, Elizabeth, Standing Up to Big Nickel: The Story of the Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers Strike, 1958. 248 pp. 2025:5 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <739-886>
ISBN 978-0-228-02480-4 paper ¥7,880.- (税込) US$ 34.95

All miners and smelter workers know the folly of going on strike when their employer holds a stockpile. In 1958 the International Nickel Company had enough nickel on hand to guarantee sales for at least six months. Despite this, fourteen thousand miners and smeltermen in Sudbury, Ontario, downed their tools and struck against the corporate titan of the mining industry.Standing Up to Big Nickel is a comprehensive portrait of a pivotal strike by the International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers, a union that has inspired exceptional levels of solidarity among its members. The Cold War and the resulting instabilities in the Canadian labour movement form the backdrop to Elizabeth Quinlan's engrossing analysis. The union straddled the line, she shows, between its historical commitment to working-class struggle and the newly restrictive legal landscape of the postwar era. Retrospective accounts by surviving union members, leaders, family, and community members bring to life the history of a distinctive group of workers who sweated over smelter furnaces and toiled underground in perilous conditions.Quinlan traces the events before, during, and after one of Canada's greatest strikes in both magnitude and duration. Featuring biographical sketches and scenes based on archival and documentary data, Standing Up to Big Nickel captures an intensely dramatic juncture in Canadian labour history.

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Reuther, Alan, Roy Reuther and the UAW: Fighting for Workers and Civil Rights. 340 pp. 2025:4 (Michigan State U. Pr., US) <739-887>
ISBN 978-1-61186-530-1 hard ¥20,282.- (税込) US$ 89.95
ISBN 978-1-61186-531-8 paper ¥9,007.- (税込) US$ 39.95



Tomczak, Richard H., Workers of War and Empire from New France to British America, 1688-1783. (McGill-Queen's Studies in Early Canada / Avant le Canada) 264 pp. 2025:2 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <739-888>
ISBN 978-0-228-02361-6 hard ¥24,805.- (税込) US$ 110.00
ISBN 978-0-228-02362-3 paper ¥10,135.- (税込) US$ 44.95

During the eighteenth century, the French and British empires mobilized thousands of workers in what is now Canada through a system of mandatory labour known as corvee. Rooted in the feudal obligations of peasants to their landlords, corvee was introduced by the French, and later exploited by the British, becoming part of their arsenal during the American revolutionary wars.Richard Tomczak chronicles the transformation of the corvee system over a century. Under the French regime, corvee was mostly directed towards local public works projects, such as building roads and bridges. After the conquest of Quebec, the system assumed greater scope. The British realized their need for labour in an underpopulated region and co-opted corvee for their imperial ends, requiring the male inhabitants of New France to work in state enterprises such as iron mining and logging, and conscripting Canadians to support their military expeditions during the American Revolution. This surging demand for labour in the service of the state precipitated widespread protests in New France, forcing the governor to ratify a new provincial code regulating the use of corvee. Tomczak also sheds light on the rhythms of French Canadians' working lives, their understanding of corvee obligations, and the ways they expressed resistance when the system became burdensome.Exploring a lesser-known aspect of the labour arrangements that propped up the colonial state, Workers of War and Empire from New France to British America, 1688-1783 puts French Canadian workers front and centre in the history of early Canada.

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Zech, Christian, Siegfried Aufhaeuser: Gewerkschafter, Politiker und juedischer Sozialist. 1884-1969. 560 S. 2025:5 (Wallstein Vlg., GW) <739-889>
ISBN 978-3-8353-5837-9 hard ¥13,823.- (税込) EUR 59.00

Eine beeindruckende Biografie im Zeichen des politischen Kampfes und der Verfolgung vom Kaiserreich bis in die Bundesrepublik. Siegfried Aufhaeuser gilt als prominentester Vertreter der freigewerkschaftlichen Angestelltenbewegung. An einschneidenden politischen Ereignissen der deutschen Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts war er unmittelbar, haeufig an exponierter Stelle, beteiligt. Etwa bei der Revolution 1918/19, als sich unter seiner Regie eine Zentrale der Angestelltenraete konstituierte, oder beim Aufruf zum Generalstreik gegen den Kapp-Putsch. Auch an den Debatten zu moeglichen Abwehrmassnahmen beim sogenannten Preussenschlag und bei der Ernennung Adolf Hitlers zum Reichskanzler beteiligte er sich als Reichstagsabgeordneter und fuehrender Gewerkschaftsvertreter leidenschaftlich. Im Mai 1933 sah sich Siegfried Aufhaeuser zur Flucht aus dem Deutschen Reich gezwungen. Ueber die Exilstationen Paris, Prag, London und New York kehrte er 1951 nach West-Berlin zurueck. Seine Perspektive als linker Sozialdemokrat, als politischer Exilant und als juedischer Remigrant zeugt von den vielfaeltigen Entwicklungslinien der deutschen Demokratie und der juedischen Geschichte der Arbeiter:innenbewegung. Christian Zech zeichnet das politische Leben Siegfried Aufhaeusers in seinen verschiedenen Facetten nach und eroeffnet damit neue Blickwinkel auf die gewerkschaftliche Organisierung der Angestellten, die Geschichte der Sozialdemokratie und auf Ansaetze zur Demokratisierung der Wirtschaft.

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Gherini, Claire E., Slavery's Medicine: Illness and Labor in the British Plantation Caribbean. 268 pp. 2025:6 (U. Virginia Pr., US) <739-55>
ISBN 978-0-8139-5274-1 hard ¥25,932.- (税込) US$ 115.00
ISBN 978-0-8139-5275-8 paper ¥7,892.- (税込) US$ 35.00



Harris, Rob, A History of the Office and Office Work: From Castle to Condominium. 374 pp. 2025:3 (Routledge, UK) <738-308>
ISBN 978-1-032-94891-1 hard ¥45,232.- (税込) GB£ 160.00
ISBN 978-1-032-91397-1 paper ¥16,958.- (税込) GB£ 59.99

This book brings together the office and office working as an economic construct, as a business function, as a building type and as a mode of work. It explores social and economic relations, and it traces the evolution of work and the environment and equipment needed to support it over the last 400 years. In so doing, it helps to fill a void in popular understanding of the office.The role of the office has been examined over the past three years in ways that it has never been examined before. Whilst the existential crisis arising from COVID-19 has settled somewhat, there remain big questions over the future of office workers and office real estate. This book is a timely, well-researched and fascinating contribution to the debate.Rob Harris explores how the nature of work has changed, and continues to change, placing the events surrounding COVID-19 into a longer-term perspective and asking what is the future of the office? Will it go through a radical reinvention? How will office work evolve in the future? Whither office buildings? The book emphasises the continuum of change and that today's events are simply the latest stage of change, rather than something entirely novel.This book will be of interest to anyone with a stake in the built environment, whether as an investor, occupier, owner, manager or advisor. It is equally accessible to those with a non-technical background, including students on courses such as economic history, economics, geography, real estate and urban planning.

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Harismendy, Patrick / Richard, Gilles (dir.), Le Joint francais, printemps 1972: les echos d'une greve en Bretagne. (Histoire) 435 p. 2024:10 (Pr. U. de Rennes, FR) <738-1368>
ISBN 978-2-7535-9710-5 paper ¥6,091.- (税込) EUR 26.00



フランスの初期の社会主義者 1790~1870年代 第2版
Pilbeam, Pamela, French Early Socialists 1790s-1870s. 2nd ed. 316 pp. 2025:3 (Routledge, UK) <738-1370>
ISBN 978-1-032-74408-7 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-74406-3 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

This new edition is an updated assessment of the ideas and strategies of early French socialists, incorporating recent research which observes the practical and scientific nature of socialist proposals.The second edition provides increased coverage of women's contributions, including the important roles of activists like Flora Tristan and Jeanne Deroin, socialist women's newspapers, schools run by women, and the demand for suffrage in 1848. There is also further emphasis on socialist experiments in France's new colony, Algeria, and on transnational connections, particularly with Owen in Britain and Fourierist communities in North America. Association still figures prominently as the solution to the social and economic problems created by modernisation and capitalist exploitation. It took a variety of forms, from Fourier's proposal that private finance create profit-sharing communities, to Leroux's practical cooperative venture at Boussac, through Blanc and Considerant's demands for state initiative to set up worker alternatives to capitalism. The democratic republic of 1848 gave socialists the opportunity to engage in politics, and despite the setbacks of the Second Empire, socialists were set on a parliamentary route in which they still have a presence.French Early Socialists 1790s-1870s is an engaging resource for students and scholars in histories of France, politics and gender.

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Broady, Rachel, Poverty and Protest as Public Discourse during the Cotton Crisis. (Neglected Voices from the Past) 213 pp. 2025:1 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <737-1771>
ISBN 978-3-031-73305-5 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book constitutes the first book-length study of journalistic responses to poverty and protest during the Lancashire cotton crisis. The cotton crisis of 1861-1865 is a popular subject in history, culture and education. Workers' voices are comprehensively studied in terms of newspapers publishing fiction and poetry, and the broader political response to the crisis, the American Civil War and British workers' support of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. They are, though, overlooked in terms of journalistic representation of workers. Ironically, discussions of the cotton crisis, including where efforts are made to assess the workers' experience, have consistently relied upon journalism as primary sources and the first witness of history without assessing the news copy's political unconscious. This lack of attention is especially apparent when considering workers challenging poverty through dedicated protest. Amid the celebrated workers' opposition to slavery, and their 'sublime heroism' as noted by American President Abraham Lincoln, there were less studied local struggles for financial help, for education, and for the vote.

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Derickson, Alan, Fighting Toxic Ignorance: Origins of the Right to Know about Workplace Health Hazards. 222 pp. 2025:4 (ILR Pr., US) <737-1772>
ISBN 978-1-5017-8018-9 hard ¥29,315.- (税込) US$ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-5017-8019-6 paper ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95

Fighting Toxic Ignorance explores conflict over access to information regarding health hazards encountered in the US workplace during the first three-quarters of the twentieth century. Alan Derickson considers risks posed by toxic chemicals and physical and biological agents of disease. By the 1970s, occupational disease was estimated to kill up to 100,000 Americans a year. Derickson unravels the social and political forces and the conflictual process that gave rise to a sustained social movement for a workers' right to know about often-insidious threats. He argues that the decades prior to the emergence of this movement were not a dark age of victimization brought about by enforced ignorance but a time of recurrent battles over the disclosure of needed facts. Workplace warnings-informative signs, labels, and instructions-often saved lives. Fighting Toxic Ignorance covers a broad range of dangerous substances, deals with a large share of the national workforce, and illuminates the many ways that activists endeavored to see that warnings reached workers, especially immigrants and workers of color.

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Noll, Jody Baxter, The 1968 Florida Teachers' Strike: Public Sector Unionism and the Fight Against Sunshine State Conservatism. (Making the Modern South) 224 pp. 2025:3 (Louisiana State U. Pr., US) <737-1773>
ISBN 978-0-8071-8300-7 hard ¥10,147.- (税込) US$ 45.00



Admasie, Samuel Andreas, The Ethiopian Labour Movement: Trade Unions, Collective Action, and Contestation, 1960 - 2020. (Labour in History and Society) 200 pp. 2025:1 (Springer, GW) <736-367>
ISBN 978-3-031-72840-2 hard ¥32,798.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book offers a comprehensive history of the Ethiopian labour movement, exploring the impact of trade unions on workers' agency from the 1960s until today. The author analyses the sharp variation in the orientation and vicissitudes of Ethiopian trade unions over time, and how these affected labour conditions and workers' income. Drawing from new data gathered through extensive archival research and interviews in Ethiopia, this book is the first of its kind. It includes new datasets on strikes, unrest, and wage levels, shedding light on how capitalist labour and industrial relations have developed in Ethiopia, a country where formal wage labour has not been the dominant form of labour. Addressing a huge gap in the literature on African labour movements, this book makes a significant contribution to debates on wage determination, and challenges existing assumptions through detailed investigation.

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Parfitt, Steven (ed.), Emma Paterson, Trade Unionist and Feminist, In Her Own Words. (Routledge Research in Gender and History) 218 pp. 2024:11 (Routledge, UK) <735-834>
ISBN 978-1-032-54738-1 hard ¥38,164.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

Emma Paterson was a pioneer of trade unionism for women. In her short life, she set up a League dedicated to that cause, edited a newspaper to publicise it and travelled the UK working for it. Her spoken and written work addressed issues still with us today, from the gender pay gap to domestic labour, and those thankfully consigned to history, such as whether women should be able to vote or find clothes appropriate to industrial work.Emma Paterson, Trade Unionist and Feminist, In Her Own Words brings together the major works that comprise Emma Paterson's written output, offering a unique insight into the struggles and concerns of women working in the workshops, factories, shops and homes of Britain's Industrial Revolution. This book includes a long biographical chapter from the editor, a preface from Frances O'Grady, first woman general secretary of the Trades Union Congress, and then an annotated selection of Emma Paterson's most important works, from her time as a young activist to her last days as an overworked editor and union leader.This book will appeal to scholars and students of the history of Britain, of its women workers, of industrial, labour and publishing history. It addresses broader questions of class and gender, the interconnections that exist between them and the silences that often accompany them.

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Bond, Sarah E., Strike: Labor, Unions, and Resistance in the Roman Empire. 272 pp. 2025:3 (Yale U. Pr., US) <735-961>
ISBN 978-0-300-27314-4 hard ¥7,892.- (税込) US$ 35.00

Historian Sarah E. Bond retells the traditional story of Ancient Rome, revealing how groups of ancient workers unified, connected, and protested as they helped build an empire From plebeians refusing to join the Roman army to bakers withholding bread, this is the first book to explore how Roman workers used strikes, boycotts, riots, and rebellion to get their voices-and their labor-acknowledged. Sarah E. Bond explores Ancient Rome from a new angle to show that the history of labor conflicts and collective action goes back thousands of years, uncovering a world far more similar to our own than we realize. Workers often turned to their associations for solidarity and shared identity in the ancient world. Some of these groups even negotiated contracts, wages, and work conditions in a manner similar to modern labor unions. As the world begins to consider the value-and indeed the necessity-of unionization to protect workers, this book demonstrates that we can learn valuable lessons from ancient laborers and from attempts by the Roman government to limit their freedom.

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Sen, Arup Kumar, Labour-Management Relations in Colonial India: Coal, Jute and Cotton Industries, 1900-1947. (Sampark Studies on South Asian History, Cultures, and Politics 1) 160 pp. 2025:3 (Brill, NE) <735-591>
ISBN 978-90-04-72179-1 hard ¥23,195.- (税込) EUR 99.00

This book is a pioneering study of the relationship between management and labour in three key industries, namely, coal, jute and cotton textile, in colonial India from 1900 to 1947. It studies history of labour and enterprise though a Marxian-Gramscian lens. The author builds a narrative of economic history, alongside he pens a social history of working class life. It is a rare blend of economic and social history and an indispensable tract to understand the history of capitalist industrialization and concomitant labour-management relations in colonial India within the broad framework of Marxism.

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Poni, Carlo / Gruder, Vivian R. / Leech, P. et al. (eds.), Worlds of Work: Peasants and Artisans, Engineers and Theorists. (Library of Economic History 19) 466 pp. 2024:12 (Brill, NE) <735-274>
ISBN 978-90-04-29434-9 hard ¥37,488.- (税込) EUR 160.00

The essays in this volume take the readers into the complex world of work in early modern Europe. Carlo Poni explores this theme from multiple perspectives, examining work practices in agriculture, artisan production, and the silk industry. Extensive archival material, analyzed with theories derived from Economics, illuminates the social relations and conflicts that arose from different work practices in agriculture, artisan production and the silk industry. The author presents the ideas of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century theorists: the Venetian engineer Vittorio Zonca on mechanics; the natural philosopher John Theophilus Desaguliers on bodily movements; and, with an incisive critique, Denis Diderot on workers and their practices in the Encyclopedie. Contributors are: Carlo Ginzburg, Alberto Guenzi, Steven L. Kaplan, Edmund Leites, and Roberto Scazzieri.

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国境を超える労働者の移動性-歴史的・現代的視点 第2版
Dowlah, Caf, Cross-Border Labor Mobility: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. 2nd ed. 116 pp. 2024:11 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <734-315>
ISBN 978-3-031-64256-2 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This revised and updated book provides unique insight into cross-border labor mobility, from the ancient forms of slavery to the present day. With a focus on the economic factors that underpin human mobility across the world, it charts the different forms of migration from African and Amerindian slaveries, to modern global migration and human trafficking. By highlighting the economic and political conditions that drive human mobility and anti-immigrant sentiments, a nuanced and detailed understanding of the drivers of forced and voluntary cross-border mobility are presented. This book presents a multidisciplinary understanding of the patterns and processes that define human mobility. It will be of interest to students, researchers, and policymakers working within labour economics and migration studies.

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農業とILO 1920~50年代
Ribi Forclaz, Amalia, Cultivating Fields of Progress: Agriculture and the International Labour Organization, 1920s-1950s. 224 pp. 2025:3 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <733-321>
ISBN 978-0-19-284989-2 hard ¥23,746.- (税込) GB£ 84.00

After the First World War, the improvement of working and living conditions in agriculture became an international issue for the first time. Led by the International Labour Organization and related organizations, as well as overlapping expert networks, agrarian interest groups, trade unionists, and farmer representatives, the immediate interwar and post-war years were a fertile time for international debates, knowledge production, and policy-making. Cultivating Fields of Progress traces the thematic, temporal, and geographical scope of these debates for the first time, from the plight of landless farmworkers in Europe in the early 1920s to the conditions of plantation workers in the 1950s. By using the archives of international organizations, the book considers how and to what ends questions of rural poverty and problematic labour conditions both in Europe and overseas made their way to the world stage, against a backdrop of broader discourses on social progress, decolonizaton, and economic development. Bringing the tools of social history to the study of economic and political history allows for a better understanding of the international development and circulation of ideas and theories of agriculture, as well as broader insights into the nature of power, policy, and knowledge production across a period of global change.

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Ghit, Alexandra, Welfare Work without Welfare: Women and Austerity in Interwar Bucharest. (Work in Global and Historical Perspective) 230 S. 2025:4 (de Gruyter, GW) <733-356>
ISBN 978-3-11-113648-6 hard ¥11,702.- (税込) EUR 49.95



Lemmen, Sarah (ed.), Traversing the Political Divide: Cross-border Workers between Eastern, Western and Southern Europe. (Rethinking the Cold War) 300 pp. 2025:9 (de Gruyter, GW) <733-1614>
ISBN 978-3-11-133712-8 hard ¥22,246.- (税込) EUR 94.95



W.モリスと政治学の美的構成 第2版
Macdonald, Bradley J., William Morris and the Aesthetic Constitution of Politics. 2nd ed. 242 pp. 2024:12 (Lexington Books, US) <733-1616>
ISBN 978-1-6669-7604-5 hard ¥24,805.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *

While William Morris (1834-1896) is generally considered one of the most important cultural and political figures of late Victorian England, there is avid disagreement on the way in which we can understand the interconnections between his aesthetic commitments (as a celebrated poet and decorative artist influenced by Pre-Raphaelitism and Aestheticism) and his later revolutionary socialist advocacy. As opposed to dominant interpretations within Morris scholarship, Bradley J. Macdonald argues for the importance of understanding the role a "critical notion of beauty" had in moving Morris toward a theory of socialism that took seriously the way in which desire, pleasure, and "beauty" (as applied to all externals of human life, not just art works) could be regenerated only through radical transformations in socioeconomic life. Consequently , William Morris's development represents an interesting example of cultural politics. Given this genealogy, Macdonald clarifies, Morris's mature political theory incorporated a very important commitment to not just economic justice, but also, among other distinctive applications ; ecological sustainability, making him one of the first eco-socialist theorists within the Western tradition, and also an early proponent of what is today known as "degrowth communism."

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イギリス、フランス、イタリアにおける労働者階級 1968~89年
Myers, Matt, The Halted March of the European Left: The Working Class in Britain, France, and Italy, 1968-1989. (Oxford Historical Monographs) 272 pp. 2025:2 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <733-1617>
ISBN 978-0-19-894461-4 hard ¥27,987.- (税込) GB£ 99.00

The European left seemed to be in rude health during the 1970s. Never had so many political parties committed to representing the working class been in power simultaneously across the continent. New forms of mobilisation led by female, immigrant, and young wage-earners seemed to reflect the growing strength of the workers' movement rather than its pending obsolescence. Parties and trade unions grew rapidly as a diverse new generation entered the ranks. Why did the left's forward march halt so abruptly? The Halted March of the European Left shows how the left's defeats after the mid-1970s were not the inevitable result of deindustrialisation or, more precisely, the transition to a globalised and post-Fordist world that abolished the working class as a great historical actor. Choices that were made during a concentrated but decisive historical moment contributed to the left's lost combats. The British, French, and Italian left managed the shift to a new era by marginalising those groups of workers who had invested it with hopes of social and political transformation. Communist, socialist, and social democratic parties helped disempower the new components of the working class in workplaces, in society, in the political system, and successfully disciplined their traditional working-class supporters. The left encountered a crisis of purpose and identity, a sense of both defeat and lost opportunities, and the dissolution of the idea of a community of fate amongst workers. This book provides a comparative analysis of the left's fragmenting relationship with the working class and a "feel" for the culture of three leading industrial countries during a traumatic transition of late twentieth-century history. It concludes that decisions taken by the left during the 1970s contributed to the tragic inversion of the expected outcome of that hopeful decade.

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Tischkewitz, Ursel, "Wie wir uns erganzten": Lebens- und Arbeitsgemeinschaften in Deutshland zwischen Reform und Moderne. 582 S. 2024:7 (Tectum-Vlg., GW) <733-1619>
ISBN 978-3-8288-5160-3 hard ¥29,053.- (税込) EUR 124.00



Wannenwetsch, Stefan, "Es Gibt Noch Arbeiter in Deutschland": Zur Kategorie 'Arbeiter' in der bundesdeutschen 'Arbeitnehmergesellschaft'. (Ordnungssysteme 60) 730 S. 2024:6 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <733-1620>
ISBN 978-3-11-108629-3 hard ¥18,731.- (税込) EUR 79.95 *



Wobbe, Theresa / Renard, Lea / Braig, M. (Hrsg.), Sklaverei, Freiheit und Arbeit: Sozio-historische Beitraege zur Rekonfiguration von Zwangsarbeit. 320 S. 2024:12 (de Gruyter, GW) <733-1621>
ISBN 978-3-11-133484-4 hard ¥16,388.- (税込) EUR 69.95



Lyon, William Blakemore, Forged in Genocide: Migrant Workers Shaping Colonial Capitalism in Namibia, 1890-1925. (Africa in Global History 9) XI, 322 S. 2024:7 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <733-1145>
ISBN 978-3-11-137465-9 hard ¥16,388.- (税込) EUR 69.95 *

Forged in Genocide traces the early history of colonial capitalism in Namibia with a central focus on migrants who came to be key to the economy during and as a result of the German genocide of the Herero and Nama (1904-1908). It posits that Namibia, far from being a colonial backwater of the early 20th century, became highly integrated into the labor flows and economies of West and Southern Africa, and even for a time was one of the most sought-after regions for African migrants because of relatively high wages and numerous opportunities resulting from the war’s demographic devastation paired with an economic frenzy following the discovery of diamonds. In highlighting the life stories of migrants in Namibia from regions as diverse as the Kru coast of Liberia, the Eastern Cape of South Africa, and the Ovambo polities of Northern Namibia, this work integrates micro-history into larger African continental trends. Building off of written sources from migrants themselves and utilising the Namibian Worker Database constructed for this project, this book explores the lives of workers in early colonial Namibia in a way that has hereto not been attempted.

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グローバルな視点におけるタバコ 1780~1960年
van Wickeren, Alexander / Stubbs, Jean et al. (eds.), Tobacco in Global Perspective, 1780-1960: Trade, Knowledge, and Labour. (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies) 391 pp. 2024:10 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <732-268>
ISBN 978-3-031-64410-8 hard ¥32,798.- (税込) EUR 139.99 *

This edited collection provides an in-depth analysis of the imperial, colonial, and postcolonial history of tobacco from 1780 to 1960, which was one of the major periods of change in the global tobacco economy. It brings together case-studies from known and lesser-known tobacco regions of the world to interrogate tobacco's 'second globalisation', a concept little employed by historians thus far, but one which encapsulates tobacco's central role in Europe's imperial expansion beyond the Atlantic and the social, political, and cultural transformations of global capitalism taking place during the period. The collection fills a gap in the study of commodities of empire, which has examined tobacco primarily for the early modern Atlantic world, or for single empires during the later period. It invites comparison across borders, encompassing political, economic, and sociocultural history, and, with a particular emphasis on trade, knowledge, and labour, juxtaposes micro-histories with a macro-historical perspective. Together, the studies in the volume testify to the importance of tobacco in new places and among new players, challenging the confines of national and imperial historiographical frameworks. They demonstrate the rising dominance of new powerful forces, including transnational corporations, but also a wide range of actors in conflict and negotiation within territorial and imperial confines. By systematically taking into account the agency in Europe's apparent peripheries and the Global South, they critique a simple assumption of the dominance of the West. Chapter 11 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.

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Klots, Alissa, Domestic Service in the Soviet Union: Women's Emancipation and the Gendered Hierarchy of Labor. (New Studies in European History) 318 pp. 2024:5 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <731-1218>
ISBN 978-1-009-46720-9 hard ¥28,270.- (税込) GB£ 100.00 *

This innovative study is the first to explore the evolution of domestic service in the Soviet Union, set against the background of changing discourses on women, labour, and socialist living. Even though domestic service conflicted with the Bolsheviks' egalitarian message, the regime embraced paid domestic labor as a temporary solution to the problem of housework. Analyzing sources ranging from court cases to oral interviews, Alissa Klots demonstrates how the regime both facilitated and thwarted domestic workers' efforts to reinvent themselves as equal members of Soviet society. Here, a desire to make maids and nannies equal participants in the building of socialism clashed with a gendered ideology where housework was women's work. This book serves not only as a window into class and gender inequality under socialism, but as a vantage point to examine the power of state initiatives to improve the lives of household workers in the modern world.

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北西欧におけるジェンダー、労働、近代性への移行 1720~1880年
Agren, Maria (ed.), Gender, Work, and the Transition to Modernity in Northwestern Europe, 1720-1880. 288 pp. 2025:2 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <731-1241>
ISBN 978-0-19-893429-5 hard ¥27,987.- (税込) GB£ 99.00

It is well-known that gender distinctions structure the modern labour market, but why is this so and how far back in time does the pattern extend? Gender, Work, and the Transition to Modernity in Northwestern Europe, 1720-1880 uses a unique method to map and explain how gender rather than marital status came to be important. Gender, Work, and the Transition to Modernity in Northwestern Europe, 1720-1880 investigates how and why the division of work between men and women changed in the transition from early modern to modern society. Based on the verb-oriented method and around 19,000 observations of work activities in historical sources, its focus is on a mid-Swedish local society in the period 1720 to 1880. There were several continuities across this time: both women and men were observed in practically all forms of work, many households (both affluent and destitute) still relied on multiple sources of income, and the marital partnership continued to be important for what women and men did to support themselves. Yet, there was also change: tasks that conferred authority were gradually masculinised, the differences between married and unmarried women with respect to work declined, and while women remained mobile, men's work-related mobility increased. In an even longer time perspective, from 1550 to 1880, gender slowly became more important for what types of work people did. The main reason behind this development was increasing social differentiation and shifts in labour relations. The growing impact of gender was not the result of a trickling down of new middle-class ideals, nor the effect of new preferences, nor a consequence of a separation of home and work. Instead, differences grew because more people were in a position where someone else - an employer - controlled how they used their time.

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Bruentrup, Marcel, Zwischen Arbeitseinsatz und Rassenpolitik: Die Kinder osteuropaeischer Zwangsarbeiterinnen und die Praxis der Zwangsabtreibungen im Nationalsozialismus. 523 S. 2024:9 (Wallstein Vlg., GW) <730-911>
ISBN 978-3-8353-3140-2 hard ¥10,777.- (税込) EUR 46.00 *

Marcel Bruentrup untersucht die Entstehung der nationalsozialistischen ≫Auslaenderkinder-Pflegestaetten≪ im Kontext von Zwangsarbeit und Rassenpolitik. In den letzten Jahren der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft entstand im Deutschen Reich ein flaechendeckendes Netz improvisierter Betreuungseinrichtungen fuer die Kinder auslaendischer Zwangsarbeiterinnen. In diesen euphemistisch als ≫Auslaenderkinder-Pflegestaetten≪ bezeichneten Heimen verloren zehntausende Kinder aufgrund unzureichender Versorgung, Hygiene und Pflege ihr Leben ? das gewollte Ergebnis einer menschenfeindlichen Politik, die auf die restlose Ausbeutung der Arbeiterinnen und die gewaltsame rassische Homogenisierung des deutschen Volkes abzielte. Parallel dazu sollten erzwungene Abtreibungen an osteuropaeischen Zwangsarbeiterinnen die Geburt ≫rassisch unerwuenschter≪ Kinder von vornherein verhindern. Marcel Bruentrup beleuchtet die Entstehungsgeschichte der ≫Auslaenderkinder-Pflegestaetten≪ sowie der damit zusammenhaengenden Massnahmen und liefert Einblicke in die Lebenswirklichkeiten betroffener Zwangsarbeiterinnen und ihrer Kinder.

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Dorssemont, Filip (ed.), On the Artistic Representation of Industrial Disputes in the Shadow of Repression in European Art: From 1870 to 1914 and Beyond. (Law and Visual Jurisprudence 15) X, 240 pp. 2024 (Springer, GW) <730-440>
ISBN 978-3-031-63633-2 hard ¥37,484.- (税込) EUR 159.99 *



Aiello, Thomas, Bound Labor in the Turpentine Belt: Kinderlou Camp and Misdemeanor Convict Leasing in Georgia. 270 pp. 2024:11 (U. Pr. Florida, US) <730-1044>
ISBN 978-0-8130-7918-9 hard ¥24,805.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *
ISBN 978-0-8130-8082-6 paper ¥7,892.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

Uncovering a little-known system of bound labor in the post-Reconstruction South After the constitutional end to slavery in the United States, southern white landowners replaced labor by enslaved people with systems of bound labor in which people worked to pay off debts or legal fines. Through the story of a labor camp in Georgia, Thomas Aiello takes a close look at the Deep South's dependence on debt peonage and convict leasing systems during the post-Reconstruction era and draws attention to a form of bound labor that has not been discussed by scholars of racialized incarceration. At the center of this study is the Kinderlou labor camp, which was owned by the prominent white McRee family of Valdosta. In south Georgia and north Florida, debt peonage and felony convict leasing operated separately from an often overlooked third system: misdemeanor convict leasing. This system was largely unregulated by prison officials, leading to abuses of persons with convictions working in the turpentine industry and the kidnapping of many Black residents of the area who had never been charged with crimes. Unlike other work camps, Kinderlou deployed all three systems to bolster its workforce, making it a unique manifestation of the region's exploitative labor operations. Through deep archival research, Aiello uncovers injustices that drove local individuals who were imprisoned to work with federal prosecutors to seek relief and publicize the abuses they saw and experienced. The nexus of racism, work, and incarceration seen at Kinderlou is shown here to have been a form of slavery a half century after slavery's official "end." It also casts a long shadow on today's carceral system. Publication of this work made possible by a Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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Logemann, Daniel / Luettgenau, Rikola-Gunnar u. a. (Hrsg.), Zwangsarbeit im Nationalsozialismus: Begleitband zur Dauerausstellung. 276 S. 2024:5 (Wallstein Vlg., GW) <730-1047>
ISBN 978-3-8353-5772-3 paper ¥4,686.- (税込) EUR 20.00

Erstmals wird die NS-Zwangsarbeit in ihrer gesamteuropaeischen Dimension als rassistisches Gesellschaftsverbrechen dokumentiert. Die Ausstellung ≫Zwangsarbeit im Nationalsozialismus≪ erzaehlt erstmals die gesamte Geschichte der NS-Zwangsarbeit und ihrer Folgen nach 1945. Sie zeigt, dass Zwangsarbeit ein Massenphaenomen war: Mehr als 20 Millionen Menschen mussten waehrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges im besetzten Europa und im Deutschen Reich Zwangsarbeit fuer das nationalsozialistische Deutschland leisten. Die Ausstellung verdeutlicht, wie die Zwangsarbeit von Beginn an Teil der rassistischen Gesellschaftsordnung des NS-Staats wurde: Die propagierte ≫Volksgemeinschaft≪ und die Zwangsarbeit der Ausgeschlossenen ? beides gehoerte zusammen. Der Band dokumentiert die Ausstellung in ihren wesentlichen Zuegen und praesentiert zahlreiche lange unbekannte historische Fotos und Dokumente. Ergaenzende wissenschaftliche Aufsaetze bieten einen vertiefenden Einblick in die Forschung zur Geschichte der NS-Zwangsarbeit wie auch des Weimarer ≫Gauforums≪, in dem das neu eroeffnete Museum Zwangsarbeit im Nationalsozialismus seinen Sitz hat. Behandelt werden die Abschnitte: Gewoehnung. Gewalt und Ausgrenzung vor dem Krieg (1933?1939), Radikalisierung. Zwangsarbeit im besetzten Europa (ab 1939), Massenphaenomen. Zwangsarbeit im Deutschen Reich (1942?1945), Befreiung. Aufarbeitung und Folgen der Zwangsarbeit, Beschaedigte Gerechtigkeit Am 8.?Mai 2024 eroeffnet das ≫Museum Zwangsarbeit im Nationalsozialismus≪ in Traegerschaft der Stiftung Gedenkstaetten Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora im ehemaligen Gauforum in Weimar.

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Taber, Mike (ed.), The Founding of the Red Trade Union International: Proceedings and Resolutions of the First Congress, 1921. (Historical Materialism Book Series 334) 744 pp. 2024:11 (Brill, NE) <730-1048>
ISBN 978-90-04-71285-0 hard ¥42,642.- (税込) EUR 182.00

The 1921 founding congress in Moscow of the Red International of Labour Unions was a historic event. That gathering set out to create an international revolutionary trade-union organisation embracing millions of workers, and it brought together a wide variety of forces within the world labour movement. Lively and at times acrimonious debates occurred at the congress with syndicalist and other currents over the purpose and tasks of trade unions, the nature of class-struggle unionism, and union strategy and tactics. The congress proceedings, published here in a richly annotated edition, are part of a multi-volume series on the Communist International in Lenin's time.

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Langford, Thomas, The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out: Fighting Economic Ruin in a Canadian Coalfield Community. 358 pp. 2024:9 (U. British Columbia Pr., CN) <729-393>
ISBN 978-0-7748-6928-7 hard ¥25,932.- (税込) US$ 115.00 *

The Canadian postwar economic boom did not include one western coal-mining region. When the Canadian Pacific Railway switched to diesel power, over 2,000 coal-production jobs were lost in the Crowsnest Pass and Elk Valley. The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out tells the story of its fight for survival.Underground mine closures began in 1950, prompting attempts by unions, leftist parties, municipal governments, and business groups to save the local economy. Efforts to reindustrialize in the mid-1960s brought unregulated growth, unsafe working conditions, and pollution. Starting in 1968, new strip mines were built to produce metallurgical coal for Asia-Pacific steelmakers.Not only is this an interesting regional history, but the consideration of the role of labour unions, local communists, and grassroots environmentalists makes it especially compelling. Today, with technological change in steel manufacturing on the horizon, propelled by the climate crisis, Langford argues that the Crowsnest Pass and Elk Valley must look toward ecosystem restoration, sustainable economic activities, and the inclusion of First Nations in decision making in order to embrace a future beyond coal.

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Betts, Oliver / Harrison, Laura et al. (eds.), Doing Working-Class History: Research, Heritage, and Engagement. 366 pp. 2024:11 (Routledge, UK) <729-1574>
ISBN 978-0-367-36134-1 hard ¥38,164.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-88296-3 paper ¥10,456.- (税込) GB£ 36.99 *

Economic and political uncertainty has brought the language of class - especially discussion of the working class - to a broad audience across scholarship and social debate. This introductory volume shows how the history of the working class has, is, and can be researched, written, and represented.The book is structured in three parts: perspective, context, and application. Each offers an introduction to both classic historiography and new ideas and methodologies. With chapters covering a span of the years c.1750-present, the book focuses on three essential questions:What is working-class history and what should it become?What can a focus on working-class history reveal?What are the possibilities of this research in the university classroom, the heritage world, and beyond?Doing Working-Class History will appeal to students and scholars of working-class history, whether relative newcomers to the field or veteran researchers interested in new approaches and material. It will also be of interest to local and family historians, museum and heritage professionals, and general readers.

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Clark, Daniel J., Listening to Workers: Oral Histories of Metro Detroit Autoworkers in the 1950s. (Working Class in American History) 230 pp. 2024:8 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <729-1575>
ISBN 978-0-252-04599-8 hard ¥24,805.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *
ISBN 978-0-252-08809-4 paper ¥6,314.- (税込) US$ 28.00 *

Historians and readers alike often overlook the everyday experiences of workers. Drawing on years of interviews and archival research, Daniel J. Clark presents the rich, interesting, and sometimes confounding lives of men and women who worked in Detroit-area automotive plants in the 1950s.In their own words, the interviewees frankly discuss personal matters like divorce and poverty alongside recollections of childhood and first jobs, marriage and working women, church and hobbies, and support systems and workplace dangers. Their frequent struggles with unstable jobs and economic insecurity upend notions of the 1950s as a golden age of prosperity while stories of domestic violence and infidelity open a door to intimate aspects of their lives. Taken together, the narratives offer seldom-seen accounts of autoworkers as complex and multidimensional human beings.Compelling and surprising, Listening to Workers foregoes the union-focused strain of labor history to provide ground-level snapshots of a blue-collar world.

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Emmons, David M., History's Erratics: Irish Catholic Dissidents and the Transformation of American Capitalism, 1870-1930. (Working Class in American History) 366 pp. 2024:10 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <729-169>
ISBN 978-0-252-04609-4 hard ¥28,187.- (税込) US$ 125.00 *
ISBN 978-0-252-08819-3 paper ¥8,569.- (税込) US$ 38.00 *

As Ice Age glaciers left behind erratics, so the external forces of history tumbled the Irish into America. Existing both out of time and out of space, a diverse range of these Roman-Catholic immigrants saw their new country in a much different way than did the Protestants who settled and claimed it. These erratics chose backward looking tradition and independence over assimilation and embraced a quintessentially Irish form of subversiveness that arose from their culture, faith, and working-class outlook. David M. Emmons draws on decades of research and thought to plumb the mismatch of values between Protestant Americans hostile to Roman Catholicism and the Catholic Irish strangers among them. Joining ethnicity and faith to social class, Emmons explores the unique form of dissidence that arose when Catholic Irish workers and their sympathizers rejected the beliefs and symbols of American capitalism. A vibrant and original tour de force, History's Erratics explores the ancestral roots of Irish nonconformity and defiance in America.

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Phillips-Cunningham, Danielle, Nannie Helen Burroughs: A Tower of Strength in the Labor World. 336 pp. 2025:2 (Georgetown U. Pr., US) <729-1375>
ISBN 978-1-64712-527-1 hard ¥20,282.- (税込) US$ 89.95 *
ISBN 978-1-64712-528-8 paper ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *

The story of one of the most influential labor leaders of the twentieth century reveals powerful lessons that still resonate At the dawn of the twentieth century, Black girls and women faced a harsh career landscape. Domestic labor and sharecropping-which were the least regulated and lowest paying occupations for women in the US economy-were the few available ways for Black women and girls to make a living in Jane Crow America. In response to these circumstances, Nannie Helen Burroughs, the pioneering Black American educator and civil rights leader, established the National Training School for Women and Girls (NTS) in Washington, DC. Nannie Helen Burroughs tells the story of the powerful labor movement that resulted from Burroughs's work at the NTS and in the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs. The NTS proved to be a revolutionary labor and educational initiative that redefined household employment as a profession where social justice for the Black community could be achieved. The NTS was integral to a Black clubwomen's labor movement that paved the way for a broader transformation of the economic landscape for Black women and girls. Nannie Helen Burroughs establishes Burroughs as one of America's most influential labor leaders in the twentieth century and reveals the powerful lessons her work and ideas still offer for America's laborers, labor organizers, scholars, and women's rights and racial justice activists today. It also establishes Burroughs and her colleagues in the National Association of Colored Women as the architects of an unprecedented labor movement.

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Goddard, Connie, Learning for Work: How Industrial Education Fostered Democratic Opportunity. 312 pp. 2024:9 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <729-1472>
ISBN 978-0-252-04604-9 hard ¥28,187.- (税込) US$ 125.00 *
ISBN 978-0-252-08814-8 paper ¥6,765.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

Founded in 1883, the Chicago Manual Training School (CMTS) was a short-lived but influential institution dedicated to teaching a balanced combination of practical and academic skills. Connie Goddard uses the CMTS as a door into America's early era of industrial education and the transformative idea of "learning to do." Rooting her account in John Dewey's ideas, Goddard moves from early nineteenth century supporters of the union of learning and labor to the interconnected histories of CMTS, New Jersey's Manual Training and Industrial School for Colored Youth, North Dakota's Normal and Industrial School, and related programs elsewhere. Goddard analyzes the work of movement figures like abolitionist Theodore Weld, educators Calvin Woodward and Booker T. Washington, social critic W.E.B. Du Bois, Dewey himself, and his influential Chicago colleague Ella Flagg Young. The book contrasts ideas about manual training held by advocate Nicholas Murray Butler with those of opponent William Torrey Harris and considers overlooked connections between industrial education and the Arts and Crafts Movement. An absorbing merger of history and storytelling, Learning for Work looks at the people who shaped industrial education while offering a provocative vision of realizing its potential today.

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Juravich, Nick, Para Power: How Paraprofessional Labor Changed Education. (Working Class in American History) 344 pp. 2024:12 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <729-1474>
ISBN 978-0-252-04615-5 hard ¥28,187.- (税込) US$ 125.00 *
ISBN 978-0-252-08823-0 paper ¥6,765.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

Paraprofessional educators entered US schools amidst the struggles of the late 1960s. Immersed in the crisis of care in public education, paras improved systems of education and social welfare despite low pay and second-rate status. Understanding paras as key players in Black and Latino struggles for jobs and freedom, Nick Juravich details how the first generation of paras in New York City transformed work in public schools and the relationships between schools and the communities they served. Paraprofessional programs created hundreds of thousands of jobs in working-class Black and Latino neighborhoods. These programs became an important pipeline for the training of Black and Latino teachers in the1970s and early 1980s while paras' organizing helped drive the expansion and integration of public sector unions. An engaging portrait of an invisible profession, Para Power examines the lives and practices of the first generation of paraprofessional educators against the backdrop of struggles for justice, equality, and self-determination.

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