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掲載点数 全435件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00




Roos, Merethe / Westberg, Johannes / Edgren, Henrik (eds.), Secular Schooling in the Long Twentieth Century?: Christianity and Education in Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands. (Studies in the History of Education and Culture 5) 290 pp. 2024:10 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <733-192>
ISBN 978-3-11-108243-1 hard ¥22,977.- (税込) EUR 99.95 *

The twentieth-century process of secularization does not mean that institutional church and Christian ideas were irrelevant for twentieth-century societal projects ? such as the introduction of democracy, the improvement of school and education, the framing of national identities ? or in the establishment of welfare-states. On the contrary, this publication is built on the presupposition that secularization runs parallell with the sacralization of the state. It can be argued that Christianity has been decisive for how the modern European society evolved in the twentieth century, e.g. concerning how Christian history and Christian values were a part of the new national and social imaginary where re-enchantment and re-sacralization of the state were central elements. In this publication, the aim is to highlight the role of Christianity in the twentieth- and twentyfirst-century welfare-state modernization process with the focus on schooling and education. A central perspective is the impact of cultural Protestantism during the twentieth century. The publication is comparative and will investigate education in Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands via chapters on curriculums, textbooks, politicians, and political debates.

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オックスフォード大学で女性教育に革命を起こす-男女別学の大学とアイデンティティ理論 1870~2022年-
Ahlburg, Dennis A., Revolutionizing Women's Education at the University of Oxford: Single-Sex Colleges and Identity Theory, 1870-2022. (Routledge Research in Higher Education) 280 pp. 2024:11 (Routledge, UK) <733-1440>
ISBN 978-1-03-282641-7 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00

This book delves into the impacts and consequences of the policy of co-residence at the University of Oxford, investigating why and how women were kept at the periphery of the university and how Oxford responded to the growing demand for higher education.The book further examines how the admittance of women into men's colleges and vice versa ultimately shaped the identities of both the university and the student population. The author draws upon identity theory to explain the existence and persistence of single-sex colleges at the University and the theory of social epidemics or cascades is used to explain the rapid embrace of co-residence by the remaining men's colleges after its adoption by the first five men's colleges. In addition, the author uses both quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluate claims about the impact of co-residence on undergraduate women, women dons, and women's colleges.Unearthing and providing a sustained and in-depth analysis of a quiet, yet revolutionary, undertaking at one of the world's most renowned institutions, it will appeal to scholars, faculty, and upper level students with interests in gender in education, educational inclusion and diversity, history of education, international education, as well as sociology of education and social theory.

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ジェンダーを教える-イギリスの大学と異性愛の台頭 1860~1939年
Rutherford, Samuel, Teaching Gender: The British University and the Rise of Heterosexuality, 1860-1939. 272 pp. 2025:4 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <733-1485>
ISBN 978-0-19-893749-4 hard ¥27,442.- (税込) GB£ 99.00

In Britain in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, universities were one of many institutional state structures wherein gender difference, the male breadwinner ideal, and heterosexuality were central to a conception of citizenship. But while the state could enforce these norms through the parameters it set on the extension franchise or the distribution of welfare benefits, individual women and men also played active roles in creating and renegotiating them through the messy interactions of everyday life. Teaching Gender immerses the reader in lecture theatres, University Senate meetings, student unions, nightclubs, and halls of residence to show how individuals' efforts to find workable paradigms for relating to one another across gender lines took shape within specific institutional, political, and financial constraints, and in the context of a historical moment when anxiety accrued around non-normative genders and sexualities as symptomatic of wider social and political instability. Drawing on extensive research in the archives of ten colleges and universities across England and Scotland, Samuel Rutherford shows that the nationalization and centralization of higher education at the turn of the twentieth century resulted incidentally in coeducation, over the protest of feminist activists who supported gender segregation; that students' negotiation of cross-gender interaction in coeducational universities ultimately led them to identify heterosexuality as a seemingly less fraught paradigm than more gender-neutral conceptions of 'corporate life'; and that single-sex men's and women's colleges, though increasingly marginal, became important sites for the theorization of life paths and identities outside the heterosexual norm. Through detailed recovery both of political and financial decision-making and of the experiences and emotions of faculty, students, administrators, donors, and national politicians, Rutherford paints a vivid and resonant picture of the university campus as a key site for the transmission of norms around gender and sexuality.

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Buchardt, Mette (ed.), Educational Secularization within Europe and Beyond: The Political Projects of Modernizing Religion through Education Reform. (Studies in the History of Education and Culture 6) 340 pp. 2024:12 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <733-1500>
ISBN 978-3-11-133711-1 hard ¥16,080.- (税込) EUR 69.95

Did religion disappear with modernization and the secularization reforms that changed the relation between religion and state throughout the European empires and nation states from late nineteenth century onwards? Or was religion rather transformed becoming a part of the new social and national imaginaries on the road from European empires to African, Middle Eastern, European Union- and Post-Soviet nation states? What are the historical roots behind the divisions of state, church and education that characterized the late nineteenth and during the twentieth century? What has been the role of education in this context, both with regard to political reforms targeting the education systems and with regard to broader public enlightenment efforts and modernization of the state? Connecting scholars across the fields of history and historical sociology of education, church history and historical religion research and political history, and covering the time span from the early modern period and up until the present, this volume explores how education reform has functioned as an arena for the political project of secularization and in which way this contributed to transforming and revitalizing religion.

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Cipriano, Salvatore, The Universities of Scotland, Ireland, and New England during the British Civil Wars: Contested Seminaries. (Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History) 304 pp. 2024:12 (Boydell, UK) <733-1501>
ISBN 978-1-78327-786-5 hard ¥26,334.- (税込) GB£ 95.00

Highlights the contested nature of higher education in the British Atlantic world between the Reformation and the Enlightenment Universities in the early modern period were powerful institutions in the formation of societies, utilised as both tools to legitimise and perpetuate the power of states and archetypes upon which to model an idealised society that might maintain social order. In an era of upheaval and civil war, rival authorities clashed in the universities, where the conflicts and complexities of early modern state formation were regularly laid bare. The encroachment of the Stuart monarchy beyond England into Scottish and Irish academe stimulated broader resistance from Scottish and Irish authorities, while prompting the founding of institutions of higher learning among expatriate communities beyond the British Isles, especially in New England. In these spaces, universities were viewed as institutional bulwarks against external intrusions that promoted localised, competing visions of the godly church and state amid the conflicts and complexities of early modern state formation. This book provides new insight into the contested nature of higher education in the British Atlantic world between the Reformation and the Enlightenment and corrects outmoded notions about the universities' purported insularity and intellectual poverty. Rather, the image that emerges of these universities is one of genuine academies of strategic importance, employed to serve the agendas of ruling powers in Scotland, Ireland, and New England. Trinity College, Dublin, Harvard College, and the Scottish universities existed on the frontiers of a deteriorating composite monarchy with a centralizing impulse, becoming battle grounds of the mid-seventeenth-century's intellectual, political, and religious conflicts. SALVATORE CIPRIANO is Associate Director of Career Coaching and Education, Stanford University. He holds a Ph.D. in Early Modern European History from Fordham University.

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Faessler, Peter E. / Kramps, D. / Poeppinghege, R. (Hrsg.), Junge Hochschulen: Institutionen im Spannungsfeld von Tradition, Reformanspruch und Pragmatismus. 164 S. 2024:10 (F. Steiner, GW) <733-1502>
ISBN 978-3-515-13764-5 hard ¥10,575.- (税込) EUR 46.00




Hirbodian, Sigrid / Joerg, Christian / Wegner, T. (Hrsg.), Gruendungsphasen zwischen Erfolg un Scheitern: Rahmenbedingungen von Universitaetsgruendungen des Spaetmittelalters und der Fruehen Neuzeit. (Contubernium 92) 328 S. 2024:12 (F. Steiner, GW) <733-1503>
ISBN 978-3-515-13813-0 hard ¥15,173.- (税込) EUR 66.00




Matasci, Damiano / Ruppen Coutaz, Raphaelle (eds.), Educational Internationalism in the Cold War: Plural Visions, Global Experiences. (Routledge Studies in Modern European History) 316 pp. 2024:11 (Routledge, UK) <733-1505>
ISBN 978-1-03-216269-0 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00

This edited volume delves into the intricate landscape of educational internationalism during the Cold War, providing an in-depth examination of its diverse forms, impulses, and global impacts.Through multilingual archival research, the chapters uncover a variety of experiences that have fostered cross-border exchanges and cooperation within, between, and beyond the Western and Eastern blocs. Promoted by a wide range of individual and collective actors, internationalism in education has extended across a broad spectrum of fields, including academic mobility schemes, cultural interchanges, youth science competitions, development programs, and training courses. This collection offers, for the first time, a comprehensive analysis of these initiatives, revealing their intersections with national educational policies and processes of decolonization, development, and Europeanization. It also challenges conventional historical narratives by both uncovering forms of collaboration and solidarity that transcended the Iron Curtain and emphasizing the pivotal role of the Global South as a central arena of encounters.Educational Internationalism in the Cold War presents a rich understanding of the Cold War as a laboratory of contemporary globalization and is a valuable addition to the scholarship on one of the most critical moments of the twentieth century.

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Roos, Merethe, The Quest for a New Education: Social Democracy, Educational Reforms, and Religion in Norway after the Second World War. (Studies in the History of Education and Culture 4) 200 pp. 2024:4 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <733-1507>
ISBN 978-3-11-120474-1 hard ¥20,678.- (税込) EUR 89.95 *

This book thematizes the tension between education, politics, and religion in Norway after the Second World War, with an emphasis on the years between 1945 and 1970, and throws a new light on Norwegian school and education in the post-war period. The Norwegian educational landscape in the years after the Second World War must be seen against the development of the welfare state, and it appears as a part of the social democracy project typical for Norway at that time. The Labour Party, which held a prominent position in the educational landscape in the post-war decades, is normally regarded to have been an important driving force behind secularization of schools in Norway, not least because the total number of weekly lessons in religious education gradually was reduced. This book problematizes this thesis and enlightens how how important politicians and policymakers within the Labour Party defended religious education. A central point is that this defense must be seen within the frames of a liberally oriented protestant theology. Thus, the study highlights the diversity of ideas in Norwegian politics in the post-war period and demonstrates how important impulses in Norwegian politics can be viewed against a wider international background.

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J.L.ルーリー他著 教育と社会変化-アメリカの学校教育の歴史の概観 第7版
Rury, John L. / Mendez, Sylvia L., Education and Social Change: Contours in the History of American Schooling. 7th ed. 272 pp. 2025:1 (Routledge, UK) <733-1508>
ISBN 978-1-03-275115-3 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00
ISBN 978-1-03-274594-7 paper ¥14,688.- (税込) GB£ 52.99

This concise, interpretive history of American schooling focuses on the evolving relationship between education and social change. Like its predecessors, this fully updated new edition investigates the impact of social forces such as industrialization, urbanization, immigration, globalization, and cultural conflict on the development of schools and other educational institutions. It also examines the various ways that schools have contributed to social change, particularly in enhancing the status and accomplishments of certain social groups and not others. Detailed accounts of the experiences of women and minority groups in American history consider how their lives have been affected by education at key points in the past. Updates to the seventh edition include: Enhanced coverage for understanding the experiences of Native Americans, students in poverty settings, and the LGBTQ+ community in the midst of social change. New topics include settler colonialism, indigeneity, culturally diverse education, gay and transgender educational policies, charter schools, voucher programs, and the rise of testing in schools. It has been edited throughout to update information and sources regarding the history of American education and related processes of social transformation in the nation's past. This bestselling introductory text is essential reading for Educational Foundations, History of Education, and Schools and Society, and similar courses for pre-service teachers, educational leaders, and others. New online material includes discussion questions and links to further reading and resources, and are available at www.routledge.com/9781032745947

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Khanh, Lai Quoc (ed.), Buddhist Education in Vietnam: History, Present and Future Directions. (Vietnam - Politics and Economics 5) 190 S. 2024:6 (Nomos, GW) <733-1043>
ISBN 978-3-7560-1596-2 paper ¥11,265.- (税込) EUR 49.00 *

Auch Vietnam ist vom religious turn erfasst worden. Das religioese Leben ist heute mit Buddhismus, Konfuzianismus, Ahnenverehrung und Christentum so vielfaeltig und aktiv wie lange nicht mehr. Als wichtigste Glaubensgemeinschaft stehen die Buddhisten des Landes vor zentralen Fragen: Was ist im Kontext Vietnams unter Buddhismus zu verstehen? Auf welche der vielfaeltigen Traditionen koennen sie sich berufen? Wie soll dies an die Glaeubigen vermittelt werden? Denn die buddhistische Lehre ist hochkomplex und setzt akademische Bildung voraus. Dieses Buch fragt daher nach dem Stand der buddhistischen Universitaetsausbildung in Vietnam, vergleicht diese mit der Lage in anderen Laendern und unterbreitet Reformvorschlaege. Mit Beitraegen von Thich Nguyen Dat Pham Thi Thuy Van

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Amalou, Thierry, La Sorbonne entre en guerre de religion: autorite universitaire, censure et pouvoir royal en France (v. 1551-v. 1589). (Travaux d'humanisme et Renaissance) 590 p. 2024:7 (Droz, SZ) <732-1145>
ISBN 978-2-600-06509-2 paper ¥17,242.- (税込) EUR 75.00



Mahon, M. Wade, Informal Education in Eighteenth-Century Ireland. (Global Histories of Education) 246 pp. 2024:7 (Springer, GW) <732-1146>
ISBN 978-3-031-64798-7 hard ¥29,883.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book documents an informal system of education that emerged in Ireland between the late 1750s and the end of the century, a system that operated largely without funding or direction by church or state. In a society as divided as eighteenth-century Ireland, it is remarkable that such a system could succeed, paving the way for the more formal reforms of Irish education that followed in the nineteenth century. Based on detailed evidence from newspaper advertisements, directories, educational prospectuses, textbooks, and other print documents from the period as well as previously unexamined manuscript resources, the author describes this system and how it functioned, emphasizing the transnational dimensions of print culture, English literature, and education reform.

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インドの教育 1780~1860年 第2版
Rao, Parimala V., Beyond Macaulay: Education in India, 1780-1860. 2nd ed. 300 pp. 2024:12 (Routledge, UK) <731-872>
ISBN 978-1-03-290677-5 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00

Beyond Macaulay provides a radical and comprehensive history of Indian education in the early colonial era from 1780 to 1860. It critically explores data of 16,000 indigenous schools, which shows that indigenous education was not oral, informal, and Brahmin-centric but written, formal, and egalitarian. Based on rich archival evidence, the book challenges the conventional theory that the British administration imposed the English language and modern education on Indians. By including hitherto unused 41 Educational Minutes of Macaulay, the volume examines his educational ideas, his insistence on compulsory teaching of Indian languages in English schools, his encouragement of the Hindi language, his opposition to making Arabic as a medium of instruction in medical and technical education opens up hither to unknown perspectives on Orientalist-Modernist debates. Contrasting the educational ideas of the British elites and the Orientalists with dissenting Scottish voices, it shows that the colonial administration was not monolithic. The book discusses post-Macaulayan educational policies, closing down of Macaulay's schools and the Wood's Despatch of 1854 as well as how people protected English schools during the revolt of 1857.This second edition is supplemented with complete student essays which reveal the students' use of the English language, classical imageries, the debates in Europe and finally, their own location in Indian society. The essays by upper caste, OBC and Dalit students demonstrate their extraordinary competency and command over the English language. The book will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of education, history of education, Indian history, the history of English language teaching in India, sociology, and political science.

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Jones, Stuart (ed.), Manchester Minds: A University History of Ideas. 392 pp. 2024:9 (Manchester U. Pr., UK) <731-1251>
ISBN 978-1-5261-7632-5 hard ¥6,930.- (税込) GB£ 25.00 *

A bicentennial celebration of brilliant thinkers from The University of Manchester's history.The year 2024 marks two centuries since the establishment of The University of Manchester in its earliest form. The first of England's civic universities, Manchester has been home and host to a huge number of influential thinkers and generated world-changing ideas.This book presents a rich account of the remarkable contribution that people associated with The University of Manchester have made to human knowledge. A who's who of Manchester greats, it presents fascinating snapshots of pioneering artists, scholars and scientists, from the poet and activist Eva Gore-Booth to the economist Arthur Lewis, the computer scientist Alan Turing and the physicist Brian Cox.

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Mercer Illustrated: The Places, People, and Experiences of a Uniquely Impactful University. 208 pp. 2024:11 (Mercer U. Pr., US) <730-971>
ISBN 978-0-88146-938-7 hard ¥12,408.- (税込) US$ 60.00

This folio of more than two hundred-fifty photographs with a foreword by President William D. Underwood and accompanying text by Gordon Johnston celebrates Georgia's oldest private university. Since its founding in 1833 in Penfield as Mercer Institute, Mercer University has educated tens of thousands of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, counting among its alumni twelve governors, twenty-five congressional representatives, a U.S. Attorney General, two Rhodes Scholars, two Pulitzer Prize winners, and many physicians, artists, poets, engineers, scientists, ministers, musicians, educators, judges, attorneys, business leaders, nurses, and pharmacists. Mercer University enrolls more than 9,000 students each academic year in twelve colleges and schools on campuses in Macon, Atlanta, Savannah, and Columbus, and at centers in Henry and Douglas Counties. Mercer Illustrated highlights the places, people, spirit, and experiences that collectively contribute to Mercer's impact on the world. With sections depicting the university's campuses in Macon, Atlanta, Columbus, and Savannah and the academic, athletic, arts, service, and social events that nourish mind and soul and build community in each location, this collection offers a slice of Mercer life from all the areas of the world and the state that the University has come to call home over the last 191 years.

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Trent, John, The University of Nevada, Reno, 1874-2024: 150 Years of Inspiring Excellence. 240 pp. 2024:10 (U. Nevada Pr., US) <730-973>
ISBN 978-1-64779-169-8 hard ¥8,261.- (税込) US$ 39.95

With an uncertain beginning in the sparsely populated remote northern Nevada town of Elko, a preparatory school opened its doors in October 1874 through the Morrill Act that sought to establish land-grant universities across the nation. Seven students began their higher education experience with dreams of a better future, but they probably could not have predicted that their alma mater would one day become the University of Nevada, Reno, a nationally classified Carnegie R1 "Very High Research" institution. As both the University's student body and the state's population grew, the campus was transferred to Reno in 1885-86 as an effort to secure the fledgling institution's prospects for survival. Many of the initial class of thirty-five students resided in Morrill Hall, the only building on campus, where they also received instruction and ate their meals. As the University enhanced its academic offerings, enrollment grew to more than 1,000 students by the turn of the century. A strong belief that the University must always be changing and evolving to meet the needs of its students and answer the challenges of a particular era became the guiding forces behind the administration's decision-making. With an increasingly diverse student body and one of the most productive academic faculties in the country, the little school on the hill expanded during its first 100 years to become a leading public university in the western United States. Today, the University continues to achieve institutional benchmarks, including a record 5,000 graduates during the 2019-20 academic year. It is exactly this kind of student success that has always been at the heart of the Wolf Pack Family's mission to help students find the path that is right for them, and beckon others to share in their journey. The 150th anniversary book is published in honor of this milestone and highlights numerous parts of the University's history, showcasing why the University of Nevada, Reno has truly been a catalyst for success and change throughout the state's story.

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Ullmann, Hans-Peter, Die Universitaet zu Koeln im Nationalsozialismus: Wege einer staedtischen Hochschulgruendung zwischen spaeter Weimarer Republik und frueher Bundesrepublik. 464 S. 2024:7 (Wallstein Vlg., GW) <730-974>
ISBN 978-3-8353-5767-9 hard ¥7,816.- (税込) EUR 34.00

Als staedtische Gruendung war die Universitaet zu Koeln ein Sonderfall unter den deutschen Hochschulen. Was folgte daraus fuer ihre Entwicklung in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus? Die Universitaet zu Koeln nahm im deutschen Hochschulsystem eine Sonderstellung ein. Sie zaehlte zu den neuen Grossstadtuniversitaeten, hob sich vor allem aber als von der Stadt Koeln 1919 gegruendete, von dieser getragene und finanzierte akademische Institution von anderen Hochschulen ab. Hans-Peter Ullmann untersucht, wie diese Besonderheiten zunaechst den Weg der Universitaet in die nationalsozialistische Diktatur beguenstigt, dann ihre Nazifizierung sowohl vorangetrieben als auch begrenzt und schliesslich den Schritt in die Demokratie erschwert haben. Es zeigt einerseits, dass die Koelner Universitaet als Kind des ≫Weimarer Systems≪ und im katholischen Rheinland gelegen vom NS-Staat nicht gut gelitten war, weshalb ihre Schliessung mehrfach zur Diskussion stand. Andererseits wird deutlich, dass viele Koelner Professoren und eine Mehrheit der Studierenden die Weimarer Republik abgelehnt, sich nach 1933 in unterschiedlichem Grad auf den Nationalsozialismus eingelassen sowie der Vertreibung juedischer und politisch missliebiger Hochschulangehoeriger nicht widersprochen haben. So fuegte sich die Universitaet zu Koeln in das Regime ein und trug dieses von Anfang bis Ende mit, nicht zuletzt im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Diese Kollaboration verdraengte die Hochschule in den Jahren des Wiederaufbaus und der Entnazifizierung nach 1945.

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Otheguy, Raquel Alicia, Black Freedom and Education in Nineteenth-Century Cuba. (Caribbean Crossroads: Race, Identity, and Freedom Struggles) 272 pp. 2025:1 (U. Pr. Florida, US) <730-747>
ISBN 978-1-68340-476-7 hard ¥22,748.- (税込) US$ 110.00
ISBN 978-1-68340-493-4 paper ¥7,238.- (税込) US$ 35.00

Examining the educational legacy of Afro-Cuban teachers and activists In this book, Raquel Otheguy argues that Afro-descended teachers and activists were central to the development of a national education system in Cuba. Tracing the emergence of a Black Cuban educational tradition whose hallmarks were at the forefront of transatlantic educational currents, Otheguy examines how this movement pushed the island's public school system to be more accessible to children and adults of all races, genders, and classes. Otheguy describes Afro-Cuban education before public schools were officially desegregated in 1894, from the maestras amigas-Black and mulatto women who taught in their homes-to teachers in the schools of mutual-aid societies for people of color. In the ways that African descendants interacted with the Spanish colonial school system and its authorities, and in the separate schools they created, they were resisting the hardening racial boundaries that characterized Cuban life and developing alternative visions of possible societies, nations, and futures. Otheguy demonstrates that Black Cubans pioneered the region's most progressive innovations in education and influenced the trajectory of public school systems in their nation and the broader Americas. A volume in the series Caribbean Crossroads: Race, Identity, and Freedom Struggles, edited by Lillian Guerra, Devyn Spence Benson, April Mayes, and Solsiree del Moral Publication of this work made possible by a Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities

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平岡麻里著 英国における日本の教育制度の考察
Hiraoka, Mari, Reflections of the Japanese Education System in Britain: A Modern Utopia? 1858-1914. (Studies in the History of Education) 256 pp. 2024:10 (Routledge, UK) <729-967>
ISBN 978-1-03-240325-0 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00

This book explores British reflections of Japanese education between 1858 and 1914, by referring to accounts by British observers, derived from documentary sources such as newspapers, journal articles, published books and official reports. Hiraoka argues that British attitudes and comments on Japanese education reflect concerns about their own education system. International economics and politics of the time, as well as the voices of the Japanese, are also taken into account.British interpretations of the advantages of Japanese education are explained with two seemingly contradictory views: traditions inherited in Japan, and modern institutions newly introduced using the Western model. The book illustrates how this dual view of Japan affected the rise and fall of British interest in Japanese education over half a century. It also explores a broad range of phenomena - educational reforms, legislation and practice, science networks, exhibitions, international trade, and military affairs - to observe how Japanese education was viewed by the British. It consults a wide range of primary sources, most of which are published or digitally archived.Shedding new light on the transnational history of the educational relationship between Japan and Britain, this book will be an attractive base for future researchers in the fields of history of education, cultural history, and comparative education.

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F.宇治・ホーファー著 日本の植民地支配の初期段階における台湾でのドイツの教育政策の受容
Uji-Hofer, Fabienne, Taiwans Rezeption der deutschen Bildungspolitik in der Fruehphase der japanischen Kolonialherrschaft (1895-1914): Zur Bedeutung des "deutschen Modells" in Preussens Ostprovinzen und in Elsass-Lothringen. (Japan in Ostasien / Japan in East Asia 8) 243 S. 2024:6 (Nomos, GW) <729-976>
ISBN 978-3-7560-1377-7 paper ¥13,564.- (税込) EUR 59.00 *

Das vorliegende Buch untersucht die Vorbildfunktion der deutschen Bildungspolitik in der Fruehphase der japanischen Kolonialherrschaft auf Taiwan anhand der im Auftrage des Generalgouvernements Taiwan (Taiwan sotokufu) durchgefuehrten Inspektionsreisen im Deutschen Kaiserreich (1895?1914). Die Analyse der Inspektionsberichte zeigt die Schwerpunktsetzung und die Beurteilung der Bildungspolitik in verschiedenen deutschen Gebieten auf und eroertert im Rahmen der kolonialpolitischen Verhaeltnisse auf Taiwan, inwiefern das Generalgouvernement Taiwan diese zu uebernehmen gedachte.

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Galler, Robert W., Taking Charge, Making Change: Native People and the Transition of Education from Stephan Mission to Crow Creek Tribal School. (Indigenous Education) 452 pp. 2025:1 (U. Nebraska Pr., US) <729-1345>
ISBN 978-1-4962-3981-5 hard ¥15,510.- (税込) US$ 75.00

Taking Charge, Making Change gives voice to generations of Native people-from Crow Creek, Lower Brule, and other reservations in North Dakota and South Dakota-who shaped a school originally designed to foster Catholicism and assimilation. Local initiatives and collaboration transformed the Catholic Stephan Mission boarding school into the Crow Creek Tribal School, which now features both tribal traditions and American educational programs. Through archival research and interviews with parents, graduates, teachers, and staff at Crow Creek and the surrounding community, Robert W. Galler Jr. places Native students at the heart of the narrative, demonstrating multifaceted family connections at a nineteenth-century, on-reservation religious school that evolved into a tribally run institution in the 1970s. He shows numerous ways that community members worked with Catholic leaders and ultimately transformed their mindsets and educational approaches over nearly a century. While recognizing the many challenges and tragedies that Native students endured, Galler highlights the creativity, collaborations, and contributions of the students and graduates to their communities.Taking Charge, Making Change shows how individuals and families helped to found the school, maintain enrollment, secure funding, and influence school policies. Its graduates went on to serve with distinction in the U.S. military, earn advanced degrees after college, join and lead tribal councils in North and South Dakota, help their communities push back against federal policies, and continue to run their own education system.

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Rycenga, Jennifer, Schooling the Nation: The Success of the Canterbury Academy for Black Women. (Women, Gender, and Sexuality in American History) 328 pp. 2025:1 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <729-1383>
ISBN 978-0-252-04630-8 hard ¥25,850.- (税込) US$ 125.00
ISBN 978-0-252-08837-7 paper ¥5,779.- (税込) US$ 27.95

Founded in 1833 by white teacher Prudence Crandell, Canterbury Academy educated more than two dozen Black women during its eighteen-month existence. Racism in eastern Connecticut forced the teen students to walk a gauntlet of taunts, threats, and legal action to pursue their studies, but the school of higher learning flourished until a vigilante attack destroyed the Academy. Jennifer Rycenga recovers a pioneering example of antiracism and Black-white cooperation. At once an inspirational and cautionary tale, Canterbury Academy succeeded thanks to far-reaching networks, alliances, and activism that placed it within Black, women's, and abolitionist history. Rycenga focuses on the people like Sarah Harris, the Academy's first Black student; Maria Davis, Crandall's Black housekeeper and her early connection to the embryonic abolitionist movement; and Crandall herself. Telling their stories, she highlights the agency of Black and white women within the currents, and as a force changing those currents, in nineteenth-century America. Insightful and provocative, Schooling the Nation tells the forgotten story of remarkable women and a collaboration across racial and gender lines.

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Finch, Andrew J., Salvaging a Teenage Wasteland: The History of Recovery High Schools. 496 pp. 2024:12 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <729-1470>
ISBN 978-0-19-064550-2 paper ¥8,261.- (税込) US$ 39.95

Recovery high schools have become a key setting supporting the adolescent recovery process over the last fifty years. Salvaging a Teenage Wasteland provides the first major historical account of the recovery high school movement from its beginnings in the alternative schools of the 1970s that overlapped with the first adolescent substance use treatment programs. Our understanding of recovery high schools has evolved along with our understanding of addiction and recovery themselves. Finch explores the development of the earliest programs in South Carolina, Texas, Maryland, and Minnesota, which served as roots for later growth. He compiles interviews from dozens of pioneers, including early administrators, teachers, and students, and reviewed hundreds of historical artifacts to trace the creation and expansion of recovery high schools. The story that emerged was closely connected to some of the major events of the times, from the counterculture movement of the 1960s, to the Drug War and advent of adolescent treatment in the 1970s, to the anti-drug campaigns of the 1980s, such as "Just Say No". Cultural touchstones such as Woodstock, school desegregation, high school drug raids, and fear of cults and teenage drug use figured prominently in the creation of recovery high schools, all in an effort to create sober school spaces for teenagers. The programs that evolved are now one of the major components of addressing adolescent mental health and substance use issues.

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Goddard, Connie, Learning for Work: How Industrial Education Fostered Democratic Opportunity. 312 pp. 2024:9 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <729-1472>
ISBN 978-0-252-04604-9 hard ¥25,850.- (税込) US$ 125.00
ISBN 978-0-252-08814-8 paper ¥6,204.- (税込) US$ 30.00

Founded in 1883, the Chicago Manual Training School (CMTS) was a short-lived but influential institution dedicated to teaching a balanced combination of practical and academic skills. Connie Goddard uses the CMTS as a door into America's early era of industrial education and the transformative idea of "learning to do." Rooting her account in John Dewey's ideas, Goddard moves from early nineteenth century supporters of the union of learning and labor to the interconnected histories of CMTS, New Jersey's Manual Training and Industrial School for Colored Youth, North Dakota's Normal and Industrial School, and related programs elsewhere. Goddard analyzes the work of movement figures like abolitionist Theodore Weld, educators Calvin Woodward and Booker T. Washington, social critic W.E.B. Du Bois, Dewey himself, and his influential Chicago colleague Ella Flagg Young. The book contrasts ideas about manual training held by advocate Nicholas Murray Butler with those of opponent William Torrey Harris and considers overlooked connections between industrial education and the Arts and Crafts Movement. An absorbing merger of history and storytelling, Learning for Work looks at the people who shaped industrial education while offering a provocative vision of realizing its potential today.

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Juravich, Nick, Para Power: How Paraprofessional Labor Changed Education. (Working Class in American History) 344 pp. 2024:12 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <729-1474>
ISBN 978-0-252-04615-5 hard ¥25,850.- (税込) US$ 125.00
ISBN 978-0-252-08823-0 paper ¥6,204.- (税込) US$ 30.00

Paraprofessional educators entered US schools amidst the struggles of the late 1960s. Immersed in the crisis of care in public education, paras improved systems of education and social welfare despite low pay and second-rate status. Understanding paras as key players in Black and Latino struggles for jobs and freedom, Nick Juravich details how the first generation of paras in New York City transformed work in public schools and the relationships between schools and the communities they served. Paraprofessional programs created hundreds of thousands of jobs in working-class Black and Latino neighborhoods. These programs became an important pipeline for the training of Black and Latino teachers in the1970s and early 1980s while paras' organizing helped drive the expansion and integration of public sector unions. An engaging portrait of an invisible profession, Para Power examines the lives and practices of the first generation of paraprofessional educators against the backdrop of struggles for justice, equality, and self-determination.

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Lepri, Valentina (ed.), Knowledge Shaping: Student Note-taking Practices in Early Modernity. (Renaissance Mind 1) 250 pp. 2023:11 (de Gruyter, GW) <729-1475>
ISBN 978-3-11-107260-9 hard ¥27,575.- (税込) EUR 119.95 *

How can we portray the history of Renaissance knowledge production through the eyes of the students? Their university notebooks contained a variety of works, fragments of them, sentences, or simple words. To date, studies on these materials have only concentrated on a few individual works within the collections, neglecting the strategy by which texts and textual fragments were selected and the logic through which the notebooks were organized. The nine chapters that make up this volume explore students' note-taking practices behind the creation of their notebooks from three different angles. The first considers annotation activities in relation to their study area to answer the question of how university disciplines were able to influence both the content and structure of their notebooks. The volume's second area of research focuses on the student's curiosity and choices by considering them expressions of a self-learning practice not necessarily linked to a discipline of study or instructions from teaching. The last part of the volume moves away from the student’s desk to consider instructions on note-taking methods that students could receive from manuals of various kinds.

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Ruppen Coutaz, Raphaelle / Paoli, Simone (eds.), Building Europe Through Education, Building Education Through Europe: Actors, Spaces and Pedagogies in a Historical Perspective. (Routledge Studies in Modern European History) 252 pp. 2024:9 (Routledge, UK) <729-1476>
ISBN 978-1-03-216274-4 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This edited volume explores the role of education in the process of European cooperation and integration as it has been conceived and realized in the late 20th century and the early 21st century, as well as the mirror of this narrative: the effects of the European integration process on education.Through this dual analysis, the contributors reflect on the concept of Europeanization by showing the complex interplay between Europeanization through education and Europeanization of education. Part I offers a critical overview of the actors, spaces, actions, and pedagogies designed to promote the European project and build Europeans. Part II examines how work done on the European continental level has impacted the educational sphere and national education systems. The case studies cover a wide range of international institutions (College of Europe, European Schools, European Centre for Culture, European University Institute), international organizations (EC/ EU, OEEC/ OECD, Council of Europe, UNESCO), and transnational actors (European Trade Union Committee for Education, European Federation of Education Employers), providing interdisciplinary insight into how this dialectic contributed to shape Europe as a whole.This book will be of interest to graduate and postgraduate students, teachers, and researchers of international cultural relations, Europeanization, and education from a transnational perspective.The Open Access version of this book, available at http://www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

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Solberg, Winton U. / Hoeveler, J. David, Edmund J. James and the Making of the Modern University of Illinois, 1904-1920. 424 pp. 2024:11 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <729-1478>
ISBN 978-0-252-04613-1 hard ¥15,510.- (税込) US$ 75.00

In 1904, Edmund J. James inherited the leadership of an educational institution in search of an identity. His sixteen-year tenure transformed the University of Illinois from an industrial college to a major state university that fulfilled his vision of a center for scientific investigation. Winton U. Solberg and J. David Hoeveler provide an account of a pivotal time in the university's evolution. A gifted intellectual and dedicated academic reformer, James began his tenure facing budget battles and antagonists on the Board of Trustees. But as time passed, he successfully campaigned to address the problems faced by women students, expand graduate programs, solidify finances, create a university press, reshape the library and faculty, and unify the colleges of liberal arts and sciences. Combining narrative force with exhaustive research, the authors illuminate the political milieu and personalities around James to draw a vivid portrait of his life and times. The authoritative conclusion to a four-part history, Edmund J. James and the Making of the Modern University of Illinois, 1904-1920 tells the story of one man's mission to create a university worthy of the state of Illinois.

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Spring, Joel, Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality: A Brief History of the Education of Dominated Cultures in the United States. 10th ed. (Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education) 216 pp. 2024:11 (Routledge, UK) <729-1479>
ISBN 978-1-03-280059-2 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00
ISBN 978-1-03-280058-5 paper ¥11,084.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Joel Spring's history of school policies imposed on dominated groups in the United States examines the concept of deculturalization-the use of schools to strip away family languages and cultures and replace them with those of the dominant group. The focus is on the education of dominated groups forced to become citizens in territories conquered by the United States, including Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, Latino Americans, and Hawaiians.In seven concise, thought-provoking chapters, this analysis and documentation of how education is used to change or eliminate linguistic and cultural traditions in the United States looks at the educational, legal, and social construction of race and racism in the United States, emphasizing the various meanings of "equality" that have existed from colonial America to the present. Providing a broader perspective for understanding the denial of cultural and linguistic rights in the United States, issues of language, culture, and deculturalization are placed in a global context.Revised throughout to reflect the national events and shifts in the field since the prior edition, the 10th Edition includes updated discussion around race and its impacts on college campuses, exploration of the refugee crises, new material on Native American, Alaskan, and Hawaiian boarding schools, and expanded discussion of debates over cultural and racial identity.

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Goldenberg, Barry M., Strength through Diversity: Harlem Prep and the Rise of Multiculturalism. 268 pp. 2025:1 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-1407>
ISBN 978-1-9788-2340-2 hard ¥25,850.- (税込) US$ 125.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-2339-6 paper ¥8,261.- (税込) US$ 39.95

For nearly seven years, from 1967 to 1974, many hundreds of bright, college-going youth-most of whom had previously been labeled as high school "dropouts"-would proudly celebrate their graduation from Harlem Prep, a small educational experiment that grew to become a nationally renowned, cherished community institution in the iconic Black neighborhood of Harlem. Operating in a repurposed supermarket that used blackboards as classroom dividers, the school's unique multicultural philosophy inspired all who stepped foot inside. This philosophy, exemplified by the school's motto of "unity through diversity," shaped the school's ethos, fostered student achievement, and, most of all, made Harlem Prep distinct from any other educational institution, past or present. In Strength through Diversity, Barry M. Goldenberg shares the history of this one-of-a-kind multicultural institution from its rise to its apex and decline, revealing the collective stories of hope, struggle, and love from administrators, teachers, community members, and students. Using history as a blueprint, Goldenberg illustrates the untapped potential of multicultural education in the ongoing quest for educational equity.

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Brosnan, AnneMarie, A Contested Terrain: Freedpeople's Education in North Carolina During the Civil War and Reconstruction. (Reconstructing America) 224 pp. 2025:1 (Fordham U. Pr., US) <728-1498>
ISBN 978-1-5315-0928-6 hard ¥21,714.- (税込) US$ 105.00
ISBN 978-1-5315-0929-3 paper ¥6,204.- (税込) US$ 30.00

A testament to the resilience and determination of Black North Carolinians to achieve educational equality This book examines the educational experiences of Black North Carolinians during the American Civil War and Reconstruction period, 1861-1877. By highlighting the collaborative efforts that led to the growing network of schools for the formerly enslaved people, it argues that schooling the Freedpeople was a contested terrain, fraught with conflicting visions of Black freedom and the role education should play. Although Black men and women emerged as the driving force behind the educational endeavors of this period, their work was facilitated by Northern aid and missionary societies, the federally-mandated Freedmen's Bureau, and over 1,400 teachers from various regional and racial backgrounds. Yet the educational landscape was far from uniform, and the individuals and organizations involved had their distinct visions regarding the nature and purpose of Freedpeople's education. Through the use of qualitative and quantitative research methods, this book offers new insights into the reasons why Black and white Northerners and Southerners elected to become teachers. By examining their diverse motivations and experiences, it argues that attitudes toward Freedpeople's education were complex and fluid, defying neat characterization. Despite mounting obstacles and opposition to their work, Black North Carolinians' unrelenting quest for education ultimately gave rise to free public schooling for both races, the professionalization of Black teachers, and an extensive network of Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

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Dykstra, Gretchen, Lessons from the Foothills: Berea College and Its Unique Role in America. 200 pp. 2024:9 (U. Pr. Kentucky, US) <728-1499>
ISBN 978-1-9859-0068-4 hard ¥12,408.- (税込) US$ 60.00 *
ISBN 978-1-9859-0069-1 paper ¥6,204.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

On Christmas Eve in 1859, sixty-five prominent armed white men rode into the small Kentucky town of Berea and forced the townspeople to close its integrated one-room schoolhouse. The mob perceived the school as a threat to white supremacy and the racial order. Abolitionist John Gregg Fee established the school for the expressed purpose of providing education to anyone eager to learn, regardless of their race-a notion that horrified those convinced of the sanctity of white supremacy. The mob succeeded in evicting thirty-six community members, including Fee's family, but Fee and the others returned to Berea in 1864 and reestablished the school as Berea College-an institution committed to providing education to Appalachia's most vulnerable populations. In _Lessons from the Foothills_, Gretchen Dykstra profiles modern Berea College, considered the moral compass of the commonwealth, and its rich and beloved history. This book is the first to focus solely on the principles and practices that guide the college: the eight Great Commitments, which individually and holistically provide clear aspirations for the college and its community. Like the institution itself, Dykstra's portrait is structured around these principles; each chapter functions as a deep dive into the history, practice, and significance of each Great Commitment, from providing opportunity for the most marginalized, to its high academic standards, to its commitment to the entire region. One of the Great Commitments states that the college will "provide an educational opportunity for students of all races, primarily from Appalachia, who have great promise and limited economic resources." The college has fulfilled this commitment by eliminating tuition-one of the primary barriers between people living below the poverty line and a college education-and providing jobs for students to assist with living expenses. Including interviews with a range of members from the Berea community, alumni, students, faculty, and staff, Lessons from the Foothills is an engaging and illuminating profile of a unique and historic institution and its enduring commitment to nurture and support academic excellence and service among its students.

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Hughes, James W. / Listokin, David / Edwards, Richard L., Rutgers Then and Now: Two Centuries of Campus Development, A Historical and Photographic Odyssey. 420 pp. 2024:11 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-1501>
ISBN 978-1-9788-2470-6 hard ¥8,261.- (税込) US$ 39.95

Rutgers University has come a long way since it was granted a royal charter in 1766. As it migrated from a parsonage in Somerville, to the New Brunswick-sited Sign of the Red Lion tavern, to stately Old Queens, and expanded northward along College Avenue, it would both compete and collaborate with the city that surrounded it for room to grow.Rutgers, Then and Now tells this story, proceeding through ten sequential development phases of College Avenue and environs campus expansion-each with its own buildings and physical layouts-that took place over the course of 250 years. It delivers stunning photographic and historic documentation of the growth of the university, showing "what it was and appeared originally" versus "what it is and looks like today." Among other in-depth analyses, the book compares the diminutive geographic scale of today's historical College Avenue Campus-once the entirety of Rutgers-to the much larger-sized (in acreage) Busch Campus. Replete with more than 500 images, the book also considers the Rutgers campuses that might have been, examining plans that were changed or abandoned. Shedding light on the sacrifices and gifts that transformed a small college into a vital hub for research and beloved home for students, it explores how Rutgers grew to become a world-class university.

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McNamee, Gregory, The University of Arizona: A History in 100 Stories. (Sentinel Peak) 320 pp. 2024:11 (U. Arizona Pr., US) <728-1502>
ISBN 978-1-941451-14-4 paper ¥4,745.- (税込) US$ 22.95



Mathews, Mary Beth Swetnam, Contentious Unions: Black Baptist Schools and White Baptist Money in the Jim Crow South. (America's Baptists) 272 pp. 2024:10 (U. Tennessee Pr., US) <727-142>
ISBN 978-1-62190-925-5 hard ¥12,408.- (税込) US$ 60.00

In Contentious Unions: Black Baptist Schools and White Baptist Money in the Jim Crow South, Mary Beth Swetnam Mathews interweaves the stories of the founding and development of Richmond Theological Seminary (Virginia), Central City College (Macon, Georgia), and American Baptist Theological Seminary (Nashville, Tennessee)-colleges that saw challenges, complexities, and hard-won accomplishments in the Post-Reconstruction era. Her study begins just after the Civil War, when one of these institutions provided educational opportunities for newly freed slaves, and follows the fortunes of the schools through the 1960s. Mathews reveals the financial, curricular, and identity struggles of schools that came into being and survived under difficult circumstances. The institutions relied on funding from White Baptists, but also had to fight against control and exploitation from those who helped them financially. Though each school evolved with a different identity and educational mission, Mathews concludes that "they could be simultaneously symbols of racial independence as well as victims of white supremacy." As "oppositional spaces," these schools gave their communities access to the ground floor of the civil rights movement, and the author highlights their connections to some of the more famous activists such as John R. Lewis, Jo Ann Gibson Robinson, and Gordon P. Hancock. Ultimately, Mathews's book is a fascinating and complex account that uses the history of these three institutions to illuminate the origins of the long struggle for civil rights.

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Cohen, Robert, Confronting Jim Crow: Race, Memory, and the University of Georgia in the Twentieth Century. 376 pp. 2024:8 (U. North Carolina Pr., US) <727-1134>
ISBN 978-1-4696-8140-5 paper ¥7,227.- (税込) US$ 34.95

Since the onset of the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 following the murder of George Floyd, America has grappled with its racial history, leading to the removal of statues and other markers commemorating pro-slavery sympathizers and segregationists from public spaces. Some of these white supremacist statues had stood on or near college and university campuses since the Jim Crow era, symbolizing the reluctance of American higher education to confront its racist past. In Confronting Jim Crow, Robert Cohen explores the University of Georgia's long history of racism and the struggle to overcome it, shedding light on white Georgia's historical amnesia concerning the university's role in sustaining the Jim Crow system. By extending the historical analysis beyond the desegregation crisis of 1961, Cohen unveils UGA's deep-rooted anti-Black stance preceding formal desegregation efforts. Through the lens of Black and white student, faculty, and administration perspectives, this book exposes the enduring impact of Jim Crow and its lingering effects on campus integration.

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Core, Jennifer / Hasson, Janet S., Tennessee Samplers: Female Education and Domestic Arts, 1800-1900. 312 pp. 2025:2 (U. Tennessee Pr., US) <727-1185>
ISBN 978-1-62190-922-4 hard ¥13,442.- (税込) US$ 65.00

Jennifer Core and Janet Hasson's study of samplers-embroideries that are "first attempts at a new technique, color combination, or unusual material"-provides vivid descriptions of this nineteenth-century Tennessee art form in its many varieties. The authors not only catalogue and describe samplers from each of Tennessee's major regions-West, Middle, and East-but also incorporate research on the sampler makers and their families. This research provides fascinating insight into the stitchers, their teachers, and their academies. Including a chapter on female education on the Tennessee frontier and another on embroideries and needlework focused on mourning, the volume draws on oral histories of the embroiderers' descendants, family Bibles, diaries, scrapbooks, cemetery records, and other primary sources. Photos of the samplers are accompanied by detailed descriptions of styles, thread count, materials used, frames, and motifs. Ultimately, the study provides a snapshot of the lives of girls and young women in nineteenth-century Tennessee, including the role of this ornamental art in their education. Providing important historical context on Tennessee education, economy, and domestic life, Core and Hasson describe how embroidery came to be a crucial primary source in revealing the lives of girls and young women during a time when little was recorded about them. This book is an authoritative record of the material culture produced in the daily routine of school rooms. It is for all who see beauty in sometimes-overlooked handiwork and understand the importance of curating, preserving, and analyzing it.

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Rose-Mockry, Katherine, Liberating Lawrence: Gay Activism in the 1970s at the University of Kansas. 360 pp. 2024:11 (U. Pr. Kansas, US) <727-1218>
ISBN 978-0-7006-3735-5 hard ¥8,269.- (税込) US$ 39.99

The early struggle for LGBTQ rights in the 1960s and 1970s has typically been told from the perspective of the coasts-in places like New York, San Francisco, and Miami. But the Midwest town of Lawrence, Kansas, home of the University of Kansas (KU) and a thriving location for activist organizations in the 1960s, had an important role to play in the national story of LGBTQ activism in the United States.Liberating Lawrence tells the first-hand story of the Lawrence Gay Liberation Front (LGLF), a KU student organization that began in 1970. Having conducted sixty-seven interviews with people who were involved at the time, author Katherine Rose-Mockry focuses on the group's early formative years between the founding and 1979, during which time the members of LGLF had to fight for their right to exist on campus as an official student group. Inspired by a class project that led him to interview local members of the LGBTQ community, David Stout initiated the formation of the LGLF in the summer of 1970 to provide a safe space for gay students to meet each other and to establish a base of operations for student activism on campus. The group focused on educating the campus about the experience of being gay. They formed a speakers' bureau in their opening months and gave frequent presentations at KU and nearby campuses. In addition to raising awareness and providing counseling services, the group was also self-consciously political from the start and advocated for equal protections, employment rights, and the elimination of laws criminalizing same-sex sexual activity.The university administration, however, did not welcome the formation of the LGLF. Three times the chancellor rejected their request for recognition. This led the group to file a lawsuit against the university in 1971, and the famous cause lawyer William Kunstler, who had previously defended the Chicago Seven in 1969, agreed to represent them-a development that received national media attention. While the LGLF lost the legal battle, they ultimately won the war to change the campus culture.Katherine Rose-Mockry has written the definitive history of gay and lesbian activism at the public universities of Kansas. Liberating Lawrence is a major contribution to our understanding of the fight for gay pride and LGBTQ civil rights, both locally and nationally.

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Grelak, Uwe / Pasternack, Peer, Im Auftrag: Sonderhochschulen und Ressortforschung in der DDR. 352 S. 2024:7 (Vandenhoeck, GW) <727-1239>
ISBN 978-3-525-31154-7 hard ¥16,093.- (税込) EUR 70.00 *

Waehrend und nach dem Ende der DDR standen die Akademie der Wissenschaften und die oeffentlichen Hochschulen im Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit, etwas abgestuft auch die Industrieforschung. Das DDR-Wissenschaftssystem setzte sich jedoch nicht nur aus diesen Segmenten zusammen. Zusaetzlich gab es Sonderhochschulen, die von Ministerien, Parteien, Massenorganisationen und Sicherheitsorganen unterhalten wurden, und ebenso zahlreiche Institute, die direkt im Auftrag der Ministerien forschten oder des SED-Zentralkomitees forschten. 1989 waren dies insgesamt 116 Einrichtungen mit 11.300 Lehrenden und Forschenden. Dieses Buch dokumentiert und beschreibt diese zumeist im verborgenen wirkenden Einrichtungen erstmals vollstaendig.

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Keim, Michaela, Die Universitaet als Arena des Politischen: Sozialer Raum und akademische Kultur an der Universitaet zu Koeln von 1945 bis in die langen 1960er Jahre. (Koelner Historische Abhandlungen 59) 464 S. 2024:9 (Boehlau, GW) <727-1240>
ISBN 978-3-412-53107-2 hard ¥14,943.- (税込) EUR 65.00 *

Seit ihrer Wiedereroeffnung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg gerierten sich die Universitaeten als traditionell unpolitische Institutionen. Diese Grundausrichtung sei durch den Nationalsozialismus unterbrochen worden. Mit dem Uebergang zu einer demokratischen Ordnung gelte es, diese Tradition wieder aufzunehmen, nicht zuletzt um die Studierenden als zukuenftige gesellschaftliche Elite zu muendigen Staatsbuergern zu bilden ? so die Forderung universitaerer Akteure. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht Michaela Keim die Universitaet zu Koeln als sozialen Raum und als Raum politischer Diskurse von ihrer Wiedereroeffnung 1945 bis in die langen 1960er Jahre. In der Analyse identifiziert sie die lokalen Spezifika und Voraussetzungen in Koeln, setzt diese aber immer wieder in Beziehung zu den allgemeinen Entwicklungen der Hochschullandschaft in der Bundesrepublik.

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Meixner, Schulamit, Die Rueckkehr: Wiederaufbau juedischer Bildung und Erziehung in Wien seit 1945. (Poetik, Exegese und Narrative / Poetics, Exegesis and Narratives 20.3) 348 S. 2024:5 (V & R unipress, GW) <727-1242>
ISBN 978-3-8471-1703-2 hard ¥13,794.- (税込) EUR 60.00

Die systematische Ausloeschung juedischen Lebens in Wien durch die Nationalsozialisten zielte von Beginn an auch auf das vielfaeltige juedische Schul- und Bildungswesen. Es dauerte Jahrzehnte, bis sich wieder ein bluehendes Schulsystem etablieren konnte. Kann man von einer Wiederbelebung, von Kontinuitaet nach schweren Frakturen sprechen? War es ein kompletter Kaltstart, gefolgt von muehevollem Neuaufbau? Wie weit wurde die Gruendung juedischer Schulen von oeffentlicher Hand unterstuetzt? Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, hat Schulamit Meixner etliche oeffentliche und private Archive und viele verstreute Quellen eingesehen und ausgewertet sowie zahlreiche Interviews gefuehrt. Ihr Befund ist die erste umfassende Darstellung des juedischen Bildungswesens in Wien nach der Schoa.

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Bevis, Teresa Brawner, The Rise and Fall of International Education Exchange: A Resurrection in Retrospect. 226 pp. 2024:4 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <726-1203>
ISBN 978-3-031-57404-7 hard ¥29,883.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book tells the story of America's legendary rise in the field of international education exchange, its recent stumble during the pandemic era, and its current resurrection. America brings to its shores more foreign students than any other country, and their presence is the most critical indicator of its exceptional quality of scholarship. Achieving this level of distinction has required public, private, and civic organizations, in league with generations of inspired individuals. Recently there were indications of a fall, mostly attributed to the pandemic, but also to a host of volatile social and geopolitical issues. Unchanged, however, have been the overarching goals of intercultural understanding and world peace. As the field resurrects, some worry that deeper degeneration may still be looming. Others foresee a bright future and predict an aggressive new rise in the field of international education exchange.

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Zounek, Jiri / Poloucek, Oto / Simane, Michal, (Post)Socialist Transformation of Primary Schools: Processes, Stories and Challenges in the Czech Republic. 280 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <726-1204>
ISBN 978-3-031-58767-2 hard ¥32,182.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book addresses the transformation of primary education in the former Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic) after the fall of the communist regime in 1989. It follows the overall transformation of education and school policy and offers original insights into the everyday life of the schools at that time. It also provides a unique perspective on the whole transformation process. The work discusses the school environment in the context of specific local characteristics, such as parents, community, regional institutions, and national and international contexts. The book specifically focuses on the changes in primary school management in terms of economics, organization, and personnel. The processes of pedagogical change are an essential theme of the book. They cover how teachers proceeded through the changes in their work at the time of the transformation and the reasons for their resistance to change, including the challenges that the transformation introduced into their work and personal lives. The book also monitors how the teachers navigated the selection and use of new textbooks and tools, such as digital tools. The work originates in historical-pedagogical research, based primarily on the oral history method and complemented by the study of contemporary documents.

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Moyen, Eric A. / Thelin, John R., College Sports: A History. 496 pp. 2025:1 (Johns Hopkins U. Pr., US) <725-913>
ISBN 978-1-4214-5009-4 hard ¥8,261.- (税込) US$ 39.95

A bold and foundational history of the inception and evolution of intercollegiate athletics in the United States.In College Sports, historians Eric A. Moyen and John R. Thelin tell the intriguing story of the success-and excess-of American college sports from their inception to today. Arguing that the modern American university's structure spurred the growth of big-time sports, Moyen and Thelin also highlight the treatment of marginalized groups in athletics and the role that commercialization and the media have played in shaping college sports.Using a wealth of secondary resources, archival records, newspaper articles, and oral histories, Moyen and Thelin offer a chronological account of the popularity, success, and continued challenges of college sports. Most scholarship has portrayed athletics as an anomaly within higher education, but history reveals that college sports enjoy a symbiotic relationship with universities. Reform and a return to a purely amateur model have rarely been a compelling option for those institutions that are successful in commercialized big-time college sports. At the same time, the majority of student-athletes compete in a very different model. And despite their progressive posturing, colleges have been slow to fully adopt civil rights and social justice issues. When full participation was finally extended to women and minorities, it generally meant a move away from the amateur model into a commercial enterprise. By examining key events at specific universities, athletic conferences, and the NCAA, Moyen and Thelin trace how the media and sports marketing have created an incredibly successful financial model for schools in big-time conferences. Yet this model has also created a precarious fiscal situation for hundreds of other institutions. This provocative and refreshing take on sports in American universities provides the context in which to understand-and improve upon-the current landscape of intercollegiate athletics.

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Seifert, Laura, Faith in Education at the Skidaway Island Benedictine Mission. 208 pp. 2024:10 (U. Georgia Pr., US) <725-152>
ISBN 978-0-8203-6720-0 hard ¥24,805.- (税込) US$ 119.95 *
ISBN 978-0-8203-6721-7 paper ¥5,572.- (税込) US$ 26.95 *



J.W.ボイヤー著 シカゴ大学の歴史 拡大版
Boyer, John W., The University of Chicago: A History. Enlarged ed. 784 pp. 2024:9 (U. Chicago Pr., US) <725-1199>
ISBN 978-0-226-83530-3 hard ¥7,238.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

An expanded narrative of the rich, unique history of the University of Chicago. One of the most influential institutions of higher learning in the world, the University of Chicago has a powerful and distinct identity, and its name is synonymous with intellectual rigor. With nearly 170,000 alumni living and working in more than one hundred and fifty countries, its impact is far-reaching and long-lasting. With The University of Chicago: A History, John W. Boyer, Dean of the College from 1992 to 2023, thoroughly engages with the history and the lived politics of the university. Boyer presents a history of a complex academic community, focusing on the nature of its academic culture and curricula, the experience of its students, its engagement with Chicago's civic community, and the resources and conditions that have enabled the university to sustain itself through decades of change. He has mined the archives, exploring the school's complex and sometimes controversial past to set myth and hearsay apart from fact. Boyer's extensive research shows that the University of Chicago's identity is profoundly interwoven with its history, and that history is unique in the annals of American higher education. After a little-known false start in the mid-nineteenth century, it achieved remarkable early successes, yet in the 1950s it faced a collapse of undergraduate enrollment, which proved fiscally debilitating for decades. Throughout, the university retained its fierce commitment to a distinctive, intense academic culture marked by intellectual merit and free debate, allowing it to rise to international acclaim. Today it maintains a strong obligation to serve the larger community through its connections to alumni, to the city of Chicago, and increasingly to its global community. Boyer's tale is filled with larger-than-life characters-John D. Rockefeller, Robert Maynard Hutchins, and many other famous figures among them-and episodes that reveal the establishment and rise of today's institution. Newly updated, this edition extends through the presidency of Robert Zimmer, whose long tenure was marked by significant developments and controversies over subjects as varied as free speech, medical inequity, and community relations.

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DeJulio, Samuel / Duran, Leah (eds.), Exploring and Expanding Literacy Histories of the United States: A Spotlight on Under-Recognized Histories. 190 pp. 2024:9 (Routledge, UK) <725-1200>
ISBN 978-1-03-246361-2 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-245854-0 paper ¥10,807.- (税込) GB£ 38.99 *

Exploring and Expanding Literacy Histories of the United States brings together new scholarship and critical perspectives hitherto missing from dominant narratives to offer a racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse record of the history of American reading instruction. This book addresses the many important developments in the history of literacy in the United States that occurred outside of mainstream public education, in marginalized communities in and outside of traditional school contexts.Instead of a "top-down" approach of prominent thinkers and theorists, the book intends to cover key blind spots, including literacy education in Indigenous nations, and how marginalized groups have fought for access to education, by applying a critical lens to the under-recognized histories of literacy.This volume is essential reading for courses on History of Reading Education and Foundations of Literacy.

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Harbig, Anna Maria / Haeberlein, Mark (Hrsg.), Mehrsprachigkeit im Schulwesen der Fruehen Neuzeit. (Fremdsprachen in Geschichte und Gegenwart 20) VI, 246 S. 2023:11 (O. Harrassowitz, GW) <725-1201>
ISBN 978-3-447-12126-2 paper ¥13,334.- (税込) EUR 58.00

Nach der Reformation erlebte das Schulwesen in protestantischen wie in katholischen Laendern einen starken Aufschwung. Die Forderung, dass die Glaeubigen die Bibel in ihrer eigenen Sprache lesen koennen sollten, sowie der Bedarf an Seelsorgern und Verwaltungsfachleuten waren auf protestantischer Seite wichtige Impulse fuer den Ausbau des Bildungswesens. Auch bei den Katholiken wurden Bildung und Professionalisierung des Klerus sowie des Justiz- und Verwaltungspersonals nach dem Konzil von Trient energisch vorangetrieben, wobei sich die Orden als wichtige Traeger des Schulwesens profilierten. Seit dem 17. Jahrhundert nahmen katholische und evangelische Schulen lebende Sprachen zunaechst fakultativ, dann auch verpflichtend in ihre Lehrplaene auf. Im Jahrhundert der Aufklaerung schliesslich avancierten die Ueberwindung des konfessionsgebundenen Schulwesens und die Umsetzung reformpaedagogischer Konzepte im (fremdsprachlichen) Unterricht zu wichtigen Themen. Wie sich der Prozess der Konfessionsbildung sowie die Reformbewegungen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts auf Stellenwert, Inhalte und Adressatenkreise schulischen Sprachunterrichts auswirkten, wird in diesem Band anhand von Beispielen aus verschiedenen europaeischen Laendern und aus Nordamerika untersucht.

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Paglayan, Agustina, Raised to Obey: The Rise and Spread of Mass Education. (The Princeton Economic History of the Western World) 344 pp. 2024:11 (Princeton U. Pr., US) <725-1203>
ISBN 978-0-691-26126-3 hard ¥20,669.- (税込) US$ 99.95
ISBN 978-0-691-26127-0 paper ¥6,617.- (税込) US$ 32.00

How the expansion of primary education in the West emerged not from democratic ideals but from the state's desire to control its citizensNearly every country today has universal primary education. But why did governments in the West decide to provide education to all children in the first place? In Raised to Obey, Agustina Paglayan offers an unsettling answer. The introduction of broadly accessible primary education was not mainly a response to industrialization, or fueled by democratic ideals, or even aimed at eradicating illiteracy or improving skills. It was motivated instead by elites' fear of the masses-and the desire to turn the "savage," "unruly," and "morally flawed" children of the lower classes into well-behaved future citizens who would obey the state and its laws.Drawing on unparalleled evidence from two centuries of education provision in Europe and the Americas, and deploying rich data that capture the expansion of primary education and its characteristics, this sweeping book offers a political history of primary schools that is both broad and deep. Paglayan shows that governments invested in primary schools when internal threats heightened political elites' anxiety around mass violence and the breakdown of social order.Two hundred years later, the original objective of disciplining children remains at the core of how most public schools around the world operate. The future of education systems-and their ability to reduce poverty and inequality-hinges on our ability to understand and come to terms with this troubling history.

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