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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00




Chazan, Michael / Macdonald, Danielle / Patton, K. (eds.), Learning Archaeology: A Problem-Based Approach. 384 pp. 2025:6 (Routledge, UK) <742-751>
ISBN 978-1-032-39063-5 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-39062-8 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Learning Archaeology is designed for undergraduate archaeology students, helping them develop interpretive skills in the classroom through problem-oriented, active learning exercises.This book brings together case studies drawn from real archaeological research so students can understand (and wrestle with) how archaeology is practiced, the kinds of questions that can be addressed with archaeological data (and its limits), and the often contested place of the discipline in the modern world. Experts working across the globe and on a variety of topics have written chapters addressing critical archaeological issues or questions using data and examples from their own research projects. Several chapters are co-authored by experienced practitioners working outside of the academy in archaeology and heritage-related fields, including Tribal or First Nations members. Importantly, each author or group of authors situates their archaeological problem within the social and political context of their practice. With ethical and socio-political considerations woven through each chapter, the book is structured into three sections, Excavation, Analytical Methods, and Archaeology in the Contemporary World and provides both a comprehensive view of archaeological method as well as an understanding the role that archaeological knowledge has in contemporary society.Learning Archaeology is for undergraduate archaeology students and suitable for use in introductory courses in archaeology.

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Doyle, Laura / Gikandi, Simon / wa Githinji, Mwangi (eds.), Dynamics of Deep Time and Deep Place: Decolonial Reconstellations. Volume One. (Worlding Beyond the West) 298 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <742-753>
ISBN 978-1-032-84875-4 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00

Dynamics of Deep Time and Deep Place comprises one volume in an unprecedented three-volume set, collectively subtitled Decolonial Reconstellations. Together with Volume Two (Dissolving Master Narratives) and Volume Three (Reconceiving Identities in Political Economy), it gathers thinkers from across world regions and disciplines who reconfigure critical global thought. Collaboratively conceived, the volumes are founded on the observation that we cannot fully uproot the epistemological-material violence of coercive systems, nor fully (re)imagine more ethical visions of planetary community, without shared attention to the deeper histories of place and peoples that shape the present. Accordingly, the volumes gather social scientists and humanists, Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, and intersectional and materialist thinkers who reconceptualize longue-duree history and its afterlives. They engage in the dual project to dismantle eurocentric, colonial, androcentric frameworks and to make visible the legacies of care and creative world-making that have sustained human communities. Uncovering pasts that are as complex and dynamic as the present, the contributors brilliantly transform notions of temporality, polity, conjuncture, resistance, and experimentation within histories of struggle and alliance. They richly decolonize political imaginaries. The co-editors' introductions articulate fresh frameworks of "deep place" and "deep time" freed from eurocentric modernity paradigms, indicating pathways toward decolonial collaboration and institutional change.Decolonial Reconstellations offers invaluable resources for researchers and teachers in decolonial, postcolonial, anti-colonial, and Indigenous studies, and will also strongly appeal to feminist, anti-racist, Marxist, and critical theory scholars across disciplines.

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Jennings, Justin (ed.), Understanding Early Large-Scale Collectives: A Global Perspective. 512 pp. 2025:7 (Routledge, UK) <742-759>
ISBN 978-1-032-86552-2 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-85692-6 paper ¥10,456.- (税込) GB£ 36.99

This volume brings together perspectives from different parts of the world that showcase the wide variety of practices, institutions, and ideologies that allowed for shared identities and coordinated actions across broad collectives. It shows that there are many ways that people can work together.How did the world's first large-scale collectives come into being? For much of our discipline's history, the answer was the state. People learned how to be part of a larger community via political, economic, and social scaffolding that tended to build from earlier ways of living in a region. This scaffolding was often wobbly and always under construction-its flexibility often a design strength rather than a flaw. This book demonstrate that violence and rulers often played pivotal roles in large-scale collectives, but so did gender complementarity, markets, ritual centers, fictive kinship, and egalitarianism. Earlier evolutionary approaches tended to obscure both the variability and malleability of earlier political forms in a desire to find ideal types hidden beneath cross-cultural noise. This volume's authors argue that this noise was politics-in-action and that there was no state, or other kind of polity, that was above the fray and divorced from the daily practices that brought people, animals, and other things together.A better understanding of early collective action strategies provides a richer understanding of past politics, and, just as importantly, demonstrates governance alternatives for our contemporary society that struggles to address climate change, pandemics, and other pressing challenges. This book will interest archaeologists and historians, as well as anyone who is curious about other ways that we can work together to solve common problems.

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Keck, Frederic, Solidarity Between Species: Living with Animals Exposed to Pandemic Viruses. 240 pp. 2025:3 (Polity Pr., UK) <742-760>
ISBN 978-1-5095-6687-7 hard ¥15,772.- (税込) US$ 69.95
ISBN 978-1-5095-6688-4 paper ¥5,625.- (税込) US$ 24.95

This book examines how the Covid-19 pandemic can be described as a biopolitical crisis, taking into account a fact often overlooked by commentators: Covid-19 is a zoonosis, a disease transmissible between animal species. The Sars-Cov2 virus causing this respiratory disease circulated in bats before passing to humans under as-yet mysterious conditions, and it was transmitted from humans to other species, notably mink and deer. Building on Michel Foucault's revival of the term "biopolitics" and related notions (disciplinary power, pastoral power, cynegetic power), this book traces a set of public health measures taken over the last two centuries to control epidemics. It underlines how the need to conserve virus strains in order to identify and anticipate their mutations has given rise to cryopolitics, a set of techniques aimed at suspending the living in order to defer death. The book then questions the emancipatory scope of this cryopolitics by examining interspecies solidarity built by the warning signals sent by animals to humans about coming threats, be they pandemics, natural disasters, or climate change. By blurring the boundaries between the wild and the domestic resulting from the process of domestication, the politics of zoonoses relies on sentinels who preserve the memory of signs from the past to prepare living beings for future threats by involving them in a common ideal.

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McColl, Margaret / Brown, Pete / Delaney, M. et al. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Museum and Heritage Education. (Routledge Handbooks on Museums, Galleries and Heritage) 696 pp. 2025:6 (Routledge, UK) <742-763>
ISBN 978-1-032-48098-5 hard ¥65,021.- (税込) GB£ 230.00

The Routledge Handbook of Museum and Heritage Education is a practical reference guide that shows how museums, galleries and heritage sites can offer opportunities for successful visitor engagement.Defining museums as all cultural sites that interpret collections and spaces for public education, understanding and enjoyment, this volume argues that museum education has a central role in the development of policies, practices, and research for engagement. Including contributions from experts across the globe, the volume shows how these sites can continue to offer unique opportunities for social, physical, emotional, and academic engagement that are much needed to inform and empower museum visitors internationally. It also demonstrates how museums, galleries and heritage sites can be utilised for the betterment and sustainability of our world and the societies we live in. Combining rich theory with innovative practice, this book provides a comprehensive analysis of museum and heritage education today.The Routledge Handbook of Museum and Heritage Education will be of interest to academics, students and professionals who are based in the fields of Museum Education, Heritage, Adult and Community Education, Cultural Studies, Social Studies, Psychology and Tourism.

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Praetzellis, Adrian, Historical Archaeology in a Nutshell. 140 pp. 2025:7 (Routledge, UK) <742-765>
ISBN 978-1-032-54146-4 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-50753-8 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Historical Archaeology in a Nutshell is a textbook for students studying historical archaeology for the first time.The book presents historical archaeology's contribution to understanding the world in a series of bite-sized, topic-specific, and intellectually contextualized chapters that do not presuppose much prior knowledge of archaeology. Each chapter covers a theme commonly explored by historical archaeologists such as identity, race and racialization, colonization and Indigenous peoples, diasporas and transnationalism, religion, and war. Chapters can be read in any order in about 30 minutes and show why and how archaeologists explore the topic. Each starts with something about ontology (why would anyone care about this topic?), explains the range of approaches archaeologists apply to it, presents a relevant case study that synthesizes method and theory, and concludes with some thought-provoking discussion questions. Using examples from around the world, the book supports historical archaeology as a global discipline.As supplementary reading in an introductory archaeology course or as one of the main texts in a course dedicated to historical archaeology, this book will provide students with a focused and easily comprehensible introduction to the subject.

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Thompson, Tok / Wojcik, Daniel, Exploring Anthropology through Folklore and Mythology. 252 pp. 2025:6 (Routledge, UK) <742-766>
ISBN 978-1-032-94217-9 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-94218-6 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Exploring Anthropology through Folklore and Mythology is a comprehensive textbook which examines how people around the world express themselves culturally, and how these practices and performances provide a window into the diversity of human culture.Using a genre-based approach, this book takes a globalized perspective and promotes intercultural exchange and understanding. It presents students with in-depth examples of a wide range of fascinating traditions, as well as the understanding of how such traditions are studied. In explicating key concepts and applying these to specific practices and performances, students are introduced to the fundamentals in the study of human culture and creativity. Topics include mythology, folktales, legends, dance, music, trance states, magic, the spirit world, internet folklore, festivals, street art, subcultural style, rituals, celebrations, and body art and tattoo traditions.Exploring Anthropology through Folklore and Mythology offers a fascinating introduction towards understanding global cultural diversity, and is an essential textbook for students making their first steps into the fields of folklore, mythology, anthropology, and cultural studies.

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Underberg-Goode, Natalie / Otanez, Marty (eds.), Exploring Digital Ethnography: From Principles to Practice. 188 pp. 2025:7 (Routledge, UK) <742-767>
ISBN 978-1-032-43697-5 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-43698-2 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Exploring Digital Ethnography: From Principles to Practice places digital ethnography within the context of the production of multimedia, multisensory "research-creation" pieces using a variety of methods, tools, and techniques.This book provides new insights into how digital tools and concepts can facilitate the deliberation process, while they can also be used to materialize knowledge in new ways that engage with audiences in more dynamic formats. Drawing on a series of case studies on digital and interactive storytelling, digital photography and video, fictional worldbuilding, autoethnographic cartooning and more, it demonstrates the potential of digital tools and concepts to reach new audiences and to illustrate new approaches to solving problems. The case studies presented draw, in part, on multiple elements of participatory digital archive and museum work, itself part of the larger field of participatory visual and digital methods.Exploring Digital Ethnography: From Principles to Practice will equip readers with new ways of producing knowledge, solving problems, engaging student learning, and communicating with the public. It will be a valuable text for researchers, educators, and students in digital ethnography and anthropology, as well as related fields.

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Jallo, Zainabu, Diasporic Consciousness in the Material Culture of Brazilian Candomble. (Routledge Studies in Anthropology) 208 pp. 2025:6 (Routledge, UK) <742-80>
ISBN 978-1-032-48330-6 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00

This book examines Candomble's material culture and its relationship with the evolving cultural politics of Brazil. It employs artefacts as analytical tools to trace the emergence of a diasporic consciousness. By tracing the movements of artefacts historically, the study reveals how Candomble has transitioned from a secluded sacred tradition marked by discrimination and persecution to inclusion in the construction of a new cultural character in Brazil.While maintaining its esoteric traditions and contending with ongoing discrimination, the Candomble sphere has evolved into a confluence of socio-religious and political features expressed in sacred and spectacular contexts. This research highlights the crucial role of artefacts in the various stages of Candomble's transformation. It demonstrates how diasporic communities progressively exercise political and cultural significance within new societal contexts. The book will be of interest to a broad audience, including scholars from anthropology, material culture studies, art history, history, and religious studies.

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Manzella, Joseph C., Seeking Transcendence: The Quest for Spirituality in an Age of Detachment. 244 pp. 2025:7 (Routledge, UK) <742-86>
ISBN 978-1-032-89456-0 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-89273-3 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Seeking Transcendence examines the various paths taken by those who have detached themselves from their traditional, institutional religious roots but are seeking non-traditional paths to spiritual experiences. Called the "nones" or non-affiliated in poplar mass media these include a significant number of Western folks who maintain a belief in God or at least consider themselves "spiritual but not religious."Each chapter of the book explores these trends with a specific theme, as well as a case study based upon the author's ethnographic observation of alternative spiritual communities and practices in North America and Western Europe.Ultimately, this book shows how contemporary alternatives to traditional, institutional religion appeal to nones, presenting the relevance of new religious movements and more secular spiritual paths to transcendence.

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Gill, Harmandeep Kaur, Waiting at the Mountain Pass: Coming to Terms with Solitude, Decline, and Death in Tibetan Exile. (Contemporary Ethnography) 320 pp. 2025:3 (U. Pennsylvania Pr., US) <742-491>
ISBN 978-1-5128-2736-1 hard ¥27,060.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-5128-2735-4 paper ¥10,135.- (税込) US$ 44.95

An intimate meditation on aging and dying in exile among elderly Tibetans in Dharamsala, India In a Tibetan saying, the journey of life is likened to a climb up to a mountain pass. Upon reaching it, the journey concludes and one must cross over into death and the next rebirth. The impermanence of life-described by the Buddha as the nature of reality-crystallizes at the mountain pass, manifesting itself through the painful and arduous descent ahead and a series of sufferings. In this book, Harmandeep Kaur Gill offers an intimate meditation on the last part of the journey at the mountain pass through closely drawn portraits of elderly, exiled Tibetans who aged in Dharamsala, India, far away from their beloved homeland of Tibet, and often alone, in the absence of family. In Gill's work, the mountain pass represents a "borderland," an in-between world, where the elderly found themselves living at the crossroad between life and death, belonging fully to neither of them. It was a time-space where everyday life traversed between past and present, in darkness and light, and in dream and reality, as the elderly attempted to come to terms with the realities of their old age. By placing relational entanglements and sensations at the heart of its theorization, Waiting at the Mountain Pass foregrounds an embodied knowing that is care-ful, hesitant, and unresolved in its claims. Aiming to bridge the gap between ethics and epistemology, Gill invites the reader to see and listen in a relational and imaginative way where the other reflects back upon the self, making the assumed separations between subject and object blurry and unsettling. Through meditations on the interrelations of body and mind, society and individual, and the real and the imagined, Waiting at the Mountain Pass provides a sensorial and compassionate understanding of the singularities of life and death in a Tibetan Buddhist world in exile.

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Kelly, Steven, A First Nations Perspective: Stories of Nanda Resilience as Told by Elders. 170 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <742-513>
ISBN 978-1-032-88242-0 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-88245-1 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

This book is an extrapolation of the research Kelly conducted for the doctoral thesis about his people's struggle to come to terms with native title claim processes, in which we are required to prove our connection to land, culture and kin.This book offers a compelling and profound journey of Nanda people's existence over time. It gives a robust understanding of the kinship and culture of my family group. It differs from others in the same field as it has been produced from an insider's perspective; it is about my family, who are of the Murchison region of Western Australia. The book presents the ways in which my family continues to hold strong connection to kin and Country through traditional practices that have survived and flourished, regardless of colonialism. This has been achieved through the privileging of my family's lived experiences and perceptions as told by Elders. In addition, Kelly focuses on the small details of our everyday lives to capture aspects of Country and kin. Further, his insider positioning is incorporated in a critically reflexive way, based on auto-ethnographic accounts. Each chapter of the book focuses on particular ideas that were developed over the course of the study. The research provides examples of the historical and contemporary struggle of this Nanda family group's survival and recognition as traditional owners in a native title claim. Particular themes were recurrent features in many of my conversations with Elders. The theme of identity, pertaining to how members of this family group identify with each other and with others, was consistent throughout the process and is based on the love and respect between family members.Readers interested in Australian history, cultural studies and Indigenous studies will appreciate this book.

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McManus, Ruth / Blake, Denise / Thompson, Jessica, Death and Funeral Practices in Aotearoa New Zealand. (Routledge International Focus on Death and Funeral Practices) 148 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <742-514>
ISBN 978-0-367-75292-7 hard ¥14,979.- (税込) GB£ 52.99

This book provides a shortform definitive reference text on the landscape and features of Aotearoa New Zealand that underpin its familiar, though country specific, ways of caring for the dead. It provides an account of diverse funerary practices that have taken shape through the various cultures that have settled here.In the backdrop of the colonising history of Aotearoa New Zealand, the book examines the complex legislative framework that separates Maori and non-Maori funerary legislation, and practices. Examining the mixed model of provision spanning municipal, commercial, and private organizations, the book outlines various aspects of funerals, such as the care of the body, funeral arrangements, costs, and what state support is available. It also delves into the two legal ways to manage the dead: burial or cremation, with cremation now the majority option. The book explores the numbers, ownership and locations of crematoria and cemeteries before identifying the new trends influencing death care including sustainability. It then looks at how death is memorialised in Aotearoa New Zealand, including in cemeteries, for war memorialisation and other public commemoration and memorialisation. This book will be of interest to the growing body of local authority planners, researchers and funeral professionals who must be responsive to and provide their services in complex multi-cultural contexts. As the scope of the book is historical and contemporary death practices, it will also appeal to social historians.

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Fifi, Daniela (ed.), Critical Issues in Caribbean Museums. 136 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <742-582>
ISBN 978-1-032-49312-1 hard ¥14,979.- (税込) GB£ 52.99

Critical Issues in Caribbean Museums examines the challenges faced within the field of Caribbean Museology. Museums are sites of heritage management and, within Caribbean contexts, essential spaces for examination of post-colonial relationships to past disenfranchisement.This book helps to identify strategies within museology that can inspire meaningful collective engagement with these histories. In the process, it also identifies the hurdles museums in the Caribbean face when telling stories of ancestral oppression. Each chapter presents a new case study, written by five different museum professionals and scholars fundamentally shaping conversations on cultural heritage spaces within the Caribbean and the diaspora of Caribbean nations. Using their observations the book coalesces an understanding of the specific limitations Caribbean cultural heritage spaces face and deploys new strategies for maximizing their engagement potential. The book contains six thematic chapters, with chapter written by Caribbean museology experts and scholars.Critical Issues in Caribbean Museums is for Museum Studies researchers and museum practitioners, especially those actively engaged in the process of preserving Caribbean cultural heritage, advancing museum development in the Caribbean or in other developing nations for future generations.

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Ciobanu, Monica / Serban, Mihaela (eds.), Between the Memory and Post-Memory of Communism in Romania: Fluid Memories. (Memory Studies: Global Constellations) 312 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <742-681>
ISBN 978-1-032-55963-6 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00

The first of its kind, this book traces the construction of postmemory in post-communist Romania.Focusing on the processes, gaps, agents, and contradictions of postmemory, it examines a range of topics across a variety of disciplines, addressing questions of museums and musealization, law and memory, political trials and retrospective justice, and postmemory in a digital context, while also considering marginalized and forgotten voices, such as those of Roma populations and abandoned children. Moving away from a focus on the institutional mechanisms of transitional justice or officially sanctioned historical narratives, Between the Memory and Post-Memory of Communism in Romania brings together some of the leading voices in the field of memory studies in Romania to adopt a more pluralistic and diverse approach to the communist past.It will therefore appeal to scholars of sociology, anthropology, museum studies and history with interests in the communist period in Eastern Europe.

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Eller, Jack David, Apisteology: The Study of Not-Believing. 238 pp. 2025:6 (Routledge, UK) <742-72>
ISBN 978-1-041-04636-3 hard ¥38,164.- (税込) GB£ 135.00
ISBN 978-1-041-04635-6 paper ¥10,456.- (税込) GB£ 36.99

This book unites the burgeoning scholarly literature on not-believing in various disciplines into a proposed new field of apisteology. It demonstrates that not-believing-like not-knowing-is a worthy and distinct subject and not merely a vacuum where belief (like knowledge) is lacking. Several contemporary issues appear repeatedly in the book, such as conspiracy theories, vaccine skepticism, climate change denial, and fake news. Each chapter begins with a vignette on one of these topics and ends with a section looking ahead to which certain disciplinary approaches to not-believing can tell us. Not only does this format allow us to consider how not-believing is pervasive and distinct, but also allows us to consider what apisteology as a distinct field of study brings to the table. Ultimately, the book's consistent appeals to the constructed quality of not-believing, to the trust and commitment dimensions of not-believing, and ultimately to the critique of "truth" as the central or only interest in "belief" make it key reading for scholars and students across the social sciences and humanities.

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Byers, Steven N., The Human Skeleton: The Basics. (The Basics) 196 pp. 2025:6 (Routledge, UK) <742-30>
ISBN 978-1-032-78454-0 hard ¥38,164.- (税込) GB£ 135.00
ISBN 978-1-032-77261-5 paper ¥5,368.- (税込) GB£ 18.99

The Human Skeleton: The Basics provides an accessible overview of the basic characteristics of the human skeleton that can be used to understand the life and (sometimes) death of persons represented only by their skeletons. Topics covered include: Osteology (bones) and Odontology (teeth) Estimating Ancestry, Sex, and Age at Death Calculating Stature Skeletal Anomalies Cultural Modifications, e.g. cranial and dental Pathological conditions, e.g. disease, trauma, etc.The Human Skeleton: The Basics is an essential read for students, faculty, and professionals in anthropology, biology, forensics, and criminal justice.

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Doyle, Laura / Gikandi, Simon / wa Githinji, Mwangi (eds.), Reconceiving Identities in Political Economy: Decolonial Reconstellations. Volume Three. (Worlding Beyond the West) 272 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <742-102>
ISBN 978-1-032-84884-6 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00

Reconceiving Identities in Political Economy comprises one volume in an unprecedented three-volume set, collectively subtitled Decolonial Reconstellations. Together with Volume One (Dynamics of Deep Time and Deep Place) and Volume Two (Dissolving Master Narratives), it gathers thinkers from across world regions and disciplines who reconfigure critical global thought. Collaboratively conceived, the volumes are founded on the observation that we cannot fully uproot the epistemological-material violence of coercive systems, nor fully (re)imagine more ethical visions of planetary community, without shared attention to the deeper histories of place and peoples that shape the present. Accordingly, the volumes gather social scientists and humanists, Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, and intersectional and materialist thinkers who reconceptualize longue-duree history and its afterlives. They engage in the dual project to dismantle eurocentric, colonial, androcentric frameworks and to make visible the legacies of care and creative world-making that have sustained human communities. Uncovering pasts that are as complex and dynamic as the present, the contributors brilliantly transform notions of temporality, polity, conjuncture, resistance, and experimentation within histories of struggle and alliance. They richly decolonize political imaginaries. The co-editors' introductions articulate fresh frameworks of "deep place" and "deep time" freed from eurocentric modernity paradigms, indicating pathways toward decolonial collaboration and institutional change.Decolonial Reconstellations offers invaluable resources for researchers and teachers in decolonial, postcolonial, anti-colonial, and Indigenous studies, and will also strongly appeal to feminist, anti-racist, Marxist, and critical theory scholars across disciplines.

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Dimitrova, Diana (ed.), Mythologizing in South Asian Traditions: Myth, Gender, Power, and Politics. 234 pp. 2025:4 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <741-969>
ISBN 978-3-031-76829-3 hard ¥37,484.- (税込) EUR 159.99

This book deals with the issue of mythologizing in South Asian traditions. It brings together a number of essays dealing with the interface between mythology, gender, politics, and nationalism. The common thread that links the chapters is the appropriation and reinterpretation of myth, and its weaponizing for the purpose of power or political gain. All chapters explore the various aspects of the ongoing process of re-mythologizing of the present, as revealed in South Asian traditions. The essays in this collection respond to the same question: how to interpret the present? What is the meaning of ancient and venerated myths today? What are the ideological implications of the interpretation of myths and how do they reflect and influence the power structures of contemporary societies in South Asia?

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不平等の形態とガバナンスの正当性 第1巻
Pardo, Italo / Prato, Giuliana B. (eds.), Forms of Inequality and the Legitimacy of Governance: Volume One. (Palgrave Studies in Urban Anthropology) 260 pp. 2025:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <741-1060>
ISBN 978-3-031-78606-8 hard ¥35,141.- (税込) EUR 149.99

This edited volume uses ethnographic cases to examine social, political, and economic inequality in diverse urban settings. This book is couched in the idea that ethnographically based analysis helps to bring out the nature and interconnections between different forms of inequality and sheds light on the major forces that combine to create inequalities. Ethnography also helps to identify the dynamics that undergird the principle of freedom of thought and of action-a key principle, that is, of associated life in a democracy-and recognize empirically that these dynamics not only protect difference but increase it, for they underpin the freedom of the individual to use their talents to manage their lives and achieve their goals. This first volume in a two-part series focuses on legitimacy, governance, labour and urban change, and stereotypes and individual choice. This book will be of interest to scholars and students in sociocultural anthropology, sociology, politics, socio-legal studies, urban change, and education.

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不平等の形態とガバナンスの正当性 第2巻
Pardo, Italo / Prato, Giuliana B. (eds.), Forms of Inequality and the Legitimacy of Governance: Volume Two. (Palgrave Studies in Urban Anthropology) 236 pp. 2025:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <741-1061>
ISBN 978-3-031-78693-8 hard ¥35,141.- (税込) EUR 149.99

This edited volume uses ethnographic cases to examine social, political, and economic inequality in diverse urban settings. This book is couched in the idea that ethnographically-based analysis helps to bring out the nature and interconnections between different forms of inequality and sheds light on the major forces that combine to create inequalities. Ethnography also helps to identify the dynamics that undergird the principle of freedom of thought and of action - a key principle, that is, of associated life in a democracy - and recognize empirically that these dynamics not only protects difference but increase it, for they underpin the freedom of the individual to use their talents to manage their lives and achieve their goals. This second volume in a two-part series focuses on housing and residential patterns, development and urban regeneration, and education. This book will be of interest to scholars and students in sociocultural anthropology, sociology, politics, socio-legal studies, urban change, education.

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Kacandes, Irene (ed.), Humanities for Humans: Clear Thinking on Challenging Issues. 240 S. 2025:2 (de Gruyter, GW) <741-1131>
ISBN 978-3-11-152852-6 paper ¥9,359.- (税込) EUR 39.95

Can the academic humanities serve the general public to address the critical challenges we all face today? This unusual volume builds on the conversation series "Humanities for Humans," curated by Irene Kacandes and funded by the De Gruyter Foundation and the New York nonprofit 1014: Space for Ideas to answer this question in the affirmative. By asking some of the smartest academics in North America to think aloud in clear language on topics like racism, migration, inequality, sustainability, building connection and working toward repair of our communities, this book demonstrates the ultimate value of the imagination in solving seemingly intractable problems. The authors define and distinguish. They offer historical context and concrete examples from North and South America, from Europe, from indigenous cultures, from artists and ordinary folk. By also sharing about their own personal trajectories, these authors demonstrate not only the value of training in the humanities fields, but also that top scholars are indeed human like the rest of us.

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Stiefel, Barry, Monuments of Diverse Heritage in Early America: Placemaking and Preservation by Black, Indigenous, and Jewish Peoples. (Landscape and Heritage Studies) 332 pp. 2025:2 (Amsterdam U. Pr., NE) <741-1174>
ISBN 978-90-485-6275-6 hard ¥34,772.- (税込) GB£ 123.00

Monuments of Diverse Heritage in Early America: Placemaking and Preservation by Black, Indigenous, and Jewish Peoples explores a more inclusive history of the preservation of public historic sites. At a time when some Americans have embraced white nationalism in response to unfolding demographic changes and others celebrate individual identities over all else, an inclusive, tolerant, and unifying historical vision is sorely needed. While past preservation efforts often sought to provide exclusionary forms of historical inspiration, that need not be the case going forward. Bringing greater attention to the diverse heritage of the United States will not only help dismantle the lingering remnants of exclusionary and elitist narratives but also celebrate a pluralistic and diverse past and present. An inclusive, empowering history can provide social cohesion while also allowing room for individual groups to have authority over their pasts and their representation in public, side-by-side with one another.

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Mahajan, Nidhi, Moorings: Voyages of Capital across the Indian Ocean. 262 pp. 2025:6 (U. California Pr., US) <740-846>
ISBN 978-0-520-41351-1 paper ¥7,880.- (税込) US$ 34.95

A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press's Open Access publishing program. Visit www.luminosoa.org to learn more.Moorings follows sailors from the Gulf of Kachchh in India as they voyage across the ocean on mechanized wooden sailing vessels known as vahans, or dhows. These voyages produce capital through moorings that are spatial, moral, material, and conceptual. With a view from the dhow, the book examines the social worlds of Muslim seafarers who have been rendered invisible even as they maneuver multiple regulatory regimes and the exigencies of life, navigating colonialism, neoliberalism, the rise of Hindutva, insurgency, climate change, and border regimes across the Indian Ocean. Based on historical and ethnographic research aboard ships, at ports and religious shrines, and in homes, Moorings shows how capitalism derives value from historically sedimented practices grounded in caste, gender, and transregional community-based forms of regulation.

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Blazquez, Adele, Dawn Rose on a Dead Body: Armed Violence and Poppy Farming in Mexico. Tr. by H. W. Randolph. (California Series in Public Anthropology) 328 pp. 2025:3 (U. California Pr., US) <740-917>
ISBN 978-0-520-40525-7 hard ¥21,422.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-0-520-40526-4 paper ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *

Featured prominently in the Netflix series Narcos, Badiraguato is known as the birthplace of Mexico's most notorious criminals, from Caro Quintero to "El Chapo." But in this rural community in the Sinaloa sierra, what is the daily life of those invisible in the criminal fresco, who live in this jobless region, grow a tiny patch of poppies, run a grocery store, or hold a position in the local government? Who are the poppy farmers, caught between military repression and exploitation by those who buy their crops? What does it mean to be a woman in a place where men's violence looms? How can people make sense of the killings that punctuate daily life? This sensitive ethnography lifts the veil on a marginalized territory that is the downside of our globalized economy; an ethnography that confronts us with the uncertainty that reigns when, once again, "Dawn rose on a dead body."

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Jacobs, Lara A. (ed.), Indigenous Critical Reflections on Traditional Ecological Knowledge. 464 pp. 2025:3 (Oregon State U. Pr., US) <740-950>
ISBN 978-1-962645-32-4 paper ¥9,007.- (税込) US$ 39.95



Protevi, John, Regimes of Violence: Toward a Political Anthropology. 256 pp. 2025:3 (U. Minnesota Pr., US) <740-724>
ISBN 978-1-5179-1874-3 hard ¥25,256.- (税込) US$ 112.00
ISBN 978-1-5179-1875-0 paper ¥6,314.- (税込) US$ 28.00

A wide-ranging examination of the roots-and possible future-of violence in human societies Is aggression inevitable among humans? In Regimes of Violence, John Protevi explores how human violence originates and exists in our societies. Taking humans as biocultural (that is, our social practices shape our bodies and minds), he shows how aggression does not arrive from any purely biological predisposition but rather occurs only in social regimes of violence that, by manipulating the ways in which culture can shape our biological inheritance of rage and aggression, condition the forms of violence able to be expressed at any one time. Offering detailed insights into human aggression throughout history, Protevi's analysis ranges from evolutionary psychology to affective ideology and finally to an alternate politics of joy. He examines a wide range of seemingly disparate topics, such as cooperation between early nomadic foragers, organized sports, berserkers and blackout rages, the experiences of maroons escaping slavery, the January 6 invasion of the United States Capitol building, and responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. As he entwines the philosophical with the anthropological, he asks readers to consider why humans' capacity for cooperation and sharing is so persistently overlooked by stories that focus on aggression and warfare. Regimes of Violence is an important contribution to studies of Deleuze and Guattari, uniquely combining cutting-edge investigations in psychology, history, evolutionary theory, cultural anthropology, and philosophy to examine the "political philosophy of the mind." Presenting to readers a refreshingly optimistic perspective, Protevi demonstrates that we are not doomed to war and argues that humans can build a world based on antifascism, joy, and mutual empowerment.

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Jerne, Christina, Opposition by Imitation: The Economics of Italian Anti-Mafia Activism. 248 pp. 2025:7 (U. Minnesota Pr., US) <740-208>
ISBN 978-1-5179-1605-3 hard ¥24,354.- (税込) US$ 108.00
ISBN 978-1-5179-1606-0 paper ¥6,088.- (税込) US$ 27.00

Defying the mafia with everyday acts of resistance For more than 150 years, Italy has been home to a resilient and evolving resistance against the pervasive influence of mafias. While these criminal organizations are renowned for their vast international business enterprises, the collective actions taken to oppose them are less known. In Opposition by Imitation, Christina Jerne explores anti-mafia activism, revealing how ordinary people resist, counter, and prevent criminal economies from proliferating. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork among anti-mafia alliances in Campania, Sicily, and elsewhere, Jerne details a particular aspect of mafia activities: providing cash relief and other forms of patronage to individuals and groups. Her research shows how activism has evolved to imitate this sustaining role. Activists are increasingly challenging mafia control both by creating alternative economies-from producing food that interrupts mafia labor practices to organizing tourism that supports anti-mafia hospitality-and by subversively adopting business tactics similar to the mafia's to compete with their social influence and legitimacy. Exposing the political implications of this mimetic opposition, Jerne points to its potential impact on crime prevention and criminalization, both in Italy and globally. Opposition by Imitation shows how these modern-day Robin Hoods are redefining collective action, taking what was controlled by the mafias and returning it to the collective. This contentious economic turn, against the backdrop of broader social movements, reveals significant political possibilities afforded by imitative opposition. Retail e-book files for this title are screen-reader friendly with images accompanied by short alt text and/or extended descriptions.

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Finnegan, Ruth, The Strange Tools of Human Communication: The Voice, the Pen, and the Lyre. 274 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-1016>
ISBN 978-1-032-80216-9 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-79904-9 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

The Strange Tools of Human Communication: The Voice, the Pen, and the Lyre is a thought-provoking exploration of the everyday tools of communication that weaves together history, art, and science to reveal how the voice, hand, and mind shape our shared experiences.Through a blend of scholarly research, personal insights, and field experiences-from the oral tales of Sierra Leone's Limba storytellers to ancient cave art and modern iconography-this book offers fresh perspectives on how we connect across time and cultures. Challenging the idea that spoken language alone defines humanity, it emphasises the crucial role of hands, gestures, and artistic forms as the foundation of human communication. Readers are invited to consider the possibility of an ancestral, shared consciousness and the mysterious similarities in ancient art worldwide. Through vivid examples and personal insights, the book redefines communication as a blend of conscious expression and subconscious influence, inviting readers to consider the hidden connections that unite us across cultures and time, and to contemplate the future of communication.The Strange Tools of Human Communication is an ideal supplement to upper level undergraduate and graduate courses in cultural anthropology, sociocultural linguistics, and cultural studies.

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Wood, Barbara, Heritage, Authority and Power: Understanding Theory Through Practice. (Routledge Studies in Heritage) 248 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-1098>
ISBN 978-1-032-69043-8 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00

Heritage, Authority and Power examines who holds power and authority in heritage, the connection with specialist knowledge, and what the shifting nature of these attributes means for concepts of authenticity.Drawing on interviews with practitioners working across the heritage sector, Wood explores why in some organisations staff feel disempowered, but in others they thrive. In exploring the worked experience of practitioners, a new model emerges for understanding the sector that recognises the differences between the activity of heritage and the work of professional practice. The model demonstrates that the sector is unknowingly operating with two different purposes: the activity of heritage, generated by and from, the collections of the past, is inventive, creative and entertaining, but operates for contemporary need and interest. The work of professional practice, meanwhile, although supporting and enabling the work of heritage, is fundamentally concerned with long-term collection development and conservation. In recognising and embracing these differences, the function of specialist practice in relation to curatorship can be appreciated, but so too can the contribution of supporting specialisms, such as education, outreach, community engagement and design. The model presented within the book subsequently offers a more efficient and effective, forward-looking way to think about funding, organising and managing these two areas separately - but also in active partnership.Heritage, Authority and Power is situated in the space between academia and practice and is useful for students, practitioners, and for anyone interested, managing or working in heritage. It will be particularly relevant to academics and students engaged in the study of heritage, museums, tourism and visitor experience, and public history.

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Aveni, Anthony, Aliens Like Us?: An Anthropologist's Field Guide to Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life. 272 pp. 2025:3 (High Road Books, US) <740-1121>
ISBN 978-0-8263-6742-6 hard ¥6,301.- (税込) US$ 27.95



Hanks, Michele, Doubting Ghosts: Paranormal Investigation and the Paradoxes of Belief. 216 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-1124>
ISBN 978-1-032-73452-1 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-65578-9 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Based on Ethnographic research in England, Doubting Ghosts explores the paradoxes faced by paranormal investigators or 'ghost hunters': in spite of spending significant time observing and documenting what they suspect to be paranormal phenomena - in a scientific, secular and rational fashion - many paranormal investigators remain skeptical about the existence of the paranormal. What, then, does it mean to regularly see ghosts and yet to not believe ghosts are real?Examining the manner in which the scientific approach adopted by investigators produces profound doubts about the existence of the paranormal, the meaning of science, and the nature of modernity, the author demonstrates that doubt itself is central to experiences of secularity and that doubt can constitute a foundation for long-term engagements with the paranormal. Thus, paranormal investigators are able to sustain a relationship, albeit an uneasy one, with the paranormal while maintaining a commitment to a scientific, secular, and rational worldview.A contribution to understandings of doubt, science, religion, and disenchantment, this book will appeal to scholars of sociology and anthropology.

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Herva, Vesa-Pekka / Lahelma, Antti, Weirding Civilization: The Strange Foundations of the Modern World. 376 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-1125>
ISBN 978-1-032-94118-9 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-94116-5 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Weirding Civilization examines the irrational foundations of civilization, from the Bronze Age to the Anthropocene. Inspired by Twin Peaks and Lovecraftian horror, it reveals how weirdness - disorienting, monstrous, and ambivalent - has shaped human society since the rise of the first complex civilizations.Taking 'weirding' as its conceptual lens, the book examines hallmarks of civilization such as urbanism, money, and writing, uncovering their layered and often non-rational nature. While the concept of weirding has gained traction across disciplines, from literature studies to climate science, this book applies it systematically to early civilizations for the first time. Weirdness emerges as ruptures in experienced reality, arising from the complex interplay between humans and non-humans. The book explores how civilization has unfolded in relation to hidden, invisible, and unknown dimensions of reality. Accessible and thought-provoking, it broadens conceptual horizons, offering fresh insights into the past and present while inviting readers to embrace that which resists categorization. With a primary focus on Europe and the Near East, it also addresses global questions of modernity, technology, and cultural imagination.This book is essential for archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians studying complex societies, as well as for readers fascinated by unconventional approaches to history and civilization. It appeals to anyone seeking to disrupt conventional understandings of humanity's development.

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Lucas, Gavin / Lee Dawdy, Shannon (eds.), Undoing Things: How Objects, Bodies and Worlds Come Apart. (Archaeological Orientations) 464 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-1128>
ISBN 978-1-032-06417-8 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-06182-5 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Undoing Things explores all the ways in which things become undone, be they objects, bodies, places, or worlds.Although archaeologists have long attended to the productive dimensions of materiality and material culture as a coherent phenomenon - making objects, building things, constructing identities - the discourse around undoing is more fragmented. Topics such as ruination, death, decay, demolition, and collapse are usually examined separately. Undoing Things asks what connections or continuities can be discerned in a diverse range of practices, both intentional and taphonomic, both destructive and healing. Is there a creative component to undoing ? How visible are different processes of undoing? How is time implicated? Is undoing reversible? Who has the power to undo and when is undoing empowering? What does it take to undo knowledge? These and other questions are examined through archaeological studies ranging from classical Maya and colonial Caribbean examples to present-day Liberia to historical and ethnographic approaches to present-day Argentina and the contemporary art world.In the first quarter of the twenty-first century, human worlds have experienced a series of ruptures from climate-related disasters, political violence, and the Covid-19 pandemic. Undoing Things helps move us beyond a cloud of chaos with a deeper understanding of how and why things fall apart and is vital reading for archaeologists and those in related disciplines.

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M.Q.Sutton著 人間社会-入門
Sutton, Mark Q., Human Societies: A Brief Introduction. 276 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-1131>
ISBN 978-1-032-91087-1 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-91086-4 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Human Societies: A Brief Introduction succinctly covers the basic concepts of Cultural Anthropology in a way that is relevant and engaging to the introductory student. Less time is spent on anthropological detail and more time on the relevance of anthropological understanding to the contemporary world.The issues facing the contemporary Western world are also faced by the thousands of other societies. The book deals with topics such as the variety of sexualities, the thousands of religions, how people adapt to their environments, the ways people organize themselves, the multitude of foods and cuisines, adaptations to climate change, refugees and migrants, and the many different approaches to reproduction; all topics to which students should already be generally aware. Included are succinct chapters discussing personality, adaptation, social, political, and economic organization, food and diet, sex and gender, religion and ritual, and change and development. The book also includes short "Spotlight" boxes that enlighten the reader about specific topics of interest, as well as chapter summaries, exercises, key terms, and a comprehensive glossary.Human Societies: A Brief Introduction is essential reading for undergraduate students making their first steps into Cultural and Applied Anthropology.

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Wardell, Susan, Ethnography: The Basics. (The Basics) 244 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-1132>
ISBN 978-1-032-51311-9 hard ¥36,751.- (税込) GB£ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-032-52012-4 paper ¥5,368.- (税込) GB£ 18.99

Ethnography: The Basics introduces a broad and beginner audience to ethnography, as a research methodology with diverse applications. By using everyday language, and developing a warm and inclusive tone, the book provides an accessible entry point to the topic.In both tone and content, the book provides a picture of the practice of ethnography that is both human and humane; tackling some of the practical barriers, ethical complexities, and lived experiences, in an honest and straightforward way. Organised into eight chapters, the book provides a comprehensive overview of the unique purpose, value, and scope of ethnography and provides a practical guide as to what the practice of ethnography involves, such as: steps for designing research, gathering data, analysing and presenting findings.Without relying on assumed familiarity with, or interest in, discipline-specific histories and frameworks, Ethnography: The Basics combines clear structure, plain language, and thoughtfully selected examples and stories, to welcome students into this interesting and valuable subject. The book will also be of great interest to academics and professionals who wish to supplement their ethnographic knowledge.

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Camargo, Alejandro / Cortesi, Luisa / Krause, Franz (eds.), Amphibious Anthropologies: Living in Wet Environments. (Culture, Place, and Nature / A Samuel and Althea Stroum Book) 272 pp. 2025:4 (U. Washington Pr., US) <739-600>
ISBN 978-0-295-75388-1 hard ¥24,805.- (税込) US$ 110.00
ISBN 978-0-295-75389-8 paper ¥7,892.- (税込) US$ 35.00



Rau, Vanessa, Becoming Jewish in Berlin: Ethnography of an Urban Scene. (Culture and Social Practice) 250 S. 2025:4 (Transcript, GW) <739-634>
ISBN 978-3-8376-7415-6 paper ¥6,794.- (税込) EUR 29.00

Why do young Israelis choose to come to Berlin and how does this impact Jewish life? With this ethnography, Vanessa Rau provides a captivating portrait and analysis of a new Jewish-Hebrew urban scene. Depicting different initiatives and biographical trajectories, she shows diverse and complex ways of being and becoming Jewish in Berlin, and presents an analysis of a vibrant scene, its actors, stages and performances and how it is shaped by its historical and socio-political context and representations. She shows how actors struggle with fundamental questions of ≫being Jewish≪ and ≫being German≪ and illuminates contemporary Jewishness - offering new understandings of migration and its impact on social and religious life.

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Apekaum, Charles E., Autobiography of a Kiowa Indian. Ed. by B. R. Kracht. (American Indian Lives) 250 pp. 2025:7 (U. Nebraska Pr., US) <739-731>
ISBN 978-1-4962-4318-8 hard ¥14,657.- (税込) US$ 65.00

Born during the final years of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation, Charles E. Apekaum, grandson of Kiowa Chief Stumbling Bear, served as the principal interpreter for the Santa Fe Laboratory of Anthropology field expedition in 1935. Educated, bilingual, and world traveled, Apekaum's services as a translator were sought by anyone who dealt with the Kiowa Indian Agency personnel, politicians, and scholars. The following year, Apekaum traveled throughout Oklahoma with anthropologist Weston La Barre and ethnobotanist Richard Evans Schultes, serving as their liaison as they documented the peyote religion. During off days, Apekaum narrated his life story to La Barre, recounting the final days of the reservation, allotment, the early days of Anadarko, Oklahoma, his seventeen years attending boarding schools, service in the navy during World War I and then as a state game warden, his work translating for politicians, and his involvement in the Native American Church. La Barre never published the manuscript, which contains rich details about intertribal variants of the sacred peyote rite as well as about Apekaum's life experience. In Autobiography of a Kiowa Indian Benjamin R. Kracht presents Apekaum's autobiography for the first time. This eyewitness account is an important addition to Native American life narratives and the reconstruction of Kiowa cultural, social, and religious life in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the southern Great Plains.

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Chen, Chung-yu, The Pre-Austronesian 'Liangdao Man'. (The Archaeology of Asia-Pacific Navigation 7) 266 pp. 2025:2 (Springer, GW) <739-733>
ISBN 978-981-9789-26-9 hard ¥25,769.- (税込) EUR 109.99

This book adopts a comprehensive approach, drawing from archaeology, physical anthropology, human genetics, linguistics, cultural anthropology, ethnology and ethnography, to explore the Austronesian link of 'Liangdao Man,' and the origins of Austronesian language groups. Due to their dating 2,300~1,500 years earlier than Austronesian-speaking peoples, these two individuals should be Pre-Austronesian or Proto-Austroasiatic. The Matsu archipelago is situated off Fuzhou City's estuary in Fujian Province. In 2011-2012, the author unearthed two human skeletons, 'Liangdao Man 1' and 'Liangdao Man 2,' aged 8,300 and 7,500 years, respectively, on Liangdao Island, one of these islands. DNA analysis revealed that haplogroups E and R9 were identified, linking them to Austronesians of Taiwan aborigines' maternal lineage.

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Darnell, Regna / Gleach, Frederic W. (eds.), Recovering Ancestors in Anthropological Traditions. (Histories of Anthropology Annual 15) 372 pp. 2025:8 (U. Nebraska Pr., US) <739-734>
ISBN 978-1-4962-4229-7 paper ¥10,147.- (税込) US$ 45.00

Recovering Ancestors in Anthropological Traditions, volume 15 of the Histories of Anthropology Annual, focuses on themes of individual scholars and national developments, with each specific case building toward an understanding of an international discipline. Similar to the cultures that anthropologists study, anthropology's four-field discipline contains myriad practices, theories, and methodologies that are often divergent, contradictory, and associated with nationally based schools of thought, contributing to a vital and diverse global discipline. This volume emphasizes the challenges international scholars face as they engage both local and global movements. Several European traditions are represented, including two chapters adding to the body of work on Portugal from previous volumes in the series. North American traditions are well represented, including a collection of works on Nancy Lurie. Also included is an important examination of the collection of human skeletal remains in Argentina, presented in English for the first time. Readers will find both new information and new ways of understanding this complex history.

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Darnell, Regna / Leeds-Hurwitz, Wendy (eds.), Invisible Contrarian: Essays in Honor of Stephen O. Murray. (Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology) 330 pp. 2025:6 (U. Nebraska Pr., US) <739-735>
ISBN 978-1-4962-4300-3 hard ¥15,785.- (税込) US$ 70.00

In Invisible Contrarian Regna Darnell and Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz have assembled scholars to memorialize and celebrate the prescient vision and interdisciplinary contributions of the late Stephen O. Murray (1950-2019), who did pioneering research in ethnolinguistics and anthropology of gender and homosexuality. His socially relevant work continues to provide a cogent example of an emergent, forward-looking anthropology for the twenty-first century. Murray's wide-ranging work included linguistics, regional ethnography in Latin America and Asia, activism, history of anthropology in relation to social sciences, and migration studies. Along with a complete list of his publications, Invisible Contrarian highlights Murray's methodological innovations and includes key writings that remain little known, since he never pursued a tenured research position. ?Murray's significant, prolific contributions deserve not only to be reexamined but to be shared with contemporary and future audiences. Ideal both as a primer for those who have not yet read Murray's work and as an in-depth resource for those already familiar with him, this volume demonstrates the wide-ranging accomplishments of a man who modeled how to be an independent scholar outside an academic position.

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Frey, Benjamin E., Rising Above: Language Revitalization in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. (Many Wests) 240 pp. 2025:7 (U. Nebraska Pr., US) <739-736>
ISBN 978-1-4962-3570-1 hard ¥13,530.- (税込) US$ 60.00

Today there are roughly two hundred first-language Cherokee speakers among the seventeen thousand citizens of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in North Carolina. In 2019 the United Keetoowah Band, the Cherokee Nation, and the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians declared a state of emergency for the Cherokee language. In Rising Above Eastern Band Cherokee citizen Benjamin E. Frey chronicles his odyssey of being introduced to the Cherokee language with trepidation as a young adult and to his eventual work revitalizing the Cherokee language in a Cherokee way. In the first book to examine the process of language shift and revitalization among this band, Frey explores the institutional, economic, and social factors that drove the language shift from Cherokee to English, interpreted through the lens of a member of the Eastern Band Cherokee community in conversation with other community members. Rising Above navigates Frey's upbringing, the intricacies of language and relationships, the impact of trauma, and the quest for joy and healing within the community. In addition to language documentation and preservation, Rising Above explores how to breathe new life into the language and community, using storytelling to discuss the Cherokee language, its grammatical components, and its embedded cultural ideologies alongside its interactions with broader American society.

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Lowry, David Shane, Lumbee Pipelines: American Indian Movement in the Residue of Settler Colonialism. 310 pp. 2025:8 (U. Nebraska Pr., US) <739-737>
ISBN 978-1-4962-3279-3 hard ¥14,657.- (税込) US$ 65.00

In Lumbee Pipelines David Shane Lowry (Lumbee) examines the historical and modern paths, or "pipelines," through which members of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina maintain Lumbee national identity, community practices, and tribal sovereignty. Through extensive ethnographic research and contextualization, Lowry explores these pipelines: the programs and traditions through which the Lumbee people engineer the settler-colonial conditions that define life in North Carolina and the United States as a whole. Even as the Lumbee community depends on the economics, politics, and histories of settler colonialism, those realities at once threaten Lumbee life, freedom, and community. Despite that conflict, Lumbee people use these pipelines to protect their interests and to influence the world in the realms of public infrastructure and education, healthcare services, humanitarian networks, fossil fuel pipelines, environmental degradation, and artificial intelligence. Lowry paints an intimate portrait of how individual Lumbees define their identities and sense of being, revealing the disputes and affinities between Lumbee community members in various states of accepting and rejecting settler-colonial circumstances.Lumbee Pipelines engages conversations about how, even as American Indian identities and communities are often erased amid the business of contemporary American life, Lumbee people have devised ways to empower and enrich themselves and other peoples by repurposing and evading the genocidal pressures that define settler-colonial society.

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Perley, Bernard C. (ed.), Remediating Cartographies of Erasure: Anthropology, Indigenous Epistemologies, and the Global Imaginary. 274 pp. 2025:8 (U. Nebraska Pr., US) <739-739>
ISBN 978-1-4962-4340-9 hard ¥14,657.- (税込) US$ 65.00

Remediating Cartographies of Erasure brings together leading sociocultural and linguistic anthropologists to explore the moral imperatives of anthropology as a discipline to contribute to the self-determination and equality of Indigenous peoples around the globe. This engaged collaboration highlights the partnerships between Indigenous communities and anthropology as a mutually respectful and emancipatory practice of Indigenous and anthropological epistemologies. Indigenous scholars from New Zealand, the United States, and Canada and non-Indigenous scholars from Australia, the United States, and Canada each provide concrete examples of how researchers actualize the moral imperative to work with Indigenous peoples in ways that foster their human rights and self-determination. The contributors discuss anthropological work done in Canada, United States, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Honduras, Australia, Sardinia, and New Zealand. In laying out a world anthropology, this volume demonstrates the rectification practices of Indigenous peoples and continues anthropology's long-standing advocacy for social justice and human rights around the globe.

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Sowry, Nathan, Turning the Power: Indian Boarding Schools, Native American Anthropologists, and the Race to Preserve Indigenous Cultures. (Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology) 338 pp. 2025:4 (U. Nebraska Pr., US) <739-741>
ISBN 978-1-4962-4192-4 hard ¥14,657.- (税込) US$ 65.00

In Turning the Power Nathan Sowry examines how some Native American students from the boarding school system, with its forced assimilationist education, became key cultural informants for anthropologists conducting fieldwork during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Salvage anthropologists of this era relied on Native informants to accomplish their mission of "saving" Native American cultures and ultimately turned many informants into anthropologists after years of fieldwork experience. Sowry investigates ten relatively unknown Native American anthropologists and collaborators who, from 1878 to 1930, attended a religiously affiliated mission school, a federal Indian boarding school, or both. He tells the stories of Native anthropologists Tichkematse, William Jones, and James R. Murie, who were alumni of the Hampton Institute in Virginia. Richard Davis and Cleaver Warden were among the first and second classes to attend the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania. Amos Oneroad graduated from the Haskell Indian Industrial Training School in Lawrence, Kansas, after attending mission and boarding schools in South Dakota. D. C. Duvall, John V. Satterlee, and Florence and Louis Shotridge attended smaller boarding and mission schools in Montana, Wisconsin, and Alaska Territory, respectively.Turning the Power follows the forced indoctrination of Native American students and then details how each of them "turned the power," using their English knowledge and work experience in the anthropological field to embrace, document, and preserve their Native cultures rather than abandoning their heritage.

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Molapo, Sepetla (ed.), Collective Action in Post-colonial Societies: Beyond the Binary of Sovereignty and Solidarity. 161 pp. 2025:2 (Springer, GW) <739-486>
ISBN 978-3-031-77546-8 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book offers an exploration of collective action by bringing together the themes of sovereignty and solidarity in post-colonial societies in Africa and beyond. It does so against a common tradition of writing about collective action that assumes an opposition between the state as a legal framework of unity and social movements that express the aspirations of marginalized people. The book's examination of collective action resists this binary division. It states that sovereignty can be imagined beyond the confines of the law and consequently beyond the centrality of the state. Power therefore appears as a construct of forces and factors that signal or gesture to a complex but fascinating way of imagining collective action. These forces and factors open our eyes to the dynamics of life in post-colonial societies in ways that the understanding of sovereignty centred on law conceals. Brought into an intimacy with solidarity, sovereignty opens collective action to nuanced, complex and multiple configurations that surpass binary thinking. This is an innovative approach and of interest to students and scholars from across the social sciences.

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Godoy, Ricardo, Researching Well-Being in an Indigenous Amazon Community: A Detailed Survey of the Tsimane' Over Time. 260 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <738-966>
ISBN 978-1-032-95131-7 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-95128-7 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

This book aims to provide the first comprehensive, multi-year, systematic, empirical assessment in the behavioral sciences of how well-being changes over time in a rural society of Indigenous People in the Global South.Using data compiled by the Tsimane' Amazonian Panel Study (2002-2010) which monitored change in Tsimane' communities, this book aims to analyse important social and economic outcomes in a farming and foraging society of native Amazonians in Bolivia. It uses multidisciplinary methods through real longitudinal research to bring together three themes: well-being, economic inequalities, and the fate of Indigenous People in small-scale rural societies of the Global South to ask the question 'Why is a society that faces material deprivations, considerable economic inequalities, and declining material standards of living so happy?'This book aims to provide a comprehensive approach to the measurement of well-being and how to track its changes, providing a platform for future generations to gauge long-term change. It will resonate with undergraduate and graduate students across the behavioural sciences, professional anthropologists who specialise in the Amazon and well-being, development economists, and senior researchers who are part of the wave of emerging interest of doing research in small-scale rural societies of the Global South.

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Zaglul Ruiz, Layla, Fair Trade Enclaves: Labour and Livelihoods in Costa Rica's Banana Industry. (Routledge Studies in Anthropology) 176 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <738-222>
ISBN 978-1-032-60010-9 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00

Fair Trade Enclaves tells the story of exploitation and inequality in the production of Fair Trade bananas. It draws on immersive fieldwork in Costa Rica, which was the original testing ground for US-owned plantations and is today the world's third-largest exporter of bananas. The book offers an ethnographic study of Fair Trade's impact on the 'Dollar' banana system and considers how the growth in Fair Trade affects workers' livelihoods at the source of production. It documents the labour conditions and daily struggles of Costa Rican banana workers, featuring a comparative anthropological assessment of Fair Trade and conventional estates. The chapters provide a window onto Fair Trade's ability to effect change within one of the world's most exploitative and enduring commodity chains, exposing how Fair Trade currently fails to challenge the structural exploitation of banana production within the dollar system. The author reveals how, in some respects, workers at the conventional farm enjoy better conditions compared with those employed on the Fair Trade farm. The book is valuable reading for scholars of Anthropology, Development and Latin American Studies.

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Grant, Alec, Resisting Cultural Narrative Entrapment in Autoethnography. 162 pp. 2025:3 (Routledge, UK) <738-16>
ISBN 978-1-032-85145-7 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-85540-0 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99

Resisting Cultural Narrative Entrapment in Autoethnography delves into the nexus of cultural narratives and takes the reader on a journey through the intricate landscape of identity and cultural critique. Each chapter, enriched with dialogues with 'Ash,' our imaginary interlocutor, presents a profound exploration rooted in the philosophical fabric.This book amplifies the discourse on ontological and epistemological reflections often overlooked in narrative autoethnography. Central to its narrative is the concept of cultural narrative entrapment, meticulously dissected to unveil its philosophical underpinnings. It focuses on probing inquiries, from the essence of resistance to cultural narrative entrapment to its pivotal role in shaping autoethnographic scholarship. Through meticulous textual 'archaeology' chapters unfold, excavating layers of literature to redefine cultural identity and narrative constructs, offering a meta-autoethnographic lens. The discourse evolves, addressing critiques and paradoxes, while inviting readers to engage with the complexities of perception, representation, and the paradoxes of emplotment. Culminating with an illuminating appendix summarizing the author's extensive body of work, this book serves as a beacon for scholars and practitioners navigating the nuanced terrain of philosophical autoethnography.This book transcends the boundaries of traditional scholarship, offering a compelling narrative that challenges conventions and ignites intellectual curiosity. It is an indispensable companion for those seeking to unravel the profound intersections of culture, identity, and philosophical inquiry.

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