2025/02/14 update!
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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Casellas, Jason P. / Alvarez, Robert D.,
Shifting Allegiances: The Election of Latino Republicans to Congress and State Legislatures. (Elements in American Politics) 75 pp. 2025:4 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <741-831>
ISBN 978-1-009-53306-5 hard ¥14,131.- (税込) GB£ 49.99
ISBN 978-1-009-53308-9 paper ¥4,805.- (税込) GB£ 17.00
Shifting Allegiances provides a comprehensive analysis of the increasing presence and influence of Latino Republicans in Congress and state legislatures. Contrary to past assumptions, this Element reveals that Latino Republicans are a diverse group, no longer confined to Cuban Americans in South Florida. By examining election data and candidate characteristics since 2018, the authors uncover the factors contributing to the success of Latino Republicans, including district demographics, conservative values, and strategic campaigning. This shift in political dynamics highlights a broader trend of ideological realignment and offers insights into the evolving landscape of Latino political representation in the United States.
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Kuepeli, Ismail,
Graue Woelfe: Tuerkischer Rechtsextremismus in Deutschland. 140 S. 2025:3 (Unrast-Vlg., GW) <741-842>
ISBN 978-3-89771-635-3 paper ¥3,045.- (税込) EUR 13.00
Der tuerkische Rechtsextremismus, hierzulande unter dem Namen ?Graue Woelfe? oder als Uelkuecue-Bewegung bekannt, ist mit etwa 12.000 Anhaenger:innen die zweitgroesste extrem rechte Bewegung in Deutschland. Die Ideologie des tuerkischen Rechtsextremismus ist zutiefst gepraegt von autoritaeren, nationalistischen, rassistischen, antisemitischen und queerfeindlichen Elementen. Ebenso auffaellig ist das Verschwoerungsdenken im tuerkischen Rechtsextremismus, das mit zahlreichen Feindbildkonstruktionen unter anderem gegen Armenier, Juden, Kurden und allgemein gegen den Westen einhergeht. In den letzten Jahren hat insbesondere der israelbezogene Antisemitismus innerhalb des tuerkischen Rechtsextremismus an Relevanz und Intensitaet zugenommen, wie die antiisraelischen Mobilisierungen seit dem 7. Oktober 2023 zeigen. Kuepeli beleuchtet die Geschichte, Ideologie, Akteure und Netzwerke der tuerkischen extremen Rechten, stellt aber auch antifaschistische Gegenstrategien vor.
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Stutz, Philipp,
Unpacking EU Readmission and Return Policy with non-EU Countries. (The European Union in International Affairs) 259 pp. 2025:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <741-882>
ISBN 978-3-031-74114-2 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99
This book offers an in-depth exploration of the European Union's cooperation with non-EU countries on readmission and return, as central components of EU migration policy. It delves into the differences between formal and informal agreements and the factors influencing return rates, critically assessing the 'effectiveness' of cooperation in this contentious policy field. Through a comparative analysis of 57 non-EU countries, the book enhances our understanding of why certain countries cooperate on readmission and/or return. Countries geographically closer to the EU are more dependent and, thus, conclude readmission agreements more often. For countries in Africa and Asia, EU incentives and pressure play a bigger role and influence the cooperation together with domestic administrative capacities and bilateral readmission agreements and closer existing relations. Formal or informal readmission cooperation has a limited impact on return rates with non-EU countries beyond the Eastern neighbourhood. This comprehensive work is an essential reading for academics, policymakers, and policy advocates interested in EU external migration cooperation and the broader dynamics of international migration policy.
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Gransow, Bettina,
Migrants in Chinese Megacities: Producing Transient Urban Spaces in the Pearl River Delta. 250 pp. 2025:4 (World Scientific, SI) <741-926>
ISBN 978-981-12-7567-8 hard ¥19,844.- (税込) US$ 88.00
This book looks beyond the conceptualization of urban futures that place the megacity and its slums at the center to examine how diverse groups of migrants (primarily internal Chinese) are producing transient (mega-) urban spaces and impacting the urbanization process. From 2010 to 2012, the author conducted over 120 qualitative interviews with migrants of all categories - voluntary and involuntary, blue collar and white collar, domestic and international, and migrant groups of high risk. The research was administered in the Pearl River Delta (Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Foshan) as part of a larger research program on informal dynamics of megacity development funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The study contributes to the current debates on restricting or encouraging migration to Chinese megacities.
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Tan, Rebecca Grace,
Grassroots Integration in Multicultural Singapore: (Re)Constructing One United People. (Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series) 214 pp. 2025:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <741-957>
ISBN 978-3-031-77224-5 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99
This book studies the role that grassroots volunteers play in the integration and naturalization process in Singapore. With increasing migration, the topics of migrant integration and belonging are of perennial academic and public interest. However, much of the existing literature on the subject is largely focused on European and North American cases. By focusing on the single case of Singapore, this project provides a story of how a city-state grapples with the issue of managing increasing cultural diversity while seeking to maintain a cohesive identity. As a city, Singapore has many ubiquitous features of other urban centres for migration, such as a rapidly diversifying population and an economy that is heavily reliant on foreign labour. At the same time, being a city-state means that the demographic and cultural changes experienced in Singapore also coincide with questions of national belonging and membership in the nation-state, in contrast to larger countries with rural-urban divides or more decentralized systems of migration management and integration. Examining this simultaneously typical yet unique case study means that this project is able to examine the processes where state and society have managed migration and cultural diversity at the level of the nation-state. For example, this project discusses how Singapore's policy of multiracialism complements nation-building efforts, adding to existing public and academic debate about whether societies can concurrently embrace cultural difference yet maintain a cohesive national identity.
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Samadov, Rustam,
Masculinities of Tajik Labor Migrants: Transformations of Gender Roles and Practices in a Transnational Migration Context. (The Steppe and Beyond: Studies on Central Asia) 240 pp. 2025:2 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <741-962>
ISBN 978-981-9604-57-9 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99
This book explores masculinities of Tajik men and offers insights on how migrant and non-migrant men maintain their gender identity and adjust their gender practices in the context of transnational labor migration from Tajikistan to Russia. Being in the state of transnational in-betweenness, Tajik non/migrant men and often their spouses need to adapt to gender norms of both Russian and Tajik gender orders despite the orders' very different and at times contradicting gender requirements. Therefore, the book provides the first comprehensive analysis of Tajik non/migrant men's masculinities and their navigation between various forms of masculinity: hegemonic, complicit, marginalized, protest and dominant, thereby performing flexible and strategic masculinity. While focusing on migrant men, this research also highlights the role of women in sustaining their partners' masculine image and the ways how Russian women adjust their gender practices in response to the requirements of Tajik society.
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Ennaji, Moha,
Les nouveaux defis de la migration Maghreb-Europe. (Africa in the Global Space 8) XII, 278 pp. 2024:10 (P. Lang, SZ) <741-982>
ISBN 978-1-63667-710-1 hard ¥25,492.- (税込) SFR 103.00
Ce livre met l’accent sur la problematique des nouveaux flux migratoires externes, et leur impact sur la societe et le developpement humain. Il propose des strategies coherentes, permettant de promouvoir le developpement durable et le dialogue entre les pays du Sud et ceux du Nord, tout en plaidant en faveur de la mise en oeuvre du Pacte mondial de Marrakech pour une migration sure, ordonnee et reguliere. L’ouvrage invite au dialogue entre les gouvernements, la societe civile et le monde academique en vue de parvenir a une meilleure comprehension de la relation entre les migrations, le developpement et la diversite culturelle. Il appelle tous les acteurs a adopter de nouvelles strategies et mesures a meme de garantir les droits des migrants. Enfin le livre preconise le renforcement et l’elargissement des echanges entre les pays du pourtour mediterraneen dans les domaines de la migration et du developpement afin de promouvoir la cooperation et le partage.
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Mitsilegas, Valsamis / Guild, Elspeth / Vavoula, Niovi,
Lawless Borders: The Rule of Law Deficit in European Immigration Control. 176 pp. 2025:7 (Bristol U. Pr., UK) <741-552>
ISBN 978-1-5292-3778-8 hard ¥22,616.- (税込) GB£ 80.00
Immigration control in the West has increasingly focused on preventing migrants from reaching the external border and the territory of states. This book provides an in-depth analysis of the evolving preventive immigration control system and highlights the many ways in which contemporary border controls undermine the rule of law. By examining border control practices at the state and European levels (including by EU agencies and through the use of AI), the book explores how these measures affect the rule of law across different areas, including extraterritorial immigration control, control of the external borders, and the digitalisation of border control. This is an essential resource, presenting a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of today's border management challenges.
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Cuevas, Ofelia Ortiz,
Visuality of Violence: Witnessing the Policing of Race. (Critical Race, Indigeneity, and Relationality) 164 pp. 2025:4 (Temple U. Pr., US) <741-662>
ISBN 978-1-4399-2099-2 hard ¥20,181.- (税込) US$ 89.50
ISBN 978-1-4399-2100-5 paper ¥5,399.- (税込) US$ 23.95
Oluwayomi, Adebayo,
Foundations of Black Epistemology: Knowledge Discourse in Africana Philosophy. 266 pp. 2025:7 (Temple U. Pr., US) <741-72>
ISBN 978-1-4399-2547-8 hard ¥26,044.- (税込) US$ 115.50
ISBN 978-1-4399-2548-5 paper ¥7,880.- (税込) US$ 34.95
Scotti Muth, Nicoletta / Torres Morales, Bernat (eds.),
Body Ideas and Political Communities in Eric Voegelin's Early Work on Race. (Eric Voegelin Studies: Yearbook 3) XX, 300 S. 2024:9 (W. Fink, GW) <741-76>
ISBN 978-3-7705-6886-4 hard ¥34,910.- (税込) EUR 149.00
Eric Voegelin’s "Rassenbuecher", both published in Germany only a few months apart in the tumultuous year of 1933, had until recently received relatively limited attention. These works were often considered merely a youthful episode preceding Voegelin's American exile. However, this perception has dramatically changed in recent times. On the one hand, the systematic analysis carried out in these works has finally been acknowledged for its complexity and has been integrated into the larger, never-completed project of a "Theory of Government". The unconventional aims of this project remained pivotal to Voegelin's later work. On the other hand, the renewed importance of corporeality and the concept of race in contemporary political thought encourages a closer investigation of the role played by bodily ideas in the formation of political communities. This prompts the question of whether Voegelin's concepts can be applied to broader geographical and historical contexts.
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Lewis, Nghana Tamu,
Black Women's Health in the Age of Hip Hop and HIV/AIDS: A Narrative Remix. 176 pp. 2025:1 (Ohio State U. Pr., US) <741-364>
ISBN 978-0-8142-1580-7 hard ¥22,537.- (税込) US$ 99.95
ISBN 978-0-8142-5934-4 paper ¥7,429.- (税込) US$ 32.95
Rajan, S. Irudaya (ed.),
Handbook of Research on Migration, COVID-19 and Cities. 656 pp. 2025:6 (E. Elgar, UK) <741-366>
ISBN 978-1-0353-0122-5 hard ¥72,088.- (税込) GB£ 255.00
This incisive Handbook explores the multifaceted impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on migrant populations such as international students, refugees, undocumented migrants and informal urban workers. It examines how migration and urbanization have been reshaped by the pandemic and emphasizes the pivotal role of governments and cities in crisis management.Expert authors discuss how the pandemic has disproportionately affected migrant communities, particularly those in densely populated urban areas, by exacerbating existing social and economic inequalities and obstructing access to basic amenities. They analyze detailed case studies on different global responses to reduced mobility, such as the effect of containment measures on Venezuelan migrants in urban Ecuador and the impact of the pandemic on internal migration in Iran. This Handbook demonstrates the importance of resilience and preparedness in urban governance, advocating for proactive policies to implement public health measures, collaborate with international organizations in assisting migrant populations and deal with potential future crises.Students and scholars of regional and urban economics, migration and sustainable cities and communities will benefit from this highly informative Handbook. It is also a crucial resource for academics studying health policy and economics, as well as practitioners and policymakers in migration, urbanization and crisis management.
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Matiossian, Vartan,
The Color of Choice: Armenians and the Politics of Race in the United States and Germany (1890-1945). (Armenian History and Culture 2) 380 S. 2025:5 (Schoeningh, GW) <741-1197>
ISBN 978-3-506-79773-5 hard ¥31,396.- (税込) EUR 134.00
The extensive research literature on race has paid little attention to Armenians. Between the two world wars, they had to prove that they were "free white persons" to ensure their naturalization in the United States, while in Nazi Germany they needed to document that they were stakeholders of the "Aryan race" to safeguard their existence. Vartan Matiossian’s book is the first comprehensive account of a mostly untold story of dehumanization and racism in Europe and America that enhanced the racial and moral profiling of Armenians as undesirables. The book frames this development within the context of the debates on whiteness and immigration in the United States (culminating in the Immigration Act of 1924) and the xenophobic discourse in Germany before and during Nazism likening Armenians to Jews.
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Moehrle, Rene / Jansen, Christian / Muenchberg, K. (Hrsg.),
Italien Deutschland transnational: Politik und Kultur in zwei verflochtenen Gesellschaften seit 1848. (Italien in Geschichte und Gegenwart 40) 384 S. 2024:12 (P. Lang, SZ) <741-1199>
ISBN 978-3-631-91886-9 hard ¥18,562.- (税込) SFR 75.00
Der Band enthaelt Analysen zur Geschichte und Kultur zweier Nachbarstaaten, ihrer Verflechtungen und Gegensaetze von 1848/49 ueber den Ersten Weltkrieg, Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus bis in die Gegenwart. Die Beitraege verbindet die Frage, wie Italiener:innen und Deutsche Geschichte zu ?machen" oder ihr zu entgehen versuchten und wie sie sie reflektierten. Sie reichen von ironischer Brechung der Nationsbildung im Roman, von Frauen und Monarchen als Akteure 1848/49, ueber Divenkult vor 1914, die Wahrnehmung des fruehen Faschismus durch deutsche Juden und den Versuch, juedische Reformpaedagogik von 1933 trotz Staatsrassismus in Italien fortzusetzen, bis hin zu SS-Propaganda im besetzten Norditalien und dem Leben italienischer Zwangsarbeiter in Berlin. Fuer die Zeit nach 1945 geht es um Demokratisierungen, auch in den Geschichtswissenschaften, Italiens Praegung durch kommunistische Kultur, die viele Deutsche anzog, den Vergleich Sueditalien-Ostdeutschland und die Erinnerung an Mussolini heute.
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Rand, Erin J,
Minor Troubles: Racial Figurations of Youth Sexuality and Childhood's Queerness. 250 pp. 2025:1 (Ohio State U. Pr., US) <741-1202>
ISBN 978-0-8142-1581-4 hard ¥22,537.- (税込) US$ 99.95 *
ISBN 978-0-8142-5935-1 paper ¥7,880.- (税込) US$ 34.95
Reale, Michelle,
Volta: An Italian-American Reckoning With Race. XIV, 106 pp. 2024:10 (P. Lang, SZ) <741-1203>
ISBN 978-1-63667-611-1 hard ¥12,127.- (税込) SFR 49.00
In Volta: An Italian-American Reckoning with Race, author Michelle Reale embarks on a brave and unflinching journey to the roots of racism as she knows it. Starting with the town she was raised in, Reale examines several cultural touchstones within the Italian-American community, along with local and national flashpoints in Italian-American and African-American relations, and subjects such as Columbus Day, Frank Rizzo, Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing, and how Italians became ‘White’. In examining these issues, Reale challenges the reader and points them towards the lifelong process of racial reckoning. The style of reckoning here is straightforward and brutally honest, with no apologetics, making this book unique in contemporary anti-racism literature. While the author looks through the lens of her own culture, she argues for the "self-implicative" nature of reckoning ? that one cannot point the finger of blame in any direction other than oneself. Her account shows how our acculturation of racism is both conscious and unconscious, and that only way to face it is head on. Along with general reader, this book will appeal to college students of all levels, anti-racism educators, Whiteness scholars, high-school students, and those interested in the intersectionality of racism and culture. "Anti-racist action begins with the self. It entails the difficult work of acknowledging the prejudices we carry and the harm we have caused. In Volta, Michelle Reale maneuvers adeptly through her own racial reckoning and Italian-American history to offer an invaluable model for the reflective praxis essential to transformative change." ?Christopher Allen Varlack, Executive Director, Center for Antiracist Scholarship, Advocacy, and Action "In Volta, Michelle Reale uses autoethnographic and poetic strategies to look critically at her own upbringing and how racism extends through generations in a culture. Her vibrant narrative and poetic skills forge bonds between theory and an examined life. This unflinching inquiry provides a valuable model for anti-racist work." ?Anne McCrary Sullivan, Author of Learning Calabar: Notes from a Poet’s Year in Nigeria
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田所昌幸著 移民の国際政治
Tadokoro, Masayuki,
The International Politics of Migration: Interstate Relations and the Peoples who Cross Borders. 254 pp. 2025:4 (Springer, GW) <741-1208>
ISBN 978-981-9604-21-0 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99
Colon-Aguirre, Monica / Cooke, Nicole A. et al. (eds.),
Critical Race Theory in LIS: Challenging White Supremacy in Libraries. (Advances in Librarianship 56) 340 pp. 2025:5 (Emerald, UK) <741-10>
ISBN 978-1-83797-067-4 hard ¥31,570.- (税込) US$ 140.00
This volume shares some of the ways that librarians and library scholars are incorporating Critical Race Theory (CRT) into the field of library and information studies. CRT provides a theoretical and analytical lens through which librarians can challenge the ways race and racism harm shape library access, collections, discourses, and services, with the goal of instigating changes that lead to social justice. Chapter authors represent different points of views related to CRT from their unique perspective as members of minoritized groups and contributions move beyond generalized language and tackle topics directly related to race in America and how these affect the work in libraries. The way in which libraries and other information professions perpetuate racism are explored, alongside racist practices, as well as ideas on how information professionals can move beyond these systems and create institutions that support their patrons and create environments in which all are welcomed. Critical Race Theory in LIS fulfills a need for LIS literature to focus on race issues in the profession. The work is related to the larger umbrella of DEI work and will advance Social Justice issues in the profession but from a race perspective.
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Jelil, Mohammed Abdel / Adhikari, S. / Do, Q.-T. et al.,
Migration: Africa's Untapped Potential. (Africa Development Forum) 116 pp. 2025:3 (World Bank, US) <741-1000>
ISBN 978-1-4648-2168-4 paper ¥9,233.- (税込) US$ 43.95
Simba, Precious / Walters, Cyrill / Jansen, Jonathan D.,
Academic Xenophobia: African Scholars in South African Universities. 233 pp. 2025:1 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <741-1005>
ISBN 978-3-031-78808-6 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99
This book explores the layered experiences of Black African faculty members at the 26 public universities in South Africa. Through rich narrative case studies and detailed policy analysis, the authors examine the manifestations of xenophobia within the academic context, including its impact on individuals, institutions, and policies. The book will be valuable to scholars, policymakers, and practitioners interested in understanding the evolving landscape of xenophobia, tertiary education, and immigration in South Africa.
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Dantas, Sylvia / Farah, Paulo Daniel (eds.),
Resignifying Migration and Minorities' Cultural Contact in Brazil: Experiences, Perspectives and Policy Making. (Culture in Policy Making: The Symbolic Universes of Social Action) 151 pp. 2025:3 (Springer, GW) <741-1007>
ISBN 978-3-031-80444-1 hard ¥35,141.- (税込) EUR 149.99
This volume provides in-depth discussions on the challenges of intercultural encounters in Brazil. It analyzes existing policies related to migration and minorities and proposes innovative approaches to policy-making. It also highlights policies that have had a real social impact. The volume consolidates theoretical contributions from authors of different but convergent fields to indicate the role of culture and cultural processes in a wide range of phenomena such as psychosocial intervention with immigrants, emigrants, returnees and refugees, homelessness, mental health and interculturality, mobility in urban settings, monolingualism and monocultural curriculum at Brazilian schools and universities, besides narratives of new and older immigrants. Displacement is one of the 21st century's greatest challenges, and this volume provides interdisciplinary perspectives on mobility and people in cultural contact in Brazil, the largest country in South America and the fifth most populous in the world. Although seen from a Brazilian scenario, issues discussed here permeate all other countries that are diverse and receive immigrants, and shed light on the complex socio-cultural world in which we live.
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Webb, Meghan Farley,
Public Loves, Private Troubles: Migration, Technology, and Intimacy in Rural Indigenous Guatemala. (Contemporary Issues and Methods in Indigenous Studies) 188 pp. 2025:4 (U. Alabama Pr., US) <741-1015>
ISBN 978-0-8173-2229-8 hard ¥24,805.- (税込) US$ 110.00
ISBN 978-0-8173-6201-0 paper ¥7,880.- (税込) US$ 34.95
This ethnography uses the lens of cellphones and other digital technologies to unpack marriage, love, sexuality, and family issues of Maya women in Guatemala whose husbands engage in transnational labor.
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Kinney, Rebecca Jo,
Mapping AsiaTown Cleveland: Race and Redevelopment in the Rust Belt. (Asian American History and Culture) 204 pp. 2025:4 (Temple U. Pr., US) <741-1055>
ISBN 978-1-4399-2475-4 hard ¥22,436.- (税込) US$ 99.50
ISBN 978-1-4399-2476-1 paper ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95
Forthcoming Spring 2025This book examines the tensions that emerged between Asian American racial identity formation and the establishment of organized urban community in Cleveland. Moving from 1943 to the present, Rebecca Jo Kinney relates the history of Asian Americans' lived experiences, community formation, and their role in urban development and change in the Midwest - a region whose scholarly and popular literature often overlooks their population.
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Lopez, Alyssa,
Reel Freedom: Black Film Culture in Early Twentieth-Century New York City. (Urban Life, Landscape and Policy) 250 pp. 2025:4 (Temple U. Pr., US) <741-1137>
ISBN 978-1-4399-2412-9 hard ¥24,917.- (税込) US$ 110.50
ISBN 978-1-4399-2413-6 paper ¥7,429.- (税込) US$ 32.95
Baker, Leroy,
Navigating Complexities: The Intersectionality of Blackness and Disability in Higher Education. 256 pp. 2024:12 (P. Lang, SZ) <741-1175>
ISBN 978-1-63667-742-2 paper ¥10,395.- (税込) SFR 42.00
Academic accommodations have become quite commonplace in universities in the Global North. At their best, accommodations support the rights of all students to an education, enabling students with disabilities or those who learn differently to succeed in the university and beyond. But are accommodations truly at their best? Reflecting on his own experiences as a Black student with a disability as well as the experiences of other Black students accessing accommodations at Canada's premier university, the University of Toronto, Baker examines how Black students who self-identify as having a disability navigate the everyday complexities of Blackness and disability in Canadian higher education. Revealing the often invisible ways Black disabled students negotiate the double bind of disability and anti-Blackness, this book draws attention to the alarming regularity with which students internalize stigmas born from structural forms of anti-Black racism and ableism and demonstrates how this often create devastating barriers to student success and well-being. Timely, thought-provoking, and at times deeply personal, this book encourages us to rethink the accommodations process with the aim of supporting all students to achieve success within the academy and beyond.
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Beer, Mathias,
Die Fluechtlingsfrage in Deutschland nach 1945: Geschichte, Forschung, Erinnerung. (Migration in Wirtschaft, Geschichte & Gesellschaft 3) 510 S. 2025:2 (V & R unipress, GW) <741-1176>
ISBN 978-3-8471-1811-4 hard ¥18,744.- (税込) EUR 80.00
Gegliedert in die Bereiche Geschichte, Forschung und Erinnerung umfasst der Band eine Reihe von Fallstudien. Sie beziehen alle Bedeutungsfelder ein, fuer die die Chiffre ≫Flucht und Vertreibung≪ im Deutschen steht ? die Voraussetzungen fuer die deutsche Zwangsmigration am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs; die tiefgreifenden Folgen fuer die Bundesrepublik; die geschlechterspezifische Praegung von Millionen von Lebensgeschichten auch beim Versuch, in der Fremde anzukommen; die gesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzungen mit den Folgen der Zwangsmigration in der Bundesrepublik und im Ausland. Mit seinem breiten inhaltlichen, theoretischen, methodischen und quellenmaessigen Zugang legt der Band den hohen Stellenwert offen, den ≫Flucht und Vertreibung≪ bis in die Gegenwart hat ? in Deutschland, Europa und weltweit. Die Fluechtlingsfrage in Deutschland nach 1945, die am Anfang der Zuwanderungsgeschichte der Bundesrepublik steht, ist Geschichte und Gegenwart zugleich. Divided into the chapters history, research and remembrance, the volume comprises a series of case studies. They refer to all the fields of meaning that the cipher of “flight and expulsion” stands for: the preconditions for German forced migration at the end of the Second World War; the far-reaching consequences for the Federal Republic; the gender-specific imprint on millions of life stories, even when trying to arrive in a foreign country; the social debates on the consequences of forced migration in the Federal Republic and abroad. With its broad approach in terms of content, theory, methodology and sources, the volume reveals the great significance that “flight and expulsion” still have today ? in Germany, Europe and worldwide. The refugee question in Germany after 1945, which stands at the beginning of the history of immigration in the Federal Republic, is both past and present.
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Bristol, Douglas Walter,
Building Bridges: Black GIs, Military Labor, and the Fight for Equality in World War II. (Studies in Civil-Military Relations) 216 pp. 2025:6 (U. Pr. Kansas, US) <741-1177>
ISBN 978-0-7006-3900-7 hard ¥11,271.- (税込) US$ 49.99
The previously overlooked story of how the labor of Black GIs helped win the war and advanced racial integration in the US armed forces.More than 80 percent of Black GIs in World War II served behind the front lines. At the beginning of the war, segregation policies maintained physical separation of Black and white GIs and only allowed Black soldiers to do simple, menial work, maintaining a false sense of racial inferiority. But the mechanization of armed forces during World War II demanded more skilled laborers behind the front lines. The Army Service Forces, created in March 1942, turned to Black GIs to solve the serious manpower shortage and trained them for jobs previously done only by white GIs. In Building Bridges, author Douglas Bristol tells the story of how military necessity led to unprecedented changes in the employment of Black troops. These changes had unanticipated consequences. American military leaders adopted a new racial discourse that emphasized the rights and potential of Black GIs. The new opportunities also exposed racial discrimination, giving Black GIs and their allies more leverage to demand better treatment.Black GIs built bridges, roads, and runways. They repaired engines and radios. They transported bombs, bullets, food, gasoline, and water to hard-pressed soldiers on the front lines. Their numbers, skills, and necessity only grew as the war continued. By the end of the World War II, Black GIs had cracked the glass ceiling in the racialized military hierarchy behind the front lines and became indispensable to keeping the American war machine running around the globe.
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Bunatova, Marie (ed.),
Migration and Mobility in Prague's Jewish Community during the Transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern Period. 328 S. 2025:5 (Boehlau, AU) <741-1178>
ISBN 978-3-205-22161-6 hard ¥14,058.- (税込) EUR 60.00
The first comprehensive treatment of the topic of migration in the Jewish community in Prague. The book provides a trans-regional context and a new perspective on family networks and the mobility of merchants, scholars and rabbis between Prague and other Jewish communities in Europe. Since the Middle Ages, the history of European Jews has been characterised by migrations that were triggered by expulsions from certain countries, but were also motivated by trade and cultural, religious and family contacts between the communities. This publication is the first comprehensive treatment of the topic of migration and mobility in the Jewish community in Prague, which was one of the most important in the 16th century. Based on extensive archival research, it offers a new perspective on the causes, course and consequences of the migration of Prague's Jews. At the same time, the authors also trace the supra-regional mobility of Jewish merchants and traders, family networks and the mobility of rabbis, doctors and other scholars whose fates were linked to Prague.
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Gebal, Przemyslaw E. / Krzyzosiak, Karol (eds.),
Polish as a Foreign and Second Language among Ukrainian Migrants. (Interdisziplinare Verortungen der Angewandten Linguistik 18) 168 S. 2024:9 (V & R unipress, GW) <741-1184>
ISBN 978-3-8471-1773-5 hard ¥10,543.- (税込) EUR 45.00
This volume compiles the latest research on learning and teaching Polish as a foreign and second language among Ukrainian migrants and refugees. The authors address the growing necessity for developing both theoretical frameworks and practical solutions to facilitate efficient language acquisition and acculturation amidst the unprecedented inflow of migrants resulting from the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The research presented in this volume marks an important initial step in recognizing and analyzing the diverse needs of individuals with migrant and refugee experiences. Furthermore, it offers new perspectives that pave the way for future advancements in the field of Polish language education.
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Gloeckner, Olaf / Jikeli, Guenther (Hrsg.),
Antisemitismus in Deutschland nach dem 7. Oktober 2023. 280 S. 2025:2 (Olms, GW) <741-1185>
ISBN 978-3-487-16727-5 hard ¥6,794.- (税込) EUR 29.00
Antisemitismus ist in Deutschland nie verschwunden. Nach 1945 galt er vielen als Randphaenomen, hauptsaechlich bei Ewiggestrigen im rechtsextremen Milieu. Doch seit dem Hamas-Massaker vom 7. Oktober 2023 treten Antisemitismus und Israelhass so deutlich zutage, dass sie nicht mehr zu uebersehen sind. Renommierte Forscher:innen zeigen in diesem Band, wie weit der Antisemitismus inzwischen in viele gesellschaftliche Milieus vorgedrungen ist und welche verheerenden Auswirkungen er auf die juedische Gemeinschaft im Land und die Gesellschaft insgesamt hat. Laengst sind auch Teile der Linken, der islamischen Welt, der Kunstszene und der akademischen Landschaft von diesem Virus befallen. Die hier vereinten Beitraege unterstreichen den dringenden Handlungsbedarf.
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Goeke, Simon / Tekin, Caner (Hrsg.),
Migration, soziale Bewegungen und Selbstorganisation: Gewerkschaftliche und urbane Kaempfe von und fuer Migrant*innen seit den 1960er Jahren. (Sozialgeschichte in Bewegung 75) 280 S. 2025:2 (Boehlau, GW) <741-1186>
ISBN 978-3-412-53217-8 hard ¥11,480.- (税込) EUR 49.00
Migration ist ein wesentlicher Motor sozialen Wandels. Insbesondere in der zweiten Haelfte des 20. Jahrhunderts wurden die Einwanderungsgesellschaften Europas von einer Vielzahl kultureller und sozialer Bewegungen gepraegt, die von Migrant:innen initiiert oder getragen waren. Mit informellen Netzwerken, Basisinitiativen, Buendnissen und Selbstorganisationen kaempften Migrant:innen gegen soziale Ungleichheit und rassistische Diskriminierungen sowie fuer ihre Anerkennung und ein Bleiberecht. Dieser Band bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in diese Geschichte der migrantischen Selbstorganisation in West- und Ostdeutschland sowie in Belgien. In zehn Beitraegen untersuchen Historiker:innen, Soziolog:innen und Gewerkschafter:innen die Strategien und institutionellen Entwicklungen von migrantischen Selbstorganisationen in ihrer Interaktion mit anderen gesellschaftlichen Akteuren. Dabei steht insbesondere die Zusammenarbeit mit Gewerkschaften und urbanen sozialen Bewegungen im Fokus. Die Lokalstudien beziehen sowohl Quellen etablierter Archive als auch Ueberlieferungen der sozialen Bewegungen und Selbstorganisationen ein und betonen die Bedeutung der migrantischen Kaempfe fuer die Sozialgeschichte Deutschlands und Belgiens.
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移民、多様性、高等教育への学生の道程 第2版
Guarnaccia, Peter J.,
Immigration, Diversity, and Student Journeys to Higher Education. 2nd ed. (Equity in Higher Education Theory, Policy, and Praxis 20) 196 pp. 2024:11 (P. Lang, SZ) <741-1188>
ISBN 978-1-63667-844-3 hard ¥31,927.- (税込) SFR 129.00
ISBN 978-1-63667-843-6 paper ¥12,375.- (税込) SFR 50.00
Immigration, Diversity and Student Journeys to Higher Education presents an in-depth understanding of how immigrant students at a major public research university balanced keeping their family cultures alive and learning U.S. culture to get to college. A revitalized anthropological understanding of acculturation provides the theoretical framework for the book. The text builds its analysis using extensive quotes from the 160 immigrant students who participated in the 21 focus groups that form the core of this study. The students' families come from Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe and Latin America, and reflect a wide diversity of experiences and insights into how these students successfully pursued higher education. A key theme of the book is the "immigrant bargain," where students repay their parents' hard work and migration sacrifices by excelling in school. A large majority of the parents made clear that a major motivation for immigrating was so their children could have better educational opportunities; these parents had the original dreams for their children. Immigration, Diversity and Student Journeys to Higher Education examines the similarities and differences across this diverse group of students, ending with a series of recommendations about how to improve acculturation research and how to facilitate immigrant students' journeys to educational success.
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Hampton, Isaac W., II (ed.),
Rise to Command: Black Military Officers' Stories of Survival and Leadership from World War II Through the Cold War. 256 pp. 2025:6 (U. Pr. Kansas, US) <741-1189>
ISBN 978-0-7006-3882-6 hard ¥7,438.- (税込) US$ 32.99
An intimate view of the triumphs and challenges experienced by Black officers in the twentieth century.Rise to Command is a social history told in the words of seventeen Black military officers who grew up in the Jim Crow era and served in the US military. The officers speak candidly about their careers and struggles and the important lessons they learned from their communities, which helped them succeed.Black Americans in the armed forces fought on two fronts: one against America's external adversaries on the battlefield, and the other against racial discrimination and segregation within military culture and American society. The officers discuss living through segregation, the civil rights movement, and the Black Power movement. These torchbearers speak frankly about the racially biased officer evaluation system, gender discrimination, and how they survived and thrived despite systemic obstacles.Rise to Command examines the evolution of policies and cultural dynamics within the US military, with a critical focus on the complexities of racial integration and equity. It not only traces the history of change but also underscores the persistent challenges that continue to shape the experiences of service members. Through the memories of Black officers, Rise to Command provides a vital perspective on the struggle for inclusivity and justice within one of America's most enduring institutions.The many perspectives from across the wars of the twentieth century highlight the progress these soldiers fought for-from total segregation during World War II to the deployment of America's first racially integrated military force during the Vietnam War. Although these officers may not have known it, they were blazing the trail for the next generation of Black Americans, in and out of military service.
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Harris, David,
Antisemitism: What Everyone Needs to Know. (What Everyone Needs to Know) 256 pp. 2025:12 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <741-1190>
ISBN 978-0-19-780066-9 hard ¥16,687.- (税込) US$ 74.00
ISBN 978-0-19-780067-6 paper ¥3,718.- (税込)
John-Stucke, Kirsten / Beck, Erik (Hrsg.),
"Die Leute waren von ueberall": Zwangsmigration in Wewelsburg 1939-1955. (Schriftenreihe des Kreismuseums Wewelsburg 14) 224 S. 2025:2 (Schoeningh, GW) <741-1192>
ISBN 978-3-506-79738-4 paper ¥4,661.- (税込) EUR 19.90
Waehrend des Zweiten Weltkriegs und in der Nachkriegszeit wurden zahllose Menschen aus ihrer Heimat und ihren sozialen Bindungen gerissen. In dem kleinen westfaelischen Dorf Wewelsburg wurden auf dem Gelaende des Konzentrationslagers Niederhagen Menschen aus ganz Europa untergebracht. KZ-Haeftlinge und ?Volksdeutsche“ wurden Opfer der menschenverachtenden Ideologie des Nationalsozialismus. Nach dem Krieg lebten zunaechst ehemalige Zwangsarbeitende und spaeter deutsche Gefluechtete und Vertriebene aus Osteuropa auf dem Lagergelaende. In den Biografien dieser Maenner, Frauen und Kinder zeigt sich wie unter einer Lupe die deutsche und europaeische Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ausgewaehlte Lebenswege werden in diesem Sammelband vorgestellt. Die Publikation ist ein Begleitband zur neuen Dauerausstellung zum Thema ?Zwangsmigration“ im GeDenkOrt des Kreismuseums Wewelsburg, die sich in der Haeftlingskueche des ehemaligen Konzentrationslagers befindet.
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Lu, Sidney Xu,
Collaborative Settler Colonialism: Japanese Migration to Brazil in the Age of Empires. 280 pp. 2025:2 (U. California Pr., US) <740-804>
ISBN 978-0-520-40432-8 paper ¥7,880.- (税込) US$ 34.95
A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press's Open Access publishing program. Visit www.luminosoa.org to learn more. Though Japanese migration to Brazil started only at the turn of the twentieth century, Brazil is now the country with the largest ethnic Japanese population outside of Japan. Collaborative Settler Colonialism examines this history as a central chapter of both Brazil's and Japan's processes of nation and empire building, and, crucially, as a convergence of their settler colonial projects. Inspired by American colonialism and the final conquest of the U.S. Western frontier, Brazilian and Japanese empire builders collaborated to bring Japanese migrant workers to Brazil, which had the intended outcome of simultaneously dispossessing Indigenous Brazilians of their land and furthering the expansion of Japanese land and resource possession abroad. Bringing discourses of Latin American and Japanese settler colonialism into rare dialogue with each other, this book offers new insight into understanding the Japanese empire, the history of immigration in Brazil and Latin America, and the past and present of settler colonialism.
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O'Connor, Patricia M. / McCorry, Fidelma (eds.),
Continuity and Change: Postwar Migration Between Ireland and Australia 1945-2024. 248 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-831>
ISBN 978-1-032-60604-0 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
Bringing together a multi-disciplinary team of authors, this book relays the untold story of postwar migration between Ireland and Australia. Spanning the period 1945-2024, it explores the experiences of migrants from the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and provides insights into the multiple reasons these migrants came to Australia, factors which prompted permanency or return, and the extent of continuity and change between recent arrivals and their historical predecessors.Contemporary flows are examined through the lens of social, economic, policy and technological changes occurring at the time in Ireland, Australia, and globally. Decades of economic boom and bust in Ireland, including the growth and demise of the Celtic Tiger, the impact of government investment in education, and the Troubles in Northern Ireland occurred alongside marked changes in Australia's immigration policy. During this time, increased affordability of international travel and communication brought new dynamics to the tyranny of distance that characterised historical flows. How contemporary migrants from Ireland navigated these changes in terms of identity and belonging, homesickness, and transnationalism are the key themes which are explored. The role of Ireland's government in relation to its migrant community in Australia and the impact of COVID-19 are also considered.This book not only fills a gap in Ireland's diaspora research but also contributes to migration studies more broadly, particularly the experiences of invisible immigrants.
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Young, Abigail,
Chinese Diaspora Politics in Australia: Transnational Repression and Social Governance. (Routledge Research on the Global Politics of Migration) 216 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-833>
ISBN 978-1-032-86157-9 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
Integrating theory on diaspora politics and the growing academic area of non-state transnational repression, Young charts the historical and political evolution of the Chinese diaspora and examines Australia's approach to national security policies. In recent decades, Chinese migration has increased exponentially in Australia. For a society that has largely accepted racial homogeneity as a precursor to nationhood, contemporary Chinese migrants must find unique transnational spaces where they can belong in the hostland while maintaining important connections to the homeland. Young identifies the emergence of 'transnational social governance', a form of control that is perpetrated by the contemporary patriotic Chinese migrant (the xinqiao) against other Chinese migrants in Australia. It is a phenomenon facilitated by a feedback loop of the non-welcoming Australian society and well-established co-ethnic spaces, allowing for xinqiao to dominate Chinese diasporic communities and transfer Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-aligned narratives. Drawing upon statistical data and interview-based case studies, this book provides a comprehensive contextual and epistemological examination of the politics of the Chinese diaspora in Australia.A valuable resource for scholars, students, researchers, and professionals interested in the academic and popular perspectives of diaspora politics affecting Australia-China relations.
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Baser, Bahar / Oeztuerk, Ahmet Erdi / Tas, Hakki (eds.),
Turkey's Diaspora Governance: Policies from the Past to the Present. 116 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-864>
ISBN 978-1-041-01353-2 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
This book examines Turkey's evolving diaspora policies, analysing how the state engages, controls, and mobilizes its overseas communities as tools of diplomacy and nation-building. Through an interdisciplinary lens, it highlights the political, ideological, and cultural motivations driving Turkey's approach, particularly under the AKP's influence. In recent decades, Turkey's approach to its diaspora has undergone a dramatic transformation. From viewing its emigrants as "guest workers" in the 1960s to deploying sophisticated diaspora engagement policies today, Turkey's approach mirrors larger trends in international migration politics. This book explores Turkey's unique and complex diaspora policies, illuminating how they blend diplomatic outreach with transnational control. With insights into the history and evolution of Turkish diaspora governance, the book analyses key questions: What motivates Turkey's outreach efforts?How have recent shifts under the President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP) influenced its strategies?And what role do nationalism and identity play in shaping these policies? The book brings together pioneering studies on Turkey's dynamic relationship with its emigrants, blending history, politics, and sociology to shed light on how diaspora governance has become a critical tool of statecraft. This compelling exploration is essential for understanding the impacts of state-led diaspora engagement on transnational identities and relations in a globalized world. It was originally published as a special issue of Middle East Critique.
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Okoh, Oghenetoja,
Minority Identities in Nigeria: Contesting and Claiming Citizenship in the Twentieth Century. (African Identities: Past and Present) 209 pp. 2025:7 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <740-903>
ISBN 978-1-108-48847-1 hard ¥25,443.- (税込) GB£ 90.00
Ethnic majorities and minorities are produced over time by the same processes that define national borders and create national institutions. Minority Identities in Nigeria traces how western Niger Delta communities became political minorities first, through colonial administrative policies in the 1930s; and second, by embracing their minority status to make claims for resources and representation from the British government in the 1940s and 50s. This minority consciousness has deepened in the post-independence era, especially under the pressures of the crude oil economy. Blending discussion of local and regional politics in the Niger Delta with the wider literature on developmental colonialism, decolonization, and nationalism, Oghenetoja Okoh offers a detailed historical analysis of these communities. This study moves beyond a singular focus on the experience of crude oil extraction, exploring a longer history of state manipulation and exploitation in which minorities are construed as governable citizens.
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Figueroa, Monica G. Moreno / Wade, Peter (eds.),
The Turn to Racism and Anti-racism in Latin America. 166 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-923>
ISBN 978-1-032-97992-2 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
This book highlights the growing mainstream focus on racism and anti-racism in Latin America. It reveals the diverse social transformation projects addressing racism, reflecting a complexity not previously evident. Inspired by a research project involving Indigenous and Black organizations, the chapters in this book explore cases in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico, where anti-racist efforts are significant, though not always central to organizational agendas. These chapters share a common theme of valuing varied anti-racist actions and discourses while critically acknowledging the structural, shifting nature of racism. The issues explored racial visibility, naming racism, racial data, legal rights and recognition, entrepreneurship, mestizo identity, the possibilities of alliances, racially-aware struggles against class (and gendered) oppression. Though not exhaustive, the chapters provide valuable insights into the anti-racist shift in Latin America, offering broader perspectives on global anti-racism efforts. This book was originally published as special issue The Turn to Racism and Anti-racism in Latin America.
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Hattem, Julian,
Shelter from the Storm: How Climate Change Is Creating a New Era of Migration. 256 pp. 2025:7 (The New Pr., US) <740-948>
ISBN 978-1-62097-847-4 hard ¥6,310.- (税込) US$ 27.99
An urgent wake-up call about the coming large-scale human displacement caused by climate change, from one of the world's leading experts Mere decades from now, millions of people all over the world will be forced to move because of climate change. Entire islands will disappear into the sea. Once-in-a-century hurricanes will occur on a regular basis, decimating cities and wiping out peoples' homes. Wildfires fed by prolonged drought will rage through communities. No one will be immune: in countries rich and poor, climate change will usher in a new era of migration. In Shelter from the Storm noted journalist and migration researcher Julian Hattem tells the story of the massive human displacement that is already being caused by climate change. With hard-hitting journalism from the front lines of the environmental apocalypse, Hattem takes the reader on a journey from the South Pacific to the Indian subcontinent, the Mediterranean, and beyond, offering a shocking glimpse into the human geography wrecked by a warming planet. Shelter from the Storm also provides rich historical perspective on how climate has impacted migration and a primer on cutting-edge climatological research, creating a multidimensional portrait of this uncertain new age. A work of profound expertise and storytelling, Shelter from the Storm gives a human face to the millions of climate migrants who are leaving their homes-and the millions more who will follow.
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Mahmoudi, Matt,
Migrants in the Digital Periphery: New Urban Frontiers of Control. 272 pp. 2025:2 (U. California Pr., US) <740-979>
ISBN 978-0-520-39700-2 hard ¥21,422.- (税込) US$ 95.00
ISBN 978-0-520-39701-9 paper ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95
As the fortification of Europe's borders and its hostile immigration terrain has taken shape, so too have the biometric and digital surveillance industries. And when US Immigration Customs Enforcement aggressively reinforced its program of raids, detention, and family separation, it was powered by Silicon Valley corporations. In cities of refuge, where communities on the move once lived in anonymity and proximity to familial and diaspora networks, the possibility for escape is diminishing. As cities rely increasingly on tech companies to develop digital urban infrastructures for accessing information, identification, services, and socioeconomic life at large, they also invite the border to encroach further on migrant communities, networks, and bodies. In this book, Matt Mahmoudi unveils how the unsettling convergence of Silicon Valley logics, austere and xenophobic migration management practices, and racial capitalism has allowed tech companies to close in on the final frontiers of fugitivity-and suggests how we might counteract their machines through our own refusal.
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Wei, Hanna H.,
Cultural Legitimacy in Sino-Western Dialogue on Minority Rights. 200 pp. 2025:4 (Routledge, UK) <740-505>
ISBN 978-1-032-95178-2 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
Based on a cross-cultural approach to defining and implementing international standards of human and minority rights, this book aims to explore the most plausible way to enhance Sino-Western dialogue on minority rights.Having identified and examined the ideological and practical difficulties that such dialogical events have encountered and will continue to encounter in the future, the book focuses particularly on the role of culture in intercultural communication and on analysing it in conjunction with the complex and intertwined impact of other forces, be they historical, political, social or emotional. The author has successfully found ways to overcome some of the difficulties and to further utilise intercultural dialogue as a conflict management strategy in the field of minority rights.The book will appeal to scholars, postgraduate students, NGOs and policy makers in the fields of human and minority rights with a particular interest in multiculturalism, intercultural dialogue and human and minority rights in China.
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DeWeaver, Emile Suotonye,
Ghost in the Criminal Justice Machine: Reform, White Supremacy, and an Abolitionist Future. 240 pp. 2025:5 (The New Pr., US) <740-544>
ISBN 978-1-62097-788-0 hard ¥6,310.- (税込) US$ 27.99
Van Der Woude, Maartje,
The Mobility Control Apparatus: Getting to the Core of Crimmigration in the Schengen Area. (Routledge Studies in Criminal Justice, Borders and Citizenship) 224 pp. 2025:3 (Routledge, UK) <740-566>
ISBN 978-1-032-11782-9 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-11784-3 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99
This book critically explores the complexities of intra-Schengen border control and migration dynamics within Europe. It provides a comprehensive analysis of how various actors, including border officials and state apparatuses, interact in managing mobility and enforcing controls. The theoretical foundation draws on Foucault's concept of the dispositif, examining how borders are enforced through a combination of legal frameworks, discourses, and on-the-ground practices.The book emphasizes the importance of discretion in border control, arguing that it plays a pivotal role in shaping decisions at both the organizational and street levels. It delves into the experiences of Dutch border control officers and the wider European context, offering a comparative analysis of Poland and Germany's intra-Schengen borderlands. By drawing on real-world case studies, it showcases the tensions between security and mobility, and how migration is managed through both visible and covert policing practices. The work is grounded in rich qualitative data, collected over years of fieldwork, and addresses key debates in migration and criminology studies, particularly the evolving concept of "crimmigration" and its implications for human rights and security policies.This book will be of interest to criminologists, sociologists, legal scholars, and political scientists alike, as well as all those engaged in studies on migration, mobility and the European Union.
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Mojola, Sanyu A.,
Death by Design: Producing Racial Health Inequality in the Shadow of the Capitol. 384 pp. 2025:9 (U. California Pr., US) <740-304>
ISBN 978-0-520-30301-0 hard ¥21,422.- (税込) US$ 95.00
ISBN 978-0-520-42116-5 paper ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95
Gallegos, Lori / Vargas, Manuel / Gallegos, F. (eds.),
The Latinx Philosophy Reader. 618 pp. 2025:5 (Routledge, UK) <740-47>
ISBN 978-1-032-47288-1 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00
ISBN 978-1-032-47287-4 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99
The Latinx Philosophy Reader showcases a wide range of significant philosophical works about Latinx people and their experiences, displaying the breadth, distinctiveness, originality, and diversity of Latinx philosophy. Readings include discussions of what it is like to be perceived as undocumented, ethical quagmires affecting those who interpret for their family members, the difficulty of pursuing career success without compromising one's cultural identity and values, the nature of citizenship, disputes about labels, the significance of language, and debates about the nature of Latinx identity.The editors' detailed introduction orients readers with an overview of the origins of the field of Latinx philosophy, a guide to terminology, and a history of the idea of Latinx identity in the United States. The volume's 35 readings are made up of both widely read and cited articles from journals and books and newly commissioned contributions from the leading voices in the field. All of them are organized into seven thematic units in contemporary Latinx philosophy:I. Social IdentityII. Mestizaje and IndigeneityIII. Cross-Cultural ChallengesIV. Epistemology, Phenomenology, and ColonialityV. Language and CommunicationVI. Immigration/CitizenshipVII. MetaphilosophyEach of these seven units includes its own introduction that connects each reading to the overarching themes of the unit and volume.Throughout, the readings provide an accessible entry point to readers new to philosophy. The texts generate opportunities for philosophical reflection without requiring readers to consult additional resources to grasp the major insights. They can be read in any order, allowing for ready adaptation to the particular interests of instructors and students.Key Features? Includes accessible, previously published articles as well as newly commissioned contributions from leading voices in the field? Foregrounds the explosion of more recent work on Latinx philosophy, while also including essential classic texts? Provides a general introduction that contextualizes Latinx philosophy and explains its distinct and broader importance? Includes seven smaller unit introductions that describe the importance and relevance of each reading in the unit? Highlights a diversity of latinidades, or ways of being Latinx, portraying a range of Latinx experiences and concerns? Provides reading and discussion questions for each chapter
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Sarkisian, Aram G.,
Orthodoxy on the Line: Russian Orthodox Christians and Labor Migration in the Progressive Era. (North American Religions) 336 pp. 2025:7 (New York U. Pr., US) <740-163>
ISBN 978-1-4798-3315-3 hard ¥11,275.- (税込) US$ 50.00
Working-class immigration, religion, and labor history in the United States At the turn of the twentieth century, thousands of immigrants from the borderlands of the Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires built a transnational church in North America. The community that church leaders called American Orthodox Rus' was created by and for working people, and transformed believers' identities as Eastern European migrants, as Orthodox Christians, and as American workers. Given how strongly the Russian Orthodox Christian community was tied to working class industrial life, this book makes the case that we cannot understand the scope of working class and immigrant religion in the United States without understanding American Orthodox Rus'. The work Russian Orthodox immigrants did in the Progressive Era United States occurred in factories, foundries, and mines; they lived mainly in industrial cities and mining towns; and they almost immediately got caught up in the most pivotal-and sometimes violent-political and social crises of their times, both nationally and internationally. To address their needs in these contexts, the Russian Orthodox Church expanded its missionary efforts in North America, forming a network of social and material aid for working-class believers. This book traces the rapid growth of this transnational religious world, then explores its unexpected collapse under the weight of the First World War, a global pandemic, and the transnational reach of revolutionary political change in Russia. A story of challenge and resilience, Orthodoxy on the Line complicates dominant paradigms in the study of labor and North American Religions.
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