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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00




Curington, Celeste Vaughan, Laboring in the Shadow of Empire: Race, Gender, and Care Work in Portugal. (Inequality at Work: Perspectives on Race, Gender, Class, and Labor) 236 pp. 2024:9 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-295>
ISBN 978-1-9788-2796-7 hard ¥27,324.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-2795-0 paper ¥9,095.- (税込) US$ 39.95

Laboring in the Shadow of Empire: Race, Gender, and Care Work in Portugal examines the everyday lives of an African-descendant care service workforce that labors in an ostensibly "anti-racial" Europe and against the backdrop of the Portuguese colonial empire. While much of the literature on global care work has focused on Asian and Latine migrant care workers, there is comparatively less research that explicitly examines African care workers and their migration histories to Europe. Sociologist Celeste Vaughan Curington focuses on Portugal-a European setting with comparatively liberal policies around family settlement and naturalization for migrants. In this setting, rapid urbanization in the late twentieth century, along with a national push to reconcile work and family, has shaped the growth of paid home care and cleaning service industries. Many researchers focus on informal work settings, where immigrant rights are restricted and many workers are undocumented or without permanent residence status. Curington instead examines workers who have accessed citizenship or permanent residence status and also explores African women's experiences laboring in care and service industries in the formal market, revealing how deeply colonial and intersectional logics of a racialized and international division of reproductive labor in Portugal render these women "hyper-invisible" and "hyper-visible" as "appropriate" workers in Lisbon.

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Bapna, Ravi / Ghose, Anindya, Thrive: Maximizing Well-Being in the Age of AI. 208 pp. 2024:9 (MIT Pr., US) <728-304>
ISBN 978-0-262-04931-3 hard ¥7,502.- (税込) US$ 32.95




Bourgault, Sophie / FitzGerald, Maggie et al. (eds.), Decentering Epistemologies and Challenging Privilege: Critical Care Ethics Perspectives. (Carework in a Changing World) 230 pp. 2024:9 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-305>
ISBN 978-1-9788-3503-0 hard ¥29,601.- (税込) US$ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-3502-3 paper ¥8,640.- (税込) US$ 37.95

Care ethics first emerged as an attempt to decenter ethics; feminist scholars like Carol Gilligan argued that women's moral experiences were not reflected in the dominant, masculinist approaches to ethics, which were centered on a rational, disembodied, atomistic moral subject. Care ethics challenged this model by positing ethics as relational, contextualized, embodied, and realized through practices rather than principles. Over the past decades, many care ethics scholars have sought to further this project by considering care politically and epistemologically, in relation to various intersecting hierarchies of power and knowledge. This book advances this project by discussing the ways care ethics contributes to the decentering of dominant epistemologies and to the challenging of privilege and by considering how to decenter care ethics itself via an encounter with non-Western philosophical traditions and alternative epistemologies. Written by scholars from different countries, disciplines, and intellectual traditions, the volume offers original care ethics contributions on epistemic injustice, privileged irresponsibility, ecofeminism, settler colonialism, social movements such as BLM, and various racialized and gendered inequities tied to care work.

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Chiaraluce, Cara A., Becoming an Expert Caregiver: How Structural Flaws Shape Autism Carework and Community. (Carework in a Changing World) 170 pp. 2024:12 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <728-306>
ISBN 978-1-9788-3191-9 hard ¥28,462.- (税込) US$ 125.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-3190-2 paper ¥6,818.- (税込) US$ 29.95

"The hardest thing is dealing with the rest of the world. And we kind of accommodate our lives around that. But the rest of the world doesn't." These poignant words were spoken by Charlotte, a mother and primary caregiver of a five-year-old autistic boy, and her words reference the structural arrangements of our world that shape autism carework today. This book features the voices of fifty primary caregivers of autistic and neurodivergent children who illuminate the process through which laywomen become expert caregivers to provide the best care for their children. Expert caregiving captures an intensification of traditional family carework - meeting dependents' financial, emotional, and physical needs - that transcends the walls of one's private home and family and challenges the strict boundaries between many worlds: lay and professional, family and work, private and public, medical and social, and individual and society. The process of becoming an expert caregiver spotlights several interesting paradoxes in sociological literature, particularly regarding gender, family, and medicalization, and often forgotten structural flaws in "the rest of the world." Throughout the chapters in this book, the expert caregiver is one person who faces unbelievably daunting tasks of filling or reforming persistent institutional gaps, primarily in education and health care, and subverting ableist cultural norms. Without institutional support, answers to their questions, or pragmatic avenues to access resources, lay caregivers become the experts. Their trials and tribulations, especially when navigating the boundaries of professional/lay and private/public worlds, illuminate a type of carework that is increasingly relevant to a growing number of young families caring for neurodivergent, disabled, medically fragile, and/or chronically ill children. These stories offer a vivid picture of the often invisible complex challenges and structural forces that drive individuals to become expert caregivers in the first place.

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Deeb-Sossa, Natalia / Flores, Y. G. / Chabram, A. (eds.), Testimonios of Care: Feminist Latina/x and Chicana/x Perspectives on Caregiving Praxis. 232 pp. 2024:8 (U. Arizona Pr., US) <728-308>
ISBN 978-0-8165-5322-8 hard ¥22,770.- (税込) US$ 100.00
ISBN 978-0-8165-5321-1 paper ¥7,969.- (税込) US$ 35.00




Pearson, Hilary M., A quoi sert la philanthropie: Explorer l'univers des fondations canadiennes. Tr. par G. Tombs. 232 pp. 2024:10 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <728-309>
ISBN 978-0-228-02288-6 paper ¥7,502.- (税込) US$ 32.95

Pour la plupart des Canadiens et Canadiennes, le monde de la philanthropie et des fondations privees demeure mysterieux. Parfois comparees de facon memorable a des girafes, les fondations sont des creatures qui ne devraient pas exister. Pourtant, elles existent bel et bien, et elles sont meme entourees d'une aura mystique.Dans A quoi sert la philanthropie?, Hilary Pearson demystifie le monde de la philanthropie canadienne en dressant un portrait du paysage actuel des fondations et en mettant en lumiere des organisations qui agissent avec determination face a certains des defis sociaux et economiques les plus pressants de notre epoque : les changements climatiques, l'avenir des villes, l'education et l'evolution de la main-d'oeuvre, le logement et le besoin urgent de reparer et d'etablir de nouvelles relations avec les peuples autochtones. Mme Pearson, qui a travaille pendant deux decennies aupres des dirigeants de fondations a travers le Canada, nous offre un regard intime sur la facon dont ces organisations continuent d'evoluer. Par le biais d'entretiens personnels effectues aupres de la direction de fondations privees - grandes ou petites, etablies de longue date ou nouvellement creees - elle decrit les strategies et les efforts deployes par des fondations canadiennes pour rassembler les parties prenantes de la societe, faire le plaidoyer de causes importantes, servir comme intermediaires ou creer des partenariats.A une epoque marquee par des divisions sociales et des inegalites croissantes, A quoi sert la philanthropie? constitue une contribution opportune au debat actuel sur la legitimite de la philanthropie organisee. Mme Pearson defend avec conviction le role primordial joue par la philanthropie privee pour relever les defis d'une epoque en pleine mutation.

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Phillips, Tarryn / Araujo, N. / Jones, T. W. et al. (eds.), Narratives of Wellbeing. 239 pp. 2024:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <728-310>
ISBN 978-3-031-59518-9 hard ¥36,791.- (税込) EUR 149.99

This book critically interrogates 'wellbeing', a concept that is exploding in popularity across the globe. The collection of essays asks not only how wellbeing can be defined and measured, but what is created and excluded in the process of striving for and articulating wellbeing. The editors propose a narrative framework as a novel and insightful lens through which to analyse wellbeing and understand how the "good life" is sought, experienced and talked about. With case studies from around the world, the contributions explore the tensions and overlaps between various scripts about what it means to live well-historically, socially, culturally, economically, and spiritually. The collection brings together a rich array of disciplinary perspectives, including: sociology, politics, anthropology, history, indigenous studies, religious studies, development studies, paediatric medicine, and gender and sexuality studies. The diversity of chapters make the book accessible and appealing, not only to scholars and students of wellbeing in the health and social science disciplines, but also to a broader public readership intrigued by the rise and impact of a buzzword.

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Arafat, S. M. Yasir / Rezaeian, Mohsen / Khan, M. M. (eds.), Suicidal Behavior in Muslim Majority Countries: Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Prevention. 352 pp. 2024 (Springer, GW) <728-132>
ISBN 978-981-9725-18-2 hard ¥34,338.- (税込) EUR 139.99

The book is about suicidal behavior in Muslim majority countries. Islam is the second-largest religion in the world. There are also sizable Muslim populations in non-Islamic countries. Suicide is strongly prohibited in Islam and based on this tenet, suicide and self-harm remain criminalized acts in many Islamic countries. When compared to the global estimates for suicide rates and to non-Islamic countries, Muslim majority countries have lower rates, indicating that Islamic faith and practice may be protective against suicidal behaviors. However, several factors such as criminal status, stigma toward suicide, extreme dearth of research, low-quality data, and under-reporting make it difficult to draw any firm conclusions. Hence, this book aims to do a deeper study of suicidal behaviors in Muslim majority countries, covering epidemiology, risk factors, and the challenges of suicide prevention in Muslim majority countries.

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Brown, Nicole M., We Are Each Other's Business: Black Women's Intersectional Political Consumerism During the Chicago Welfare Rights Movement. 240 pp. 2024:8 (Columbia U. Pr., US) <727-250>
ISBN 978-0-231-20522-1 hard ¥29,601.- (税込) US$ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-0-231-20523-8 paper ¥7,286.- (税込) US$ 32.00 *

In the 1960s and 1970s, the Welfare Rights Movement organized at both local and national levels, advocating for poor people's inclusion, dignity, and autonomy. We Are Each Other's Business examines Black women's leadership within the Chicago Welfare Rights Movement, recasting their consumer activism as a form of Black feminist technology.Nicole M. Brown calls for understanding the Black women of the Welfare Rights Movement as sophisticated strategists who engaged the tensions among capitalism, consumerism, and economic liberation. She analyzes Black women's engagement with consumer credit, tracing how they linked consumption with citizenship and critiqued the state's treatment of the poor. Brown offers a radical reframing of the struggle between Black women and the state as a battle of technologies, showing how Black women challenged "algorithmic assemblages of race, class, and gender" and "analog algorithms of poverty." She also shows how racism, sexism, and classism stifled opportunities for alliances: although the Welfare Rights Movement converged with consumer and women's rights movements, white and middle-class activists were unwilling to recognize poor Black women as fellow political actors. Bringing together historical sociology, computational methods, and intersectional Black feminist theory, We Are Each Other's Business offers innovative and generative insights into Black women's struggle for political and economic equity.

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Fisher, Matthew, How To Create Societies for Human Wellbeing: Through Public Policy and Social Change. 192 pp. 2024:10 (Policy Pr., UK) <727-251>
ISBN 978-1-4473-6946-2 hard ¥23,408.- (税込) GB£ 80.00
ISBN 978-1-4473-6947-9 paper ¥6,726.- (税込) GB£ 22.99

Wellbeing is a hot topic: governments, psychologists and a thousand self-appointed 'experts' all claim to promote it and yet our societies are experiencing record levels of mental distress and ill-health. Why? Matthew Fisher presents a compelling new perspective on psychological wellbeing informed by evidence on human stress responses. He shows how our mental health is shaped by the social and cultural conditions in which we all live. Developing arguments and strategies for a society truly committed to wellbeing, this book offers new ways to understand the problems facing modern societies and ways to respond through political and social change.

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Hughes, Amanda J., A Guide to Commissioning for Health and Wellbeing. 272 pp. 2024:9 (Policy Pr., UK) <727-252>
ISBN 978-1-4473-7191-5 paper ¥7,311.- (税込) GB£ 24.99

Are you a health and social care commissioner navigating the ever-changing commissioning landscape? With challenges such as limited funding, changing demands and global pandemics, we need to be clear on why, what and how we commission effectively. This book offers you a warm welcome into the often-complex world of healthcare commissioning. Amanda J. Hughes shares personal insights from her commissioning career and practical guidance that will demystify the commissioning cycle and ease the journey as you strive to achieve the best outcomes for the population. This book will help you to ensure valuable resources are directed to those with most need, that care is fair and accessible and that the solutions you put into place are sustainable for the longer term.

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Kyriazi, Anna / Miro, Joan / Natili, M. et al., Social Policy and EU Polity-building Through Crises and Beyond. (Europa Perspectives on the EU Single Market) 200 pp. 2024:10 (Routledge, UK) <727-253>
ISBN 978-1-03-254514-1 hard ¥39,501.- (税込) GB£ 135.00

This volume sets out to explain the conditions that have favoured the expansion of the European social dimension during the turbulent decade of 2010-20, when Europe was confronting strong countervailing pressures, including the euro crisis, the refugee crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic.The study begins by diagnosing a widespread, although slow-burning, crisis across the European Union (EU) resulting from the cumulation of social problems and the systemic tension between EU market integration on the one hand and nationally bounded welfare states and the other. Eight in-depth case studies analyse the political dynamics behind a variety of EU social initiatives aimed at addressing the consequences of free movement of workers, youth unemployment, poverty, eroding wages, environment and climate change, and the COVID-19 pandemic. To identify the specific drivers of EU social policymaking empirically, the authors have reconstructed the struggles over concrete policy proposals as they unfolded in the European multilevel setting.The volume introduces a novel analytical framework for interpreting the transformation of the EU social dimension in times of crisis, when some degree of social co-ordination becomes crucial to bond deeply different (welfare) states together. This in-depth study offers an invaluable analysis for researchers, academics and professionals interested in the functioning of the European polity.

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Mainstone Cotton, Sonia, Wellbeing Explained. (Key Concepts in Early Childhood) 140 pp. 2024:10 (Routledge, UK) <727-254>
ISBN 978-1-03-269291-3 hard ¥38,038.- (税込) GB£ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-03-269283-8 paper ¥4,970.- (税込) GB£ 16.99

Nurturing children and supporting their wellbeing is vitally important, along with looking after the wellbeing of the staff who support them. Wellbeing Explained highlights the importance of wellbeing and explains key terms associated with wellbeing and mental health needs. Unpicking terms such as holistic development, self-esteem, SEMH, and anxiety, it uses practical examples and case studies to explain what these mean and how we can promote wellbeing through policy and practices.Divided into two parts, the first provides a brief overview of the key terms associated with wellbeing in early childhood alongside examples of what they mean in practice. Part two then shares the principles that underpin promoting good wellbeing, such as prioritising staff wellbeing, adopting a loving pedagogy, keeping the child and family central to provision, and creating an enabling environment explaining the underlying ethos of a child-centred approach.Part of the Key Concepts in Early Childhood Series, this is essential reading for early years practitioners and students that want to know and understand what they can do to support their own wellbeing and the children they work with.

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McHale, Jean / Noszlopy, Laura, Adult Social Care Law and Policy: Lessons from the Pandemic. (Law, Society, Policy) 304 pp. 2024:11 (Bristol U. Pr., UK) <727-255>
ISBN 978-1-5292-2986-8 paper ¥8,189.- (税込) GB£ 27.99

Available Open Access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book provides an in-depth socio-legal examination of adult social care law and policy during the COVID-19 pandemic. It explores the tensions between legislation, policy, economy, and practice in what was already an under-resourced and overstretched sector. The authors interrogate the vision and utility of the Care Act 2014 and explore the impact of emergency legislation and operational changes implemented during the pandemic. Detailing what happened to social care provision during this time of intense stress and turbulence for people who draw on services, for informal carers, and for those who work in the sector, the book highlights fault-lines in the system. This is an invaluable resource offering timely lessons for social care reform and future pandemic preparedness planning.

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O'Hara, Mary, Austerity Bites 10 Years On: A Journey to the Sharp End of Cuts in the UK. 272 pp. 2024:9 (Policy Pr., UK) <727-256>
ISBN 978-1-4473-7452-7 paper ¥3,800.- (税込) GB£ 12.99

Austerity has proven to be more deadly than the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, over the last decade, the damage caused by austerity measures in the UK has had a long-lasting and profound effect on many lives. The first edition of Austerity Bites offered on-the-ground reportage of one of the most significantly regressive economic strategies of any post-war government. Over a year Mary O'Hara toured the UK to gauge the immediate impact - and expectations of people affected - and found many clinging to the hope that austerity cuts would not last long as the damage became increasingly apparent. Alas, this was not how things unfolded. Instead, much of the Welfare State had its vital support systems systematically undermined The public sector, including the NHS, is now on its knees. Schools are buckling under multiple structural and budgetary pressures. Councils - even big ones - are going broke. Homelessness is rampant. Austerity has killed. While Brexit, the pandemic, and war have no doubt impacted the economic health of the country, previous austerity cuts left the UK less prepared to weather such extraordinary events. With new commentary, Austerity Bites 10 Years On assesses on the true scale of the damage these policies have inflicted on the country's most vulnerable groups, public institutions and on the wider society. It reflects on where we have been, where we are now and what needs to happen next to undo the damage and avoid the same mistakes again.

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成年の保護の実践ハンドブック 第2版
Spreadbury, Kate / Hubbard, Rachel, The Adult Safeguarding Practice Handbook. 2nd ed. 272 pp. 2024:10 (Policy Pr., UK) <727-257>
ISBN 978-1-4473-7481-7 paper ¥6,726.- (税込) GB£ 22.99

The second edition of this best-selling book provides an essential guide to best practice in adult safeguarding. It has been updated to include recent legislative, guidance and research-based developments and relates them to useful practice examples. Featuring new support materials and key case studies, it includes: *a focus on working with marginalised groups under the safeguarding and prevention duties, including 'transitional' safeguarding; *an exploration of best practice in light of changes to national guidance and research; *findings from a range of Safeguarding Adult Reviews with reflections on the outcomes of two national (England) Safeguarding Review Audits; and *an expansion of the concepts of professional curiosity and trauma informed/aware approaches. Students and practitioners are guided to reflect on practice and to extend their skills, knowledge and values to become confident and competent in the complex area of adult safeguarding.

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Wood, Jason, The Kindness Fix: How and Why We Must Build a More Compassionate Society. 192 pp. 2024:11 (Policy Pr., UK) <727-258>
ISBN 978-1-4473-7088-8 paper ¥3,800.- (税込) GB£ 12.99

If a measure of our humanity is how we treat the most vulnerable, our report card is bleak. Our politics is divided, people in need are too often treated with cruelty, and the systems we built to support others are creaking. Welfare too often fails, sometimes with tragic consequences. Yet, the help we give to others can be more effective, more accepted, and more just if we cultivate greater levels of compassion to put it at the heart of public life and potentially resolve these challenges. In this book, Jason Wood reviews the research and talks to experts from across the world to make the moving case for greater compassion in public life.

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Constantin, Sandra V., A Life Course Perspective on Chinese Youths: From the Transformation of Social Policies to the Individualization of the Transition to Adulthood. (Life Course Research and Social Policies 17) 178 pp. 2024:5 (Springer, GW) <726-350>
ISBN 978-3-031-57215-9 hard ¥12,261.- (税込) EUR 49.99
ISBN 978-3-031-57218-0 paper ¥9,808.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This open access book investigates from a life-course perspective the individualization process and the challenges faced by young adults in post-collectivist China, where people are enjoined to "liberate" (jiefang) their individual capacities, to "rely on themselves" (kao ziji) and to no longer "depend on the state" (kao guojia). Based on unique quantitative and qualitative data, this book provides a solid empirical portrait of Chinese youths and transformation of social policies in post-collectivist ChinaThis book will be a great resource to students, academics as well as social scientists and policy-makers who wish not only to understand how, in such a short period of time, young adults and their families have managed to navigate from a relatively egalitarian society to one of the most unequal, but also how the articulation between socialist and neoliberal ideologies is reconfiguring social and economic relations as well as women's and men's life-course.The basis of the English translation of this book from its French original manuscript was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision and rewriting of the content was done by the author.

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Hungler, Sara, Social Justice, Welfare and EU Law: Measuring Integration in the Visegrad Countries. 272 pp. 2024:11 (E. Elgar, UK) <726-351>
ISBN 978-1-03-532377-7 hard ¥29,260.- (税込) GB£ 100.00

This innovative book delves into the concept of social justice in the Visegrad countries through a rigorous examination of two demographics: working mothers and the unemployed. Using new empirical data, Sara Hungler analyses the experiences of these groups from the perspectives of redistribution, recognition and representation. Using a multidimensional approach inspired by Nancy Fraser's scholarship, Hungler assesses the legal and social factors shaping the experiences of vulnerable groups. She employs a mixed methodology to explore the impact of EU policy on poverty and exclusion. Ultimately, this book demonstrates that there is no 'one size fits all' solution to the many expansive, socio-political challenges in Europe. Social Justice, Welfare and EU Law is beneficial for academics of European law, labour law, labour policy and comparative social policy. Political scientists who are interested in the core-periphery discourse will also find it to be a vital read.

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Brown, Rachel H., Unsettled Labors: Migrant Care Work in Palestine/Israel. 328 pp. 2024:8 (Duke U. Pr., US) <725-244>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2635-8 hard ¥24,579.- (税込) US$ 107.95
ISBN 978-1-4780-3059-1 paper ¥6,591.- (税込) US$ 28.95

In Unsettled Labors, Rachel H. Brown explores the overlooked labor of migrant workers in Israel's eldercare industry. Brown argues that live-in eldercare in Palestine/Israel, which is primarily done by migrant workers, is an often invisible area where settler colonialism is reproduced culturally, economically, and biologically. Situating Israeli labor markets within a longer history of imperialism and dispossession of Palestinian land, Brown positions migrant eldercare within the resulting tangle of Israeli laws, policies, and social discourses. She draws from interviews with caretakers, public statements, court documents, and first-hand fieldwork to uncover the inherently contradictory nature of elder care work: the intimate presence of South and Southeast Asian workers in the home unsettles the idea of the Israeli home as an exclusively Jewish space. By paying close attention to the comparative racialization of migrant workers, Palestinians, asylum seekers, and Mizrahi and Ashkenazi settlers, Brown raises important questions of labor, social reproduction, displacement, and citizenship told through the stories of collective care provided by migrant workers in a settler colonial state.

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Bender, Shawn, Feeling Machines: Japanese Robotics and the Global Entanglements of More-Than-Human Care. 296 pp. 2024:11 (Stanford U. Pr., US) <725-256>
ISBN 978-1-5036-4019-1 hard ¥29,601.- (税込) US$ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-5036-4115-0 paper ¥7,286.- (税込) US$ 32.00

In recent years, debates over healthcare have accompanied rapid advances in technology, from the expansion of telehealth services to artificial intelligence driven diagnostics. In this book, Shawn Bender delves into the world of Japanese robots engineered for care. Care robots (kaigo robotto) emerged early in the 21st century, when roboticists began converting assembly line technologies into responsive machines for older adults and people with disabilities. These robots are meant to be felt and programmed to feel. While some greet them with enthusiasm, others fear that they might replace a fundamentally human task. Based on fieldwork in Japan, Denmark, and Germany, Bender traces the emergence of care robots in Japan and examines their impact on therapeutic practice around the world. Social science scholarship on robotics tends to be either speculative-imagining life together with robots-or experimental-observing robot-human interaction in laboratories or through short-term field studies. Instead, Bender follows roboticists developing technologies in Japan, and travels with the robots themselves into everyday sites of care, tracking the integration of robots into institutional care and the connection of care practice to robotics development. By exploring the application of Japanese robotics across the globe, Feeling Machines highlights the entanglements of therapeutic practice and technological innovation in an age of more-than-human care.

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Hooyman, Nancy R., Care Justice: Reframing Public Policy, Elevating Care Work. (Aging and Society) 242 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <725-258>
ISBN 978-1-03-232999-4 hard ¥38,038.- (税込) GB£ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-03-232998-7 paper ¥10,530.- (税込) GB£ 35.99

This book develops a care justice framework to critique and disrupt current policies and reframe a policy blueprint for a just organization of care for unpaid family caregivers and underpaid home care workers assisting older adults. In doing so, Hooyman invites readers to envision a society that fully values the essential work of care.The book is distinctive in its analysis of the interrelationships among both types of care laborers, who often face structural constraints on their decision to care and whose work is devalued and marginalized. Their care work affects every member of society, but it is generally invisible to others and its economic value rarely recognized by policymakers. How care work is organized and unrewarded typically has the most financial, physical, and emotional costs for women, people of color, and immigrants across the life course. Inequities for care workers by race, immigrant status, class, and sexual orientation are rooted in systemic racism, sexism, xenophobia, and homophobia. In this book. policy priorities and change strategies are proposed to attain the six core components of a care justice framework, which include fundamental structural changes to value collectively the essential work of care, ensure meaningful choice to care, and reduce systemic inequities faced by care workers. This framework is informed by feminism, Black feminism, intersectionality, and care theory. By conceptualizing care justice, the author aims to stimulate new discourse and action related to care of older adults - the most important work in society - and make the seemingly unattainable attainable. This timely book will be salient to anyone committed to diversity, equity and inclusion and with an interest in policy, gerontology, disability studies, ethnic studies, feminist studies, social justice, and social work and social welfare.

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Matthews, David, The Class Struggle and Welfare: Social Policy Under Capitalism. 240 pp. 2025:1 (Monthly Review, US) <725-259>
ISBN 978-1-68590-087-8 hard ¥20,265.- (税込) US$ 89.00
ISBN 978-1-68590-086-1 paper ¥6,375.- (税込) US$ 28.00



Perera, Isabel M., The Welfare Workforce: Why Mental Health Care Varies Across Affluent Democracies. (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics) 230 pp. 2024:11 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <725-260>
ISBN 978-1-00-949989-7 hard ¥23,408.- (税込) GB£ 80.00
ISBN 978-1-00-949984-2 paper ¥7,604.- (税込) GB£ 25.99



Whitesell, Anne M., Living Off the Government?: Race, Gender, and the Politics of Welfare. 320 pp. 2024:11 (New York U. Pr., US) <725-261>
ISBN 978-1-4798-2856-2 hard ¥20,265.- (税込) US$ 89.00
ISBN 978-1-4798-2858-6 paper ¥7,286.- (税込) US$ 32.00

Explores the ways welfare recipients lack adequate political representation Who deserves public assistance from the government? This age-old question has been revived by policymakers, pundits, and activists following the massive economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Anne Whitesell takes up this timely debate, showing us how our welfare system, in its current state, fails the people it is designed to serve. From debates over stimulus check eligibility to the uncertain future of unemployment benefits, Living Off the Government? tackles it all. Examining welfare rules across eight different states, as well as 19,000 state and local interest groups, Whitesell shows how we determine who is-and who isn't-deserving of government assistance. She explores racial and gender stereotypes surrounding welfare recipients, particularly Black women and mothers; how different groups take advantage of these harmful stereotypes to push their own political agendas; and how the interests and needs of welfare recipients are inadequately represented as a result. Living Off the Government? highlights how harmful stereotypes about the race, gender, and class of welfare recipients filter into our highly polarized political arena to shape public policy. Whitesell calls out a system that she believes serves special interests and not the interests of low-income Americans.

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Chen, Tao, Endogenous Community Design: Community Revitalization Enabling Ecosystem for Collective Impact. (International Perspectives on Social Policy, Administration, and Practice) 154 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <724-255>
ISBN 978-3-031-56755-1 hard ¥29,432.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book is a comprehensive exploration of endogenous community building, aiming to investigate how to create a vibrant, service-integrated, and sustainable community through collective impact approaches. It's a guide to social innovation that combines theory and practical application. In terms of theory, it constructs concepts such as endogenous community, endogenous design system, life project platform and enabling ecosystem. In practice, it offers design methods and a toolkit for collective impact to enhance community resilience and capacity through service co-creation. This book provides readers with a systematic guide to endogenous community design, ranging from conceptual understanding and theoretical models to practical methodologies. Its aim is to build a sociotechnical system from the bottom-up to address complex issues.This book is ideal for community leaders, government officials, NGOs, urban planners, social innovators, and anyone passionate about sustainable community development.

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Price, Jayne / Creaney, Sean (eds.), Knowledge and Skills Partnerships in Youth Justice. 184 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-225>
ISBN 978-1-03-253268-4 hard ¥38,038.- (税込) GB£ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-03-253262-2 paper ¥9,359.- (税込) GB£ 31.99

Providing in-depth insight into different types of knowledge and skills partnerships in youth justice, this book illustrates the importance of collaborative working between academics and professionals, drawing on empirical research and practice examples to present expert analysis of knowledge/evidence production and utilization in youth justice.Original and cutting edge, the focus of this edited collection is on different forms of knowledge exchange (transfer) between professionals and academics in the youth justice context. Authored by experts in the field, each chapter presents a series of case studies showcasing the application of theory/evidence to practice, and shedding light on the challenges professionals experience when seeking to understand complex theory and 'make sense' of the vast array of empirical data.Knowledge and Skills Partnerships in Youth Justice will appeal to students researching youth justice and criminal justice systems. The book will also be useful for practitioners of youth justice, as well as policymakers.

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Siddiqui, Shariq A. / Wasif, Rafeel / Hughes, Micah A., Understanding Muslim Philanthropy. 160 pp. 2024:8 (E. Elgar, UK) <722-189>
ISBN 978-1-03-533728-6 hard ¥21,945.- (税込) GB£ 75.00

This important book locates and defines contemporary Muslim philanthropy and philanthropic institutions within the rich and diverse history of Islamic practice. Shariq A. Siddiqui, Rafeel Wasif and Micah A. Hughes examine religious discourses on the topic and question the universality of our current definitions.Developing a more expansive understanding of Muslim philanthropy, this book provides a historical overview of Muslim philanthropic practice to examine why they carry out these activities - whether it be for the public good, personal gain, a just society, or the love of God. They consider what these actions tell us about Muslims' understanding of their relationship with God and their fellow human beings, and whether there is a connection between these two relationships. Through a global range of case studies, chapters provide empirical data on Muslim giving in contemporary society, looking at the practices of zakat and sadaqa, contemporary waqfs, and how Muslim philanthropy is discussed through social media. Ultimately, the book encourages readers to think more critically about the relationship between religion and philanthropy.Comparative and interdisciplinary in scope, this book is vital for students and scholars of philanthropy, religion, social entrepreneurship, and the sociology of Islam. It is also a valuable resource for policymakers and philanthropists looking to better understand Islamic giving practices and their relationship to philanthropy.

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B.グリーヴ著 医療制度と福祉を理解する
Greve, Bent, Understanding Health Systems and Welfare. (Understanding) 160 pp. 2024:7 (E. Elgar, UK) <722-260>
ISBN 978-1-03-532710-2 hard ¥21,945.- (税込) GB£ 75.00

Understanding Health Systems and Welfare explores the ways in which we understand health care systems and recommends how individuals, health care providers and society as a whole can best use the resources within the systems for maximum benefit. In this enlightening book, Bent Greve examines health care systems from a multitude of perspectives, considering factors such as demographic changes, the steering of health care systems, the value of preventative measures and the challenges and opportunities presented by technological developments. Greve discusses ways in which societies can ensure equitable access to treatment for all generations, income-bands and levels of education. The book recognises that each welfare state manages a different framework, financial model and structural organisation, and encourages individuals and health care providers to better understand the resources available in order to maximise the system's potential and ensure an overall improvement in wellbeing. This book is an informative read for students, academics and researchers working in welfare sociology, health sociology, social policy, health policy and sustainable development. Accessible and engaging, it will also be of interest to professionals and policymakers working in the health care and welfare sectors.

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Grunow, Alicia / Park, Sandra / Bennett, Brandon, Journey to Improvement: A Team Guide to Systems Change in Education, Health Care, and Social Welfare. 286 pp. 2024:5 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <722-261>
ISBN 978-1-5381-9121-7 hard ¥21,631.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5381-9138-5 paper ¥8,880.- (税込) US$ 39.00 *

The challenges we face in education, healthcare and social welfare are multi-faceted, reflecting the complex systems we live in. Out of urgency and often the best of intentions, organizations implement new policies, technologies, and other innovations to tackle these issues, and hope for the best. However, addressing these challenges requires more than heroic individuals with silver bullet solutions. We need teams with diverse expertise that know how to learn together and use their collective knowledge to redesign our social systems for the improved well-being of our communities. Journey to Improvement serves as a roadmap for teams ready to follow a different path to better outcomes. Drawing on their decades of on-the-ground experience leading improvement work in different social sectors, the authors walk teams through the various phases of an improvement journey, from launching the team, to trying ideas in practice to spreading those that work. The book highlights the personal, relational and technical aspects of taking an improvement science approach and illustrates these ideas through real world examples from across the social sector and around the world.

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Stockmann, Reinhard (ed.), Handbook on Evaluation. 560 pp. 2024:8 (E. Elgar, UK) <722-263>
ISBN 978-1-03-532147-6 hard ¥57,057.- (税込) GB£ 195.00

In this Handbook, Reinhard Stockmann and other esteemed experts in the field provide a systematic and comprehensive exploration into the planning, process, implementation and utilisation of evaluations.Covering the process and individual steps of evaluation in detail, in chronological order and in terms of practical application, this Handbook identifies the characteristics and standards that distinguish a professionally and competently conducted evaluation. The first chapters define the differing concepts of monitoring and quality management before exploring the organisational implementation of evaluations and how evaluations are embedded within their social and political contexts. The Handbook then lays out which evaluation designs, quantitative and qualitative data collection, management, measurement and analysis methods can be used, and under which conditions. It concludes with a summary of the forms of reporting to ensure that evaluation results are used optimally.A thorough overview of the dynamic and evolving field of evaluation, this Handbook is beneficial to students and scholars looking to innovate their research methods and evaluation techniques across public and social policy. It will also be valuable to those who conduct evaluations themselves, as well as decision-makers who commission evaluations, clients and users of evaluations and those who are evaluated.

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Hughes, Deirdre / Akkoek, Fuesun / Arulmani, Gideon (eds.), Migration and Wellbeing: Towards a More Inclusive World. 166 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <721-187>
ISBN 978-1-03-263344-2 hard ¥39,501.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This timely and comprehensive book delves into this complex and multi-faceted phenomenon of migration and illuminates its diverse facets and its profound influence on societies across the globe.In an era marked by unprecedented global mobility, as people move across continents in search of better lives, it has never been more crucial to explore the intricate tapestry of human migration. This volume examines the social, economic, and cultural dimensions of migration, uncovering stories of migrants and the transformative potential and hardships their journeys often entail. The twelve chapters in this book demonstrate the scale of challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The contributors examine policy, practice, research and professional development across various international, European and national settings, all viewed through the perspective of career guidance and counselling.With a new chapter, conclusion, and a revised introduction, this book will be of value and interest to students, researchers, teachers, policymakers, guidance and counselling practitioners who have an interest in migration, human psychology, social science, youth work, mental health, counselling, education, and community development. The other chapters were originally published in the British Journal of Guidance and Counselling.

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Lopez Pelaez, Antonio / Keet, Annaline et al. (eds.), Social Welfare Programs and Social Work Education at a Crossroads: New Approaches for a Post-Pandemic Society. (Routledge Advances in Social Work) 248 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <721-188>
ISBN 978-1-03-262303-0 hard ¥39,501.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This book explores a key phenomenon that has been accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis, namely, the crossroads at which social welfare professionals find themselves. This is a crossroads where, on the one hand, there is an accelerated digitalization process and a reorganization of social programs, while on the other hand, we are confronted by the basic challenge of designing social policies and their methods of evaluation, that is, the generation of robust data that will allow better evaluation of social projects and programs.Rigorously analyzing the crossroads at which social welfare programs find themselves and the new demands for the education of professionals involved in social welfare programs, several key issues can be discerned;* the theoretical debate surrounding the changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and the process of redefining globalization in which we are immersed.* the challenges to be met by welfare programs, and the good practices that are being implemented.* the key issue of how to generate more robust data in the field of social services and social protection.* how to increase the competencies of professionals through education in schools of social work.Providing 15 newly written chapters drawn from both the global north and the global south, it offers a set of recommendations to address the challenges of inequality and social inclusion in the coming years.It will be of interest to all academics, students and practitioners working in the fields of social work, social welfare and social development.

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Cook, Linda J., Welfare Nationalism in Europe and Russia: The Politics of 21st Century Exclusionary and Inclusionary Migrations. 280 pp. 2024:7 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <720-210>
ISBN 978-1-108-83566-4 hard ¥23,408.- (税込) GB£ 80.00

What is the relationship between the expansion of international labour migration, informal and precarious employment, and growing nationalism? Welfare Nationalism compares 21st century MENA migrations to Europe and Russia, the Ukrainian refugee migration to Europe in 2022, and labor migrations from Central Asia to Russia and from Central and Eastern Europe to Britain. Linda Cook contends that exclusionary and inclusionary migration cycles exist in both regions, driven by the 'deservingness' of migrants and mobilized by anti-immigrant politicians. Arguing that the long-term deterioration of labor markets and welfare provision for nationals in Europe and Russia drives welfare nationalism, she shows how populist parties in Europe and sub-national elites in Russia thrive on scapegoating migrants. Featuring a unique comparative analysis, this book examines the increasing harshness of contemporary migration policies and explores how we have arrived at the daily stand-offs of desperate international migrants against Europe's powers of surveillance and enforcement.

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Gerovska Mitev, Maja (ed.), Social Work and Social Policy Transformations in Central and Southeast Europe. 202 pp. 2024:3 (Springer, GW) <720-211>
ISBN 978-3-031-51231-5 hard ¥29,432.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book provides a picture of recent developments in social policy and social work in Central and Southeast Europe, especially trends after the COVID-19 pandemic, which necessitated significant welfare modifications. Through a comparative method, the book draws analytical conclusions about the interdependence between welfare state reforms and social work practices in Central and Southeast Europe and provides an overview of future perspectives regarding social policy and social service provision in this region. The book covers four EU member states (Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Croatia) and three EU candidate countries (North Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina). By critically contextualising existing welfare state categorisations, the book aims to examine the link between the welfare state reforms and implications for social work in Central and Southeast Europe. The country-based chapters of this contributed volume: outline the context in which social policy and social work have developed and map the main changes in the welfare state since the transition from socialism; elaborate the country-specific welfare state discourse and discussions, which through literature review depict the conceptual debates about the welfare state, social justice, equality, poverty, entitlements for cash transfer and services, privatization, and accessibility; indicate the key challenges in social policy and social work; and provide indications about the future perspectives of social policy and social service provision. Social Work and Social Policy Transformations in Central and Southeast Europe addresses the scarcity of literature on social policy and social work in this region. The book is primarily intended for social policy researchers and scholars, and students in social work, social policy, political science, and sociology. It is an invaluable resource for researchers from all fields of social sciences and should provoke wider academic and professional interest."The common themes of transformation, restructuring and crises, synthesized in excellent Introductory and Concluding chapters, make the book an essential source for an understanding of contemporary policies and practices, the complex role played by historical legacies, and offer a model of what a comparative policy approach should look like".-Paul Stubbs, Senior Research Fellow, The Institute of Economics, Zagreb, Croatia

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Jethwaney, Jaishri, Social Sector Communication: Concepts, Strategies and Case Studies. 180 pp. 2024:7 (Routledge, UK) <719-274>
ISBN 978-1-03-253724-5 hard ¥39,501.- (税込) GB£ 135.00

Communication, advocacy and outreach are germane to the success of any organization working in the social sector. This book provides a robust conceptual framework that is required for understanding the demands of the sector, suggests strategies, and tools, and provides hands-on skills to those engaged in social sector communication including the government, which invests heavily into the sector.This book not only highlights the theoretical underpinnings, practice, and skill of social sector communications in India, but also provides an understanding of various tools and strategies required in the development of communication encompassing social marketing, media advocacy, social mobilization, grassroots communication, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). With the aid of case studies, it offers tips on how to plan campaigns; write a concept note, field report, and press release, and effectively use social media to achieve developmental program goals. The book discusses the different perspectives of NGOs and program implementers and helps in understanding the corporate--NGO interface vis-a-vis CSR projects.This book will be useful to students of social work, business and management preparing for roles in social enterprises. It will also be of use to working professionals in the social sector.

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Renzo Rosales, Martin / Johnson, LaShaune P. et al. (eds.), Research as Accompaniment: Solidarity and Community Partnerships for Transformative Action. 256 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-275>
ISBN 978-1-03-241491-1 hard ¥39,501.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-241494-2 paper ¥11,115.- (税込) GB£ 37.99 *

This volume expands conversations about participatory, community-engaged, and action-oriented research that inspires social change.The authors contend that long-term community partnerships, inspired by solidarity and characterized by equality and reciprocity, result in a deep understanding of community concerns and increase the likelihood that research findings will have an impact on both the community partners and the broader society. Such research relationships, the authors maintain, are best understood as accompaniment. This book recognizes the potential as well as constraints of conceptualizing research as accompaniment and emphasizes that this approach is both a continuum and a process.Suitable for students and scholars of ethnographic and qualitative methods (and professionals using those methods, such as those in non-government organizations), it will appeal to those interested in research with communities in a wide variety of social science and other disciplines, including anthropology, nursing, and public health, amongst others.

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Kilpi-Jakonen, Elina / Blanden, Jo et al. (eds.), Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality. (Elgar Handbooks on Inequality) 400 pp. 2024:5 (E. Elgar, UK) <718-178>
ISBN 978-1-80088-825-8 hard ¥62,909.- (税込) GB£ 215.00 *

The Research Handbook on Intergenerational Inequality is motivated by a core question in social science: to what extent does one's family background and childhood experience predict success in life? This innovative Research Handbook provides a comprehensive, multidisciplinary account of research on intergenerational inequality, focusing on its origins in sociology and economics.Expert contributors explore patterns of intergenerational persistence, how mobility varies for different groups, and the processes through which intergenerational inequality is produced. Chapters cover a range of novel topics including the intergenerational reproduction of elites, parental joblessness and its intergenerational impact, and the role of migration for intergenerational mobility. Bringing together experts from across the globe and from a variety of social science disciplines, the Research Handbook campaigns for greater cross-fertilisation between disciplinary boundaries and encourages future researchers to develop a deeper understanding of current mobility in order to better inform and improve social policy.This incisive Research Handbook will serve as a crucial reference point for researchers, scholars and students of social sciences, sociology, social policy, and economics. Its practical applications will also be highly beneficial for policymakers and practitioners working in social affairs.

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Mezzadra, Sandro / Cuppini, Niccolo et al. (eds.), Capitalism in the Platform Age: Emerging Assemblages of Labour and Welfare in Urban Spaces. (Springer Studies in Alternative Economics) 371 pp. 2024:3 (Springer, GW) <718-181>
ISBN 978-3-031-49146-7 hard ¥12,261.- (税込) EUR 49.99
ISBN 978-3-031-49149-8 paper ¥9,808.- (税込) EUR 39.99 *

This open access book provides an overview of urban digital platforms such as Airbnb and Deliveroo, which, along with Amazon, Google, Facebook, and other IT companies, constitute by now the infrastructures for other businesses to operate on and for our social life to go on. These platforms serve as standards-based techno-economic systems that simultaneously capture cooperation through remote coordination and organize labor via algorithm management.Based on a three-years research project, this contributed book outlines a general theory of platform capitalism that conceives these platforms not only as technical devices, but as generative engines that operate at the interface of several aspects, such as digitalization of forms of social cooperation; algorithm-based management of labor and participation; and private and vertical appropriation of profits. These elements are somehow iconic of the capitalist evolution of the last decades, and they open up a reflection on new forms of "primitive accumulation" (in particular regarding data), on the mechanisms used to capture and extract social surplus value, and on the logistic-financial dimensions of capital. Finally, in light of the transformations associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the authors examine how platforms can evolve into hegemonic organizational structures.Assuming we are all already living in the age of the platform, this book takes a multifaceted approach-combining sociology with urban studies, and political sciences with economics-to grasp the challenges our societies face in terms of ensuring fair economic growth, adequate social protections, and labor rights. It will appeal to anyone interested in digital platforms and how they are changing the organization of labor, urban spaces, and forms of governance.

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Mirabella, Roseanne M. / Coule, Tracey M. et al. (eds.), Handbook of Critical Perspectives on Nonprofit Organizing and Voluntary Action: Concepts, Applications and Future Directions. 528 pp. 2024:6 (E. Elgar, UK) <718-194>
ISBN 978-1-80037-180-4 hard ¥65,835.- (税込) GB£ 225.00

This insightful Handbook brings together leading and emerging scholars within the field of nonprofit organization, serving as a call to action for academics to interrogate key contemporary issues such as backsliding and authoritarianism. It meticulously distinguishes traditional, often marginalist perspectives from nuanced counterarguments to balance out the field. The Handbook of Critical Perspectives on Nonprofit Organizing and Voluntary Action illustrates opportunities and challenges for future researchers within the sector and presses the reader to imagine a better, more equitable future. Chapters employ a variety of vital theoretical lenses, for example utilizing postcolonial theory, critical feminist theory, queer theory, critical disability theory and post-structural theory. They provide a timely, inter-contextual narration of the many roles enacted by nonprofit and voluntary organizations today. Approaching nonprofit organizing as an ever-expanding topic, this crucial Handbook will be an important read for scholars of critical management studies, public administration, and public policy. It will additionally benefit researchers within the philanthropic studies field hoping to gain insight into the future of their discipline.

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Brockmann, Hilke / Fernandez-Urbano, Roger (eds.), Encyclopedia of Happiness, Quality of Life and Subjective Wellbeing. (Elgar Encyclopedias in the Social Sciences) 592 pp. 2024:6 (E. Elgar, UK) <718-2>
ISBN 978-1-80088-966-8 hard ¥70,224.- (税込) GB£ 240.00 *

This comprehensive Encyclopedia delves into the underpinnings, approaches, and recent advancements in the dynamic global landscape of happiness and wellbeing research.Laying out the foundational concepts and disciplinary perspectives in the field, international leading and diverse authors survey the determinants and mechanisms which are associated with and cause happiness, quality of life and subjective wellbeing. They cover wellbeing variations across populations worldwide, looking closely at the different methods and measures used to carry out this research. With a focus on emerging research, this Encyclopedia discusses trending topics such as animal happiness, big data, genetic engineering, eco-anxiety, war, and working from home. Ultimately, it fosters a sophisticated discourse on both individual and societal wellbeing.With its concise summaries, this informative Encyclopedia of Happiness, Quality of Life and Subjective Wellbeing is an essential read for scholars anthropology, biology, demography, economics, ethics, intercultural studies, medicine, neuroscience, pedagogy, psychology, public policy, social work, and sociology. It will also be a valuable reference to policymakers and practitioners involved in business consulting, education, public health, organizational design, social work, or urban planning.Key Features:Transdisciplinary contributions on the past, present and future of happiness, quality of life, and subjective well-being researchOpen Access contribution written by the six editors of the UN's World Happiness ReportOver 60 entries from 100 emerging and established experts across multiple scientific domains, diverse origins and different countries.

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Fast, Janet / Hamblin, Kate / Heyes, Jason (eds.), Combining Work and Care: Carer Leave and Related Employment Policies in International Context. (Sustainable Care) 256 pp. 2024:6 (Policy Pr., UK) <717-269>
ISBN 978-1-4473-6570-9 paper ¥8,189.- (税込) GB£ 27.99 *

Available Open Access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. The proportion of employees with caring responsibilities is growing and, as a result, policies that support working carers are becoming increasingly important. Written and informed by national experts, this is the first publication to provide a detailed examination of the development and implementation of carer leave policies and policies in nine countries across Asia, Oceania, Europe and North America. It compares the origins, content and implications of national policies and practices intended to enable workers to provide care to family members and friends while remaining in paid employment - known as 'carer leave'.

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社会保障ハンドブック 2024年版
Social Security Administration (ed.), Social Security Handbook 2024: Overview of Social Security Programs. 838 pp. 2024:4 (Bernan Pr., US) <717-277>
ISBN 979-88-920500-0-5 paper ¥22,314.- (税込) US$ 98.00 *

The Social Security Handbook: Overview of Social Security Programs, 2024 provides information about Social Security programs and services, and identifies rights and obligations under the Social Security laws. This completely updated Handbook, organized by section number, is a readable, easy-to-understand reference for comprehending complex Social Security programs and services and contains information on several topics relevant to Social Security policies:?How Social Security programs are administered?Who is and isn't covered under retirement, survivors, disability, and hospital insurance programs?Who is responsible for submitting the necessary evidence to support a claim?How claims are processed by the Social Security office?What Social Security benefits are owed to you?How to obtain information about your rights under Social Security policyThe Handbook is designed to help users understand the gray areas of the Social Security Act, and to provide critical information about rights and obligations under Social Security laws. The Handbook outlines how to: ?Protect your benefits and avoid benefit loss;?Monitor government agencies and get information about policy changes that will affect your benefits;?Make the most of hospital and Medicare coverage;?Determine the amount of benefits that are subject to federal income taxes;?Check Social Security earnings and benefits; and?Get up-to-date news about future Social Security programs and services.

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Bode, Ingo, The Fate of Social Modernity: Western Europe and Organised Welfare Provision in Challenging Times. 480 pp. 2024 (E. Elgar, UK) <716-401>
ISBN 978-1-03-533121-5 hard ¥42,427.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *

This thoroughly original book provides a comprehensive overview of the development of welfare arrangements and their wider context in Western Europe. Using the concept of social modernity, Ingo Bode investigates current challenges to these arrangements and examines prospects for progressive welfare reform.Adopting a sociological perspective, The Fate of Social Modernity dissects the complex layers of welfare agreements and assesses their potential for promoting socially balanced societies. Ingo Bode outlines how both public programmes and involved welfare organisations addressing children, disadvantaged workers, or elderly people may prompt yet also hamper processes of social development. He also explains how insights into social dynamics in European countries, such as Germany, Italy, Norway, and the UK, may contribute to a better understanding of problems and opportunities elsewhere in the world.This foundational book is a crucial read for scholars in the fields of comparative social policy, sociological theory, and organization studies. It will also be of benefit to practitioners in public administration and non-profit sector studies seeking to better understand the chemistry of social development.

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B.グリーヴ他編 社会政策の政治経済ハンドブック
Greve, Bent / Moreira, Amilcar / van Gerven, Minna (eds.), Handbook on the Political Economy of Social Policy. (Elgar Handbooks in Social Policy and Welfare) 336 pp. 2024:5 (E. Elgar, UK) <716-402>
ISBN 978-1-03-530648-0 hard ¥54,131.- (税込) GB£ 185.00 *

Research in social policy has been greatly influenced by the emergence of modern political economy in the late 1970s. The Handbook on the Political Economy of Social Policy offers a systematic, yet comprehensive, framework for understanding how concepts, theoretical standpoints and methodological approaches stemming from political economy have been applied to the study of social policies, and models of welfare provision. The authors also signpost current developments and discuss their likely impact on future research.With contributions from leading scholars in social policy, political science and political economy, The Handbook explores the key theoretical standpoints for understanding how social policies are introduced and/or reformed. These include historical institutionalism, the role of ideas, the influence of political parties and of political attitudes and preferences. The contributors also discuss key methodological approaches for understanding how social policies are adopted and how they change - from the case-study approach to more comparative approaches. Analysis of the applications of political economy approaches within social policy covers housing, welfare, labour relations and pensions as well as examining regional cases from across the globe.Offering a comprehensive overview of the current state of scholarship on the political economy of social policy, this Handbook will be crucial reading for scholars and students of social policy, welfare state analysis, area studies, political science, political economy and sociology.

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Kahn, Jessica, The Power of Policy: The Past, Present, and Future. 392 pp. 2024:5 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <716-403>
ISBN 978-0-19-755923-9 paper ¥18,212.- (税込) US$ 79.99 *

The Power of Policy: The Past, Present and Future is a historically-organized core textbook that identifies thematic connections between the history of U.S. social welfare policy and issues related to today's social welfare environment, with an eye toward the future. Key historical developments demonstrate how history has influenced today's institutions, laws, and systems.

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Widerquist, Karl, Universal Basic Income. (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge Series) 264 pp. 2024:2 (MIT Pr., US) <716-404>
ISBN 978-0-262-54689-8 paper ¥3,858.- (税込) US$ 16.95 *



Nikiforidou, Zoi / Anderson, Babs et al. (eds.), Resilience and Wellbeing in Young Children, Their Families and Communities: Exploring Diverse Contexts, Circumstances and Populations. (Towards an Ethical Praxis in Early Childhood) 232 pp. 2024:4 (Routledge, UK) <715-253>
ISBN 978-1-03-238569-3 hard ¥39,501.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-238570-9 paper ¥10,530.- (税込) GB£ 35.99 *

Resilience and Wellbeing in Young Children, Their Families and Communities unpicks the theme of resilience and wellbeing through diverse contexts, circumstances, populations and life stories in order to explore its complexity globally.Current societal events have brought forward a need for understanding how to best support and create environments with conditions that promote children's holistic wellbeing. Violence in all its facets, poverty, political conflict and the recent pandemic are among the major realities threatening children, and this demands attention to how resilience can be supported to effectively safeguard children's lived experiences. This book explores resilience from a range of perspectives, research projects and practical support mechanisms for young children, families, educators and communities. It starts with theoretical conceptualizations and goes on to present specific research projects and applied initiatives and how these can be used in application to praxis for young children and their families.Being of interest to educators and human services striving to advocate for and enhance young children's wellbeing, this book will serve as both a useful overview of the many approaches to supporting resilience in young children, while providing a sound theoretical perspective that is accessible for all.

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Appleton, Peter, What Matters and Who Matters to Young People Leaving Care: A New Approach to Planning. 192 pp. 2024:3 (Policy Pr., UK) <714-197>
ISBN 978-1-4473-6833-5 paper ¥4,970.- (税込) GB£ 16.99 *

The EPDF and EPUB are available open access under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This publication was supported by the University of Essex's open access fund. How do young people transitioning from care plan their future lives? Planning is usually thought of as requiring clear goals and 'future orientation', but how might planning be regarded by young people whose wishes, hopes, and plans have been repeatedly dashed? In this book Peter Appleton builds on research interviews with care-experienced young adults, and on cross-disciplinary theories of planning and of emotions, to develop a creative and non-dogmatic three-aspects model of planning for young people leaving care. A valuable resource for practitioners, researchers, and educators, this book puts forward a powerful case to think more broadly and flexibly about transition planning with care-leavers, placing the voices of young people at its heart.

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Cocker, Christine / Holmes, Dez / Cooper, Adi, Transitional Safeguarding. 256 pp. 2024:3 (Policy Pr., UK) <714-198>
ISBN 978-1-4473-6556-3 paper ¥7,311.- (税込) GB£ 24.99 *

This book powerfully sets out the case for Transitional Safeguarding, a new approach to protection and safeguarding designed to address the needs and behaviours of young people in their mid-teens to mid-twenties who are falling between gaps in current systems, with often devastating results. Addressing these gaps, it outlines how the specific needs of young people can be met through this approach. Written by leading experts in this area with strong practice networks, it presents up-to-date evidence for its effectiveness, and also uses examples from practice to illustrate the ways in which services are beginning to address these issues.

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