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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00




Barnes, Kenneth C., Mob Rule in the Ozarks: The Missouri and North Arkansas Railroad Strike, 1921-1923. 304 pp. 2024:12 (U. Arkansas Pr., US) <728-1617>
ISBN 978-1-68226-261-0 hard ¥9,095.- (税込) US$ 39.95
ISBN 978-1-68226-262-7 paper ¥5,680.- (税込) US$ 24.95

On January 15, 1923, a crowd of more than a thousand angry men assembled in Harrison, Arkansas, near the headquarters of the M&NA Railroad, which ran through the heart of the Ozark Mountains. The mob was prepared to use any measure necessary to end the strike of railroad employees that had dragged on for nearly two years, endangering livelihoods and businesses in an area with few other means of transportation. Supported by local officials, the mob terrorized strikers and sympathizers-many were stripped and beaten, and one man was lynched, hanged from the railroad bridge south of town. Over the next several days, similar riots broke out in other towns along the M&NA line, including Leslie and Heber Springs. This violence effectively brought to a close one of the longest rail strikes in American history-the only one, in fact, ended by a mob uprising. In Mob Rule in the Ozarks, Kenneth C. Barnes documents how the M&NA Railroad strike reflected some of the major economic concerns that preoccupied the United States in the wake of World War I, and created a rupture within communities of the Ozarks that would take years to heal. The conflict also foreshadowed, for both the region and the country, the pendulum's swing back to moneyed interests, away from Progressive Era gains for labor. Poignantly for Barnes, who sees parallels between this historic struggle and present-day political tensions, the strike revealed the fragile line between civil order and mob rule.

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Isaacman, Allen F. / Chadya, Joy M. / Isaacman, Barbara S., Elusive Histories: Mozambican Migrant Laborers in Rhodesia, ca. 1900-1980. (New African Histories) 300 pp. 2025:1 (Ohio U. Pr., US) <728-1090>
ISBN 978-0-8214-2574-9 hard ¥20,493.- (税込) US$ 90.00
ISBN 978-0-8214-2575-6 paper ¥8,412.- (税込) US$ 36.95

At the heart of Elusive Histories is a long-neglected story of the clandestine journeys of Mozambican migrant laborers and their families to Rhodesia. Drawing from oral histories, court records, archives, newspapers, and popular magazines, the authors chronicle Mozambican migration, work experiences, and settlement in Rhodesia. Thousands of men, women, and children traveled long distances, often on foot, to reach Rhodesia. Starting with a trickle of workers seeking to avoid chibharo, a Mozambican agricultural forced-labor system, the number of migrants peaked in the 1950s. In 1958, the Rhodesian government passed legislation to bar new Mozambican migrants from entering large cities, redirecting them toward agriculture and mining. When Black Rhodesian laborers began to complain about losing jobs to Mozambicans, the restrictions became an outright ban to prevent further migrants from entering the country. Contrary to previous assumptions, Mozambican labor in Rhodesia was not contract labor derived from bilateral negotiations between the Mozambican colonial and Rhodesian governments. In fact, many Mozambicans who came to work and live in Rhodesia arrived as illegal migrants. The book also demystifies the widely held notion that all foreign migrant workers in Rhodesia who spoke Nyanja were Nyasalanders. Because Nyanja is widely spoken at the confluence of Malawi, Zambia, and Mozambique, many Mozambicans who came to work in Rhodesia were fluent. Despite the national, racial, and cultural differences and the discrimination in job placement, promotion, and housing, Mozambican migrant laborers creatively adapted and made Rhodesia home for the duration of their lives.

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Wiegratz, Joerg / Mujere, Joseph / Fontein, Joost (eds.), Narrating Working Lives: Oral Histories of Work in Neoliberal Africa. (ThirdWorlds) 186 pp. 2024:10 (Routledge, UK) <727-883>
ISBN 978-1-03-274317-2 hard ¥39,501.- (税込) GB£ 135.00

This book presents a re-engagement with oral histories as a way of documenting, understanding, and discussing experiences of work and economic life in Africa under neoliberal capitalism. It draws on seven case studies in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Uganda, and South Sudan, from the late 1980s to the present, to offer a critical analysis of neoliberal transformations and realities at the incisive level of peoples' biographies.The last few decades have witnessed unprecedented changes in the working lives of people across the African continent. Oral historical accounts of working lives can offer unique and productive insights into these changes by allowing analyses of neoliberalism that focuses on personal experiences over the longue duree. Yet, there has been a surprising dearth of oral histories of work since the emergence of neoliberalism in the 1980s. Compared to scholarship published more than half a century ago, there has been a decline in the use of oral histories to explore experiences of living and working under capitalism. By grounding analysis in biographical details, histories, and dynamics, the chapters in this book seek better understandings of the wider life contexts, challenges, and circumstances in which people's 'agency' emerges, unfolds, gains traction, and gets (re)shaped; and a better grasp of the multiple, entangled layers and temporalities of life and work in capitalist Africa. The book will be indispensable to students and researchers interested in political economy, development studies, anthropology, sociology, history and African Studies.The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Third World Thematics and are accompanied by a new Foreword and Afterword.

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Flores, Lori A., Awaiting Their Feast: Latinx Food Workers and Activism from World War II to COVID-19. (LatinX Histories) 320 pp. 2025:1 (U. North Carolina Pr., US) <727-241>
ISBN 978-1-4696-7986-0 paper ¥6,818.- (税込) US$ 29.95

Though Latinx foodways are eagerly embraced and consumed by people across the United States, the nation exhibits a much more fraught relationship with Latinx people, including the largely underpaid and immigrant workers who harvest, process, cook, and sell this desirable food. Lori A. Flores traces how our dual appetite for Latinx food and Latinx food labor has evolved from the World War II era to the COVID-19 pandemic, using the US Northeast as an unexpected microcosm of this national history. Spanning the experiences of food workers with roots in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Central America, Flores's narrative travels from New Jersey to Maine and examines different links in the food chain, from farming to restaurants to seafood processing to the deliverista rights movement. What unites this eclectic material is Flores's contention that as our appetite for Latinx food has grown exponentially, the visibility of Latinx food workers has demonstrably decreased. This precariat is anything but passive, however, and has historically fought-and is still fighting-against low wages and exploitation, medical neglect, criminalization, and deeply ironic food insecurity.

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Greene, Julie M., Box 25: Archival Secrets, Caribbean Workers, and the Panama Canal. 192 pp. 2025:1 (U. North Carolina Pr., US) <727-242>
ISBN 978-1-4696-7948-8 paper ¥6,363.- (税込) US$ 27.95

When acclaimed labor historian Julie M. Greene researched her book The Canal Builders, which went on to be nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in 2009, she explored a cache of first-person essays written in 1963 by the Afro-Caribbean people, mainly Jamaican and Barbadian, who migrated to the Isthmus of Panama to work as diggers, track shifters, or domestic servants in the Canal Zone. Held at the Library of Congress and stored in Box 25 of the Isthmian Historical Society Collection, they constitute the best primary source in existence on Caribbean workers' experiences during the construction project. Now Greene returns to this fascinating archive, and in this book, shares what it was like to be a migrant laborer on the construction of the Panama Canal. Caribbean workers faced life-threatening illnesses, accidents, racial discrimination, and culture clashes as well as the opportunity to materially improve their lives. Greene offers new details on the strategies of the people who built the canal and examines how colonialism, xenophobia, and racism shaped the process of writing and archiving the testimonies into Box 25.

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Grob, Leo, Bevor die Fabriken schliessen: Arbeit und Management bei Alusuisse (1960-1991). (Industrielle Welt 106) 312 S. 2024:9 (Boehlau, GW) <727-313>
ISBN 978-3-412-53102-7 hard ¥11,038.- (税込) EUR 45.00

Die industrielle Arbeitswelt veraenderte sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts stark: Unternehmer drohten mit Restrukturierungen und Betriebsschliessungen, Arbeiter:innen sahen sich einer verschaerften Standortkonkurrenz und einem groesseren Leistungsdruck ausgesetzt, sie bangten um ihre Arbeitsplaetze und Loehne, Gewerkschaften gerieten in die Defensive. Leo Grob untersucht diesen Wandel am Beispiel des Schweizer multinationalen Unternehmens Alusuisse. Er analysiert das Denken und Handeln der Topmanager am Schweizer Hauptsitz in Zuerich. Und er folgt der Aluminium-Herstellungskette quer ueber den Globus von Australien ueber Italien bis in die Schweiz. Das Buch beleuchtet die Kraefteverhaeltnisse zwischen Arbeiter:innen und Managern. Es zeigt, wie das Management die Krisen und Arbeitskaempfe der 1970er Jahre als Katalysator nutzte, um neue Formen des Personalmanagements und Anreizsysteme einzufuehren, welche die Betriebe und Arbeitskraefte mehr Marktrisiken aussetzten, in einen ?Ueberlebenskampf“ versetzten und das Wissen und die Subjektivitaet der Arbeiter:innen nutzbar machen wollten.

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Phipps, Catherine (ed.), Histories of Sex Work Around the World. (Routledge Research in Gender and History) 272 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <727-1212>
ISBN 978-1-03-247932-3 hard ¥38,038.- (税込) GB£ 130.00

This book offers snapshots of sex work in global history, examining how it has differed in different places around the world at different points in time. Focusing on certain moments in certain places and examinations of historical lives, it offers a diverse approach with a heavy focus on lived experience to see what selling sex was like instead of what it "meant". Therefore, this book aims to argue that selling sex has been different at different times and present the diversity of experience in sex work throughout history, through case studies and comparisons.Aimed for students, scholars, and general readers alike, Histories of Sex Work Around the World provides an introduction to the history of sex work within a global perspective. The case studies cover a wide range of topics and geographical regions - from North America to Mexico City to Vietnam, spanning across 12 different countries and over 400 years of history, before considering the future of sex work in the internet age. Furthermore, this book features chapters with personal accounts from writers with experience selling sex, managing a brothel, or working as a dancer. It also includes a foreword from renowned writer and historian Julia Laite, author of bestselling book The Disappearance of Lydia Harvey.

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Streichhahn, Vincent (Hrsg.), Feministische Internationale: Texte zu Geschlecht, Klasse und Emanzipation 1832-1936. 160 S. 2024:9 (Dietz, GW) <727-1224>
ISBN 978-3-320-02421-5 paper ¥4,415.- (税込) EUR 18.00

Die Anthologie ≫Feministische Internationale≪ praesentiert Texte aus dem 19. und fruehen 20. Jahrhundert zu Geschlecht, Klasse und Emanzipation aus ueber zehn Laendern und fast allen Kontinenten. Verfasst haben sie feministische Sozialistinnen und Anarchistinnen, die in der Arbeiterbewegung oder ihrem Umfeld aktiv waren. Die Sammlung erweitert den Blick ueber den eurozentrischen Horizont hinaus, zeigt die Vielfalt sowie die Verbindungen der damaligen Emanzipationsbewegungen und unterstreicht die gemeinsame Geschichte der proletarischen Frauenbewegung und der Arbeiterbewegung, die oft separat betrachtet werden. Das Verhaeltnis war nicht frei von Widerspruechen. Die Aktivistinnen sahen sich auch in den Reihen der Arbeiterparteien mit dem Widerstand von Maennern konfrontiert. Die in diesem Band versammelten Autorinnen setzten sich nicht nur fuer die Emanzipation ein und kritisierten antifeministischen Widerstand, sondern machten auch auf verschiedene Formen intersektionaler Unterdrueckung aufmerksam. Durch die Veroeffentlichung von Primaertexten ? viele davon erstmals in deutscher Uebersetzung ? soll die Geschichte und Tradition der ≫Feministischen Internationale≪ zugaenglich gemacht werden ? nicht zuletzt als Inspirationsquelle fuer aktuelle Diskussionen und Kaempfe um Gleichberechtigung und soziale Gerechtigkeit. Mit Beitraegen von Susan B. Anthony, Maria Cano, Jeanne Deroin und Pauline Roland, Eva Gore-Booth, Gertrude Guillaume-Schack, Emma Ihrer, Jeanne-Victoire Jacob, Yamakawa Kikue, Anna Kuliscioff, Mary Lee, Linda Malnati, Eleanor Marx, Dora B. Montefiore, Adelheid Popp, Begum Rokeya, Henriette Roland Holst, Lucia Sanchez Saornil, Kanno Sugako, Louise Thomson Patterson, Flora Tristan, Victoria Woodhull, Clara Zetkin. Vincent Streichhahn, geb. 1993, ist Politikwissenschaftler und promovierte mit einer Arbeit zur ≫Frauenfrage≪ in der fruehen deutschen Arbeiter- und proletarischen Frauenbewegung.

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Andrews, Gregg, Hard Times in an American Workhouse, 1853-1920. 256 pp. 2024:10 (Louisiana State U. Pr., US) <727-1383>
ISBN 978-0-8071-8278-9 hard ¥10,246.- (税込) US$ 45.00

Hard Times in an American Workhouse, 1853 1920, is the first comprehensive examination of a workhouse in the United States, offering a critical history of the institution in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. Using the Old St. Louis Workhouse as a representative example, award-winning historian Gregg Andrews brings to life individual stories of men and women sentenced to this debtors' prison to break rocks in the quarry, sew clothing, scrub cell floors and walls, or toil in its brush factory. Most inmates, too poor to pay requisite fines, came through the city's police courts on charges of vagrancy, drunkenness, disturbing the peace, or violating some other ordinance. The penal system criminalized everything from poverty and unemployment to homelessness and the mere fact of being Black. Workhouses proved overcrowded and inhospitable facilities that housed hardcore felons and young street toughs along with prostitutes, petty thieves, peace disturbers, political dissenters, ""levee rats,"" adulterers, and those who suffered from alcohol and drug addiction. Officials even funneled the elderly, the mentally disabled, and the physically infirm into the workhouse system.The torture of prisoners in the hellish chambers of the St. Louis Workhouse proved far worse than Charles Dickens's portrayals of cruelty in the debtors' prisons of Victorian England. The ordinance that created the St. Louis complex in 1843 banned corporal punishment, but shackles, chains, and the whipping post remained central to the institution's attempts to impose discipline. Officers also banished more recalcitrant inmates to solitary confinement in the ""bull pen,"" where they subsisted on little more than bread and water. Andrews traces efforts by critics to reform the workhouse, a political plum in the game of petty ward patronage played by corrupt and capricious judges, jailers, and guards. The best opportunity for lasting change came during the Progressive Era, but the limited contours of progressivism in St. Louis thwarted reformers' efforts. The defeat of a municipal bond issue in 1920 effectively ended plans to replace the urban industrial workhouse model with a more humane municipal farm system championed by Progressives.

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Busch, Andrew E., Ronald Reagan and the Firing of the Air Traffic Controllers. (Landmark Presidential Decisions) 180 pp. 2024:7 (U. Pr. Kansas, US) <727-1384>
ISBN 978-0-7006-3690-7 hard ¥15,935.- (税込) US$ 69.99
ISBN 978-0-7006-3691-4 paper ¥5,689.- (税込) US$ 24.99

On August 3, 1981, over 12,000 members of the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Association (PATCO) walked off their jobs, striking for higher pay, shorter hours, and increased benefits. Unexpectedly, President Ronald Reagan decided to fire the strikers, prosecute their leaders, and decertify their union. This swift and unwavering decision was a shocking reversal of the sympathy and support Reagan showed PATCO during his campaign ten months earlier, which had earned him the union's endorsement.Andrew Busch, an expert on the Reagan presidency, explores this overlooked decision, showing the many ways that it set the tone for Reagan's two terms in the White House. It was a contested decision both within the administration and in the public sphere, though it ultimately proved popular. Reagan's action demonstrated his commitment to upholding federal labor law, limiting federal spending, and cutting inflation. He also modeled his management style of delegating to subordinates and supporting his guidance with decisive judgment when necessary.More broadly, this decision had long-term significance that far exceeded its immediate importance. The response to the PATCO strike formed a pattern for future decisions and made a strong impression on foreign adversaries. It also contributed to the declining power of unions, marking a shift in labor politics that has continued to this day.Andrew Busch brings a wealth of insight to this concise and accessible book, making it an ideal entry into understanding Ronald Reagan's domestic policy and leadership, and a fine addition to the Landmark Presidential Decisions series.

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Dyer, Glenn, The Era Was Lost: The Rise and Fall of New York City's Rank-and-File Rebels. (Justice, Power and Politics) 256 pp. 2024:10 (U. North Carolina Pr., US) <727-1385>
ISBN 978-1-4696-8206-8 paper ¥6,818.- (税込) US$ 29.95

An exciting yet relatively unknown episode in American labor history took place in New York City between 1965 and 1975. Rank-and-file members of numerous unions caught a ""strike fever"" as they challenged the entrenched power of some of the country's most powerful politicians, employers, and union leaders in a wave contract rejections, wildcat strikes, and electoral campaigns. Workers in unions across New York wanted more than better contracts: they contested control of the work process, racism on the job, and workers' place in America's socioeconomic hierarchy while implicitly and explicitly demanding greater democratic control of their representative organizations and lives. Some initial challenges were effective and succeeded in delivering better contracts and unseating undemocratic leaders. However, those early successes were short-lived. Glenn Dyer traces the way workers were met with employer recalcitrance and union attacks that proved too powerful to organize against. In the face of this resistance, workers retreated into a survivalist attitude of accommodation and resignation, contributing to the decline of social democratic New York and working-class power in the city. Ultimately, as Dyer argues, the failures of the rank-and-file organizing efforts in New York City, which was the biggest center of organized labor in the country, shows how stunted workers' aspirations and numerous defeats not only uprooted the foundations of New York's uniquely social democratic polity but also ushered in a national era of increased working-class subservience that has resonance today.

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O'Donnell, Edward T., The Pullman Strike: A Gilded Age Clash between Labor, Capital, and Government. (Critical Moments in American History) 230 pp. 2024:10 (Routledge, UK) <727-1389>
ISBN 978-1-03-248391-7 hard ¥39,501.- (税込) GB£ 135.00
ISBN 978-1-03-247382-6 paper ¥10,822.- (税込) GB£ 36.99

This book examines the 1894 Pullman Strike, one of the most consequential clashes between labor and capital that paralyzed America's railroad system.The Gilded Age saw rapid economic growth, expansion of industrialization, and real wage growth. Yet between 1800 and 1900 there were 37,000 strikes, and the Pullman Strike reflected the broad dissatisfaction and unrest among American workers. The book consists of an engaging narrative, analysis of existing scholarship, sidebars, and primary source documents which collectively answer why the Pullman Strike is so critical to the American Experience: it exposed the limits of paternalistic capitalism, revealed the extraordinary power of big business, introduced the use of injunctions to stop strikes, and launched the career of the iconic labor leader Eugene Debs. Overall, it reveals what struggles workers encountered when forming unions, the changing role of government regarding the economy, and the threat that unchecked big business posed to democracy.The Pullman Strike is useful for all undergraduate students who study the Gilded Age, Industrial Relations, and labor, urban, and economic history in the United States.

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Martin-Asensio, Gustavo, The Comintern in Spain before the Civil War: Red Tide Rising. 256 pp. 2024:7 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <726-1300>
ISBN 978-1-350-44335-8 hard ¥24,871.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

The Spanish Second Republic, 1931-1939, has been written about widely and remains mired in antifascist, anti-communist, and historical memory controversies. A deep dive into the Soviet, British intelligence and other European archives, this new book brings the majority consensus among historians of the Second Republic into question and sheds new light on the scale of Soviet communist activity in Spain before the outbreak of war in July 1936. Providing an in-depth analysis of Comintern (RGASPI) and other European archival documentation, much of which has not been discussed until now, Gustavo Martin Asensio here demonstrates the growing and fundamentally subversive activity of the Comintern within the socialist union and party, the armed forces and cultural influencers which culminated in the spring of 1936.

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Fahrenthold, Stacy D., Unmentionables: Textiles, Garment Work, and the Syrian American Working Class. (Worlding the Middle East) 320 pp. 2024:12 (Stanford U. Pr., US) <725-1339>
ISBN 978-1-5036-3808-2 hard ¥27,324.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-5036-4130-3 paper ¥6,831.- (税込) US$ 30.00

As weavers, garment workers, and peddlers, Syrian immigrants in the Americas fed the early twentieth-century transnational textile trade. These migrants and the commodities they produced-silk, linen, and cotton; lace and embroidery; undergarments and ready-wear clothing-moved along steamship routes from Beirut through Marseille and Madeira to New York City, New England, and Veracruz. As migrants and merchants crisscrossed the Atlantic in pursuit of work, Syrian textile manufacturing expanded across the hemisphere. Unmentionables offers a history of the global textile industry and the Syrians, Lebanese, and Palestinians who worked in it. Stacy Fahrenthold examines how Arab workers navigated processes of racialization, immigration restriction, and labor contestation. She writes women workers-the majority of Syrian garment workers-back into US labor history. She also situates the rise of Syrian American industrial elites, who exerted supply chain power to combat labor uprisings, resist unionization, and stake claim to the global textile industry. Critiquing the hegemony of the Syrian peddler in histories of this diaspora, Unmentionables introduces alternative narrators: union activists who led street demonstrations, women garment workers who shut down kimono factories, child laborers who threw snowballs at police, and the diasporic merchant capitalists who contended with all of them.

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Wood, Alexander, Building the Metropolis: Architecture, Construction, and Labor in New York City, 1880-1935. (Historical Studies of Urban America) 496 pp. 2025:1 (U. Chicago Pr., US) <725-1340>
ISBN 978-0-226-83696-6 hard ¥7,969.- (税込) US$ 35.00

A sweeping history of New York's urban development that chronicles the making of one of the world's great cities. Between the 1880s and the 1930s, New York City experienced explosive growth, as nearly a million buildings, half a dozen bridges, countless tunnels and subway tracks, and miles of new streets and sidewalks were erected to meet the needs of an ever-swelling population. This landscape-jagged with skyscrapers, clamoring with transit, alive with people-made the city world-famous. Building the Metropolis offers a revelatory look at this era of urban development by asking, "Who built this and how?" Focusing on the work of architects, builders, and construction workers, Alexander Wood chronicles the physical process of New York's rapid expansion. The city's towering buildings and busy thoroughfares aren't just stylish or structural marvels, Wood shows, but the direct result of the many colorful personalities who worked in one of the city's largest industries. New York's development boom drew on the resources of the whole community and required money, political will, creative vision, entrepreneurial drive, skilled workmanship, and hard physical labor. Wood shows this to be a national story as well. As cities became nodes in a regional, national, and global economy, the business of construction became an important motor of economic, political, and social development. While they held drastically different views on the course of urban growth, machine politicians, reformers, and radicals alike were all committed to city-building on an epic scale. Drawing on various sources, including city archives, the records of architecture firms, construction companies, and labor unions, Building the Metropolis tells the story of New York in a way that's epic, lively, and utterly original.

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Murphy, Denis, Screen Workers and the Irish Film Industry. (Studies in Labour History 20) 240 pp. 2024:7 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <724-843>
ISBN 978-1-80207-595-3 hard ¥32,186.- (税込) GB£ 110.00 *

Ebook available to libraries exclusively as part of the JSTOR Path to Open initiative. Since the 1950s, film production in Ireland has evolved into a mature industry creating high-profile film, television drama, documentary and animation for both the domestic and international markets. This book traces that evolution through a history of the screen production industries on the island of Ireland. More specifically, the book is concerned with the people who work in these industries - how they have shaped the work they do and the conditions under which that work is carried out. The book therefore highlights the vital contribution of film and television workers to screen policy and labour relations in Ireland, north and south. The book presents a local history that explicates the development of the screen industries in Ireland and their relationship to the global Hollywood production system. While the emphasis is on film and television workers, the book acknowledges the essential producer contribution to building the industry as it exists today. However it also emphasises producer obligations towards the screen workers they employ. The result is a local history of Irish screen production told mainly from a labour perspective, using previously unused records from the trade union archives and other labour history sources.

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Kluge, Arnd (Hrsg.), Deutsche Vereinsgeschichte: Gewerkschaften, Verbaende & Co. von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. 442 S. 2024:3 (F. Steiner, GW) <724-298>
ISBN 978-3-515-13686-0 paper ¥18,152.- (税込) EUR 74.00 *



Lichtenstein, Nelson / Sonti, Samir (eds.), Labor's Partisans: Essential Writings on the Union Movement from the 1950s to Today. 256 pp. 2025:3 (The New Pr., US) <724-250>
ISBN 978-1-62097-881-8 hard ¥6,372.- (税込) US$ 27.99

The top American writers on labor provide vital historical context for the current upsurge in union organizingIn 1954, the American labor movement reached its historic height, with one-third of all non-agricultural workers belonging to a union-and much higher percentages in the nation's key industries. That same year, a group of writers and activists, many with close ties to organized labor, founded Dissent magazine, which quickly became the publishing home for the most important progressive voices on American unions.Today, at a time of both resurgent union organizing and socialist politics, the need for this rich tradition of ideas is as pressing as ever.With over twenty-five contributions by some of the nation's most influential progressive voices, Labor's Partisans brings to life a history of labor that is of immediate relevance to our own times. Introduced and edited by leading labor historians Nelson Lichtenstein and Samir Sonti, this essential volume reveals the powerful currents and debates running through the labor movement, from the 1950s to today.Combining stunning writing, political passion, and deep historical perspective, Labor's Partisans will be a source of ideas and inspiration for anyone concerned with a more just future for working people.

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Pouget, Emile, La Confederation generale du travail: recede du discours de Marc Blondel du 23/09/1995 tenu a Limoges pour les 100 ans de la CGT. (Mouvement social et laicite) 99 p. 2024:3 (L'Harmattan, FR) <724-254>
ISBN 978-2-336-44124-5 paper ¥3,188.- (税込) EUR 13.00



イギリスの労働者階級100人の生活 1900~45年
Ball, Rebecca, A Hundred English Working-Class Lives, 1900-1945. 366 pp. 2024:5 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-1002>
ISBN 978-3-031-55083-6 hard ¥29,432.- (税込) EUR 119.99 *

Stanley Rice, born in London in 1905, began his autobiography by stating that his life was 'an ordinary average life with all its ups and downs'. Stanley may have described his life as ordinary, and yet he lived through a period of rapid social change, including two world wars. Despite this, Stanley assumed that his life story would be of little interest to most readers, as he had not achieved great fame or any notable accolades. This book argues that this is exactly why historians should focus on such life stories, as there is much to be gained by focusing on memories of 'ordinary average lives', as they can expand our knowledge of the past, often revealing firsthand experiences that have been excluded from the historical record. This book does not intend to be a general social history of the working class. Rather, it is a work of memory, drawing upon a microhistory methodology to examine how a sample of one hundred working-class autobiographers remembered and wrote about living through years that were punctuated by two worldwide conflicts and a global economic depression.

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Nenon, Jean-Pierre, L'ardoise et les ardoisiers de France: un patrimoine millenaire menace. 243 p. 2024:3 (Pr. U. de Rennes, FR) <724-1006>
ISBN 978-2-7535-9641-2 hard ¥8,340.- (税込) EUR 34.00



Schuhrke, Jeff, Blue-Collar Empire: The Untold Story of US Labor's Global Anticommunist Crusade. 352 pp. 2024:9 (Verso, UK) <724-1008>
ISBN 978-1-83976-905-4 paper ¥7,315.- (税込) GB£ 25.00

There is power in a union. Not only the power to secure pay raises and employee benefits, but the power to bring economies to a screeching halt and overthrow governments. Recognizing this, in the late twentieth century, the US government sought to control labor movements abroad as part of the Cold War contest for worldwide supremacy.To subvert overseas unions, Washington found an enthusiastic partner in the AFL-CIO's anticommunist officials, who for decades expended incredible energy trying to block revolutionary ideologies and militant class consciousness from taking hold in the workers' movements of Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Asia.Blue-Collar Empire tells the sweeping story of the AFL-CIO's global anticommunist crusade-and the devastating consequences for workers at home and abroad.

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Oezden, Baris Alp, Working Class Formation in Turkey, 1946-1962: Work, Culture, and the Politics of the Everyday. (New Directions in Turkish Studies 1) 294 pp. 2024:2 (Berghahn, US) <723-703>
ISBN 978-1-80539-273-6 hard ¥30,739.- (税込) US$ 135.00 *

The political identities of the Turkish working class began a transformative journey that started during a period of industrialization following World War II and continued until the military interventions of 1960. Working Class Formation in Turkey addresses common, structural generalizations to recover the complex history of developing political, recreational, familial, residential, and work-related lives of Turkish workers. Drawing on a wide range of historical sources, this volume brings the concept of "everydayness" to the fore and uncovers the local contexts that fostered class solidarity, examines labor practices that fueled radicalism, and analyzes the shifting dynamics of industrial discipline that impacted working class identity and culture.

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Newman, Charlotte / Fennelly, Katherine, Poverty Archaeology: Architecture, Material Culture and the Workhouse under the New Poor Law. 174 pp. 2023:10 (Berghahn, US) <723-226>
ISBN 978-1-80539-109-8 hard ¥30,739.- (税込) US$ 135.00 *

The Poor Laws in the United Kingdom left a built and material legacy of over two centuries of legislative provision for the poor and infirm. Workhouses represent the first centralized, state-organized system for welfare, though they maintain a notorious historical reputation. Workhouses were intended to be specialized institutions, with dedicated subdivisions for the management of different categories of inmate. Examining the workhouse provision from an archaeological perspective, the authors demonstrate the heterogeneity of the Poor Law system from a built heritage perspective. This volume forms a social archaeology of the lived experience of poverty and health in the nineteenth century.

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工場における女性 1880~1930年-階級とジェンダー
Moring, Beatrice, Women in the Factory, 1880-1930: Class and Gender. 312 pp. 2024:4 (Boydell, UK) <723-1040>
ISBN 978-1-83765-026-2 hard ¥24,871.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

A rich and detailed picture, across Britain and many other European countries, of the nature of women's factory work, the problems which arose and how women factory inspectors understood and reacted to the problems. Based on extensive original archival research both in Britain and in many European countries, this book is a comparative study of the large numbers of women who were engaged in industrial work in the western world in the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century, that is at a time when the industrial revolution was established and the problems caused by industrial work had become part of political debate and social discourse worldwide. It analyses the scope of female factory work, what the conditions were in such work, and what the motivations were for women to enter such employment. It reveals the composition of the female workforce as to age and marital status. In addition, it considers the first generation of female industrial inspectors, outlining the background of these inspectors, assessing to what extent were they were capable of taking on the role of protectors of women in manual work, and discussing the actions and attitudes of the female inspectors as recorded in inspection reports, biographies and contemporary discourse. Overall, the book presents a rich, detailed, comparative picture of women's factory work, contributing much to the understanding of the history of gender and class.

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Ingalls, Robert P. / Perez, Louis A., Tampa Cigar Workers: A Pictorial History. 247 pp. 2023:9 (U. Pr. Florida, US) <723-1192>
ISBN 978-0-8130-8050-5 paper ¥6,818.- (税込) US$ 29.95

Florida Historical Society Harry T. and Harriette V. Moore AwardFrom the founding of Ybor City in 1886 to the dispersal of Tampa's Latin population in the years following World War II, Tampa's Cigar Workers documents the history of the Cuban, Spanish, and Italian immigrants who created the cigar industry in Tampa and the extraordinary multi-ethnic community that flourished around it. More than 200 photos capture this community's personalities and way of life while commentary drawn from newspaper accounts, oral histories, and archival documents identifies and explains each photograph's historical place and significance. In linking the photographs with historical text, the authors allow the cigar workers to tell their own story, in the language of their day.The rich photographic record around which the book is organized communicates the lives of these workers not only in the workplace but also in their vibrant Ybor City and West Tampa neighborhoods. The book depicts the making of cigars, the work culture, local support for the Cuban War of Independence (1895-1898), unions and strikes, community institutions such as mutual aid clubs, leisure activities, and social practices surrounding courtship, marriage, and death. Highlighting the diversity of the cigar workers' community, the authors present an inspiring and deeply moving story of how these immigrants carved out their space in Tampa while struggling to survive economically and defending their ideals and way of life.

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Chanin, Jesse, Building Power, Breaking Power: The United Teachers of New Orleans, 1965-2008. 336 pp. 2024:4 (U. North Carolina Pr., US) <722-248>
ISBN 978-1-4696-7821-4 hard ¥22,542.- (税込) US$ 99.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4696-7822-1 paper ¥7,502.- (税込) US$ 32.95 *

From 1965 to 2005, the United Teachers of New Orleans (UTNO) defied the South's conservative anti-union efforts to become the largest local in Louisiana. Jesse Chanin argues that UTNO accomplished and maintained its strength through strong community support, addressing a Black middle-class political agenda, internal democracy, and drawing on the legacy and tactics of the civil rights movement by combining struggles for racial and economic justice, all under Black leadership and with a majority women and Black membership. However, the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina provided the state government and local charter school advocates with the opportunity to remake the school system and dismantle the union. Authorities fired 7,500 educators, marking the largest dismissal of Black teaching staff since Brown v. Board of Education.Chanin highlights the significant staying power and political, social, and community impact of UTNO, as well as the damaging effects of the charter school movement on educators.

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Popova, Zhanna, Coerced Labour, Forced Displacement, and the Soviet Gulag, 1880s-1930s. (Social History of Punishment and Labour Coercion) 252 pp. 2024:5 (Amsterdam U. Pr., NE) <722-1296>
ISBN 978-90-485-6035-6 hard ¥31,308.- (税込) GB£ 107.00 *

The Gulag remains one of the key symbols of twentieth-century mass political violence. Thanks to recent archive-based investigations, we now understand the scope of the system, variations between different camp complexes, and modalities of the use of forced labour of convicts. At the same time, the work of historicizing the Gulag and systematically evaluating its position within the global history of repression is still to be done. Exploring the emergence of this vast Soviet system of concentration camps in long-term perspective, this book aims to inscribe this process within global histories of coerced labour, forced displacement, and punishment. It highlights the inextricable interconnection of coerced labour and forced displacement as tools of punishment in the multitude of their historical forms.

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Lause, Mark A., Counterfeiting Labor's Voice: William A. A. Carsey and the Shaping of American Reform Politics. (Working Class in American History) 208 pp. 2024:4 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <721-1103>
ISBN 978-0-252-04578-3 hard ¥25,047.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *
ISBN 978-0-252-08789-9 paper ¥6,375.- (税込) US$ 28.00 *

Confidence man and canny operative, charlatan and manipulator--William A. A. Carsey emerged from the shadow of Tammany Hall to build a career undermining working-class political organizations on behalf of the Democratic Party. Mark A. Lause's biography of Carsey takes readers inside the bare-knuckle era of Gilded Age politics. An astroturfing trailblazer and master of dirty tricks, Carsey fit perfectly into a Democratic Party that based much of its post-Civil War revival on shattering third parties and gathering up the pieces. Lause provides an in-depth look at Carsey's tactics and successes against the backdrop of enormous changes in political life. As Carsey used a carefully crafted public persona to burrow into unsuspecting organizations, the forces he represented worked to create a political system that turned voters into disengaged civic consumers and cemented America's ever-fractious two-party system.

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Montgomery, David, A David Montgomery Reader: Essays on Capitalism and Worker Resistance. Ed. by S. Stromquist. (Working Class in American History) 464 pp. 2024:7 (U. Illinois Pr., US) <721-1104>
ISBN 978-0-252-04590-5 hard ¥28,462.- (税込) US$ 125.00 *
ISBN 978-0-252-08800-1 paper ¥7,969.- (税込) US$ 35.00

A foundational figure in modern labor history, David Montgomery both redefined and reoriented the field. This collection of Montgomery's most important published and unpublished articles and essays draws from the historian's entire five-decade career. Taken together, the writings trace the development of Montgomery's distinct voice and approach while providing a crucial window into an era that changed the ways scholars and the public understood working people's place in American history. Three overarching themes and methods emerge from these essays: that class provided a rich reservoir of ideas and strategies for workers to build movements aimed at claiming their democratic rights; that capital endured with the power to manage the contours of economic life and the capacities of the state but that workers repeatedly and creatively mounted challenges to the terms of life and work dictated by capital; and that Montgomery's method grounded his gritty empiricism and the conceptual richness of his analysis in the intimate social relations of production and of community, neighborhood, and family life.

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Greene, Douglas, The New Reformism and the Revival of Karl Kautsky: The Renegade's Revenge. (Marx and Marxisms) 248 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-93>
ISBN 978-1-03-275878-7 hard ¥39,501.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This text offers an authoritative historiography of German socialist theorist Karl Kautsky and his impact on debates about the Russian Revolution and the contemporary left. Known as the "Pope of Marxism," Douglas Greene examines the totality of Kautsky's political career and dissects the fundamental opportunism and passive radicalism that defined his Marxism. He later examines the most substantive Marxist critics of Kautsky, namely Rosa Luxemburg, V. I. Lenin, and Leon Trotsky, while offering a critical assessment of the work produced by scholars and activists, Lars Lih, Eric Blanc, and Mike Mcnair, seeking to revive Kautsky. The New Reformism and the Revival of Karl Kautsky is an important addition to scholarship on the subject and a valuable resource for those interested in the Russian Revolution, German politics, socialism, Marxism, and contemporary left-wing debates.

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Pyun, Kyunghee / Quan, Vincent G. (eds.), Teaching Labor History in Art and Design: Capitalism and the Creative Industries. (Routledge Studies in Education, Neoliberalism, and Marxism) 256 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-1310>
ISBN 978-1-03-237204-4 hard ¥38,038.- (税込) GB£ 130.00 *

Drawing from American history, fashion design, history of luxury, visual culture, museum studies, and women's history, among others, this book explores the challenges, rewards and benefits of teaching business and the labor history of art and design professions to those in higher education.Recognizing that artists and designers are no longer just creatives, but bosses, employees, members of professional associations, and citizens of nations that encourage and restrain their creative work in various ways, the book identifies a crucial need for art and design students to be taught the intricacies of these other roles, as well as how to navigate or challenge them. This empirically driven study features case studies in various pedagogical contexts, including museum exhibitions, group projects, lesson plans, discussion topics, and long-term assignments. The chapters also explore how the roles of designing and making became separated, how new technologies and the rise of mass production affected creative careers, the shifts back and forth between direct employment and freelancing, and the evolution of government interventions in creative fields.With a diverse and experienced range of contributors, and providing a unique set of conceptual tools to interpret, cope with, and react to the ever-changing conditions of capitalism, this volume will appeal to educators and researchers across education, history, art history, and sociology, with interests in experiential learning, capitalism, equity, social justice and neoliberalism.

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Browne, Randy M., The Driver's Story: Labor and Power in the World of Atlantic Slavery. (Early American Studies) 224 pp. 2024:5 (U. Pennsylvania Pr., US) <719-1397>
ISBN 978-1-5128-2586-2 hard ¥9,095.- (税込) US$ 39.95 *

The story of the driver is the story of Atlantic slavery. Starting in the seventeenth-century Caribbean, enslavers developed the driving system to solve their fundamental problem: how to extract labor from captive workers who had every reason to resist. In this system, enslaved Black drivers were tasked with supervising and punishing other enslaved laborers. In The Driver's Story, Randy M. Browne illuminates the predicament and harrowing struggles of these men-and sometimes women-at the heart of the plantation world. What, Browne asks, did it mean to be trapped between the insatiable labor demands of white plantation authorities and the constant resistance of one's fellow enslaved laborers? In this insightful and unsettling account of slavery and racial capitalism, Browne shows that on plantations across the Americas, drivers were at the center of enslaved people's working lives, social relationships, and struggles against slavery. Drivers enforced labor discipline and confronted the resistance of their fellow enslaved laborers, aiming to maintain a position that helped them survive in a world where enslaved people were treated as disposable. Drivers also protected the people they supervised, negotiating workloads and customary rights to essentials like food and rest with white authorities. Within the slave community, drivers helped other enslaved people create a sense of belonging, as husbands and fathers, as Big Men, and as leaders of diasporic African "nations." Sometimes, drivers even organized rebellions, sabotaging the very system they were appointed to support. Compelling and original, The Driver's Story enriches our understanding of the never-ending war between enslavers and enslaved laborers by focusing on its front line. It also brings us face-to-face with the horror of capitalist labor exploitation.

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労働者階級と反奴隷制 1790~1860年
Griffin, Sean, The Root and the Branch: Working-Class Reform and Antislavery, 1790-1860. (America in the Nineteenth Century) 304 pp. 2024:6 (U. Pennsylvania Pr., US) <719-1179>
ISBN 978-1-5128-2592-3 hard ¥11,372.- (税込) US$ 49.95 *

The Root and the Branch examines the relationship between the early labor movement and the crusade to abolish slavery between the early national period and the Civil War. Tracing the parallel rise of antislavery movements with working-class demands for economic equality, access to the soil, and the right to the fruits of labor, Sean Griffin shows how labor reformers and radicals contributed to the antislavery project, from the development of free labor ideology to the Republican Party's adoption of working-class land reform in the Homestead Act. By pioneering an antislavery politics based on an appeal to the self-interest of ordinary voters and promoting a radical vision of "free soil" and "free labor" that challenged liberal understandings of property rights and freedom of contract, labor reformers helped to birth a mass politics of antislavery that hastened the conflict with the Slave Power, while pointing the way toward future struggles over the meaning of free labor in the post-Emancipation United States. Bridging the gap between the histories of abolitionism, capitalism and slavery, and the origins of the Civil War, The Root and the Branch recovers a long-overlooked story of cooperation and coalition-building between labor reformers and abolitionists and unearths new evidence about the contributions of artisan reformers, transatlantic radicals, free Black activists, and ordinary working men and women to the development of antislavery politics. Based on painstaking archival research, The Root and the Branch addresses timely questions surrounding the relationships between slavery, antislavery, race, labor, and capitalism in the early United States.

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Busteed, Mervyn, The Sash on the Mersey: The Orange Order in Liverpool (1819-1982). 272 pp. 2023:11 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <717-1216>
ISBN 978-1-83764-508-4 hard ¥32,186.- (税込) GB£ 110.00 *

The book examines how an organisation originating in late eighteenth-century Ireland became a significant and controversial element in Liverpool history. Using a wide range of sources including rarely accessed Orange Order records it places the Order within an early nineteenth-century Liverpool context of apocalyptic evangelical Protestantism, a labour market dominated by irregular dock work, a growing influx of immigrant Catholic Irish, marked residential segregation and sporadic civil conflict. It explores how the Order survived official disapproval, dissolution and schism to become deeply rooted within Protestant working-class communities. It analyses the attractions of lodge life, the appeal of ritual, colourful regalia and 12th July processions, the intense social bonding within lodges, the mutual support provided in adversity and measure taken to guard and transmit their world view. The intense royalism and patriotism of the Order and its troubled relationship with the Church of England are examined plus its role in sustaining the working class Tory vote which contributed to a century long Conservative hegemony in city politics. The book concludes with the cultural and socio-economic changes in British society which marginalised the core concerns of the Order, triggering decline in strength, visibility and significance in civic life.

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Goller, Peter, "… wegen der geringsten Vergehen gegen das Koalitionsrecht!": Streik- und Arbeiterkoalitionsrecht in Oesterreich 1867-1914. Aus Texten von Leo Verkauf und Isidor Ingwer. (Studien zu Geschichte und Politik 28) 168 S. 2023 (Studien Vlg., AU) <717-1217>
ISBN 978-3-7065-6286-7 hard ¥5,371.- (税込) EUR 21.90

1870 hat die oesterreichische Arbeiterklasse das Koalitionsrecht errungen. Sozialdemokratische Arbeitsrechtler wie Isidor Ingwer oder der SP-Reichsratsabgeordnete Leo Verkauf haben in den Jahren vor 1914 vor dem Hintergrund radikaler, oft mit militaerischer Gewalt unterdrueckter Arbeitskaempfe (z. B. die toten boehmisch-maehrischen Bergarbeiter 1894, Wiener Ziegelarbeiterstreik 1895, Bergarbeiterstreik 1900, die Toten des Generalstreiks von Triest 1902 oder die Toten des Lemberger Maurer- und Zimmererausstandes 1902) beschrieben, wie das Streikrecht vom habsburgischen Behoerdenapparat bis zur offenen Repression eingeschraenkt wurde. Viele Arbeiter und Arbeiterinnen wurden wegen kleiner Verstoesse gegen das Koalitionsgesetz belangt. Die Erpressungsnormen des Strafrechts wurden gegen Ausstaendische mobilisiert. Nach dem Vereins- und Versammlungsrecht wurden Arbeitervereine verboten, Streikversammlungen aufgeloest. Mit dem ?Pruegelpatent“ von 1854 wurde gegen Streikposten vorgegangen. Unzaehlige Arbeiter wurden nach der ?Kontraktbruchregelung“ der Gewerbeordnung sanktioniert. Mit Hilfe der ?Vagabundengesetzgebung“ wurden Streikende abgeschoben und ?abgeschafft“. Es soll an Isidor Ingwer erinnert werden, der ? wie Forschungen der Wiener Rechtshistorikerin Ilse Reiter-Zatloukal ergeben haben ? schon 1893 wegen des Ausrufs ?Es lebe die rothe revolutionaere Socialdemokratie!“ ? abgeurteilt und als ?aeusserst gefaehrlicher Agitator“ aus Maehren ?abgeschafft“ wurde, und der am 19. August 1942 knapp nach seiner Deportation im KZ Theresienstadt verstorben ist.

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Hedeler, Wladislaw (Hrsg.), Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin oder: Revolution gegen das Kapital. 2., erw. u. aktl. Aulf. 160 S. 2024:1 (Dietz, GW) <716-1964>
ISBN 978-3-320-02415-4 paper ¥2,943.- (税込) EUR 12.00



Jaures, Jean, Guerre a la guerre!: 1912-1914. (Oeuvres de Jean Jaures 15) 668 p. 2023:11 (Fayard, FR) <716-1965>
ISBN 978-2-213-72657-1 paper ¥8,585.- (税込) EUR 35.00



Schneider, Ulrich, Arbeiterwiderstand im Dritten Reich. (Basiswissen Politik / Geschichte / Oekonomie) 130 S. 2024:3 (PapyRossa, GW) <716-1967>
ISBN 978-3-89438-828-7 paper ¥2,943.- (税込) EUR 12.00



D.ロズールド著 共産主義-歴史、遺産、将来
Losurdo, Domenico, Der Kommunismus: Geschichte, Erbe und Zukunft. 240 S. 2023:10 (PapyRossa, GW) <716-1130>
ISBN 978-3-89438-815-7 paper ¥5,396.- (税込) EUR 22.00

Nach dem Ende des ?sozialistischen Lagers? und der Aufloesung der UdSSR gerieten der Marxismus und die kommunistische Bewegung wie die Linke insgesamt, insbesondere im Westen, in eine Krise, die als unumkehrbar erscheint. Diese Krise ist aber kein auswegloses Schicksal. Um einen Weg zu finden, sie zu ueberwinden, formulierte Domenico Losurdo in diesem Buch, seinem letzten, jenseits aller apologetischen Absichten eine historisch-philosophische Bewertung der sowjetischen Erfahrung und des Marxismus ueberhaupt. Ist der ?reale Sozialismus? ergebnislos gescheitert? Ist die marxsche Theorie damit hinfaellig? Losurdo geht aber noch einen Schritt weiter und befragt den Marxismus, was er in absehbarer Zukunft zu leisten imstande sein kann. Damit ist dieses Buch zugleich auch ein persoenliches Erbe und Vermaechtnis -Domenico Losurdos als eines fuehrenden politischen Philosophen der Gegenwart. Eingeleitet und herausgegeben wird es von Giorgio Grimaldi, einem seiner Schueler, der als Privatdozent an der Universitaet von Urbino taetig ist, an der auch Losurdo selbst lange Zeit als Dekan der philosophischen Fakultaet gelehrt hat.

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Connolly, Jonathan, Worthy of Freedom: Indenture and Free Labor in the Era of Emancipation. 272 pp. 2024:6 (U. Chicago Pr., US) <716-1316>
ISBN 978-0-226-83362-0 hard ¥26,185.- (税込) US$ 115.00 *
ISBN 978-0-226-83364-4 paper ¥7,399.- (税込) US$ 32.50 *

A study of Indian indentured labor in Mauritius, British Guiana, and Trinidad that explores the history of indenture's normalization. In this book, historian Jonathan Connolly traces the normalization of indenture from its controversial beginnings to its widespread adoption across the British Empire during the nineteenth century. Initially viewed as a covert revival of slavery, indenture caused a scandal in Britain and India. But over time, economic conflict in the colonies altered public perceptions of indenture, now increasingly viewed as a legitimate form of free labor and a means of preserving the promise of abolition. Connolly explains how the large-scale, state-sponsored migration of Indian subjects to work on sugar plantations across Mauritius, British Guiana, and Trinidad transformed both the notion of post-slavery free labor and the political economy of emancipation. Excavating legal and public debates and tracing practical applications of the law, Connolly carefully reconstructs how the categories of free and unfree labor were made and remade to suit the interests of capital and empire, showing that emancipation was not simply a triumphal event but, rather, a deeply contested process. In so doing, he advances an original interpretation of how indenture changed the meaning of "freedom" in a post-abolition world.

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Zhou, Shuxuan, From Forest Farm to Sawmill: Stories of Labor, Gender, and the Chinese State. 184 pp. 2024:5 (U. Washington Pr., US) <716-1354>
ISBN 978-0-295-75266-2 hard ¥23,908.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *
ISBN 978-0-295-75267-9 paper ¥7,286.- (税込) US$ 32.00 *

Socialist China's state forestry and timber industries employed men as state workers and women as family dependents and collective workers who, beginning in the 1950s, turned rural land into urban-industrial space. These features make forestry a unique case with which to investigate how state policies constructed and reinforced intertwined and co-constitutive dualisms between humanity and nature, urban and rural places, production and reproduction, and male and female labor. Centering on oral histories in Fujian, Shuxuan Zhou situates firsthand accounts of labor and resistance in forestry and wood processing within the larger context of postrevolutionary socialist reforms through China's rapid economic development after the 1990s. Zhou shows how, in response to state development projects that exploited female labor, immigrants, rurality, and forests, workers created a space for their personal and political demands. In considering how sawmill and forest farmworkers creatively reconfigured state projects and challenged authority, this book opens a conversation among the fields of gender studies, labor studies, and environmental studies.

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Sinha, Abhinav, In the Valley of Historical Time: Towards the History of the Working Class Movement in Delhi. (Studies in Political Economy of Global Labor and Work 4) 438 pp. 2024:5 (Brill, NE) <716-1381>
ISBN 978-90-04-69348-7 hard ¥37,040.- (税込) EUR 151.00 *

The descent of working class movements that began with neoliberal globalization is nearing completion. However, the ascent is yet to begin. This period is witnessing novel forms of organization and resistance. For students, activists and academics, it is imperative to understand changes in the modus operandi of capital since the 1970s to explain the crisis of conventional trade unionism, as well as the spontaneous outbursts of creativity in movements of informal workers in recent times. Delhi has been a centre of such innovative experiments. In the Valley of Historical Time attempts to understand these new forms and strategies and possibilities of resurgence of working class movements.

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Frobert, Ludovic, Quelques lignes d'utopie: Pierre Leroux et la communaute des imprimeux (Boussac, 1844-1848). (Memoires sociales) 234 p. 2023:11 (Agone, FR) <716-1091>
ISBN 978-2-7489-0535-9 paper ¥4,415.- (税込) EUR 18.00 *



Roesser, Michael, Prisms of Work: Labour, Recruitment and Command in German East Africa. (Work in Global and Historical Perspective 21) 428 pp. 2023:12 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <715-941>
ISBN 978-3-11-120462-8 hard ¥12,251.- (税込) EUR 49.95 *

The phenomenon of labour takes the character of a prism. Labour is thereby always context dependent and constituted through the actions of all protagonists involved in any labour relationship. On the basis of three case studies in colonial German East Africa ? the construction of the Central Railway (1905?1916), the Otto Plantation in Kilossa (1907?1916) and the palaeontological Tendaguru Expedition (1909?1911) ? labour and labour relations are analysed. The focus lies on hitherto neglected actors and groups of actors of labour in the colonial context of East Africa. These were especially German companies and their staff, white subaltern railway sub-contractors and labour recruiters, Indian skilled workers and (qualified) East African workers. Furthermore, all three sites of labour proved to have their individual logics and characteristics. But all of them were in tension between the ‘global’ and the ‘local’, coercion and voluntariness, machine and manual labour, skilled and unskilled labour, reproductive and wage labour, as well as between black and white.

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Shan, Patrick Fuliang, Li Dazhao: China's First Communist. (SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture) 304 pp. 2024:3 (State U. New York Pr., US) <715-853>
ISBN 978-1-4384-9681-8 hard ¥22,542.- (税込) US$ 99.00 *



Ackers, Peter, Trade Unions and the British Industrial Relations Crisis: An Intellectual Biography of Hugh Clegg. (Routledge Research in Employment Relations) 264 pp. 2024:4 (Routledge, UK) <715-245>
ISBN 978-1-03-242290-9 hard ¥39,501.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

Hugh Clegg was a founding figure of post-war British Industrial Relations, the forerunner of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management, as taught in most Business Schools today. He defined 'industrial democracy' as collective bargaining with trade unions, laid the foundations for the pluralist approach to Industrial Relations, was a key figure in the post-war social sciences and a major public policy player. More widely, he was an important figure in the Cold War social democratic academic left, who broke with his earlier Communism to champion free trade unions in a liberal democratic society. He also produced the major Oxford University Press trade union history. This book aims to understand the politics and industrial relations of the post-war period in Britain (in which trade unions were central) through the life of a key public intellectual. It will help readers understand the political and social science roots of contemporary Employment Relations and Human Resource Management through a deep historical study of Clegg's life and times, in the context of his post-war social democratic generation. It illustrates how the failures of post-war industrial relations led to Thatcherism. Current Employment Relations academics and public policy can learn much from this history, making it of value to researchers, students, and academics in the fields of Human Resource Management and business and management history.

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Struempell, Christian / Hoffmann, Michael (eds.), Industrial Labour in an Unequal World: Ethnographic Perspectives on Uneven and Combined Development. (Work in Global and Historical Perspective 20) 270 pp. 2023:11 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <715-250>
ISBN 978-3-11-130426-7 hard ¥12,251.- (税込) EUR 49.95 *

The volume scrutinizes the fundamentally uneven character of industrial production and working class formation by bringing together anthropologists specializing on industrial labour in various locations from South America, Western and Eastern Europe, North Africa, and South Asia. Through their engagement with Leon Trotsky’s concept of ‘uneven and combined development’ the authors unravel the complex relations that connect (and disconnect) labour in their sites of research with workers in other places and other times. As the contributions likewise reveal, the unevenness and combination inherent in industrial developments shape and are at the same time also shaped by the different politics workers in an unequal world pursue, as well as the historical experiences and future expectations of workers that inform these. With the attention the authors pay to the specificities of ethnographic detail as well as to broader regional and global developments the volume demonstrates the value of long-term ethnographic research and is of interest to a wide audience ranging from specialists in the fields of anthropology, history, sociology and development studies to students and activists.

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van der Linden, Marcel / Maier-Ahuja, Nicole (eds.), Power At Work: A Global Perspective on Control and Resistance. (Work in Global and Historical Perspective 16) 360 pp. 2023:6 (de Gruyter, GW) <715-251>
ISBN 978-3-11-108235-6 hard ¥6,119.- (税込) EUR 24.95 *

Between working men and women (which may include “free” wage earners, chattel slaves, indentured labourers, sharecroppers, domestic servants, and many others) and those employing them, there has always been a constant ? mostly silent but sometimes overt ? struggle concerning employers’ discretionary power and over the interpretation of formal and informal rules. There is a constantly shifting frontier of control, that is, an ongoing struggle for control in the workplace, with managers and supervisors trying to increase their power over their subordinates, and their subordinates, in reaction, trying to maintain and increase their relative autonomy. The detailed case studies in this volume span three centuries and cover different parts of the world. Still, they speak to each other in many ways, highlighting the fact that power at work, whether on the shopfloor or beyond, results from a wide range of complex interrelations. Between technological innovations and the ways in which they are actually implemented. Between the division of labour at the site of production or service provision and changing standards of social segmentation beyond the premises of the company, which can be reinforced ? or weakened ? by management strategies of utilizing labour power as well as workers’ reaction to these strategies. And finally, between politics in production, which shape the relations between capital and labour on the shopfloor, and state politics of production, which cannot be understood without reference to broader developments in economy and society.

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Rienks, Manuela, Ausverkauft: Arbeitswelten von Verkaeuferinnen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte 143) 608 S. 2024 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <715-1300>
ISBN 978-3-11-114135-0 hard ¥20,837.- (税込) EUR 84.95 *

Von Tante Emma zur Schlecker-Frau und schliesslich zur Computer-Kasse im menschenleeren Supermarkt des 21. Jahrhunderts ? diese Entwicklungen im Einzelhandel seit den 1950er Jahren zeichnet ?Ausverkauft" empirisch dicht, mit hohem Detailgrad und mit neuartigem methodischen Zugriff nach. Durch den praxeologischen Zugang auf raum-zeitliche Phaenomene wie Selbstbedienung, Computerisierung der Kassen, Rationalisierung, Teilzeitarbeit und Ladenschluss gelingt es, das komplexe Bild der geschlechtsspezifischen Arbeitszusammenhaenge und Hierarchien im Einzelhandel zu erklaeren. Die Verkaeuferinnen spielen in dieser Geschichte die Hauptrolle: Sie dienen als weibliche Arbeitskraefte allen ausser sich selbst: ; den Kundinnen und Kunden im Laden unter hohem Zeitdruck, und den Unternehmen, fuer die sie arbeiten und die sie tagtaeglich repraesentieren; und ihren Familien mit ihrem Zuverdienst und ihrer Care-Arbeit. Individuelle Beispiele von jungen Filialleiterinnen und altehrwuerdigen Kassiererinnen koennen die geschlechtsspezifische Diskriminierung im Einzelhandel, und der gesamten Dienstleistungsbranche, nicht aufwiegen. Und so zeigt diese Studie, wie die Arbeitswelt des 20. Jahrhunderts die geschlechtsspezifische Ungleichheit in der Gesellschaft stets aufs Neue hervorbrachte und verfestigte.

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