2025/02/14 update!
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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Leon Casero, Jorge / Urabayen, Julia (eds.),
Rethinking Democracy for Post-Utopian Worlds: Alternative Political Projects After the Sovereign State. (Palgrave Studies in Utopianism) 338 pp. 2024:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-590>
ISBN 978-3-031-53490-4 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99
This book is both a conceptualization and detailed analysis of the current crisis in which modern utopian categories of political institutions find themselves, as well as a reflection and clarification of the new dangers and opportunities facing post-utopian politics in-the-making. Met with those who believe that no more utopian political projects are possible, the post-utopian movement maintains a non-fantastic or illusory character of being able to apply new great discourses and radically democratic historical narratives, while respecting both the autonomy and emancipation of individuals as plurality and the socio-cultural differences of communities. With this purpose in mind, the book is divided into five thematically differentiated sections: the new utopian categories beyond modern epistemes; the possibility of liberal utopian democracies without neoliberalism; the opportunities of socialist empowerments and insurgencies; the necessity of thinking in the space between two ages; andthe urgency to create eco-political post-utopias.
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E.C.Page著 ヴェーバーによる官僚制の理解-シャルルマーニュ以降の欧州における国家の発展、官僚制、官僚-
Page, Edward C.,
Weber's Scorecard: State Development, Bureaucracy, and Officialdom in Europe since Charlemagne. 304 pp. 2024:9 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <724-591>
ISBN 978-0-19-890427-4 hard ¥27,987.- (税込) GB£ 99.00 *
This book examines Max Weber's understanding of bureaucracy by applying his ideas to the development of officialdom from the ninth century to the present in six territories: England, Sweden, France, Germany, Spain, and Hungary. Edward Page takes a broad view of bureaucracy that includes not only officials in important central or national institutions but also those providing goods and services locally. The 'scorecard' is based on expected developments in four key areas of Weber's analysis: the functional differentiation of tasks within government, professionalism, formalism, and monocracy. After discussing the character of officialdom in the ninth, twelfth, fifteenth, eighteenth, and twenty-first centuries, the book reveals that Weber's scorecard has a mixed record, especially weak in its account of the development of monocracy and formalism. A final chapter discusses alternative conceptions of bureaucratic development and sets out an account based on understanding processes of routinization, institutional integration, and the instrumentalization of law.
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White, Jonathan,
In the Long Run: The Future as a Political Idea. 272 pp. 2024:2 (Profile Books, UK) <724-594>
ISBN 978-1-80081-230-7 hard ¥5,654.- (税込) GB£ 20.00 *
Exhilarating' Financial Times 'Highly perceptive, engaging and somewhat startling' Literary Review 'A profound meditation on how and why democracy must keep its faith in the future and the future must keep its faith in democracy' David Runciman Democracy is future-oriented and self-correcting: today's problems can be solved, we are told, in tomorrow's elections. But the biggest issues facing the modern world - from climate collapse and pandemics to recession and world war - each apparently bring us to the edge of the irreversible. What happens to democracy when the future seems no longer open? In this eye-opening history of ideas, Jonathan White investigates how politics has long been directed by shifting visions of the future, from the birth of ideologies in the nineteenth century to Cold War secrecy and the excesses of the neoliberal age. As an inescapable sense of disaster defines our politics, White argues that a political commitment to the long-term may be the best way to safeguard democracy. Wide in scope and sharply observed, In the Long Run is a history of the future that urges us to make tomorrow new again.
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Lesch, Charles H. T.,
Maimonides and Jewish Theocracy: The Human Hand of Divine Rule. (Elements in Comparative Political Theory) 2024:7 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <724-119>
ISBN 978-1-009-46811-4 hard ¥14,131.- (税込) GB£ 49.99 *
ISBN 978-1-108-79342-1 paper ¥4,805.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *
Theocratic movements are on the rise. But what does it actually mean for God to rule? This Element offers one answer by recovering the theocratic project of medieval Judaism's most important thinker, Moses Maimonides. Theocracy is often thought to quash human agency, evoking an overpowering deity and clerical domination. Yet by reconsidering Maimonides' debt to the Islamic philosopher al-Farabi, and challenging Leo Strauss' influential reading, the author argues that among Maimonides' aims was to elevate humanity's role in divine rule. In its highest form reason is identical with revelation, action with providence. God's governance is delegated: theocracy requires human agency-the imitation of God. Maimonides focuses on philosophical-religious leaders. But he also broadens imitatio dei to anyone whose knowledge of God inspires love of God: By emulating God's goodness, we can become agents of divine rule. In this way, Maimonides' ideas suggest ways by which theocracy and democracy might, counter-intuitively, be reconciled.
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Penigaud de Mourgues, Theophile,
Les deliberations du peuple: contexte et concepts de la philosophie politique de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. (Politiques) 467 p. 2024:3 (Classiques Garnier, FR) <724-15>
ISBN 978-2-406-16529-3 hard ¥21,555.- (税込) EUR 92.00
ISBN 978-2-406-16528-6 paper ¥9,137.- (税込) EUR 39.00
D.ランシマン著 思想史
Runciman, David,
The History of Ideas: Equality, Justice and Revolution. 320 pp. 2024:7 (Profile Books, UK) <724-16>
ISBN 978-1-80081-590-2 hard ¥6,219.- (税込) GB£ 22.00 *
THE TIMES BEST IDEAS BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2024 'A splendid book: economical, invigorating and surprising' The Times 'He has that gift, both as a podcaster and as a writer, to illuminate abstruse and abstract ideas with human charm' Observer In this bold new follow-up to Confronting Leviathan, David Runciman unmasks modern politics and reveals the great men and women of ideas behind it. What can Samuel Butler's ideas teach us about the oddity of how we choose to organise our societies? How did Frederick Douglass not only expose the horrors of slavery, but champion a new approach to abolishing it? Why should we tolerate snobbery, betrayal and hypocrisy, as Judith Shklar suggested? And what does Friedrich Nietzsche predict for our future? From Rousseau to Rawls, fascism to feminism and pleasure to anarchy, this is a mind-bending tour through the history of ideas which will forever change your view of politics today.
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