2025/02/14 update!
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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Frost, Ginger S.,
Mixed Marriage: Class, Religion, Race, and Nation in England, 1837-1939. 304 pp. 2024:2 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <724-882>
ISBN 978-1-80207-363-8 hard ¥32,510.- (税込) GB£ 115.00 *
Ebook available to libraries exclusively as part of the JSTOR Path to Open initiative. This book is a study of the social and legal consequences of mixed marriage in England by class, religion, race, and nationality between 1837 and 1939. Using a wide variety of sources, such as government documents, marital litigation, poor-law records, and autobiographies, it explores the reaction of the family, neighbourhood, and state to those who chose exogamous matches. The major factor in these marriages was gender. Wives did the emotional work to overcome divisions, and they also had more legal problems than husbands over property, divorce, and custody of children. Wives who would not or could not adjust to differences exposed the gendered power relations normally hidden in the fiction of separate spheres. Such spouses included wives who had more property than their husbands, those who refused to convert to their husbands' religions, and those who could not adapt to a foreign country Timing was also crucial. Class and religion were bigger factors in the nineteenth century, while race and nationality were more prominent in the twentieth. During economic downturns or war, mixed families could face hostility, but this was not invariable. In poor neighbourhoods, especially, acceptance was the norm, with blending of religions, races, and nations common. Overall, England had a long history of welcoming immigrants that blunted some of the prejudices also common to this age.
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Rahman, Momin / Khan, Maryam (eds.),
Queer/Muslim/Canadian: Identities, Experiences and Belonging. (Global Queer Politics) 277 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-896>
ISBN 978-3-031-55839-9 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99
This book presents original qualitative research on the lives, identities, and experiences of queer Canadian Muslims and is the largest study to date on this population. Presented through a queer intersectional framework, the volume contains core evidence-based chapters on the lived experience, as well as the transnational politics of Islamophobia and LGBTQ+ rights promotion, the research on Muslim attitudes to queer issues, and the representations of queer Muslim issues within Canada. Key issues covered include: queer Muslim organizing, how queer Muslims reconcile faith, sexuality and gender identity through affirmative and liberatory frameworks and actions, how Muslims in Canada respond to sexual and gender diversity. The contributors also lay out future academic and research possibilities for further investigation and for the development of equity practices for recognizing and challenging the oppressions suffered by queer Muslims, addressing the discussion to queer Muslims as well as mainstream LGBTQ+ groups and mainstream Muslim groups.
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Antela-Bernardez, Borja / Mendoza, Marc (eds.),
Elite Women in Hellenistic History, Historiography, and Reception. (Women of the Past 2) 175 pp. 2024:8 (Brepols, BE) <724-905>
ISBN 978-2-503-61106-8 hard ¥16,401.- (税込) EUR 70.00
Bollas, Angelos,
Sexualised Governmentalities: Critical Perspectives on Homosexism. (SpringerBriefs in Sociology) 75 pp. 2024:5 (Springer, GW) <724-908>
ISBN 978-3-031-57008-7 paper ¥9,368.- (税込) EUR 39.99
Davis, Rebecca L.,
Fierce Desires: A New History of Sex and Sexuality in America. 448 pp. 2024:9 (Norton, US) <724-910>
ISBN 978-1-63149-657-8 hard ¥7,892.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *
Our era is one of sexual upheaval. Roe v. Wade was overturned in the summer of 2022, school systems across the country are banning books with LGBTQ+ themes, and the notion of a "tradwife" is gaining adherents on the right while polyamory wins converts on the left. It may seem as though debates over sex are more intense than ever, but as acclaimed historian Rebecca L. Davis demonstrates in Fierce Desires, we should not be too surprised, because Americans have been arguing over which kinds of sex are "acceptable"-and which are not-since before the founding itself. From the public floggings of fornicators in early New England to passionate same-sex love affairs in the 1800s and the crackdown on abortion providers in the 1870s, and from the movements for sexual liberation to the recent restrictions on access to gender affirming care, Davis presents a sweeping, engrossing, illuminating four-hundred-year account of this nation's sexual past. Drawing on a wealth of sources, including legal records, erotica, and eighteenth-century romance novels, she recasts important episodes-Anthony Comstock's crusade against smut among them-and, at the same time, unearths stories of little-remembered pioneers and iconoclasts, such as an indentured servant in colonial Virginia named Thomas/Thomasine Hall, Gay Liberation Front cofounder Kiyoshi Kuromiya, and postwar female pleasure activist Betty Dodson. At the heart of the book is Davis's argument that the concept of sexual identity is relatively novel, first appearing in the nineteenth century. Over the centuries, Americans have shifted from understanding sexual behaviors as reflections of personal preferences or values, such as those rooted in faith or culture, to defining sexuality as an essential part of what makes a person who they are. And at every step, legislators, police, activists, and bureaucrats attempted to regulate new sexual behaviors, transforming government in the process. The most comprehensive account of America's sexual past since John D'Emilio and Estelle Freedman's 1988 classic, Intimate Matters, Davis's magisterial work seeks to help us understand the turmoil of the present. It demonstrates how fiercely we have always valued our desires, and how far we are willing to go to defend them.
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Gilles, Greg / Frank, Karolina / Plastow, C. et al. (eds.),
Female Agency in the Ancient Mediterranean World. (Women in Ancient Cultures) 256 pp. 2024:7 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <724-912>
ISBN 978-1-80207-185-6 hard ¥32,510.- (税込) GB£ 115.00 *
Ebook available to libraries exclusively as part of the JSTOR Path to Open initiative. Female agency in the ancient world has long been implicitly, and on a few occasions explicitly, examined in classical scholarship, but few of these studies begin with a unified theoretical framework or set of approaches (with some notable exceptions). Female Agency in the Ancient Mediterranean World departs from these important studies by beginning with a definition of the aforementioned concept of 'female agency' that acknowledges that all social agents, female and otherwise, were and are relational and multidimensional beings, and that agency was and is relational. This volume's conceptual points of departure allow contributors to consider women as social agents in ancient cultures and as relationally embedded and integrated in various cultural systems, even under conditions of oppression, by providing contextualised examples of women acting on their varying degrees of agency. Contributions are organised broadly chronologically in order to trace the breadth and shifting patterns of female agency throughout the ancient Mediterranean world from the 7th century BCE to the 6th century CE. Case studies include Katherine McDonald on the dynamics of female agency in pre-Roman through a close examination of the epigraphic record; Karolina Frank on women's oracular inquiries at Dodona and Brenda Longfellow on how Pompeian women, through their funerary inscriptions, can show, from different angles, the needs, desires, and agency of women from a range of social circumstances.
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Holvikivi, Aiko / Holzberg, Billy / Ojeda, Tomas (eds.),
Transnational Anti-Gender Politics: Feminist Solidarity in Times of Global Attacks. (Thinking Gender in Transnational Times) 270 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-914>
ISBN 978-3-031-54222-0 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99
In recent years, attacks on the rise of 'gender ideology' and 'genderism' as a political force, on gender studies as an academic field, and on feminist, queer and trans individuals seen to be their embodied representatives, have grown in scope and intensity. This edited volume understands such attacks as a global force in need of urgent analytical and political attention. Drawing on contributions from and about a varied range of geographical locations including Argentina, Chile, China, Germany, the Persian Gulf, Hungary, India, Pakistan, Peru, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, Uganda, the UK and the US, this book explores how anti-gender mobilisations work as a transnational formation shaped by the legacies of colonialism, racial capitalism, and resurgent nationalisms and how these can be resisted. By transnationalising our inquiries into the epistemic, affective and political nature of the anti-gender phenomenon, this volume troubles the 'origin stories' we tell about where anti-genderpolitics come from, and helps to better locate the various sources, actors, and networks behind these attacks, contesting the notion that anti-gender politics derive solely from right-wing nationalist or conservative religious actors, to show how they also derive from more centrist, liberal, leftist and even presumably feminist positions. The book thus invites us to sharpen and rethink the conceptual vocabularies and strategies we use to understand and resist anti-gender attacks, opening up space for envisioning new political imaginaries and transnational feminist solidarities.Chapter 1 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
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Koefoed, Nina / Raja, Rubina (eds.),
Women of the Past, Issues for the Present. (Women of the Past 1) 235 pp. 2024:6 (Brepols, BE) <724-917>
ISBN 978-2-503-60947-8 paper ¥26,944.- (税込) EUR 115.00
Kotow, Crystal / Friedman, May (ed.),
The Hidden Lives of Big Beautiful Women. (Palgrave Studies in Mediating Kinship, Representation, and Difference) 210 pp. 2024:4 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-918>
ISBN 978-3-031-54452-1 hard ¥28,112.- (税込) EUR 119.99
This book is a deep dive into the largely unexplored space of BBW "bashes"-multi-day gatherings of fat women and their admirers. Using a range of feminist theories of embodiment and affect, the project is guided by autoethnography and in-depth interviews with twelve participants. Participant experiences are first analyzed with a key focus on experiences that cause grief and disenfranchisement; subsequently, the book looks at experiences that may be radical or revelatory. The book does not seek to either villainize or valorize BBW spaces but instead sheds a bright light on the experience of this cultural subspace and all it may offer to analyses of fat life.
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Lett, Didier,
Crimes, genre et chatiments au Moyen Age: hommes et femmes face a la justice (XIIe-XVe siecle). (Collection U) 564 p. 2024:3 (A. Colin, FR) <724-920>
ISBN 978-2-200-63565-7 paper ¥8,669.- (税込) EUR 37.00
女性対独協力者の粛清 1944~51年
Lostec, Fabien,
Condamnees a mort: l'epuration des femmes collaboratrices: 1944-1951. (Nationalismes et guerres mondiales) 395 p. 2024:3 (CNRS, FR) <724-921>
ISBN 978-2-271-14471-3 paper ¥6,091.- (税込) EUR 26.00 *
Rollinger, Christian / Viermann, Nadine (eds.),
Empresses-in-Waiting: Female Power and Performance at the Late Roman Court. (Women in Ancient Cultures) 320 pp. 2024:7 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <724-925>
ISBN 978-1-80207-593-9 hard ¥30,248.- (税込) GB£ 107.00 *
Empresses-in-Waiting comprises case studies of late antique empresses, female members of imperial dynasties, and female members of the highest nobility of the late Roman empire, ranging from the fourth to the seventh centuries AD. Situated in the context of the broader developments of scholarship on late antique and byzantine empresses, this volume explores the political agency, religious authority, and influence of imperial and near-imperial women within the Late Roman imperial court, which is understood as a complex spatial, social, and cultural system, the centre of patronage networks, and an arena for elite competition. The studies explore female performance and representation in literary and visual media as well as in court ceremonial, and discuss the opportunities and constraints of female power within a male dominated court environment and the broader realms of imperial activity. By focusing on imperial women, the volume not only addresses questions of gendered rhetoric and agency but throws into relief general dynamics in the exercise of imperial power during a period in which the classical Mediterranean world at large, as well as the Roman monarchy, underwent crucial transformations. An Open Access version of the Lewis Dagnall's chapter The Empress Sophia and East Roman Foreign Policy will be available on publication on the Liverpool University Press website.
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Tatoueix, Laura,
Defaire son fruit: une histoire sociale de l'avortement en France a l'epoque moderne. (En temps & lieux) 391 p. 2024:3 (Editions de l'Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales, FR) <724-927>
ISBN 978-2-7132-3378-4 paper ¥5,341.- (税込) EUR 22.80
Vihervalli, Ulriika,
Desire and Disunity: Christian Communities and Sexual Norms in the Late Antique West. (Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Belief and Culture) 248 pp. 2024:6 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <724-928>
ISBN 978-1-83553-002-3 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) GB£ 24.99 *
An Open Access edition will be available on publication thanks to the kind sponsorship of the libraries participating in the Jisc Open Access Community Framework OpenUP initiative. Desire and Disunity explores the struggles of Christianising late ancient sexuality in the late Roman West. Through an examination of fourth to sixth century sermons, letters, laws, and treatises in Latin-speaking communities, the difficulties of late antique clerics in moving ascetically influenced sexual ideals into wider practice become evident. Western clerics faced challenges on several fronts: the dedication and devoutness of lay Christians varied, while the military-political upheavals of the fifth century created new challenges and opportunities for influencing one's flock. Furthermore, Roman sexual norms continued to inform the thinking of many clerics and lay figures alike, even when in opposition to more scripturally based moral reasoning. Problems of bigamy, concubinage, sex work, incest, homosexual acts, adultery, and more troubled western Christian communities, with contradicting rules and traditions on what was acceptable and what was not. What reach did elite clerical perspectives on sexual norms have amongst the non-elite? How did clerics navigate tensions between the idealisation of Christian communal purity and the actions of congregants that fell short of these ideals? What influenced clerical perceptions of sex and how did they articulate these ideas to their audiences? Clerical sources of this time reflect these challenges as well as varying church attempts to reform the sex lives of their congregants - and, indeed, church failure in doing so.
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Vytniorgu, Richard,
Effeminate Belonging: Gender Nonconforming Experience and Gay Bottom Identities. (Emerald Points) 164 pp. 2024:6 (Emerald, UK) <724-929>
ISBN 978-1-80455-010-6 hard ¥13,530.- (税込) US$ 60.00 *
Since the 1970s, effeminate gay men, and fem bottoms in particular, have increasingly become the 'marginalised among the marginalised' in Anglo-American gay culture, which tends to place a premium on appearing, behaving, and sounding masculine. Effeminate Belonging compares how boys and men in Western and global majority contexts negotiate connections between homosexuality, effeminacy, and bottom identity and practice, and why conversations that re-connect sex role positionality and gender expression are important to gay men's sexual wellbeing and sense of belonging. Providing new readings of autobiographical narratives in film, documentary, social media, gay porn, and written erotica, Richard Vytniorgu explores how fem bottoms negotiate gender nonconforming experience and bottom identities in different places and spaces, including in the home, school, LGBTQ+ community, online, and in their own bodies. Consolidating key research on effeminacy and gay bottom identities in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, this interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and historical discussion of gay men's sexual and gendered identities offers new insights for readers interested in gender nonconformity, bottoming, and male homosexuality across cultures. Vytniorgu also offers new perspectives for readers interested in connecting socio-cultural and psychobiological dimensions of gender and sexuality, and for health and educational professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge of LGBTQ+ identities and sexual experiences.
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Sawer, Marian / Maley, Maria,
Toxic Parliaments: And What Can Be Done About Them. (Gender and Politics) 125 pp. 2024:4 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-627>
ISBN 978-3-031-48327-1 hard ¥11,711.- (税込) EUR 49.99
ISBN 978-3-031-48330-1 paper ¥9,368.- (税込) EUR 39.99
This open access book shows how the #MeToo movement and revelations of sexual harassment and bullying have spurred on reform of the parliamentary workplace in four Westminster countries - Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK. Long-standing conventions included extreme power imbalances between parliamentarians and staff and a lack of professionalised employment practices. Codes of conduct and independent complaints bodies were resisted on grounds of parliamentary privilege: the ballot box was supposedly the best means of holding parliamentarians accountable for their conduct. The taken-for-granted status of adversarial politics and its silencing effects also rendered gendered mistreatment invisible. The authors examine the institutional backdrop and the different trajectories of reform in the four countries, with most detail on the dramatic developments in Australia after angry women marched on parliament houses in 2021. They show how the different parliaments have responded to escalating evidence of misconduct, the role of policy borrowing, and the possibilities of lasting institutional change.
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King, Helen,
Immaculate Forms: Uncovering the History of Women's Bodies. 432 pp. 2024:9 (Profile Books, UK) <724-73>
ISBN 978-1-78816-387-3 hard ¥7,067.- (税込) GB£ 25.00 *
AS HEARD ON BBC RADIO 4 WOMAN'S HOUR 'Delightful, timely and critical' Cat Bohannon, author of Eve 'With unrivaled expertise and a wealth of classical and contemporary detail, the author weaves historical knowledge of medicine, anatomy, literature, art and religion into a narrative that surprises, informs, excites and frequently amuses' Adrian Thatcher, author of Vile Bodies Throughout history, religious scholars, medical men and - occasionally - women themselves, have moulded thought on what 'makes' a woman. She has been called the weaker sex, the fairer sex, the purer sex, among many other monikers. Often, she has been defined simply as 'Not A Man'. Today, we are more aware than ever of the complex relationship between our bodies and our identities. But contrary to what some may believe, what makes a woman is a question that has always been open-ended. Immaculate Forms examines all the ways in which medicine and religion have played a gatekeeping role over women's organs. It explores how the womb was seen as both the most miraculous organ in the body and as a sewer; uncovers breasts' legacies as maternal or sexual organs - or both; probes the mystery of the disappearing hymen, and asks, did the clitoris need to be discovered at all?
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Horgan, Terrence G.,
The Nonverbal Communication of Our Gendered and Sexual Selves. 254 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-806>
ISBN 978-3-031-54360-9 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99
This book provides a comprehensive guide to the latest research on the nonverbal cues that signal our biological sex, gender, and sexual orientation to others, as well as our sexual/romantic interest in others. Crucially, it is a volume which incorporates critical perspectives which help to tackle the short-comings associated with the predominant focus on cis-gender, heterosexual individuals . It underscores how specific cues work in conjunction with other cues during the communication of our gendered and sexual selves, and how various factors (cultural, contextual, social, personality variables) impact that process. It also addresses common misconceptions including the notion that the romantic landscape has become more sexualized and predominantly technology driven. This book highlights that we still tend to communicate a romantic interest in each other in quite traditional places, such as school, home, and social events, using tried-and-true nonverbal cues, like gazing and smiling. Across six chapters readers will learn about the cues to our gendered and sexual selves, which exist in our facial and bodily movements, dress, personal artifacts, gestures, body odor, vocal characteristics, touch, and posture, amongst others. This engaging work presents historical and contemporary research findings that will appeal to students and scholars of nonverbal communication, communication studies, the psychology of gender, and sexuality studies.
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Adji, Alberta Natasia,
Women Vloggers, Cultures & Nature: Narrativising Rural Lifescape. (Palgrave Studies in Life Writing) 115 pp. 2024:4 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-824>
ISBN 978-3-031-36953-7 hard ¥9,368.- (税込) EUR 39.99
This book explores the nature-inspired and place-based vlogging activities of five young women who have become global icons in the last five years, and whose digital projects are a form of 'nature life writing' in the Anthropocene. Li Ziqi, Dianxi Xiaoge, Jonna Jinton, Annabel Margaret and Paola Merrill draw on their culture and use technological equipment and social media (especially YouTube) to build dynamic narratives about living in the countryside. Through their online platform they show unique, picturesque footage of their daily routines and rural environments, and present the ways in which they nurture connections between people in the community and animals and landscapes. The study shows how, paradoxically, their digital life writing projects attempt to resist the attention economy but at the same time use strategies to sustain it. Through the various lenses of ecobiography, cultural ecology, digital archiving, ecospirituality, phytography, and ethological poetics, this book also foregrounds the significance of plant life and landscapes - they are reminders of how human lives are inextricably entangled with traditional values and the natural world.
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Armengol, Josep M.,
Rewriting White Masculinities in Contemporary Fiction and Film. 181 pp. 2024:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-825>
ISBN 978-3-031-53348-8 hard ¥25,769.- (税込) EUR 109.99 *
This book focuses on the construction of hegemonic masculinity as well as its representations in literature, culture, and film. Although white heterosexual masculinity continues to be the dominant model, it remains, paradoxically, largely invisible in gender terms. While the first three chapters thus offer introductory theoretical perspectives on the latest research on white masculinities, the following chapters concentrate on applying masculinity theory to the analysis of both social constructions and cultural (i.e. literary and film) representations of men's emotions (with a special focus on new fatherhood models), friendships between men, as well as gender-based violence.
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Bazgan, Nicoleta,
Parisiennes: City Women in French Cinema. (Studies in Modern and Contemporary France 14) 312 pp. 2024:5 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <724-826>
ISBN 978-1-80207-452-9 hard ¥32,510.- (税込) GB£ 115.00 *
Ebook available to libraries exclusively as part of the JSTOR Path to Open initiative. Parisiennes: City Women in French Cinema examines French films that screen women as main characters in the city of Paris from 1957 to the present day. The book investigates how women perceive, use, and inhabit the city of Paris on-screen, showing that the strong connection between the city and its women offers a strategic site to examine gender in urban space in cinema. Close readings of key popular movies, art-house films, and films directed by women reveal that the on-screen interactions between female protagonists and city spaces are crucial to understanding women's place(s) in Paris in different social and historical contexts. Moving beyond the mythical Parisienne and the celebrated flaneuse, the book analyzes the Parisiennes as city women to capture the interactive exchange between female protagonists and urban spaces, focusing on spatial perception, everyday urban practices, and lived experience. Most importantly, these on-screen Parisiennes show women's lives and struggles in the city and imagine women asserting the right to be residents of Paris, as city women. The Parisiennes as city women screen women who aim to walk freely the city streets and imagine Paris on their own terms, providing a more egalitarian model to the off-screen city.
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Hernandez-Medina, Esther / Maillo-Pozo, Sharina (eds.),
Embodiment and Representations of Beauty. (Advances in Gender Research 35) 280 pp. 2024:9 (Emerald, UK) <724-837>
ISBN 978-1-83797-994-3 hard ¥29,766.- (税込) US$ 132.00 *
Beauty embodiment and representations of beauty are crafted by legitimised hierarchies of power in popular culture, including across fashion, sports, media and social media outlets, and the arts. Informed and guided by an intersectional lens with a focus on underrepresented communities, this volume of Advances in Gender Research foregrounds gender and sexuality to engage with beauty as a site of knowledge creation. Interrogating its very definition, chapters take a revolutionary, intersectional approach to explore beauty as an avenue to create alternative knowledge as well as a conduit to engage in critical conversations on race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, illness, and fitness. Emphasizing that beauty definitions and standards in any given society closely reflect the distribution of power within it, contributors think critically about the role of institutions such as the hair industry, workplaces, the visual arts, and classical dance in how beauty is socially construed and conceptualized. Grounded in a more open-ended conception that goes beyond aesthetics, Embodiment and Representations of Beauty celebrates beauty's capacity as a source of liberation, agency, social justice, decolonization, and survival for marginalized communities, as well as an emancipatory path to feminist liberation.
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Pant, Naveen (ed.),
Psychology of Sexuality & Mental Health. Vol. 1: Indigenous Approaches. 300 pp. 2024:3 (Springer, GW) <724-272>
ISBN 978-981-9702-80-0 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99
This book focuses on indigenous and Indian concepts of sexuality, exploring its psychology and its relationship with mental health. Through theoretical, review, exploratory and mixed approaches, the book delves into common fields of thought regarding indigenous sexuality which relate to psychology and mental health. In the first section of the book, 'Psychology of Sexuality & Indigenous Approaches', the book discusses various indigenous aspects of sexuality, such as Indian indigenous, Hindu, and Buddhist. The second section of the book, 'Indigenous Psychology of Sexuality and Mental Health', discusses indigenous aspects combined with sexuality and mental health.
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Le Chapelain, Charlotte (ed.),
Nineteenth Century Businesswomen: A Retrospective Glance at Women Entrepreneurship. (Frontiers in Economic History) 267 pp. 2024:7 (Springer, GW) <724-284>
ISBN 978-3-031-56410-9 hard ¥37,484.- (税込) EUR 159.99
The book examines female entrepreneurship in the nineteenth century. Economic history has long accorded women entrepreneurs a very minor place, relegating them to the status of historical anecdotes. The hypothesis of women's withdrawal from the business sphere after the eighteenth century has long dominated. However, this view has recently been subject to a fundamental questioning. Women did in fact actively contribute to economic development by occupying key positions in the business sphere as independent workers, investors and entrepreneurs. Businesswomen were no exception in the nineteenth century. They ran businesses of all sizes and in a wide range of industrial sectors. This book helps to bring nineteenth-century women entrepreneurs out of invisibility, by examining their entrepreneurial practices and shedding light on the role of the legal framework in which they operated. This interdisciplinary book will appeal to students, scholars, and researchers of economic history, business history, history of law, and economics and management sciences in general, interested in a better understanding of female entrepreneurship in the nineteenth century.
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Bren, Paulina,
She-Wolves: The Untold History of Women on Wall Street. 352 pp. 2024:9 (Norton, US) <724-291>
ISBN 978-1-324-03515-2 hard ¥6,761.- (税込) US$ 29.99 *
First came the secretaries from Brooklyn and Queens-the "smart cookies" who saw that making money, lots of it, might be within their grasp. Then came the first female Harvard Business School graduates, who were in for a rude awakening because an equal degree did not mean equal opportunity. But by the 1980s, as the market went into turbodrive, women were being plucked from elite campuses to feed the belly of a rapidly expanding beast, playing for high stakes in Wall Street's bad-boy culture by day and clubbing by night. In She-Wolves, award-winning historian Paulina Bren tells the story of how women infiltrated Wall Street from the swinging sixties to 9/11-starting at a time when "No Ladies" signs hung across the doors of its luncheon clubs and (more discretely) inside its brokerage houses and investment banks. If the wolves of Wall Street made a show of their ferocity, the she-wolves did so with subtlety and finesse. Research analysts signed their reports with genderless initials. Muriel "Mickie" Siebert, the first woman to buy a seat on the NYSE, threatened she'd have port-a-potties delivered if the exchange didn't finally install a ladies' room near the dining room. The infamous 1996 Boom-Boom Room class action lawsuit, filed by women at Smith Barney, pulled back the curtain on a bawdy subculture where unapologetic sexism and racism were the norm. As engaging as it is enraging, She-Wolves is an illuminating deep dive into the collision of women, finance, and New York.
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Paoloni, Paola (ed.),
Gender Issues in the Sustainable Development Era: Emerging Evidence and Future Agenda. (SIDREA Series in Accounting and Business Administration) 438 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <724-329>
ISBN 978-3-031-57192-3 hard ¥37,484.- (税込) EUR 159.99
Nowadays, sustainability is one of the main pillars for organizations' revamp and growth. Sustainability can be summarized as the set of actions based on the mutual respect of economic, environmental, and social interests. No action should be taken unless it simultaneously respects the interests of these three spheres.The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) developed by the United Nations for the 2030 Agenda are moving in this direction. Among them, reducing diversity and strengthening women's empowerment are the main targets of Goal 5 "Gender Equality."This edited volume discusses three main topics: Diversity Management for Sustainable Governance of Organisation, Innovation and New Technologies for Sustainable Development of Enterprises Led by Women and Agri-food, Fashion, Luxury and Made in Italy in Sustainable Female Firms.
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Wills, Lawrence M.,
The Feminized Hero in Second Temple Judaism. 173 pp. 2024:10 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <724-140>
ISBN 978-1-009-48716-0 hard ¥25,443.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *
The turbulent Second Temple period produced searching biblical texts whose protagonists, unlike heroes like Noah, Abraham, and Moses, were more everyday figures who expressed their moral uncertainties more vocally. Reflecting on a new type of Jewish moral agent, these tales depict men who are feminized, and women who are masculinized. In this volume, Lawrence M. Wills offers a deep interrogation of these stories, uncovering the psychological aspects of Jewish identity, moral life, and decisions that they explore. Often written as novellas, the stories investigate emotions, psychological interiorizing, the self, agency, and character. Recent insights from gender and postcolonial theory inform Wills' study, as he shows how one can study and compare modern and ancient gender constructs. Wills also reconstructs the social fabric of the Second Temple period and demonstrates how a focus on emotions, the self, and moral psychology, often associated with both ancient Greek and modern literature, are present in biblical texts, albeit in a subtle, unassuming manner.
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Anderson, Stephanie,
From the Ground Up: The Women Revolutionizing Regenerative Agriculture. 256 pp. 2024:11 (The New Pr., US) <724-236>
ISBN 978-1-62097-814-6 hard ¥6,310.- (税込) US$ 27.99 *
An award-winning author's powerful exploration of the remarkable women driving transformative change in America's food system It's well known that our industrialized food system has abandoned priorities of nutrition and environmental stability in the pursuit of profit-a model designed to fail, especially as climate change escalates. Yet this groundbreaking book describes a glimmer of hope: a green wave of diverse female farmers, entrepreneurs, community organizers, scientists, and political leaders who operate with the shared goals of combatting climate change through regenerative agriculture, redesigning the food system, and producing healthy, socially responsible food.From the Ground Up, by award-winning author Stephanie Anderson, offers a journey into the root causes of our unsustainable food chain, revealing its detrimental reliance on extractive agriculture, which depletes soil and water, produces nutritionally deficient food, and devastates communities and farmers. Anderson then delivers an uplifting, deeply reported narrative of women-led farms and ranches nationwide, supported by women-led investment firms, farmer training programs, restaurants, supply chain partners, and advocacy groups, all working together to create a more inclusive and sustainable world.From the Ground Up sheds light on a set of inspiring journeys, with stories that will transform the way we think about the food chain-one that can weather the storms of climate change, conflicts, and global pandemics.
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