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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Campbell, Paul, Race and Assessment in Higher Education: From Conceptualising Barriers to Making Measurable Change. 204 pp. 2024:10 (Emerald, UK) <724-878>
ISBN 978-1-83549-743-2 paper ¥9,471.- (税込) US$ 42.00 *

In addition to helping us make sense of a deeply complex issue, Race and Assessment in Higher Education: From Conceptualising Barriers to Making Measurable Change provides us with proven guidance for what works in addressing race-based inequities in higher education assessment and what we can do to promote greater racial inclusivity in this space. Mapping the experiences of 104 racially minoritised and white undergraduate students in UK universities, author Paul Campbell examines racial barriers in assessment and varying experiences of inclusion for students of colour to create a framework for addressing these barriers. Drawing on qualitative stories and quantitative data from over 175 students, Campbell explores the direct, positive impact of this framework for improving students' experiences of racial inequity and reducing the race award gap in degree outcomes. Offering the first direct, evidence-based response on the challenges faced by students of colour in higher education assessments in the UK, this pioneering monograph channels discussions on race and education to create an essential practical resource for enacting real change on an everyday student level.

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Di Rosa, Roberta Teresa / Tumminelli, Giuseppina (eds.), Empowering Migrant Inclusion: Professional Skills and Tools. (UNIPA Springer Series) 112 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <724-880>
ISBN 978-3-031-55500-8 hard ¥28,112.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book explores key issues on the relational and operational dimension of the professional actions aimed at ensuring the well-being and inclusion of migrants in the reception system. Starting from the assumption that well-being is a multi-level phenomenon related to different and complex questions, the chapter authors articulated their reflections developing some thematic contents, complementary to one another, from the perspectives of different social actors involved in the inclusion process. A special attention is paid to the risk factors as potential obstacles to the inclusion, not only in the achievement of well-being but also in the relationship with the receiving society and with the reception system. Case studies will be presented to show how this complexity is explored integrating different theoretical perspectives with the participation of all social actors involved in inclusion pathways (unaccompanied migrant minors, immigrant families, refugees, social operators, voluntary guardians). The authors share the social responsibility in investing in human and professional resources in the reception system and in connecting it with the local community. Updating the social workers' tools and methods become more and more relevant to enable the diffusion of new skills, functions, and roles in the management of reception of migrant minors and adults.

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Frost, Ginger S., Mixed Marriage: Class, Religion, Race, and Nation in England, 1837-1939. 304 pp. 2024:2 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <724-882>
ISBN 978-1-80207-363-8 hard ¥32,510.- (税込) GB£ 115.00 *

Ebook available to libraries exclusively as part of the JSTOR Path to Open initiative. This book is a study of the social and legal consequences of mixed marriage in England by class, religion, race, and nationality between 1837 and 1939. Using a wide variety of sources, such as government documents, marital litigation, poor-law records, and autobiographies, it explores the reaction of the family, neighbourhood, and state to those who chose exogamous matches. The major factor in these marriages was gender. Wives did the emotional work to overcome divisions, and they also had more legal problems than husbands over property, divorce, and custody of children. Wives who would not or could not adjust to differences exposed the gendered power relations normally hidden in the fiction of separate spheres. Such spouses included wives who had more property than their husbands, those who refused to convert to their husbands' religions, and those who could not adapt to a foreign country Timing was also crucial. Class and religion were bigger factors in the nineteenth century, while race and nationality were more prominent in the twentieth. During economic downturns or war, mixed families could face hostility, but this was not invariable. In poor neighbourhoods, especially, acceptance was the norm, with blending of religions, races, and nations common. Overall, England had a long history of welcoming immigrants that blunted some of the prejudices also common to this age.

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Getz, Trevor R. / Willis, Robert / Geeter, J. H., III, The First Black Marines: An Oral History: A Graphic History. (Graphic History Series) 232 pp. 2024:10 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <724-884>
ISBN 978-0-19-765037-0 paper ¥7,889.- (税込) US$ 34.99



Lande, Jonathan, Freedom Soldiers: The Emancipation of Black Soldiers in Civil War Camps, Courts, and Prisons. 304 pp. 2024:10 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <724-886>
ISBN 978-0-19-753175-4 hard ¥7,892.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

Almost 200,000 African Americans fought to save the Union, many believing that military service was the pathway to freedom. Yet, even after enlisting, their journeys for liberation continued amid the bloody civil war. They marched across taxing terrain, performed backbreaking labor, and endured corporeal punishment meted out by white officers. They also agonized over families still enslaved and suffered virulent diseases. Many grew disillusioned, disgruntled, or homesick. They fought on bravely, yet thousands also ran. Chafing against restraints and violence reminiscent of slavery, they briefly liberated themselves from onerous army discipline. The men examined in Freedom Soldiers took self-granted breaks--"leaves of freedom"--and, once caught, were tried by the US Army for the military crime of "desertion." In the courts-martial, they justified their unauthorized departures by telling authorities that they left to temporarily help their families, regain their health, and evade violent officers. Army judges nevertheless convicted freedom seekers, sending most to military prisons. From prisons, the convicted deserters wrote petitions to President Abraham Lincoln and Union officials requesting release. These prisoners disputed rulings, offered their continued service to the Union, insisted on the injustice of incarceration, and explained the dire need of kin around the wartime South. Drawing upon transcripts of the nearly 80,000 Civil War courts-martial cases, as well as prisoners' petitions, soldiers' letters, and government reports, Jonathan Lande recovers this subset of soldiers who took leaves of freedom and defended their breaks within the military justice system. In doing so, he reveals how Black men fought for freedom not only against Confederates but also in US Army camps, courts, and prisons.

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Murray, Amy / Borunda, Rose (eds.), Disrupting Racism in US Schools: Transcending the (un)Civil War. (Palgrave Studies in Race, Inequality and Social Justice in Education) 329 pp. 2024:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-889>
ISBN 978-3-031-49561-8 hard ¥32,798.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This edited volume brings together authors from various cultural backgrounds to address the racialized roots of the (un)civil war in American society and schooling. While exposing substractive schooling practices, it also provides counter-narrative school curriculum that builds cross-cultural bridges and connects learners across racial lines. It also includes critical reading and discussion questions for students in the fields of education, school leadership, sociology, ethnic studies, history, school teacher and counselor preparation, psychology, and public policy. In bringing together a wide collaboration of authors, the text models the practices of inclusion that must occur in order to transform American public education beyond its racialized roots.

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Nash, Phil Tajitsu, Our Place in History: Ten Milestones in the Fight for Asian American Rights. 208 pp. 2025:1 (The New Pr., US) <724-891>
ISBN 978-1-62097-849-8 hard ¥5,859.- (税込) US$ 25.99

A long overdue counternarrative to the story of Asian Americans as passive participants in the American story Interest in Asian American issues and the place of Asian Americans in U.S. history has surged in recent years, from debates over affirmative action to terrifying episodes of anti-Asian violence. Yet, in part because of enduring racist stereotypes and the idea of Asian Americans as a model minority, Asian American communities are frequently portrayed as apolitical and passive-and their deeper history remains obscured.In Our Place in History, celebrated attorney, educator, and founding director of the Asian American Justice Center Phil Tajitsu Nash offers an important counternarrative to this myth, foregrounding the history of Asian American activism in a way few other books have done. Nash focuses on ten stirring and emblematic episodes over the past fifty years where Asian Americans rose up to defend their rights, challenge discrimination, and join with others to build a more just world-from the movement for reparations for the World War II-era internment of Japanese Americans to the push to foreground class economics and working rights, and the recent struggle against anti-Asian violence.As Asian Americans and their allies push for Asian American history in curricula across the country, Our Place in History provides a readable, authoritative guide to the impact made by Asian Americans-bringing them from the margin to the mainstream of American history.

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Pan, Jennifer, Selling Social Justice: Why the Ruling Class Loves Antiracism. 192 pp. 2025:2 (Verso, UK) <724-895>
ISBN 978-1-80429-422-2 paper ¥3,671.- (税込) GB£ 12.99

It's not simply that big business has cynically co-opted an authentic grassroots uprising, but that an unwitting alliance exists between the main line of the racial justice movement and capitalism. In other words, capitalism has found a way to be antiracist without doing a thing to mitigate inequality, racial or otherwise.87 companies on the S&P 100 released statements on racial justice; 79 pledged money to racial justice-related causes; 66 pledged to hire more diverse candidates; and 50 pledged to diversify their C-suites and boards. High-end gallerists open showrooms with all black staff and uptown Manhattan private schools have issued seemingly radical anti-racist manifestos. Budgets for DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) have ballooned. For all that commitment and spending, change has been fleeting for those at the bottom.Using compelling journalistic prose combined with deep political analysis, Selling Social Justice investigates the rise and spread of contemporary racial justice ideology. In this critique from the left, Pan traces the evolution of seemingly radical ideas about race as they are integrated into the logic and policy of corporate America. And it is precisely the extent to which demands are adjusted to suit elite interests that they undermine the possibility of building a coalition capable of advancing distributive justice and greater equality.

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Rahman, Momin / Khan, Maryam (eds.), Queer/Muslim/Canadian: Identities, Experiences and Belonging. (Global Queer Politics) 277 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-896>
ISBN 978-3-031-55839-9 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book presents original qualitative research on the lives, identities, and experiences of queer Canadian Muslims and is the largest study to date on this population. Presented through a queer intersectional framework, the volume contains core evidence-based chapters on the lived experience, as well as the transnational politics of Islamophobia and LGBTQ+ rights promotion, the research on Muslim attitudes to queer issues, and the representations of queer Muslim issues within Canada. Key issues covered include: queer Muslim organizing, how queer Muslims reconcile faith, sexuality and gender identity through affirmative and liberatory frameworks and actions, how Muslims in Canada respond to sexual and gender diversity. The contributors also lay out future academic and research possibilities for further investigation and for the development of equity practices for recognizing and challenging the oppressions suffered by queer Muslims, addressing the discussion to queer Muslims as well as mainstream LGBTQ+ groups and mainstream Muslim groups.

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Yeo, Jungwon (ed.), Return Migration and Crises in Non-Western Countries. (Mobility & Politics) 237 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-685>
ISBN 978-3-031-53561-1 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This edited book focuses on the intersection of return migration and crises in non-Western countries. The book explores a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives while offering practical insights to address the intricate issues surrounding return migration and crises. The topics covered within this volume include return migration trends, the pivotal roles and contributions of return migrants, the social, psychological, and policy challenges faced by returnees, emerging issues stemming from return migration in their home countries, and the public and formal responses to return migration and the reintegration of returnees, and the roles of crises in these areas.This edited volume brings together diverse perspectives of academic researchers, practitioners, and policymakers on return migration. The book features cases of multiple non-Western countries in Asia (Philippines, China, India), Europe (Lithuania, Turkey, & Ukraine), the Middle East and North Africa (Morocco), and South America and the Caribbean (Mexico, Peru & Dominican Republic). Findings provide a unique opportunity to critically explore current thinking on return migration and investigate the relationship between migration and crisis from varying policy and operational viewpoints. This book, hence, attends to practitioners to develop creative solutions to both global and local policies and practices of return migration management in emerging market countries, which will support and accommodate both their returnees and residents amid challenging times.

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Yao, Souchou, Gifts to the Sad Country: Essays on the Chinese Diaspora. 161 pp. 2024:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-697>
ISBN 978-981-9715-97-8 hard ¥28,112.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book is a study of an ethnic-Chinese family in Malaysia as it struggled with the upheavals in China during the Land Reform (1945-1953) and the Great Leap Forward (1958-1962). Based on fieldwork in Malaysia and in a village in Dabu County, Southern China, it tells a story of a family whose existence straddled two nations, two political systems. Emigration is shown to be both a positive experience and a source of despair. The study redefines the conventional narrative about the Chinese diaspora as economically driven and politically expedient; mobility, personal freedom and transnational journeying were a part of their cultural history. The book highlights the fact that Chinese homeland, even under communist rule, offered the people a means of identification under difficult circumstances. During the time of radical reform, the diaspora adapted themselves to the conditions in the homeland, and for some China remained a place of longing and emotional attachment.

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Shapiro, Shelby, Words to the Wives: The Yiddish Press, Immigrant Women, and Jewish-American Identity. (New Directions in Book History) 245 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-7>
ISBN 978-3-031-49940-1 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99

?This book looks at how the Yiddish press sought to create Jewish-American identities for immigrant women. Shelby Shapiro focuses on two women's magazines and the women's pages in three daily newspapers, from 1913, when the first Yiddish women's magazine appeared, until 1925, when the Immigration Act of 1924 took effect. Shapiro demonstrates how newspaper editors and publishers sought to shape identity in line with their own religious or political tendencies in this new environment, where immigrants faced a broad horizon of possibilities for shaping or reshaping their identities in the face of new possibilities and constraints. External constraints included the economic situation of the immigrants, varying degrees of antisemitism within American society, while internal constraints included the variable power of traditions and beliefs brought with them from the Old World. Words to the Wives studies how publications sought to shape the direction of Eastern European Jewish immigrant women's acculturation.

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Ahmed, Kawser / Islam, Md. Rafiqul (eds.), Understanding the Rohingya Displacement: Security, Media, and Humanitarian Perspectives. (South-South Migration) 339 pp. 2024:5 (Springer, GW) <724-701>
ISBN 978-981-9714-23-0 hard ¥28,112.- (税込) EUR 119.99 *

This book provides a focused and comprehensive understanding of the conflict surrounding the Rohingya displacement, using a unique peace and conflict transformation viewpoint. Divided into four sections and nineteen chapters, it covers significant themes related to the conflict. It provides an in-depth examination of its security implications, media impact, and the need for a long-term transformation strategy. The authors offer a sharp perspective on the crisis, covering a wide range of topics, including human rights abuses, geopolitics, media influence, and repatriation of the Rohingya. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of the conflict, providing readers with a thorough understanding of the Rohingya displacement-related conflict. The authors advocate for a peaceful end to the conflict through repatriation, offering valuable conflict transformation tools for decision-makers in Bangladesh and around the world. This book is essential for anyone seeking a deeper understandingof the conflict's security implications and highlights original research from academics on the role of the media. It is relevant for scholars, politicians, decision-makers in the security and refugee management fields, academics studying the media, and humanitarian actors.

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Ahuja, Ravi, Shipping Lords and Coolie Stokers: Class, Race, and Maritime Capitalism in the Early 20th Century. 272 pp. 2024:10 (Verso, UK) <724-709>
ISBN 978-1-80429-351-5 paper ¥9,894.- (税込) GB£ 35.00 *

When eighty-seven passengers and crew died in the shipwreck of the Royal Mail ship Egypt in 1922, the accident gave rise to a racist international press campaign against the employment of Indian seafarers, such as those who made up most of the ship's crew. This was not unusual at a time when a fifth of the British mercantile marine's workforce was recruited from the subcontinent. Ravi Ahuja explains the business logic behind a labour regime steeped in racist irrationalism and examines the scope for solidarity among a divided workforce in an age of imperialism - an issue that is no less relevant in our own time.

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Saini, Rima, Politics, Identity and Belonging Across The British South Asian Middle Classes: Between Privilege and Prejudice. (Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship Series) 137 pp. 2024:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-715>
ISBN 978-3-031-54786-7 hard ¥9,368.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This book will discuss the growing socio-economic and political diversity of the groups that comprise the British South Asian diaspora, with a focus on the formation of the British South Asian "middle classes". They will be framed within this work as a heterogenous sub-population, but this book is be the first comprehensive effort to define them sociologically as a distinct ethnoracial collective with a unique political profile. It does this with reference to secondary statistical data and primary interview data, and engages with relevant academic and non-academic literature. It describes the ways in which socially mobile South Asian migrants and particularly their descendants in the UK relate to their racial, ethnic, religious, classed and gendered identities, their relationship with 'Britishness', and their politics. It will therefore be of interest to students and researchers of political sociology, particularly those specialising in race, processes of racism and racialisation, ethnic and ethno-religious identity, class and social mobility amongst ethnic minority groups, and the interaction between minority identity and political identity.

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Opi, Bosco, Refugee Coloniality: An Afrocentric analysis of prolonged encampment in Kenya. 227 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-746>
ISBN 978-3-031-54500-9 hard ¥28,112.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book presents a decolonial and Afrocentric critique of prolonged encampment of refugees, centred on the case study of refugee camps in Kenya, introduced through the author's decades-long experience of forced displacement. His positionality as a former refugee contributes to a wider discussion on representation, voice, and power within the refugee studies literature. Likewise, the revisiting of the refugee camp as site and tool of power from a colonial perspective, is an important and timely contribution to the literature. This book examines the camp as a colonial innovation and the enduring colonial logics of supposedly 'humanitarian' extended encampment. Drawing on the anti-colonial theorists such as Fanon, Mbembe, and Nyerere, etc, it argues for an Africa without borders or encampment. The study is interdisciplinary, encompassing forced migration/refugee studies, camp studies, decolonial studies, and African studies. More broadly, it seeks to contribute to the literature on the politics of asylum in Africa through a critical examination of the colonial origins and the practice of encampment in Kenya.

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Clarke, Colin, Racist Regimes, Forced Labour and Death: British Slavery in the Caribbean and the Holocaust in Germany and Occupied Europe. (Global Diversities) 275 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-753>
ISBN 978-3-031-55543-5 hard ¥28,112.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book compares the systems of exploitative race relations associated with two racist regimes - slavery in the British colonial Caribbean and forced labour in the Holocaust in Germany and the Nazi-occupied lands in Europe. Although each system was introduced by expansionist European powers, through racist enslavement, transportation, dehumanisation and the destruction of human life, the construction and operation of sugar plantations by African and Creole slave labour for the export of tropical products in the period 1650 to 1838 was different from the mass murder of Jewish and Gypsy civilians with the intention of creating a forced-labour regime and colonial-style ethnic cleansing during the Second World War.Though differentiated in time and place, the four principal common denominators that make feasible the detailed comparison of British Caribbean slavery and the Holocaust in Europe are racism, colonialism/occupation, slavery/forced labour, and death. Juxtaposition of these two companion studies will reveal comparisons and contrasts previously unexplored in the field of race relations under colonialism and the Holocaust. The book will be of interest to scholars and students of the social sciences and history, particularly those with an engagement with slavery and forced labour, the sociology of race and racism, and Holocaust studies.

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Lo Piccolo, Francesco / Mangiaracina, A. et al. (eds.), In and Out: Rights of Migrants in the European Space. (UNIPA Springer Series) 319 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <724-793>
ISBN 978-3-031-51130-1 hard ¥32,798.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book examines contemporary migratory movements, starting from the European zone, but with an extension to other territorial contexts as well, with research orientation that focuses on the account of the migratory experiences collected in the research activity of the different authors, according to a multidisciplinary dimension. Starting from these key topics, the authors articulated and further developed its reflections through its own experiences at the national and international level, taking root within the current scientific debate on migration. The interdisciplinary approach and the different and innovative ways of analysing in depth the thematic contents of the migration phenomenon have made it possible to identify some key research questions. The relative answers find space in the articulated and complex system of contributions that is developed within this book and in particular in the three thematic parts into which it is divided. The first one deals with the theme of migration confronted with issues related to the 'right to the city' and the 'right to housing'; the second one deals with issues related to human rights; finally, the third one focuses on the different narratives of migrants' life experiences and aspects related to the linguistic representation of the urban space.

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Spencer, Sarah / Atac, Ilker / Bastick, Zach et al., Migrants with a Precarious Status: Evolving Approaches of European Cities. (IMISCOE Research Series) 212 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) * paper 2024:5 <724-796>
ISBN 978-3-031-55850-4 hard ¥11,711.- (税込) EUR 49.99
ISBN 978-3-031-55853-5 paper ¥9,368.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This open access book is an exploration of city responses to migrants with a precarious status in Europe. It provides new evidence and analysis from research on three cities in Austria, Germany and the UK: Vienna, Frankfurt and Cardiff. The book explores strategies and services of municipal authorities towards precarious migrants and their cooperation with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in service provision. It focuses on healthcare, education, housing and access to advice; and particular attention is given to the situation of women.The book develops the concept of precarity in relation to migration status, and of horizontal governance arrangements within municipal authorities. It explores the tension between exclusion and inclusion of migrants who have limited rights of access to welfare services, and contributes evidence on the factors shaping municipal policy making, as well as on the framing of rationales for providing access to essential services.

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Triandafyllidou, Anna / Moghadam, Amin et al. (eds.), Migration and Cities: Conceptual and Policy Advances. (IMISCOE Research Series) 307 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <724-798>
ISBN 978-3-031-55679-1 hard ¥11,711.- (税込) EUR 49.99
ISBN 978-3-031-55682-1 paper ¥9,368.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This open access book brings together different perspectives on migration and the city that are usually discussed separately, to show the special character of the urban context as a territorial and political space where people coexist, whether by choice or necessity. Drawing on heterogeneous situations in cities in different world regions (including Europe, North America, the Middle East, South, Southeast and East Asia and the Asia Pacific) contributions to this volume examine how migration and the urban context interact in the twenty-first century. The book is structured in four parts. The first looks at cities as hubs of cultural creativity, exploring the many dimensions of cultural diversity and identity as they are negotiated in the urban context. The second focuses on what lies outside the large urban centres of today, notably suburbs, while the third part engages with migration and diversity in small and mid-sized cities, many of which have adopted strategies to welcome growing numbers of migrants. Last but not least, the fourth part looks at the challenges and opportunities that asylum-seeking and irregular migration flows bring to cities. By providing a variety of empirical cases based on various world regions, this book is a valuable resource for researchers, students and policy makers.

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Armengol, Josep M., Rewriting White Masculinities in Contemporary Fiction and Film. 181 pp. 2024:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-825>
ISBN 978-3-031-53348-8 hard ¥25,769.- (税込) EUR 109.99 *

This book focuses on the construction of hegemonic masculinity as well as its representations in literature, culture, and film. Although white heterosexual masculinity continues to be the dominant model, it remains, paradoxically, largely invisible in gender terms. While the first three chapters thus offer introductory theoretical perspectives on the latest research on white masculinities, the following chapters concentrate on applying masculinity theory to the analysis of both social constructions and cultural (i.e. literary and film) representations of men's emotions (with a special focus on new fatherhood models), friendships between men, as well as gender-based violence.

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McLeod, John, Global Trespassers: Sanctioned Mobility in Contemporary Culture. (Migrations and Identities 13) 290 pp. 2024:6 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <724-842>
ISBN 978-1-80207-460-4 hard ¥28,270.- (税込) GB£ 100.00 *

Ebook available to libraries exclusively as part of the JSTOR Path to Open initiative. Global Trespassers is the first critical study of cultural representations of minoritized migrant figures permitted to remain and encouraged to prosper in the Global North. In pursuing 'good immigrant' figures across a range of fiction, film, memoir, and monodrama since the 1990s, John McLeod exposes the suspect social and cultural dynamics that govern the admission of selected migrant or mobile lives under strict conditions. Working with the double meaning of 'sanction' (both permission and prohibition), Global Trespassers uncovers the mendacious, mercurial border logics that fix such figures in prefabricated identities and relations while foregrounding representations of 'good immigrants' who trespass outside the constraints of their concession and challenge such modes of assimilation. Examining three global domains where minoritised mobile figures are readily sanctioned - the adoptive family, the sporting arena, the world city - McLeod critically assesses the extent to which trespass makes possible the insurgent rethinking of human personhood and relationality across the ready-made lines of kinship, race, and culture, as expressed in an eclectic variety of key contemporary cultural texts by Stephen Frears, Jackie Kay, Lemn Sissay, Deann Borshay Liem, Caryl Phillips, John Lanchester, Joseph O'Neill, Douglas Gordon and Philippe Parreno, Teju Cole, Mohsin Hamid, Tash Aw, and others.

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Arnold, Lynnette, Living Together Across Borders: Communicative Care in Transnational Salvadoran Families. (Oxford Studies in Anthropology of Language) 2024:5 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <724-870>
ISBN 978-0-19-775573-0 hard ¥9,020.- (税込) US$ 40.00
ISBN 978-0-19-775574-7 paper ¥2,477.- (税込) US$ 10.99 *

In Living Together Across Borders, author Lynnette Arnold tells the stories of extended families living stretched between a rural Salvadoran village and the urban locations in the United States where their migrant relatives live. In this multi-sited ethnography, Arnold examines seemingly mundane conversational practices-such as sending greetings, negotiating remittances, and reminiscing together-that are central to family life across borders. Arnold underscores the consequentiality of these linguistic practices by tracing how they are shaped by and re-shape gendered and generational norms of family care, as well as how they are tied to Salvadoran histories of migration, violence, and poverty, which are powerfully influenced by U.S. economic and foreign policy. This book demonstrates that these communicative practices bring inequities between the global North and South into family life by continually reproducing distinctions between relatives in El Salvador and those living in the United States. Conversely, she examines seemingly mundane interactions including greetings, remittance negotiations, and reminiscing together. Although these relational moments of cross-border connection are fleeting, their impacts endure, laying the foundation for the ongoing material and economic provisioning necessary to family survival. Through cross-border conversations, families nurture intergenerational relations that sustain the family and convivencia (living-together) over the years despite ongoing separation.

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Bianchini, Stefano / Bandini, Federica / Bolzani, D. (eds.), Social Entrepreneurship and Migrants' Inclusion: Insights from the Adriatic-Ionian Region. (Sustainable Development Goals Series) 337 pp. 2024:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-303>
ISBN 978-3-031-55790-3 hard ¥39,827.- (税込) EUR 169.99

This book offers theoretical and empirical contributions on the approaches, policies, practices concerning the inclusion of migrants through social entrepreneurship. Grounded in a multi-disciplinary approach and with a special focus on the Adriatic-Ionian region, the book offers a debate on the antecedents, processes and outcomes of social entrepreneurship and migrants' inclusion, describing some innovative initiatives and their potential transferability in other contexts. The Adriatic-Ionian macro-region represents an interesting yet overlooked area of research, characterized by evolving migration and inclusion policies, together with specific legislation and reforms for social entrepreneurship. The migration dynamics along the so-called Balkan Route confer to this macro-region strong political relevance in the field of security and migration management. Contributing to the targets of SDG 8, the book contextualizes the opportunities offered by social entrepreneurship as a form of decent work for migrants, and of potential growth driver for local and international territories.

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German, Mike / Zasloff, Beth, Policing White Supremacy: The Enemy Within. 256 pp. 2024:10 (The New Pr., US) <724-503>
ISBN 978-1-62097-706-4 hard ¥6,761.- (税込) US$ 29.99

A former FBI agent's urgent call for law enforcement to prioritize far-right violence and end tolerance for police racism As a long-serving FBI agent, Mike German worked undercover in white supremacist and militia groups, developing a deep understanding of their mindsets and strategies. In Policing White Supremacy, German issues a wake-up call about law enforcement's dangerously lax approach to far-right violence.Because the FBI refuses to prioritize investigations of violence by white supremacists, it can continue to use its domestic terrorism powers to target much less violent groups, such as Black Lives Matter and environmental activists, suppressing their advocacy. Meanwhile, far-right militants have committed over one hundred deadly acts just since the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, and attempted to obstruct transfer of power to a duly elected U.S. president.Noting that the FBI does not even compile accurate national data on white supremacist violence, German exposes the continuing tolerance of overt racism in law enforcement and police membership in white supremacist organizations. The threat these officers pose became clear when at least twenty-eight current and former law enforcement officials were alleged to have participated in the January 6 breach of the Capitol.A book with profound relevance as we head into what is sure to be a contentious presidential election, Policing White Supremacy urges us to recognize and address a serious threat to democracy.

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Nikro, Norman Saadi, Nafssiya, or Edward Said's Affective Phenomenology of Racism. 199 pp. 2024:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-53>
ISBN 978-3-031-51768-6 hard ¥25,769.- (税込) EUR 109.99 *

This book adapts the Arabic term nafsiyya to trace the phenomenological contours of Edward Said's analysis of the affective dimensions of colonial and imperial racism. Reflecting on what he called his "colonial education," Said rendered his Palestinian/Arab background and experience of racism an enabling component of his academic work. The argument focuses on his "personal dimension" section in his introduction to his famous volume Orientalism, discussing key notions of Said's oeuvre-such as 'elaboration,' 'circumstance,' 'humanism,' 'worldliness,' 'inventory,' and 'critical consciousness.' Providing a lengthy study of his earlier and somewhat neglected Beginnings: Intention and Method, the book discusses the significance of the style of the essay as a key component of what the author calls Said's interventionist brand of scholarship. The final chapter outlines how Said's oeuvre can be situated in a genealogy of a radical phenomenology of racism that emerged from the colonies.

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Nahme, Paul E., Ghost People: Race, Religion, and the Affective Sources of Jewish Identity. 288 pp. 2024:8 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <724-125>
ISBN 978-0-19-769183-0 hard ¥20,295.- (税込) US$ 90.00 *

What does race feel like? What does race make people feel? Ghost People traces the haunting feelings that constitute race as a structural, social, and psychic experience in modern European history by focusing on the case of Jewish racialization. Taking a theoretical cue from W.E.B. Du Bois' question in the Souls of Black Folk, "How does it feel to be a problem?" Paul E. Nahme queries the affective experience of racial formation and reframes how we should think and talk about the Jewish Question. He explores the ways feeling and emotion have colored the lives of different people in social, political, and psycho-social dimensions. From Enlightenment constructions of rational humanism, to nineteenth-century colonialism, antisemitism and the racialization of Jews in Europe, to the construction of Judaism as a religion and the disavowal of racial categories in liberal secularism, Nahme asks after the enduring problem of race for Jewish identity, and for how Jews have remained haunted by the specter of race in the modern world.

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Espana-Eljaiek, Irina, Historic Racial Exclusion and Subnational Socio-economic Outcomes in Colombia: Equal but Different. (Latin American Political Economy) 217 pp. 2024:5 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-201>
ISBN 978-3-031-47493-4 hard ¥23,426.- (税込) EUR 99.99

This book examines the geo-racialized order of the Colombian state and its consequences for Afro-descendant territories. To do so, it employs a historical institutional approach tracing racial exclusion and subnational socioeconomic outcomes in Colombia during the late nineteenth to mid-twentieth centuries. It uses a mixed-methods and interdisciplinary qualitative and quantitative analytical approach to identify the quantitative effects of informal racial exclusion on subnational collective outcomes, as well as to show more precisely how these effects were generated. Through its exploration of Colombia's geo-racialized project, implicit exclusion of Afro-descendant territories and spatialized nature of racial diversity, this book contributes to literatures of Latin American political economy, institutional theory, racial politics and economic history.

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Khadan, Jeetendra / Jit Ruprah, Inder, Unraveling Race, Politics, and Gender in Trinidad and Tobago's Economic Development. 312 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-202>
ISBN 978-3-031-54655-6 hard ¥25,769.- (税込) EUR 109.99

This book delves into Trinidad and Tobago's development with a fresh lens. It stands as the inaugural empirical exploration of the country's unique attributes, including its diversity, ex-British colony status, small-state categorization by population size, and its dependence on hydrocarbons.Through meticulous empirical analysis, this book scrutinizes the nation's economic, social, and political outcomes within the context of these four distinctive parameters, offering fresh insights into the country's development trajectory.What sets this book apart is its unwavering commitment to a data-driven approach. Drawing upon a vast array of databases from both international and national sources, it provides a thorough examination of development indicators, household welfare metrics, firm-level performance, and individual perspectives on a wide range of political, economic, and social issues.For scholars, policymakers, and anyone with an interest in understanding how unique contextual factors shape a Trinidad and Tobago's development, this book offers an enlightening and data-rich perspective on the nation's journey towards progress and prosperity.

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Palumbo, Letizia, Taking Vulnerabilities to Labour Exploitation Seriously: A Critical Analysis of Legal and Policy Approaches and Instruments in Europe. (IMISCOE Research Series) 298 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <724-252>
ISBN 978-3-031-55423-0 hard ¥11,711.- (税込) EUR 49.99
ISBN 978-3-031-55426-1 paper ¥9,368.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This open access book intends to contribute to the debate on migrant labour exploitation by exploring the extent to which the EU and the European countries provide a standard for protecting migrant workers. It moves from a socio-legal and theoretical perspective and builds on critical studies on vulnerability, exploitation, trafficking and migrant labour regimes - along with relevant feminist theories, including theories on social reproduction - while also drawing on extensive fieldwork. By mobilising the concept of 'situational vulnerabilities', the book critically investigates the assemblage and interaction of factors creating and amplifying migrant workers' vulnerabilities to exploitation in the key sectors of agriculture and domestic work. The aim is to highlight how situations of vulnerability to exploitation are generated and exacerbated by relevant legal and policy frameworks, underlining and questioning the tensions, continuities, and ambiguities between different regimes, such as the regimes regulating labour migration and those intended to combat severe exploitation. While at national level the focus is on relevant Italian legal and policy instruments and approaches, the book also offers a comparative look at those adopted in the UK. This critical analysis considers labour exploitation both in its systemic dimension and as a continuum. It sheds lights on how forms of exploitation are associated with different 'situational' vulnerabilities produced by the interplay of personal and structural factors in line with a gender and intersectional approach. By engaging an analysis of the ways in which the concepts of exploitation and vulnerability are addressed and formulated in various international, European, and national legal and policy instruments, the study reveals the limitations and ambiguities of applicable legislation and policies. The book is a great resource for students and academics in the field as well as legal practitioners and policymakers interested in human rights, migration studies, labour rights, labour exploitation, and gender related issues.

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