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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Spicer, Jason, Co-operative Enterprise in Comparative Perspective: Exceptionally Un-American? 288 pp. 2024:5 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <724-286>
ISBN 978-0-19-766507-7 hard ¥20,295.- (税込) US$ 90.00 *

Co-operative enterprises, which are democratically owned and governed by their workers, customers, or suppliers, have long captured the imagination of activists and social scientists alike. In centering economic democracy and a collectivist-democratic logic, and in embodying a "third way" alternative to profit-maximizing corporations and state-owned enterprises, co-operatives offer the promise of a more sustainable and equitable economy. Despite extensive study of co-operatives' real and imagined benefits, we know little about the conditions under which they achieve the lasting scale needed to be a viable alternative and transform the economy. Under what conditions can co-operatives achieve such scale? And are such conditions present in the United States, where, despite repeated organizing efforts, co-operatives remain exceptionally rare at scale? Through a rigorous comparative-historical analysis of co-operative enterprises in different national contexts, this book seeks to answer these questions. Deploying two different variants of the new institutionalism, Spicer treats the United States as a central case of comparative failure, as contrasted to three rich democracies where the co-operative business model has been more successful: Finland, France, and New Zealand. The cause of co-operatives' comparative weakness in the United States is identified as reflecting the joint effect of economic liberalism and structural racism. Only in the United States did the co-operative face, in its initial development, two well-entrenched incumbents operating with competing ownership models: the investor-owned firm and the race-based chattel slavery system of ownership of people. Proponents of these two models acted to deprive the co-operative movement of resources, and undermined the solidarity at the co-operative business model's heart, splintering the American co-operative movement in the process. In subsequent waves of co-operative organizing, advocates have never fully succeeded in overcoming these initial obstacles, resulting in a different outcome in the United States, consistent with broader conceptions of the United States as a perennial outlier (i.e., ""American exceptionalism""). In contrast, in the successful cases, advocates were better able to leverage resources to animate a national solidarity and procure the necessary political and economic resources to achieve scale.

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Akande, Adebowale (ed.), Leadership and Politics: New Perspectives in Business, Government and Society. (Springer Studies on Populism, Identity Politics and Social Justice) 583 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <724-302>
ISBN 978-3-031-56414-7 hard ¥37,484.- (税込) EUR 159.99

This volume sheds light on the world of organizational politics, political leadership, and the pivotal roles played by employees and political leaders in managing diverse groups. It picks up where influential scholars like Edgar Schein, Harry Triandis, Bernard Bass, Robert House, Shalom Schwartz, and Geert Hofstede left off, providing a timely and transparent exploration of these crucial topics. In a rapidly evolving landscape, characterized by renewed interest in political skill, people management, leadership and management, diversity training, organizational culture, workplace incivility, ambivalence alliance, and career development, the book emerges as an invaluable resource, assembling a group of renowned contributors in the field, who have conducted extensive social research. It offers a comprehensive view of contemporary organizational politics, psychology at work, DEI, political skill/will, HRM, leadership effectiveness, organizational behavior and culture, relationships in the workplace and emotions in politics, favoritism, workplace incivility, ambivalent alliance, people analytics, and office politics, and competition. The book discusses the ongoing struggle between knowledge-driven scholarship and dogmatic ideology in the workplace and beyond. As organizations grapple with the challenges of today's business environment, the book therefore is an indispensable guide for scholars, consultants, and leaders committed to driving continuous improvement and navigating the complex intersection of politics and leadership in the modern workplace.

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Bianchini, Stefano / Bandini, Federica / Bolzani, D. (eds.), Social Entrepreneurship and Migrants' Inclusion: Insights from the Adriatic-Ionian Region. (Sustainable Development Goals Series) 337 pp. 2024:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-303>
ISBN 978-3-031-55790-3 hard ¥39,827.- (税込) EUR 169.99

This book offers theoretical and empirical contributions on the approaches, policies, practices concerning the inclusion of migrants through social entrepreneurship. Grounded in a multi-disciplinary approach and with a special focus on the Adriatic-Ionian region, the book offers a debate on the antecedents, processes and outcomes of social entrepreneurship and migrants' inclusion, describing some innovative initiatives and their potential transferability in other contexts. The Adriatic-Ionian macro-region represents an interesting yet overlooked area of research, characterized by evolving migration and inclusion policies, together with specific legislation and reforms for social entrepreneurship. The migration dynamics along the so-called Balkan Route confer to this macro-region strong political relevance in the field of security and migration management. Contributing to the targets of SDG 8, the book contextualizes the opportunities offered by social entrepreneurship as a form of decent work for migrants, and of potential growth driver for local and international territories.

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Bogodistov, Yevgen / Moormann, Juergen, Process Management and Burnout Prevention: A Human-Centred Approach to Reducing Work-Related Stress. 317 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-305>
ISBN 978-3-031-56614-1 hard ¥21,083.- (税込) EUR 89.99

How can we work towards ensuring that organisations are robust and highly productive and avoid issues such as tiredness, burnout, high employee turnover, motivational issues, or problems with the emotional climate? Bringing together the fields of process management and organisational behaviour for the first time, this book provides sorely needed practical guidance on how organisations can diagnose, anticipate, and address psychological issues in their workforces as well as process vulnerabilities in their operations. Advocating for a human-centred approach to process management, the authors help discover and prevent negative psychological issues related to emotional exhaustion. This book offers a step-by-step toolkit for burnout recognition and systematic prevention using established process management tools. Thus, the book offers a deep look into psychological aspects far beyond classical process management.

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Carter, Shani D. / Bensal, Sara (eds.), Management and Resilience of African Organizations in Times of Crisis: Current Business Issues in African Countries (CBIAC) Conference, Agadir, Morocco, April 27-28, 2023. (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics) 453 pp. 2024:7 (Springer, GW) <724-306>
ISBN 978-3-031-56006-4 hard ¥39,827.- (税込) EUR 169.99

Businesses in African countries continued to face crises due to COVID-19, supply chain, and climate change. Governments can take steps to increase businesses' resilience by supporting and promoting sustainable development. In turn, businesses can increase their resilience by promoting the resilience of their employees. This book explores the current state of management and resilience in African nations and discusses issues that revolve around its reciprocal impact on global business, government, and society. Featuring select papers from the 4th Annual Current Business Issue in African Countries (CBIAC) Conference held in Agadir, Morocco in 2023, this book focuses on the synergies between climate change, supply chain and sustainable development, particularly post pandemic featuring content from business and NGO leaders, faculty, and students. The impetus of the CBIAC conference was the discussions held at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) held in Nairobi, Keyna in July 2016 and in Bridgetown, Barbados, and Geneva in October. The goal of the conference is to create long-term collaborative relationships between business leaders, faculty, researchers, students, and community members from different African nations.

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Caspary, Simon, The Family Business as a Socialisation Context for the Children of Entrepreneurs. 308 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <724-307>
ISBN 978-3-658-43656-8 paper ¥23,426.- (税込) EUR 99.99

Simon Caspary examines how the socialisation of offspring from entrepreneurial families is influenced by the existence of a family business. To answer the initial question, a pluralistic approach is chosen that maps the mechanisms and influencing variables on the socialisation and identity formation of the offspring. In addition to a dedicated overview of the relevant literature, the comprehensive theoretical review makes a significant contribution to advancing knowledge of the socialisation context of family businesses in academic discourse.

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CICC Research, The Reshaping of China's Industry Chains. 366 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <724-308>
ISBN 978-981-9716-46-3 hard ¥11,711.- (税込) EUR 49.99
ISBN 978-981-9716-49-4 paper ¥9,368.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This open access book offers a comprehensive analysis of the opportunities and challenges facing the development of China's industry chains in a changing landscape. As the trend of deglobalization is intensifying, the global supply chain has suffered from external shocks, prompting both the private and public sectors to reflect on the stability of the supply chain. As such, governments are putting greater emphasis on the resilience and "security" of industry chains. How will the changing circumstances across the globe affect China's industry chains? This book suggests that amidst the trend of deglobalization, it is important for China to leverage its advantages in economies of scale to improve both the efficiency and security of industry chains. By examining the current state of global trends, international trade, and industrial policies, the book outlines potential pathways of the development of global supply chains, and provides insights on the challenges and opportunities for China. This book also focuses on strategically important sectors in the digital, green, logistics, and manufacturing industries, presenting an in-depth discussion of the prospects of each industry chain. Being both readable and academically rigorous, this book is well-suited for readers from in the fields of public policy, economics, finance, and for those who seek to better understand the reshaping of China's industry chains. The work cites information from various sources, including academic journals, policy institutions, and a network of primary sources such as industry experts and renowned academics.

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Coad, Alex / Bornhaell, Anders / Daunfeldt, S.-O. et al., Scale-ups and High-Growth Firms: Theory, Definitions, and Measurement. (SpringerBriefs in Business) 61 pp. 2024:3 (Springer, GW) <724-309>
ISBN 978-981-9713-78-3 paper ¥7,025.- (税込) EUR 29.99

This open access book goes into the details of the characteristics of scale-ups, touching upon various theoretical perspectives (stages of growth models, the role of intangible capital, the tradeoffs between fixed costs and marginal costs) relating to firm growth, to provide a clear definition of this emerging concept. Given the disproportionately large economic contribution of a small number of fast-growing firms, there has been growing interest in a category of dynamic ventures called "scale-ups". The term was popularized by Silicon Valley Venture Capitalists before receiving attention from academics and public policy makers. However, there remains considerable confusion regarding what a scale-up actually is.This is an open access book.

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Davies, Dan, The Unaccountability Machine: Why Big Systems Make Terrible Decisions - and How The World Lost its Mind. 304 pp. 2024:4 (Profile Books, UK) <724-310>
ISBN 978-1-78816-954-7 hard ¥6,219.- (税込) GB£ 22.00 *

Entertaining, insightful ... compelling' Financial Times 'Clear and compelling ... it will make you look at the world differently' Stephen Bush When we avoid taking a decision, what happens to it? In The Unaccountability Machine, Dan Davies examines why markets, institutions and even governments systematically generate outcomes that everyone involved claims not to want. He casts new light on the writing of Stafford Beer, a legendary economist who argued in the 1950s that we should regard organisations as artificial intelligences, capable of taking decisions that are distinct from the intentions of their members. Management cybernetics was Beer's science of applying self-regulation in organisational settings, but it was largely ignored - with the result being the political and economic crises that that we see today. With his signature blend of cynicism and journalistic rigour, Davies looks at what's gone wrong, and what might have been, had the world listened to Stafford Beer when it had the chance.

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Dixon, Patrick, How AI Will Change Your Life: A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World. 352 pp. 2024:9 (Profile Books, UK) <724-311>
ISBN 978-1-80522-257-6 paper ¥3,671.- (税込) GB£ 12.99 *

Artificial Intelligence will create gigantic benefits for humankind but will become more powerful than many governments, with purposes and plans of its own, and the ability to alter the very basis of life on earth. Many believe that AI poses a threat to human dominance. In this punchy, follow-up to his bestselling The Future of (Almost) Everything, leading futurist Patrick Dixon has written an in-depth but accessible exploration of AI, looking at the future of the subject and assessing both threats and benefits - from health and education to cybersecurity, business and the world of work. How AI Will Change Your Life looks at likely outcomes for both individuals and businesses in all areas of life and provides advice for the reader and a charter for governments to exploit the benefits and avoid the risks.

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Eijdenberg, Emiel L. / K, Thirumaran et al. (eds.), Indigenous Entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia: Theoretical and Practical Implications. (Palgrave Studies in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization in Business) 301 pp. 2024:4 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-312>
ISBN 978-3-031-54456-9 hard ¥32,798.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book provides an in-depth exploration of indigenous entrepreneurship and its challenges while addressing ways to make businesses more inclusive and sustainable in the long term. Offering a balanced mix of critical perspectives, theoretical insights and practical implications, provided by both academics and practitioners, it examines how indigenous entrepreneurship practices in Southeast Asia challenge existing theories in business and management research. The chapters also explore the role of various stakeholders, such as the larger community and society, supply chain members, policy-makers, etc., in facilitating indigenous entrepreneurship.Highlighting the uniqueness and diversity of indigenous entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia, this book renders a comprehensive overview of contemporary indigenization topics, organized by Southeast Asian cultural and national contexts.

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Ernst, Dietmar / Haecker, Joachim, Corporate Risk Management: A Case Study on Risk Evaluation. (Springer Texts in Business and Economics) 210 pp. 2024:5 (Springer, GW) <724-313>
ISBN 978-3-031-53125-5 hard ¥23,426.- (税込) EUR 99.99

In times of crisis, risk management is more important than ever. In addition, companies are obliged to identify, quantify and aggregate risks as part of a risk management system. Legal and auditing standards have set the framework for doing so. This book uses a case study to show 'step by step' how risks can be analyzed and quantified with the help of Microsoft Excel. The book begins with the graphical representation of risks and the calculation of risk parameters such as the value at risk. It subsequently aggregates different risks into an overall risk using Monte Carlo simulation. Hedging risks is also explained, and how non-hedgeable risks can be integrated into a business plan. The assessment of extreme risks is also addressed, as is the modeling of volatilities. The book is aimed at students of business administration with a focus on finance.

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Forte, Tiago, The PARA Method: Simplify, Organise and Master Your Digital Life. 208 pp. 2023:8 (Profile Books, UK) <724-314>
ISBN 978-1-80081-954-2 paper ¥3,671.- (税込) GB£ 12.99

From the bestselling author of Building a Second Brain comes a primer on the essential tools you need to organize your digital life. Living a modern life requires juggling a lot of information. But we were never taught how to manage this material effectively so that we can find what we need when we need it. In The PARA Method, Tiago Forte outlines a simple and intuitive system that can be implemented in just seconds but has the power to transform the trajec-tory of your work and life, without the tedious filing or time-consuming maintenance of other approaches. The PARA Method will bring order to your inbox, filing system, notes app and more - so that you can focus on what really matters, moving forward to achieve your goals.

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Gilkey, Charlie, Team Habits: How Small Actions Lead to Extraordinary Results. 288 pp. 2023:8 (Profile Books, UK) <724-315>
ISBN 978-1-80081-939-9 paper ¥4,237.- (税込) GB£ 14.99

A must-read to take your team to the next level' - Marshall Goldsmith 'A compelling roadmap' Daniel H. Pink AN EXPERT GUIDE TO TRANSFORMING YOUR TEAMWORK AND RESULTS, ONE SMALL STEP AT A TIME WINNER OF BOOKPAL'S OUTSTANDING WORKS OF LITERATURE: MANAGEMENT AND CULTURE Habits are crucial for personal productivity. But we rarely work alone: achieving our goals depends on how well we work with others. And teams have their own habits that can accelerate - or block - success. In this essential handbook, productivity and teamwork expert Charlie Gilkey shows how to cultivate, implement and maintain the small habits that lead to big results for any team. From the Team Habits quiz, where you can identify the habits you need to build (or break) to a roadmap for putting them into practice, this book is full of clear, simple actions to: - run more productive meetings - eliminate pointless emails - make better, swifter decisions - create a stellar culture of belonging Team Habits is the difference between teamwork that feels like a struggle and collaboration that empowers everyone to deliver their best.

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Heinz-Schmitt, Lena, The Impact of Management Control Systems on Employees' Behavior During Remote Work. (Controlling und Rechnungslegung - Managerial and Financial Accounting) 166 pp. 2024:3 (Springer Gabler, GW) <724-317>
ISBN 978-3-658-44180-7 paper ¥21,083.- (税込) EUR 89.99

The new trend towards flexible work environments has spurred the debate over the effects of remote work on employees' behavior and has forced greater consideration of how management control systems must be adjusted to meet the needs of the new work environment. While the existing literature has observed several positive behavioral changes, such as increased performance and effort, counterproductive work behavior has also been identified. Combining an experimental and a case study research approach, the present study investigates whether a management control system can mitigate unwanted behavior during remote work. The experimental study manipulates the use of management controls and analyzes the effects of an enabling vs. a coercive management control system on dishonest behavior. The data reveal that individuals who perceive the system as enabling and feel a connection to the company behave more honestly during remote work. The organizational connection entirely mediates the perception of the management control system on dishonest behavior. To further investigate this effect, a case study approach was applied. Based on interviews, several factors are identified that might impact the enabling perception of the control system in remote work settings. The six factors are divided into situational and individual attributes.

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Higgs, Malcolm / Dulewicz, Victor, Leading with Emotional Intelligence: Effective Change Implementation in Today's Complex Context. 2nd ed. 293 pp. 2024:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-319>
ISBN 978-3-031-48969-3 hard ¥32,798.- (税込) EUR 139.99

Drawing on research into leadership and emotional intelligence, this updated second edition presents a framework that can lead to effective change implementation. It reflects on more recent arguments, research and changes in the areas of leadership and change, such as relational leadership, shared leadership, and the significant role of purpose beyond profit. Two new chapters explore the dark side of leadership and mindful leadership.Set against a backdrop of increasing complexity, the book responds to the need for organisations to continuously change and transform and book addresses the real challenges of effective implementation. Exploring these concepts at individual, team and organizational levels, this book recognises the complexity of the topic and combines rigour with relevance to underpin the framework with empirical evidence.

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Kay, John, The Corporation in the Twenty-First Century: Why (almost) everything we are told about business is wrong. 480 pp. 2024:8 (Profile Books, UK) <724-320>
ISBN 978-1-80522-172-2 hard ¥7,067.- (税込) GB£ 25.00 *

LONGLISTED FOR THE FINANCIAL TIMES AND SCHRODERS BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEAR 2024 'A brilliant analysis of how business really works. Informative, funny, and full of deep insights' Mervyn King 'A very entertaining read' Evan Davis For generations, we have defined a corporation as a business run by a capitalist elite, that uses its accumulated wealth to own the means of production and exercise economic power. That is no longer the reality. In the twenty-first century, our most desired goods and services aren't stacked in warehouses or on container ships: they appear on your screen, fit in your pocket or occupy your head. But even as we consume more than ever before, big business faces a crisis of legitimacy. The pharmaceutical industry creates life-saving vaccines but has lost the trust of the public. The widening pay gap between executives and employees is destabilising our societies. Facebook and Google have more customers than any companies in history but are widely reviled. John Kay, one of the greatest economists of our time, describes how the pursuit of shareholder value has destroyed some of the leading companies of the twentieth century. Incisive and provocative, this book redefines successful commercial activity and leadership, the knowledge economy and what the future of the modern corporation might be.

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Kazakov, Rossen / Petrova, Penka / Kazakova, Yavora, Understanding and Managing Socioeconomic Systems Behaviour: Applications of Qualitative and Quantitative System Dynamics and Agent-Based Modelling in Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals, Finance, Arts and Culture, Sociology and Education Systems. (Contributions to Management Science) 240 pp. 2024:8 (Springer, GW) <724-321>
ISBN 978-3-031-57056-8 hard ¥25,769.- (税込) EUR 109.99



Kot, Sebastian / Khalid, Bilal / Haque, Adnan ul (eds.), Corporate Practices: Policies, Methodologies, and Insights in Organizational Management: International Conference on Entrepreneurship and the Economy in an Era of Uncertainty 2023. (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics) 968 pp. 2024:5 (Springer, GW) <724-322>
ISBN 978-981-9709-95-3 paper ¥35,141.- (税込) EUR 149.99



Lacity, Mary / Coon, Lynda (eds.), Human Privacy in Virtual and Physical Worlds: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. (Technology, Work and Globalization) 274 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-323>
ISBN 978-3-031-51062-5 hard ¥11,711.- (税込) EUR 49.99

This open-access book is premised on the belief that understanding and protecting privacy requires a multidisciplinary approach. The editors of this contributed book believe that privacy is a 'wicked problem' because of its social complexity. In the modern world, political, social, and technological structures increasingly violate human privacy in physical and virtual spaces. Our behaviors are surveilled, captured, and monetized-often without our knowledge. Contributors are experts from diverse fields, including anthropology, architecture, data science, engineering, history, information systems, library sciences, medicine, philosophy, and supply chain management, each writing for an explicitly interdisciplinary readership. Privacy as a concept is a moving target across the globe, morphing and transforming historically from one epoch to the next. By moving beyond the limitations of a single disciplinary lens, this book aims at a richer, more comprehensive, and more lasting analysis. This collection is of great interest to students and scholars of diverse backgrounds studying human privacy.

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Li, Xiang / Xiaofeng, Xu (eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh International Forum on Decision Sciences. (Uncertainty and Operations Research) 388 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <724-324>
ISBN 978-981-9999-62-0 hard ¥42,170.- (税込) EUR 179.99



Marabelli, Marco, AI, Ethics, and Discrimination in Business: The DEI Implications of Algorithmic Decision-Making. (Palgrave Studies in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization in Business) 239 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-325>
ISBN 978-3-031-53918-3 hard ¥32,798.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book takes a historical approach to explore data, algorithms, their use in practice through applications of AI in various settings, and all of the surrounding ethical and DEI implications. Summarizing our current knowledge and highlighting gaps, it offers original examples from empirical research in various settings, such as healthcare, social media, and the GIG economy.The author investigates how systems relying on a binary structure (machines) work in systems that are instead analogic (societies). Further, he examines how underrepresented populations, who have been historically penalized by technologies, can play an active role in the design of automated systems, with a specific focus on the US legal and social system.One issue is that main tasks of machines concern classification, which, while efficient for speeding up decision-making processes, are inherently biased. Ultimately, this work advocates for ethical design and responsible implementation and deployment of technology in organizations and society through through government-sponsored social justice, in contrast with free market policies.This interdisciplinary text contributes to the timely and relevant debate on algorithmic fairness, biases, and potential discriminations. It will appeal to researchers in business ethics and information systems while building on theories from anthropology, psychology, sociology, management, marketing, and economics.

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Oks, Sascha Julian, Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems: Advancing Industry 4.0 from Vision to Application. (Markt- und Unternehmensentwicklung Markets and Organisations) 300 pp. 2024:4 (Springer Gabler, GW) <724-327>
ISBN 978-3-658-44416-7 paper ¥23,426.- (税込) EUR 99.99

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are one of the key concepts of Industry 4.0. Despite their great potentials for industrial value creation, there are challenges, such as a significant increase in complexity, as a result of which the development status of Industry 4.0 is behind expectations. This book addresses this issue with the following research design: In addition to providing a comprehensive foundation of industrial CPS and Industry 4.0, four studies are conducted, each consisting of an exploratory research part and a design science research (DSR) part. In doing so, four perspectives are directed at the topic of industrial CPS: A systemic, a stakeholder-centered, an organizational and a holistic. In conclusion, the contributions are integrated in a summary and the artifacts are incorporated into an overarching methodological framework. Thus, theoretical contributions are derived and concrete practical recommendations for the main target groups of organizations, educational institutions and international delegations provided.

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Olson, David L., Project Management Tools. (AI for Risks) 147 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <724-328>
ISBN 978-981-9717-19-4 hard ¥21,083.- (税込) EUR 89.99

This book is devoted to presenting models that have been applied in project management. There are a variety of project domains. We discuss engineering/construction projects, software development projects, massive projects to include governmental undertakings, and pharmaceutical product development. Chapter 1 gives an overview of projects, and discusses the difficulties in completing projects on time, within budget, and at designed functionality. While the successful completion of a project is a challenge, there are some things that can be done to improve the probability of a project's success. The book reviews a number of project management concepts. These include developing organizational ability to work on projects, as discussed in Chapters 2 and 3. Sponsor expectations can be based on better information if a good job of project development, estimation and selection is conducted, as discussed in Chapters 4, 5 and 6. Project planning tools involving the critical path method are covered in Chapter 7. Tools to evaluate project risk are covered in Chapter 8. The critical chain method is covered in Chapter 9. Chapter 10 discusses means to rush projects when circumstances demand, to include project crashing as well as Agile and SCRUM approaches used in software engineering projects. Chapter 11 covers project implementation and control, including assessment of delay responsibility.

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Paoloni, Paola (ed.), Gender Issues in the Sustainable Development Era: Emerging Evidence and Future Agenda. (SIDREA Series in Accounting and Business Administration) 438 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <724-329>
ISBN 978-3-031-57192-3 hard ¥37,484.- (税込) EUR 159.99

Nowadays, sustainability is one of the main pillars for organizations' revamp and growth. Sustainability can be summarized as the set of actions based on the mutual respect of economic, environmental, and social interests. No action should be taken unless it simultaneously respects the interests of these three spheres.The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) developed by the United Nations for the 2030 Agenda are moving in this direction. Among them, reducing diversity and strengthening women's empowerment are the main targets of Goal 5 "Gender Equality."This edited volume discusses three main topics: Diversity Management for Sustainable Governance of Organisation, Innovation and New Technologies for Sustainable Development of Enterprises Led by Women and Agri-food, Fashion, Luxury and Made in Italy in Sustainable Female Firms.

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Rahman, Nor Aida Abdul / Ali, Mohd Helmi (eds.), Emerging Technology & Crisis Management in The Halal Industry: Issues and Recent Developments. 247 pp. 2024:7 (Springer, GW) <724-331>
ISBN 978-981-9713-74-5 hard ¥32,798.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book provides a comprehensive discussion on emerging technologies in the Halal industry including recent highlights on the cartel issue and market competition in the crises era. Readers are provided an understanding of both technology application from multi-perspective of technology pillars in the context of Halal industry and from different sub-halal sectors, such as Halal food, tourism, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, medical, logistics, retail, and many more. This enables readers to understand differences in technology applications, their strengths, and weaknesses through use cases and effectively plan subsequent technology applications in the management of a broad spectrum of Halal industries. The book serves as an important resource for the Halal industry players and Halal scholars.

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Ratten, Vanessa, Entrepreneurial Business Venturing: Digitalization Trends. 170 pp. 2024:8 (Springer, GW) <724-332>
ISBN 978-981-9719-34-1 hard ¥21,083.- (税込) EUR 89.99



Reis, Joao / Pinho, Tiago / Barbosa, Vitor et al. (eds.), Driving Quality Management and Sustainability in VUCA Environments: 4th International Conference on Quality Innovation and Sustainability (ICQIS), Setubal, Portugal, May 22-23, 2023. (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics) 263 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <724-333>
ISBN 978-3-031-52722-7 paper ¥37,484.- (税込) EUR 159.99

This proceedings volume provides in-depth research in the fields of quality innovation, sustainability, and operations management. It features contributions from the 4th International Conference on Quality Innovation and Sustainability (ICQIS) that explore how research in quality and innovation boost sustainability and includes solutions to complex industrial problems presented by researchers, professionals, and managers in the field. It also examines the drivers of quality management and sustainability in VUCA environments, with a special focus on supply chain management and innovation. Featuring real business cases on quality and sustainability, this book is useful for researchers, scholars, students, and academics interested in quality management, supply chain management, circular economy, and sustainability.

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Saldanha-da-Gama, Francisco / Wang, Shuming, Facility Location Under Uncertainty: Models, Algorithms and Applications. (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 356) 525 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <724-334>
ISBN 978-3-031-55926-6 hard ¥28,112.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This textbook provides researchers, post-graduate students, and practitioners with a systematic framework for coping with uncertainty when making facility location decisions. In addition to in-depth coverage of models and solution techniques, application areas are discussed. The book guides readers through the field, showing how to successfully analyze new problems and handle new applications. Initially, the focus is on base models and concepts. Then, gradually, more comprehensive models and more involved solution algorithms are discussed. Throughout the book, two perspectives are intertwined: the paradigm for capturing uncertainty, and the facility location problem at hand. The former includes stochastic programming, robust optimization, chance-constrained programming, and distributional robust optimization; the latter includes classical facility location problems and those arising in many real-world applications such as hub location, location routing, andlocation inventory.

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Stotmeister, Kirsten, Publicly Traded Family Businesses: A Long-Term Study on Family Involvement and Company Longevity. (Familienunternehmen und KMU) 221 pp. 2024:4 (Springer Gabler, GW) <724-337>
ISBN 978-3-658-44302-3 paper ¥23,426.- (税込) EUR 99.99

Going Public - a decision of great scope, from opportunity to demise. Many firms find themselves at a crossroads, sooner or later. Especially for family-owned businesses the decision to go public may bear additional risks. In the end, the question arises - how did it work out for others? This is where this book latches on. The focus of the study lays on German stock-listed family firm longevity and family involvement. With an observation period comprising 68 years, German family businesses with an IPO launch between 1950 and 1988 have been screened for changes regarding family shareholding and involvement along the timeline until the end of observation in 2018. The study reveals outcomes of numerous family businesses after IPO, of positive as well as negative nature. In the end, the findings have been combined into a model reflecting the identified success factors of the surviving stock-listed family businesses.

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Temkin, Moshik, Warriors, Rebels and Saints: The Art of Leadership from Machiavelli to Malcolm X. 320 pp. 2023:11 (Profile Books, UK) <724-338>
ISBN 978-1-80522-110-4 hard ¥5,368.- (税込) GB£ 18.99

Incredibly well-researched and lively' - Financial Times 'Very readable and thought-provoking' - Irish Times A deep-dive into the art, science and practice of leadership around the world and across the ages by a Harvard professor and historian - essential reading for our turbulent times. Across the world, and throughout time, there have been people who have risen to the challenge of leading others. Sometimes their power is undeserved, sometimes it's ill-used, but always their actions have impact. But do leaders really make history, or does history make leaders? And how might we harness the answers to find and become better leaders today? For the past decade, Moshik Temkin has been exploring these questions at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government and at universities around the world. In this book, he offers a deep dive into the nature of leadership, from the highest ranks to the most hopeless situations. Drawing on stories from across history and culture, Temkin considers how leaders have made decisions, inspired others and forged a path in challenging circumstances - from the Great Depression to the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo, from the Suffragettes to the anticolonial wars of the 20th century to the civil rights struggle - and how, in a world desperate for good leadership, we can evaluate those decisions and draw lessons for ourselves today.

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Trillas, Enric, The Genesis of Logic: Reflections on the Origins, Principles and Paths of Common-sense Reasoning. (Fuzzy Management Methods) 110 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <724-339>
ISBN 978-3-031-55039-3 hard ¥28,112.- (税込) EUR 119.99

The Genesis of Logic addresses the principles of common-sense reasoning, which are employed in everyday decision-making processes and extend beyond deductive reasoning alone. Linked to language, logic inherits its flexibility. These are a few laws, the 'formal skeleton of reasoning,' based on the relationship of linguistic inference that, while needing to be represented in each context, allow for the consideration of non-comparable, orthogonal statements. By facilitating deduction and abduction, speculation emerges as a fundamental intellectual operation. As a whole, this work offers a new genetic-evolutionary perspective to reconsider Logic, a panoramic outlook that examines laws outside the skeleton as local laws, necessary for the validity of specialized reasoning. It moves away from the rigid reticular structure of sets of statements and views induction as the search for speculations, non-monotonic reasoning as speculative, and conjecture, only proven in finite Boolean algebras,that reasoning involves following paths of inference in a zigzag pattern, alternating between deduction and abduction.

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Trinh, Vu (ed.), Climate Governance and Corporate Eco-innovation: A Framework for Sustainable Companies. (Sustainable Finance) 383 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <724-340>
ISBN 978-3-031-56422-2 hard ¥37,484.- (税込) EUR 159.99

Corporations are increasingly dedicated to implementing more robust climate change practices in an era characterized by natural resource constraints, socio-environmental challenges, and mounting climate change pressures. This book provides a timely exploration of theoretical and empirical perspectives on global climate governance and corporate eco-innovation activities. It illustrates how corporations are actively addressing climate change by enhancing their climate governance systems and integrating eco-innovation into their operations, significantly impacting financial decision-making, policies, performance, risk management, and other crucial indicators. In this context, eco-innovation represents a corporation's ability to reduce environmental costs and burdens for its customers. It plays a vital role in helping firms improve energy and environmental efficiency, mitigate energy consumption, reduce carbon emissions, and minimize ecological harm during and after production. Additionally, eco-innovation can create new market opportunities by enhancing existing environmental technologies. Furthermore, the shift from conventional corporate governance to a heightened focus on corporate climate governance mechanisms, such as the establishment of ecological committees, the implementation of cli-mate incentives for managers and executives, and the publication of sustainability or climate change reports, proves to be an effective strategy for motivating firms to become more dedicated to environmental protection and eco-innovation initiatives.

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Hey, Barbara, Mastering Scientific Presentations: Unlocking Your Communication Skills. 190 pp. 2024:3 (Springer, GW) <724-4>
ISBN 978-3-658-44183-8 paper ¥8,197.- (税込) EUR 34.99

This book is a comprehensive guidebook designed specifically for researchers. Drawing from over 25 years of practical experience in presentation training and lecture coaching, combined with the latest findings from brain research, this book equips you with the essential tools to excel in scientific communication.A good talk is the key to success for any scientist. Your reputation and career depend on your ability to deliver clear, engaging presentations. In today's digital age, with virtual communication becoming increasingly important, it is crucial to adapt your presentation skills to both face-to-face and online settings.Learn how to structure your presentations effectively, visualize complex information, and create a captivating introduction. Discover tried-and-tested techniques for delivering a powerful main part and confidently handling the Q&A session. With this book, both Ph.D. students and seasoned scientists with conference experience will develop their own presentation style and enjoy sharing their work with audiences worldwide. Inside, you will find practical tips, techniques, and tricks to efficiently prepare your presentations, along with checklists and templates for a smooth and organized process. Additionally, a dedicated chapter explores the unique challenges and recommendations for virtual conferences, helping you make a seamless transition to online presentations. Invest in your scientific career by investing in your presentation skills. Let this book be your trusted companion on the path to success.

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Bilgin, Mehmet Huseyin / Danis, Hakan et al. (eds.), Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives: Proceedings of the 41st Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference. (Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics 28) 543 pp. 2024:8 (Springer, GW) <724-147>
ISBN 978-3-031-55812-2 hard ¥46,856.- (税込) EUR 199.99

This is the 28th issue of the Springer's series Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics, which is the official book series of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES, www.ebesweb.org). This issue includes selected papers presented at the 41st EBES Conference - Berlin that was held on October 12-14, 2022 and jointly be organized with GLO (The Global Labor Organization) and in collaboration with the FOM University of Applied Sciences. The conference was held both in hybrid with both in-person and online paper presentation format.

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Haar, Gitte, Rethink Economics and Business Models for Sustainability: Sustainable Leadership based on the Nordic Model. 180 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <724-153>
ISBN 978-3-031-56652-3 hard ¥21,083.- (税込) EUR 89.99

The overall framework for leaders is now changing and a reassessment of traditional economic and financial models is called for to foster the green and circular transition. The Nordic countries may offer some of the values and leadership trends needed to implement sustainable leadership. Sustainable leadership is necessary to attract new generations of customers and employees, and to drive the great transition to a green economy. Leaders need new competences and new values to prepare their companies for the new market conditions and geopolitical situation. Managing businesses' impacts throughout the value chain is the new normal and sustainability is a business imperative. In this regard, the Sustainable Development Goals can offer guidance. The Nordic societies have proven to be forerunners in terms of developing SDG-oriented business strategies, and their economies remained resilient and stable through the financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. Using the Nordic example, this book discusses how the transformation of business models, organizations, and societies, as well as the pricing of externalities, will be essential to operating within the boundaries of a fair and sustainable world. The book introduces a UN SDG Fund and explains the value of sending executives on "Hojskole" - a Danish journey of lifelong learning and the continuous acquisition of new leadership skills and values. In addition, it presents the new concepts of the "Strategic House" and "Purpose Gap," while adapting Porter's value chain into a Circular Organization Model. The book also features a catalogue of proven methods and guidelines to assist companies in transforming their businesses towards sustainability, ESG, and regenerative impacts.

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Neron, Pierre-Yves, Seeing Like a Firm: Social Justice, Corporations, and the Conservative Order. 288 pp. 2024:9 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <724-157>
ISBN 978-0-19-777412-0 hard ¥20,295.- (税込) US$ 90.00 *

Business corporations are political entities and need to be considered as such. Seeing Like a Firm invites readers to do just that by providing a political theory of the business firm and, in doing so, offering new perspectives on the recent history of social justice, neoliberalism, and conservatism. This book challenges the usual way of thinking about corporations in two ways. Firstly, it argues that firms 'see' in a conservative way and embrace a 'conservatism of commerce' that requires socioeconomic inequality. In doing so, it challenges our usual interpretation of neoliberalism and its connections with the contemporary business corporation. Secondly, it argues that we need a relational concept of equality and justice to think about corporations. Given that the corporate 'optic' is built on dismissing demands for equal standing, Pierre-Yves Neron asserts that relational egalitarians should deconstruct it, argue against it, tackle it. By offering a new interpretation of conservatism based not on a desire to simply preserve the existing system but on an 'aesthetics of inequality', Neron provides an alternative way to think about the main challenges that proponents of equality face.

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Peren, Franz W., Math for Business and Economics: Compendium of Essential Formulas. 3rd ed. 641 pp. 2024:7 (Springer, GW) <724-163>
ISBN 978-3-662-68859-5 hard ¥25,769.- (税込) EUR 109.99

This 3rd edition revised and extended compendium contains and explains essential mathematical formulas within an economic context. Newly added content introduces the mathematical practical application of optimization by using the Lagrange function, presenting the issue of linear optimization cases where the relative extremes (minima or maxima) of a linear (target) function can be determined under restrictive linear constraint and its relevance for business management practice. A broad range of aids and supportive examples will help readers to understand the formulas and their practical applications. This mathematical formulary is presented in a practice-oriented, clear, and understandable manner, as it is needed for meaningful and relevant application in global business, as well as in the academic setting and economic practice. The topics presented include but are not limited to mathematical signs and symbols, logic, arithmetic, algebra, linear algebra, combinatorics, and financial mathematics, including an international comparison between different national methods used in the calculation of interest, optimization of linear models, functions, differential calculus, integral calculus, elasticities, annuity calculation, economic functions, and the Peren Theorem.Given its scope, the book offers an indispensable reference guide and is a must-read for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as managers, scholars, and lecturers in business, politics, and economics.

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Ure, John, Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Late or Too Late? 2024:10 (Emerald, UK) <724-175>
ISBN 978-1-83549-407-3 paper ¥9,471.- (税込) US$ 42.00 *

In the decade since the UN SDG agenda was established, how much progress have we really made? What can we be doing to ensure that we're on the right track? Is it too late to meet the 2030 Agenda? Written by John Ure, an economist and academic turned consultant for UN agencies such as the World Bank, the IFC, the ITU, UNDP, UNESCAP, and more, Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is an accessible contemporary account of a fast-developing field of literature, evidence, and science around the SDG challenges. Dividing the SDGs into four core themes - poverty, environment, civil society, and global partnerships - Ure delves into the current status of each, identifying the main challenges to be overcome and examining what we can be doing to get there. With policy implications and practical guidelines for building momentum both at an individual and collective level, Ure provides a balanced yet a definitive and compelling assessment of the SDGs. Cutting through the huge volume of literature for each of the SDGs as 2030 closes in, this immensely readable primer makes sense of the state of play for some of the most pressing existential questions of our time. It calls on policymakers, business professionals, educators, NGOs, media professionals, and the public to reevaluate policies and their role in the sustainable development agenda.

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Shaikh, Asadullah / Alghamdi, Abdullah et al. (eds.), Advances in Emerging Information and Communication Technology. (Signals and Communication Technology) 537 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <724-176>
ISBN 978-3-031-53236-8 hard ¥46,856.- (税込) EUR 199.99

The book presents the proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation of Emerging Communication and Information Technology (ICIEICT 2023), which took place September 11 to 13, 2023, virtually and in Madrid, Spain. The conference is devoted to communication, computer science, electrical and electronics engineering, telecommunication engineering, and information technology. The conference is intended to provide a forum for research scientists, engineers, educators, and practitioners throughout the world to learn, share knowledge, publish, and disseminate the most recent innovations and developments, ideas, and applications in all fields of science, technology and information technology.

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Walker, Thomas / Barbanov, S. / Michaeli, M. et al. (eds.), Sustainability in the Oil and Gas Sector: Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies for Tackling Climate Change. 225 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <724-234>
ISBN 978-3-031-51585-9 hard ¥35,141.- (税込) EUR 149.99

?The push for sustainability in the oil and gas sector has taken center stage in both climate action debates and mitigation/adaptation efforts in recent decades. As the global mission for sustainable energy increasingly moves away from oil and gas as primary resources, the study of sustainability in the industry is often posited as counterintuitive. However, it is imperative to unearth methods to integrate sustainability efforts in the oil and gas industry, as it will likely retain its prominence in the foreseeable future. This book ignites academic discussion regarding ongoing and necessary mitigation and adaptation strategies in the oil and gas industry that will help address the ongoing climate crisis.The chapters featured in this collection pose several important queries regarding current sustainability efforts in the oil and gas industry and propose avenues for improvement. In particular, they focus on carbon emissions in exploration and production, land use patterns andbiodiversity, and ethics in the oil and gas industry. Working against the background of the UN Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals, this book will be of great interest to academics and students of sustainability strategies, energy, innovation, and business ethics, as well as policymakers and practitioners tasked with analyzing these areas.

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