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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Ertel, Stefanie / Gomez, Doris / Patterson, Kathleen (eds.), Women in Leadership: Biblical and Contemporary Perspectives. (Christian Faith Perspectives in Leadership and Business) 298 pp. 2024:4 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <720-88>
ISBN 978-3-031-50015-2 hard ¥37,484.- (税込) EUR 159.99

This book offers a biblically-based and research-centered exploration of the unique and important role of women in leadership across multiple domains. Divided into two sections, the chapters begin by examining biblical examples of women in leadership, such as Esther and the woman of Proverbs 31, and passages focused on women, such as 1 Timothy 2 and Romans 16, before presenting contemporary perspectives with discussions on topics such as submission, DEI, and work-life balance. Taking a neutral position not siding with feminist or patriarchal extremes, this book will contribute to debates on leadership and gender in the fields of organizational behaviour, HRM, I/O psychology, and gender studies.

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Gartner, William C. (ed.), New Perspectives and Paradigms in Applied Economics and Business: Select Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Economics and Business, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2023. (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics) 304 pp. 2024:5 (Springer, GW) <720-132>
ISBN 978-3-031-49950-0 hard ¥42,170.- (税込) EUR 179.99

This book features a collection of high-quality and peer-reviewed papers from the 2023 7th International Conference on Applied Economics and Business, which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, during August 24-26, 2023. ICAEB is held annually as a platform for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of applied economics and business. Applied economics is a way of dealing with esoteric economic concepts in a practical and analytical way. It allows for decisions to be made that are underlined by theoretical economic principles but utilized in such a way that they transform into real work applications.The contributors cover topics such as environment, development, finance, forensics, information, institutions, international, labor, management, mathematics, currency, tourism and many more. Applied Economics affects all aspects of life and science and it is brought to the forefront in this collection of papers. The conference, with its aim to bring together economists from different fields, lends itself to a natural and rich collection of scientific papers all focused on the practical application of economic principles. The scope of this collection of papers will be useful to academics and practitioners who look to economics to help solve problems.

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Grigorescu, Adriana / Andrei, Jean Vasile (eds.), Entrepreneurship and Development for a Green Resilient Economy. (Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development) 440 pp. 2024:7 (Emerald, UK) <720-147>
ISBN 978-1-83797-089-6 hard ¥25,932.- (税込) US$ 115.00 *

The COVID-19 outbreak aggravated recurrent economic issues and problems of developing a resilient economy and technological development inequality between entities, countries, production structure, unemployment and social disorders that have resulted in the accentuating of political, economic, business and trade relations. Resilient economies, technological development and green entrepreneurship in the New Normal present opportunities and challenges in achieving a balanced transition. Entrepreneurship and Development for a Green Resilient Economy covers extensive ground in contemporary green entrepreneurship, from fundamental theories such as business investments and venturing capital to emerging and new concepts that reflect the critical challenges of the current times, including technological development slowdowns, economic resilience, economic systems downfalls, digitalization, green business footprints, and many more topics. Lab for Entrepreneurship and Development is Emerald's innovative book series on the study of entrepreneurship and development, striving to set the agenda for advancing research on entrepreneurship in the context of finance, economic development, innovation, and the society at large.

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Sili, Marcelo / Kozel, A. / Mizbar, S. et al. (eds.), Exploring Hope: Case Studies of Innovation, Change and Development in the Global South. (Diverse Perspectives on Creating a Fairer Society) 356 pp. 2024:8 (Emerald, UK) <720-149>
ISBN 978-1-83549-737-1 hard ¥25,932.- (税込) US$ 115.00 *

The future in the Global South is viewed and perceived critically, from the inertia of a present that does not offer peace, justice, wealth and happiness, but from a view constructed from poverty, marginality, war and chaos. Exploring Hope seeks to qualify, question and even refute the monolithic ideas and images of the impossibility of building opportunities for improving the quality of life and overcome the different constraints of development in the Global South. With contributions from Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Mexico, Cameroon, Ghana, Morocco, Congo, Kenya, Senegal, South Africa, China, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Bhutan, authors identify innovative, successful projects and processes that are structurally impacting models of development, and that make it possible to imagine new developmental paths in the Global South. Split into five sections covering economic, demographic, political, social, cultural and environmental issues, each chapter presents cases where emerging initiatives are integrated into the current socio-technical regime and contextualised within regional needs. Focusing on hope rather than challenges, this edited collection presents a powerful evocation of ongoing opportunities for building a better future in the Global South and beyond.

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Chakraborty, Chandrima / Pal, Dipyaman (eds.), Performance Analysis of the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: A Global Outlook. 264 pp. 2024:8 (Emerald, UK) <720-160>
ISBN 978-1-83797-744-4 hard ¥24,805.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *

The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry (IPI) has grown exponentially over the last few decades; however, recent global competition is forcing the industry to examine its performance focusing on productivity, efficiency and growth capabilities. While the industry as a whole has proved resilient to economic slowdowns, the performance of individual firms in the industry have displayed large disparities. There is also evidence of disparity among the Indian states. Efficiency and productivity act as good performance indicators. Performance Analysis of the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry estimates the extent of technical efficiency (TE) and total factor productivity growth (TFPG) of IPI and to identify their major affecting factors. A comparison between efficiency and TFPG of IPI is made, looking at the common factors responsible for variations in efficiency and TFPG of IPI. Chakraborty and Pal examine the import and export of Indian medicines to understand the place of the industry on a global scale and assess what can be done to become more competitive. The international comparison of this study will appeal and be useful for researchers, industry professionals and policy makers.

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Dincer, Hasan / Yueksel, Serhat / Deveci, Muhammet (eds.), Decision Making in Interdisciplinary Renewable Energy Projects: Navigating Energy Investments. (Contributions to Management Science) 346 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-191>
ISBN 978-3-031-51531-6 hard ¥37,484.- (税込) EUR 159.99

This edited book presents a comprehensive analysis of the multidimensional aspects associated with decision making in renewable energy investment projects. It delves into the interplay between interdisciplinary studies, sustainability considerations, and circular economy principles within the renewable energy sector. By examining the impact of these interconnected domains, the book offers valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities inherent in decision making for renewable energy investments. The book is tailored to a diverse audience, including researchers, scholars, and professionals in the fields of renewable energy, sustainability, circular economy, and business management. It is equally suitable for graduate and undergraduate students studying environmental studies, renewable energy, sustainability, and related disciplines. Professionals working in the renewable energy industry, including project developers, investors, and policymakers, will find valuable insights to inform their decision-making processes. Additionally, engineers, economists, social scientists, and environmental consultants interested in interdisciplinary studies and their intersection with renewable energy will benefit from the book's comprehensive analysis.

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Albornoz, Victor M. / Mac Cawley, Alejandro et al. (eds.), Optimization Under Uncertainty in Sustainable Agriculture and Agrifood Industry. 224 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-195>
ISBN 978-3-031-49739-1 hard ¥35,141.- (税込) EUR 149.99

This book explores optimization under uncertainty and related applications in agriculture, sustainable supply chains and the agrifood industry. Rapid changes in the primary sector are leading to more and more industrialized structures, which require optimization methods in order to cope with today's challenges. Addressing uncertainty in the agrifood industry may lead to more robust supply chain designs or to diversified risk. Sustainability requires interaction with the environmental or social sciences. This book bridges the gap between optimization theory, uncertainty, sustainability and primary-sector applications (mainly in the agriculture and food industry, but also fisheries, forestry and natural resources in general). Although it has been a major challenge for the operations research community, this urgently needed interdisciplinary collaboration is not adequately covered in most current curricula in applied mathematics, economics or (agronomic/industrial/forest) engineering. This book highlights research that can help fill this gap. The individual chapters cover applications of stochastic integer linear programming and multicriteria decision methods in agriculture. The topics addressed include uncertainty in areas such as the sugar cane industry, pig farming, and cold storage for perishable products. Large-scale sustainable food production is a growing concern; this book offers solutions to help meet global demand in agriculture by using and improving the methods of optimization theory and operations research.

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Akkus, Yasin, Financial and Social Impediments in Entrepreneurship: A Study on Technology Development Zones in Turkey. (Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application) 124 pp. 2024:1 (Springer, GW) <720-253>
ISBN 978-981-9986-19-4 hard ¥28,112.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book uncovers the barriers that impede entrepreneurial innovation, delving into the profound impact of personality traits on success. It explores the psychological and sociological factors that hinder progress, providing valuable insights into the hidden challenges faced by entrepreneurs. As Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) thrive in global markets, sustainable development faces obstacles. This book reveals the overlooked psychological and sociological hurdles that entrepreneurs encounter, shedding light on their effects on innovation.Through extensive research, the authors illuminate the connection between personality traits and entrepreneurial success, particularly risk-taking propensity. They uncover the complex interplay between personal traits and the social environment, highlighting societal constructs that impede entrepreneurial potential.While research on entrepreneurial personalities has grown, understanding sociological impediments remains limited. This book bridges the gap, offering a comprehensive analysis of the multifaceted challenges entrepreneurs face. It equips readers with strategies to navigate complexities and foster innovation.This transformative book unveils the barriers hindering entrepreneurial innovation, unlocking the psychological and sociological obstacles. It is a must-read for aspiring entrepreneurs, professionals, researchers, and policymakers seeking to harness SME potential for a prosperous future.

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Borissova, Daniela, Decision-Making in Design, Maintenance, Planning, and Investment of Wind Energy. (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 355) 150 pp. 2024:5 (Springer, GW) <720-255>
ISBN 978-3-031-52218-5 hard ¥28,112.- (税込) EUR 119.99



Busu, Mihail (ed.), Rethinking Business for Sustainable Leadership in a VUCA World: 17th International Conference on Business Excellence, ICBE 2023, Bucharest, Romania, March 23-25, 2023. (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics) 360 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-256>
ISBN 978-3-031-50207-1 hard ¥39,827.- (税込) EUR 169.99

This book presents a selection of the best papers from the 17th International Conference on Business Excellence, "Rethinking Business: Sustainable Leadership in a VUCA World" (ICBE 2023), held in Bucharest, Romania, in March 2023.In today's rapidly evolving landscape, characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), the need to reshape business practices has become paramount. The book showcases research findings and perspectives on the new challenges particularly posed by the digital economy and research systems. Focusing on revolving business and developing sustainable leadership, it offers valuable insights into the present context of global crisis, together with solutions for the real-world challenges we face today.

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de Mello e Souza Wildermuth, Cristina, Against All Odds: Leadership and the Handmaid's Tale. (Exploring Effective Leadership Practices through Popular Culture) 196 pp. 2024:8 (Emerald, UK) <720-258>
ISBN 978-1-80455-337-4 hard ¥6,088.- (税込) US$ 27.00 *

The problems we face in the second decade of the twenty-first century are too significant to be solved by a few chosen heroes. Consequently, the role of leadership educators and authors extends beyond encouraging "natural leaders" to accept the leadership call. Instead, our role is to inspire all global citizens to take the baton when needed. Against All Odds explores leadership through the lens of the characters from HULU's TV adaptation of The Handmaid's Tale and the original novel by Margaret Atwood, alongside Atwood's more recent sequel The Testaments (2019), analyzing the ethical dimensions of leadership. In particular, Wildermuth highlights the roles and responsibilities of leaders without authority during times of change and uncertainty. Each chapter of the book uses characters and storylines from the world of The Handmaid's Tale and The Testaments to help the reader connect theories, practices, and consequences of leaders' actions. Against All Odds reinforces the key message that leadership is not the job of a few but the responsibility of all, prompting all leaders to reflect on and improve their own approaches. Exploring Effective Leadership Practices through Popular Culture aims to bring examples, theory and methodology of leadership to life by analyzing academic concepts through popular culture examples that will appeal to a broad range of readers.

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Degen, A. Allan / Dana, Leo-Paul (eds.), Lifestyle and Livelihood Changes Among Formerly Nomadic Peoples: Entrepreneurship, Diversity and Urbanisation. (Ethnic and Indigenous Business Studies) 338 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-259>
ISBN 978-3-031-51141-7 hard ¥32,798.- (税込) EUR 139.99

Contemporary policymakers, as their predecessors, continue to view nomadic people as a weak minority, and their way of life and raising livestock as a backward and inefficient paradigm. Wherever nomads are not the dominant group, the trend to settle them continues even today as in the past. This book describes the changes forced upon formerly nomadic groups and how they still attempt to maintain their traditional, social, and cultural practices in their new settings. The book deals with the several modes of livelihood of these communities, including entrepreneurship, and demonstrates the impact of investment-oriented urbanization policies leading to eviction from ancestral lands, and hurdles for nomadic mobility, ultimately threatening their survival. The book illustrates how some groups like the Borana and the Maasai practice livelihood diversity and raise productive livestock, and how other groups migrate to urban centers in search of employment and remit money to family members left in the rural areas. The book aims to raise awareness among the research community, especially those who work on regional and demographic labor policies. It helps in understanding why society needs to help build business and livelihood strategies without harming the values of nomadic groups.

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Gardiner, Rita A. / Fox-Kirk, Wendy / Elliott, C. J. et al., Genderwashing in Leadership: Power Policies and Politics. (Transformative Women Leaders) 250 pp. 2024:8 (Emerald, UK) <720-263>
ISBN 978-1-83753-989-5 hard ¥23,677.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *

Genderwashing is the process whereby organizational rhetoric differs from the lived experiences of workers, creating the myth of gender equity in the workplace. Genderwashing in Leadership considers how the process of genderwashing highlights hidden biases in organizational policies and procedures, and patriarchal cultural practices. International scholars from diverse areas such as leadership, organizational studies, sociology, and education explore how genderwashing occurs from various perspectives, including leadership, power and privilege, identity, and career recruitment and selection. Uncovering epistemological assumptions that underpin and sustain genderwashing practices, the ways in which genderwashing intersects with embodiment and intersectionality and how genderwashing policies and practices restrict women's advancement into leadership, the editors host a space for dialogue and debate. The Transformative Women Leaders Series is published in collaboration between the International Leadership Association (ILA) and Emerald Publishing. Celebrating women leaders and the leadership styles they employ to achieve success, the books in this series highlight successful context-specific leadership approaches and the moral qualities of endurance.

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K.グリント著 リーダーシップ、経営、指揮
Grint, Keith, A Cartography of Resistance: Leadership, Management, and Command. 832 pp. 2024:8 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <720-266>
ISBN 978-0-19-892175-2 hard ¥36,751.- (税込) GB£ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-0-19-892174-5 paper ¥11,308.- (税込) GB£ 40.00 *

Resistance is universal, but why does it occur, and fail or succeed? Resistance is often regarded in traditional management books as a problem to be overcome because it is seen as short-sighted or self-interested. Grint suggests, however, that resistance is not necessarily right or wrong. From resistance to the Roman Empire, to slavery, to the Nazis, to racism, to the state and capital, to patriarchy, and to imperialism, this book ranges across time and place to explain the success or failure of resistance. While many contemporary approaches focus on leadership as the explanatory variable, A Cartography of Resistance expands the approach to include management and command of resistance movements - and of their opponents. Many of the case studies explore the failures, as well as the successes, of resistance and the book suggests that even the failures reveal a fundamental truth about the human condition: just because the situation looks bleak for those suffering from oppression does not mean they surrendered meekly. Rather many seemed to adopt the same attitude that led Sisyphus to keep rolling the boulder up the hill: they were determined not to let their situation define or defeat them.

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Haar, Gitte, The Great Transition to a Green and Circular Economy: Climate Nexus and Sustainability. 218 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-267>
ISBN 978-3-031-49657-8 hard ¥21,083.- (税込) EUR 89.99

The green transition is the way to a sustainable and fair planet, and necessary to secure supply chains, deliver predictable prices, and ensure access to raw materials despite resource scarcity through sustainable production and consumption.This book provides broad, essential insights into the main elements of the green transition, circular economy, and sustainability. Sustainability and the green transition will mean new market conditions for businesses. Companies will be subject to new legislation at the corporate and product level alike. They will need to meet new requirements, e.g., having to provide a tremendous amount of new non-financial ESG data to deliver transparency and traceability in the value chains of products and businesses. The book aims to close the gaps between science, society, and business. To do so, it describes the complexity of sustainability and the need for a holistic approach. In addition, it provides solutions, tools and methods to transform today's linear economy, make businesses ready for the future, and create a society that no longer pushes the planet beyond its limits.

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Harland, Christine, Supply Chain Management: Concepts, Challenges and Future Research Directions. (Research for Development) 250 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <720-268>
ISBN 978-3-031-52246-8 hard ¥32,798.- (税込) EUR 139.99 *



Harvey, Michael, Questioning Leadership. (Elements in Leadership) 75 pp. 2024:4 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <720-269>
ISBN 978-1-009-48425-1 hard ¥14,131.- (税込) GB£ 49.99 *
ISBN 978-1-009-48424-4 paper ¥4,805.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

This Element posits that questions are the heart of leadership. Leaders ask hard questions that spark creative solutions and new understandings. Asking by itself isn't enough - leaders must also help find answers and turn them into effective action. But the leader's work begins with questions. This Element surveys the main traditions of leadership thought; considers the nature of the group and its questions; explores how culture and bureaucracy serve to provide stable answers to the group's questions; and explores how leaders offers disruptive answers, especially in times of change and crisis. It uses the lens of questions to consider two parallel American lives, President Abraham Lincoln and General Robert E. Lee.

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Kidwell, Roland E., Dysfunction and Deviance Across Family Firms: Varying Reflections of the Dark Side. (Palgrave Studies in Family Business Heterogeneity) 133 pp. 2024:2 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <720-270>
ISBN 978-3-031-51815-7 hard ¥9,368.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This book considers the differential occurrence and impact of deviance and dysfunction on family firms. The author argues that how family systems develop in family, cultural, and societal contexts, strongly affects differences in the types and levels of negative behaviours in family firms. By considering the context of recent developments and extensions in family systems theory, this book will guide future research investigating the impact of broader definitions of family to consider socio-legal, social-biological, and role-based families. It provides a retrospective look that lays the groundwork for a future research agenda that can blend and develop current management theory as it relates to family firms with the latest developments in family systems theory.

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Kohn, Pelin, Elevating Leadership: Innovative Teaching Methods for Developing Future Leaders. 208 pp. 2024:6 (Emerald, UK) <720-271>
ISBN 978-1-83549-565-0 hard ¥23,677.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *

In the rapidly evolving landscape of leadership education, the importance of innovative pedagogical practices cannot be overstated. Demands on leaders continue to develop and a diverse and dynamic skill set is crucial for navigating the complexities of the modern workplace. Leaders are expected to demonstrate adaptability, emotional intelligence, ethical decision-making, collaborating across cultures and technologies. To cultivate these essential skills, traditional teaching methods may not be sufficient, necessitating the integration of innovative pedagogies to unlock the full potential of leadership learners. Elevating Leadership explores the critical importance of innovative pedagogical practices in a world where leadership demands are rapidly changing - using experiential learning, simulations, and technology-enabled tools, Pelin Kohn provides learners with real-world scenarios, fosters practical insights, and enhances problem-solving skills. The competency-based leadership model as a new development through innovative pedagogical practices allows learners to acquire tangible skills and behaviours that can be immediately applied in real-world leadership scenarios, ensuring both theoretical and practical development is achieved. Elevating Leadership demonstrates how to cultivate a growth mindset in leadership learners, resulting in adaptable and resilient leaders who can navigate change and uncertainty successfully.

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Kuhn, Kathrin, Lighting up the Blackbox - Digital Transformation in German Lobbying. (Gabler Theses) 219 pp. 2024:2 (Springer Gabler, GW) <720-272>
ISBN 978-3-658-43897-5 paper ¥21,083.- (税込) EUR 89.99 *

Digital transformation, alongside social media channels, influences policymaking. The aim of this research is to build knowledge of the consequences of digital transformation on lobbying at German federal level. This analysis uncovers how digital lobbying works in Germany and how it changes classic lobbying communication within the political sphere. Taking a grounded theory approach, the study addresses both communicating sides: lobbyists, on the one hand, and members of the German Bundestag and their employees, on the other. A profound understanding of, and differentiation between, lobbying and digital lobbying is gained through a first data-gathering step of 15 interviews with representatives of both the political and lobbying sides. The study extends previous analyses by supplementing the findings with ethnographic data from the researcher's experience of working as an employee of a member of the German Bundestag. Final conclusions were drawn by presenting these results in the second data-gathering step, during four (digital) focus groups with the political side and three with agency, association, and corporate lobbyists from Berlin. The analysis uncovers a power shift in lobbying communication and a novel communication direction.

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Lan, Hailin, The Growth and Restructuring of Chinese Business Enterprises. 312 pp. 2024:2 (Springer, GW) <720-273>
ISBN 978-981-9976-14-0 hard ¥46,856.- (税込) EUR 199.99

How do Chinese enterprise groups navigate their growth, evolution, and restructuring in the age of globalization? The author provides profound insights into this question in his pivotal book.Central to this book is a deep dive into the characteristics and patterns shaping the growth and restructuring of Chinese enterprise groups in the global economic landscape. It outlines the goals, advantages, pathways, and strategies vital for these groups to amplify their international competitiveness. Drawing from a diverse research toolkit-ranging from literature reviews and theoretical explorations to comparative analyses, historical examinations, structured case studies, and empirical research based on empirical data- the author offers a comprehensive perspective. This monograph, already generating notable academic influence and societal impact, promises to be an invaluable resource for scholars, policymakers, and business leaders. It beckons readers to delve deep and decode the complexities of China's enterprise vigor in today's globalized world.

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Lemcke, Erik, Social Ecology in Holistic Leadership: A Guide for Collaborative Organizational Development and Transformation. 288 pp. 2024:3 (Emerald, UK) <720-274>
ISBN 978-1-80043-843-9 paper ¥12,173.- (税込) US$ 53.99 *

Many managers and consultants have academic backgrounds in business administration and are trained in contemporary management methods that focus on decision making and economic efficiency. The question is: Are these academic methods the best to further the development of society as well as organizations? Contemporary managers are looking for alternatives to traditional decision management tools, methods based on dialog which involve employees in the development process, methods which are more creative in their approach to decision making, methods which are more co-creative and collaborative, which in addition provide practical and holistic methods which can even be spiritually based. It is in this context that Social Ecology - the roots of which go back to the mid 1950's, developing further over the next 60 years - can be applied to leadership studies and their application. Social Ecology can be described as a holistic way of working which strives to create balance in organizations and human beings. The basic intent of social ecological thinking is to develop individuals who take free initiative in securing sustainable/healthy development in their communities, based on socially responsible actions within the inner life of organizations and within their local communities. This practical guide, with its sample exercises and seminars based on an understanding of social ecology, is a must for business students, managers and consultants.

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Li, Lefei, The Era of New Services: New Services, New Infrastructure and Service Rules for the Future Society. (Management for Professionals) 190 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-275>
ISBN 978-981-9995-64-6 hard ¥32,798.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book presents a revolutionary approach to service innovation, combining an interdisciplinary perspective with a robust theoretical framework. Integrating design thinking and systems engineering, it offers a fresh view on evolving service industries. The book is enriched with global case studies, bridging theory and real-world application, making it an essential resource for both professionals and students. It stands out by analyzing new business models and offering both qualitative and quantitative methods for service design, making it a must-read for those seeking to excel in the dynamic service market.

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Majumder, Soumi / Dey, Nilanjan, A Notion of Enterprise Risk Management: Enhancing Strategies and Wellbeing Programs. 164 pp. 2024:7 (Emerald, UK) <720-276>
ISBN 978-1-83797-736-9 hard ¥23,677.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *

In today's dynamic business landscape, the effective management of risk is paramount to the success and resilience of any organization. A Notion of Enterprise Risk Management presents a comprehensive exploration of practices, policies, and frameworks that enable businesses to navigate a myriad of risks. Contributions from a global team of authors provides a range of insights on Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and its pivotal role in safeguarding organizations against potential hazards. Drawing on contemporary research, it addresses the unique challenges posed by Industry 4.0, exploring the intersection of risks and cultural shifts within the business landscape. Key topics include the transformative potential of machine learning; big data; and IoT in the domain of enterprise risk management. With its comprehensive coverage and diverse perspectives, A Notion of Enterprise Risk Management is an indispensable resource for individuals involved in any form of risk management. Whether you are an academic researcher, a seasoned practitioner, or a policymaker, this book will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complexities of enterprise risk management.

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Mikkelsen, Kirsten / Wolf, Annika (eds.), Minds, Brains, and Doxa for Inclusive Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Diverse Entrepreneurs. (International Studies in Entrepreneurship 47) 242 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-277>
ISBN 978-3-031-50163-0 hard ¥35,141.- (税込) EUR 149.99

This book explores ways in which inclusive entrepreneurship enhances bottom-up entrepreneurial activity for economic and societal transformation, particularly in remote areas. It focuses on the role of stakeholders in shaping a successful entrepreneurial ecosystem (doxa) and how entrepreneurial ecosystems in larger cities and urban regions differ from those in rural regions, which often have weaker economic infrastructures. It examines the relationship between the internal and external entrepreneurial ecosystems in higher education for fostering entrepreneurial mindsets. Topics such as women and diversity in entrepreneurship; social entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education are explored. This integration of inclusive and emancipatory aspects in entrepreneurship research and practice is of benefit to researchers, scholars, academics, practitioners, and policy makers interested in and have a passion for (re)building entrepreneurial ecosystems.

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三浦紗綾子著 日本における足の健康とファッションをめぐる戦い
Miura, Sayako, Successful Social Activism and Unintended Market Emergence: The Fight Over Foot Health and Fashion in Japan. 177 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-278>
ISBN 978-981-9992-90-4 hard ¥28,112.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book demonstrates why and how social activism targeting companies can produce unintended consequences. While it is challenging for social movement organizations (SMOs) to successfully change corporate behavior, it is even more difficult or impossible for SMOs to control the spillover effects of success. Successful social activism affects companies and consumers with diverse interests and intentions beyond the initial target of SMOs, which creates various business opportunities. Entrepreneurs are mobilized by the new opportunities that they identify to initiate their own businesses, and the chain of their actions may produce new market categories unintended by the SMO, including ones that are inconsistent with its superordinate goal. This book explores the process by which an SMO succeeds in changing corporate behavior and how this success leads to unintended market emergence by longitudinally examining the shoe industry in postwar Japan. The Japan Institute of Footwear, a private organization, began advocating shoe functionality over fashion in the 1960s and succeeded in changing corporate behavior in the 1980s through learning by doing; its success led to the unintended emergence of new market categories. The book's findings offer novel theoretical insights into the relationship between social activism and market change. The analysis also helps us understand the historical context of a movement that emerged in 2019, #KuToo-the word being an amalgam of kutsu (shoes), kutsu (pain), and #MeToo-and to consider its future.

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Mockeviciene, Birute (ed.), Participation Based Intelligent Manufacturing: Customization, Costs, and Engagement. 284 pp. 2024:9 (Emerald, UK) <720-279>
ISBN 978-1-83797-363-7 hard ¥24,805.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *

Manufacturing companies around the world, large and small, in developed and developing regions, tend to suffer from the inefficiencies of a cost-simulated, early pricing process for new products. Often, however, solutions to the complex challenges of the manufacturing industry lie at the intersection of social science and technology, where intelligent manufacturing plays a crucial role. Providing a deep review of innovative scientific technologies and knowledge, this edited collection delves into cost-cutting technologies in manufacturing planning processes that combine with social technologies to stimulate the development of organisational innovations. Chapters explore the solutions that artificial intelligence, data science, and knowledge management systems provide in order to resolve the problems posed by early cost estimation. Drawing on detailed examples from the furniture manufacturing businesses, they offer a new way of industrial thinking with transformative implications for the greater manufacturing industry. Presenting ready-to-use, innovative solutions based on scientific evidence, Participation Based Intelligent Manufacturing is this decade's essential guide for navigating, streamlining and revitalising the industrial field.

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Nguyen, Thi Hong Nga / Burrell, D. N. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Research in Management & Technovation: ICRMAT-2023. 625 pp. 2024:5 (Springer, GW) <720-280>
ISBN 978-981-9984-71-8 hard ¥51,542.- (税込) EUR 219.99

This book brings together selected papers from the Fourth International Conference on Research in Management and Technovation held in Hanoi, Vietnam, in 2023, with a focus on defining action-based plans around innovation and technology as tools for societal and organizational advancement. Today's business and technology intersections are obvious. Cloud-sharing, scheduling, and virtual conference rooms are some of the few examples. Cutting-edge academic researchers use business and technology every day to navigate volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) in the environment, make good judgments, stay ahead of the competition, better their marketing tactics, and create new business initiatives. The research highlighted in this book aims to demonstrate how technology empowers managers, strategists, and researchers to make decisions that are data-driven and effective.

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Nousala, Susu / Metcalf, Gary / Ing, David (eds.), Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: Explorations in the Transition from a Techno-economic to a Socio-technical Future. (Translational Systems Sciences 41) 184 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-281>
ISBN 978-981-9997-29-9 hard ¥11,711.- (税込) EUR 49.99

This is an Open Access book.In 2015, Industry 4.0 was announced with the rise of industrialization by the European Parliament, supporting policy, research, and infrastructure funding. In 2020, Industry 5.0 was launched as an evolution of Industry 4.0, towards societal and ecological values in a sustainable, human-centric, and resilient transition. In 2023, the IN4ACT research project team completed 4 years of research on the impact on these initiatives.Presentations reviewing the progress of management practices and economics led to conversations about what's next. The unanticipated rise in late 2022 of Generative AI technologies (e.g. ChatGPT, DALL-E) sparked dialogues with an extended circle of researchers on impacts not considered in 2015 or in 2020. This collection of chapters reflects multiple perspectives on research findings to 2023, prospects for 2024, and considerations on ways the techno-economic industrial revolutions may be reshaped into desirable futures respecting social and ecological concerns.

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Obexer, Regina / Wieser, D. / Zehrer, A. et al. (eds.), Innovation in Responsible Management Education: Preparing the Changemakers of Tommorrow. 304 pp. 2024:9 (Emerald, UK) <720-282>
ISBN 978-1-83549-465-3 hard ¥24,805.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *

The transformation of higher education required to prepare learners to tackle the pressing challenges of the 21st century and accelerate the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) remains fragmented and illusive. This is particularly problematic in the field of management education, where learners represent business leaders, managers and decision makers of the future. What is required is no less than a paradigm shift, where creative and innovative approaches to curriculum design and teaching and learning methods are implemented within a learning environment that recognizes and addresses real world challenges and contextual awareness. Featuring contributions from around the globe, Innovation in Responsible Management Education paints a rich picture of the diverse ways the challenges responsible leadership education is facing are being approached and responded to by recognized expert authors in the field. The chapters emphasize different thematic foci, including sustainable entrepreneurship, future studies, poverty alleviation, new capitalism, gamification, climate change, responsible leadership, change agents, effectiveness and quality measurement of programs.

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Quach, To Tran / Truebestein, Michael / Aepli, M. D., Logistics Real Estate: The Emergence of a new Asset Class. 94 pp. 2024:2 (Springer Gabler, GW) <720-283>
ISBN 978-3-658-42836-5 paper ¥15,226.- (税込) EUR 64.99 *

This research examines the evaluation criteria for logistics real estate and explores the implementation of future trends from an investor's perspective, with a specific focus on European logistics real estate as an asset class. Eight industry experts were interviewed to understand the current state of the European logistics real estate market and predict its future development, providing readers with guidance for investments. Adjusting for risks associated with the political and economic climate may exert pressure on investment returns. Nevertheless, European logistics real estate remains an attractive investment opportunity with promising returns and low correlation to other asset classes.Logistics plays a vital role in the economy, supplying goods to companies and households. Given its transformative impact on industries and its enduring relevance, logistics real estate has become a targeting asset class for forward-thinking investors.This textbook has been recommended and developed for universitary courses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

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V.Ratten編 食品・飲料産業における企業家精神
Ratten, Vanessa, Entrepreneurship in the Food and Drink Industry: New Trends, Consumer Expectations and Sustainable Production. 280 pp. 2024:5 (Emerald, UK) <720-284>
ISBN 978-1-80382-720-9 hard ¥22,550.- (税込) US$ 100.00



Rostamkhani, Ramin / Ramayah, Thurasamy, The Integrated Application of Effective Approaches in Supply Chain Networks. (Emerald Points) 144 pp. 2024:4 (Emerald, UK) <720-285>
ISBN 978-1-83549-631-2 hard ¥13,530.- (税込) US$ 60.00 *

The integrated application of effective approaches in supply chain networks and related data analysis is key to efficient, sustainable, and risk-averse supply chains. Expanding the application of diverse techniques belonging to different branches of science, The Integrated Application of Effective Approaches in Supply Chain Networks creates coordination and integration for the analysis of supply network data. The expansive academic and industrial experiences of Rostamkhani and Ramayah provide an extensive and varied approach that is widely applicable, triangulating applied mathematics, strategic management, and operations research to highlight the importance of these concepts in supply chain network data analysis.

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Sund, Kristian J., Cognition and Business Models: From Concept to Innovation. 106 pp. 2024:1 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <720-287>
ISBN 978-3-031-51597-2 hard ¥9,368.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This book explores how theories of cognition inform our theoretical understanding of business models and business model innovation. A business model can either be viewed as an objective description of an activity system, or as an abstract, conceptual, and perceptual construct, that is the result of cognition. From this second point of view, the business model becomes a schematic mental model that is created, shaped, and shared over time. In other words, managers hold in their mind perceptual constructs that constitute schemas of the business model.This book examines how the underlying processes of the creation, shaping, and sharing of business (mental) models take place at individual, organizational, and even inter-organizational levels. Theories of managerial and organizational cognition are explored to inform our understanding of business modelling and business model innovation. The reader is thus provided with an overview of existing literature and reflections on future avenues of research to explore the cognitive foundations of business modelling.

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Tellis, Gerard J., Innovation Dilemma: How Focusing on Incremental Innovations Can Kill Radical Innovations. (American Marketing Association) 204 pp. 2024:8 (Emerald, UK) <720-288>
ISBN 978-1-80262-184-6 paper ¥5,408.- (税込) US$ 23.99



Thakadipuram, Thomas, Leadership Wholeness. Volume 2: Application of the Spiritual Intelligence Model. (Palgrave Studies in Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment) 308 pp. 2024:1 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <720-289>
ISBN 978-3-031-28966-8 hard ¥32,798.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book explores the application of wholeness and spiritual intelligence model in leadership and management today. The classical and contemporary perspectives on wholeness and spiritual intelligence provides the research basis for the spiritual intelligence model. From a pragmatic perspective, the integration of the nature of evil and its impact on spiritual intelligence is examined. This book gives fresh perspectives on leadership and management practice today

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Theaker, Alison, Do Women Entrepreneurs Practice a Different Kind of Entrepreneurship? (Emerald Points) 96 pp. 2024:5 (Emerald, UK) <720-290>
ISBN 978-1-83549-539-1 hard ¥13,530.- (税込) US$ 60.00 *

Whilst the number of women-owned enterprises has been increasing, they account for only 35% of business ownership in the UK. The term "woman entrepreneur" is suggested to be somewhat problematic, as it seems that women simply practise entrepreneurship, challenging the preconceptions people may have about businesses run by women. Do Women Entrepreneurs Practice a Different Kind of Entrepreneurship? identifies the entrepreneurship model of successful women entrepreneurs, and if they support or diverge from mainstream definitions. Alison Theaker examines female entrepreneurs' experiences to understand whether their entrepreneurship practices conform to existing models, and whether the concept of "success" has different meanings for such businesses than in mainstream entrepreneurial theory.

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tom Dieck, M. Claudia / Jung, T. / Kim, Yen-Soon (eds.), XR and Metaverse: Proceedings of the 8th International XR-Metaverse Conference 2023, Las Vegas, USA. (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics) 272 pp. 2024:1 (Springer, GW) <720-291>
ISBN 978-3-031-50558-4 hard ¥39,827.- (税込) EUR 169.99

This book offers a comprehensive collection of the latest research presented at the 8th International XR-Metaverse Conference, held in Las Vegas, USA in 2023. Its goal is to bridge the gap between academia and industry by advancing the state of the art in metaverse, XR, AI-based AR and VR technologies, and by exploring their applications in various fields such as business, marketing, education, health care, tourism, events, fashion, entertainment, retail, and the gaming industry. Including contributions by prominent XR scholars from around the globe, the book addresses a wide range of significant topics concerning XR and the metaverse. Showcasing cutting-edge research outputs, it will be of interest to both academics and practitioners eager to catch up on the latest developments in this rapidly evolving field.

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Wasieleski, David / Weber, James (eds.), Diversity, Equity, and inclusion (DEI) Management. (Business and Society 360) 332 pp. 2024:8 (Emerald, UK) <720-292>
ISBN 978-1-83549-259-8 hard ¥31,570.- (税込) US$ 140.00 *

The Business and Society (BAS) 360 book series is an annual publication targeting cutting-edge developments in the broad business and society field, such as stakeholder management, corporate social responsibility and citizenship, business ethics, sustainability, corporate governance and others. Each volume will feature a comprehensive discussion and review of the current 'state' of the research and theoretical developments in a specific business and society area. Volume 6 focuses on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion management, examining the origins, trends, and future direction of DEI.

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Wortmann, Felix / Gebauer, Heio / Lamprecht, C. et al., Understanding Products as Services: How the Internet and AI are Transforming Product Companies. 248 pp. 2024:6 (Emerald, UK) <720-293>
ISBN 978-1-83797-824-3 hard ¥23,677.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *

In the realm of global commerce, Europe has long been renowned for its exceptional hardware products, dominating markets with its machine tools and luxury automobiles. However, it has lost the Internet game and consumes almost all Internet services from the USA and has China on the rise in all dimensions. However, with the emergence of the Internet of Things, the convergence of hardware-based products with software-based services offers a new avenue for success. Understanding Products as Services discusses how to succeed in the emerging hybrid economy, in which the term 'hybrid' represents the mixture of digital and physical products and services that is required to offer a state-of-the-art customer experience. The authors do not rely on lofty concepts but propose tangible and validated tools. Whether you are an industry professional, an entrepreneur, a business student, or a researcher, Understanding Products as Services serves as an indispensable guide for navigating the hybrid economy, enabling you to leverage the integration of hardware and software, and propel your organization to the forefront of innovation and success.

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Zak, Eugene J., How to Solve Real-world Optimization Problems: From Theory to Practice. (SpringerBriefs in Operations Research) 115 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-294>
ISBN 978-3-031-49837-4 paper ¥10,540.- (税込) EUR 44.99

Written by an experienced operations research practitioner with a strong applied mathematics background, this book offers practical insights into how to approach optimization problems, how to develop intelligent and efficient mathematical models and algorithms, and how to implement and deliver software products to customers. With a focus on revealing the similarities and differences between academia and industry in mathematical modeling, the book provides useful tips and advice based on the author's extensive experience as a principal developer working to solve real-world optimization problems for several major high-tech companies.The book offers valuable food for thought for researchers and practical guidance for graduate students preparing for their future projects in the industry. It is also an essential resource for practitioners working in the industrial, business, and service sectors.

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Dumay, John, Academic Research, Publishing and Writing: Critical Thinking and Strategies for Business Scholars. 156 pp. 2024:5 (Emerald, UK) <720-1>
ISBN 978-1-80071-291-1 paper ¥23,677.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *

Academic Research, Publishing and Writing: Critical Thinking and Strategies for Business Scholars is designed for all scholars of business and management and outlines practical and proven ways of designing, developing, and executing impactful research and writing projects with a view to eventual publication. Chapters examine a wide range of essential scholarly practices in depth, including critical thinking and the IDEALS Framework, undertaking literature reviews, designing research for reliability, validity and generalisations, and understanding writing structure using IDEALS. John Dumay draws on experience and proven strategies to help the reader plot what they are going to research, what the potential impact of that research should be, what are the critical outlets for publishing are, and how should the research be written for the target audience. At the projects core is a strong focus on the importance on developing a strategy before starting the research which will increase the chances of publishing in high quality outlets, and surviving in the 'publish or perish' world.

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