2025/02/07 update!
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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Gardner, Andrew M.,
The Fragmentary City: Migration, Modernity, and Difference in the Urban Landscape of Doha, Qatar. 198 pp. 2024:5 (Cornell U. Pr., US) <720-693>
ISBN 978-1-5017-7498-0 hard ¥29,315.- (税込) US$ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5017-7501-7 paper ¥6,301.- (税込) US$ 27.95 *
As Andrew M. Gardner explains in The Fragmentary City, in Qatar and elsewhere on the Arabian Peninsula, nearly nine out of every ten residents are foreign noncitizens. Many of these foreigners reside in the cities that have arisen in Qatar and neighboring states. The book provides an overview of the gulf migration system with its diverse migrant experiences. Gardner focuses on the ways that demography and global mobility have shaped the city of Doha and the urban characteristics of the Arabian Peninsula in general. Building on those migrant experiences, the book turns to the spatial politics of the modern Arabian city, exploring who is placed where in the city and how this social landscape came into historical existence. The author reflects on what we might learn from these cities and the societies that inhabit them. In The Fragmentary City, Andrew M. Gardner frames the contemporary cities of the Arabian Peninsula not as poor imitations of Western urban modernity, but instead as cities on the frontiers of a global, neoliberal, and increasingly urban future.
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Guevenc, Muna,
The City Is Ours: Spaces of Political Mobilization and Imaginaries of Nationhood in Turkey. 264 pp. 2024:8 (Cornell U. Pr., US) <720-694>
ISBN 978-1-5017-7435-5 hard ¥29,315.- (税込) US$ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5017-7637-3 paper ¥7,203.- (税込) US$ 31.95 *
The City is Ours accounts how urban politics mediated the rise of Kurdish nationhood and mobilization in Diyarbakir, Turkey. Muna Guevenc elucidates how urban and architectural forms are not merely the backdrop of the cityscape where political struggles unfold; they constitute the very essence of these conflicts. Guevenc posits that urban spaces offer "wiggle room", turning oppression into chances for dissent and resilience and offering opportunities for vulnerable minority groups to create sociopolitical blocs and mobilizations. Guevenc takes readers from municipal halls to the streets and illustrates how, in the early 2000s, pro-Kurdish parties harnessed urban planning to resist coercion and foster Kurdish mobilization in Turkey. Guevenc challenges readers to rethink urban neoliberalism, new forms of nationalisms and mobilizations, and the ways they shape cities and politics. The City is Ours is a profound awakening, an invitation to all architects and urban planners, urging them to rise above the confines of their blueprints and embrace the vast tapestry of the politics of space.
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Salata, Stefano,
Urban Resilience: Lessons on Urban Environmental Planning from Turkey. (Emerald Points) 116 pp. 2024:3 (Emerald, UK) <720-700>
ISBN 978-1-83549-617-6 hard ¥13,530.- (税込) US$ 60.00 *
Advocating for the reintroduction of natural areas and biodiverse green spaces within our cities, Urban Resilience stems from the two years' experience living and teaching ecological planning in Turkey. What is resilience? What does it mean practically to design resilient cities? Demonstrating that the expansion of the ecological footprint of urban areas is no longer sustainable, Stefano Salata underscores that authentic resilience in urban planning necessitates embracing the reduction and de-sealing of urban surfaces, which he advocates for as the sole viable means of confronting the challenges posed by climate change. Providing a fresh methodological outlook on urban adaptation, Salata introduces a novel approach to understanding resilience, streamlining the key components of knowledge that urban planners need to acquire in order to effectively address the challenges posed by climate change. Supplemented with short personal reflections on Turkish space and society, this study explores the societal significance of embracing a new cultural paradigm characterized by reduced consumerism. Taking the Turkish case as a pioneering testing ground, Salata substantiates the potential of resilient approaches for urban transformation, affording us the opportunity to evaluate the efficacy of various solutions across the globe.
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Goldman, Michael / Peluso, Nancy Lee / Wolford, W. (eds.),
The Social Lives of Land. (Cornell Series on Land: New Perspectives on Territory, Development, and Environment) 372 pp. 2024:6 (Cornell U. Pr., US) <720-765>
ISBN 978-1-5017-7123-1 hard ¥29,315.- (税込) US$ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5017-7124-8 paper ¥8,782.- (税込) US$ 38.95 *
From the shaping of new homelands in the Cherokee Nation to the export of sand from Cambodia to shore up urban expansion in Singapore, The Social Lives of Land reveals the dynamics of contemporary social and political change. The editors of this volume bring together contributions from across multiple disciplines and geographic locations. The contributions showcase novel theoretical and empirical insights, analyzing how people are living on, with, and from their land. From Mozambique to India, Indonesia, Ecuador, and the colonial United States, the scholars in this collection uncover histories and retell stories with a focus on the lived experiences of rural and urban land dispossession and repossession. Contributors: Kati Alvarez, Clint Carroll, Flora Lu, Richard Mbunda, Gregg Mitman, Paul Nadasdy, Robert Nichols, Andrew Ofstehage, Laura Schoenberger, Kirsteen Shields, Emmanuel Sulle, Erik Swyngedouw, Gabriela Valdivia, Katherine Verdery, Callum Ward, Ciara Wirth, Emmanuel King Urey Yarkpawolo
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Haeusler, Eric / Haeusler, Juergen,
How Cities Become Brands: Developing City Brands Purposefully and Thoughtfully. 228 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-767>
ISBN 978-3-658-43775-6 paper ¥15,226.- (税込) EUR 64.99
This book explores how the fragile and lengthy process of developing a city brand can be carefully managed. Necessary background information is explained, numerous experiences are reported, and targeted city branding is inspired in a variety of ways.The dream of every brand maker: to develop a city into a strong city brand - perhaps even a myth. The creation of myths remains a curiosity. Is it targeted, are there relevant recipes for success, and can those responsible be identified? Above all: Can the process be replicated? How do brand makers deal with the complexity of the phenomena of cities and city brands? How do they give the arduous process of creating a city brand a reasonable chance of success? How do brand makers deal with the often biting criticism from outside and the nagging self-doubt?Successful cityscapes arise from the trials and tribulations of complex and sometimes random processes. In the course of global city competition, this evolutionary process is enriched with the achievements of the craft of branding. This is not a guarantee of success. Success depends on numerous prerequisites, which are discussed in detail. Finally, craft rules for good and at the same time sensitive city branding are mentioned.The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.nal criticism and self-doubts?City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.nal criticism and self-doubts?City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.nal criticism and self-doubts?City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.nal criticism and self-doubts?City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.nal criticism and self-doubts?City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.nal criticism and self-doubts?City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.nal criticism and self-doubts?City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.City images emerge from complex and random processes. In global urban competition, this process is enriched with brand making achievements. Success isn't guaranteed, depending on discussed conditions. Lastly, rules for effective city branding are outlined.
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Lumbreras, Julio / Moreno-Serna, Jaime (eds.),
Higher Education and SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. 152 pp. 2024:8 (Emerald, UK) <720-769>
ISBN 978-1-83797-423-8 paper ¥6,314.- (税込) US$ 28.00 *
What role can higher education play to foster and support sustainable cities and communities? Emerging amidst one of the most decisive moments in our planet's history, Higher Education and SDG11 is a powerful call to action for the development of multi-stakeholder collaborations to address the challenges of sustainable development in urban environments and communities. Conscious of the urgent need for the transformation of our urban systems at the scale outlined by the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the chapters in this edited collection position universities as anchor institutions, reinforcers of the convening capacity to create, nurture, and scale-up research, transfer, and education capabilities. Showcasing practical cases from Europe, Africa, and the Americas, contributors promote new ways of participation, encouraging higher education institutions (HEIs) and their students to play an intermediary role within their local communities and co-create ways to help foster urban sustainable development. Articulating a shared vision of climate-neutral cities, Higher Education and SDG11 asserts the unique position of HEIs to facilitate and unlock the much-needed alignment of research and education with SDG-oriented action. Higher Education and the Sustainable Development Goals is a series of 17 books that address each of the SDGs through the lens of higher education. Adopting a solutions-based approach, each book focuses on how higher education is advancing delivery of Agenda 2030. The series is edited by Wendy Purcell, Professor with Rutgers University and Academic Research Scholar with Harvard University; Emeritus Professor and University President Emerita.
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Mangi, Eugenio / Chen, Weixuan / Heath, Tim et al. (eds.),
Innovative Public Participation Practices for Sustainable Urban Regeneration. (Urban Sustainability) 155 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-770>
ISBN 978-981-9995-94-3 hard ¥30,455.- (税込) EUR 129.99
This book analyzes the adoption of stakeholders' engagement in various fields and scales while providing the readers with an international outlook of the topic. In the contemporary processes of urban development, regeneration is becoming a relevant way to limit the occupation of new land and to enhance the existing spatial, social, and ecological dimensions of specific parts of the city. It generally entails the engagement of different groups of stakeholders and users at various levels-e.g., institutional and private-who carry on their own agendas while conveying a wide range of interests and values to safeguard. At the same time, despite indications of a significant increase in its implementation under various forms and in multiple contexts in the last twenty years, participatory mechanisms have not been without challenges and barriers due to several factors, including facilitators' poor negotiation and communication practices, and consequently misinterpretation of the values at stake made by the parties involved, or obstructionism and gridlocks carried on by the different stakeholders. The narrative of the collection is structured in four sections The contributions elaborate on innovative participatory patterns, how they are/might be entangled with the different stages of regeneration projects, in what measure they have contributed to the United Nations sustainability goals, and the potential matters emerging during the negotiation phases. In detail, the four sections are: 1. Public space regeneration 2. Ecological regeneration 3. Built heritage regeneration 4. Informal settlements regeneration. Finally, this book is a significant asset to urban policy makers, planners, practitioners, and researchers in the architecture and urban studies domain who aim at deepening public participation practices knowledge by comparing different experiences.
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Dziewanski, Dariusz,
Gang Entry and Exit in Cape Town: Getting Beyond The Streets in Africa's Deadliest City. 200 pp. 2024:3 (Emerald, UK) <720-457>
ISBN 978-1-83909-733-1 paper ¥10,820.- (税込) US$ 47.99 *
Joint Winner of the 2023 ASSAf Humanities Book Award in the Emerging Researcher Category Gang violence is a concern being debated by academics, politicians, and communities around the world. Yet effective solutions are still in short supply, partly because too little research concentrates on understanding how people can escape the trap of violent street culture. Responding to that need, this book provides a detailed qualitative account of what it is like to join and then disengage from gangs in Africa's deadliest city. Through the life histories of twenty-four former Capetonian gang members, alongside hundreds of hours of additional interviews and observation from five years of ethnographic research, Dariusz Dziewanski reimagines gangsterism in a way that pays heed to the overwhelming force of street culture, but also confirms the possibility of overcoming crime and violence amid disenfranchisement and disadvantage. Rather than simply reproducing the poverty-crime-violence narrative, this book demonstrates how gang members can - and have - transformed their lives, challenging the pessimistic conclusions commonly associated with gang entry; even gang scholars studying street culture usually portray the end point to gang life as either prison or a body bag. By presenting evidence about successful gang exit, Dziewanski showcases a practical starting point for changing how criminologists think about gangs and street culture - offering hope to those trying exit gang life, as well as those trying to help them do so.
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Sheng, Edmund Li,
A Tale of Three Cities: Urban Governance of Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore During COVID-19. (Sustainable Development Goals Series) 105 pp. 2024:2 (Springer, GW) <720-150>
ISBN 978-981-9991-33-4 hard ¥25,769.- (税込) EUR 109.99
The proposed book presents the cutting-edge research on the urban development of three cities: Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore. By comparing their responses to the COVID-19 pandemic from an international political economic perspective, this book examines the commonalities and differences in urban governance in these three widely recognized and well-developed Asian cities with outward-oriented economies through the lens of world-systems theory and related theories of historicism. These cities are all generally considered to be under authoritarian regimes, but there are substantial differences in their social systems, rules of law and justice, and administrative structures. In the context of globalization, the cities are competing on a more even playing field. In addition, city governments worldwide are increasingly pursuing growth, land markets, urban regeneration, and large-scale public projects. With the advent of globalization, urban development is gradually changing from the past crude model of spatial expansion and land finance to a more refined model of socioeconomic development driven by industrial upgrading and enhanced consumption. However, cities' political and economic contexts and governance systems vary greatly. Unsurprisingly, given their differences, the three cities of Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore demonstrated varied responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. This book discusses the efforts of these governments to address and reduce the spread of COVID-19 as well as how national responses to the pandemic outbreak were influenced by global dynamics, geopolitics, and each nation's particular historical context.
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Cheshmehzangi, Ali / You, Nicholas / Siri, Jose et al.,
Harnessing Urban Innovation to Unlock the Sustainable Development Goals. (Urban Sustainability) XX, 230 pp. 2024:6 (Springer, GW) <720-198>
ISBN 978-981-9999-70-5 hard ¥35,141.- (税込) EUR 149.99
Kandpal, Vinay / Santibanez-Gonzalez, E. et al.,
Smart Cities and Circular Economy: The Future of Sustainable Urban Development. 328 pp. 2024:7 (Emerald, UK) <720-200>
ISBN 978-1-83797-958-5 hard ¥25,932.- (税込) US$ 115.00 *
In a world grappling with resource depletion and environmental degradation, this work empowers readers to foster sustainable urban environments, while promoting a deeper understanding of the intricate relationship between new technologies and cutting-edge economic theory. A major highlight is the presentation of a diverse range of real-world best practices. These case studies of successful integrations of Smart Cities and a Circular Economies identify the key factors that contribute to their triumph. The takeaways equip policymakers and urban planners with practical solutions for addressing the challenges of sustainable urban developments. From policy and regulatory hurdles to technological advancements, financing and investment opportunities to collaboration and stakeholder engagement, the authors offer valuable guidance for leaders and decision makers seeking to surmount barriers to integration. In sum, Smart Cities and Circular Economy is a timely, indispensable resource offering practical solutions and insights, championing the creation of sustainable and liveable urban environments. Whether you are a policymaker, urban planner, business leader, researcher, or student, this is an essential tool for advancing sustainable urban development in our rapidly changing world.
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