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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Wang, Haibo, China's Economic System Reform (1978-2018). (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China's Development Path) 147 pp. 2024:1 (Springer, GW) <720-158>
ISBN 978-981-9992-66-9 hard ¥23,426.- (税込) EUR 99.99

This book analyzes and summarizes the process and achievements of China's economic restructuring from 1978 to 2018, including the objectives of China's economic restructuring, the initial stage of market-oriented reform (1979-1984), the comprehensive development stage of market-oriented reform (1985-1992), and the initial establishment stage of market-oriented reform system (1993-2000). The book illustrates the achievements and significance of China's economic system reform during the stage of system improvement (2001-2011) and the stage of comprehensive deepening reform focusing on market-oriented reform (2012-2018). It has great international significance to summarize the experiences of China's economic restructuring, and it is conducive to continuing the reform and achieving the final victory of the reform.

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Panagariya, Arvind, The Nehru-Era Economic History and Thought & Their Lasting Impact. 368 pp. 2024:8 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <720-163>
ISBN 978-0-19-777461-8 hard ¥11,262.- (税込) US$ 49.95

India's economic model underwent transformational change following independence in 1947. The country's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, embarked upon two foundational projects to build modern India: a political project aimed at establishing democracy with universal suffrage, and an economic one aimed at ending poverty. Three-quarters of a century later, his political project is a resounding success, but the opposite is true of the economic one. The Nehru-Era Economic History and Thought & Their Lasting Impact examines the evolution of Nehru's economic philosophy with socialism, self-sufficiency, and heavy-industry development at its core. Through extensive archival research, Arvind Panagariya reconstructs and reinterprets this history, paying particular attention to the administrative processes deployed to implement policies, contemporary economic thought, and important historical events not adequately covered in the existing literature. He assesses the evolution of Nehru's own political beliefs and the construction of the Nehru development model, the resulting regime and exclusionary nature of economic growth, and the lasting intellectual legacy of the Nehru-era socialism on politicians, civil servants, policy analysts, and businesspeople in the six decades since Nehru's death. This book is the fascinating tale of a model with the near-unanimous approval of experts from all around the world at its inception and the impact of its failure.

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De Groot, Michael, Disruption: The Global Economic Shocks of the 1970s and the End of the Cold War. 324 pp. 2024:3 (Cornell U. Pr., US) <720-246>
ISBN 978-1-5017-7411-9 hard ¥12,164.- (税込) US$ 53.95 *

In Disruption, Michael De Groot argues that the global economic upheaval of the 1970s was decisive in ending the Cold War. Both the West and the Soviet bloc struggled with the slowdown of economic growth; chaos in the international monetary system; inflation; shocks in the commodities markets; and the emergence of offshore financial markets. The superpowers had previously disseminated resources to their allies to enhance their own national security, but the disappearance of postwar conditions during the 1970s forced Washington and Moscow to choose between promoting their own economic interests and supporting their partners in Europe and Asia. De Groot shows that new unexpected macroeconomic imbalances in global capitalism sustained the West during the following decade. Rather than a creditor nation and net exporter, as it had been during the postwar period, the United States became a net importer of capital and goods during the 1980s that helped fund public spending, stimulated economic activity, and lubricated the private sector. The United States could now live beyond its means and continue waging the Cold War, and its allies benefited from access to the booming US market and the strengthened US military umbrella. As Disruption demonstrates, a new symbiotic economic architecture powered the West, but the Eastern European regimes increasingly became a burden to the Soviet Union. They were drowning in debt, and the Kremlin no longer had the resources to rescue them.

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ビザンツ-経済、社会、制度 600~1100年
Howard-Johnston, James, Byzantium: Economy, Society, Institutions 600-1100. 336 pp. 2024:8 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <720-247>
ISBN 978-0-19-889788-0 hard ¥25,443.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *

Byzantium was a strange entity--a relic of classical antiquity which survived deep into the Middle Ages. Drawing on a lifetime's work in the field of Byzantine studies, James Howard-Johnston aims to explain Byzantium's longevity, first as a state geared to fighting a two-centuries long guerrilla war of defence, then as an increasingly confident regional power. It is only by analysing its economic, social, and institutional structures that this strange medieval afterlife of the rump of the Roman empire can be understood. This collection of linked essays outlines the fundamental features of Byzantium, with a focus on the seventh to eleventh centuries. The essays delve below the agitated surface of political, religious, and intellectual history to home in on (1) alterations in economic conditions; and (2) structural change in the social order and apparatus of government. The economic foundations of society and state are examined over the long term, with emphasis placed on mercantile enterprise throughout. Howard-Johnston identifies warfare as the prime driver of social and institutional change in a first phase (seventh to eighth centuries), when the peasant villager rose to a dominant position in the collective mindset and the administration was centralised and militarised as never before. A second phase of change is then highlighted, after the mid-ninth century when Byzantium's security was assured. Military and administrative arrangements were adapted as the empire expanded. The service aristocracy which had developed in the dark centuries began to assert itself to the detriment of the peasantry, but was, Howard-Johnston argues, countered reasonably effectively by new legislation. There was a renaissance in cultural life, most marked in the intellectual sphere in the eleventh century. Finally, the sharp decline in Byzantium's military fortunes from the mid-eleventh century is attributed to external factors rather than internal weakness.

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Merlo, Elisabetta / Paris, Ivan, The Italian Fashion System: The Role of Institutions and Institutional Change, 1940s-1980s. (Palgrave Studies in Economic History) 153 pp. 2024:2 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <720-248>
ISBN 978-3-031-52374-8 hard ¥9,368.- (税込) EUR 39.99

Fashion is a research topic of increasing interest to economic and business historians as it points towards new understandings of economic growth and decline. This book explores the role of institutions and institutional change in the Italian fashion system from the 1940s to the 1980s. Starting from the premise that institutions play a central role in explaining the peculiarity and development of the Italian fashion system, this book analyses the diverse institutional entities involved in supporting and promoting Italian fashion. The objective is twofold: to highlight, with a comparative approach, the distinctly polycentric nature of Italian fashion and to explain the emergence of the stylist as the outcome of a lengthy process of institutional change. The book explores the role that institutions and institutional actors have played in making Italian fashion a key player into the world economy, enriching the existing interpretative framework through unique interdisciplinary analysis. This book will be of interest to researchers and students working in economic and business history, the history of fashion, and cultural studies.

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中欧における出版社 1800~70年
Brophy, James M., Print Markets and Political Dissent in Central Europe: Publishers in Central Europe, 1800-1870. (Oxford Studies in Modern European History) 496 pp. 2024:6 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <720-3>
ISBN 978-0-19-884572-0 hard ¥29,118.- (税込) GB£ 103.00 *

Moving book history in a new direction, this study examines publishers as brokers of Central Europe's political public sphere. They created international print markets, translated new texts, launched new journals, supported outspoken authors, and experimented with popular formats. Most of all, they contested censorship with finesse and resolve, thereby undermining the aim of Prussia and Austria to criminalize democratic thought. By packaging dissent through popular media, publishers cultivated broad readerships, promoted political literacy, and refashioned citizenship ideals. As political actors, intellectual midwives, and cultural mediators, publishers speak to a broad range of scholarly interests. Their outsize personalities, their entrepreneurial zeal, and their publishing achievements portray how print markets shaped the political world. The narrow perimeters of political communication in the late-absolutist states of Prussia and Austria curtailed the open market of ideas. The publishing industry contested this information order, working both within and outside legal parameters to create a modern public sphere. Their expansion of print markets, their cat-and-mouse game with censors, and their ingenuity in packaging political commentary sheds light on the production and reception of dissent. Against the backdrop of censorship and police surveillance, the successes and failures of these citizens of print tell us much about nineteenth-century civil society and Central Europe's tortuous pathway to political modernization. Cutting across a range of disciplines, this study will engage social and political historians as well as scholars of publishing, literary criticism, cultural studies, translation, and the public sphere. The history of Central Europe's print markets between Napoleon and the era of unification doubles as a political tale. It sheds important new light on political communication and how publishers exposed German-language readers to the Age of Democratic Revolution.

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