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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Ullah, A. K. M. Ahsan / Ferdous, Jannatul (eds.), Governance, Migration and Security in International Relations. 147 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-611>
ISBN 978-981-9994-23-6 hard ¥11,711.- (税込) EUR 49.99 *

The book deconstructs the interplay between governance, migration, international relations, and security as a complex and constantly evolving dynamic that has significant implications for individuals, societies, and nations around the world. This book shows that the connections between governance, migration, international relations, and security have become increasingly significant for several reasons. First, it unpacks how globalization has led to an unprecedented level of interconnectedness between nations, resulting in a need for increased understanding of how governance frameworks, migration patterns, and international relations impact security both within and between nations. Second, it shows that the movement of people across borders has become a significant challenge, with more people on the move now than at any time in human history. Third, it highlights the increasingly complex and interdependent nature of international relations, which requires a nuanced understanding of howdifferent actors, including governments, international organizations, and non-state actors, interact and influence each other. Fourth, the book addresses how security concerns have become increasingly pressing in today's world, with the rise of non-state actors, such as terrorist groups, as well as the proliferation of cyber threats. The book positions that an understanding of these dynamics, and their implications, is critical for both academics and policymakers, to build effective international partnerships and respond to global challenges such as climate change, pandemics, and economic crises. It is relevant to researchers across the social sciences, including development studies, international relations, global politics, migration, public health, and environmental policy.

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Aldoukhi, Hanan / Huda Hamzah, Nurul / Shangeetha, R. K., Language Maintenance and Shift Among the Syrian Community in Malaysia. 157 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-663>
ISBN 978-981-9996-42-1 hard ¥25,769.- (税込) EUR 109.99

This book investigates language choices in different domains among Syrian Arab Muslim families who came to Malaysia after war broke out in their country. It focuses on how Syrian Heritage Language (HL), Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), Classical Arabic (CA), and other languages that might be spoken by these families were maintained and/or shifted from the time these families came to Malaysia until the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most works on Syrian community in Malaysia are focused on social and humanitarian issues; none has explored how Syrians in Malaysia are managing their language use in connection with day-to-day communication and integration. As the Syrian community in Malaysia adapts by learning the host language, their mother language/s might experience a shift. The way the minority communities view their mother language by prioritizing or deprioritizing its use in the family milieu are factors that contribute to language maintenance and language shift (LMLS). As such, this book provides insights on how Syrian parents are managing their own and their children's language/s, along with the language of the host country.

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Kumar, Ashutosh / Bates, Crispin (eds.), Girmitiyas and the Global Indian Diaspora: Origins, Memories, and Identity. (Global South Asians) 260 pp. 2024:4 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <720-684>
ISBN 978-1-009-34261-2 hard ¥24,029.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

Many Indians journeyed out of India to supplant the loss of slave labour in the former European plantation colonies of Mauritius, South Africa, Fiji, and the Caribbean from the early nineteenth century onwards. This book aims to highlight the careers of these migrants who served as vital agents in building the global society of the twenty-first century. It explores the transformative experiences of those who migrated, and the memories of those who did not return after expiration of their contracts but chose instead to stay in their respective host countries. It describes the many challenges they faced - ageing in a society far from home, the loss of their formal Indian identity after Indian independence, their efforts to preserve a sense of community in the post-independence societies of South Africa and the Caribbean, and their adapting to the new political and social realities they faced as minorities in the countries in which their ancestors had adventurously determined to settle and live.

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Gardner, Andrew M., The Fragmentary City: Migration, Modernity, and Difference in the Urban Landscape of Doha, Qatar. 198 pp. 2024:5 (Cornell U. Pr., US) <720-693>
ISBN 978-1-5017-7498-0 hard ¥29,315.- (税込) US$ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5017-7501-7 paper ¥6,301.- (税込) US$ 27.95 *

As Andrew M. Gardner explains in The Fragmentary City, in Qatar and elsewhere on the Arabian Peninsula, nearly nine out of every ten residents are foreign noncitizens. Many of these foreigners reside in the cities that have arisen in Qatar and neighboring states. The book provides an overview of the gulf migration system with its diverse migrant experiences. Gardner focuses on the ways that demography and global mobility have shaped the city of Doha and the urban characteristics of the Arabian Peninsula in general. Building on those migrant experiences, the book turns to the spatial politics of the modern Arabian city, exploring who is placed where in the city and how this social landscape came into historical existence. The author reflects on what we might learn from these cities and the societies that inhabit them. In The Fragmentary City, Andrew M. Gardner frames the contemporary cities of the Arabian Peninsula not as poor imitations of Western urban modernity, but instead as cities on the frontiers of a global, neoliberal, and increasingly urban future.

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Viscomi, Joseph John, Migration at the End of Empire: Time and the Politics of Departure Between Italy and Egypt. 320 pp. 2024:8 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <720-704>
ISBN 978-1-009-47339-2 hard ¥25,443.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *

How has migration shaped Mediterranean history? What role did conflicting temporalities and the politics of departure play in the age of decolonisation? Using a microhistorical approach, Migration at the End of Empire explores these questions through the experiences of over 55,000 Italian subjects in Egypt during the late-nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Before 1937, Ottoman-era legal regimes fostered the coupling of nationalism and imperialism among Italians in Egypt, particularly as the fascist government sought to revive the myth of Mare Nostrum. With decolonisation, however, Italians began abandoning Egypt en masse. By 1960, over 40,000 had deserted Egypt; some as 'emigrants', others as 'repatriates', and still others as 'national refugees'. The departed community became an emblem around which political actors in post-colonial Italy and Egypt forged new ties. These anticipated, actual, and remembered departures are at the heart of this book's ambition to rethink European and Mediterranean periodisation.

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Koegel, Johannes, Navigating Nationality: Exploring the Role and Uses of National Self-Description for Zimbabwean Migrants in South Africa. 444 pp. 2024:6 (Springer VS, GW) <720-720>
ISBN 978-3-658-43849-4 paper ¥21,083.- (税込) EUR 89.99



Tounsel, Christopher, Bounds of Blackness: African Americans, Sudan, and the Politics of Solidarity. (The United States in the World) 258 pp. 2024:6 (Cornell U. Pr., US) <720-725>
ISBN 978-1-5017-7562-8 hard ¥9,684.- (税込) US$ 42.95 *

Bounds of Blackness explores the history of Black America's intellectual and cultural engagement with the modern state of Sudan. Ancient Sudan occupies a central place in the Black American imaginary as an exemplar of Black glory, pride, and civilization, while contemporary Sudan, often categorized as part of "Arab Africa" rather than "Black Africa," is often sidelined and overlooked. In this pathbreaking book, Christopher Tounsel unpacks the vacillating approaches of Black Americans to the Sudanese state and its multiethnic populace through periods defined by colonialism, postcolonial civil wars, genocide in Darfur, and South Sudanese independence. By exploring the work of African American intellectuals, diplomats, organizations, and media outlets, Tounsel shows how this transnational relationship reflects the robust yet capricious terms of racial consciousness in the African Diaspora.

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Ali, Luetfiye, Australian Muslim Women's Borderland Subjectivities: Diverse Identities, Diverse Experiences. 210 pp. 2024:1 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <720-73>
ISBN 978-3-031-45185-0 hard ¥28,112.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book claims a discursive space in academic scholarship for knowledges and ways of knowing that capture the diversity, complexity and full humanness of Australian Muslim women's subjectivities. It draws on in-depth conversational interviews with 20 Australian Muslim women from various ethnic backgrounds during which the women shared their experiences of being at the crossroads of their religious, gendered, racialised and ethnic identities. The book puts forward a decolonial feminist border methodology by weaving the work of decolonial feminist philosophers Maria Lugones and Gloria Anzaldua with postmodern feminist thinking on subjectivity and with discourse analysis. This methodology is used to centre and attend to the fluidity and plurality of Muslim women's subjectivities, at the intersections of race, ethnicity, patriarchy, gender, sexuality and Islam.

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De Micheli, David, Back to Black: Racial Reclassification and Political Identity Formation in Brazil. 300 pp. 2024:9 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <720-730>
ISBN 978-1-009-47239-5 hard ¥22,616.- (税込) GB£ 80.00 *
ISBN 978-1-009-47235-7 paper ¥7,346.- (税込) GB£ 25.99 *

As Latin America's flagship 'racial democracy,' Brazil is famous for its history of race mixture and fluid racial boundaries. Traditionally, scholars have emphasized that this fluidity has often led to whitening, where individuals seek classification in white, or lighter, racial categories. Yet, Back to Black documents a sudden reversal in this trend, showing instead that individuals are increasingly opting to identify with darker, and especially black, racial categories. Drawing on a wealth of quantitative and qualitative data, David De Micheli attributes this sudden reversal to the state's efforts at expanding access to education for the lower classes. By unleashing waves of upward mobility, greater education increased individuals' personal exposure to racial hierarchies and inequalities and led many to develop racial consciousness, further encouraging black identification. The book highlights how social citizenship institutions and social structures can work together to affect processes of identity politicization and the contestation of inequalities.

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An, Yountae, The Coloniality of the Secular: Race, Religion, and Poetics of World-Making. 240 pp. 2024:1 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-75>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2012-7 hard ¥23,214.- (税込) US$ 102.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-2510-8 paper ¥6,076.- (税込) US$ 26.95 *

In The Coloniality of the Secular, An Yountae investigates the collusive ties between the modern concepts of the secular, religion, race, and coloniality in the Americas. Drawing on the work of Edouard Glissant, Frantz Fanon, Aime Cesaire, Sylvia Wynter, and Enrique Dussel, An maps the intersections of revolutionary non-Western thought with religious ideas to show how decoloniality redefines the sacred as an integral part of its liberation vision. He examines these thinkers' rejection of colonial religions and interrogates the narrow conception of religion that confines it within colonial power structures. An explores decoloniality's conception of the sacred in relation to revolutionary violence, gender, creolization, and racial phenomenology, demonstrating its potential for reshaping religious paradigms. Pointing out that the secular has been pivotal to regulating racial hierarchies under colonialism, he advocates for a broader understanding of religion that captures the fundamental ideas that drive decolonial thinking. By examining how decolonial theory incorporates the sacred into its vision of liberation, An invites readers to rethink the transformative power of decoloniality and religion to build a hopeful future.

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BouAnynaya, Yaqoub Jemil, Redefining Irishness in a Globalized World: National Identity and European Integration. 236 pp. 2024:7 (Emerald, UK) <720-788>
ISBN 978-1-83797-942-4 hard ¥24,805.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *

Giving voice to everyday people in Ireland, Redefining Irishness in a Globalized World: National Identity and European Integration covers crucial topics around notions of 'race', ethnicity, citizenship, inclusiveness, regionalism, global-local dynamics, migration, and governmentality. In this multimedia work, author Yaqoub BouAynaya delves into perceived Irishness and how identity in Ireland evolves within an ever-changing society. Yaqoub examines how identity-related values impact individuals' engagement in their perceived social reality and studies their representation at the local, national, European and global levels. Additionally, chapters explore the evolution of nationalism and its connection to the postcolonial Irish nation state in the context of European governance and globalization. Discussing and often deconstructing 'Irish' national identity, the author incorporates still portraits which expose the reader to variations of Irishness. Drawing on focus groups and analysis of transcribed conversations, Yaqoub presents contemporary attitudes towards identity, ethnicity and citizenship within both Irish and global contexts. Reimagining 'Irish' identity on a uniquely intimate level, this richly thoughtful work aspires to a more egalitarian society in Ireland, Europe and beyond, encouraging readers to rethink their own national identities in turn.

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Abdur-Rahman, Aliyyah I., Millennial Style: The Politics of Experiment in Contemporary African Diasporic Culture. 184 pp. 2024:2 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-804>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2595-5 hard ¥22,537.- (税込) US$ 99.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-3020-1 paper ¥5,850.- (税込) US$ 25.95 *

In Millennial Style, Aliyyah I. Abdur-Rahman looks at recent experiments in black expressive culture that begin in the place of ruin. By ruin, Abdur-Rahman means the political terror and social abjection that constitute the ongoing peril of black lives. Whereas earlier black writers and artists have employed realist modes of expression to represent racial harm and to imaginatively remediate it, the black avant-garde of today displays more experimental methods. Abdur-Rahman outlines four widely employed modes in contemporary African diasporic cultural production: Black Grotesquerie, Hollowed Blackness, Black Cacophony, and the Black Ecstatic. Mobilizing black feminist and black radical thought, she considers work by such cultural practitioners as Wangechi Mutu, Marci Blackman, Alexandria Smith, Colson Whitehead, Toni Morrison, Harmony Holiday, and Essex Hemphill. Writerly and experimental, Millennial Style theorizes contemporary black art as the holding (or hoarding) of black mortal and material resources against the injuries of social death, as the fashioning of relational ethics, and as exuberant black world-building in ruinous times.

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Barclay, Fiona / Ivey, Beatrice (eds.), Contemporary Representations of Forced Migration in Europe: Beyond Regime and Refuge. (Palgrave Studies in Literature, Culture and Human Rights) 313 pp. 2024:4 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <720-805>
ISBN 978-3-031-47830-7 hard ¥32,798.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book engages with current debates around refugeedom by examining cultural production that represents and interrogates the construction of refugees and the refugee experience on the borders of contemporary Europe. The refugee subject is produced by discursive regimes and border practices inherited from colonial projects that construct the diametrically opposed concepts of citizen and refugee, and their attendant administrative sub-categories. In the early twenty-first century these categories have been strengthened by the politicisation of forced migration and the hardening of 'Fortress Europe'. While the predominant response to the increasing numbers of refugees seeking asylum in Europe has been to harden the borders (regime), on the one hand, or to stress the common humanity of those displaced (refuge), on the other, this volume argues that both approaches result in refugees becoming objectified, othered, and abstracted as vectors of exile. It explores what recent cultural production can achieve in engaging with and representing issues of dispossession, detention and resettlement, and probes the limits of artistic potential to mediate the refugee experience. It examines transnational approaches to cultural production that both occupy and exceed the borders of Europe, with a focus on borderscapes, spaces of detention, and (neo-)colonialism. Bringing together original contributions from an international range of scholars, it analyses contemporary textual and visual representations of forced migration to argue that other forms of solidarity and hospitality towards refugees in Europe and beyond must be possible.

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Patterson, Christopher B. / Fickle, Tara (eds.), Made in Asia/America: Why Video Games Were Never (Really) about Us. (Power Play: Games, Politics, Culture) 376 pp. 2024:4 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-823>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2603-7 hard ¥25,920.- (税込) US$ 114.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-3026-3 paper ¥6,978.- (税込) US$ 30.95 *

Made in Asia/America explores the key role video games play within the race makings of Asia/America. Its fourteen critical essays on games, ranging from Death Stranding to Animal Crossing, and five roundtables with twenty Asian/American game makers examine the historical entanglements of games, Asia, and America, and reveal the ways games offer new modes of imagining imperial violence, racial difference, and coalition. Shifting away from Eurocentric, white, masculinist takes on gaming, the contributors focus on minority and queer experiences, practices, and innovative scholarly methods to better account for the imperial circulation of games. Encouraging ambiguous and contextual ways of understanding games, the editors offer an "interactive" editorial method, a genre-expanding approach that encourages hybrid works of autotheory, queer of color theory, and conversation among game makers and scholars to generate divergent meanings of games, play, and "Asian America." Contributors. Matthew Seiji Burns, Edmond Y. Chang, Naomi Clark, Miyoko Conley, Toby D?, Anthony Dominguez, Tara Fickle, Sarah Christina Ganzon, Yuxin Gao, Domini Gee, Melos Han-Tani, Huan He, Matthew Jungsuk Howard, Rachael Hutchinson, Paraluman (Luna) Javier, Sisi Jiang, Marina Ayano Kittaka, Minh Le, Haneul Lee, Rachel Li, Christian Kealoha Miller, Patrick Miller, Keita C. Moore, Souvik Mukherjee, Christopher B. Patterson, Pamela (Pam) Punzalan, Takeo Rivera, Yasheng She, D. Squinkifer, Lien B. Tran, Prabhash Ranjan Tripathy, Emperatriz Ung, Gerald Voorhees, Yizhou (Joe) Xu, Robert Yang, Mike Ren Yi

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Pinn, Anthony B., Deathlife: Hip Hop and Thanatological Narrations of Blackness. 240 pp. 2024:1 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-824>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2060-8 hard ¥23,214.- (税込) US$ 102.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-2541-2 paper ¥6,076.- (税込) US$ 26.95 *

In Deathlife, Anthony B. Pinn analyzes hip hop to explore how Blackness serves as a framework for defining and guiding the relationship between life and death in the United States. Pinn argues that white supremacy and white privilege operate based on the right to distinguish death from life. This distinction is produced and maintained through the construction of Blackness as deathlife. Drawing on Afropessimism and Black moralism, Pinn theorizes deathlife as a technology of whiteness that projects whites' anxieties about the end of their lives onto the Black other. Examining the music of Jay-Z; Kendrick Lamar; Tyler, the Creator; and others, Pinn shows how hip hop configures the interconnection and dependence between death and life in such a way that death and life become indistinguishable. In so doing, Pinn demonstrates that hip hop presents an alternative to deathlife that challenges the white supremacist definitions of Blackness and anti-Blackness more generally.

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Shimizu, Celine Parrenas, The Movies of Racial Childhoods: Screening Self-Sovereignty in Asian/America. 264 pp. 2024:1 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-842>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2091-2 hard ¥23,665.- (税込) US$ 104.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-2565-8 paper ¥6,301.- (税込) US$ 27.95 *

In The Movies of Racial Childhoods Celine Parrenas Shimizu examines early twenty-first-century cinematic representations of Asian and Asian American children. Drawing on psychoanalysis and her own perspective as a mother grieving for a deceased child, Shimizu considers how cinema renders Asian American children through sexualized racial difference, infantilization, and premature adultification. She looks at how Asian American childhood is characterized in film through experiences of alienation and trauma and contends that childhood development requires finding freedom and self-sovereignty through agentic attunement. In analyzing films that focus on queer Asian American youth such as Spa Night (2016) and Driveways (2019) and those that explore the trauma of being an immigrant like Yellow Rose (2019) and The Half of It (2020), Shimizu demonstrates that films can prompt viewers to evaluate their own childhood development. They also allow the opportunity to understand the demands placed upon Asian American children, particularly in regard to race and sexuality. In this way, cinema becomes a vehicle for empowering our inner child and the children all around us.

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Brewer Ball, Katherine, The Only Way Out: The Racial and Sexual Performance of Escape. 224 pp. 2024:4 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-859>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2604-4 hard ¥23,214.- (税込) US$ 102.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-3027-0 paper ¥6,076.- (税込) US$ 26.95 *

In The Only Way Out, Katherine Brewer Ball explores the American fascination with the escape story. Brewer Ball argues that escape is a key site for exploring American conceptions of freedom and constraint. Stories of escape are never told just once but become mythic in their episodic iterations, revealing the fantasies and desires of society, the storyteller, and the listener. While white escape narratives have typically been laden with Enlightenment fantasies of redemption where freedom is available to any individual willing to seize it, Brewer Ball explores how Black and queer escape offer forms of radical possibility. Drawing on Black studies, queer theory, and performance studies, she examines a range of works, from nineteenth-century American literature to contemporary queer of color art and writing by contemporary American artists including Wilmer Wilson IV, Tourmaline, Tony Kushner, Junot Diaz, Glenn Ligon, Toshi Reagon, and Sharon Hayes. Throughout, escape emerges as a story not of individuality but of collectivity and entanglement.

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Brinkmann, Tobias, Between Borders: The Great Jewish Migration from Eastern Europe. 336 pp. 2024:7 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <720-860>
ISBN 978-0-19-765565-8 hard ¥7,880.- (税込) US$ 34.95 *

Between the 1860s and the early 1920s, more than two million Jews moved from Eastern Europe to the United States while smaller groups moved to other destinations, such as Western Europe, Palestine, and South Africa. During and after the First World War hundreds of thousands of Jews were permanently displaced across Eastern Europe. Migration restrictions that were imposed after 1914, especially in the United States, prevented most from reaching safe havens, and an unknown but substantial number of Jews perished during the Holocaust-as they had been displaced in Eastern Europe years before they were deported to ghettos and killing sites. Even after the Holocaust, tens of thousands of Jewish survivors were stranded in permanent transit for many years. Between Borders tells and contextualizes the stories of these Jewish migrants and refugees before and after the First World War. It explains how immigration laws in countries such as the United States influenced migration routes around the world. Using memoirs, letters, and accounts by investigative journalists and Jewish aid workers, Tobias Brinkmann sheds light on the experiences of individual migrants, some of whom laid the foundation for migration and refugee studies as a field of scholarship, even coining terms such as "displaced person," and contributing to its legal definition at the 1951 United Nations Refugee Convention. The stories of these migrants and refugees were used to propose a new future for the United States, reimagining it as a pluralistic society-one comprised of immigrants.

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Chaar Lopez, Ivan, The Cybernetic Border: Drones, Technology, and Intrusion. 248 pp. 2024:3 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-861>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2485-9 hard ¥23,214.- (税込) US$ 102.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-3003-4 paper ¥6,076.- (税込) US$ 26.95 *

In The Cybernetic Border, Ivan Chaar Lopez argues that the settler US nation requires the production and targeting of a racialized enemy that threatens the empire. The cybernetic border is organized through practices of data capture, storage, processing, circulation, and communication that police bodies and constitute the nation as a bounded, territorial space. Chaar Lopez historicizes the US government's use of border enforcement technologies on Mexicans, Arabs, and Muslims from the mid-twentieth century to the present, showing how data systems are presented as solutions to unauthorized border crossing. Contrary to enduring fantasies of the purported neutrality of drones, smart walls, artificial intelligence, and biometric technologies, the cybernetic border represents the consolidation of calculation and automation in the exercise of racialized violence. Chaar Lopez draws on corporate, military, and government records, promotional documents and films, technical reports, news reporting, surveillance footage, and activist and artist practices. These materials reveal how logics of enmity are embedded into information infrastructures that shape border control and modern sovereignty.

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Destenay, Emmanuel, America's French Orphans: Mobilization, Humanitarianism, and the Protection of France, 1914-1921. 273 pp. 2024:7 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <720-865>
ISBN 978-1-009-51789-8 hard ¥13,566.- (税込) GB£ 47.99 *

During and after World War I, two humanitarian organizations galvanized the support of American men, women, and children to provide for France's children. Between 1914 and 1921, the Committee Franco-American for the Protection of the Children of the Frontier (CFAPCF) and the Fatherless Children of France Society (FCFS) capitalized on the generosity of Americans who believed that supporting a French child in need was seen as a moral and patriotic duty. Through a network of twenty-eight colonies - private homes and estates loaned for this specific purpose - the CFAPCF rescued, sheltered, and cared for children from invaded and occupied war zones, while the FCFS asked Americans to sponsor France's children of the war dead. Combining cultural, political, and diplomatic history, Emmanuel Destenay charts the rapid growth of these organizations and brings to light the unparalleled contribution made by Americans in support of France's children in time of war.

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He, Agnes Weiyun, Voices of Immigration: A Serial Narrative Ethnography of Language Shift. (Cambridge Approaches to Language Contact) 2024:9 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <720-868>
ISBN 978-1-108-49022-1 hard ¥26,856.- (税込) GB£ 95.00 *

What does immigration do to our languages and identities? What factors contribute to the maintenance or loss of immigrant languages? This book highlights theoretical and typological issues surrounding heritage language development, specifically focusing on Chinese-speaking communities in the USA. Based on a synthesis of observational, interview, reported, and audio/video data, it builds a composite, serial narrative of immigrant language and life. Through the voices of first- and second-generation immigrants, their family members and their teachers, it highlights the translingual practices and transforming interactional routines of heritage language speakers across various stages of life, and the congruencies between narrated perspectives and lived experiences. It shows that language, culture and identity are intricately interwoven, making it essential reading for students and scholars in applied linguistics and sociolinguistics. This title is part of the Flip it Open Programme and may also be available Open Access. Check our website Cambridge Core for details.

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Hoffmann, Anette, Knowing by Ear: Listening to Voice Recordings with African Prisoners of War in German Camps (1915-1918). (Sign, Storage, Transmission) 224 pp. 2024:3 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-869>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2484-2 hard ¥23,214.- (税込) US$ 102.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-3002-7 paper ¥6,076.- (税込) US$ 26.95 *

During World War I, thousands of young African men conscripted to fight for France and Britain were captured and held as prisoners of war in Germany, where their stories and songs were recorded and archived by German linguists. In Knowing by Ear, Anette Hoffmann demonstrates that listening to these acoustic recordings as historical sources, rather than linguistic samples, opens up possibilities for new historical perspectives and the formation of alternate archival practices and knowledge production. She foregrounds the archival presence of individual speakers and positions their recorded voices as responses to their experiences of colonialism, war, and the journey from Africa to Europe. By engaging with the recordings alongside written sources, photographs, and artworks depicting the speakers, Hoffmann personalizes speakers from present-day Senegal, Somalia, Togo, and Congo. Knowing by Ear includes transcriptions of numerous recordings of spoken and sung texts, revealing acoustic archives as significant yet under-researched sources for recovering the historical speaking positions of colonized subjects and listen to the acoustic echo of colonial knowledge production.

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Hooley, Matt, Against Extraction: Indigenous Modernism in the Twin Cities. 232 pp. 2024:4 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-870>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2612-9 hard ¥23,214.- (税込) US$ 102.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-3036-2 paper ¥6,076.- (税込) US$ 26.95 *

In Against Extraction Matt Hooley traces a modern tradition of Ojibwe invention in Minneapolis and St. Paul from the mid-nineteenth century to the present as that tradition emerges in response to the cultural legacies of US colonialism. Hooley shows how Indigenous literary and visual art modernisms challenge the strictures of everyday life and question the ecological, political, and cultural fantasies that make multivalent US colonialism seem inevitable. Hooley analyzes literature and art by Louise Erdrich, William Whipple Warren, David Treuer, George Morrison, and Gerald Vizenor in relation to histories of Indigenous dispossession and occupation, enslavement and Black life, and environmental harm and care. He shows that historical narratives of these cities are intimately bound up with the violence of colonial systems of extraction and that concepts like Indigeneity and sovereignty extend beyond treaty-granted promises of political control. These works, created in opposition and proximity to the extraction of cultural, political, and territorial resources, demonstrate how Indigenous claims to life and land matter to rethinking and unmaking the social and ecological devastations of the colonial world.

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Mahadeo, Rahsaan, Funk the Clock: Transgressing Time While Young, Perceptive, and Black. 294 pp. 2024:5 (Cornell U. Pr., US) <720-875>
ISBN 978-1-5017-7420-1 hard ¥29,315.- (税込) US$ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5017-7421-8 paper ¥7,429.- (税込) US$ 32.95 *

Funk the Clock is about those said to be emblematic of the future yet denied a place in time. Hence, this book is both an invitation and provocation for Black youth to give the finger to the hands of time, while inviting readers to follow their lead. In revealing how time is racialized, how race is temporalized, and how racism takes time, Rahsaan Mahadeo makes clear why conventional sociological theories of time are both empirically and theoretically unsustainable and more importantly, why they need to be funked up/with. Through his study of a youth center in Minneapolis, Mahadeo provides examples of Black youth constructing alternative temporalities that center their lived experiences and ensure their worldviews, tastes, and culture are most relevant and up to date. In their stories exists the potential to stretch the sociological imagination to make the familiar (i.e., time) strange. Funk the Clock forges new directions in the study of race and time by upending what we think we know about time, while centering Black youth as key collaborators in rewriting knowledge as we know it.

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Moulettes, Agneta, Borders and Barriers: Navigating the Postcolonial Era of Migration in a Globalized World. 116 pp. 2024:8 (Emerald, UK) <720-876>
ISBN 978-1-83549-527-8 hard ¥13,530.- (税込) US$ 60.00 *

In the vast expanse of human history, migration has been an ever-present phenomenon. People have sought new lands and opportunities, driven by diverse factors ranging from political turmoil and war to economic struggles, famine, and even the impact of climate change. However, our contemporary world is marked by a new era of globalization, where international institutions and organizations foster increased cooperation, leading to transformations in the capitalistic system and influencing migration in myriad ways. Borders and Barriers: Navigating the Postcolonial Era of Migration in a Globalized World by Agneta Moulettes critically analyzes the intersection of national culture and immigration. Moulettes exposes how contemporary anti-immigrant narratives persist, starting with a concise overview of European and global colonial history and its justifications. She provides a comprehensive examination of colonialism's impact on countries like Great Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, and Sweden across Africa, America, and Asia, highlighting how internal colonialism manifests and casts the immigrant as the colonized, and the native population as the colonizer. Moulettes also explores the influence of colonial discourse on integration policies, cultural differences, and perceptions of national culture. This study engages critical management and postcolonial theories, questioning prevailing perspectives and scrutinizing policies promoting assimilation, immigrants' economic roles, and the dehumanization of minority groups. This work is invaluable for scholars and researchers in migration studies, globalization, postcolonial studies, cultural studies, and political science, providing a comprehensive analysis of historical and contemporary migration trends and their intersection with globalization and colonial legacies.

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古代ギリシアにおける長距離交易、移動性、人種の形成 紀元前700~300年
Parmenter, Christopher Stedman, Racialized Commodities: Long-distance Trade, Mobility, and the Making of Race in Ancient Greece, c. 700-300 BCE. 400 pp. 2024:7 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <720-877>
ISBN 978-0-19-775711-6 hard ¥27,060.- (税込) US$ 120.00 *

Between c. 700-300 BCE, the ancient Greeks developed a vivid imaginary of the world's peoples. Ranging from the light-skinned, "gray-eyed Thracians" of the distant north to the "dark-skinned Ethiopians" of the far south, as the poet Xenophanes described them around 540 BCE, Greeks envisioned a world populated by human groups with distinct physiognomies. Racialized Commodities traces how Greece's "racial imaginary"--a confluence of thinking about cultural geography, commodity production, and human physiognomy--emerged from cross-cultural trade between Greece and its Mediterranean neighbors during the Archaic and Classical Periods. It adopts the model of a "commodity biography" to investigate how trade led to the entanglement of cultures, bodies, and things in Archaic and Classical Greece. For merchants, the racial imaginary might be used to play up the "exotic" provenance of their goods to consumers. It might also circulate practical information about customs, pricing, navigation, and doing business in foreign ports. Archaic Greek attempts to explain foreign bodies were rarely pejorative, and Racialized Commodities begins with some of their earliest images of African peoples, described by Greeks as Egyptians or Ethiopians, before seeking to explain what changed in the early Classical Period. As the Persian Empire loomed and Greek cities became increasingly dependent on enslaved labor, negative stereotypes of Thracians and Scythians became widespread and coalesced into the charged idea of the barbarous--the "barbarian."

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Quijano, Anibal, Anibal Quijano: Foundational Essays on the Coloniality of Power. Ed. by W. D. Mignolo et al. (On Decoloniality) 496 pp. 2024:4 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-880>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2609-9 hard ¥27,047.- (税込) US$ 119.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-3032-4 paper ¥7,429.- (税込) US$ 32.95 *

The Peruvian sociologist Anibal Quijano is widely considered to be a foundational figure of the decolonial perspective grounded in three basic concepts: coloniality, coloniality of power, and the colonial matrix of power. His decolonial theorizations of these three concepts have transformed the principles and assumptions of the very idea of knowledge, impacted the social sciences and humanities, and questioned the myth of rationality in natural sciences. The essays in this volume encompass nearly thirty years of Quijano's work, bringing them to an English-reading audience for the first time. This volume is not simply an introduction to Quijano's work; it achieves one of his unfulfilled goals: to write a book that contains his main hypotheses, concepts, and arguments. In this regard, the collection encourages a fuller understanding and broader implementation of the analyses and concepts that he developed over the course of his long career. Moreover, it demonstrates that the tools for reading and dismantling coloniality originated outside the academy in Latin America and the former Third World.

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Rifkin, Mark, The Politics of Kinship: Race, Family, Governance. 400 pp. 2024:2 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-881>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2104-9 hard ¥25,920.- (税込) US$ 114.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-3000-3 paper ¥6,978.- (税込) US$ 30.95 *

What if we understood the idea of family as central to representing alternative forms of governance as expressions of racial deviance? In The Politics of Kinship, Mark Rifkin shows how ideologies of family, including notions of kinship, recast Indigenous and other forms of collective self-organization and self-determination as disruptive racial tendencies in need of state containment and intervention. Centering work in Indigenous studies, Rifkin illustrates how conceptions of family and race work together as part of ongoing efforts to regulate, assault, and efface other political orders. The book examines the history of anthropology and its resonances in contemporary queer scholarship, contemporary Indian policy from the 1970s onward, the legal history of family formation and privacy in the United States, and the association of blackness with criminality across US history. In this way, Rifkin seeks to open new possibilities for envisioning what kinds of relations, networks, and formations can and should be seen as governance on lands claimed by the United States.

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Snaza, Nathan, Tendings: Feminist Esoterisms and the Abolition of Man. 216 pp. 2024:2 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-884>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2584-9 hard ¥22,537.- (税込) US$ 99.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-3010-2 paper ¥5,850.- (税込) US$ 25.95 *

In Tendings, Nathan Snaza brings contemporary feminist and queer popular culture's resurging interest in esoteric practices like tarot and witchcraft into conversation with Black feminist and new materialist thought. Analyzing writing and performances by Maryse Conde, Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English, Starhawk, Christina Sharpe, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, and others, Snaza introduces his theory of tending as a concept that links ontology, attunement, care, and anticipatory action to explore how worlds persist through everyday acts of participation. In contrast to the universalizing presuppositions of the enlightenment, Snaza shows how certain feminist occult and esoteric practices constitute what he calls an endarkenment that embraces decolonial spiritual knowledge. Highlighting how endarkenment practices challenge universal presumptions and reject the racializing and colonialist mission of enlightenment modernity, Snaza demonstrates the ways esoterism affirms a pluriversal worldview that reimagines what it means to live in a more-than-human world.

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Tuemkaya, Erkan, Migrant Lives: Experiences of 'Alawiness in Germany. 174 pp. 2023:12 (J. B. Metzler, GW) <720-886>
ISBN 978-3-662-68447-4 paper ¥18,740.- (税込) EUR 79.99

The ?Alawi community constitutes one of the oldest secret communities originating in what is known today as the Middle East. Today, the community members are scattered over many different countries around the world. The first ?Alawis came to Germany as Gastarbeiter (guest workers) in the 1960s following bilateral labour agreements between Turkey and Germany. The present book explores the multifaceted experiences of ?Alawiness during the post-migration period in Germany. The book demonstrates the pervasiveness of the practice of secrecy in the various spheres of ?Alawi migrant life in Germany. Throughout this book, it becomes evident that living at the nexus of being an ?Alawi and a migrant generates a set of experiences that are shaped by the accelerated sociocultural, political, economic and technological developments in Germany, but also in the countries of origin. The focus of this book is on identification practices, the practices of secrecy, the dynamics of interethnic social relations, and the religious practices of Turkish ?Alawi men and women in present-day Germany. The book traces in particular the stories of the new generations of ?Alawis whose experiences have largely remained ignored.

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Wade, Ashleigh Greene, Black Girl Autopoetics: Agency in Everyday Digital Practice. 176 pp. 2024:2 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-889>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2085-1 hard ¥21,410.- (税込) US$ 94.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-2560-3 paper ¥5,625.- (税込) US$ 24.95 *

In Black Girl Autopoetics Ashleigh Greene Wade explores how Black girls create representations of themselves in digital culture with the speed and flexibility enabled by smartphones. She analyzes the double bind Black girls face when creating content online: on one hand, their online activity makes them hypervisible, putting them at risk for cyberbullying, harassment, and other forms of violence; on the other hand, Black girls are rarely given credit for their digital inventiveness, rendering them invisible. Wade maps Black girls' everyday digital practices, showing what their digital content reveals about their everyday experiences and how their digital production contributes to a broader archive of Black life. She coins the term Black girl autopoetics to describe how Black girls' self-making creatively reinvents cultural products, spaces, and discourse in digital space. Using ethnographic research into the digital cultural production of adolescent Black girls throughout the United States, Wade draws a complex picture of how Black girls navigate contemporary reality, urging us to listen to Black girls' experience and learn from their techniques of survival.

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Weber, Leanne / Blaustein, Jarrett / Benier, Kathryn et al., Place, Race and Politics: The Anatomy of a Law and Order Crisis. 152 pp. 2024:3 (Emerald, UK) <720-890>
ISBN 978-1-80043-048-8 paper ¥10,820.- (税込) US$ 47.99 *

Place, Race and Politics presents an integrated analysis of the social and political processes that combined to construct a media-driven 'crisis' concerning African youth crime in the city of Melbourne, Australia. Combining original research and analysis alongside published sources, the authors carefully dissect the anatomy of a racialized and politicized public discourse and delve into the profound impact of this on African-Australian communities in Melbourne. Drawing on political and media analysis and community-based research, the authors investigate how South Sudanese Australians in Melbourne came to be identified, supposedly, as a unique threat to community safety, the role played by the media, state and federal politics, the policing and perceptions of race in this process, and the physical and emotional impacts on affected communities of the law and order crisis concerning 'African crime'. While deeply rooted in local conditions, the book resonates with similar examples of the criminalization and othering of racialized communities, the surveillance and exclusion of 'crimmigrants', and with popular punitivism and the rise of far-right politics globally in response to deeply felt anxieties about rapid social, economic and cultural change.

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Widener, Daniel, Third Worlds Within: Multiethnic Movements and Transnational Solidarity. 384 pp. 2024:4 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-891>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2591-7 hard ¥25,920.- (税込) US$ 114.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-3016-4 paper ¥6,978.- (税込) US$ 30.95 *

In Third Worlds Within, Daniel Widener expands conceptions of the struggle for racial justice by reframing antiracist movements in the United States in a broader internationalist context. For Widener, antiracist struggles at home are connected to and profoundly shaped by similar struggles abroad. Drawing from an expansive historical archive and his own activist and family history, Widener explores the links between local and global struggles throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. He uncovers what connects seemingly disparate groups like Japanese American and Black communities in Southern California or American folk musicians and revolutionary movements in Asia. He also centers the expansive vision of global Indigenous movements, the challenges of Black/Brown solidarity, and the influence of East Asian organizing on the US Third World Left. In the process, Widener reveals how the fight against racism unfolds both locally and globally and creates new forms of solidarity. Highlighting the key strategic role played by US communities of color in efforts to defeat the conjoined forces of capitalism, racism, and imperialism, Widener produces a new understanding of history that informs contemporary social struggle.

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Han, Sora Y., Mu, 49 Marks of Abolition. (Black Outdoors: Innovations in the Poetics of Study) 272 pp. 2024:3 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-378>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2097-4 hard ¥23,665.- (税込) US$ 104.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-2783-6 paper ¥6,301.- (税込) US$ 27.95 *

In March 2020, Sora Y. Han learned her father was dying of cancer just as the COVID-19 pandemic arrived on California's shores. These two events led Han to introspection: "Who have I been writing to?" and "Who have I been writing for?" In her observance of the 49 days of mourning in Buddhist tradition, answers come in the form of mu - no thing, nothingness. Han's poetic meditations on freedom struggle come alive in the empty spaces between words, letters, and pictograms spanning her many languages-English, Korean, Chinese, jazz, law, and poetry. Transliterating and dystranslating the writings of Fred Moten, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Jacques Lacan, Frantz Fanon, and others through the Korean alphabet, Han weaves the DMZ, Betty's Case, the Thirteenth Amendment, Afro-pessimism, and psychoanalytic desire together into the open field of Bay Area radicalism. Mu is both a loving homage to and a playful subversion of political inheritances and the unsayable beyond law.

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Sharples, Rachel / Briskman, Linda (eds.), Deter, Detain, Dehumanise: The Politics of Seeking Asylum. 228 pp. 2024:6 (Emerald, UK) <720-421>
ISBN 978-1-83753-225-4 hard ¥23,677.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *

Under a pretext of humanitarian response to people seeking asylum, nation states are increasingly introducing barriers to prevent entry for those seeking safety and security. Documenting the systemic politicisation of the right to seek asylum in Australia, a process that has been hailed as a model for other parts of the world, Deter, Detain, Dehumanise examines how the right to seek asylum has become a political tool of deterrence, detention and dehumanisation. Bringing together leading academics across criminology, geography, law, political science, social work and sociology, this edited collection provides an understanding and critical assessment of Australian government policy as a series of systems, structures and operations that seek to normalise the detention and deterrence of those seeking asylum, explicitly defying Australia's international human rights obligations. Complemented by shorter, creative writings by refugees with lived experience of detainment at Australia's behest, chapters pursue an overtly political and innovative conceptual approach to the politicisation of seeking asylum, offering new insights into its structural framings. Taken together, this body of work examines how Australia has politicised the right to seek asylum, to the detriment of asylum seekers and refugees as well as Australian citizens, and tentatively offers hope on how we might seek to normalise, legitimise and re-humanise the processes.

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Cook, Linda J., Welfare Nationalism in Europe and Russia: The Politics of 21st Century Exclusionary and Inclusionary Migrations. 280 pp. 2024:7 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <720-210>
ISBN 978-1-108-83566-4 hard ¥22,616.- (税込) GB£ 80.00 *

What is the relationship between the expansion of international labour migration, informal and precarious employment, and growing nationalism? Welfare Nationalism compares 21st century MENA migrations to Europe and Russia, the Ukrainian refugee migration to Europe in 2022, and labor migrations from Central Asia to Russia and from Central and Eastern Europe to Britain. Linda Cook contends that exclusionary and inclusionary migration cycles exist in both regions, driven by the 'deservingness' of migrants and mobilized by anti-immigrant politicians. Arguing that the long-term deterioration of labor markets and welfare provision for nationals in Europe and Russia drives welfare nationalism, she shows how populist parties in Europe and sub-national elites in Russia thrive on scapegoating migrants. Featuring a unique comparative analysis, this book examines the increasing harshness of contemporary migration policies and explores how we have arrived at the daily stand-offs of desperate international migrants against Europe's powers of surveillance and enforcement.

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Khuc, Mimi, dear elia: Letters from the Asian American Abyss. 272 pp. 2024:3 (Duke U. Pr., US) <720-218>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2093-6 hard ¥23,665.- (税込) US$ 104.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-2567-2 paper ¥6,301.- (税込) US$ 27.95 *

In dear elia Mimi Khuc revolutionizes how we understand mental health. Khuc traces the contemporary Asian American mental health crisis from the university into the maw of the COVID-19 pandemic, reenvisioning mental health through a pedagogy of unwellness-the recognition that we are all differentially unwell. In an intimate series of letters, she bears witness to Asian American unwellness up close and invites readers to recognize in it the shapes and sources of their own unwellness. Khuc draws linkages between student experience, the Asian immigrant family, the adjunctification of the university, and teaching methods pre- and post-COVID-19 to illuminate hidden roots of our collective unwellness: shared investments in compulsory wellness and meritocracy. She reveals the university as a central node and engine of unwellness and argues that we can no longer do Asian American studies without Asian American mental health-and vice versa. Interspersed throughout the book are reflective activities, including original tarot cards, that enact the very pedagogy Khuc advances, offering readers alternative ways of being that divest from structures of unwellness and open new possibilities for collective care.

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Li, Yan, Internal Migration and Health in China: Choices, Constraints and Implications. 200 pp. 2024:1 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <720-237>
ISBN 978-981-9986-23-1 hard ¥28,112.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book focuses on the multifaceted reality of social and health constraints and health services access among migrants in China, by originally exploring the social strata, social networks, and the understanding of health and health services among migrants. Furthermore, this book investigates the health constraints and health services access of rural-urban migrants in the absence of equal social protection by the government. It argues that the main obstacles to access health services are not only the shortage of financial resources among rural-urban migrants, but also lie in the institutional blindness regarding health security provision, rural-urban dualism and the household registration system in China. The book highlights the key function that social networks play in health and health services access among migrants in China, which has rarely been discussed in previous studies. And it also discusses the understanding of health among migrants, and further analyses that although many migrants have not formed proper understanding of the connotation of health and have limited knowledge of health, prime responsibility should not be put on the migrants because their poor understanding of health mainly results from their rural perspective while health and health services access depend on the social-economic environment in which they live and work.This book would be of interest to people in migration studies, social exclusion and social welfare studies and to people interested in rural-urban migration and health in China.

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Degen, A. Allan / Dana, Leo-Paul (eds.), Lifestyle and Livelihood Changes Among Formerly Nomadic Peoples: Entrepreneurship, Diversity and Urbanisation. (Ethnic and Indigenous Business Studies) 338 pp. 2024:4 (Springer, GW) <720-259>
ISBN 978-3-031-51141-7 hard ¥32,798.- (税込) EUR 139.99

Contemporary policymakers, as their predecessors, continue to view nomadic people as a weak minority, and their way of life and raising livestock as a backward and inefficient paradigm. Wherever nomads are not the dominant group, the trend to settle them continues even today as in the past. This book describes the changes forced upon formerly nomadic groups and how they still attempt to maintain their traditional, social, and cultural practices in their new settings. The book deals with the several modes of livelihood of these communities, including entrepreneurship, and demonstrates the impact of investment-oriented urbanization policies leading to eviction from ancestral lands, and hurdles for nomadic mobility, ultimately threatening their survival. The book illustrates how some groups like the Borana and the Maasai practice livelihood diversity and raise productive livestock, and how other groups migrate to urban centers in search of employment and remit money to family members left in the rural areas. The book aims to raise awareness among the research community, especially those who work on regional and demographic labor policies. It helps in understanding why society needs to help build business and livelihood strategies without harming the values of nomadic groups.

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