2024/10/04 update!
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掲載点数 全35件
Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Eagle, Morris N.,
Subjective Experience: Its Fate in Psychology, Psychoanalysis and Philosophy of Mind. (Psychological Issues) 376 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-88>
ISBN 978-1-03-268694-3 hard ¥33,264.- (税込) GB£ 120.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-268695-0 paper ¥8,312.- (税込) GB£ 29.99 *
Morris N. Eagle explores the understanding and role of subjective experience in the disciplines of psychology, psychoanalysis, and philosophy of mind.Elaborating how different understandings of subjective experience give rise to very different theories of the nature of the mind, Eagle then explains how these shape clinical practices. In particular, Eagle addresses the strong tendency in the disciplines concerned with the nature of the mind to overlook the centrality of subjective experience in one's life, to view it with suspicion, and to reduce it to neural processes. Describing examples of research in which subjective experience is a central variable, Eagle provides an outline of a model in which the dichotomy of conscious and unconsious is supplemented by subjective experience as a continuum. This book is essential reading for psychoanalysts, psychoanalytic psychotherapists, psychologists and anyone wishing to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of theories of the mind to therapeutic practice.
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Schumann, Nadine / Wetzel, Manfred,
Wundt im Verhaeltnis zu Kant und zur Psychologie im Kontext. 248 S. 2023:2 (Koenigshausen & Neumann, GW) <713-64>
ISBN 978-3-8260-7779-1 paper ¥9,328.- (税込) EUR 40.00
Wilhelm Wundt, 1832-1920, Philosoph und Multi-Einzelwissenschaftler, insbes. Psychologe, hatte ab der zweiten Haelfte seines Lebens ausserordentliche Resonanz, doch nach seinem Tode verfiel er sehr schnell und bis ?heute“ nahezu der Vergessenheit, als Philosoph wie als Psychologe. Das hatte und hat drei Gruende: Mit seiner gleichgewichtigen Kombination aus Philosophie und Psychologie passte und passt er in keine Schublade und in beiden Bereichen entsprach und entspricht er nicht den mainstreams: In der Philosophie waren es zunaechst die beiden Neukantianismen und die Phaenomenologie mit ihren Schattierungen und seit Jahrzehnten ist es die Analytische Philosophie in ihren Varianten incl. der Erlanger Schule; in der Psychologie hat laengst der Methodologische Behaviourismus die Herrschaft angetreten, wenn auch mittlerweile eingeschraenkt durch die hybride Kognitive Psychologie, die ihrerseits nicht weniger herrschaftsanmassend auftritt. Dieser Vergessenheit wollen wir entgegenwirken. Im Ersten Hauptteil gehen wir auf das Verhaeltnis von Wundt zu Kant ein, dem fuer Wundt schlechthin zentralen und entscheidenden Philosophen, beschraenken uns aber auf beider thematische ?Haupt-Schnittmengen“, zu denen Wundt erhebliche Weiterfuehrungen bei Kant offen gebliebener Probleme gelingen; d.s. ? das Verhaeltnis von Philosophie und Psychologie und ? das Verhaeltnis von Theoretischer und Praktischer Philosophie. Im Zweiten Hauptteil zeichnen wir ein Panorama zur Psychologie Wundts mit ihren drei grossen Bogen: - erstens zwischen ?Physiologischer Psychologie“und ?Voelkerpsychologie“, - zweitens zwischen Logik und Psychologie, - drittens qua Parallelitaet von physischer und psychischer Kausalitaet, ? mit Einzelanalysen in exemplarischer Absicht und in stetem Blick auf Wundts echten Methodenpluralismus in Theorie und Praxis.
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Ireland, Mardy / Quatman, Teri,
America's Psychological Now: Enlivening the Social and Collective Unconscious in a Time of Urgency. 168 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-789>
ISBN 978-1-03-267731-6 hard ¥36,036.- (税込) GB£ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-267729-3 paper ¥6,095.- (税込) GB£ 21.99 *
This book explores the causes behind Trump's victory in the 2016 US presidential election and asks how a psychoanalytic understanding of the social unconscious can help us plot a new direction for the future in US politics and beyond.It first describes the social/psychological threads that are the now of American culture. Seeds of hope are discovered through an in-depth examination of the American idea of excess as represented by Trump, its archetypal figure. Essential psychoanalytic ideas such as, the fundamental human condition of living with both individual and social unconscious, the psychic feminine principal, the notion of psychic valence and more are illustrated as psychic integrations necessary for America to move towards a redemptive positive social change. This book combines feminist exploration with playful illustrative imagery and mythic story-aiming to awaken minds across generations.America's Psychological Now is key reading for psychoanalysis, psychologists, political theorists, and anyone wishing to understand better how the social and political systems could be changed for the future.
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Coghlan, David,
Edgar H. Schein: The Artistry of a Reflexive Organizational Scholar-Practitioner. (Routledge Studies in Organizational Change & Development) 208 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-442>
ISBN 978-1-03-243240-3 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
The contribution of Edgar H. Schein to the field of management, organisation studies and applied behavioural science is both extensive and deep. For almost 70 years, he has creatively and systematically shaped theory and practice in areas including organisation development and change, career dynamics, the cultural dynamics of complex systems, leadership, process consultation and the clinical inquiry/research paradigm. He has written extensively on the process of organisational change and framed the construct of the clinical approach to research. With such an extensive corpus over such a long period, Schein has been termed a "transcendent thought leader" and it is in this spirit that a volume exploring his work offers a contribution how scholars and practitioners can come to understand their engagement in organisations. This singular volume adopts a reflective perspective on the work of Edgar Schein as a social scientist and shows how he developed his craft as an engaged organisational scholar-practitioner through reflexive attention to his experience in working with managers and organisations and generating knowledge out of action. The intended contribution is both to present Schein's work to students and scholars of organisation studies and to offer a reflexive methodological framework to engage scholar-practitioner in any field.The Open Access version of this book, available at http://www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.
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Thakre, Nilesh / Reddy, B. Udaya Kumar (eds.),
Stress, Wellness, and Performance Optimization: Promoting Sustainable Performance in the Workplace. 264 pp. 2024:2 (Apple Academic Pr., US) <713-451>
ISBN 978-1-77491-406-9 hard ¥34,372.- (税込) GB£ 124.00 *
This volume examines the intertwined concepts of stress, performance, and wellness and offers insight and strategies for providing support to individuals and organizations for effective performance optimization. The book considers new constructs in the area of organizational stress and provides a comprehensive review of wellness as well as performance aspects, offering unique perspectives and empirical findings.The book first discusses organizational constraints and summarizes the many factors within workplaces that negate effective job performance (disruptions, lack of supplies, equipment, or training, etc.). It discusses well-being interventions, giving practical examples that combine theory and practice. The moderating effect of situation-specific support is considered as is the role of family and spirituality in creating resilience in leadership and organizations in different cultural contexts. New technology, such as wearable devices and computer-based software applications, are considered, highlighting their potential to provide employers with guidance as to how they can enable their employees to self-manage their wellness and productivity.Other topics include anxiety habit loops -how they are formed, their debilitating impact, and various strategies that can break these dysfunctional habit loops and replace them with more functional and constructive habits, better leading to reduced anxiety, stronger mental well-being and resilience; measuring work-life balance and life satisfaction; the effects of perceived organizational justice and generational cohort on burnout and self-efficacy and the association between burnout and self-efficacy; and more.
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Henik, Libby / Aron, Lewis (eds.),
Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Jewish Thought: Answering a Question with More Questions. (Psyche and Soul) 246 pp. 2023:10 (Routledge, UK) <713-215>
ISBN 978-1-03-221070-4 hard ¥29,106.- (税込) GB£ 105.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-221071-1 paper ¥8,312.- (税込) GB£ 29.99 *
Demonstrating the connections between contemporary psychoanalysis, Jewish thought and Jewish history, this volume is a significant contribution to the traditions of dialogue, debate and change-within-continuity that epitomize these disciplines.The authors of this volume explore the cross-disciplinary connections between psychoanalysis and Jewish thought, while seeking out the resonance of new meanings, to exemplify the uncanny similarities that exist between ancient Rabbinic methods of interpretation and contemporary psychoanalytic theory and methodology, particularly the centrality of the question and the deconstruction of narrative. In doing so, this collaboration addresses the bi-directional influence between, and the relevance of, the Jewish interpretive tradition and psychoanalysis to provide readers with renewed insight into key topics such as Biblical text and midrash, religious traditions, trauma, gender, history, clinical work and the legacies of the Holocaust on psychoanalytic theory.Creating an intimate environment for interdisciplinary dialogue, this is an essential book for students, scholars and clinicians alike, who seek to understand the continued significance of the multiple connections between psychoanalysis and Jewish thought.
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Iagher, Matei,
The Making and Unmaking of the Psychology of Religion: Religion of Mind. (Routledge Studies in Religion) 272 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-223>
ISBN 978-1-03-221445-0 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
This book examines the rise and demise of the psychology of religion in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Europe and the United States. It considers the formation of the psychology of religion as an international movement, an enterprise whose goal was to refashion the science of religion at the turn of the century. Drawing on published sources and archival accounts, the chapters engage with the work of notable figures including William James, C.G. Jung, and Pierre Janet, placing it alongside lesser-known practitioners such as Ernest Murisier, James Henry Leuba, James Pratt, and George Albert Coe. In addition to probing the intellectual background and professional context for the emergence of this sub-discipline, the book examines the development of key concepts and methodologies among psychologists of religion and offers arguments both for the rise of the discipline as well as for its demise in the early decades of the 20th century.
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Williams, Wendi S.,
Black Women at Work: On Refusal and Recovery. (Race and Ethnicity in Psychology) 152 pp. 2023:2 (Praeger, US) <713-340>
ISBN 978-1-4408-7599-1 hard ¥9,504.- (税込) US$ 45.00 *
Details, and offers vignettes to illustrate, how patriarchy and white supremacy have restricted Black women at work, both historically and currently. Around water coolers and over glasses of wine, Black women come together and process the ways in which their labor is taken for granted and their excellence called into question. Black Women at Work: On Refusal and Recovery makes the direct connection between these contemporary experiences and the long legacy of Black labor exploitation. Through the trafficking and enslavement of Africans, European Americans laid the inhumane foundation of their present-day wealth and privilege and established oppressive labor dynamics for workers that persist to this day. In Black Women at Work, Wendi S. Williams moves the conversation beyond the stubborn audacity of inequity, focusing instead on the powerful history and example of Black women's labor and refusal practices and on the potent role that choice and voice can play in dismantling seemingly impenetrable systems of unfairness. Through the interweaving of personal narratives and social media reflections, Williams crafts a larger narrative of recovery and refusal that articulates a liberatory path toward recovery and reclamation through refusal-a path that will ultimately help to bring us all closer to freedom.
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Kumar, Kamayani (ed.),
Articulating Childhood Trauma: In the Context of War, Sexual Abuse and Disability. 240 pp. 2024:2 (Routledge, UK) <713-352>
ISBN 978-1-03-202291-8 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-270529-3 paper ¥10,253.- (税込) GB£ 36.99 *
The volume addresses the pertinent need to examine childhood trauma revolving around themes of war, sexual abuse, and disability. Drawing narratives from spatial, temporal, and cultural contexts, the book analyses how conflict, abuse, domestic violence, contours of gender construction, and narratives of ableism affect a child's transactions with society. While exploring complex manifestations of children's experience of trauma, the volume seeks to understand the issues related to translatability/representation, of trauma bearing in mind the fact that children often lack the language to express their sense of loss. The book in its study of childhood trauma does a close exegesis of select literary pieces, drawings done by children, memoirs, and graphic narratives.Academicians and research scholars from the disciplines of childhood studies, trauma studies, resilience studies, visual studies, gender studies, cultural studies, disability studies, and film studies stand to benefit from this volume. The ideas that have been expressed in this volume will richly contribute towards further research and scholarship in this domain.
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Hariharan, Meena,
The Textbook of Health Psychology. 512 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-368>
ISBN 978-1-03-257328-1 hard ¥36,036.- (税込) GB£ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-03-257330-4 paper ¥9,698.- (税込) GB£ 34.99
This book examines the concept of health psychology following its trajectory from ancient to contemporary times. It analyses the theories, practice and research in health psychology from both Indian and Western perspectives. The volume brings together knowledge diversified across various narrow subfields. It expounds upon physiological psychology; chronic illnesses associated with physiological systems; and biopsychosocial approaches to treatment and management with therapeutic interventions integrated throughout the book. It further discusses health promotive and health risk behaviour with reference to health policies and databases at national and global levels. This book will be beneficial to the students, researchers and teachers of psychology, applied psychology, public health, public policy, community health, and medical and paramedical studies. It will also be indispensable to the policy-makers and NGOs working in the field of public health.
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Verma, Rajesh / Uzaina, Uzaina / Manickam, S. et al. (eds.),
Exploring the Psycho-Social Impact of COVID-19: Global Perspectives on Behaviour, Interventions and Future Directions. 224 pp. 2024:2 (Routledge, UK) <713-382>
ISBN 978-1-03-241274-0 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-241275-7 paper ¥11,084.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *
This comprehensive resource provides a one-stop information repository, exploring all psychological aspects of Covid-19. Divided into three sections, the book covers the psycho-social impact on society and individuals and our collective cooperative behaviour, as well as philanthropic efforts, coping strategies and technological interventions, and how lessons learned will help in preparedness for the future.Including case studies and the latest research from diverse scientific studies across different regions, this book examines how psycho-social paradigms changed as a result of the pandemic, and left their watermark on the human psyche. It also explores the coping strategies adopted to deal with this common aggressor and how the techniques varied in accordance with social, cultural and geographical factors. The final section offers new insights for the future, highlighting the psychological infrastructure required, the type of preparedness and handling strategies necessary to mitigate the impact of any future biogenic pandemics.Combining theory and practical application, this is a valuable reading for academics and researchers as well as practising psychologists, clinical psychologists, and law-makers who are concerned with mental health.
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Burman, Erica,
Child as Method: Othering, Interiority and Materialism. 336 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1386>
ISBN 978-1-03-225573-6 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-225572-9 paper ¥11,084.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *
In this vital volume, Erica Burman presents a synthesis of her work developed over the past decade. Building from her path-breaking critiques of developmental psychology to the strategy of plural developments, her more recent work elaborates a new approach, generated from postcolonial, feminist intersectionality and migration studies: Child as method.This text amplifies the Child as method's success as a distinct way of exploring the alignments of current 'new materialist' or posthumanist approaches with supposedly 'older' materialist analyses, including Marxist theory, feminist theory, anticolonial approaches and psychoanalytic perspectives. It assumes that childhood is a material practice, both undertaken by children themselves and by those who live and work with them, as well as by those who define politics, policies and popular culture about children. Key chapters interrogate historical legacies arising from the Eurocentric origins of what are now globalised models of modern childhood and evaluate the problems posed by the structure of emotion and affectivity that surrounds children and childhood - by tracing its evolution and indicating some of its unhelpful current effects in recentring white/Majority world subjectivitiesChild as Method provides key contributions to a range of disciplines and debates including developmental psychology, critical childhood studies, education studies, legal studies, health and social care and literature.
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Chow, Jason Tak-Sang / Sun, Catherine Tien-Lun (eds.),
Psychology in Asia: An Introduction. 2nd ed. 518 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1387>
ISBN 978-1-03-262276-7 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-262275-0 paper ¥24,113.- (税込) GB£ 86.99 *
Psychology in Asia: An Introduction is the second edition of this introductory level textbook on psychology and human behavior written with an Asian focus.The book introduces the central tenets of psychology, using examples and content which are culturally relevant and applicable to students in Asia. It covers essential topics of psychology including: personality, human development, psychological disorders, gender and sexuality, emotion, and positive psychology. Each chapter is accompanied by information relevant to an Asian cultural context and connected to the region's diverse heritage and history. For this second edition, the content has been substantially updated. In addition to standard topics found in texts on introductory psychology, this book includes chapters on the Tenets of Asian Psychology, Asian Philosophies, and Behavior.The text includes features to help students familiarize themselves with the key terms that are defined in the page margins. It includes learning aids such as boxes that define theoretical and technical terms, and the activities in each chapter encourage active learning and critical thinking. The authors also provide useful resources such as study questions, chapter outlines, and references to journal articles that allow further reading. Students will benefit from an increased understanding of the concepts taught through the authors' user-friendly academic writing style and colorful illustrations included throughout each chapter.Through this accessible text, undergraduate and upper undergraduate students of psychology will learn about core topics and classical studies that originate in the West but do so alongside the important contributions that Asian psychology makes to the field.
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Connolly, Christopher / Gobet, Fernand,
Transition Expertise and Identity: A Study of Individuals who Succeeded in Life and Career Transitions. 250 pp. 2024:5 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <713-1389>
ISBN 978-1-00-910017-5 hard ¥29,106.- (税込) GB£ 105.00 *
Through a systematic review of relevant literature and an analysis of in-depth interviews with key expert performers, this book examines the nature of expertise that enables individuals to make repeated successful transitions over the course of their career. Focusing on business, sports, and music, it examines the roles of motivation, cognitive flexibility, personal intelligence, generative thinking, and contextual intelligence in this process. It further shows how identity changes and adapts during a career transition and how self concept evolves over the course of a career. This book has wide appeal for academics in psychology, sports, music, and business, as well as coaches, mentors, talent management, and training organisations across these domains.
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Eigen, Michael,
Bits of Psyche: Selected Seminars by Michael Eigen. 160 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1391>
ISBN 978-1-03-265893-3 hard ¥36,036.- (税込) GB£ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-267430-8 paper ¥8,867.- (税込) GB£ 31.99 *
This book includes material from Michael Eigen's celebrated and long-running seminar series, to explore some of the classic and contemporary key concepts in psychoanalytic theory and practice.Drawing on the work of Winnicott, Bion and Lacan, Eigen explores key psychoanalytic themes which have risen to prominence over the last decade such as the place of politics in psychoanalysis, life, death and psychic deadness, and the role of lies and deception in the consulting room and our world.With over 50 years of experience in leading seminars and working psychoanalytically, Eigen's work is essential reading for all psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic psychotherapists.
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Eitan-Persico, Yifat,
Oedipal Experiences in Same-Sex Families. (Relational Perspectives Book Series) 384 pp. 2024:4 (Routledge, UK) <713-1392>
ISBN 978-1-03-266331-9 hard ¥36,036.- (税込) GB£ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-266329-6 paper ¥9,144.- (税込) GB£ 32.99 *
This book updates the Oedipus complex for a contemporary audience in the light of social and cultural changes and explores its implications for psychoanalytic treatment and our understanding of queer families.Growing evidence during the past few decades indicates that children who grow up in same-sex families adapt well. These findings, which do not conform to the predictions of Oedipal theory, expose the theory's biases, and call for reexamination of its premises. This book based on ground-breaking research and pursues a methodical investigation of the characteristics of the same-sex families that defy the expectations of Oedipal theory. Furnished with vivid illustrations, it invites the reader to engage actively in the interpretive effort and presents a diverse and complex story about kinship, opening a window onto a rich world of infantile phantasies and parents' psychological conflicts, at the fascinating intersection of the personal and the social.Oedipal Experiences in Same-Sex Families will appeal to psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, educators and policymakers, same-sex parents, and parents who were assisted by gamete donation.
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Francis, Andrea,
Abandoned: How Children Suffer When a Parent Deserts Them. (Practical and Applied Psychology) 232 pp. 2023:6 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <713-1393>
ISBN 978-1-4408-7796-4 hard ¥13,860.- (税込) GB£ 50.00 *
Featuring children's voices describing the trauma and suffering they feel when their parents leave, Abandoned explores psychological theories of mothers' and fathers' roles in children's lives and offers practical advice to those who care for children traumatized by parental abandonment. Parents leave their children for many reasons, including divorce, work, imprisonment, mental health, and domestic violence. While children may appear to understand these reasons, their hearts are often broken; they are traumatized and grieve their parent's absence. Their pain shows itself in a variety of maladaptive behaviors and emotions, such as anxiety, panic attacks, self-injury, low self-efficacy, anger, and excessive or inappropriate online use. In Abandoned, counseling psychologist Andrea Francis draws on classic and current research to describe the critical roles of mothers and fathers in their child's development. Stories told by children and family members are woven throughout the book to demonstrate the social, emotional, and psychological impact of parental abandonment. The children represent different ethnicities and socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds, highlighting that the pain of parental abandonment is felt keenly by all children regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or culture. Francis's theory of "twoness" helps explain how children often cope. Along with its study of children's trauma, this book offers interventions derived from the author's experience, including multicultural activities that offer hope, resilience, and healing for abandoned children.
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Gross, Richard,
The Psychology of Time. (The Psychology of Everything) 144 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1394>
ISBN 978-1-03-269620-1 hard ¥36,036.- (税込) GB£ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-269619-5 paper ¥3,600.- (税込) GB£ 12.99 *
What is the meaning of time? Do we have an internal clock? Can time speed up or slow down?The Psychology of Time considers how we define, describe, and experience time. From a discussion of how our language around time is dependent on metaphor, to the role of biology in controlling our bodily experience of time, the book delves into how the finitude of life is a given human experience. It looks at how we reflect on the passage of time throughout our lives, and how our experience of time can be influenced by diverse factors including our age, gender, health, and culture.Offering insights into something we are all immersed in, but often give little thought to, The Psychology of Time shows us how our understanding and experience of time can influence our everyday behaviour.
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Lange-Kuettner, Christiane,
Visual and Motor Cognition in Infants and Children: What Develops and What Stays the Same. (International Texts in Developmental Psychology) 256 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1401>
ISBN 978-0-367-22068-6 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-0-367-22069-3 paper ¥11,084.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *
This insightful book offers an authoritative yet accessible introduction to the development of visual abilities and motor skills in infants and children. Based on theory and cutting-edge up-to-date research about the development of non-verbal intelligence, it provides readers with essential knowledge about the foundations of typical and atypical development.Split into two parts, the book begins by describing the development of components of non-verbal intelligence in typical development. Several studies are presented that document the importance of a transition from an object-place to objects-region encoding for proper spatial categorisation. In the second part, the book discusses which of the visual, spatial, motor, imagery, categorisation, memory and planning processes may be affected in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Lange-Kuettner introduces a Spatial Model that integrates object salience, speed and abstraction of spatial patterns of locations, re-occurring at different ages. She also develops a Spatial Freedom Theory that argues that spatial containment, constraints and exploration belong together.The book encourages and stimulates new research ideas by discussing the most important research results to date and identifying new research questions. This text will be of interest to students and instructors as well as researchers in the fields of developmental, clinical, educational and cognitive psychology as well as neuroscience and physical education.
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人格の発達への学際的視点国際ハンドブック 第1巻:人格の概念化と定義
Matthews, Michael D. / Lerner, Richard M. (eds.),
The Routledge International Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Character Development. Volume I.: Conceptualizing and Defining Character. (Routledge International Handbooks) 656 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1405>
ISBN 978-1-03-216949-1 hard ¥59,598.- (税込) GB£ 215.00 *
Drawing from philosophy, religion, biology, behavioral and social sciences, and the arts, The Routledge International Handbooks of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Character Development, Volumes I and II, present cutting-edge scholarship about the concept of character across the life span, the developmental and contextual bases of character, and the key organizations of societal sectors, within and across nations, that promote character development in individuals, families, and communities.This first volume, Conceptualizing and Defining Character, explores the foundations of the field by providing an array of interdisciplinary approaches to character development, including economics, education, law, literature, military science, philosophy, and many more. With contributions from international experts, Volume I brings together cutting-edge research and discusses instances of character development, including civic character, courage, fairness, forgiveness, gratitude, morality, tolerance, and thankfulness.This comprehensive publication is an essential reference for researchers and graduate students in behavioral sciences, biology, philosophy, theology, and economics, as well as practitioners leading or evaluating character education or character development programs around the world.Find Volume II: Moderators, Threats, and Contexts here: www.routledge.com/9781032172453
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人格の発達への学際的視点国際ハンドブック 第2巻:調整変数、脅威、コンテクスト
Matthews, Michael D. / Lerner, Richard M. (eds.),
The Routledge International Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Character Development. Volume II.: Moderators, Threats, and Contexts. (Routledge International Handbooks) 728 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1406>
ISBN 978-1-03-217244-6 hard ¥59,598.- (税込) GB£ 215.00 *
Drawing from philosophy, religion, biology, behavioral and social sciences, and the arts, The Routledge International Handbooks of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Character Development, Volumes I and II, present cutting-edge scholarship about the concept of character across the life span, the developmental and contextual bases of character, and the key organizations of societal sectors, within and across nations, that promote character development in individuals, families, and communities.This second volume, Moderators, Threats, and Contexts, focuses on the moderators and covariates of character development with chapters pertaining to cultural- and contextual-based exemplars of character development; grit, achievement, and resilience; hope for the future; and parenting and self-regulation. With contributions from international experts, Volume II goes on to discuss threats to moral, positive, or virtuous character development, as well as the different contexts wherein the character is studied and promoted. Special attention is paid to the centers of excellence at universities around the world that specialize in character development research and character education.This comprehensive publication is an essential reference for researchers and graduate students in behavioral sciences, biology, philosophy, theology, and economics, as well as practitioners leading or evaluating character education or character development programs around the world.Find Volume I: Conceptualizing and Defining Character here: www.routledge.com/9781032169491
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McLean, Kate,
Why Change Is Hard: The Power of Master Narratives over Self and Society. 405 pp. 2024:2 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <713-1409>
ISBN 978-0-19-776464-0 hard ¥19,008.- (税込) US$ 90.00 *
The possibilities of personal growth and change are embedded in American cultural values that center individual autonomy and personal responsibility for charting one's life course. These values infuse the scientific study of identity development, where scholarship has contributed to the idea that we are the sole authors of our own stories. However, the data to support such claims are sparse. In Why Change is Hard, Kate C. McLean argues that the promise of the possibility for growth and change, and the personal capacity to do so, are represented in problematic master narratives--present in broader society, as well as in the scientific community. Such narratives about personal growth and responsibility serve to limit attention to the systems and structures of society that restrict and deny the expression of individual identities, resulting in the maintenance of an inequitable status quo. The argument is made through the prism of the science on personality development, and narrative identity development in particular. This book calls into question the degree to which the theories and methods employed, as well as the data, support the elevation of such master narratives about the possibility for growth, challenging scholars to develop an awareness of their complicity in the maintenance of harmful ideologies.
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Milan, Betty,
Analyzed by Lacan: A Personal Account. Tr. by C. Vanderwees et al. (Psychoanalytic Horizons) 144 pp. 2023:11 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <713-1410>
ISBN 979-87-651-0620-4 hard ¥16,632.- (税込) GB£ 60.00 *
ISBN 979-87-651-0619-8 paper ¥4,154.- (税込) GB£ 14.99 *
Nichols Lodato, Bronwyn,
COVID-19, the Great Recession and Young Adult Identity Development: Shock-Sensitive Dynamic Ecological Systems Theory. (Explorations in Developmental Psychology) 168 pp. 2023:12 (Routledge, UK) <713-1412>
ISBN 978-1-03-251345-4 hard ¥13,856.- (税込) GB£ 49.99 *
This book offers a paradigm shift in the framing of identity development by advancing a new, shock-sensitive framework for diverse young adult identity development after high school.The author builds on the critical theoretical contributions of Urie Bronfenbrenner and Margaret Beale Spencer that highlight the person-context nature of development and the dynamic nature of vulnerability, risk, and coping. The inclusive, policy-relevant theoretical approach emerges from the author's mixed-methods study that examines the context-dependent identity development experiences of young adults. The book also accounts for the unique person-context dynamics during the Great Recession and COVID-19 global shocks that drive how diverse young adults make meaning of risk as they cope with the shock-related disruptions on their individual postsecondary journeys toward building their adult identities. Given that the qualitative interview component of the study occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, this research offers a unique, in-real-time vantage point from participants who are making meaning of their choices and decisions as the shock was underway. The book also tracks the heightened importance of online tools during this period and the implications of virtual contexts where developmental activities are pursued, such as online education, work, and socializing.Advancing a new, shock-sensitive, interdisciplinary theory of identity development in postsecondary journeys of diverse young adults, it will appeal to scholars and students at the graduate level working across psychology, human development, educational psychology, sociology of education, and public policy.
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Norman, Amanda,
Transitional Objects in Early Childhood: The Value of Transitional Objects in the Early Years. 160 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1413>
ISBN 978-1-03-228400-2 hard ¥36,036.- (税込) GB£ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-228047-9 paper ¥8,312.- (税込) GB£ 29.99 *
In this innovative book, Amanda Norman looks at D. W. Winnicott's theory of Transitional Objects in early years practice, the 'good-enough' parent, and the relationship between the young child and primary carer in relation to the value of Transitional Objects.Norman looks at how an understanding of psychological theories can be useful when caring for young children in both educational and research contexts, aiding those interested in understanding therapeutic relationships, and applying the principles to promote the use of Transitional Objects in their work. Throughout the book, Norman uses case studies from parents, children, and practitioner's perspectives in supporting physical and emotional development. Through these, she shows how observing Transitional Objects is particularly relevant to living in the west, where a low touch, high technology culture prevails, compounded by the recent pandemic. This volume contributes to a timely connection between the understanding and application of therapeutic approaches within early educational contexts. Including engaging exercises at the end of each chapter, this book is a perfect companion for those approaching the concept of Transitional Objects for the first time.Transitional Objects in Early Childhood is vital reading for those with an interest in the psychology of the infant/young child and their relationship and realities with the external world. It will be of particular interest to those specialising in infant and child care who wish to develop their knowledge of emotional development through play, as well as those working in a variety of social, education, and health contexts.
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Power, Pamela J.,
Transitions in Jungian Analysis: Essays on Illness, Death and Violence. 160 pp. 2024:2 (Routledge, UK) <713-1414>
ISBN 978-1-03-256127-1 hard ¥33,264.- (税込) GB£ 120.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-256125-7 paper ¥8,312.- (税込) GB£ 29.99 *
This deeply personal book contains essays and articles that portray the evolution of the author as a practicing Jungian analyst. Themes of illness, death, and violence are inherent within the chapters of this book. She uses metaphors from music to describe transitions, some involve literal death, and others are metaphorical. The chapters of this book provide an engaging and readable review of life from one Jungian psychoanalyst, featuring essays on topics such as physical illness, film, music, video games, and her dog. The author covers problematic psychological and physical conditions, each of which, through exploration and inquiry, provides a transition to a new depth of understanding and a renewed sense of self. The book begins with the death of Power's Jungian analyst and the subsequent experiences when she began a "new analysis." She describes a "mysterious illness" that took her from being a classical musician to becoming a Jungian analyst. Other chapters include one on the nature of violence, another on the clinical issue of the "negative coniunctio" in the consulting room, and another on body symptoms and illness as "vanishing mediators" that take her from one status to another. A personal and engaging read, this new collection by an experienced analyst will be of interest to Jungian analysts, clinicians in both analytical psychology and psychoanalysis, and those undertaking psychoanalytic training.
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Schraube, Ernst,
Digitalization and Learning as a Worlding Practice: Why Dialogue Matters. (Concepts for Critical Psychology) 184 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1415>
ISBN 978-0-367-14278-0 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-0-367-14280-3 paper ¥10,253.- (税込) GB£ 36.99 *
In the face of a world in crisis, Digitalization and Learning as a Worlding Practice: Why Dialogue Matters examines the significance of digital technologies in human learning.The book explores how learning is not just an internalization of knowledge but a problem- oriented activity of engaging with the world, a process of both meaning making and world making. It raises a pivotal question: how can digital technologies help to expand and enrich learning as a collaborative worlding practice? It discusses the importance of digital artifacts in shaping students' learning experiences, discerning how they nourish meaningful engagement and where they pose a hindrance. The book also investigates the role of digitalization in transforming everyday life and learning activity of students, and how learners, teachers, and educators can approach these transformations critically and constructively. Based on an embodied, subject- and world- centered concept of learning, the book offers its readers a sophisticated understanding of the inner connection between digitalization and learning.This book will appeal to students and scholars in Psychology, Education, and Science and Technology Studies, as well as to anyone concerned with the implications of digital technology for the processes of human learning.
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Mccarthy, Paul / Gupta, Sahen / Burns, Lindsey et al.,
Training and Supervision in Sport and Exercise Psychology. 216 pp. 2024:4 (Routledge, UK) <713-1086>
ISBN 978-1-03-243418-6 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-243417-9 paper ¥9,975.- (税込) GB£ 35.99 *
Training and Supervision in Sport and Exercise Psychology presents a labyrinth of choices and challenges for trainees and supervisors, such as training and supervision mixing the science of doing sport and exercise psychology with the art of judgement and decision-making to deliver services to athletes. With a multitude of skills to master and competencies to gain, trainees and supervisors need assurances about best practice in their field and the assessments they can trust.Including cases, trainee autobiographical cases, and examples of good practice drawn from current and ex-trainees who have become sport psychology consultants, this book aims to educate trainees how to deal competently with professional and ethical guidelines. We aim to educate trainees to get started in service delivery, set up placement, work with clients, use supervision effectively, conduct academic research, and write sound assessments before preparing for a viva voce and beginning the transition to the workplace. This book shall serve trainees and their supervisors on their journey through to qualified status.Training and supervision to become a sport and exercise psychologist is of the utmost importance in the growing profession of sport and exercise psychology. This book aims to bring clarity, guidance, and support to learning and mastering professional skills in applied sport psychology service delivery. This book is key reading for undergraduates and postgraduates studying sport and exercise psychology and those studying for taught and professional doctorates in sport and exercise psychology.
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Marraffa, Massimo / Meini, Cristina (eds.),
The Developmental Psychology of Personal Identity: A Philosophical Perspective. 240 pp. 2024:3 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <713-109>
ISBN 978-1-350-36899-6 hard ¥23,562.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *
Massimo Marraffa and Cristina Meini re-connect the psychology of identity with its philosophical roots in this study. They trace the contemporary problem of the self to John Locke and William James' foundational theories on personal identity. By integrating the philosophy of identity with empirical and neuropsychological research, Marraffa and Meini provide an original synthesis of multidisciplinary conceptions of the self. The Developmental Psychology of Personal Identity builds on Chomsky-inspired developmental psychology, Jean Piaget's constructivism, Lev Vygotskij's sociocultural perspective on development and John Bowlby's attachment theory. In this theoretical framework, the book draws on the data of the psychological sciences to reconstruct the trajectory of the self as a 'Lockean person' (i.e., as morally responsible agent). The authors link the birth of self-consciousness through the body and emotions to the construction of a narrative self. Their combination of philosophy and cognitive sciences makes an important contribution to multiple disciplines concerned with personal identity. It provokes new routes to understanding identity and self, autobiographical memory, and personality.
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McCurry, Jeffrey,
The Ethics of Immediacy: Dangerous Experience in Freud, Woolf, and Merleau-Ponty. (Psychoanalytic Horizons) 224 pp. 2023:11 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <713-110>
ISBN 979-87-651-0724-9 hard ¥24,948.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *
Stephenson, Laura,
Cinema, Suffering and Psychoanalysis: The Mechanism of Self. 232 pp. 2024:1 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <713-1151>
ISBN 979-87-651-0566-5 hard ¥24,948.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *
Lester, Rebecca (ed.),
Innovations in Psychological Anthropology. 160 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1183>
ISBN 978-1-03-231856-1 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-231855-4 paper ¥10,253.- (税込) GB£ 36.99 *
This volume offers a bold and long-overdue intervention into the field of psychological anthropology. It asks how scholars might both constructively destabilize old frameworks borne from the field's complex past and seed innovative new engagements in order to chart ethical, responsible, and constructive ways forward. The contributions cover such topics as white supremacy and the production of knowledge, new perspectives on the "disabled" mind, the importance of ethnographic refusal, silence in narrative, and the racialization of therapeutic methods. This timely book seeks to reinvigorate the field and lay groundwork for a new bridge between the subdiscipline and the wider anthropological community. It is an ideal text for courses in anthropology, psychology, and the wider social sciences and humanities.
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Langdridge, Darren,
Sexual Citizenship and Social Change: A Dialectical Approach to Narratives of Tradition and Critique. (Sexuality, Identity, and Society) 216 pp. 2024:3 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <713-1265>
ISBN 978-0-19-992631-2 hard ¥19,008.- (税込) US$ 90.00 *
Over the last thirty years in the West, there has been enormous change in social and state acceptance regarding sex and sexualities, with an apparent new acceptance and openness towards diverse sexual practices and sexualities. Much of this change has come about through community claims for rights grounded in critical social theory and the language of citizenship. While accepting that much of the critique has been valuable in advancing rights for sexual minorities, Sexual Citizenship and Social Change argues that the mode of critique itself may become problematic. Examining the use and abuse of critique in contemporary sexuality scholarship and associated activism, Darren Langdridge implicates a particular form of critique that is detached, unfettered, and set loose from the usual anchor of tradition. Even the most ostensibly well-meaning critic--and associated critique--can become problematic when their arguments are detached from tradition. Further, the book shows that this unrestrained excess of critique is particularly dangerous because it emerges from within minority sexual communities and their allies, not from the usual conservative opposition to progressive change. Theoretically and empirically grounded, Sexual Citizenship and Social Change draws on ideas and findings from psychology, sociology, politics, and philosophy and offers a radical challenge to the unfettered adoption of a critical approach in sexualities scholarship and activism. It highlights why we need to shine a critical lens on critique itself, while also anchoring it in a more constructive relationship with its natural opposite: tradition.
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Naszkowska, Klara (ed.),
Early Women Psychoanalysts: History, Biography, and Contemporary Relevance. (Relational Perspectives Book Series) 416 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1270>
ISBN 978-1-03-259693-8 hard ¥36,036.- (税込) GB£ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-259535-1 paper ¥8,867.- (税込) GB£ 31.99 *
Each life story is unique, yet each also entwines with other stories, sharing recurring themes linked to issues of gender, Jewishness, women's education, politics, and migration.The book's first section discusses relatively known analysts such as Sabina Spielrein, Lou Andreas-Salome, and Beata Rank, remembered largely as someone's wife, lover, or muse; and the second part sheds light on women such as Margarethe Hilferding, Tatiana Rosenthal, and Erzsebet Farkas, who took strong political stances. In the third section, the biographies of lesser-known analysts like Ludwika Karpinska-Woyczynska, Nic Waal, Barbara Low, and Vilma Kovacs are discussed in the context of their importance for the early Freudian movement; and in the final section, the lives of Eugenia Sokolnicka, Sophie Morgenstern, Alberta Szalita, and Olga Wermer are examined in relation to migration and exile, trauma, loss, and memory.With a clear focus upon the continued importance of these women for psychoanalytic theory and practice, as well as discussion that engages with pertinent issues such as gendered discrimination, inhumane immigration laws, and antisemitism, this book is an important reading for students, scholars, and practitioners of psychoanalysis, as well as those involved in gender and women's studies, and Jewish and Holocaust studies.
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人格の発達への学際的視点国際ハンドブック 全2巻
Matthews, Michael D. / Lerner, Richard M. (eds.),
The Routledge International Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Character Development. 2 vols. 1384 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <100-6394>
ISBN 978-1-03-270174-5 hard ¥102,564.- (税込) GB£ 370.00
Drawing from philosophy, religion, biology, behavioral and social sciences, and the arts, the Routledge International Handbooks of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Character Development, Volumes I and II, present cutting-edge scholarship about the concept of character across the life span, the developmental and contextual bases of character, and the key organizations of societal sectors, within and across nations, that promote character development in individuals, families, and communities.This first volume, Conceptualizing and Defining Character explores the foundations of the field by providing an array of interdisciplinary approaches to character development including economics, education, law, literature, military science, philosophy, and many more. This second volume, Moderators, Threats, and Contexts focuses on the moderators and covariates of character development with chapters pertaining to cultural- and contextual-based exemplars of character development; grit, achievement, and resilience; hope for the future; and parenting and self-regulation. With contributions from international experts, special attention is paid to the centers of excellence at universities around the world that specialize in character development research and character education.These comprehensive publications are essential references for researchers and graduate students in behavioral sciences, biology, philosophy, theology, and economics, as well as practitioners leading or evaluating character education or character development programs around the world.
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