2025/02/07 update!
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掲載点数 全7件
Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Barbe, Dominique,
Histoire du Pacifique: des origines a nos jours. (Tempus) 878 p. 2023:9 (Perrin, FR) <713-869>
ISBN 978-2-262-10492-4 paper ¥2,811.- (税込) EUR 12.00
Bauer, Gero / Hirschfelder, Nicole / Resende, F. (eds.),
Un-Mapping the Global South. (Transdisciplinary Souths) 248 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-870>
ISBN 978-1-032-60798-6 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-72746-2 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *
This book offers new approaches and insights into the ongoing and topical discussions on the concepts and definitions of the global south. Instead of adding to the debates about how to properly define the "global south" as such, it aims at emphasising concrete experiences and accounts of (post-)colonial dislocation and disidentification as both a starting point and linchpin for the subsequent exploration. It brings into conversation theories and interrogations of the "global south" with specific local studies, without presenting them as the romanticised "other" or as "non-western" narratives. As a bold initiation of future conversations on issues that both directly and indirectly affect ideas about the global south, the volume will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of critical theory, literary and cultural studies, and global south studies.
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Bose, Sugata,
Asia after Europe: Imagining a Continent in the Long Twentieth Century. 288 pp. 2024:2 (Belknap Pr., US) <713-871>
ISBN 978-0-674-42349-7 hard ¥9,007.- (税込) US$ 39.95 *
A concise new history of a century of struggles to define Asian identity and express alternatives to European forms of universalism.The balance of global power changed profoundly over the course of the twentieth century, above all with the economic and political rise of Asia. Asia after Europe is a bold new interpretation of the period, focusing on the conflicting and overlapping ways in which Asians have conceived their bonds and their roles in the world. Tracking the circulation of ideas and people across colonial and national borders, Sugata Bose explores developments in Asian thought, art, and politics that defied Euro-American models and defined Asianness as a locus of solidarity for all humanity.Impressive in scale, yet driven by the stories of fascinating and influential individuals, Asia after Europe examines early intimations of Asian solidarity and universalism preceding Japan's victory over Russia in 1905; the revolutionary collaborations of the First World War and its aftermath, when Asian universalism took shape alongside Wilsonian internationalism and Bolshevism; the impact of the Great Depression and Second World War on the idea of Asia; and the persistence of forms of Asian universalism in the postwar period, despite the consolidation of postcolonial nation-states on a European model.Diverse Asian universalisms were forged and fractured through phases of poverty and prosperity, among elites and common people, throughout the span of the twentieth century. Noting the endurance of nationalist rivalries, often tied to religious exclusion and violence, Bose concludes with reflections on the continuing potential of political thought beyond European definitions of reason, nation, and identity.
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Thies, Sebastian / Goumegou, Susanne / Cebey, G. (eds.),
The Routledge Handbook for Global South Studies on Subjectivities. (Transdisciplinary Souths) 424 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-874>
ISBN 978-1-032-10669-4 hard ¥65,021.- (税込) GB£ 230.00 *
The Routledge Handbook for Global South Studies on Subjectivities provides a series of exemplary studies conjoining perspectives from Asian, African, and Latin American Studies on subjectivity in the Global South as a central category of social and cultural analysis. The contestation of the Northern myth of the autonomous subject-the dispositive that contests subject formation in the South by describing it as fragmented, incomplete, delayed or simply deviant, has been a cornerstone of theory production from the South over the years.This volume's contributions offer an interdisciplinary and transarea dialogue, reframing issues of selfhood and alterity, of personhood, of the human, of the commons and contesting the North's presumption in determining what kind of subjectivities abide by its norms, whose voices are heard, who is recognised as a subject, and, by extension, whose lives matter. In the context of the shifting dynamics of today's manifold crises, they raise questions regarding how subjectivities act on or resist such forms of contestation, contingency, and indeterminacy.A major contribution to the growing body of scholarship on the Global South, this handbook will be an essential resource for students, scholars, researchers and instructors in literature, media and culture studies, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, law, politics, visual arts and art history.
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Alexander, Claire E.,
The Asian Gang Revisited: Changing Muslim Masculinities. 336 pp. 2024:1 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <713-599>
ISBN 978-1-350-38412-5 hard ¥18,375.- (税込) GB£ 65.00 *
ISBN 978-1-350-38413-2 paper ¥6,216.- (税込) GB£ 21.99
In her groundbreaking ethnography The Asian Gang, published in 2000, Claire Alexander explored the creation of Asian Muslim masculinities in South London. Set against the backdrop of the moral panic over 'Asian gangs' in the mid-1990s, and based on 5 years of ethnographic fieldwork, the book explored the idea of 'the gang', friendships, and the role of 'brothers' in the formation, performance and negotiation of ethnic, religious and gendered identities. The Asian Gang Revisited picks up the story of 'the Asian gang' over the subsequent two decades, examining the changing identities of the original participants as they transition into adulthood in the context of increased public and political concerns over Muslim masculinities, spanning the War on Terror, 'grooming gangs' and increased Islamophobia. Building on her ongoing relationships with the men over 25 years, the book explores education, employment, friendship, marriage and fatherhood, and religious identity, and examines both the changes and the continuities that have shaped this group. It traces the lives of its participants from their teenage years through to their early-mid 40s. A unique longitudinal study of this small, diverse but still close cohort of men, the book offers an intimate, rich and textured account of what it means to be a Muslim man in contemporary Britain.
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Davies, Sara E. / True, Jacqui,
Hidden Wars: Gendered Political Violence in Asia's Civil Conflicts. (Oxford Studies in Gender and International Relations) 232 pp. 2024:2 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <713-846>
ISBN 978-0-19-006416-7 hard ¥22,324.- (税込) US$ 99.00
ISBN 978-0-19-006417-4 paper ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *
Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) has always been a part of warfare. In Asia, testimonies of egregious rape and sexual violence extend back to the Rape of Nanjing, to the experience of the Korean comfort women in World War II, and to forced marriages and sexual slavery during the Cambodian genocide. The past two decades have yielded crucial new insights about SGBV, but scholars and researchers still struggle to explain why and when this violence occurs. A major problem is that incidences of SGBV are vastly underreported; reliable data is especially scarce in Asia, where demographic and health surveys are infrequent and national reporting systems are underdeveloped relative to other parts of the globe. Asia also has some of the most protracted conflicts in the world but the complexity of subnational conflicts in Asia often masks the gendered dimensions of violence. In Hidden Wars, Sara E. Davies and Jacqui True examine the relationship between reports of SGBV and structural gender inequality in three conflict-affected societies in Asia--Burma, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka. Based on extensive field research and an original dataset on conflict-related SGBV, Davies and True show how reporting is significantly constrained by a variety of factors, including normalized gendered violence as well as political dynamics affecting local civil society, humanitarian, and international organizations. They address the real-world limitations of data collection and argue that these constraints reinforce a culture of silence and impunity that perpetuates SGBV and permits governments to abrogate their responsibility for this violence. Hidden Wars breaks new methodological ground in showing that what we know about SGBV can be understood fully only if the politicized context of reporting SGBV and data collection is taken into consideration.
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Cormier, Ben,
How Governments Borrow: Partisan Politics, Constrained Institutions, and Sovereign Debt in Emerging Markets. 272 pp. 2024:2 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <713-288>
ISBN 978-0-19-888273-2 hard ¥25,443.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *
How Governments Borrow reveals how annual borrowing decisions are informed by domestic politics. The book traces the annual fiscal policymaking process in Emerging Markets (EM) to show how a government's partisan policy preferences are a primary determinant of annual external borrowing decisions and thus patterns of debt accumulation. That sovereign debt composition has partisan political roots provides insights for scholars in political science, international relations, economics, sociology, and public administration that work on sovereign debt. Sovereign debt composition enhances or limits the capacity of an EM government to contribute to social and economic development. Many EMs depend on foreign currency debt. How much external debt an EM government owes, the cost of that debt, the maturity of that debt, and the conditions attached to that debt all determine the political and economic opportunities and risks associated with a government's borrowings. EMs borrow from different sources each year, leading them to build different sovereign debt structures over time. Some prioritize cheap yet conditional official credit, which constrains policy autonomy but enhances debt sustainability. Others prioritize comparatively expensive bond markets, which enhances policy autonomy but brings more expensive repayment obligations on to national balance sheets. As countries accumulate debt, the borrowing choices they make come to have important effects on fiscal space, debt sustainability, and development.
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