2024/10/04 update!
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掲載点数 全6件
Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Barnes, Victoria / Honkala, Nora / Wheeler, Sally (eds.),
Women, Their Lives, and the Law: Essays in Honour of Rosemary Auchmuty. 320 pp. 2023:12 (Hart, UK) <713-475>
ISBN 978-1-5099-6208-2 hard ¥24,948.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *
This collection of essays honours Rosemary Auchmuty, Professor of Law at the University of Reading, UK. She has fostered the study of women's academic careers and, more politically, advanced progress on gender and equality issues including same-sex marriage and property law. Her research promotes the case of feminist legal history as a way of revealing the place of women and challenging dominant historical narratives that cast them aside. Just as Rosemary's work does, the book seeks to end the marginalisation and exclusion of women in the legal world, by including them. The book begins fittingly with a discussion of Miss Bebb, the woman whose biography Auchmuty deployed to push feminist legal history into the mainstream. It turns then to a discussion of women known and unknown and their struggles within the legal profession offering within those chapters a critical appraisal of the role of history and biography as a methodology. From there it moves to consider feminist perspectives and critiques of the dominant structures of private law. This is followed by chapters that explore those who educate the legal profession within the academy. The chapters, and the collection as a whole, examine areas of law that have a deep significance for women's lives.
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Behrens, Paul (ed.),
Contemporary Challenges to Criminal Justice: Liber Amicorum for Ralph Henham. (Studies in International and Comparative Criminal Law) 512 pp. 2023:12 (Hart, UK) <713-476>
ISBN 978-1-5099-4862-8 hard ¥27,720.- (税込) GB£ 100.00 *
This study provides a critical examination of seminal issues within the main areas of criminal justice: its theoretical framework, domestic and comparative criminal justice, transnational and international criminal law. Exploring some of the most interesting challenges arising in these fields, it examines the impact of 'public morality' on sentencing policy, murder and the mandatory life sentence, genocide and the notion of magnitude and incitement to terrorism. Taking an approach that is fully integrated in contemporary criminal justice scholarship, it offers a diverse and expert perspective. With a comprehensive introduction and conclusion drawing the various strands together, it offers a rigorous, coherent overview of the key issues in play in contemporary international criminal justice. This diversity and expertise ensures its appeal to a large audience of students, scholars and practitioners of criminal justice around the world.
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d'Ambra, Dominique / Ducoulombier, P. / Gabriel E. et al.,
Melanges en l'honneur de Florence Benoit-Rohmer: les droits de l'homme, du Conseil de l'Europe a l'Union europeenne. (Melanges) 2023:9 (Bruylant, BE) <713-477>
ISBN 978-2-8027-7359-7 paper ¥37,312.- (税込) EUR 160.00 *
du Chambon, Patrick Maistre (dir.),
Melanges en l'honneur du professeur Philippe Conte. (Melanges) 500 p. 2023:9 (LexisNexis, FR) <713-478>
ISBN 978-2-7110-3834-3 paper ¥25,418.- (税込) EUR 109.00 *
Nobel, Peter / Baumann, Alexander Gian-Carlo u. a. (Hrsg.),
Law and Economics in all seinen Facetten: Festschrift zu Ehren von Klaus Mathis. (Schriften zur Rechtstheorie 309) 584 S. 2023:10 (Duncker, GW) <713-479>
ISBN 978-3-428-18570-2 hard ¥25,627.- (税込) EUR 109.90 *
≫Law and Economics in all his facets≪: The Festschrift pays tribute to Klaus Mathis' invaluable contribution at the interface of law and economics and constitutes a coherent reference work for the economic analysis of law. Fundamental thoughts on efficiency, justice and interdisciplinarity are followed by contributions in five areas of application of a law and economics perspective: corporate responsibility, environment, digitalization, economic and social policy, and consumer and insurance protection
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van Delden, Marie-Laure Papaux / Marchand, S. et al. (ed.),
Le juge apprecie: melanges en l'honneur de Benedict Foex. (Collection genevoise. Recueils de textes) xv, 367 p. 2023:9 (Schulthess, SZ) <713-480>
ISBN 978-3-7255-8884-8 paper ¥25,374.- (税込) SFR 79.00 *
Pendant vingt-huit ans, soit depuis sa nomination comme professeur ordinaire a la Faculte de droit de Geneve en 1995, le Professeur Benedict Foex a incarne les droits reels a l’Universite de Geneve. Pour plusieurs generations d’etudiant.es, son visage bienveillant et parfois malicieux fut celui de cette discipline rigoureuse et complexe qui porte sur notre rapport aux choses. Chacun s’accordera pour dire que les droits reels sont un domaine complexe, technique, et rigoureux. Pourtant, le regard du Professeur Foex amenait a cette discipline un charme inattendu. Sans jamais transiger avec la rigueur des principes, Benedict Foex s’accordait parfois une distance emprunte d’humour. Les titres de certains de ses articles en temoignent. On trouve en effet dans son impressionnante liste de publications, outre quelques contributions aussi austeres que l’exige le serieux des droits reels, une cantatrice chauve au registre foncier, un proprietaire introuvable (triste tropisme), une reflexion sur the dark side of the pledge, le curieux assemblage d’une huitre, d’une perle, et des droits reels, ou encore des variations sur un air de cha-cha-cha. La longue experience du Professeur Foex, quotidiennement en prise avec la technicite des regles de droits reels, l’amena a apprecier la simplicite de l’art. 717 al. 2 CC : ≪ Le juge apprecie. ≫. Cet ouvrage lui rend hommage.
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