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掲載点数 全15件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Roberts, Jason Steadman, We Stay the Same: Subsistence, Logging, and Enduring Hopes for Development in Papua New Guinea. (Critical Green Engagements: Investigating the Green Economy) 264 pp. 2024:4 (U. Arizona Pr., US) <713-912>
ISBN 978-0-8165-4814-9 hard ¥15,108.- (税込) US$ 67.00 *



Kamat, Vinay R., In a Wounded Land: Conservation, Extraction, and Human Well-Being in Coastal Tanzania. (Global Change / Global Health) 376 pp. 2024:4 (U. Arizona Pr., US) <713-982>
ISBN 978-0-8165-5308-2 hard ¥15,108.- (税込) US$ 67.00 *



Kirner, Kimberly, American Druidry: Crafting the Wild Soul. 240 pp. 2024:1 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <713-228>
ISBN 978-1-350-26411-3 hard ¥18,375.- (税込) GB£ 65.00
ISBN 978-1-350-26412-0 paper ¥6,216.- (税込) GB£ 21.99

Approaching Druidry as an emerging religious movement, Kimberly Kirner analyzes her own life as a Druid through the lens of her profession as a cultural anthropologist. Interweaving lively personal stories with accessible analytical essays, Kirner draws on literature from the anthropology of religion, the anthropology of consciousness, organizational anthropology, cognitive anthropology, and ethnoecology. Through this multidisciplinary angle, she leads the reader into an experiential and conceptual understanding of Druidry as a way of life, and as a contemporary Western new religious movement that challenges Christo-centric definitions of religion. Reflecting on three domains of the Druidic life, the author describes the Druidic worldview (place, time, and the body), community (relational spirituality), and vocation (ethics and action). Kirner's essays question the boundaries and nature of religion as it is generally conceived in the Western world, and suggest how Druidry might be understood using concepts more appropriate to Druids' conceptualizations of themselves.

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Sampson, Helen, Sea-Time: An Ethnographic Adventure. (Routledge Advances in Ethnography) 296 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-334>
ISBN 978-1-032-57610-7 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-57606-0 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *

This book is an ethnography that draws upon 25 years of qualitative research and shipboard fieldwork in the merchant cargo shipping sector. It explores the lives and work of seafarers and how these have changed over time. Change over time and the experience of time on board are organising themes throughout the text. They are contextualised with accounts of transformation in the regulation of the shipping industry and technological innovation.The book begins with a unique account of a voyage on a container ship. In this, the author details both the research process and the daily activities and shared thoughts of the seafarers who are on board. The narrative is further enhanced with illustrative examples taken from other voyages to illustrate continuities and change over time.The book will be of value to individuals, scholars, and researchers interested in ethnography of all kinds. Sociologists, anthropologists, maritime studies students, seafarers, ship operators and policy makers will find the text engaging and revealing. It provides a vivid account that will appeal to academics interested in the study of work, workplace change and time. It is accessibly written and will be enjoyed by readers interested in the contemporary shipping industry, and the life and work of seafarers.

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Masvawure, Tsitsi B. / Foley, Ellen E. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Anthropology and Global Health. (Routledge Anthropology Handbooks) 488 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-375>
ISBN 978-1-032-25637-5 hard ¥65,021.- (税込) GB£ 230.00 *

The Routledge Handbook of Anthropology and Global Health provides an overview of the complex relationship between anthropology and global health. The book brings together a diverse group of scholars who consider the intersection of anthropological concerns with health and disease as understood and intervened upon by the field of global health.The book is structured around five sections: (1) social, cultural, and political determinants of health; (2) knowledge production in anthropology and global health; (3) persistent invisibilities in global health; (4) reimagining a critical global health; and (5) new horizons in anthropology and global health. Over these five themes a range of topics is explored, including:rare diseasesmedical pluralismuniversal global health protocolsHIVhealth securityindigenous communities(non)communicable diseasesdecolonizing global healthThe Routledge Handbook of Anthropology and Global Health is an essential resource for upper-level students and researchers in anthropology, global health, sociology, international development, health studies, and politics.

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Bruggeman, Jeroen, A Sociology of Humankind: How We Are Formed by Culture, Cooperation, and Conflict. (Routledge Advances in Sociology) 244 pp. 2024:2 (Routledge, UK) <713-1063>
ISBN 978-1-032-60857-0 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-60867-9 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *

Based upon the interdependencies of human beings as we cooperate and conflict with each other, how we share information, and how culture evolves, this book proposes a sociology of humanity covering three hundred millennia. Grounded in empirical findings from archaeology, history, lab experiments, and field studies - supplemented for precision with computational network models of cultural evolution, cooperation, influence, cohesion, warfare, power, social balance, and inequality - this is the first attempt at encompassing sociology of humankind. Informed by the theory of cultural evolution, it extends the notion that cultural evolution connects humans of all times in a giant sociocultural network, thereby yielding coherence between a great many empirical findings. It will therefore appeal to scholars of sociology and anthropology with interests in historical sociology, cultural evolution, and social theory.

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Dolson, Mark S., Street Youth in Canada: An Ethnography of Adversity and Artifice. (Routledge Studies in Anthropology) 192 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1077>
ISBN 978-1-032-50922-8 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *

This book provides an ethnographic examination of the everyday lives and struggles of street-involved youth in Canada. Based on fieldwork conducted throughout downtown London, Ontario, it features rich ethnographic data as well as theoretical insights informed by continental philosophy. The chapters highlight informants' experiences of poverty, addiction and poor mental health, and reflect on their relation to the state - including participation in the provincial government's programme of social assistance provision (Ontario Works). The author considers how social, cultural, political, economic and existential factors influence and shape human subjectivity. They explore the notion of becoming and offer a re-evaluation of individual agency and action, specifically related to the lived experience of informants who are seen as wounded bricoleurs. The study is relevant to anthropologists, sociologists, geographers and others with an interest in homelessness.

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David, Bruno / Delannoy, Jean-Jacques / Birkett-Rees, J., Mobile Landscapes and Their Enduring Places. (Elements in Current Archaeological Tools and Techniques) 75 pp. 2024:1 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <713-1177>
ISBN 978-1-009-46779-7 hard ¥14,131.- (税込) GB£ 49.99 *
ISBN 978-1-009-18158-7 paper ¥4,805.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

This Element presents emerging concepts and analytical tools in landscape archaeology. In three major sections bookended by an Introduction and Conclusion, the Element discusses current and emerging ideas and methods by which to explore how people in the past engaged with each other and their physical settings across the landscape, creating their lived environments in the process. The Element reviews the scales and temporalities that inform the study of human movements in and between places. Learning about how people engaged with each other at individual sites and across the landscape deep in the past is best achieved through transdisciplinary approaches, in which archaeologists integrate their methods with those of other specialists. The Element introduces these ideas through new research and multiple case studies from around the world, culminating in how to 'archaeomorphologically' map anthropic constructions in caves and their contemporary environments.

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Ellis, M. Grace / DeSanto, Carly / Howey, Meghan (eds.), Infrastructure in Archaeological Discourse: Framing Society in the Past. (Persistent Questions of the Past) 304 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1179>
ISBN 978-1-032-67843-6 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *

This volume expands perspectives on infrastructure that are rooted in archaeological discourse and material evidence.The compiled chapters represent new and emerging ideas within archaeology about what infrastructure is, how it can materialize, and how it impacts and reflects human behavior, social organization, and identity in the past as well as the present. Three goals central to the work include: (1) expand the definition of infrastructure using archaeological frameworks and evidence from a wide range of social, historical, and geographic contexts; (2) explore how new archaeological perspectives on infrastructure can help answer anthropological questions pertaining to social organization, group collaboration, and community consensus and negotiation; and (3) examine the broader implications of an archaeological engagement with infrastructure and contributions to contemporary infrastructural studies. Chapters explore important aspects of infrastructure, including its relationality, scale, history, and relevance, and provide archaeological case studies that examine the social repercussions of infrastructure and the various ways it has materialized in the past. This compilation ultimately expands the discourse of infrastructure in archaeology and social sciences more broadly.Social scientists can turn to this volume for insights into an archaeologically informed perspective on infrastructure relevant to the study of past and current human behavior.

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Kruijer, Lennart Wouter / Versluys, M. J. et al. (eds.), Rooted Cosmopolitanism, Heritage and the Question of Belonging: Archaeological and Anthropological perspectives. 336 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1182>
ISBN 978-1-032-39177-9 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *

This book explores the analytical and practical value of the notion of "rooted cosmopolitanism" for the field of cultural heritage.Many concepts of present-day heritage discourses - such as World Heritage, local heritage practices, or indigenous heritage - tend to elide the complex interplay between the local and the global - entanglements that are investigated as "glocalisation" in Globalisation Studies. However, no human group ever creates more than a part of its heritage by itself. This book explores an exciting new alternative in scholarly (critical) heritage discourse, the notion of rooted cosmopolitanism, a way of making manifestations of globalised phenomena comprehensible and relevant at local levels. It develops a critical perspective on heritage and heritage practices, bringing together a highly varied yet conceptually focused set of stimulating contributions by senior and emerging scholars working on the heritage of localities across the globe. A contextualising introduction is followed by three strongly theoretical and methodological chapters which complement the second part of the book, six concrete, empirical chapters written in "response" to the more theoretical chapters. Two final reflective conclusions bring together these different levels of analysis.This book will appeal primarily to archaeologists, anthropologists, heritage professionals, and museum curators who are ready to be confronted with innovative and exciting new approaches to the complexities of cultural heritage in a globalising world.The Open Access version of this book, available at http://www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license.

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Lester, Rebecca (ed.), Innovations in Psychological Anthropology. 160 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1183>
ISBN 978-1-032-31856-1 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-31855-4 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *

This volume offers a bold and long-overdue intervention into the field of psychological anthropology. It asks how scholars might both constructively destabilize old frameworks borne from the field's complex past and seed innovative new engagements in order to chart ethical, responsible, and constructive ways forward. The contributions cover such topics as white supremacy and the production of knowledge, new perspectives on the "disabled" mind, the importance of ethnographic refusal, silence in narrative, and the racialization of therapeutic methods. This timely book seeks to reinvigorate the field and lay groundwork for a new bridge between the subdiscipline and the wider anthropological community. It is an ideal text for courses in anthropology, psychology, and the wider social sciences and humanities.

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Moshenska, Gabriel (ed.), Teaching and Learning the Archaeology of the Contemporary Era. 264 pp. 2024:1 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <713-1185>
ISBN 978-1-350-33563-9 hard ¥21,202.- (税込) GB£ 75.00 *
ISBN 978-1-350-33562-2 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) GB£ 24.99

The archaeology of the contemporary era is a lively and well-established field, contributing to studies of migration, climate change, consumption and violent conflict, as well as to the development of archaeological thought and practice more widely. Contemporary archaeology is grounded in the material traces of 20th and 21st-century existence, touching upon fields such as human geography, contemporary history and social anthropology. Despite its scholarly impacts and widely-recognised pedagogical values, to date the formal teaching of contemporary archaeology has been relatively limited. This book brings together accounts of teaching and learning in contemporary archaeology from as far afield as Orkney and Iran. The chapters include case studies of courses, modules and specific sessions, as well as reflections on the development of the discipline in different contexts. This book is intended as a resource for both teachers and students of contemporary archaeology, presenting a set of tools and practices to borrow, modify and apply in new contexts. It highlights the values of interdisciplinarity, radical pedagogies, and innovative approaches in contemporary archaeology and related disciplines, and provides a basis for future developments and debates in contemporary archaeology curriculum design.

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Postill, John, The Anthropology of Digital Practices: Dispatches from the Online Culture Wars. 216 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <713-1186>
ISBN 978-1-032-37084-2 hard ¥38,164.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-37082-8 paper ¥11,304.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *

The Anthropology of Digital Practices connects for the first time three distinct research areas - digital ethnography, causal ethnography, and media practice theory - to explore how we might track the effects of new media practices in a digital world. It invites media and communication students and scholars to overcome the field's old aversion to 'media effects' and explores the messy, complex, open-ended effects of new media practices in a digital age.Based on long-term ethnographic research and drawing from recent advances in the study of causality and ethnography, this book tells the 'formation story' of the anti-woke movement through a series of critical media events. It argues that digital media practices (e.g. podcasting, YouTubing, tweeting, commenting, broadcasting) will have 'formative' effects on an emerging social world at different points in time. One important task of the digital ethnographer is precisely to distinguish between the formative and non-formative effects of specific media practices. This book makes three contributions to our understanding of media practices in the digital era, namely a theoretical, methodological, and empirical contribution. Theoretically, it furthers the 'practice turn' in media and communication studies by engaging with the latest thinking on causality and ethnography. Methodologically, it serves as a compelling, up-to-date guide to doing digital ethnography, with special reference to the study of digitally mediated practices. Empirically, it is the first book-length study of the anti-woke movement, a major actor in the 'culture wars' currently being fought across the Western world.With its accessible language and rich case studies, The Anthropology of Digital Practices will make an ideal supplementary textbook for a range of undergraduate and graduate courses in research methods, digital ethnography/anthropology, and digital activism.

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人類学-人間の起源、多様性、文化に関する問題 第3版
Welsch, Robert L. / Vivanco, Luis A. / Fuentes, Agustin, Anthropology: Asking Questions About Human Origins, Diversity, and Culture. 3rd ed. 592 pp. 2024:1 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <713-1190>
ISBN 978-0-19-766696-8 paper ¥22,546.- (税込) US$ 99.99 *

This general anthropology text takes a holistic approach that emphasizes critical thinking, active learning, and applying anthropology to solve contemporary human problems. Building on the classical foundations of the discipline, Anthropology: Asking Questions About Human Origins, Diversity, and Culture, Third Edition, shows students how anthropology is connected to such current topics as food, health and medicine, and the environment. Full of relevant examples and current topics--with a focus on contemporary problems and questions--the book demonstrates the diversity and dynamism of anthropology today.

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Villalobos, Elizabeth, Border Killers: Neoliberalism, Necropolitics, and Mexican Masculinity. 272 pp. 2024:5 (U. Arizona Pr., US) <713-1024>
ISBN 978-0-8165-5306-8 hard ¥14,657.- (税込) US$ 65.00 *



