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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Halvaksz, Jamon Alex, II / Bell, Joshua A. (eds.),
Naturalist Histories: Making Nature, Knowledge, and People in Oceania. 277 pp. 2024:3 (U. Hawai'i Pr., US) <719-893>
ISBN 978-0-8248-8789-6 hard ¥15,334.- (税込) US$ 68.00 *
From early explorers to contemporary scientists, naturalists have examined island flora and fauna of Oceania, discovering new species, carefully documenting the lives of animals, and creating work central to the image of Oceania. These "discoveries" and exploratory moves have had profound local and global impacts. Often, however, local knowledge and communities are silent in the ethologies and histories that naturalists produce. This volume analyzes the ways that Indigenous and non-Indigenous naturalists have made island natures visible to a wider audience, their relationship with the communities where they work, as well as the unique natures that they explore and help make. In staking out an area of naturalist histories, each contributor addresses the relationship between naturalists and Oceanic communities, how these histories shaped past and present place and practices, the influence on conservations and development projects, and the relationship between scientific and indigenous knowledge. The essays span across colonial and postcolonial frames, tracing shifts in biological practice from the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century focus on taxonomy and discovery to the twentieth-century disciplinary restructurings and new collecting strategies, and contemporary concerns with biodiversity loss, conservation, and knowledge formation.The production of scientific knowledge is typically seen in ethnographic accounts as oppositional, contrasting Indigenous and western, local and global, objective and subjective. Such dichotomous views reinforce differences and further exaggerate inequities in the production of knowledge. More dangerously, value distinctions become embedded in discussions of Indigenous identity, rights, and sovereignty. Contributors acknowledge that these dichotomous narratives have dominated the approach of the scientific community while informing how social scientists have understood the contributions of Pacific communities. The essays offer a nuanced gradient as historical narratives of scientific investigation, in dialogue with local histories, and reveal greater levels of participation in the creation of knowledge. The volume highlights how power infuses the scientific endeavor and offers a distinct and diverse view of knowledge production in Oceania. Combining senior and emerging international scholars, the collection will be of interest to researchers in the social sciences, history, as well as biology and allied fields.
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Foblets, Marie-Claire / Sapignoli, M. / Donahoe, B. (eds.),
Anthropological Expertise and Legal Practice: In Conversation. (Law and Anthropology) 272 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-423>
ISBN 978-0-367-54066-1 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
This book draws on concrete cases of collaboration between anthropologists and legal practitioners to critically assess the use of anthropological expertise in a variety of legal contexts from the point of view of the anthropologist as well as of the decision-maker or legal practitioner. The contributions, several of which are co-authored by anthropologist-legal practitioner tandems, deal with the roles of and relationships between anthropologists and legal professionals, which are often collaborative, interdisciplinary, and complementary. Such interactions go far beyond courts and litigation into areas of law that might be called 'social justice activism'. They also entail close collaboration with the people -often subjects of violence and dispossession -with whom the anthropologists and legal practitioners are working. The aim of this collection is to draw on past experiences to come up with practical methodological suggestions for facilitating this interaction and collaboration and for enhancing the efficacy of the use of anthropological expertise in legal contexts. Explicitly designed to bridge the gap between theory and practice, and between scholarship and practical application, the book will appeal to scholars and researchers engaged in anthropology, legal anthropology, socio-legal studies, and asylum and migration law. It will also be of interest to legal practitioners and applied social scientists, who can glean valuable lessons regarding the challenges and rewards of genuine collaboration between legal practitioners and social scientists.
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Margaria, Alice / Vetters, Larissa (eds.),
Leading Works in Law and Anthropology. (Analysing Leading Works in Law) 264 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-428>
ISBN 978-1-032-11853-6 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
The academic disciplines of law and sociocultural anthropology have a long but at times contentious history of drawing on each other in order to study and understand law and human experience in its diverse manifestations. This volume provides an innovative and engaging format by giving established and emerging scholars from diverse jurisdictions the opportunity to discuss and reflect upon what they consider to be a 'leading work'. The collection offers a unique, multi-perspectival reconsideration of the intellectual history of the field whilst also addressing issues that are at the core of interdisciplinary legal research. Contributions shed light on the changing nature of cross-disciplinary research and collaboration, trace how disciplinary understandings of normativity have cross-fertilised each other, and reflect on choices taken within research on law and anthropology along a continuum of theoretical reflection, critique, engagement, and practical application. The book elaborates on the nature and the boundaries of law and anthropology research, as well as on its likely future development in light of the insights shared by contributors on their chosen leading works. The book will make fascinating reading for researchers and academics in both law and anthropology.Chapter 1 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at http://www.taylorfrancis.com under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.
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Gluesing, Julia C. / Miller, Christine / Wild, Helga,
Innovation in the Anthropological Perspective: Insights and Consequences for the Theory, Practice, and Design of Innovating. 232 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-334>
ISBN 978-1-032-13949-4 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
Innovation is a constant in human life and organization, arising from within a context-based culture of social structures and beliefs. This book re-examines the processes, practices, and mechanisms of innovation from an anthropological perspective, offering a theory of innovation as a dynamic multidimensional system. It uses methods and stories across a broad arc of time, place, social and cultural context, and subject matter. The chapters explore the intersection of virtual, local, and global dynamics and deepen our understanding of aspects and dimensions of innovation that challenge common perceptions, particularly in business and organizational environments. The approach aims to situate innovation in an integrated view of human and non-human ecologies, and to create common ground for a new form of research and practice.
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Oswald, David / olde Scholtenhuis, Leon (eds.),
Embracing Ethnography: Doing Contextualised Construction Research. 344 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-15>
ISBN 978-1-032-45992-9 hard ¥46,645.- (税込) GB£ 165.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-45571-6 paper ¥13,849.- (税込) GB£ 48.99 *
This book calls for those interested in robust construction research to embrace ethnography - in all its forms, including rapid ethnographies, ethnographic-action research, autoethnography, as well as longer-term ethnographies.The diversification of ethnographic approaches, as well as ethnographers, will lead to rich insights that can advance the industry theoretically and practically. We share experiences, key considerations and recommendations from leading construction ethnographic researchers from around the world to provide discussion, reflection and understanding into doing ethnography in the construction industry.This book is aimed at academics, students, consultants, editors, reviewers, policymakers, funders and others interested in robust research in the construction industry and built environment but will also be useful for those undertaking research within organisations in other industries.
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Lecomte-Tilouine, Marie / de Sales, Anne (eds.),
Encounters with the Invisible: Revisiting Spirit Possession in the Himalayas. 300 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-152>
ISBN 978-1-032-38561-7 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-79194-4 paper ¥11,022.- (税込) GB£ 38.99 *
This volume considers spirit possession in the Himalayas and the various ways in which invisible powers are made present. It does so by examining material representations of these powers through artefacts, animals, plants and natural substances, while also focusing on narratives of people's encounters with the invisible that may help them to reconfigure reality. Through these two approaches, the contributions examine new phenomena associated with the concepts of "possession" and "shamanism", which otherwise tend to lead research into well-worn furrows. The book addresses a range of themes, including the gods of the Western Himalayas, death and ritual dissolution among Hyolmo Buddhists in Nepal, gods and rivers as legal persons in India, and the problem of conversion disorder in Nepal.Rich in ethnography, this book will be indispensable for scholars and researchers of anthropology, religion, spiritualism, sociology of religion, Himalayan studies, sociology and South Asia.
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宗教、呪術、妖術の人類学 第5版
Stein, Rebecca L. / Stein, Philip L. / Kracht, B. R. et al.,
The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft. 5th ed. 448 pp. 2024:7 (Routledge, UK) <719-174>
ISBN 978-1-032-57300-7 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-57299-4 paper ¥22,612.- (税込) GB£ 79.99 *
This concise and accessible textbook introduces students to the anthropological study of religion. It examines religious expression from a cross-cultural perspective and exposes students to the complexities of religion in small-scale and complex societies. The chapters incorporate key theoretical concepts and a wide range of ethnographic material. The fifth edition of The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft offers: * a revised introduction covering the foundations of the anthropology of religion, anthropological methods, and a push toward decolonizing the anthropology of religion, * expanded coverage of symbols, healing, wizardry, and the intersections of religion with other social institutions, * new case study material with examples drawn from around the globe, especially from Indigenous communities, * marginalia in each chapter introducing provocative small-case examples related to the chapter-many of these can be used as prompts for further research, small in-class case studies, or examples for hands-on learning, * a new chapter on religion and healing, especially useful for Anthropology programs without representation of four fields, as it provides a wider and more interdisciplinary application of the discipline, * a consistent review of foundations from chapter to chapter, linking material and enabling students to connect what they are learning throughout the course, and * further resources via a comprehensive companion website, including interactive activities, critical case studies, updated study questions, bibliographical suggestions (including video), and color images. This is an essential guide for students encountering the anthropology of religion for the first time and also for those with an ongoing interest in this fascinating field.
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Baer, Hans A. / Singer, Merrill,
Building the Critical Anthropology of Climate Change: Towards a Socio-Ecological Revolution. (Routledge Environmental Anthropology) 288 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-1003>
ISBN 978-1-032-74577-0 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-74576-3 paper ¥11,022.- (税込) GB£ 38.99 *
This book applies a critical perspective to anthropogenic climate change and the global socio-ecological crisis.The book focuses on the critical anthropology of climate change by opening up a dialogue with the two main contending perspectives in the field, namely the cultural ecological and the cultural interpretive perspectives. Guided by these, the authors take a firm stance on the types of changes that are needed to sustain life on Earth as we know it. Within this framework, they explore issues of climate and social equity, the nature of the current era in Earth's geohistory, the perspectives of the elite polluters driving climate change, and the regrettable contributions of anthropologists and other scholars to climate change. Engaging with perspectives from sociology, political science, and the geography of climate change, the book explores various approaches to thinking about and responding to the existential threat of an ever-warming climate. In doing so, it lays the foundation for a brave new sustainable world that is socially just, highly democratic, and climatically safe for humans and other species.This book will be of interest to researchers and students studying environmental anthropology, climate change, human geography, sociology, and political science.
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Bose, Purabi,
Acknowledging Indigenous Knowledge: Voices of Tropical Forest People. (Urbanization, Industrialization, and the Environment) 144 pp. 2024:7 (CRC Pr., US) <719-1004>
ISBN 978-0-367-71025-5 hard ¥35,337.- (税込) GB£ 125.00 *
This book explores how the landscapes in indigenous territories are rapidly changing due to increased global industrial demand. This deforestation and urbanization have isolated the indigenous people from practicing 'traditional ways of life.' Portrayed in this book is the indigenous people's perspective of their indigenous knowledge (IK) about the environment and why losing IK is a threat to humans, wildlife, and nature. Insight is shared into why acknowledging IK as a science can help solve climate change, food and nutrition insecurity, and increasing new types of pandemics through evidence-based stories from indigenous people. Features:* Bridges the fractured space between science and nature.* Documents the perspectives of indigenous peoples about their ancestral knowledge.* Provides ethnographic qualitative comparative case studies of forest-dwelling indigenous peoples over a 19-year period.* Covers largely remote indigenous territories of ten tropical countries in the Global South.* Provides evidence-based stories examining indigenous knowledge's role in the tropics in preserving diverse landscapes and providing nature-based solutions.
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O'Neill, Bruce,
Underground: Dreams and Degradations in Bucharest. (The City in the Twenty-First Century) 272 pp. 2024:5 (U. Pennsylvania Pr., US) <719-1042>
ISBN 978-1-5128-2582-4 hard ¥27,060.- (税込) US$ 120.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5128-2583-1 paper ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *
This book gets to the bottom of the twenty-first-century city, literally. Underground moves beneath Romania's capital, Bucharest, to examine how the demands of global accumulation have extended urban life not just upward into higher skylines, and outward to ever more distant peripheries, but also downward beneath city sidewalks. Underground details how developers and municipal officials have invested tremendous sums of money to gentrify and expand Bucharest's constellation of subterranean Metro stations and pedestrian pathways, basements and cellars, bunkers and crypts to provide upwardly mobile residents with space to live, work, and play in an overcrowded and increasingly unaffordable city center. In this sense, the repurposed underground facilitates dreams of middle-class ascendancy. This sense of optimism, the book shows, invariably gives way to ambivalence as the middle classes confront the indignities of being incorporated into the city from below. Bruce O'Neill argues that these loosely coordinated efforts have not only introduced novel forms of social fragmentation but also a new aesthetics of inequality that are fundamentally shaping where and how the middle classes fit in the city. Pushing urban studies beyond a cartographic perspective-with its horizontal focus upon centers and peripheries, walls and gates-O'Neill brings into focus the vertical dynamics of gentrification that place some "on the bottom" and others "on top" of the city. As cities around the world extend further downward in the name of development and sustainability, Underground makes clear that scholars and practitioners of the twenty-first-century city will need to become ever more attuned to the cultural politics of urban verticality, asking not just who is included in the city and who has been pressed outside of it, but also who is on top and who is placed on the bottom.
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Kubica, Grazyna / Brzezinski, Dariusz (eds.),
Bronislaw Malinowski and His Legacy in Contemporary Social Sciences and Humanities: On the Centenary of Argonauts of the Western Pacific. (Classical and Contemporary Social Theory) 304 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-1048>
ISBN 978-1-032-58365-5 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
As one of the most renowned figures in the history of anthropology, Bronislaw Malinowski is recognised as having been central to the development of the discipline, with interpretations of his thought usually drawing attention to his work in founding the approach of functionalism and his innovative method of intensive field research. This book offers a decisive extension of Malinowski's achievement, referring to the accomplishments of present-day social sciences and humanities and the debts that they owe to Malinowksi's oeuvre.Bringing together eminent scholars in such fields as social anthropology, sociology, law, cultural studies, literary and theatre studies, and art history, this book emphasises the importance of Malinowski's theoretical and methodological insights as a treasure trove of inspiration for contemporary researchers.A critical commentary on the life, work, and legacy of Bronislw Malinowski, it sheds light on his academic work, while personal documents, many of which are not well known - or are completely unknown - in the Anglophone sphere, prove their fundamental importance for understanding his oeuvre, and the intellectual connections between his work and the work of other most prominent intellectuals of the 20th and 21st centuries. It will therefore appeal to scholars across the social sciences and humanities with interests in the history of anthropology and sociology and fundamental questions of theory and research methodology.
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Alimardanian, Mahnaz / Heffernan, Timothy (eds.),
The Anthropology of Ambiguity: Theory, Praxis and Critique. 264 pp. 2024:5 (Manchester U. Pr., UK) <719-1148>
ISBN 978-1-5261-7384-3 hard ¥25,443.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *
This volume puts ambiguity and its generative power at the centre of analytical attention. Rather than being cast negatively as a source of confusion, bewilderment or as a dangerous portent, ambiguity is held as the source of the dynamic between knowledge and experience and of certainty amid uncertainty. It positions human life between the realms of mystery and mastery where ambiguity is understood as the experience and expression of life and part of navigating the human condition. In turn, the tension between the tradition in anthropology of examining cultural certitudes through ethnographic description and efforts to challenge dominant expressions of incertitude are explored. Each chapter presents ethnographic accounts of how people engage individually and collectively with the self, the other, human-made institutions and the more-than-human to navigate ambiguity in a world affected by viral contagion, climate change, economic instability, labour precarity and (geo)political tension.
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Eller, Jack David,
Beyond Liminality: Ontologies of Abundant Betweenness. 232 pp. 2024:7 (Routledge, UK) <719-1151>
ISBN 978-1-032-73383-8 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-73218-3 paper ¥11,022.- (税込) GB£ 38.99 *
Beyond Liminality: Ontologies of Abundant Betweenness examines the concept of liminality in the social sciences and humanities, and advocates for a more critical use of the concept while offering more precise alternatives.Originally conceived in response to the near-universal ritualization of changes of status (i.e., "rites of passage"), liminality was a welcome and much-needed correction to the reigning static and structural models of culture at the time. However, it soon escaped its initial realm and was enthusiastically-and mostly uncritically-absorbed by many if not all scholarly disciplines. The very success of the concept suggests that there is something about it that resonates with our own cultural sentiments. However, the assumptions that underlie diagnoses of liminality are seldom noted and even more seldom analyzed and critiqued. This book examines the history of the concept, its evolution, and its current status, and asks whether liminality accurately reflects lived realities which might better be described by fluidity, hybridity, multiplicity, constant motion and recombination, and abundant betweenness.Beyond Liminality: Ontologies of Abundant Betweenness is key reading for scholars and students across the social sciences and humanities interested in ritual, performance, identity formation, rights, ontology, and epistemology.
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Geller, Pamela L. (ed.),
The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Anthropology. (Routledge Handbooks of Gender and Sexuality) 528 pp. 2024:7 (Routledge, UK) <719-1153>
ISBN 978-1-032-29836-8 hard ¥60,780.- (税込) GB£ 215.00 *
The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Anthropology is a comprehensive inter- and intradisciplinary survey of the field of feminist anthropology. It has at its core a focus on raising consciousness and communicating information about gender inequities, suffering, and precarity, as well as furthering a praxis informed by intersectionality, decolonial intent, and compassion.Divided into three clear parts and comprising 34 chapters by an international team of contributors, the Handbook addresses topics in the following key areas:resisting violencecommunicating creativelylabormigration and displacementhealth and diseasereproductionintersectionalitydecolonial work.The collection assesses the field at an interesting moment in time-one defined by social justice and populist movements gone global; once and future pandemics; extreme environmental disasters; and neoliberalism interrupted. How do gender, sex, and sexuality intersect with these phenomena? In answer, contributors to this volume put a heterogeneous anthropological approach in place; they advance interdisciplinary conversations, as well as renew a commitment to intradisciplinary dialogue.The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Anthropology is essential reading for students, researchers, and instructors in anthropology, and will also be of interest to those in related disciplines such as gender studies, queer studies, economics, biomedicine, political science, sociology, geography, and science and technology studies.
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Nicholas, George / Watkins, Joe (eds.),
Working as Indigenous Archaeologists: Reckoning New Paths Between Past and Present Lives. (Archaeology and Indigenous Peoples) 830 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <719-1159>
ISBN 978-1-032-02537-7 hard ¥65,021.- (税込) GB£ 230.00 *
Working as Indigenous Archaeologists explores the often-contentious relationship between Indigenous and other formerly colonized peoples and Archaeology through their own voices.Over the past 35-plus years, the once-novel field of Indigenous Archaeology has become a relatively familiar part of the archaeological landscape. It has been celebrated, criticized, and analyzed as to its practical and theoretical applications, and its political nature. No less important are the life stories of its Indigenous practitioners. What has brought some of them to become practicing archaeologists or heritage managers? What challenges have they faced from both inside and outside their communities? And why haven't more pursued Archaeology as a vocation or avocation? This volume is a collection of 60 autobiographical chapters by Indigenous archaeologists and heritage specialists from around the world-some community based, some academic, some in other realms-who are working to connect past and present in meaningful, and especially personal ways. As Archaeology continues to evolve, there remain strong tensions between an objective, science-oriented, evidentiary-based approach to knowing the past and a more subjective, relational, humanistic approach informed by local values, traditional knowledge, and holistic perspective. While there are no maps for these new territories, hearing directly from those Indigenous individuals who have pursued Archaeology reveals the pathways taken. Those stories will provide inspiration and confidence for those curious about what lies ahead. This is an important volume for anyone interested in the present state and future of the archaeological discipline.
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Scalici, Giorgio,
Pain, Play and Music: Death and Healing Rites Among the Wana. 256 pp. 2024:5 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <719-1162>
ISBN 978-1-350-23625-7 hard ¥24,029.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *
The Wana people of Morowali accept the experiences of pain, illness and loss and transform them into something positive: rituals that celebrate life, friendship and the community. Through fieldwork with the Wana people of Morowali, Central Sulawesi, Giorgio Scalici shows how music serves as a connection between the human world and the hidden world of spirits and emotion. By examining rituals such as the momago, the main Wana healing ritual, and the kayori, the funeral, this book investigates how music is used by the Wana to heal people, control emotions, reinforce the sense of community and to mark the cultural death of the community member. In this study, music transforms the pain of loss into a playful event that heals the community and assures its future. This book will be of interest to the wider academic study of religion, anthropology and ethnomusicology as it looks as at funerals as healing rituals for the community which lead the living and the dead through critical times.
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Sutton, Mark Q.,
An Introduction to Native North America. 7th ed. 530 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-1164>
ISBN 978-1-03-267273-1 hard ¥52,299.- (税込) GB£ 185.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-263870-6 paper ¥27,418.- (税込) GB£ 96.99 *
An Introduction to Native North America provides a basic introduction to the Native peoples of North America, covering what are now the United States, northern Mexico, and Canada.In this updated and revised new edition, Mark Q. Sutton has expanded and improved the existing text, adding to the case studies, updating the text with the latest research, increasing the number of images, providing more coverage of the Arctic regions, and including new perspectives, particularly those of Native peoples. This book addresses the history of research, the European invasion, and the impact of Europeans on Native societies. A final chapter introduces contemporary Native Americans, discussing issues that affect them, including religion, health, and politics. The book retains a wealth of pedological features to aid and reinforce learning.Featuring case studies of many Native American groups, as well as some 87 maps and images, An Introduction to Native North America is an indispensable tool to those studying the history of North America and its Native peoples.
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Tremon, Anne-Christine,
Anthropologie contemporaine. (Collection U) 399 p. 2024:1 (A. Colin, FR) <719-1165>
ISBN 978-2-200-63553-4 paper ¥8,200.- (税込) EUR 35.00