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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Schicketanz, Nicolas, The Training of African Teachers in Natal from 1846-1964. 264 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-981>
ISBN 978-1-032-76053-7 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *

The history of African teacher training in Natal is one of the most neglected and under-researched aspects of educational history. This book attempts to set out the administrative history of this field as a first step in stimulating the further research that is so urgently needed.Print edition not for sale in Sub Saharan Africa.

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Liu, Jennifer, Indoctrinating the Youth: Secondary Education in Wartime China and Postwar Taiwan, 1937-1960. 277 pp. 2024:2 (U. Hawai'i Pr., US) <719-872>
ISBN 978-0-8248-9557-0 hard ¥15,334.- (税込) US$ 68.00 *

Indoctrinating the Youth examines how the Guomindang (GMD or Nationalists) sought to maintain control of middle-school students and cultivate their political loyalty over the trajectory of the Second Sino-Japanese War, Chinese Civil War, and postwar Taiwan. During the Sino-Japanese War the Nationalists managed middle-school refugee students by merging schools, publishing and distributing updated textbooks, and assisting students as they migrated to the interior with their principals and teachers. In Taiwan, the China Youth Corps (CYC) became a symbol of the regime's successful establishment. Tracing Nationalist efforts to indoctrinate ideology and martial spirit, Jennifer Liu investigates how GMD leaders Chiang Kai-shek and his son Chiang Ching-kuo tried to build support among young people in their efforts to stabilize Taiwanese society under their rule. By comparing two key youth organizations-the Three People's Principles Youth Corps in China, and the CYC on Taiwan-Liu uses education as a lens to analyze state-building in modern China. Liu's careful analysis of the inner workings of GMD youth organizations also illuminates the day-to-day operations of military training in gender-segregated upper-middle schools-including how the government selected instructors and the skills taught to students. According to Liu, mandatory military training contributed to preventing major protest against the government but the policy was not without critics. Intellectuals, parents, and students voiced their dissent at what they perceived as excessive control by a repressive government and a waste of resources interfering with academics. The government-mandated civics curriculum, including government-approved textbooks and standards, reveals the characteristics and duties GMD officials believed modern citizens of the next generation should possess. Through provisions for refugee students, youth organizations, military training, and civics classes, GMD secondary education policy played a critical role in the process of state building in both modern China and Taiwan.Skillfully combining archival work in Nanjing and Taipei, along with oral interviews with former students and CYC administrators, instructors, and members, Liu offers a unique perspective toward a balanced assessment of Nationalist Party rule.

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O'Donoghue, Tom, The Development of University Teaching Over Time: Pedagogical Approaches from 1800 to the Present. (Routledge Research in Higher Education) 294 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-1260>
ISBN 978-1-032-77051-2 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *

Examining two centuries of university education, this book charts the development of pedagogical approaches since the year 1800 and how they have transformed higher education.While institutions for promoting advanced learning in various forms have existed in Asia, Africa, and the Arab world for centuries, the beginning of the nineteenth century saw the emergence of the modern model of a university with which we are familiar today. This book argues that, in the time since, seven broad teaching approaches were developed across the world which continue to be used today: the disputation, the lecture, the tutorial, the research seminar, workplace teaching, teaching through material making, and role-play. O'Donoghue demonstrates how each has been reconfigured and developed over time in response to the changing nature of higher education, as well as society more generally.This expansive book will be of great interest to historians of education, scholars of education more generally, and teacher practitioners interested in the pedagogical models that shape modern academia.

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Bruns, Christoph, "Fuer Gott, die Kirche und das Vaterland": Spiritualitaet und Paedagogik der Jesuiten im Spiegel des Gymnasiums Mariano-Josephinum in Hildesheim (1595-1773). (Kirchengeschichtliche Quellen und Studien 3) 196 S. 2023:10 (Olms, GW) <719-124>
ISBN 978-3-487-16655-1 paper ¥10,309.- (税込) EUR 44.00

In der Bischofsstadt Hildesheim erneuerten Jesuiten angesichts der Reformation seit 1595 die mittelalterliche Domschule im Zeichen eines christlichen Humanismus katholischer Praegung. Bis heute sind die Bibliotheks- und Archivbestaende nahezu vollstaendig erhalten. Auf dieser Quellenbasis stellt die vorliegende Studie exemplarisch den Zusammenhang von Spiritualitaet und Paedagogik dar, wie er fuer das Bildungsapostolat der Jesuiten bis zur Ordensaufhebung 1773 typisch war. Christoph Bruns, Dr. theol., unterrichtet Latein, Religion und Geschichte am Gymnasium Mariano-Josephinum in Hildesheim, war Mitarbeiter der Theologischen Fakultaet Freiburg i. Br. und ist Lehrbeauftragter fuer Alte Kirchengeschichte und Patrologie an der Universitaet Hannover.

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Hoffmann, Ann-Kathrin / Buck, Marc Fabian (eds.), Critically Assessing the Reputation of Waldorf Education in Academia and the Public: Early Endeavours of Expansion, 1919-1955. (Routledge Research in International and Comparative Education) 232 pp. 2024:4 (Routledge, UK) <719-1258>
ISBN 978-1-032-51712-4 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *

The first of two volumes dedicated to this little-explored topic, this volume gathers international perspectives to critically assess how Waldorf education has been perceived and discussed in both public and academic arenas. The book thereby challenges the historical concept of Waldorf education as an international movement championing "progressive education."Spanning the period 1919-1955, this first volume looks at countries with a longstanding tradition of Waldorf schools: Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, and Finland. The second volume, which covers the period 1987-2004, focuses on more recent developments in Japan, Israel, Spain, Poland, Kenya, France, Slovenia, and China. Throughout both books, over 25 leading scholars present 16 case studies spanning 14 countries to discuss the history and perception of Waldorf education in the context of respective school systems and societies. By exploring the ramifications of these case studies against the background of existing research, the books offer cutting-edge perspectives and prompts for scholarly debates for this as-yet under-researched field.This book will be of interest to researchers, scholars, and postgraduate students in international and comparative education, the theory of education, and the philosophy of education. Policy makers interested in the history of education, as well as practicing teachers and school staff at Waldorf education institutions, may also benefit from the volume.

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