2025/03/06 update!
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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Talbot, Adam,
Resisting Olympic Evictions: Contesting Space in Rio de Janeiro. 224 pp. 2024:5 (Manchester U. Pr., UK) <719-998>
ISBN 978-1-5261-5629-7 hard ¥24,029.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *
By tracing the way evictions in a small community of around 600 families made news headlines all over the world, this book explores how activists in Rio protested against evictions at the Rio 2016 Olympics. They constructed the favela as safe, welcoming and homely, directly contesting the myth of marginality - the notion of favelas as havens of crime and poverty which is used to justify slum clearance. In doing so they were showcasing how a different kind of informal community rooted in security and belonging is possible, through a range of social events and other actions. Based on 14 months of fieldwork in Brazil, this book explores how this vision was constructed through collective action, transmitted around the world through both social and traditional media and how it lives on in the Evictions Museum that was created through the process.
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Child, Phil,
The Labour Party, Housing and Urban Transformation: In Place of Squalor. 224 pp. 2024:6 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <719-756>
ISBN 978-1-350-42343-5 hard ¥24,029.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *
The Labour Party, Housing and Urban Transformation explores how the urban transformation of Britain between 1945 and 1970 was understood politically by the Labour Party. Placing the Labour Party at the centre of the discussion, the book covers the most extensive period of state-led urban change in British history, from the end of the Second World War to the decline of high modernism in the late 1960s. Taking a particular focus on housing to explore the implementation of modernist ideas to drive a far-ranging process of urban transformation in Britain, it challenges conventional understandings of Labour's urban legacy and puts political ideas at the heart of twentieth-century change. Utilising a breadth and range of material, including two distinct sets of archival sources, published secondary material, national legislation and Housing Acts, and various case studies, Child moves seamlessly between the national picture and its local impacts. It also draws from sources which had a crucial influence on political thinking throughout the mid-twentieth century to understand how urban transformation represented for Labour a political vision of the future. A timely contribution both to urban history and to the history of post-war Britain, it challenges existing interpretations of modernism, connects urban change to the political ideas that drove it, and allows us to comprehend the state of urban Britain today.
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Meth, Paula / Charlton, Sarah / Goodfellow, Tom et al.,
Living the Urban Periphery: Infrastructure, Everyday Life and Economic Change in African City-Regions. (Global Urban Transformations) 352 pp. 2024:7 (Manchester U. Pr., UK) <719-236>
ISBN 978-1-5261-7121-4 hard ¥24,029.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *
The edges of cities are increasingly understood as places of dynamism and change, but there is little research on African urban peripheries, the nature of building, growth, investment and decline that is shaping them and how these are lived. This co-authored monograph draws on findings from an extensive comparative study on Ethiopia and South Africa, in conversation with a related study on Ghana. It examines African urban peripheries through a dual focus on the experiences of living in these changing contexts, alongside the logics driving their transformation. Through its conceptualisation and application of five 'logics of periphery', it offers unique, contextually-informed insights into the generic processes shaping urban peripheries, and the variable ways in which these are playing out in contemporary Africa for those living the peripheries.This electronic version has been made freely available under a Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND) licence, thanks to the support of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).
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Du, Peng / Al-Kodmany, Kheir / Ali, Mir M. (eds.),
The Routledge Handbook on Greening High-Density Cities: Climate, Society and Health. (Routledge International Handbooks) 630 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) * paper 2025 <719-1008>
ISBN 978-1-032-33142-3 hard ¥65,021.- (税込) GB£ 230.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-33143-0 paper ¥12,435.- (税込) GB£ 43.99
This new handbook provides a platform to bring together multidisciplinary researchers focusing on greening high-density agglomerations from three perspectives: climate change, social implications, and people's health. Written by leading scholars and experts, the chapters aim to summarize the "state-of-the-art" and produce a reference book for policymakers, practitioners, academics, and researchers to study, design, and build high-density cities by integrating green spaces. The topics covered in the book include (but are not limited to) Urban Heat Island, Green Space and Carbon Sequestration, Green Space and Social Equity, Green Space and Public Health, Biophilic Cities, Urban Agriculture, Vertical Farms, Urban Farming Technologies, Nature and Biodiversity, Nature and Health, Biophilic Design, Green Infrastructure, Urban Revitalization, Post-Covid Cities, Smart and Resilient Cities, Tall Buildings, and Sustainable Vertical Cities.
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Joseph-Lester, Jaspar / Kahane, A. / King, S. et al. (eds.),
Walking in Cities: Navigating Post-Pandemic Urban Environments. 357 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-1038>
ISBN 978-1-032-41260-3 hard ¥38,164.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-41261-0 paper ¥11,022.- (税込) GB£ 38.99 *
This book brings together an international group of artists and writers to respond to the question of how our new world orders force us to reconsider urban walking and urban spaces in ways which extend into the digital sphere of online dialogue and screen sharing. In their reflections on walking cities in lockdown, the artists and writers contributing to this book share a number of complementary themes. Key to this is the question of how we walk in post-pandemic cities and how such walking might motivate or be motivated by transgressive, atomised or collective thoughts, affects, relations and experiences. Here we see how navigating cities in lockdown requires us to re-territorialise, improvise, create and de- or re-politize. There is, for example, a clear distinction between the severe lockdown measures that were introduced in Cape Town and the liberal appeal to good citizenship that northern hemisphere cities such as Stockholm chose to rely on. These measures impact on the way we experience urban walking and, in each case, lead to deeper reflections about the heightened presence of ideological structures embedded within the urban.
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Martinez, Clara Ines Pardo / Poveda, Alexander Cotte (eds.),
Citizenship, Culture and Coexistence: Trends and Dynamics. 144 pp. 2024:6 (CRC Pr., US) <719-1039>
ISBN 978-1-032-35271-8 hard ¥39,578.- (税込) GB£ 140.00 *
This book seeks to contribute to the most recent discussions on Citizenship, Culture and Coexistence in different context considering the importance of these elements for society and urban environments. The book offers different perspectives on citizenship culture and analysis that can be inputs for policy and decision makers to design the policies, strategies and programs that strengthen urban process from culture, art, and education to improve citizen coexistence, respect for differences and better societies in a dynamic world with permanent challenges.
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Mehta, Vikas / Palazzo, Danilo / Kickert, C. et al. (eds.),
The Case for Cities. 310 pp. 2024:6 (Routledge, UK) <719-1040>
ISBN 978-1-032-56066-3 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-56067-0 paper ¥9,891.- (税込) GB£ 34.99 *
The fateful year 2020 brought dramatic challenges to American cities. The COVID-19 pandemic and the civil unrest caused by the killing of George Floyd led to a cascade of negative media stories about cities, often politically motivated. It seemed possible that the economic and demographic gains cities had achieved over the last few decades could be lost. In fact, there has been measurable population loss in larger cities caused by changing work/life patterns and changing public perceptions about the costs and benefits of urban living. Faced with these challenges, advocates for cities must make a vigorous case for cities and show how they aren't the cause of America's social, environmental, economic, and public health problems but, in fact, are the places where the solutions to those problems will be found. The 38 chapters in The Case for Cities draw on the expertise of contributors from the academic, professional, and civic sectors to explore the creative tension between the two great values on which the vigor of cities depends--that they should be "Cities of Choice" (places where people who have choice want to live) and "Cities of Justice" (places that welcome and support people with limited choices). The book's underlying perspective is that these two values are symbiotic and that promoting both is what leads to viable, sustainable urban resurgence. This book will be of keen interest to students and practitioners in urban planning, urban design, real estate, architecture, and landscape architecture and to urban advocates and civic leaders.
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O'Neill, Bruce,
Underground: Dreams and Degradations in Bucharest. (The City in the Twenty-First Century) 272 pp. 2024:5 (U. Pennsylvania Pr., US) <719-1042>
ISBN 978-1-5128-2582-4 hard ¥27,060.- (税込) US$ 120.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5128-2583-1 paper ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *
This book gets to the bottom of the twenty-first-century city, literally. Underground moves beneath Romania's capital, Bucharest, to examine how the demands of global accumulation have extended urban life not just upward into higher skylines, and outward to ever more distant peripheries, but also downward beneath city sidewalks. Underground details how developers and municipal officials have invested tremendous sums of money to gentrify and expand Bucharest's constellation of subterranean Metro stations and pedestrian pathways, basements and cellars, bunkers and crypts to provide upwardly mobile residents with space to live, work, and play in an overcrowded and increasingly unaffordable city center. In this sense, the repurposed underground facilitates dreams of middle-class ascendancy. This sense of optimism, the book shows, invariably gives way to ambivalence as the middle classes confront the indignities of being incorporated into the city from below. Bruce O'Neill argues that these loosely coordinated efforts have not only introduced novel forms of social fragmentation but also a new aesthetics of inequality that are fundamentally shaping where and how the middle classes fit in the city. Pushing urban studies beyond a cartographic perspective-with its horizontal focus upon centers and peripheries, walls and gates-O'Neill brings into focus the vertical dynamics of gentrification that place some "on the bottom" and others "on top" of the city. As cities around the world extend further downward in the name of development and sustainability, Underground makes clear that scholars and practitioners of the twenty-first-century city will need to become ever more attuned to the cultural politics of urban verticality, asking not just who is included in the city and who has been pressed outside of it, but also who is on top and who is placed on the bottom.
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Penalosa Londono, Enrique,
Equality and the City: Urban Innovations for All Citizens. (The City in the Twenty-First Century) 312 pp. 2024:4 (U. Pennsylvania Pr., US) <719-1043>
ISBN 978-1-5128-2570-1 hard ¥9,007.- (税込) US$ 39.95 *
In Equality and the City, Enrique Penalosa Londono draws on his experience as mayor of Bogota, Colombia, as well as his many years of international work as a lecturer and consultant, to share his perspective on the issues facing developing cities, especially sustainable transportation and equal access to public space. As mayor of Bogota, Penalosa Londono initiated development of the TransMilenio Rapid Bus Transit system, among the largest and most comprehensive public transit systems in the Global South, which carries 2.5 million passengers a day along dedicated bus lanes, bike paths, and a rapid metro line. The system emphasizes accessibility for the entire population. Penalosa Londono's efforts to create public space were similarly ambitious: over the course of his two terms, more than a thousand public parks were created or improved. Underlying these policies was a conviction of how cities should be-a compelling humanistic philosophy of sustainable urbanism. For Penalosa Londono, city design is not just engineering; it defines human happiness, dignity, and equality. "An advanced city is not one where the poor own a car," Penalosa writes, "but one where the rich use public transport." Equality and the City provides practical criteria for conceiving and constructing different and better cities, describes the obstacles that are confronted when doing so, and identifies ways to overcome them.
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Stavrides, Stavros,
The Politics of Urban Potentiality: Spatial Patterns of Emancipatory Commoning. (In Common) 256 pp. 2024:6 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <719-1044>
ISBN 978-1-350-41395-5 hard ¥18,375.- (税込) GB£ 65.00 *
ISBN 978-1-350-41394-8 paper ¥6,216.- (税込) GB£ 21.99 *
This volume examines how urban potentiality emerges in performances that reclaim the city, acting as an emancipatory force when dominant patterns of urban behaviour are thrown into crisis. It can result in establishing new habits of inhabiting city space, collective experiences shaping practices of urban commoning, re-inventing community relations, and freeing collaboration from capitalist expropriation. Instead of problematizing such radical change through the modernist belief in heroic unique acts, we need to explore the power dissident performances acquire when repeated. In search of an emancipatory politics of urban potentiality, commoning thus has the ability become a collective ethos based on mutuality and equality rather than merely a relatively fair way of sharing urban infrastructures. In this book, the leading social and urban theorist Stavros Stavrides draws on a wide range of classic and historical thought on the urban question and social transformation. Drawing from research in Latin American urban movements, from activist participation in urban struggles in Greece, and citizen initiatives developed in Europe, this book expands the discussion on the potentialities of urban commoning to demonstrate how an emancipatory urban future may be achieved.
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Weng, Qihao (ed.),
Handbook of Geospatial Approaches to Sustainable Cities. (Imaging Science) 366 pp. 2024:6 (CRC Pr., US) <719-1046>
ISBN 978-1-032-15481-7 hard ¥46,645.- (税込) GB£ 165.00 *
This comprehensive handbook presents the current state of knowledge on geospatial technologies, techniques, and methods that are imperative for providing solutions to sustainable cities. It addresses the role of geospatial big data and AI techniques and how they are applied when analyzing the sustainability of urban development, land use, urban planning, and resource management, as well as monitoring the impact urbanization has on the environment and the ecosystem. Taking an interdisciplinary approach to sustainable cities, and with contributions from renowned experts around the world, this holistic handbook is a toolbox for geospatial, urban, and sustainability professionals, the artificial intelligence community, and those who work in related fields. Features: Explores cutting-edge geospatial and AI techniques in support of efficient, resilient, digital, and smart cities Bridges urban science and sustainability science via geospatial methods Contributes to the efforts of GEO by addressing and exemplifying pertinent societal benefit areas and engagement priorities Includes 16 case studies with a broad geographic scope that integrate societal needs with technological advances Draws expertise in geospatial technology, big data, and artificial intelligence from leading experts in the world This book is intended for researchers and scientists interested in learning techniques in GeoAI, including the technologies for collecting, analyzing, managing, processing, and visualizing geospatial datasets.
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