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掲載点数 全8件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Hansen, Ann-Marie / Weduwen, Arthur (eds.), Publishers, Censors and Collectors in the European Book Trade, 1650-1750. (Library of the Written Word 126 / The Handpress World) 372 pp. 2024:5 (Brill, NE) <716-8>
ISBN 978-90-04-69193-3 hard ¥44,282.- (税込) EUR 189.00

This edited volume explores the development of the European book world between 1650 and 1750, concentrating on changes in publishing strategies, practices of censorship, the circulation of second-hand books and the building of libraries. Its essays discuss this critical, but much neglected period of print history through case studies from Spain, Italy, France, the Holy Roman Empire, Britain and the Netherlands. Ranging from the posthumous publication of Galileo to the regulation of the book auction market, this volume demonstrates that the century between 1650 and 1750 was a transformative period for the history of the printed book.

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Fair, Ross, Improving Upper Canada: Agricultural Societies and State Formation, 1791-1852. 400 pp. 2024:3 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) <716-377>
ISBN 978-1-4875-5353-1 hard ¥21,422.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *

Agricultural societies founded in the colony of Upper Canada were the institutional embodiment of the ideology of improvement, modelled on contemporary societies in Britain and the United States. In Improving Upper Canada, Ross Fair explores how the agricultural improvers who established and led these organizations were important agents of state formation. The book investigates the initial failed attempts to create a single agricultural society for Upper Canada. It examines the 1830 legislation that publicly funded the creation of agricultural societies across the colony to be semi-public agents of agricultural improvement, and analyses societies established in the Niagara, Home, and Midland Districts to understand how each attempted to introduce specific improvements to local farming practices. The book reveals how Upper Canada's agricultural improvers formed a provincial association in the 1840s to ensure that the colonial government assumed a greater leadership role in agricultural improvement, resulting in the Bureau of Agriculture, forerunner of federal and provincial departments of agriculture in the post-Confederation era. In analysing an early example of state formation, Improving Upper Canada provides a comprehensive history of the foundations of Ontario's agricultural societies today, which continue to promote agricultural improvement across the province.

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Amrein, Simon, Capital in Banking: The Role of Capital in Banking in the 19th and 20th Century: The United Kingdom, the United States and Switzerland. (Studies in Macroeconomic History) 225 pp. 2024:7 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <716-447>
ISBN 978-1-009-27689-4 hard ¥24,029.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

Capital in Banking traces the role of capital in US, British, and Swiss banking from the 19th to the 21st century. The book discusses the impact of perceptions and conventions on capital ratios in the 19th century, the effects of the First and Second World Wars, and the interaction of crises and banking regulation during the 1930s and the 1970s. Moreover, it emphasises the origins of the risk-weighted assets approach for measuring capital adequacy and explains how the 2007/2008 crisis led to a renaissance of unweighted capital ratios. The book shows that undisclosed reserves, shareholders' liability, and hybrid forms of capital must be considered when assessing capital adequacy. As the first long-run historical assessment of the topic, this book represents a reference point for publications in economics, finance, financial regulation, and financial history. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

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ボヘミア王国における銀採鉱 13~14世紀
Hruby, Petr, Silver Mining in the Kingdom of Bohemia (13th-14th Centuries). (East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450 - 1450, 91) 396 pp. 2024:5 (Brill, NE) <716-450>
ISBN 978-90-04-50633-6 hard ¥32,802.- (税込) EUR 140.00

In the 13th century, the monarchs of the Premyslid dynasty, whose territory overlapped with that of the present-day Czech Republic, were increasingly affected by the dismal state of the Crown's finances. As a result, the Premyslids initiated intensive silver exploitation, among other means to ensure income. This book's objective, based on interdisciplinary research, is therefore to describe and present the structure of mining and metallurgical areas in the kingdom of Bohemia, as well as to examine and identify how ore mining and metallurgy shaped and interacted with settlement organization and the medieval landscape.

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Hutson, Scott R. / Golden, Charles (eds.), Realizing Value in Mesoamerica: The Dynamics of Desire and Demand in Ancient Economies. (Palgrave Studies in Ancient Economies) 457 pp. 2024:2 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <716-451>
ISBN 978-3-031-44167-7 hard ¥37,484.- (税込) EUR 159.99

This edited collection addresses concepts of value and its impact on economies and economic decision-making in Mesoamerica. It brings together various theoretical and methodological approaches to illuminate the little-studied topic of value in ancient economies.While scholars increasingly note that tangible objects found in the archaeological record could assume different values, depending on how they were used and circulated, less attention has been paid to how we might infer consensus (or lack of consensus) on how value was determined in past cultures so different from contemporary ones. These contributions show how multiple and conflicting understandings of what is important and meaningful coexist within any society even as moments of exchange create the impression of shared formulations of value. They consider divergences between shared understandings based on systems of beliefs and patterns of practice and the individual decisions of social actors. They also discuss how inequalities in social structures might inform our understanding of value, and how a multiplicity of values might encourage closer inspection of inequality in turn.The book brings together fifteen chapters focused on many parts of Mesoamerica, including Western Mexico, the Basin of Mexico, Veracruz, Oaxaca, and various parts of the Maya Lowlands, and range chronologically from the Classic period (250-900 CE) to the Spanish Conquest in the early 16th Century. It appeals to those working in archaeology, economic anthropology, economic history, and all those interested in how value can be understood in terms of contemporary cultural and political differences.

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Kochetkova, Elena, The Green Power of Socialism: Wood, Forest, and the Making of Soviet Industrially Embedded Ecology. (History for a Sustainable Future) 256 pp. 2024 (MIT Pr., US) <716-452>
ISBN 978-0-262-54745-1 paper ¥9,020.- (税込) US$ 40.00 *



J.コッカ著 資本主義の歴史 第4版
Kocka, Juergen, Geschichte des Kapitalismus. 4., ueberarb. u. aktual. Aufl. (Beck'sche Reihe: Wissen 2783) 144 S. 2024:5 (Beck, GW) <716-453>
ISBN 978-3-406-81628-4 paper ¥2,811.- (税込) EUR 12.00 *

Das Standardwerk in neuer Auflage Juergen Kocka, auch international einer der fuehrenden Experten fuer das Thema, bietet mit diesem Band eine exzellente Einfuehrung in die historische Entstehung und Ausdehnung des Kapitalismus seit der fruehen Neuzeit sowie seine globale Ausbreitung seit dem 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Er betrachtet aber nicht nur die Prozesse von Handel und Industrialisierung, sondern zugleich die nachhaltigen Veraenderungen der Arbeits- und Lebenswelten. So ist seine Einfuehrung ein souveraener historischer Ueberblick und zugleich eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme jenes oekonomischen Regimes, das heute bis in den letzten Winkel des Planeten unser Handeln mitbestimmt.

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Stadelmann, Nicole, Mobile Oekonomien: Das Wirtschaften und Haushalten St. Galler Handwerkerfamilien in der Fruehen Neuzeit. (Fruehneuzeit-Forschungen 25) 509 S. 2024:1 (Wallstein Vlg., GW) <716-454>
ISBN 978-3-8353-5605-4 hard ¥13,120.- (税込) EUR 56.00

Wie bestritten Handwerkerfamilien ihren wirtschaftlichen Alltag? Der Schluessel zum Verstaendnis liegt in ihrer beruflichen und raeumlichen Mobilitaet Unser Verstaendnis von Arbeit ist einem starken Wandel unterworfen. Zunehmend werden mit Job Sharing, Homeoffice und Teilzeitarbeit flexiblere Arbeitsmodelle gefordert und erprobt. Zugleich nimmt weltweit die Zahl der sogenannten working poor zu - Personen, die mit nur einer Erwerbsarbeit nicht genug verdienen, um ihren Lebensunterhalt zu bestreiten. Die vormoderne Arbeitswelt war der unseren in mancher Hinsicht aehnlich. Oft gingen Ehepartnerinnen und -partner verschiedenen Erwerbsarbeiten nach, waren in mehreren Berufen taetig. Frauen und Maenner, Toechter und Soehne trugen zum Familieneinkommen bei. Frauen waren Meisterinnen, Lohnarbeiterinnen, Unternehmerinnen. Nicht nur beruflich, auch raeumlich waren Handwerkerinnen und Handwerker ueberaus mobil. Der mikrohistorische Fokus auf eine offene Familienwirtschaft ermoeglicht es, diese flexiblen handwerklichen Oekonomien zu erfassen. Der Beitrag von Nicole Stadelmanns Buch zur deutschsprachigen Handwerksforschung liegt in der Zusammenfuehrung der zuenftigen und ausserzuenftigen Produktion. Indem dabei die Arbeit der Frauen in der Produktionssphaere sichtbar wird, leistet die Studie auch wichtige Erkenntnisse zur Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte.

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