2024/09/05 update!
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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Hedeler, Wladislaw (Hrsg.),
Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin oder: Revolution gegen das Kapital. 2., erw. u. aktl. Aulf. 160 S. 2024:1 (Dietz, GW) <716-1964>
ISBN 978-3-320-02415-4 paper ¥2,970.- (税込) EUR 12.00
Jaures, Jean,
Guerre a la guerre!: 1912-1914. (Oeuvres de Jean Jaures 15) 668 p. 2023:11 (Fayard, FR) <716-1965>
ISBN 978-2-213-72657-1 paper ¥8,662.- (税込) EUR 35.00
Schneider, Ulrich,
Arbeiterwiderstand im Dritten Reich. (Basiswissen Politik / Geschichte / Oekonomie) 130 S. 2024:3 (PapyRossa, GW) <716-1967>
ISBN 978-3-89438-828-7 paper ¥2,970.- (税込) EUR 12.00
D.ロズールド著 共産主義-歴史、遺産、将来
Losurdo, Domenico,
Der Kommunismus: Geschichte, Erbe und Zukunft. 240 S. 2023:10 (PapyRossa, GW) <716-1130>
ISBN 978-3-89438-815-7 paper ¥5,445.- (税込) EUR 22.00
Nach dem Ende des ?sozialistischen Lagers? und der Aufloesung der UdSSR gerieten der Marxismus und die kommunistische Bewegung wie die Linke insgesamt, insbesondere im Westen, in eine Krise, die als unumkehrbar erscheint. Diese Krise ist aber kein auswegloses Schicksal. Um einen Weg zu finden, sie zu ueberwinden, formulierte Domenico Losurdo in diesem Buch, seinem letzten, jenseits aller apologetischen Absichten eine historisch-philosophische Bewertung der sowjetischen Erfahrung und des Marxismus ueberhaupt. Ist der ?reale Sozialismus? ergebnislos gescheitert? Ist die marxsche Theorie damit hinfaellig? Losurdo geht aber noch einen Schritt weiter und befragt den Marxismus, was er in absehbarer Zukunft zu leisten imstande sein kann. Damit ist dieses Buch zugleich auch ein persoenliches Erbe und Vermaechtnis -Domenico Losurdos als eines fuehrenden politischen Philosophen der Gegenwart. Eingeleitet und herausgegeben wird es von Giorgio Grimaldi, einem seiner Schueler, der als Privatdozent an der Universitaet von Urbino taetig ist, an der auch Losurdo selbst lange Zeit als Dekan der philosophischen Fakultaet gelehrt hat.
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Connolly, Jonathan,
Worthy of Freedom: Indenture and Free Labor in the Era of Emancipation. 272 pp. 2024:6 (U. Chicago Pr., US) <716-1316>
ISBN 978-0-226-83362-0 hard ¥26,185.- (税込) US$ 115.00 *
ISBN 978-0-226-83364-4 paper ¥7,399.- (税込) US$ 32.50 *
A study of Indian indentured labor in Mauritius, British Guiana, and Trinidad that explores the history of indenture's normalization. In this book, historian Jonathan Connolly traces the normalization of indenture from its controversial beginnings to its widespread adoption across the British Empire during the nineteenth century. Initially viewed as a covert revival of slavery, indenture caused a scandal in Britain and India. But over time, economic conflict in the colonies altered public perceptions of indenture, now increasingly viewed as a legitimate form of free labor and a means of preserving the promise of abolition. Connolly explains how the large-scale, state-sponsored migration of Indian subjects to work on sugar plantations across Mauritius, British Guiana, and Trinidad transformed both the notion of post-slavery free labor and the political economy of emancipation. Excavating legal and public debates and tracing practical applications of the law, Connolly carefully reconstructs how the categories of free and unfree labor were made and remade to suit the interests of capital and empire, showing that emancipation was not simply a triumphal event but, rather, a deeply contested process. In so doing, he advances an original interpretation of how indenture changed the meaning of "freedom" in a post-abolition world.
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Zhou, Shuxuan,
From Forest Farm to Sawmill: Stories of Labor, Gender, and the Chinese State. 184 pp. 2024:5 (U. Washington Pr., US) <716-1354>
ISBN 978-0-295-75266-2 hard ¥23,908.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *
ISBN 978-0-295-75267-9 paper ¥7,286.- (税込) US$ 32.00 *
Socialist China's state forestry and timber industries employed men as state workers and women as family dependents and collective workers who, beginning in the 1950s, turned rural land into urban-industrial space. These features make forestry a unique case with which to investigate how state policies constructed and reinforced intertwined and co-constitutive dualisms between humanity and nature, urban and rural places, production and reproduction, and male and female labor. Centering on oral histories in Fujian, Shuxuan Zhou situates firsthand accounts of labor and resistance in forestry and wood processing within the larger context of postrevolutionary socialist reforms through China's rapid economic development after the 1990s. Zhou shows how, in response to state development projects that exploited female labor, immigrants, rurality, and forests, workers created a space for their personal and political demands. In considering how sawmill and forest farmworkers creatively reconfigured state projects and challenged authority, this book opens a conversation among the fields of gender studies, labor studies, and environmental studies.
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Sinha, Abhinav,
In the Valley of Historical Time: Towards the History of the Working Class Movement in Delhi. (Studies in Political Economy of Global Labor and Work 4) 438 pp. 2024:5 (Brill, NE) <716-1381>
ISBN 978-90-04-69348-7 hard ¥37,372.- (税込) EUR 151.00 *
The descent of working class movements that began with neoliberal globalization is nearing completion. However, the ascent is yet to begin. This period is witnessing novel forms of organization and resistance. For students, activists and academics, it is imperative to understand changes in the modus operandi of capital since the 1970s to explain the crisis of conventional trade unionism, as well as the spontaneous outbursts of creativity in movements of informal workers in recent times. Delhi has been a centre of such innovative experiments. In the Valley of Historical Time attempts to understand these new forms and strategies and possibilities of resurgence of working class movements.
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Frobert, Ludovic,
Quelques lignes d'utopie: Pierre Leroux et la communaute des imprimeux (Boussac, 1844-1848). (Memoires sociales) 234 p. 2023:11 (Agone, FR) <716-1091>
ISBN 978-2-7489-0535-9 paper ¥4,455.- (税込) EUR 18.00 *