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掲載点数 全7件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



P.ネモ著 ハイエクの哲学
Nemo, Philippe, La philosophie de Hayek. (Quadrige) 640 p. 2023:11 (PUF, FR) <716-97>
ISBN 978-2-13-085847-8 paper ¥5,623.- (税込) EUR 24.00 *



Helmer, Etienne, Oikonomia: Ancient Greek Philosophers on the Meaning of Economic Life. Tr. by D. A. Auerbach. 176 pp. 2024:5 (U. Chicago Pr., US) <716-26>
ISBN 978-0-226-82734-6 hard ¥7,892.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

A detailed analysis of oikonomia, an underexplored branch of knowledge in ancient Greek philosophy. In this book, Etienne Helmer offers a comprehensive analysis of oikonomia in ancient Greek philosophy. Despite its similarity to the word "economy," for the ancients, oikonomia named a branch of knowledge-the science of management-that was aimed at studying the practices we engage in to satisfy our needs. This began with the domestic sphere, but it radiated outward from the oikos (house) to encompass broader issues in the polis (city) as well. Helmer explores topics such as gender roles and marriage, property and the household, the acquisition and preservation of material goods, and how Greek philosophers addressed the issue of slavery in the ancient world. Even if we are not likely to share many of ancient thinkers' beliefs today, Helmer shows that there was once a way of thinking of "economic life" that went beyond the mere accumulation of wealth, representing a key point of departure for understanding how to inhabit the world with others.

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重農主義とスイス-ミラボーとM.C.F.de Sacconayの往復書簡集に関する研究
Bertholet, Auguste / Kapossy, Bela (ed.), La physiocratie et la Suisse: etudes sur la correspondance du marquis de Mirabeau et Marc Charles Frederic de Sacconay (1731-1787): suivies d'une collection de textes epistolaires, litteraires et economiques. (Travaux sur la Suisse des Lumieres 22) 483 p. 2023 (Slatkine, SZ) <716-266>
ISBN 978-2-05-102939-1 paper ¥12,289.- (税込) SFR 38.00 *



Bourdeau, Vincent, Le marche et le merite: Leon Walras (1834-1910) et l'economie politique republicaine en France. (Histoire) 334 p. 2023:11 (Pr. U. de Rennes, FR) <716-267>
ISBN 978-2-7535-9238-4 paper ¥5,857.- (税込) EUR 25.00 *



Giacone, Alessandro (dir.), Pierre Uri: le parcours d'un fondateur de l'Europe: colloque des 20 et 21 novembre 2021. (Histoire economique et financiere de la France) 256 p. 2023:11 (Comite pour l'histoire economique et financiere de la France, FR) <716-268>
ISBN 978-2-11-162111-4 paper ¥8,434.- (税込) EUR 36.00 *



G.ギーゲレンツァー他編 H.サイモン必携
Gigerenzer, Gerd / Mousavi, Shabnam / Viale, R. (eds.), Elgar Companion to Herbert Simon. 464 pp. 2024:4 (E. Elgar, UK) <716-269>
ISBN 978-1-80037-067-8 hard ¥46,645.- (税込) GB£ 165.00 *

Honoring the life and work of Herbert Simon, this illuminating Companion provides an in-depth survey of one of the most prolific social scientists of our age. Mirroring the breadth of Simon's studies, chapters analyze his contributions to artificial intelligence, economics, entrepreneurship, management, psychology and other fields.The comprehensive book outlines how Herbert Simon came to be the only person to receive both the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics and the Turing Award in Computer Science. Bounded rationality, satisficing and heuristic search are just a few of his seminal ideas that pioneered behavioral economics and artificial intelligence. Elucidating how Simon freed the study of human behavior from the dictates of subjective expected utility theory and Bayesian theory, chapters discuss how he instead promoted the development of empirically based theories on the behavior of individuals, organizations and machines. Interdisciplinary contributors thoughtfully explore his groundbreaking ideas, examining Simon's influence on their own work and even their personal outlook on life. This Companion enables the ideas of Herbert Simon to live on. It is a foundational resource for scholars of disciplines such as cognitive science, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, behavioral and experimental economics, econometrics, economic psychology, industrial organization, and public administration and management.

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ユートピアの政治学-J.ローのシステムの新しい歴史 1695~1795年
Orain, Arnaud, The Politics of Utopia: A New History of John Law's System, 1695-1795. (The Life of Ideas) 344 pp. 2024:7 (U. Chicago Pr., US) <716-272>
ISBN 978-0-226-82535-9 hard ¥10,147.- (税込) US$ 45.00 *

A fascinating retelling of the first banking and financial collapse in eighteenth-century France. The Scottish economist John Law has been described as the architect of modern central banking. His "System," established in Regency France between 1716 and 1720, saw the founding of a bank issuing paper money and the establishment of state commercial and colonial enterprises aimed at consolidating public debt. What at first seemed like financial wizardry, however, resulted in rampant speculation and, ultimately, economic collapse. In The Politics of Utopia, historian Arnaud Orain offers a provocative rereading of this well-known episode. Starting his story in the seventeenth century, Orain reconstructs the figures and ideas, long predating Law, that anticipated and laid the groundwork for the System, which, he argues, is best understood as a failed social utopia aimed at the total transformation of society. Overturning familiar narratives of this seismic event, this book rewrites a stunning chapter in economic history by dealing with the cultural, colonial, religious, and political dimensions of the (in)famous System up to the French Revolution, revealing new lessons for today's fraught financial landscape.

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