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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Brown, Rachel H., Unsettled Labors: Migrant Care Work in Palestine/Israel. 328 pp. 2024:8 (Duke U. Pr., US) <725-244>
ISBN 978-1-4780-2635-8 hard ¥24,341.- (税込) US$ 107.95 *
ISBN 978-1-4780-3059-1 paper ¥6,527.- (税込) US$ 28.95 *

In Unsettled Labors, Rachel H. Brown explores the overlooked labor of migrant workers in Israel's eldercare industry. Brown argues that live-in eldercare in Palestine/Israel, which is primarily done by migrant workers, is an often invisible area where settler colonialism is reproduced culturally, economically, and biologically. Situating Israeli labor markets within a longer history of imperialism and dispossession of Palestinian land, Brown positions migrant eldercare within the resulting tangle of Israeli laws, policies, and social discourses. She draws from interviews with caretakers, public statements, court documents, and first-hand fieldwork to uncover the inherently contradictory nature of elder care work: the intimate presence of South and Southeast Asian workers in the home unsettles the idea of the Israeli home as an exclusively Jewish space. By paying close attention to the comparative racialization of migrant workers, Palestinians, asylum seekers, and Mizrahi and Ashkenazi settlers, Brown raises important questions of labor, social reproduction, displacement, and citizenship told through the stories of collective care provided by migrant workers in a settler colonial state.

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Bender, Shawn, Feeling Machines: Japanese Robotics and the Global Entanglements of More-Than-Human Care. 296 pp. 2024:11 (Stanford U. Pr., US) <725-256>
ISBN 978-1-5036-4019-1 hard ¥29,315.- (税込) US$ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5036-4115-0 paper ¥7,216.- (税込) US$ 32.00 *

In recent years, debates over healthcare have accompanied rapid advances in technology, from the expansion of telehealth services to artificial intelligence driven diagnostics. In this book, Shawn Bender delves into the world of Japanese robots engineered for care. Care robots (kaigo robotto) emerged early in the 21st century, when roboticists began converting assembly line technologies into responsive machines for older adults and people with disabilities. These robots are meant to be felt and programmed to feel. While some greet them with enthusiasm, others fear that they might replace a fundamentally human task. Based on fieldwork in Japan, Denmark, and Germany, Bender traces the emergence of care robots in Japan and examines their impact on therapeutic practice around the world. Social science scholarship on robotics tends to be either speculative-imagining life together with robots-or experimental-observing robot-human interaction in laboratories or through short-term field studies. Instead, Bender follows roboticists developing technologies in Japan, and travels with the robots themselves into everyday sites of care, tracking the integration of robots into institutional care and the connection of care practice to robotics development. By exploring the application of Japanese robotics across the globe, Feeling Machines highlights the entanglements of therapeutic practice and technological innovation in an age of more-than-human care.

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Hooyman, Nancy R., Care Justice: Reframing Public Policy, Elevating Care Work. (Aging and Society) 242 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <725-258>
ISBN 978-1-032-32999-4 hard ¥40,991.- (税込) GB£ 145.00 *
ISBN 978-1-032-32998-7 paper ¥11,022.- (税込) GB£ 38.99 *

This book develops a care justice framework to critique and disrupt current policies and reframe a policy blueprint for elevating a just organization of care for unpaid family caregivers and underpaid home care workers assisting older adults. In doing so, Hooyman invites readers to envision a society that fully values the essential work of care.The book is distinctive in its analysis of the interrelationships among both types of care laborers, who often face structural constraints on their decision to care and whose work is devalued and marginalized. Their care work affects every member of society, but it is generally invisible to others, and its economic value is rarely recognized by policymakers. How care work is organized and unrewarded typically has the most financial, physical, and emotional costs for women, people of color, and immigrants across the life course. Inequities for care workers by race, immigrant status, class, and sexual orientation are rooted in systemic racism, sexism, classism, xenophobia, and homophobia. In this book, policy priorities and change strategies are reframed to attain the six core components of a care justice framework, which include fundamental structural changes to elevate care work, ensure meaningful choice to care, and reduce systemic inequities faced by care workers. This framework is informed by feminism, Black feminism, intersectionality, and care theory. By conceptualizing care justice, the author aims to stimulate new discourse and action related to the care of older adults - the most important work in society - and make the seemingly unattainable attainable.This timely book will be salient to anyone committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion and with an interest in policy, gerontology, disability studies, ethnic studies, feminist studies, social justice, social work, and social welfare.

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Matthews, David, The Class Struggle and Welfare: Social Policy Under Capitalism. 240 pp. 2025:1 (Monthly Review, US) <725-259>
ISBN 978-1-68590-087-8 hard ¥20,069.- (税込) US$ 89.00 *
ISBN 978-1-68590-086-1 paper ¥6,314.- (税込) US$ 28.00 *



Perera, Isabel M., The Welfare Workforce: Why Mental Health Care Varies Across Affluent Democracies. (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics) 230 pp. 2024:11 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <725-260>
ISBN 978-1-009-49989-7 hard ¥22,616.- (税込) GB£ 80.00 *
ISBN 978-1-009-49984-2 paper ¥7,346.- (税込) GB£ 25.99 *

The Welfare Workforce is a thought-provoking exploration of mental health care in the United States and beyond. Although all the affluent democracies pursued deinstitutionalization, some failed to provide adequate services, while others overcame challenges of stigma and limited resources and successfully expanded care. Isabel M. Perera examines the role of the "welfare workforce" in providing social services to those who cannot demand them. Drawing on extensive research in four countries - the United States, France, Norway, and Sweden - Perera sheds light on post-industrial politics and the critical part played by those who work for the welfare state. A must-read for anyone interested in mental health care, social services, and the politics of welfare, The Welfare Workforce challenges conventional wisdom and offers new insights into the complex factors that contribute to the success or failure of mental health care systems. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

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Whitesell, Anne M., Living Off the Government?: Race, Gender, and the Politics of Welfare. 320 pp. 2024:11 (New York U. Pr., US) <725-261>
ISBN 978-1-4798-2856-2 hard ¥20,069.- (税込) US$ 89.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4798-2858-6 paper ¥7,216.- (税込) US$ 32.00 *

Explores the ways welfare recipients lack adequate political representation Who deserves public assistance from the government? This age-old question has been revived by policymakers, pundits, and activists following the massive economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Anne Whitesell takes up this timely debate, showing us how our welfare system, in its current state, fails the people it is designed to serve. From debates over stimulus check eligibility to the uncertain future of unemployment benefits, Living Off the Government? tackles it all. Examining welfare rules across eight different states, as well as 19,000 state and local interest groups, Whitesell shows how we determine who is-and who isn't-deserving of government assistance. She explores racial and gender stereotypes surrounding welfare recipients, particularly Black women and mothers; how different groups take advantage of these harmful stereotypes to push their own political agendas; and how the interests and needs of welfare recipients are inadequately represented as a result. Living Off the Government? highlights how harmful stereotypes about the race, gender, and class of welfare recipients filter into our highly polarized political arena to shape public policy. Whitesell calls out a system that she believes serves special interests and not the interests of low-income Americans.

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