2024/09/05 update!
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掲載点数 全4件
Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
プロテスタントの政治思想-グローバルな史料集 第1巻:1517~1660年
Rowley, Matthew / van der Tol, Marietta (eds.),
A Global Sourcebook in Protestant Political Thought. Volume I: 1517-1660. 738 pp. 2024:7 (Routledge, UK) <721-566>
ISBN 978-1-03-216209-6 hard ¥39,946.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-216210-2 paper ¥10,649.- (税込) GB£ 35.99 *
This first volume of A Global Sourcebook in Protestant Political Thought provides a window into the early Protestant world, and the ways in which Protestants wrestled with politics and religion in the wake of the Reformation.This period saw political authorities and church hierarchies challenged and defended by scholars, clerics, and laypeople alike. The volume engages the full spectrum of Protestants, with reference to theology, geography, ethnicity, historical importance, socio-economic background, and gender. This diversity highlights how Protestants felt pulled towards differing political positions and used several maps to chart their course - conscience, custom, history, ecclesiastical tradition, and the laws of God, nature, nation, or community. On most important issues, Protestants lined up on opposing sides. Additionally, Catholic and Eastern Orthodox political thought, as well as interactions with Jewish and Muslim texts and thinkers, profoundly influenced different directions taken in the history of Protestant political thought. Even as our own time is fraught with deep disagreement and political polarisation, so too was early modern Europe, and we might read it in the anxieties, uncertainties, hopes, and expectations that the sources vividly express.This sourcebook will enrich both research and classroom teaching in politics, theology, and history, whether geared towards general political or religious history, or towards more specialised courses on colonialism, warfare, gender, race or religious diversity.
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R.メーリング著 C.シュミットに関する新研究
Mehring, Reinhard,
"Dass die Luft die Erde frisst…": Neue Studien zu Carl Schmitt. 314 S. 2023:12 (Nomos, GW) <721-298>
ISBN 978-3-7560-1246-6 paper ¥18,315.- (税込) EUR 74.00 *
Carl Schmitt fuer Kenner: Diese neuen ? teils unveroeffentlichten, teils ueberarbeiteten ? Studien bearbeiten Forschungsdesiderate auf neuer Quellenbasis. Korrespondenzen mit Weggefaehrten und Kritikern wie Feuchtwanger, Heidegger und Voegelin sowie die Kette der ?Schmittianer“: von Bilfinger und Lohmann bis Boeckenfoerde. Ein thematischer Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem NS-Voelkerrechtler und dessen Nachkriegslegenden im Spiegel der Dichtung, die Schmitt kanonpolitisch gegen den Mainstream-Strich las.
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Markovits Pessel, Francine,
Le congres des religions: commentaire philosophique du Banquet des sept sages de Jean Bodin. (Philosophie) 180 p. 2024:2 (Hermann, FR) <721-18>
ISBN 979-10-370-3355-0 paper ¥6,187.- (税込) EUR 25.00
Zubia, Aaron Alexander,
The Political Thought of David Hume: The Origins of Liberalism and the Modern Political Imagination. 386 pp. 2024:2 (U. Notre Dame Pr., US) <721-19>
ISBN 978-0-268-20780-9 hard ¥15,939.- (税込) US$ 70.00 *
Aaron Alexander Zubia argues that the Epicurean roots of David Hume's philosophy gave rise to liberalism's unrelenting grip on the modern political imagination. Eighteenth-century Scottish philosopher David Hume has had an outsized impact on the political thinkers who came after him, from the nineteenth-century British Utilitarians to modern American social contract theorists. In this thorough and thoughtful new work, Aaron Alexander Zubia examines the forces that shaped Hume's thinking within the broad context of intellectual history, with particular focus on the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus and the skeptical tradition. Zubia argues that through Hume's influence, Epicureanism-which elevates utility over moral truth-became the foundation of liberal political philosophy, which continues to dominate and limit political discourse today.
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